08/04/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
To contribute to the topic, I am not excited for MKX, either.

Not a single new character reaches out to me personally or interests me design-wise. Tag-team match up character (whose name I don't care for) is lame looking, bug character is weird, and Kotal Khan is still a mystery to me.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/04/2014 06:40 PM (UTC)
Are you implying that you see 1992 Cage as completely seperate to Van Damme simply because of a few special move effects? I'll remind you that he still had VD's trademark splits punch (not to mention short shorts). If you're going to lambast D'Vorah for unoriginality on her first appearance, that's what you should be comparing here; the other characters' original appearance, where said individual was closest to their influences, if applicable; Cage was a blatant Van Damme copypaste job.

And Stryker absolutely was just a cop. Point in fact if you considered him cool in those days I have to hand it to you because for many, many years he was considered far and away one of MK's worst, laughed at for being totally out of his league, even compared to Sonya and Jax. And I wouldn't qualify a nightstick as being especially cool; not when you had Orchid in KI a few years earlier wielding two tonfas. Hell, Edi E from the Final Fight series (speaking of of other genres of games), there's a cop who predates Stryker by a good few years. Stryker's far from unique in the game world.

Are you really going to say Stryker wasn't "Just a cop" and say D'Vorah is "just some bug lady" when that's a pretty huge - hell, a giganitc - generalization? No offense, but that reeks of hypocrisy.
08/04/2014 06:43 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

The Johnny Cage of 1992 is not the same as 1997, 2002 and 2011. He changed and evolved from the van damme parody he was at first. Of course I am not counting originality and character development into the same thing.

Umm...sorry but that is exactly what you're doing. Several people here told you that it doesn't make sense to compare a character that had the chance to "be developed and come a long way" like you're saying, and a character that has just made her debut. Saying "Johnny/Stryker have been developed over the years while D'Vorah is just a bug lady" is doing exactly that. Mixing originality and development; And D'Vorah hasn't had 20 years to be developed like Johnny has.
Since you haven't watched Story Mode or played the game for that matter, there's no way you can tell she has no charisma, personality or development. You just don't like her. End of the story.

The video game universe and the video game market has changed a lot since 1992. What worked in 1992 doesn't mean will work in 2014.
A Van Damme spoof that decapitates his opponent and wears sunglasses, isn't just a Van Damme spoof, is something unheard and unseen before (counting 1992 as a date).
Hitting you genitalia was somethng totally unexpected into the video game world in the early 90's.
An insect Lady in 2014 is something extra-abused, what's so hard to understand? How can possibly D'Vorah evolve into something better?
Her whole reason of being is just a plain bug lady with an unoriginal Fatality taken from Reptile, no cool moves, and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that sets her apart from the rest of the VG universe.

That's why I am saying that D'Vorah lacks originality and personality. She is a lady bug for the sake of being a lady bug. Perhaps in 20 years from now I can be proved wrong, but for now there's no direction this character can go.

Try to answer this easy question: would MK be so successful since 1992 if D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage, etc were in instead of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano, etc?

HELL NO, because hollywood stars turned deadly fighter, chinese ninjas from a secret clan, a cyber merc, a god of thunder and a shaolin monks with long hair are exactly what the majority of people wanted from a fighting game.

There's a reason why Kotal Kahn was intended to be in since mk 2 and they opted to make his debut happening in 2014.

Because he didn't fit in those games.

If NRS opted to have Kotal Kahn in this game, and not before, it's just because a scrapped idea from the past could be good now.

Or because there is a lack of inspiration and originality. I and many others are saying this pretty much since Tobias left the team.

Almost every character from the trilogy is iconic, and for good reason.
Out of the post mk4, only 4-5 characters at best reached the hearts of players.
Explain this.

08/04/2014 09:27 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

The video game universe and the video game market has changed a lot since 1992. What worked in 1992 doesn't mean will work in 2014.
A Van Damme spoof that decapitates his opponent and wears sunglasses, isn't just a Van Damme spoof, is something unheard and unseen before (counting 1992 as a date).

Ugh you just don't get it. You choose what to reply to and leave important points everyone else tries to make to you, out. First off, Cage WAS a Van Damme spoof when he was introduced. In his debut, his clothing was modeled directly after Jean-Claude Van Damme's character in Bloodsport, so yeah. Once again you're wrong. Plus it took him admittedly a loooooong time to be further developed as a character. All they did with him was get him killed and brought back over and over.

