08/01/2014 01:02 PM (UTC)
squirt007nc Wrote:
Not even excited for the game itself. Kinda excited for kotal but I was more so excited for characters I wanted to see than anything.

What do you mean exactly? Characters you wanted revealed at E3?
Seven characters have been revealed so far. Don't panic just yet.
08/01/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)
There's a part of me that's still cynical about the series overall, and I'm not entirely sure when it comes to MKX. Having said that, I am pretty excited for this game. The one thing that got me excited for MK 2011 was seeing the gameplay footage, but the story premise told me that it was going to be a disaster. Most characters were butchered and essentially dumbed down in how they were portrayed, but on the flipside, the gameplay side to them was pretty well done aesthetically. Technically, well, that's a whole other set of issues....MK 2011 did establish itself pretty well overall.

I think it's fine if some people aren't interested in the new characters in MKX, but I just think that those people tend to be too attached to the MK1-MK3 era of characters. I'd rather have someone like Kotal Kahn as opposed to seeing characters like Liu Kang and Baraka again. I'm trying to keep an open mind about the new characters, even someone like Cassie Cage that I'm not entirely sure about.

I just think it takes time, especially for when the game actually comes out. I want to be able to enjoy MKX much more than MK 2011, and from what's been revealed so far, I do like a lot of what NRS is bringing to the table.
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08/01/2014 02:05 PM (UTC)
Idk why ppl have to be so critical..... New characters is just something Ed likes to do for some reason. Most MK games have had like 8-10 new chars introduced at a time. So to get new chars is nothing new.... Lol.... I dont agree with how many new chars Ed likes to add to the series, especially since about 1/3rd of the chars suck or are useless anyways. However i wont judge mkx til final product.

Honestly im hyped for a new story chapter, hyped for the roster thus far as subby looks great and i really think dvorah looks interesting and should be perfect fit to mk universe. Her char may not be original, but its new for mk. Biggest thing im hyped for though is the run button! I always wished it was in mk9 so im happy it will be in mkx.

Only thing im not sure i like or not thus far is the interactive stages ie jumpiing off of stuff and throwing items ect. Its one reason i didnt care for injustice. However it doesnt look as bad as injustice so might be alright.... Id prefer no interaction with stages though....
08/01/2014 02:37 PM (UTC)
It is time for new. I am excited for new. Rehashing the mk4-mkd era would have been painful. MOST of the characters are just bla. The ones that werent will most likely be in MKX.

People are resistant to change. But mk4-mkd era was a change also and everything worked out fine. I can not subscribe to the train of that old ways are better than new. It just doesn't make sense, it goes against the way the world actually works. People are just stubborn, rather than accepting.

New characters in MKX look awesome. They seem to fit in an mk game. They are new so obviously they wont be exactly the same as the old; it is wrong to compare the two. I was weary of new character's until I saw Kotal and Raiden's dialogue. The new character's fit in the mk world. The old characters recognize these new characters. It will be really cool to discover these new intricacies. Thank god we dont have to endure the same old same old yet again. MK9 was perfect for what it was. It got everyone on board. Now it is a new generation. Generation X, MKX.

That is how I feel at least.
08/01/2014 02:38 PM (UTC)
Medusa Wrote:
squirt007nc Wrote:
Not even excited for the game itself. Kinda excited for kotal but I was more so excited for characters I wanted to see than anything.

What do you mean exactly? Characters you wanted revealed at E3?
Seven characters have been revealed so far. Don't panic just yet.

The new characters gave me a big turnoff. Thought when it first announced before e3 this was going to be about mk4 not new characters and 25 years in the future.
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08/01/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
I'm apeshit over Ferra/Torr because I'm a huge Mad Max fan, I like Cassie due to her sheer fanwanky goodness, I've always wanted an insectoid fighter in the series so Devorah gets my approval. and I'm more or less neutral toward Kotal as I feel like I need to know more about him.

To sum; I'm really enjoying the concepts, but it's too early to say whether or not they'll be put to good use. I see a lot of potential here, but there was a time when I said that about Hsu Hao. Time will tell.
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08/01/2014 03:51 PM (UTC)
I am much more excited for this game then Mortal Kombat 9 because most of it is completely new as opposed to the previous entry where we had a very good idea about which characters would make it into the game and what the story would be like.

