03/25/2009 07:01 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
QueenSindel you said if Mileena were a guy with face and mouth problems then he wouldn't be dressed like a stripper. Okay, what about Shao Kahn? He looks like a male prostitute.wink

I just think it'll be unlikely.

For example, Kabal hides his face but he doesn't compensate by dressing like a porn star to make himself feel better.

And he is the one with an established self-esteem issue regarding his face but he's not the one people believe should be dressing sexy to compensate for it.

Reptile used to also hide his features and he never used sex for anything.

But you are right about Kahn.
03/25/2009 07:15 PM (UTC)
LOL! Yeah hey I'm just messin with you about Kahn QueenSindel. I still think my explanation for MiIeena could be a valid one though.
03/25/2009 07:18 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
LOL! Yeah hey I'm just messin with you about Kahn QueenSindel. I still think my explanation for MiIeena could be a valid one though.

LOL. Okay.

And yeah, it can.
03/25/2009 08:08 PM (UTC)

What do you mean Tanya hasn't had any memorable fatalities? Have you forgotten her neck break fatality from mk4? That was one of the best and I mean best mk fatalities ever! Hell it was the primary reason to use her in mk4 for me!

She jumps up on your shoulders and then grabs your neck between her thighs and breaks your neck completely 360 degrees. Your head is left literally hanging by skin and it wobbles around as you fall on the ground. If you haven't seen it lately watch it on youtube or something. It even has some cool replays in it with cracking sounds and everything.

Sorry for that rant there but that is one damn good fatality and one of my favorites ever. I had to stick up for it.

Now back to the topic at hand.

Tanya's mkd primary and alt were almost the same, the only real difference being the sash on the primary which I thought was very cool. As long as she keeps pretty much the same look for at least one costume go nuts with her other one. Surprise me. There is some real talent on the mk design team.

As far as story goes I agree that at this moment her coolest thing she has got going is her rivalry with Jade. Like any classic traitor Tanya is ambitious. The fact that she has always been in game a very formidable opponent lends her an air of credibility as a villain who could potentially always be a threat to our heroes.

I imagine that Tanya wants the throne of Edenia more than anything. She was the ambassador from Edenia so you know she was very highly placed and had a great deal of personal contact with the royal family as a result of that. Her betrayal should have been a very personal one and very devastating to the royal family. That would continue to add to her rivalry with not only Jade but Kitana and Sindel as well.

It makes sense to me that if she wants the throne of Edenia,she would team up with the only other character besides Mileena who wants the Edenian throne, Rain.

I could imagine Tanya and Rain making a pact or some kind of secret alliance to set themselves up as King and Queen of Edenia by allying with Shao Kahn and conspiring to overthrown Sindel and KItana.

Rain and Tanya would be such a perfect couple. Both ambitious, pampered, consummate traitors with a very strong sense of self entitlement. Since Rain is related to Argus it makes it even better because he could actually make a somewhat legitimate case for being the ruler of Edenia. Tanya being such an opportunist would jump at the chance to ally and or manipulate Rain in a relationship to achieve her goals.

As far as moves goes i agree 100% that she needs a new moveset. Keep the cannon drill and scrap everything else. Why did she have fireballs again? Then Lei Mei has 3 of her special moves in mkda if I remember correctly. Then I think they shared some moves in mkd again. In mka she has an invisibility move. Why? Reptile and Noob have that but at least they kind of have a reason for it. She needs her own moveset badly.

I think Tanya could be a valuable character in future games because she is a complete opportunist and she potentially links to 5 or six different characters which could lead to some very good future storylines. If she wants to take over Edenia let's not forget that that goal would eventually bring her into direct conflict with Mileena as well. That could be fun too. Two uber bad fem fatales going at it teeth and nails. That could be even more vicious than her rivalry with Jade.

03/25/2009 09:55 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Tanya

Since we're talking about Jade and Tanya...