Hitting you genitalia was somethng totally unexpected into the video game world in the early 90's.
An insect Lady in 2014 is something extra-abused, what's so hard to understand?

You're trying to make a point with unfair comparisons. How can you compare 1992 with 2014?? There are hundreds of games being made every year nowadays and the shock value isn't as big as it was back then. Developers gave people a piece of bread and they instantly went bananas. Now developers have to try 10000 times harder to impress people and they still complain. I mean look at you. "An insect lady is something extra abused"...an insect lady in a FIGHTING GAME isn't nearly as abused as Van Damme look alikes were back in the 90s.

How can possibly D'Vorah evolve into something better?

Again you don't know that. I remember people saying the same thing about Rain before MK9.

Her whole reason of being is just a plain bug lady with an unoriginal

Her whole reason? What part of "YOU DON'T KNOW HER STORY YET" don't you understand? Geez dude, you still choose to repeat the same argument that has been answered by 10 users here already.

Fatality taken from Reptile

How is her fatality taken from Reptile? Because her opponent's head gets skinned by the bugs? Reptile ate the freaggin head, what's the similarity? It's like MK doesn't already have 40 different versions of decapitations. In MK9 Johnny's fatality had him decapitating the opponent, and ripping their torso off. You wanna talk originality??

no cool moves, and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that sets her apart from the rest of the VG universe.

Mhm coz there are dozens of other fighting game characters that have spider legs coming out of their backs and using crawling bugs for setups. I wonder why they didn't give her fireball moves? Dayum

That's why I am saying that D'Vorah lacks originality and personality. She is a lady bug for the sake of being a lady bug. Perhaps in 20 years from now I can be proved wrong, but for now there's no direction this character can go.

You seriously lack imagination then. People here have created awesome fan fiction with characters like Kira, Kobra, Dairou, etc, and you wanna tell me professional writers can't create an interesting storyline for a BUG LADY? Thank God you don't work for NRS.

Try to answer this easy question: would MK be so successful since 1992 if D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage, etc were in instead of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano, etc?

Once again there was no technology to create the effects they are creating now, back then. So 2 characters fighting together wouldn't even be possible. As for the rest, again you are making your opinion sound as a fact. How could you possibly tell if the game would be successful with those characters? It was successful with a Jackie Chan ripoff, a Van Damme ripoff, a blond chick and different versions of the same character, just with different colors. Who tells me that it wouldn't be successful with D'Vorah and Kotal? Like seriously, dafuq was that question?

HELL NO, because hollywood stars turned deadly fighter, chinese ninjas from a secret clan, a cyber merc, a god of thunder and a shaolin monks with long hair are exactly what the majority of people wanted from a fighting game.

Right, then why do people actually like the newbies? I'd guess because that's what the fans wanted from this fighting game.

There's a reason why Kotal Kahn was intended to be in since mk 2 and they opted to make his debut happening in 2014.
Because he didn't fit in those games.

Oh so just because a character makes it in a game instead of another, means the team made the right decision right? So Dairou, Darrious, Kobra, Kira were such great ideas. So much better than Sareena who barely made it in MKD right? Let's talk about Midway son.

Or because there is a lack of inspiration and originality. I and many others are saying this pretty much since Tobias left the team.

Now it makes sense. You know you sound like those butthurt fanboys that want the MK1-MK3 characters to appear in every game over and over. You'll eventually get over it.

Almost every character from the trilogy is iconic, and for good reason.
Out of the post mk4, only 4-5 characters at best reached the hearts of players. Explain this.

With pleasure: Back then it was Midway. Now it's NRS. And NRS>>>Midway.

Anyway I can see that there's no point in going on with this discussion. It's obvious that a bunch of people have tried to explain why you're wrong here and you choose to ignore them. So do your thing. You're still gonna be stuck with 12 of those "unoriginal" characters anyway so..
08/04/2014 11:26 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I am not nitpicky nor a hater

Nope, you are nitpicky hater with an idiotic reasoning.

Comparing development of the characters who existed from the first games to the ones who were anounced just yet - is stupid and laughable. Obviously, Cage will have more development than D'Vorah or Kotal, just because he was around for almost 25 fucking years. Obviously he will grow up from being "just Van Damme" clone over the quarter of the century.

