03/31/2009 04:48 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
I don't think that Sindel would isolate Edenia from earthrealm and her allies there. That didn't work out to well for them the last time. Let's not forget that Edenia's best warriors weren't enough to save it from losing to Shao Kahn in their own MK tournament. I would assume anyways. Let us also not forget that Tanya was an ambassador to other realms. Edenia would seem to have a policy of at least contacting other realms.

I just think if Edenia is tired of invasions from other realms, someone sooner or later is gonna say "Let's close the freakin' portals already."

Every MK game features some sort of "new threat." I imagine Sindel would isolate Edenia only until the new threat has passed. That would be a wise decision IMO, so it's not like they're saying goobbye to their other-realm friends.

Also, the Edenian military would still be active. I'm sure she'd imagine if anything happened within Edenia, she's be armed and ready for it.

She just never thought that Mileena would seize her. And hello, who better to capture Sindel than her evil twin? "Hi, mother. I'm Kitana." And right when the mother's intuition begins to sense something off about her "daughter".... bam! She's caught.

I also have some issues with Sindel again being taken captive. Why does she have to always be reduced to damsel in distress?

I totally understand but that's the best I can come up with. At least it promises a confrontation with Kahn, which is like a soap opera twist just waiting to happen by lots of fans.

Really great idea for a future story. Despite my suggestions you could take that just as you suggested as a premise for mk9 and have the earthrealm warriors go to their aid, call it a game and I would be satisfied with it. It allows for all the characters to be used and in a new setting. Nice.

I know a talented writer could take my mediocre story and turn into something nice and fancy. Maybe even have Sindel captured but still kick some ass and not be a typical boring damsel in distress.

But seriously, if Mileena ever touches Edenia, Sindel should play a role. And the most interesting way for her to approach doing so would be to pose as Kitana just long enough to get close to the Queen. Maybe Sindel is talking to "Kitana" and the real Kitana walks in the room... LOL. Very soapy. I would love it.
03/31/2009 05:00 PM (UTC)
LOL Thrawn, I think Underworld is wear I got the idea from.

It wouldn't have to look so bland though. With some MK fashion which we all know is fun and creative, it could really look awesome imo. But that's just me.

Anyway, I agree that having Sareena turning good then turning evil over and over would be lame. I think she should stay as the demon that she was at the end of her MKA ending, but she should still have some goodness.

You know, like even though she's a demon, she can still feel some sympathy and remorse. So like if someone is trying to escape torture from Quan Chi or whatever, they run into the room where Sareena is and instead of capturing them for Quan, she lets them go or tells them where the exit is or something like that after seeing the look on their face or being begged.

Basically, it would be cooler if she were an unpredictable demon instead of an unpredictable good girl.
03/31/2009 06:39 PM (UTC)
it be cool to see her go after quan chi after all he did to her in szm. have her more stealthy because she was quan chi's assassin's. give her projectiles like smoke bombs, ninja stars, throwing knifes. have her be more agile but also make her a very quiet character but still expand apon her story and give explanations to why she does what she does.

maybe give her a wall jump so she can hide into the shadow's for a sneak attack.
here are some cool fatality's she could have.

fatality1 cut you while gasping- she throws a smoke bomb down while her opponnet is gasping and tearing up from the smoke. she then takes out her knife and slits his throat. blood splahes onto the screen while still being ingolfed in smoke. smoke fades away and you see her opponnet laying on the floor with there head cut off. the she look at the camera and does a cool victory pose.

fatlity2 1hole in foot,1in the kneecap,and1 under the jaw. sareena throws a knife in the opponets right foot. screaming in pain, sareena takes out another knife and throws it at the opponnets left kneecap droping them to both knees. sareena then walks over to her bloody opponnet and stabs the knife right through the jaw. opponnet falls over then sareena does a victory pose.
04/01/2009 08:26 PM (UTC)
I have to be honest up front that Nitara isn't a character that I am at present extremely fond of. It was little jarring at first to see a vampire in mk. I thought she kind of stood out a little. Since mkda has been out I have kind of gotten used to it. She was much better than Kobra, Dairou, and Darrius though.