As for the characters I am glad that NRS is using Mortal Kombat 9 to wipe the slate clean and start again because most of the Trilogy characters do nothing for me and the Mortal Kombat 4/Deadly Alliance and Deception characters even less. It is time for new characters with brand new individual designs not palette swaps/clones or generic tropes. i hope that these characters have complex motives and thorough story. I want something new and fresh but with a Mortal Kombat tone and the best from the previous entry. This is exactly to me what the game is shaping up to be in my eyes.

I can not wait for more information and the game.
08/01/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
I feel like the moment we get info about what the story is going to be, opinions could change. And mind you I said "could" not "will."
08/01/2014 05:49 PM (UTC)
Not really hyped at the moment :l

That's why I'm barely here now a days
08/01/2014 05:59 PM (UTC)
Hype is relative to how much we've seen and how close we are to launch. Everytime a new trailer drops this place gets 100 users online and upwards. Or if there's new information coming soon and we know it this place gets busy and excited.

And when we finally get close to the launch date this site will be full of people that are hype. Its just slow right now.
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08/01/2014 06:34 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
I really look forward to MKX, equal as I did with MK9. I'm so happy that it's not turning in exactly the same direction as MK4 - MKDA - MKD. That would just lead up to Armageddon all over again and that's no good. Why going to a story we've already been?

Because Armageddon wouldn't have to exist. This game could of brought over the rest from those 3 games and had deaths similar to MK9's. Thus would of been a good reason to introduce these new characters for those of them who were killed off for good. Have a few characters carry over from those games (not all) but a few to 'introduce' & fight off the new wave. That's my point.

Like I said before. I know this game will be good and enjoyable. I haven't played an MK game I didn't like. I just don't really care for these new faces and I've watched the gameplay. The only one who looks remotely enjoyable is Cassie.
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08/01/2014 06:55 PM (UTC)
I was expecting an alternate retelling of MK4 and I was shocked to see so many new characters in the E3 announcement. But I'm more excited for the direction they're headed now, I wouldn't want them to retell the the whole story to Armageddon. I feel this is the risky direction the team wanted to go immediately after MKA, and we're finally seeing it unfold.

Nostalgia was awesome and all with MK9, but it really limited their story-telling and forced them to make whacky decisions in the timeline. With MKX there is no limits or boundaries the story has to follow, I think the main plot will be 20-25 years in the futute and we'll witness a lot of flashbacks to see how things turned out that way. i think this is good, it's time MK finally moved forward.
08/01/2014 08:19 PM (UTC)

Well, I've got the general excitement for a new MK game. When a new game in a series comes out, the curiosity of where the storyline goes is always a big draw for me.

I'm also eager to get my hands on the variation system. That's going to make the gameplay all the more varied and interesting. I don't like how Fujin 1 plays? No problem, he has two other styles that I might like.

All that said, I'm not digging most of the new characters we've seen so far. I don't like how they look (and that's basically all we know about them so far besides some very basic information). I'm just not feeling their aesthetics at all.

So after seeing them and hearing Boon say that this will have more new characters than any other MK game....it kinda hit the brakes of my hype train. I hope the new characters they reveal next actually catch my eye.

And before anyone accuses me of being blinded by nostalgia, I loved some of the post-MK3 characters when they were first revealed. Fujin, Tanya, Shinnok, Reiko, Li Mei, Nitara, Ashrah, Hotaru, Shujinko. I don't feel the same way about D'vorah, Ferra/Torr, Cassie, and Kotal Khan.

So yeah, excited for the gameplay variations and the story....not feeling the new guys we've seen so far.
08/01/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
Much more excited about this game than MK9.
After MKA and especially after MKvsDC I was expecting something new and instead...ended up with MKT 2.0. It was an awesome game with decent story (GTFO haters) and good gameplay, but it was rehash of 3 original parts more or less. Why I understand why it was done, I don't like it.

So, MKX is basically MK that I have dreamt about since MKA: new story, new characters, new direction. It is time for changes and I like it.