Saying that new characters will not have any kind of development - is in once again idiotic. MK proved lots of times, that even one single game can develop character enough to make him immensely popular. Like Ermac for example. Initially just a red ninja palette swap, after MKD he has become one of the top demanded characters in the series. From the new characters I can remind you about Nitara, who received awesome story in MKDA. Or Bo'Rai Cho.

So all in all you are nitpicky hater, who just can't accept something that out of the usual scope of the series and try to find any kind of reason to shit on the new characters.
08/04/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
You got me wrong. I am not complaining about the characters themselves, hell, even MOkap and Meat have some fans out there. I am complaining about the reaction of such characters from the general public. The majority of the peole I've asked here, InsideMK and TRMK are kinda doubtful towards the new faces. An important minority is also VERY against the new faces.
Another party is shitting on everything that is classic and is loving god-like everything is new, without a solid base.

I don't know who you asked because so far I've seen nothing but good comments on here and TRMK. I mean really, I've seen a heck of a lot of acceptance. Those who haven't well, sorry they don't like what they see but I've seen fewer people disliking a whole lot as of lately.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Personally, I do not like the new characters because the first thing I like of a character is his personality. Second comes originality. And the four (five, including Ferra) new fighters are not excellent in both personality and originality.

I don't know how you can judge, or anyone for that matter, so quickly when there's hardly anything that shows these characters more in depth. I mean, the only character that has shown any kind of personality has been Cassie. Everyone else, they show us what they're like in the intros, and if that's what you're just basing on then wow.

I mean, I'm going to at least wait for a reveal on their stories or see if there's a video showcasing them more that shows them interacting before I quickly assume their personalities are dull or not.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Johnny Cage was supposed to be a Jean-Cloude Van Damme spoof, but he evolved into something different. And his evolution is still going on.

Johnny HAS been a spoof off of Van Damne. And you're right, he changed into an arrogant, egotistical douche, but he originated as a spoof of Van-Damme.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
D'Vorah is just an insect-lady. There's nothing original, so far, in her moves, her appearance and personality. A good Story and a decent second Fatality could save her from oblivion, but for now my personal opinion on her it's not positive.

Your opinion finds her unoriginal, others find her original.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Cassie Cage has interesting moves, but none of them is original. A slightly different cartwheel kick, a split punch, a gun shot and satellite strikes. In other words moves coming from Sonya, Cage, Stryker and Lex Luthor from MK vs DCU if I recall correctly. What about HER OWN moves? Just because she is the daughter of two of the most iconic characters in the series she does HAVE to carry some of their specials? Was that Mandatory?

SHE HAS HER OWN MOVES!!! My god, how many times does this need to be repeated? She has ONE move that comes from one of her parents and it's the nut punch. That. Is. It. She's got her own variety of moves, all but one comes from her.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Kotal Kahn is just an Ogre rip-off. His self inflicted/blood moves come from Skarlet. The sun powers aren't very clear to me, so I reserve the benefit of doubt, and his war god variation isn't something special. His Fatality is yet another heart rip (c'mon, people crucifixed Jarek and Kobra for this same reason) copy and pasted from Kano, and it was unnecessary. He has some cool grapples and a great X-ray move. I hope for his storyline, but for now he isnt' good enough for me.

Copy and pasted huh? So Kano has splattered his opponent's heart onto his face? Okay.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Right now I am more interested in the returning characters, rather than the new ones. How can you blame me for this?

Because you judge characters immediately upon release that hardly got shown anything but their moves and one fatality rather than waiting a bit longer to actually have a good grasp on who they are and why they're in this game. That's literally what you're doing, and those who I've been seeing judging greatly on this game so far constantly nags and whines about how much they don't like what they've seen without waiting a bit longer for more details.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
I am not nitpicky because if you give me some GREAT new characters, like Kenshi and Havik were in MKDA and Deception, I'd be extremely happy. Heck, to me even Kobra and Hotaru had some redeeming qualities. I feel sympathy for Reiko and Shinnok too. So I am not the ones that only cares for the Trilogy characters.

You clearly cared to nitpick everything you don't like on the newer characters, clearly you are a nitpicky person.
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"Retirement my ass!"