Appearance - Her only decent costume has been her MKD primary to me. I would like her to return with an updated version of that. Plain and simple

Gameplay - Zi Ran Men was perfect for her. I hope she returns with that if fighting styles return. Her Canon Drill should return too. As for her other moves... scrap them and give her new ones. They all suck. She needs all-new fatalities also. She has never had a memorable one except for her Kiss of Death which belongs to Kitana.

Story - Well since I want Jade and Tanya to become archenemies, I think her next bio should focus quite a bit on Jade's mission to stop her from whatever she's doing. I like how she keeps turning against Edenia, giving bosses what they need to invade it or whatever. She should return with that agenda except Jade should intercept her and give her bio a twist.

Overall, she needs new moves and Jade should become her archenemy like Sonya to Kano.

I always felt that Tanya's appearance wasn't quite right for her. She never really looked like a traitor in anything that she wore. Mainly, I thought she was more of a raccoon in Deception because of the bangs and how it was black underneath her eyes.

Yellow is a good choice for her, but I feel that there shouldn't be too much yellow on her. I feel like she shouldn't have a one-piece top to wear, that doesn't explain to me that she's suppose to be a traitor. Give her a look that's meant for us to know that, or something very royalty, as she is a daughter of an ambassador.

Her moves could use a touch up big time as her drill and the firebolt are the only memorable moves that she has. There needs to be more.

Her story... well... I like the fact that she's evil and how she is. But does she need to betray almost every single person she comes across with? Does she always feel like she has to work with someone to get to the very top of the tower? Does she always have to cross the line after knowing that her partner will not see things coming?

Though, of course, there's Jade. I can see Jade becoming her archenemy... but I really think it should be a fierce rivalry... nothing that ends with someone throwing Tarkatan Essence on the other and watch as they get eaten alive.

Lamest ending EVER!
03/26/2009 03:38 AM (UTC)

I would choose Mileena over Tanya any day. I think its time for Tanya to call it quits
03/26/2009 10:38 AM (UTC)
I liked Tanya ever since her ending video in MK4. Delightfully evil woman!

Appearance: Primary: MK:D primary, nuff said really.
Secondary: I would kinda like an outfit that alludes to her Edenian ambassador role. Maybe a Purple and yellow Kimono thing.

Story: Continue her story as the person who hangs around with the most powerful bad guy. It'll be interesting to see who she is with after Armageddon! Seeing as Armageddon has confused everything.
03/26/2009 03:39 PM (UTC)
I agree Johnboyadvance that mka really kind of left the story in a mess. I think the best option would be to ignore mka and pick it up after mkd or reboot altogether.
03/26/2009 09:09 PM (UTC)
I say Tanya shouldn't return for the next Mortal Kombat game. She isn't very appealing I feel that Mileena outshines Tanya in every way. Tanya to me in MK4 and Deception pulled the same move twice and is not very appealing because in the 3-D games she's just a yellow version of Kitana minus the fans.
03/26/2009 09:32 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:

What do you mean Tanya hasn't had any memorable fatalities? Have you forgotten her neck break fatality from mk4? That was one of the best and I mean best mk fatalities ever! Hell it was the primary reason to use her in mk4 for me!

She jumps up on your shoulders and then grabs your neck between her thighs and breaks your neck completely 360 degrees. Your head is left literally hanging by skin and it wobbles around as you fall on the ground. If you haven't seen it lately watch it on youtube or something. It even has some cool replays in it with cracking sounds and everything.

Sorry for that rant there but that is one damn good fatality and one of my favorites ever. I had to stick up for it.


I understand. I guess it just wasn't bloody enough for me or something. It should have had some blood and had the person's head fall off or at least look like the Exorcist's facing backwards and hideous.
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03/26/2009 09:37 PM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
I say Tanya shouldn't return for the next Mortal Kombat game.
i also think this is for the best.
03/26/2009 11:19 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Sindel

The last Edenian female to discuss.

Appearance - More serious. Her latest look was too slutty. I found it so unrealistic in konquest mode when Shujinko spoke to her like if she were a respectable majesty all the while she looked like a goth Spice Girl. LOL.

Give her something more majestic to match her personality.