Just all these new characters just seem out of place.

Yeah, in the world where vampires, centaurs, cyborgs, mutans, demons exist, all this new characters look so alien...wow

I just kinda wish it had continued from mk2011 where it was mk12&3. Then this could of been 4/da/d.

Oh, great. Let's make another rehash, instead of something fresh. Such creative. So hype!!

Besides, if they went down with this idea, amount of pissed of individuals, who would be furious because NRS altered story of those game, would have been OVER9000. It's already pretty nasty here, what with all those fanboys, who hate that MK9 changed some things from their precious headcanons. If NRS made MK4-MKD remake, amount of idiocy and hatred would have been too much too handle.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm just kinda hoping this "flashing back and forth between present and future" stuff ends up being a plot device to fix what's wrong with the reboot's lore and not just Boon going "I'm so bored of this franchise I've been saddled with for 20 years, I wanted to make more new franchises like The Grid, not 10 Mortal Kombats...so to interest myself again, let's kill everybody off and make new characters and only play with those toys from now on".

Abloo-bloo-bloo is strong in this one. grin
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08/01/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Yeah, in the world where vampires, centaurs, cyborgs, mutans, demons exist, all this new characters look so alien...wow

Why, yes. A little girl who looks like she's wearing bondage does look foreign in MK. You can love the new characters ALL YOU WANT, but there's a clear aesthetic difference between the MKX newcomers and the MK tenure.

RedSumac Wrote:
Oh, great. Let's make another rehash, instead of something fresh. Such creative. So hype!!

At least we're interested in building a lore. You do know these new characters you're so desperately after are going to get curbed right after this game, right? Are you still going to want them when they're no longer new? Is bug lady still going be awesome when she's old shit in MK pt.11?

RedSumac Wrote:
Besides, if they went down with this idea, amount of pissed of individuals, who would be furious because NRS altered story of those game, would have been OVER9000. It's already pretty nasty here, what with all those fanboys, who hate that MK9 changed some things from their precious headcanons. If NRS made MK4-MKD remake, amount of idiocy and hatred would have been too much too handle.

I don't think this is true. The lore is already messed up. I think the veterans unanimously expected the next game to have retons and inconsistencies no matter how many new old characters returned.
08/01/2014 09:50 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Gameplay hasn't changed much, the variation system it's just a gimmick, great for match making with pro players but pretty much useless for the ones not interested in online gaming and tournaments like Evo.

The new characters are uninspired; a parody of Master & Blaster and a cross over of Sonya and Johnny with Stryker 's gun are lame. Even worse Ogre copy-pasted from Tekken and D'vorah, the insect lady already used in starcraft, Dragon age, final fantasy, and many others.

The stages are nothing special either. I was more hyped for mk9 than this game.

Of course I will buy it, but I am less excited.

I think you might be exaggerating a bit with the characters and how they suck. Or you're just that negative and nitpicky. It's obvious that new characters in a 2015 fighting game are gonna have similarities with others. The idea behind them might be the same, but the execution is totally different.

Ferra/Torr is the first tag team we've EVER seen in a fighting game function like that. I don't think anyone has ever seen similar game mechanics to those two so I'm grateful that the team is giving so much thought to MK's next generation.

Cassie is the descendant of two veterans which, because of the timeline, probably couldn't make it in this game. We've established already that she is far from Kira's second-coming and she's oozing with personality and charisma. Her powers also function differently and it's not like we haven't seen the "offspring" thing before. SC says hi.

Kotal might have visual similarities to Ogre and I also didn't like that, but his powers are so different. The totem summoning idea, the sun rays which can heal him and harm the opponent, the Aztec weapon...he has a lot going on for him. I really warmed up to him after seeing gameplay videos of him.

D'Vorah...now you have to be joking about her. We've seen ridiculous designs in fighting games like Squirrel girls, panda girls, and D'Vorah is definitely something new and fresh for this genre.

Can you please take a moment and compare the newbies we got in the 3D era (Kobra, Kira, Dairou, Darrius, Mokap, Meat, Blaze, Shujinko, Jarek, etc) and the ones they came up with for MKX? If you still are unhappy, then it's kinda obvious that you'll never be satisfied with anything they give you.