08/05/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
Guys... clearly this user is not getting it. Why waste your time trying to convince him at this point? It's only irritating you and he's probably loving it.

Call it his opinion (misguided as it is) and just let him have it.

I am actually very interested to see what D'Vorah's story is going to involve. What is her position among her people? Is there even a "people" to speak of (it's possible that she's the last)? Why has she surfaced now? These are all questions I can't wait to find the answers to.
08/05/2014 11:32 AM (UTC)
It's funny, because he says Johnny has evolved... but he hasn't.
Johnny is the exact same character he was in MK1, in all the games! He's always been just a spoof character with the same personality as always. He will always just be the Van Damme spoof unless NRS chooses to do something drastic with him in MKX. Following his MK9 ending could be a possibility.
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-sig by MINION

08/05/2014 12:10 PM (UTC)
I think they're trying to change that. They've been pushing him into the role of main hero for awhile now first with MKA and we see hints of it again with his MK9 ending.

Sure he's a funny joke character and a mouth piece for NRS because they only know how to do one type of humor but I think they want to move him in a more serious direction.
08/05/2014 12:13 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
I think they're trying to change that. They've been pushing him into the role of main hero for awhile now first with MKA and we see hints of it again with his MK9 ending.

Sure he's a funny joke character and a mouth piece for NRS because they only know how to do one type of humor but I think they want to move him in a more serious direction.

Let's not count the apples before they've fallen off the tree...

... I dunno what that means, but we'll see how Johnny is when we see him.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/05/2014 02:19 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's funny, because he says Johnny has evolved... but he hasn't.
Johnny is the exact same character he was in MK1, in all the games! He's always been just a spoof character with the same personality as always. He will always just be the Van Damme spoof unless NRS chooses to do something drastic with him in MKX. Following his MK9 ending could be a possibility.

I dunno. In MK1-2, the best insight we got into his funnier side was his friendship and kiss-blowing MKII winpose. Your typical kinda arrogant movie star, y'know? It wasn't until his MK4 ending where he began getting straight-up played for goofy laughs, I think that was the real beginning of his change from standard good guy sidekick character to 'comic relief''.
08/05/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
wasnt liu kang a bruce lee ripoff? anyways it makes sense for ripoffs of two of the most iconic martial artists of all time in bruce lee and jean cluade van dam to be succesfull idiot.
08/05/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Johnny is the exact same character he was in MK1, in all the games! He's always been just a spoof character with the same personality as always. He will always just be the Van Damme spoof unless NRS chooses to do something drastic with him in MKX. Following his MK9 ending could be a possibility.

He started as a generic fighter and only in MK4 he started to transform into the comedic character (close to his movie incarnation). MK9 was big leap for him in development as its showed not only his goofy side, but also his serious side as well.
08/05/2014 10:36 PM (UTC)
Alright, fair enough. Johnny went from being a generic character to become a comic relief. My bad.
08/06/2014 04:04 AM (UTC)
If you honestly think that Kotal Kahn is based on Ogre then you're ignorant of Meso-American cultures.
08/06/2014 05:10 AM (UTC)
I think NRS was very smart in revealing 4 brand new characters so soon.

This gives them plenty of time to marinate in our minds...gives us time to get to know them, like them, welcome them into the MK universe...and come launch time, they will feel like MK family to us.

08/06/2014 05:45 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
It wasn't until his MK4 ending where he began getting straight-up played for goofy laughs, I think that was the real beginning of his change from standard good guy sidekick character to 'comic relief''.

Despite the truly horrible animation, his ending was definitely among MK4's best. I think it was also the only one that did not feature any other characters.
08/06/2014 07:00 AM (UTC)
Kaber Wrote:
If you honestly think that Kotal Kahn is based on Ogre then you're ignorant of Meso-American cultures.
08/06/2014 07:50 AM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
it makes sense for ripoffs of two of the most iconic martial artists of all time in bruce lee and jean cluade van dam to be succesfull idiot.

