Is Sub-Zero truly just re-animated after all?
posted10/10/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)by
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05/21/2014 10:15 PM (UTC)
Ever since the reveal trailer for MKX, I along with a few others speculated that this Sub-Zero might be one of the beloved brothers "Un-dead" or "Re-animated" but obviously there wasn't anything to back that up and we were just speculating as we do here.

But after the reveal of Quan Chi a few things are pulling me more towards that actually being the case here, let me explain...

"Quan Chi is a master manipulator, and in MKX his schemes are fully realized. Using his necromancer powers, Quan Chi has built an army of revenants from the fallen Earthrealm warriors - twisting their minds to fight on his behalf!"

So far it's confirmed fallen Earthrealm warriors will be under his control, not even just Sub-Zero, but possibly Jax, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kung Lao and who knows, maybe even Liu Kang. I feel having Earthrealms greatest warrior killed by it's so called protector, only to come back as a force of evil could easily be a route this game might take on.

There's also the rumors of this dialogue between Scorpion and Sub-Zero:

"Scorpion: How does it feel to be a dead man?

Sub-Zero: I could ask you the same.

Scorpion: I was reborn unlike like you!"

This was taken from the Quan Chi reveal trailer thread, not sure if it holds any water, but if it's true, well then there you have it. So let's just assume.

Now assuming Noob Saibot was actually killed in the soulnado, that leaves both of our Sub-Zero's dead and ripe for the picking, but which one?

I'm assuming both Sub-Zero's wouldn't be re-animated, because we really don't need two playable in this game, there are a few ways to go about it but I'm leaning more towards it being Bi-Han if this is actually the case.

1. Bi-Han was "cleansed" of Noob Saibot, or ripped apart from each other, I've heard a few speculations like this, either one could do, would leave the possibility of making Noob his own character and opening up the possibility of having both Noob and Sub-Zero in the same game. Now I know Bi-Han was tainted, Noob Saibot and Bi-Han our technically one and the same, but who knows what else a soulnado can do. Perhaps Champion of the Elder Gods, like Scorpion when he was tossed into the Soulnado?

2. Kuai Liang is unable to come back as a human, he IS now and forever will remain a cyborg, which would remain why he was a cyborg at the end of MK9 and just makes a cameo story mode appearance. I really don't believe they will bring back the "Cyber Sub-Zero" idea, which leaves Bi-Han.

3. None of the above, and this really is just another Sub-Zero from the "Sea's of Sub-Zero's" that the Lin Kuei supposedly have. sleep

I don't think Ed and co. would actually ruin one of the things that made Sub-Zero so special in the first place by making there be plenty of them to go around. :P

Since the MKX reveal trailer I thought this Sub-Zero looked very Bi-Han like, with the whole daggers and throwing stars on his costume this time around and I think it's looking to be that way to be honest.

Anyways, these are my speculations and I'd like to hear yours! Let's discuss them.
10/05/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
Hopefully Bi-Han, although Noob being gone for good would be sad
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10/05/2014 05:24 AM (UTC)
It might be Kai in disguise because remember he is Sub-Zero's
10/05/2014 05:28 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
It might be Kai in disguise because remember he is Sub-Zero's

... Are you sure you don't mean Kuai, as in Kuai Liang, the younger of the Sub-Zero brothers? Because Kai, as in Kai from MK4, is NOT Sub-Zero's brother.
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10/05/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
He is on Legacy.
10/05/2014 05:30 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
It might be Kai in disguise because remember he is Sub-Zero's

I'm going to assume you mean't *Kuai and not Kai, if not, ya lost me there lol. - EDIT: Jaded beat me to it.

Also, I am doubtful it would be Kuai Liang in disguise, I'm sure they could come up with whatever they wanted to explain how he is no longer a cyborg, but I don' see that happening myself.
10/05/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
Bi-Han is a moderate possibility, but I'm not about to eliminate Kuai Liang as a likely candidate for the new Sub-Zero.
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10/05/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
On the tv show Mortal Kombat Legacy there is Bi-Han Kuai Liang and Kai as brothers
10/05/2014 05:33 AM (UTC)
krajax Wrote:
Bi-Han is a moderate possibility, but I'm not about to eliminate Kuai Liang as a likely candidate for the new Sub-Zero.

Oh yeah for sure, I'd hate to see all the character development Kuai Liang went through just disregarded like that.

nightbreed_16 Wrote:
On the tv show Mortal Kombat Legacy there is Bi-Han Kuai Liang and Kai as brothers

I really think you might be mistaken here.
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10/05/2014 05:37 AM (UTC)
Ever since I saw the very first MKX trailer, I thought to myself that SZ might actually be dead like Scorpion. Still, I didn't think this was Kuai reanimated. His personality is totally different meaning where Kuai was this friendly looking peaceful SZ, this one seems evil and much more menacing.