I don't really like the idea of the vampires having their own realm though. It kind of seems like overkill. To me they should have just been a part of eartth realm or outworld or something. A vampire realm? It seems kind of lame to me. Anyway moving on..

I just reread Nitara's bio. It was okay. Not too bad. I honestly don't know what they could do with her story for a future game. I like the fact that the vampires (I can't believe I just typed the vampires in a mk forum) are potential new villains that don't serve Shao Kahn. They are their own faction, but still not nearly as threatening as Shao Kahn since he conquered them once already. Respect the hierarchy.

I like Nitara's look. She was one of the only four or five characters to come out of mkda and mkd that I liked visually and that I thought had some potential. I like the fact that she has those gigantic bat wings and that they went with a more bestial approach to her than just a Lost Boys or Underworld approach. I like both of those movies but I don't want those kind of vampires in mk. I like the red coloring of her outfit as well. Different than the traditional and predictable all black goth vampires as well.

Her moveset (pardon the pun) sucks. The blood spit was okay. The unicorn kick was stolen from Tanya. It needs to go. Maybe utilize her wings and give her some nice diving kicks or something. I really have no ideas for her other than I recognize she needs something really unique to make a return worthwhile.

If done correctly Nitara could be worthy of a return. Visually she certainly was a success. I would be willing to give her a chance but she is one character I personally don't have a lot of inspiration for at present.

04/01/2009 08:30 PM (UTC)
One more thing also with Nitara. Since these are mk vampires we need a list of their capabilities and weaknesses. Garlic, holy water, sunlight, silver, Outworld foot powder etc. I would like to know where we stand with this new race.
04/01/2009 09:37 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Nitara

My favorite character, story-wise.

Appearance - I like her DA style. Both costumes looked pretty good. I would like to see updates of both costumes, but her alt should use more clothes.

Gameplay - Leopard is good for her, but I think Fu Jow Pain suited her better because of the claw-like attacks which go well with a vampire since they tend to be animalistic.

Her special moves have been pretty lame except for her Blood Spit and Bite throw. The unicorn kick is lame. She needs better moves.

Story - I just love her MKA bio. I think the story is so interesting, especially with how it showed Ashrah wasn't really the typical struggling demon like Sareena and Li Mei. She was being manipulated by the vampires' natural enemy.

The end of her bio says she sets out to find a powerful item that can be used against the kriss. I hope she resolves this problem with a less linear approach. I would prefer a hands-on attack on Ashrah where she seperates her from the Kriss. I guess the power item could still play a role but I want her to defeat Ashrah/the kriss with her own strength.

Maybe then she becomes the kriss' new servant after getting her hands on it so she decides to kill herself or something. I don't know, but something more complex.

Overall, she needs better moves and a good ending to her current story if she ever returns.

I always liked Nitara, but I hated the way she was brought into the series.

Apperance: Meh, for some reason it didn't really make her look like a vampire. And no, I wasn't expecting some Dracula cape or anything, but red? I wasn't too fond of red. She needs a more Gothic appearance and Black and Purple should be the colors. I wasn't also in the Geisha look either. I had no idea where that look came along but she needs to look more Gothic than... whatever she was portrayed as.

Moves: She needs to fly. I'm sorry, characters with wings should automatically have a move that allows them to fly, no matter what. I was so pissed when I finally unlocked her in Deadly Alliance that she didn't fly whatsoever. They need to totally make her fly, and because she has that blood bolt to shoot out... there's the projectile she can use when she's flying.

Story: Now, I was never interested in her story during Deadly Alliance, but Armageddon soon changed that. This had me thinking as well as having Nitara go up against someone like Ashrah... Ashrah needs a female enemy, so lets make it Nitara. But also, this is like the second or third character that is coming from a race that is soon going into extinction... yeah, the writers needs to stop making every new character from a new race to fight in MK just to restore their race again becuase this is getting a bit boring.