Shut up squirt. No one gives a flying fuck about your nonsense, rude, idiotic posts. They never contribute shit in people's threads. Go away, we'll let you know when Fujin gets revealed.
08/06/2014 09:35 AM (UTC)
Gameplay and graphics look great as far as I'm concerned. I'm remaining optimistic about the new characters, I'll make my mind up when I've played the game!
Having said that though, I'm more excited to see which of my old favorites are returning. I'd love to see their new designs and variations. If none of them make it in however, I'll be far less excited.
08/06/2014 10:57 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

The video game universe and the video game market has changed a lot since 1992. What worked in 1992 doesn't mean will work in 2014.
A Van Damme spoof that decapitates his opponent and wears sunglasses, isn't just a Van Damme spoof, is something unheard and unseen before (counting 1992 as a date).

Ugh you just don't get it. You choose what to reply to and leave important points everyone else tries to make to you, out. First off, Cage WAS a Van Damme spoof when he was introduced. In his debut, his clothing was modeled directly after Jean-Claude Van Damme's character in Bloodsport, so yeah. Once again you're wrong. Plus it took him admittedly a loooooong time to be further developed as a character. All they did with him was get him killed and brought back over and over.

Hitting you genitalia was somethng totally unexpected into the video game world in the early 90's.
An insect Lady in 2014 is something extra-abused, what's so hard to understand?

You're trying to make a point with unfair comparisons. How can you compare 1992 with 2014?? There are hundreds of games being made every year nowadays and the shock value isn't as big as it was back then. Developers gave people a piece of bread and they instantly went bananas. Now developers have to try 10000 times harder to impress people and they still complain. I mean look at you. "An insect lady is something extra abused"...an insect lady in a FIGHTING GAME isn't nearly as abused as Van Damme look alikes were back in the 90s.

How can possibly D'Vorah evolve into something better?

Again you don't know that. I remember people saying the same thing about Rain before MK9.

Her whole reason of being is just a plain bug lady with an unoriginal

Her whole reason? What part of "YOU DON'T KNOW HER STORY YET" don't you understand? Geez dude, you still choose to repeat the same argument that has been answered by 10 users here already.

Fatality taken from Reptile

How is her fatality taken from Reptile? Because her opponent's head gets skinned by the bugs? Reptile ate the freaggin head, what's the similarity? It's like MK doesn't already have 40 different versions of decapitations. In MK9 Johnny's fatality had him decapitating the opponent, and ripping their torso off. You wanna talk originality??

no cool moves, and NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that sets her apart from the rest of the VG universe.

Mhm coz there are dozens of other fighting game characters that have spider legs coming out of their backs and using crawling bugs for setups. I wonder why they didn't give her fireball moves? Dayum

That's why I am saying that D'Vorah lacks originality and personality. She is a lady bug for the sake of being a lady bug. Perhaps in 20 years from now I can be proved wrong, but for now there's no direction this character can go.

You seriously lack imagination then. People here have created awesome fan fiction with characters like Kira, Kobra, Dairou, etc, and you wanna tell me professional writers can't create an interesting storyline for a BUG LADY? Thank God you don't work for NRS.

Try to answer this easy question: would MK be so successful since 1992 if D'Vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie Cage, etc were in instead of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kano, etc?

Once again there was no technology to create the effects they are creating now, back then. So 2 characters fighting together wouldn't even be possible. As for the rest, again you are making your opinion sound as a fact. How could you possibly tell if the game would be successful with those characters? It was successful with a Jackie Chan ripoff, a Van Damme ripoff, a blond chick and different versions of the same character, just with different colors. Who tells me that it wouldn't be successful with D'Vorah and Kotal? Like seriously, dafuq was that question?

HELL NO, because hollywood stars turned deadly fighter, chinese ninjas from a secret clan, a cyber merc, a god of thunder and a shaolin monks with long hair are exactly what the majority of people wanted from a fighting game.

Right, then why do people actually like the newbies? I'd guess because that's what the fans wanted from this fighting game.

There's a reason why Kotal Kahn was intended to be in since mk 2 and they opted to make his debut happening in 2014.
Because he didn't fit in those games.

Oh so just because a character makes it in a game instead of another, means the team made the right decision right? So Dairou, Darrious, Kobra, Kira were such great ideas. So much better than Sareena who barely made it in MKD right? Let's talk about Midway son.

Or because there is a lack of inspiration and originality. I and many others are saying this pretty much since Tobias left the team.

Now it makes sense. You know you sound like those butthurt fanboys that want the MK1-MK3 characters to appear in every game over and over. You'll eventually get over it.