Her alt is brilliant. I wouldn't mind a version of that becoming her primary but I'd prefer she stay with the classic purple suit. It's just best for her. Her witchy flavor should never fully leave her.

Gameplay - Vast improvements needed. I mean the developers need to take her to the emergency room for gameplay. That's how critical her gameplay has gotten. Zha Chuan suits her but it needs more zha chuan moves.

Her fatalities have always been impeccable though. Especially her MK3 skin scream and MKD kwan dao.

Oh, and should her pinkish purple smoke that comes out when she flies return? ...Yes!!!

Her moves were perfect in MK3. She needs her flying back at least be able to float like Ermac. And of course, where the hell did her hair go? She needs to own people with it again. I want a move wear she slams her hair forward on the ground and makes a shockwave like Jax's ground punch, as well as an updated Hair Throw.

Story - And here's where I go blank. She's at a dead end right now. I can't imagine her having a story with Kahn (even though we all want her to confront him) because there are more prominent characters who will deal with him directly in every game.

Since Mileena wants Edenia, it's possible they can come into conflict, but I don't see that becoming an interesting story for Sindel. It sounds like it'll be linear.

Hopefully you guys have some decent ideas for her.

Overall, she needs more classic moves, a more serious primary, and much MUCH better gameplay. So there's lots of work to be done with her.

Sindel has never looked anything like a queen. That's pretty sad. I think sometimes they need to have females doing the designs for some of these characters because god knows that majority of the MK team is men... bleh.

She needs to have more of a royalty look as well as Kitana. I always thought that she should be decked out in something you would see a queen wear if they were in combat. Like, in an outfit all in jewels, gold and silver... stuff like that. (But yet, her main color is purple, so it would either be gold and purple, or silver and purple) So yeah, more royalty.

Her moves are fine. Though I'm not sure why she wasn't flying in Deception and Armageddon. Lame. Though if she should return, bring back her hair throw... I always like pulling that move off... even though it's just a throw, it's still fun to perform.

Her story... Well, I really can't understand how she can be involved with Mortal Kombat anymore. I mean, she's basically done everything we expected her to do. (Well, let me try to rephrase that...) She's done everything that she was meant to do. Turn back on the good side as she's no longer evil. She defeated Onaga (As well as Repitle) and got her daughter back in her hands. What is there else to do with Sindel? If you have Jade and Tanya in the same game as well as Sindel, it's gonna be kind of lame to put Sindel in the middle of that rivalry.

So, what's really left for Sindel? Resurrect an old rivalry between her and Kahn? Make her somewhat evil again?

I just don't think she should return. I think she's done her part in Mortal Kombat. Though, she should still be mentioned around once and a while. Though I just don't think she should return anymore. Unless they can absolutely find something to do with her.

Other than that, I'm pretty sure you're not going to like the fact that I'm turning down your favorite character and saying she shouldn't return.
03/27/2009 10:14 AM (UTC)
I like Sindel but I don't know where she can go other than being a background character.

Unless she picks a fight with Kahn. But that would turn her into a "Grrr. Vengeance. Grrr." character. And no one wants that. But other than that, I don't know.

But if she were to appear in the game - she should have a flying stance or something. And her hair needs to be animated again. But we know Midway's stance on animating hair. Poor Wonder Woman.

Appearance: Primary. Lets drop the Dominatrix look. Go with something looking more regal. Maybe a robe or a flowing dress thing.
Secondary. Old school costume. The one from MK3. Boots and all. Maybe some patterns on the gear. With a cape.

Note: didn't like either of the Deception costumes. They looked naff and similar.
03/27/2009 12:55 PM (UTC)
I think they should kill off Sindel for the next Mortal Kombat game. Not that I dislike her but to put Edenia in a state of chaos and paranoia you need to take out the figure head, who is Sindel. I loved the way she plays in UMK3 with her levitation abilities but Sindel has not served much of a purpose in Mortal Kombat after her MK3 days.