But yeah, Nitara should definitely go up agianst Ashrah... it would make a very interesting rivalry.
04/01/2009 10:56 PM (UTC)
Icebaby you don't think that the goth vampire look is a little too cliched and predictable? Personally one of the only things that saved Nitara as a complete waste for me was the fact that they avoided the goth/Underworld look. I really like those vampire styles but it is standard fare.

I rather like that they chose a different color scheme than black. Her basic look right now if colored black would be very goth looking. I personally thought by not going with the obvious and easy choice of black was a nice change of pace.

It is so easy to take any character design and just put them in black. It is very hard to go wrong with that because black almost always makes something look " cool."

One of the things that I always gave them credit for with Shao Kahn was that they didn't take the easy way out with him and cover him head to toe with black armor and spikes. I would have been so easy to do that. His main color scheme is actually red. He also is basically dressed like a barbarian or a gladiator showing lots of skin. Yet he still looks pretty intimidating even though the mk team didn't take the obvious evil color palette. Although he did look kind of stupid in mk vs dc with the sandals he was wearing.

I just thought that even if she isn't in black blood red still worked for Nitara. I liked that it was slightly against type. I was just curious.
04/02/2009 12:27 AM (UTC)
Well, I know that's how everyone portrays Vampires as, but I just really didn't like her appearance at all in the game. It didn't say "Vampire" at all and it was just... an odd look, especially when it came to her seocndary outfit, that really didn't make sense to me, I'm not sure if appearances are really suppose to make sense or not but still.

I've never seen a Geisha vampire before in my life and that look a little bitg strange for a vampire. And also, I know that I'm not too into vampires that much, but I do like the Gothic look that they have, considering that they do have a good look with the Gothic style, so part of that is probably because I expected them to actually give her a gothic look and such but... yeah, I guess that this could be suitable if they keep her.

Though adding some Gothic look to her woudln't hurt.
04/02/2009 01:22 AM (UTC)
I didn't mind the geisha look for the alt. It was a little weird, but I like a little weird. For an alt the geisha didn't really bother me. At least being an alt I don't have to look at it if I don't want to.

I am primarily concerned with the primary costume. I liked the red. The long Underworld like trench coat look is cool and everything but Kabal has that going for him. Mavado kind of tried to appropriate it but at least Kabal killed him.
04/02/2009 01:35 AM (UTC)
I don't understand why this thread is only for female characters.

Anyway, I'd like to see Nitara in future games, but she needs to cover up. If they gave her some cool looking armour or something rather than studded underwear, she'd be more appealing.

I like the wings and hope she's given more abilities that make good use of them. The blood spit projectile didn't make any sense - abilities where she steals blood rather than gets rid her own would be better.
04/02/2009 09:29 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
I don't understand why this thread is only for female characters.

Because at most there is around 20 ladies. Whereas for men there are close to 50. (i'm including things like MK:SZ and MK:SF)

I dare say someone could make a parallel thread to this for the men.

Anyway Nitara. I liked Nitara. She played the master manipulator quite well and for a justifiable reason rather than the usual "For Shits and Giggles".

I'd like her Kamas to return really. But then again it was quite similar to the Hookswords. Blood spit made no sense. I'd quite like a "Bat-teleport" move though.

Story: She seems to be in head on collision with Ashrah if the Armageddon bios are true. It seems reasonable that after separating her realm from Outworld she would want to protect her people from a mad woman with a sword. I think I would prefer her to face Ashrah head on rather than she finds another weapon to fight her. Sounds a bit Soul Calibur-y.

Appearance: Primary: A long red robe would be cool. Actually it could be similar to her MK:DA primary only make the jacket longer.
Secondary. I did like the china doll face look she had for her secondary. I suppose just take her MK:DA secondary and update it with less thong.

May I be cheeky and ask for who else is going to be discussed?
04/02/2009 04:54 PM (UTC)
JohnBoyAdvance Wrote:
Story: She seems to be in head on collision with Ashrah if the Armageddon bios are true. It seems reasonable that after separating her realm from Outworld she would want to protect her people from a mad woman with a sword. I think I would prefer her to face Ashrah head on rather than she finds another weapon to fight her.