Almost every character from the trilogy is iconic, and for good reason.
Out of the post mk4, only 4-5 characters at best reached the hearts of players. Explain this.

With pleasure: Back then it was Midway. Now it's NRS. And NRS>>>Midway.

Anyway I can see that there's no point in going on with this discussion. It's obvious that a bunch of people have tried to explain why you're wrong here and you choose to ignore them. So do your thing. You're still gonna be stuck with 12 of those "unoriginal" characters anyway so..

1)That's totally false. Although JC was born as a JVD spoof, he was unique at the same time, because he had actual SHADOW MOVES. He wasn't just an actor turned warrior, he was a REAL WARRIOR with REAL powers. That made him unique and different from the original source. I am not denying that he comes from Jean-Cloude Van Damme, but at the same time he can distinguish himself.
And JC's evolution is clear and visibile, If you knew your mortal Kombat story. In MK4 he REFUSED to HEAVEN, i repeat and remark, He refused to HEAVEN in order to help his friends against SHinnok. That altruistic, at very least, opposed to his egocenctric, eccentric, vane and selfish personality.
IN MK: Armageddon he was the one who gathered the heroes for the final battle of armageddon and step by step he is becoming more serious. That's what I call a character evolution in storyline.

2)What other fighting game characters was Jean-Cloude Van Damme inspired in the 90's?

3)I am not talking about her story, although I suspect she will be another Outworld renegade hiding from SHao Kahn that now has resurfaced. It kinda reminds me Khameleon. However, my cricism wasn't directed to her story, but to her appearance. She is just a bug lady with nothing else to distinguish her.

What I am trying to say is: what about giving her a monser like face? Or a 360 degree sigfht? That would have been a cool power, original and yet related to insects. What about giving something more? Like magnetism?

As for now, And I repeat, as for now, for the little we know of her, she is just a BUG LADY, with nothing, and I mean nothing to distinguish her from other similar characters. Heck, she even shares the yellow palette from Kerrigan of Starcraft!!!!

4) I was trying to say that maybe Kotal Kahn's design wasn't that inspired, that's why Ed Boon and his team preferred other characters over him in MK2. And it's no coincidence that MK2 was the greatest fighting game of that era, tied to SF2; because every and each of the 17 characters that made the cut in MK2 were somewhat cooler than an aztec god turned warrior.

5)the people behind both team are the same, and higher budget only influences the technology and the over all quality, not the originality of the concept behind characters. So the people who made Dairou could be the same that designed Kotal as well.

6) You gave me a non-answer: what made MK so successful back then was the roster of characters coming from the Trilogy, along with the eastern atmosphere and movies tropes. But they were somewhat unique in their own way. Kotal Kahn is Ogre with a different name. Cassie Cage a younger Sonya with some moves borrowed from her parents and Stryker's gun and D'Vorah is another bug lady with a pretty face.
I have to admit, though, that Ferra & Torr are somewhat based on the same 80's tropes that made the Trilogy cast so great. I don't like them, but I can see something good within their concept.
08/06/2014 11:06 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Well, D'Vorah is the ONLY bug lady in the whole MK universe for now, which makes her unique and distinguished enough in itself. However, giving her some nonsensical power like magnetism wouldn't make sense though. There's no reason to just slap some random power at a character, just to try and make them more interesting, when it doesn't make any sense to the overall design.
08/06/2014 11:34 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
I am not nitpicky nor a hater

Nope, you are nitpicky hater with an idiotic reasoning.

Comparing development of the characters who existed from the first games to the ones who were anounced just yet - is stupid and laughable. Obviously, Cage will have more development than D'Vorah or Kotal, just because he was around for almost 25 fucking years. Obviously he will grow up from being "just Van Damme" clone over the quarter of the century.

Saying that new characters will not have any kind of development - is in once again idiotic. MK proved lots of times, that even one single game can develop character enough to make him immensely popular. Like Ermac for example. Initially just a red ninja palette swap, after MKD he has become one of the top demanded characters in the series. From the new characters I can remind you about Nitara, who received awesome story in MKDA. Or Bo'Rai Cho.

So all in all you are nitpicky hater, who just can't accept something that out of the usual scope of the series and try to find any kind of reason to shit on the new characters.

