04/21/2009 02:15 PM (UTC)
QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:

Story: I like Nitara's character and story. She has nice potential, and I'd love to see her return. I feel that we should learn more about the Vampire race, and I like the story with Ashrah and the Datusha. At the end of Nitara's bio, she was talking about Blaze's power. She was intent on getting it to use against Ashrah, but of course, that power is meant for Taven and Daegon.

In the next-gen story, I would like to see her role in her home world and have a continuation of the rivalry between her and Ashrah. I hope that we learn more about the Datusha and how it could possibly be stopped. I want to see how the Vampire race deals with people from other realms and how that could tie into the overall story.

I agree


Story: You said that you want to know who she was before being taken over by the Kriss. Well, the thing is, Ashrah explains that in her MKD bio, so it doesn't seem to me like you even read her story in that game.

To give a quick recap, she is a demon who was part of the Brotherhood of the Shadow. She abandoned Quan Chi's side and escaped. He sent her fellow "sisters" after her, and she discovered the Kriss, using it to kill one of them. It "purified" her, and she came to the realization that she can use it to kill demons in order to become purified and therefore leave the Netherrealm.

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about Quan Chi and her sisters. Duh.

Well, now that her backstory is covered, I just wanna know about her future once she's freed from the kriss' spell. How will she react when she realizes her work and mission were all a lie, and what direction will that lead her in?

I'd also like to know who the "heavenly beings" that talked to Ashrah are. Are they truly "heavenly beings" or are they really evil?

They were only a hallucination that the Datusha used to manipulate her.

It would be interesting to see her reaction if she found out. However, I think her zealousness combined with the influence of the Datusha would likely keep blinding her from the truth.

The so-called "heavenly beings" could possibly be the beings that created the Datusha. We still don't know exactly where it came from or who made it.

Anyway, here are my thoughts on the last two females:


Appearance: If Khameleon is going to return, I feel that she needs another revamp in her look. She should not be a "clone" of Kitana, Mileena, and Jade nor should she be a female equivalent of Chameleon. Khameleon needs to be her own character with her own distinct look.

I think that Khameleon should have a mainly humanoid appearance with some reptilian features (i.e. lizard tail). Her costume should reflect her Zaterran/Saurian heritage. I don't want her to have a "ninja-type" costume, and I certainly don't want her with a swimsuit-like costume. She needs to stay away from those as well as high-heeled footwear. Color scheme-wise, I suppose she could retain the color schemes she had in her MKA costume.


Gameplay: Gameplay-wise, she needs to be distinct and not be a copy of Kitana, Mileena, and Jade. I agree that she should use reptilian-like movements and techniques. I suppose the Snake and Dragon styles of Kung Fu could have an influence in her fighting style.

Her special moves also need to be distinct and have a reptilian-like aesthetic. She could have the Acid Spray move that Reptile had in MK4/MKG as one of her moves. Other than that, I don't really have any special move ideas for her.


Story: Khameleon obviously doesn't have much of a story to her. I'm not interested enough to want to see her return. I imagine that during Armageddon, she'll be after Shao Kahn and will perhaps try again to get Reptile to her side. In MK: Resurrection, Paragon and I had Khameleon convince Reptile to join her, and they now rule New Zaterra as its king and queen. Admittedly, I don't care too much for that sub-plot or Anacon, who in the story is their son.

XiahouDun84 did something interesting with his stories in which he had Raiden send Jax to find Khameleon, offering an alignment in hopes that Raiden can make up for what happened to the Saurians in his war against Shinnok. While that was a neat little story, even then, I think it's best that Khameleon doesn't return. I don't necessarily want her killed off. She could be an NPC that acts as an ally to the heroes sometime in the future.


Overall: I can't really say too much on Khameleon. Maybe it would have been interesting had she been in MK: Deception and interacted with Onaga. While I don't hate her, I don't feel she has enough potential to return. If she does return, they'd have to do enough to make her fresh and interesting. She doesn't have to be a major character either.

Overall, Khameleon needs a revamp in her looks and gameplay as well as a more interesting story.



Appearance: Sheeva has consistently been an ugly character. I mean, she is a Shokan afterall, but they could have done better. I wasn't impressed with her new look in MK: Armageddon. She doesn't have to be very skimpy, and I would rather have her much more covered up.

It would be interesting to see her with more battle armor, perhaps with an Indian theme to it since I can assume that Sheeva is named after the Hindu goddess Shiva. I don't care for her mohawk hairstyle, but I guess that's something key to her design.

Overall, it's mainly an issue of her needing more interesting costumes.


Gameplay: Gameplay-wise, I'd like to really see her (as well as any other Shokan character) make good use of all four of her arms. She could keep the Kuatan style, and it could have moves from her MK3 gameplay style to make it more personalized.

In terms of her special moves, my only gripe is that she has one move from Goro (Untamed Fury) and one move from Kintaro (Death From Above), and yet Goro nor Kintaro got those moves in MKA. Other than that, I don't necessarily mind her special moves, even those. I don't have any special move ideas for her, but there should definitely be some new ones.


Story: Story-wise, she had a minor role in MK3 as Sindel's protector. I imagine that Kitana had to get through Sheeva to get to Sindel. In MK: Deadly Alliance, we learn that Shao Kahn killed Sheeva after he learned from Kano that she planned to assault him. In MK3, we were introduced to Motaro and learned about the rivalry between his people, the Centaurs, and Sheeva's people, the Shokan.

In MK: Armageddon, both Sheeva and Motaro returned. I wasn't too happy with the fact that Sheeva returned since I never liked the character. In fact, I still don't like Sheeva, because I think she's a boring character with little to no potential. We don't really know a whole lot about her personally as she hasn't had many appearances.

If she's going to return, they need to do something interesting with her. It could be possible that she becomes good by siding with the Edenians against people like Shao Kahn. Then again, what does Sheeva want for herself and her people? Basically, what are her goals? Things like that need to be made clear.


Overall: Overall, I still don't like Sheeva, and I don't want her to return. If she does, they need to do quite a bit with her.


And with that said, I've given my thoughts on all of the female characters. I'll probably come back later and respond to some of the other comments made in this thread.
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