Sindel is mostly a support character now and her entire role in Deception was to rescue Kitana. I say for the story have Sindel be assassinated by Mileena while disguised as Jade to shake things up between Jade and Kitana causing Jade to become a fugitive.
03/27/2009 03:08 PM (UTC)
"Sighs wearily" How did I know before I ever read the comments about Sindel that most of them would be calling for her to die? I feel it is incumbent upon me to point something out that maybe some of my fellow posters haven't thought of before.

We don't get very much story at all in each game. We get bios and that is it. Every game once every 2 years. Bios. That is it and we didn't even get those in mka. 95% of the character endings we get are what if scenarios. They don't even happen.

As much as we all like to invest in these characters, this is a fighting game first and foremost. It is all about taking cool looking characters and beating the snot out of each other. Story is secondary to design and gameplay. For that reason alone this attitude that some characters have run their course and shouldn't return based on the fact that they can't significantly impact the storyline is somewhat pointless and in fact I feel harmful to the game itself.

No disrespect to any one's views or opinions but some times because of our passion for the series I think we sometimes look at it as something it isn't. It isn't a novel, comic book, RPG, or MMO It is a fighting game with cool characters and enough of a story to make sequels happen.

Sindel is, simply put, one of the coolest looking characters in mk, has some of the most unique moves, and lots of fans. For those reasons alone she should return. I don't want to lose a fun character because she isn't factoring majorly into some peoples imagined mk bios or stories.

Again, no disrespect just some food for thought.

Now to the topic at hand.

QueenSindel(The Bitch) I am afraid I don't understand at all where you are coming from concerning her looks. You said that you thought her mkd primary was too slutty but that you loved her alt. Her alt was much more revealing. Her mkd primary was almost exactly like her mk3 debut look. The only difference was she had some cleavage showing. It was tastefully done as well. Not like Ivy (SC) or Mileena or Catwoman (mk vs dc). Am I wrong on this? Can you elaborate some more please?

She needs to keep the purple motif. Kitana is blue and SIndel is purple. Purple is also the color of royalty so it works for her character. I will agree with Icebaby that they could add some more regal elements to her. I think the mkd alt was a nice step in that direction with the crown. Maybe add a cape or something less revealing perhaps.

As far as fatalities I must admit that I really liked her mkd kwan do fatality. I also like the screech mk3 fatality as well.

As far as moves go...implement the flying some more. I thought that Wonder Woman's moves in mk vs dc would have worked very well for Sindel. Also miss the hair throw.

Now I would run with the idea that she is Edenia's most powerful woman. Sort of like the supreme sorceress. Instead of focusing on special kicks or punches or weapons like Kitana, Mileena, Jade, and Tanya I would go more magical for her. She should be every bit the match magically for Shang Tsung. Edenians have always kind of been portrayed as being much more magical and powerful anyway.

When she goes to shoot a fireball have her hair flair out and her eyes glow purple. Use the next gen systems and go all out with shimmers and particle effects for her. GIve her the ability to cast a completely enveloping shield that absorbs projectiles and knock back opponents or something.

Really show why she is the Queen of Edenia and a force to be reckoned with. Her mystical and magical powers should only really be second to characters like Raiden, Shao kahn, Shinnok, and Quan Chi. Really make her a unique combatant that plays like no other.

Lastly as far as story goes it is fairly simple. You have 3 options.

1. She remains the Queen of Edenia and continues to fight alongside her allies in earthrealm.

2. She steps down as acting Queen and lets Kitana actually become the Queen while she assists or takes on a support role as liaison to Earhrealm's governments. Especially the OIA and the Lin Kuei clan. How does a 10,000 + yr old monarch interact with mere mortals?

3. You kill her off. I discussed this above. This is a fighting game not a novel. Dramatically this makes the most sense but this is a fighting game not a RPG. You will never get the full benefit of the dramatic ramifications to justify the sheer amount of fun players would lose by not getting to use her.
It just isn't worth it to me.

I am all for killing stupid characters like Hsu Hao, Liu Kang, Kobra, Dairou, Kai, Jarek, and the belching farting abomination Bo Rai Cho.

Sindel on the other hand has too many fans and too much gameplay potential.

I am not prepared to sacrifice the Ultimate Edenian Bitch. The one and only Queen Sindel.