Exactly what I want too. She should fight with intelligence and her own strength instead of letting some object do all the work.

May I be cheeky and ask for who else is going to be discussed?

Every female that's left.
04/02/2009 08:50 PM (UTC)
Once we finish the female kombatants are we going to do any other fighters that you like QS(tb)?
04/02/2009 10:37 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
Once we finish the female kombatants are we going to do any other fighters that you like QS(tb)?

I don't feel like it.

You can make your own thread if you'd like to discuss male characters.

I'll be sure to post in it if you do.
04/02/2009 11:38 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Frost

The coolest new female since the 2D games, imo.

Appearance - I mean, wow. Her primary is super cool, especially in the render where her eyes are glowing blue. She looks badass, intimidating, and fun. Also, females usually look cool with big, long hair to me, but she pulls off short spiky hair very nicely. Maybe because the spikes are kinda long and have mist. Anyway, everything in her primary looks cool.

All I want is for her primary to return. It should be updated of course so it feels new.

Her alt costume sucks ass. The only thing I liked about it were the glove/armor design thingies she wears on her forearms.

Gameplay - I think Tong Bei suits her. It doesn't feel like a stealthy style though. She won Sub-Zero's Lin Kuei tournament for being the best fighter, so I imagine she would fight with stealthy and more effective moves instead of the straightforward moves of Tong Bei. Plus, she's a ninja, so...

Her daggers, should also return, updated in design. And they should feel fast and furious like in DA. The MKA version was totally fucked up. I never used it.

Her special moves are all cool in MKA. I think they should all return, except with better animations. Her ground freeze looked cheap as hell, for instance. Her and Kitana had the funnest moveset out of all the females, imo.

Story - She's quite boring, imo. There's no seasoning to her. It's all very 1-dimensional.

If she wants the Lin Kuei, maybe she can persuade some of its members to form a new clan, a rival clan under her leadership. That's what happened with the Red Dragon (or Black Dragon, whichever came first) and there has been some pretty neat stories between their rivalry.

So maybe Frost should form her own rival clan to the Lin Kuei. I think that would be an interesting foundation for the next chapter of her story, but only a foundation. That alone would be kinda lame.

Also, I would be cool if she and Sonya fought. We know her very presence pisses off Sonya. There's natural opposition between them, so I'd like to see that expanded on a bit.

Overall, she needs faster, stealthier moves and a better way of antagonizing Sub-Zero/wanting the Lin Kuei.

I really hope Frost returns. She is dynamite!

Ahhh, I've been waiting for this one to arrive. She is my favorite female character only becuase she's the only person besides Raiden I can be a complete bitch with against my friends in Armageddon.

Appearance - Everything seemed fine with the way she looked, although I don't like the short hair. I don't like short hair on too many people. I would like to see her hair longer, but keep the spikiness. Though, if the writers want her to remain evil, I say give her an evil outfit that will match... or they don't, either way I'm mostly satisfied with what she looks like right now.

Moves: I like the teleport move that she got, keep the slide and the ground freeze, but I feel that she should have at least one more move... I know that we all don't like two characters with identical moves, but it was clearly stated that she had similar moves to Sub-Zero, so of course she should have something close to Sub-Zero for a new move. I say make Sub-Zero's throw from Deadly Alliance where he knocks down his opponent and use their body as a skateboard be her new move or something. Meh, just a thought.

Story: I was completely shocked that they made her evil. I really thought that she was going to remain good. Though her story has the potential of making her return because she never dies in her endings. She's usually frozen in an ice tomb thanks to Sub-Zero. I think she should return with no memory or something. I remember talking about this on a thread I made a while back that she should return with no memory and try to regain it, but she joins forces with the wrong people... basically a confused amnesiac working on the evil side even though they don't really need to be with them at all.

I don't feel like she should be Sub-Zero's rival... but someone else's. I don't know.

That's basically about all I have to say, other than I would really like to see her return... and she's got a good rep in the writing staff... says so on her card. Lol.
04/03/2009 09:02 AM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Today's Discussion: Frost

The coolest new female since the 2D games, imo.

i c wat u did thar.