Now, with Quan Chi's reveal I am thinking; what if he IS Kuai reanimated by QC into a new body to do his bidding instead of Noob? That could actually very likely be the case. Still, I won't speculate on this stuff much and will find out when I find out
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10/05/2014 05:38 AM (UTC)
H3ndrix Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
Bi-Han is a moderate possibility, but I'm not about to eliminate Kuai Liang as a likely candidate for the new Sub-Zero.

Oh yeah for sure, same here. Also I'd hate to see all the character development Kuai Liang went through just disregarded like that.

nightbreed_16 Wrote:
On the tv show Mortal Kombat Legacy there is Bi-Han Kuai Liang and Kai as brothers

I really think you might be mistaken here.
I just got done with series 2 of mortal Kombat Legacy yesterday so if you don't believe me watch it on youtube.
10/05/2014 05:40 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
On the tv show Mortal Kombat Legacy there is Bi-Han Kuai Liang and Kai as brothers

There is no Kai in MK Legacy. Look:

Do you mean Cyrax?
About Me

I will rock you.

10/05/2014 05:44 AM (UTC)
Kai is just a little kid but he is in season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy. Note: it is in a flashback scene of when Bi-Han and his brothers were little.
10/05/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Kai is just a little kid but he is in season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy.

That's actually Kuai Liang, not Kai.
About Me

I will rock you.

10/05/2014 05:49 AM (UTC)
Just watch all 10 episodes on youtube of Season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy it is on one of them and one of them yells at the young kid and says come on Kai. That is all that is known about him in that season.
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10/05/2014 05:52 AM (UTC)
No, he is not reanimated, he is animatronic.

Infact, after teaming up with Scorpion and finishing Quan Chi, they will work as night shift security guards. At Freddy Fazbear's.
10/05/2014 05:53 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Just watch all 10 episodes on youtube of Season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy it is on one of them and one of them yells at the young kid and says come on Kai. That is all that is known about him in that season.

Yes, it's Mortal Kombat Legacy II, episode 7 and as it may sound like he is saying Kai, he is not. That is Kuai Liang.
10/05/2014 05:54 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
Just watch all 10 episodes on youtube of Season 2 of Mortal Kombat Legacy it is on one of them and one of them yells at the young kid and says come on Kai. That is all that is known about him in that season.

1) There is no Kai in MK: Legacy.
2) MK: Legacy isn't canon.
3) Kai is not a brother of Sub-Zero.
4) You are wrong.

And we have proven it.
10/05/2014 06:50 AM (UTC)
If he's a reanimated minion of Quan Chi, then how do you explain Sub's pre-fight protector dialogue with Raiden? A zombie with delusions of grandeur? Nah. I'm gonna take that "dead man" quote to be BS until I hear it for myself or from a legit source. I still think he's Bi-Han, but resurrected by the Elder Gods to be their champion.
10/05/2014 08:13 AM (UTC)
The way he talks is more Bi Han than Kuai Liang. In the on going time-line, Kuai Liang is nothing but a shut down Cyborg, he never came to do the stuff we love about the original timeline's Sub Zero..I don't understand why people still have high hopes 4 him.
10/05/2014 12:00 PM (UTC)
From an article:

" And what does Quan Chi have to say to Sub-Zero? “I have your brother’s soul!”."

Come on, if that is real, it HAS to be Bi-han
10/05/2014 05:06 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
From an article:

" And what does Quan Chi have to say to Sub-Zero? “I have your brother’s soul!”."

Come on, if that is real, it HAS to be Bi-han

Or he is taunting Kuai who is constantly looking for a way to free his brother from Quan Chi and restore him.

You aint got nothing yet.
About Me

"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

10/05/2014 07:27 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
From an article:

" And what does Quan Chi have to say to Sub-Zero? “I have your brother’s soul!”."

Come on, if that is real, it HAS to be Bi-han

Aw poo.

Meh, I'm still holding onto my signature.
10/05/2014 07:44 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
zerosebaz Wrote:
From an article:

" And what does Quan Chi have to say to Sub-Zero? “I have your brother’s soul!”."

Come on, if that is real, it HAS to be Bi-han

Or he is taunting Kuai who is constantly looking for a way to free his brother from Quan Chi and restore him.

You aint got nothing yet.

It could be, it's not like it's not. I personally think it is more likely to be Bi-Han, or that this could a bit more easily refer to him. The dialogues with Raiden could point at him being the new champion of the elder gods, which is exactly what happened when Scorpion was thrown in a soulnado during the previous timeline. There are several things that COULD point to this bieng Bi Han, because with the little things we know it seems easier to make the rest of the story. It's not like it could not be Kuai Liang, but for that he should get free from Quan Chi's control and he should take control again of Noob Saibot, and as we don't have an explanation for those two yet, it is easier to assume it's the other way.
But it is just guesses of limited material, it's not something I would bet money on.
10/05/2014 07:50 PM (UTC)
My speculation.

Bi-Hans soul was purified after he (Noob) was thrown into the soulnado. This Sub-Zero in MKX is definitely going to be Bi-Han.
Who knows, Kuai Liang could be taking on the role of being Noob now.

*Remember, there are going to be a lot of "twists" in MKX*
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