03/27/2009 04:41 PM (UTC)
Thrawn I would have to disagree with you on that one.

With multiple comic series, adventure games, movies, cartoon shows, novels, action figures, and a whole bunch of merchandise Mortal Kombat is much more than a fighting game with "cool looking characters."

I believe that the cool looks and moves are a plus that draw in a fan but they have elements in their story that makes players connect with them and that is what invests players to continue playing the games because they are very interested in the story and where their favorite characters end up next. Hell, I even identify some members on this website for that reason alone such as Queve, we all know he's a huge Sonya fan, T-Grant was a huge Raiden fan ect. The actual gameplay is primary that is a given but Mortal Kombat has always stood out from the competition due to it's elements of story, dark atmosphere, and yes the cool looking characters.

Most of the posts in this website contribute to speculating story lines and plots for characters that they've known about for years. That's what keeps me coming back to this site and I can safely say that for many fans as well.

I respect your opinions and I agree Sindel is an awsome character, if story elements were not important then awsome turn Mortal Kombat into a tournament style game that only hardcore gamers will play and casual gamers will play with for a few months and just be done with them. Then make sequels that feature all the same people with only 2 characters added per instalment. Sound like a familiar formula?

Remember the days of MK2 where you see Sonya and Kano chained to the background of Shao Kahn's stage. Shang Tsung was young and actually playable. Cage was dead in MK3. Cyrax stuck in the sand in UMK3 only to find out Jax and Sonya rescue him in MK Gold. Kung Lao returns in MK Gold after his absence from MK4 to kill Goro. Smoke being tied into Sub-Zero's story and the rivalry between Scorpion and Sub-Zero. Finding out Noob Saibot was the original Sub-Zero, Mileena was cloned from Kitana, Kano working for Shao Kahn to train them to fight against Earth's opponents.
Liu Kang's death in Deadly Alliance, and Kitana, Sonya, Jax, Cage, and Kung Lao were turned into Onaga's slaves, do you remember all of that?

These are only a few key moments in MK history that heavily relied on story that kept players invested for some time and yes they took those characters out of the games, but it kept things fresh and interesting, I would not like to see that change over the expense of one character being included to make the game cool.

I like Sindel and if they find a fresh way to have her in the story awsome, she's fun to play has great moves and very original. but to make things really dramatic and shocking I think that's the best move to do. Plus it's just an opinion from me doubt it will ever happen but then again who knows?.

03/28/2009 01:16 PM (UTC)
No its cool Grizzle, we all have our opinions. I don't really want to have this conversation again but I will reiterate my views on these constant calls to off characters and my opinions of such fans and mindsets.

First off mk is a fighting game primarily. It does have many other versions in various multimedia. That is completely irrelevant to this discussion. We are talking about the game series.

Now I am one of the biggest fans of mk and it's mythology. It is one of the things that made me a loyal mk fan. It certainly wasn't the gameplay of mkda and mkd and mka. Mk's biggest strength has always been the story and the characters. That is why constant calls to kill certain characters are so idiotic to me. The characters are the strength of the series. Remove them and you have complete mediocre shit left.

Also ever notice how all of those forms of media you mentioned really only deal with characters from mk 1-4? There is a reason. Those are the best characters.

All of those character moments you mentioned as great twists and dramatic moments in the series don't involve killing characters. Pretty ironic that you mentioned those. I feel that it kind of reaffirms my point.

The only character that actually "died" was Liu Kang. So many fans hate him and he was the worst mk champion that it was a good idea.
Cage may have died but he was resurrected instantly. I don't consider that a true death.

Killing characters for shock value or to "make things more interesting" is often a cheap or unimaginative way out. All of the story twists you mentioned above I loved. They involved developing the characters not killing them off. That kind of story development is fine with me. I also have no problem with characters sitting a game out here and there. It did wonders for Kano and Sonya to miss mk2 and reappear in mk3. Sindel and Jade were also greatly assisted by missing 2 games. Although I found 2 games to be too much.