I like Frost too. She was genuinely cool. (Bugger) I thought it was a bit obvious that she was going to turn on Sub Zero, mostly because she said it in her bios!

Story: I actually want her to regain her sanity. There seems to be too many people going after Sub Zero. Don't get me wrong I don't think she should rejoin the Lin Keui. I think being a lone wolf suits her more. She didn't get on well with others, I don't think she should be as unapproachable as Scorpion but definitely someone who the good guys aren't able to trust.

Appearance: Primary: Her MK:DA primary.
Secondary: Colour wise it should be white/silver/grey rather than blue. Maybe it could be a mod of her old secondary with new new colour scheme. Maybe some ice gauntlets and grieves as well.
04/03/2009 11:13 AM (UTC)
How should she return?

She shouldn't.
04/03/2009 03:28 PM (UTC)
In response to QueenSindel & Icebaby:

OMG, finally a Frost topic!grin

Yes she is one of the coolest characters in MK. I love her short spiky hair look very much and hope it stays that way, It should look more detailed with Next gen graphics. I like both her outfits, and definitely love to see her alt return coz its uber sexygrin. Both Tong Bei and Yuan Yang & the Dagger styles suited her well. I do hope that they return in some form. I love all her moves in MK Armageddon, she could easily dish out some sweet pwnagetongue then.

Storyline wise, I wish she would stop obsessing over sub-zero alone and seek out other interests. I would have preferred her to be a good guy character, but if she's evil then she should display some form of maturity from her past mistakes such as forming alliances or seek out new goals that don't directly involve sub-zero. Although forming a rival group to the Lin Kuei as suggested above sounds interesting.

Yes I would love to see her and Sonya go at it in story mode.

Dark Alliances with characters such as Noob / Sektor / Quan Chi would be interesting IMO.

I sincerely hope that Midway brings back Frost.smile
04/03/2009 05:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Story: I think she should return with no memory or something. I remember talking about this on a thread I made a while back that she should return with no memory and try to regain it, but she joins forces with the wrong people... basically a confused amnesiac working on the evil side even though they don't really need to be with them at all.

I don't feel like she should be Sub-Zero's rival... but someone else's. I don't know.

Forming a rival clan to the Lin Kuei isn't the best idea, I know. I think it would be kinda cool, but I like your idea better.

She's had amnesia issues before, so if she returns, it would interesting if that played a role in sending her off in a new direction. That's an easy way of having her stumble across a new situation. Maybe the people or person knows she's amnesiac and make her believe she was one of them so they use her for her strength and powers or something.

Of course, she'll have to remember her past and turn on her users at some point.

Something like that would be great.
04/03/2009 07:15 PM (UTC)
Here's my 2 cents for what it's worth.

I love Frost from a design stand point. I think she is an absolute visual triumph by the mk team. The primary is so cool (yes, yes pun intended). The idea for a female Sub Zero was kicked around by the mk team since mk 2. That was originally what everyone thought Kitana was at pre-release of mk2.

I love the frozen spikey hair. It is so simple but it looks so cool. I love the frozen mist coming off of it as well. The actual costume is near perfect as well. It is simple and looks like a lin kuei costume. My only complaint is loose the damn high heels. It pisses me off to no end when developers give women fighters high heels in fighting games. Stop it.

The alt was okay. I don't care the primary was so good that is the only one I use.

Her moveset was pretty good as well. I generally frown on other fighters getting old moves unless they have a reason. Frost is a Lin Kuei cryomancer so the has to have those moves. I'm okay with it.

Like Street Fighter, Akuma, Dan, Ryu, Ken, Sakura, Sagat, Adon and Gouken all have the same move set but they all train together or have mentored each other so it makes sense.

I don't remember her having a teleport in mka it has been so long since I played that game. If she did, then she along with Kitana needs to lose it. They don't have any reason to have a teleport move in my opinion.

I like the dagger style she had in mkda. It was sweet.