Your bad manners are so obvious that you almost deserve no reply. No wonder that Razor, one of the most important users here, always beat you. Because you made no valid point, but only insults.
Kano, in MK1, had more developement than Taven in MK: Armageddon,. And Taven was the main hero fo that game with an entire Konquest Mode dedicated to him.

CHaracter evolution and growth does not rely ONLY on time, but also on the quality of their story and how their script is written,

Perhaps D'Vorah's story will be good, but I don't see any evolution in her as a character. You can't change her, unless you totally change her as a whole in the next game .

Ermac had cool special moves and powers, he lacked obviously a decent design. They gave it to him in MK: Deception. And gave him a REAL storyline.
As a matter of fact I am not arguing her storyline, although the few infos we have so far aren't great, but her appereance and her concept, which is pretty weak and uninspired.

08/06/2014 02:09 PM (UTC)

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Kotal Kahn is Ogre with a different name. Cassie Cage a younger Sonya with some moves borrowed from her parents and Stryker's gun

1. You're ignorant of Meso-American cultures if you think Kotal Kahn is based on Ogre.

2. Cassie Cage is Sonya's daughter. Of course she'll have a similar appearance. She's no more of a copy than Mileena.
08/06/2014 02:12 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
1)That's totally false. Although JC was born as a JVD spoof, he was unique at the same time, because he had actual SHADOW MOVES.

What it has to do with anything?
You hate D'Vorah for what you call "generic" appearance, but Cage in MK1 was just Van Damme clone with his "costume" and personality.
You don't make sense.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
She is just a bug lady with nothing else to distinguish her.

From who, dare I ask?
There were no insect warriors in MK prior to D'Vorah and to my knowledge there are very few of insect women in fighting games in general.
You once again doesn't make sense.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
As for now, And I repeat, as for now, for the little we know of her, she is just a BUG LADY, with nothing, and I mean nothing to distinguish her from other similar characters. Heck, she even shares the yellow palette from Kerrigan of Starcraft!!!!

Somebody needs sedative.
Besides, which similar characters? List them please. Until then I will think you're just generic close-minded hater #54865, who can't see beyond scope of original games.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
And it's no coincidence that MK2 was the greatest fighting game of that era, tied to SF2; because every and each of the 17 characters that made the cut in MK2 were somewhat cooler than an aztec god turned warrior.

Yeah, sure.
Three generic male ninjas, two generic female-ninjas, Bruce Lee rip-off, Van Damme rip-off, wrestler and afro-american strongman. Sure, all of them were much more visually interesting and inspired than character based on the mayan mythology, who actually looks the part and has interesting abilites to boot.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
6) You gave me a non-answer: what made MK so successful back then...

...were digitized characters, violence and story. And gameplay for some people.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Bla-bla-bla...Razor...bla-bla-bla...I am fanboy, therefore I am right and I don't read arguments of the other side...bla-bla-bla...more bulshit.

Try better. Maybe someday you will be right.
Though, I am afraid, this will not happen anytime soon.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
CHaracter evolution and growth does not rely ONLY on time, but also on the quality of their story and how their script is written,

Oh, and I haven't said nothing about that, when I mentioned Nitara and Bo'Rai Cho and my previous post?
And you caught yourself into logical trap. You can't prove that D'Vorah or any other new character will have bad development, because...we don't know nothing about their stories. Therefore your arguments are worth...nothing.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Perhaps D'Vorah's story will be good, but I don't see any evolution in her as a character. You can't change her, unless you totally change her as a whole in the next game .

It's not logic, it's fanboish idiocy.
With such approach none of the MK characters could have been developed beyong their original scope.
What could you do with red palette swap ninja with generic story? What could you do with green palette swap female ninja who doesn't even have any story? E.t.c.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
Ermac had cool special moves and powers, he lacked obviously a decent design. They gave it to him in MK: Deception. And gave him a REAL storyline.

Ermac had only one "cool" move in UMK3: telekinesis, which was used as both his special move and Fatality. Yeah, so many cool moves, so many paths for development!! I am speechless.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
As a matter of fact I am not arguing her storyline, although the few infos we have so far aren't great

We don't know nothing about her. Nothing.

You are indeed a rare breed of extremely ignorant fanboy. Or a fool. Which basically one and the same. You arguments are pathetic and weak. They don't make sense and can work only in context of pre-established hatred for the characters. Which basically returns us to point 1: you are fanboy.
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