All that brings me back to the main point of my earlier post that keeping in mind the only story you are going to get is a bio in each game with one or two of the endings becoming canon. I don't think it is worth it to lose a really good playable character so some fan can be shocked or surprised in a bio. Lame. It is a fighting game and the story however much I love it is going to be secondary to the fights.

I hear some fans say that they are tired of the old characters. Okay. Why are they still playing then? The gameplay isn't the greatest ever. If they aren't playing mk for the characters then maybe they should play something else? I don't say that with an attitude but as an honest suggestion.

One final point. If you listen to these fans who say they are bored and want the "sacred cows" gone do you know what you end up with? You get a roster that looks like this:

1. Sub Zero
2. Scorpion
3. Raiden
4. Kitana
5 Dairou
6. Darius
7. Kenshi
8. Lei Mei
9. Kobra
10. Hotaru
11. Hsu Hao
12. Taven
13. Daegon
14. Drahmin
15. Mavado
16. Shujinnko
17. Nitara
18. Ashrah
19. Kira
20. Bo Rai Cho

That is one lame roster. Half of them are clones or mixtures of previous characters not too mention rather bland or just plain stupid designs. And in all cases the originals are far superior in every way.

You want Sindel to die so you can replace her with Dairou? Kobra? Mavado?

I can't disagree more. I think that the story can be interesting and intriguing without offering up solid characters to the chopping block for shock value beacause the writers got lazy or ran out of ideas.

I agree with you that mk's number one strength has always been the story. I just am of the opinion that the characters are the strength of said story and since this is a fighting game not an rpg or a novel they themselves are also more important in terms of people using them in fights than killing them off. I dont' think it is an even trade off.

Again just my opinion.

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03/29/2009 02:27 AM (UTC)

Good Thread QS(tb)
03/29/2009 12:59 PM (UTC)
LOL. I was hoping to see you pop up and contribute your own take here Predator. QueenSIndel(TheBitch) did start a very fun and engaging thread.
03/30/2009 06:40 PM (UTC)
Thanks Pred!

And Thrawn, I have argued the same thing with several members here. Even Pred, lol.

And although they are entitled to their opinion, I believe MKA proves our point. It came with no bios, yet was still successful like the previous games.

Shaolin Monks had a piece of shit story, and that didn't hinder its success.

I believe the characters are MK's greatest strength too, and even though their bios might be boring, they are still awesome compelling characters due to their designs. Just look at Scorpion. Design is something these MK story buffs never take into consideration.

(God knows how many times I've posted this) But anyways: He has a lame story yet is the most popular character on account of his cool tough look and gameplay, namely his spear move.

Sindel is of the best looking characters and of the funnest characters, move-wise. That's enough to justify a return.

If people don't want her to return because of her dead-end story, then she should not appear in the comics, films, and toons. However, she is Grade A among gameplay potential, which is why she has every reason to return within the game series. It's logical.

And all it takes is creativity to spice up her bios.

I think a version of the story I posted for her long ago would be cool. It's about Sindel isolating Edenia from the rest of the universe and upon doing so, Mileena begins her conquest by capturing Sindel and forcing all opposing forces to surrender. Unable to summon extra-realm help, all Edenians are subdued as long as Mileena keeps threating to kill the Queen. So Sindel's only hope for salvation is Shao Kahn who'll inevitably take the crown from Mileena once he discovers she stole it.

For her ending, she and Kahn will finally confront each other, leading to the next chapter of Sindel's and Mileena's stories.

Nothing fancy, but it's something. Mileena's invasion of Edenia could be the most interesting of all since she's a popular character. In fact, I'll be pissed if Mileena returns in MK8 invading Edenia and Sindel doesn't have a bio to tell her side of the story. Mileena will need to go through Sindel to gain Edenia so if her current story is continued in the next game, then Sindel should also be playable.

Why have Mileena simply kill Sindel for the crown when you can have drama and conflict instead?

Also Thrawn, I know Sindel's alt is skimpy, but her primary is much worse because of the bare asscheeks and nearly bare chest.
03/30/2009 07:42 PM (UTC)
It had bare ass cheeks? I'm a guy and I'm ashamed to admit that I must have missed that. I have to check that later. I disagree with the bare chest though. It wasn't too bad. Not like some. Anyway moving on...