Between all of Sub Zero's appearances and Sub Zero mythologies it would be fairly easy to give her one of Sub Zero's moves that he isn't using currently. The ice shaker move he had in mkda would be nice to give to her.

As far as story goes they really dropped the ball here to me. I can't really think of much they can do with her that could be very original. They have pretty much established now that she isn't going to be a significant character.

Frost is dumb. There I said it. She is a bimbo. She is apparently a young warrior who is a natural fighter. She is inexperienced though. Who in there right mind, her included would think she could beat Sub Zero and take over the Lin Kuei clan? What is she going to teach them with her lack of experience? I don't buy that at all.

I could maybe chalk that one up to youthful arrogance a la Darth Vader but then they continue that crap in mka. She wakes up and starts that crap again. "Me Frost, kill Sub Zero, then me be boss. Rrrraargh!" Okay. Pathetic.

Future storylines would be tough. They have established her as a ambitiious, selfish, arrogant, power hungry character who also isn't that bright.

I don't see her starting her own group or clan. Who would join? Fighters who are as skilled or more skilled are going to start their own group or join somebody else. Frost as a leader at this point doesn't really seem credible to me.

Her best bet right now to me would seem to be to join one of Sub Zero's enemies Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, the black dragon, or more likely the Tekunin clan. At least then she could build her credibility back up and get some experience.

I wouldn't mind her coming back but I don't see her having much to do with the story.

That is kind of why I like the idea of Sareena becoming a cryomancer. She would take the best elements of Frost and she has a really good potential story.

But I don't mind Frost coming back. She is fun to use in game and ultimately that is what matters.

04/03/2009 08:05 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
I don't remember her having a teleport in mka it has been so long since I played that game. If she did, then she along with Kitana needs to lose it. They don't have any reason to have a teleport move in my opinion.

I would be mad if she didn't keep it. It was one of her coolest moves. Sure it doesn't make sense for her to be able to teleport since she's a cryomancer, but it doesn't make sense for Mileena either, and it's her best known move.

Frost is dumb. There I said it. She is a bimbo. She is apparently a young warrior who is a natural fighter. She is inexperienced though. Who in there right mind, her included would think she could beat Sub Zero and take over the Lin Kuei clan? What is she going to teach them with her lack of experience? I don't buy that at all.

Hmm, that's very true. Lol. Her story is pretty lame.

I don't see her starting her own group or clan. Who would join? Fighters who are as skilled or more skilled are going to start their own group or join somebody else. Frost as a leader at this point doesn't really seem credible to me.

Not that she'd be the brightest leader, but that's her goal right now. We know she won't take the Lin Kuei, but I imagine her finding some way of gathering followers. Maybe even a group of non-human creatures like Tarkatans and Raptors.

Her best bet right now to me would seem to be to join one of Sub Zero's enemies Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, the black dragon, or more likely the Tekunin clan. At least then she could build her credibility back up and get some experience.

Maybe the Tekunin clan would be best out of those options, but I don't want her to be a sidekick to some main character or clan. She'll just be following orders then. That'll make her worse.

That is kind of why I like the idea of Sareena becoming a cryomancer. She would take the best elements of Frost and she has a really good potential story.

I think Sareena wouldn't work as a female Sub-Zero. She looks gothic and is demonic. Changing her from that to what Frost looks like and can do wouldn't make sense to me, and I think her fans wouldn't like it.
04/03/2009 08:45 PM (UTC)
I prefer characters who aren't sidekicks for the most part too. However at this point in her story Frost as an independent operator doesn't have much credibility to me. Yet. I personally don't see any other option for her right now but I have been proved wrong before. Sometimes to my delight.

As far as the teleportation moves go I don't like characters to get those unless they have a reason for it. Like sorcerers, specters, or undead characters. It bothered me that Sub Zero had a teleport in mk vs dc. I could ignore it in the context of the story but it shouldn't return.

Mileena can keep hers. It is such an integral part of her moveset. I can also justify it since she was created by Shang Tsung. I could imagine him teaching it to her.

A teleport is a fun mover for Frost to have but she doesn't really need it, just like Sub Zero. Just my personal preference.

I personally think Sareena works as a cryomancer since in her mka bio that is what she gets. It is clearly what she wants.

You are correct that there are some Sareena fans who loath the idea. That is fine. Personal preference. There main argument is that she is a conflicted character and that is interesting. Mine is that internal conflict doesn't automatically equal interesting. Quite frankly after a while conflicted characters cross a line and become wishy washy and uninteresting to me.

Besides to me you can evolve the character and keep some internal conflict. One doesn't have to exclude the other. That could also lead to a Frost/ Sareena rivalry. Frost could become jealous of Sareena for achieving a high rank in the Lin Kuei clan kind of usurping what she thinks should be rightfully hers.

I don't think it will be done by the mk team but I can dream.

04/03/2009 10:40 PM (UTC)
Thrawn Wrote:
As far as the teleportation moves go I don't like characters to get those unless they have a reason for it. Like sorcerers, specters, or undead characters. It bothered me that Sub Zero had a teleport in mk vs dc. I could ignore it in the context of the story but it shouldn't return.

Mileena can keep hers. It is such an integral part of her moveset. I can also justify it since she was created by Shang Tsung. I could imagine him teaching it to her.

I see what you mean.

There's lots of characters whose abilities don't make sense though. Like, why are Liu Kang and Sonya blasting fire and energy attacks when they are normal humans?

I understand wanting their movesets to be sensible, but if fantasy moves suit some characters, I think it should stay with them, regardless of their story. It enhances their gameplay.

But I understand. I mean, if Sindel suddenly had a move where she spits acid or throws fire, I would be like WTF, get rid of that too. It's nice when characters are limited to their established capabilities, but MK has always been unrealistic, so it doesn't bother me.
04/05/2009 03:26 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Here, we discuss the changes we hope to see in returning females for the next game.

Today's Discussion: Kira

Appearance - Well, she's mostly a tough leather chick. I guess that goes with her. I'd like an update of her alt to return as her primary.

Her primary is boring. Scratch that.

Gameplay - Kenpo and the knives are great for her. I'm satisfied with the type of combos she has.

Her special moves, however... Give her original, character-defining moves, not rip-offs of Kano and Sonya's. That was retarded. Although I think the moves she has suit her, for quality's sake, give her her own moves.

She should probably have a new projectile, charge attack, and also some weapon moves since she worked in a weapon factory.

Story - I'm not into what she has. Sub-Zero7th and Paragon wrote a very good bio for her in their Resurrection thread. I don't really remember it, but she should go with something like that.

Some like the idea of her becoming Sonya's antithesis, and I think that will work very well since she kinda does feel like an evil Sonya.

Overall, she needs original moves and a better story, hopefully one that makes her Sonya's new primary enemy.

I've never liked this character, and I hope she's one of those characters that never makes another return.

Moves: Becuase they didn't feel like adding both Kano and Sonya in Deception, they thought they can pull it off by making a character use the same moves. I don't like that. She needs her own moves if she's gonna return. Ditch her original moves and get new ones because honestly, I put her in a fight against Kano and another one against Sonya... it was almost like playing another Kano or Sonya... Boooooring.

Appearance: Her first outfit was fine, her second one was shitty. Every girl has to have a slutty secondary outfit... men.

Story: I never payed attention to her storyline because I really avoided playing this character after I found out she was a rip off of Kano and Sonya... so I never used her.

Meh, I should have just said to leave her out of the series for good instead of at least trying to write this... but I didn't want to.
04/06/2009 09:28 AM (UTC)
I like Kira. I like her look and attitude. But she definitely needs special moves that aren't pinched from Kano and Sonya.

Story: She should continue being a Black Dragon lackey. I kinda doubt the powers that be can come up with anything too interesting for her. She should be seen as a cold hearted bitch though.

Appearance: Primary: Her Deception primary. Maybe some patterns sewn into the trousers.
Secondary: Maybe bare foot with some baggy trousers or jeans and t shirt. Something you would wear to a gym, that sort of thing.
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