That is actually not a bad idea for a possible Mileena and Sindel story later. I have a few suggestions if I may. I don't think that Sindel would isolate Edenia from earthrealm and her allies there. That didn't work out to well for them the last time. Let's not forget that Edenia's best warriors weren't enough to save it from losing to Shao Kahn in their own MK tournament. I would assume anyways. Let us also not forget that Tanya was an ambassador to other realms. Edenia would seem to have a policy of at least contacting other realms.

I also have some issues with Sindel again being taken captive. Why does she have to always be reduced to damsel in distress? It happened in mkd too. How about mother and daughter both leading an attack against Outworld's forces. It does make sense though that Mileena could subdue the Edenians by threatening Sindel though. Maybe there is a solution somewhere in the middle?

Shao Kahn as her only hope to save Edenia is a truly delicious prospect teeming with possibilities. That is what I am talking about. You don't create to many interesting new developments by indiscriminately killing characters because it is easy to say they are "boring"

Really great idea for a future story. Despite my suggestions you could take that just as you suggested as a premise for mk9 and have the earthrealm warriors go to their aid, call it a game and I would be satisfied with it. It allows for all the characters to be used and in a new setting. Nice.
03/30/2009 08:11 PM (UTC)
I would personally avoid the long trench coat. Would it look cool? Yes. It would remind me too much of Underworld though. I would prefer not to go there.

I have always liked Sareena ever since Sub-Zero mythologies. She is a demon and a slave of the nether realm. She hates her demonic nature and wishes to be free of her dependence on Quan Chi and her enslavement in the nether realm. In her mka ending QueenSindel she gets what she obviously desires more than anything. She becomes a cryomancer like Sub Zero. I don't remember her turning into a demon.

I like the fact that she kind of wanted to use the original Sub Zero to escape the nether realm and then eventually she does escape and she seeks out the younger brother of the original Sub Zero. That says a lot about the impression the original Sub left on her.

I like the fact that we have an evil character who wants to be one of the good guys. It sort of parallels both of the Sub brothers nicely. Especially the younger one.

I would like her to join the Lin Kuei clan and become Sub's partner. That would be cool. It would lead to some interesting story potential. Quan Chi and Shinnok would absolutely hate that. It also gives a reason to introduce Kia and Jataka into the story as well. I would assume that they like being demons but would be insanely jealous that Sareena is free and happy.

Now here is where some fans of Sareena would say that I jumped the shark. I think they should go all out make her human and make her a cryomancer. The idea of a female Sub Zero is a very appealing one. It has been around since mk2. Everyone at first thought Kitana was a female Sub at first.

Frost was the realization of that. She had one of the coolest looks ever and very cool moves. Unfortunately she wasn't that nice of a character. I'm evil and I want too take over the Lin Kuei. Sareena is so much more interesting a character with so much more potential.

You could give her a Lin Kuei uniform and ice powers. It would be awesome. I justify that because she doesn't really have a set or iconic moveset yet. I would give her ice powers but le her utilize them in a very different way than Sub Zero.

Let her keep her super fast knife throw, but instead of knives let her throw ice shards. She could create ice stalagmites that can come up from the ground to stab you. Let her augment her punches and kicks with ice. Maybe form ice daggers or actually just have ice shards form off of her hands to stab or puch you with.

And for crying out loud, if you aren't going to give Sub Zero back his ground freeze from mk2 then give it to Sareena.

She doesn't have to have a freeze or share any moves with Sub Zero. She could have totally original moves and become a very unique character.

I got into a rather heated discussion with another poster about this. I think that you could really justify this character change with some really good story potential. Sareena has ties to Shinnok, Quan Chi, and her ties to Sub Zero link her to Smoke, Noob, Scorpion, Sektor, and Cyrax.

I don't look for the mk team to do this but I think that it would be really, if you will pardon the expression, cool.
03/30/2009 10:01 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Sareena

Here's a popular one among this board.

Appearance - She doesn't have any unique designs. She dresses in very average, simple clothes. I would like something different for her. A think a long opened jacket would be a nice touch for her, like Mavado's but more evil-looking. And she could still wear her halter top or whatever. So she'll look bigger and better but still girly.

In her MKA ending, she turns into a demonic version of herself. Hello, this should be her alternate costume. I mean, seriously... come on.

Gameplay - Her combos are fine, but her moves are also very bland and generic. (2 reasons why she doesn't appeal to me). Ed needs to really whip up come creative new moves for her if she returns.

Her moves seem to be speed-oriented, so maybe some Chun-Li type moves would be great for her.

Story - Lots of people think she has a compelling story because of her dual nature. However, I don't really think she does. The reason she turned evil in her MKA ending was because Quan Chi cast his dark magic over her. It wasn't her decision. So I don't think she's as dual-natured and unpredictable as some believe.

But anyways, I would still like to see her story continued. Surely, she'll revert to her good self again, but I mean, how? And also I would love it if she and Sub-Zero became romantically involved, or at least if she fell in love with him or something, you know. Their relationship could use some flavor. Hey, maybe that's how she turns good again, cuz Quan Chi is about to kill Sub-Zero but her love for Sub draws her to defend him. Sounds kinda cheesy but I'm sure Vogel can make it sound bad-ass.

Overall, she needs a new look and a new moveset cuz in those departments she is boring as hell. Seriously though, Chun-Li moves would be amazing on her.

Hmm, to me this is a toughie... I'm not a big fan of Sareena but I'll give it my best shot...

Looks - I really didn't like her appearance at all in Armageddon. I don't think that what she wore in Armageddon suited on who she really is, and as you mentioned with her ending, it doesn't tell me that she's evil at all... (well, before the ending that is though) But still, someone like her, with the way that she has the tattoo on her face making it look like she's wicked or something, she needs an attire that shows that she really is evil.

Try long pants, a black tank-top with a strange symbol on it or something... She just needs something that makes her look more evil than what she was in Armageddon.

Her moves I can stand. I enjoyed the knife throw move a lot and it makes me laugh all the time when I use her against my friends. They're like "Whoa, what the hell did you do?" I do the move once more and by the time they finally realize what I'm doing, they call me a cheap ass mother fucker. Heh, I'm fine with her moves.

Story... here comes the tricky part, she was evil, then she wasn't, now she is... is it going to be a cycle of being a demon and not being a demon if she continues? Because that is lame.

I want her to move away from the whole Sub-Zero and do something completely different. If they seriously want her to be an evil character, then let see her team up with Quan Chi or someone else that's evil and see how she can be like. She can be a good character if they develop her in the sense that if they want her to be evil then make her evil.

I'm really tired of everyone suddenly changing their alignment. I can see if they want to make Sareena as a demon struggling for life as a human or a life as a demon, but something different should seriously happen to her if they want to continue making her appear in other MK games. I think she has the potential of being a good MK character, if they just don't screw up her story that is.
03/30/2009 10:41 PM (UTC)
They should just kill Sareena off because it's obvious they're going to fuck her up.
"A character with internal conflict and subtle & ambiguous nature? BAH! Make her Sub-Zero's bitch, that's easier."
03/31/2009 09:24 AM (UTC)
I like Sareena. But she seems to be the character whenever she knocks on the door the whole MK team dives under the desks and ignores until she goes away like a Jehovah's Witness.

Story: She was brought in to be Sub Zero's love interest, but that was a whole Sub Zero ago. I think she should continue trying to regain her humanity, but Quan Chi, Kia and Jataaka are the things that stop her from regaining it. Eventually she would find out that the Sub Zero she fell in love with is now Noob Saibot.

Appearance: Primary: Something new. She should keep her hairstyle with the white/blond streak at the front, but she does need something a little less S+M. Maybe even a Lin Kuei training suit thing.
Seconday: Her old gear with her "demon" form. Sunken, evil looking eyes, sharp teeth (Not like a tarkatan's extended jaw) Maybe dead looking skin as well.
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