PS. I won't even comment on the variations part. You're the first person I've seen not appreciate what the team has done with that and how much variety they've given us. It's obvious that they've put A LOT of work and thought in that and it's sad to see people still complaining about it.

When you judge a character you have to consider a lot of things: aesthetics, charisma, personality, special powers, freshness and so on. It's not my fault if the new characters aren' t very likeable. The simple fact that they might be better than Mavado or Kobra (and btw this has Yet to be eatabilished) isn't enough to consider them "good" on a General scale. In the pole hosted on this very site/forum none of the new faces defeated the classics. Cassie Cage lost to Johnny and Kotal lost to Fujin.

Tag teams like Ferra & Torr? There is plenty of them in the vg industry and technically they are not even a "Tag" team because they both fight simultaneously. Personally it is another "giant & the girl" kind of team and there are tons of such couples in movies and games.

Are you seriously trying to say that D'vorah is "original"?

Have you ever played some of the games I mentioned earlier? Even the shitty Death Cargo had an insect lady waaaaaay before MKX.

PS : No, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, I simply believe it is too early to be excited for the characters because we do not know their story and their Fatalities so far are lame. I was happier with mk9, of course I like MKX too, but slightly less.
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08/01/2014 09:53 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I would cream my pants at an ACTUAL "Hell attacks the Earth, zombie and demon invasion" themed MK game.

I'm just kinda hoping this "flashing back and forth between present and future" stuff ends up being a plot device to fix what's wrong with the reboot's lore.


KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Variations will make MUs more tedious to learn but still fun, and the story spans 25 years.


fijikungfu Wrote:

Nostalgia was awesome and all with MK9, but it really limited their story-telling and forced them to make whacky decisions in the timeline. With MKX there is no limits or boundaries the story has to follow, I think the main plot will be 20-25 years in the futute and we'll witness a lot of flashbacks to see how things turned out that way. i think this is good, it's time MK finally moved forward.

aaaand definitely this.

All in all, I'm stoked. I mean after all it's a new MK game. MK is my main squeeze. I honestly couldn't care less about any other games, save Diablo. So any kind MK will always get my attention. There's just so many aspects of the game I want to know about, that are either briefly mentioned or have yet to be mentioned. 7/2? characters characters with hardly anything on their story contribution isn't much to go on. So it's hard to put a firm foot on that ground. Jesus, and I'm dying to know about these other modes...almost want to say I'm more excited for those than some character reveals.
08/01/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
So very hyped for MKX, especially after a re-trilogy. Not that it was a bad game, I did enjoy it for the most part.
New characters are always welcome because, always having the same characters practically over and over seems to get boring. Even though they get a semi new design and revamped move-sets, it still comes down to the characters themselves.
So new is good and I enjoyed all the new comers from MK2-MKD. I am also and only including MKT.
Thus far, I'm enjoying everything about MKX. I love the designs and concepts of the new characters, except for Cassie, but, that may change come release time.

P.s- Can't wait until the reveals at GamesCom!
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08/01/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Zwulle Wrote:
I really look forward to MKX, equal as I did with MK9. I'm so happy that it's not turning in exactly the same direction as MK4 - MKDA - MKD. That would just lead up to Armageddon all over again and that's no good. Why going to a story we've already been?

Because Armageddon wouldn't have to exist. This game could of brought over the rest from those 3 games and had deaths similar to MK9's. Thus would of been a good reason to introduce these new characters for those of them who were killed off for good. Have a few characters carry over from those games (not all) but a few to 'introduce' & fight off the new wave. That's my point.

So if I understand it correctly:

Picking the story up, go through MK4 - MKDA - MKD, revamp the characters we already know (from the 3D era) and have a decent number killed. And then, from that on, create a new story and move forward? So in a way, move a new story up to a 11th game of Mortal Kombat?

With all the changes already, things may not lead up to Armageddon. I follow you there. But isn't that kind of the point why were not going through the same story now already? With many characters already dead and some of the survivors having their role changed/ Don't get me wrong, I can see your point. But things have been stirred up pretty badly already.

Some of these 3D era newbees no longer have impact anymore. Forcing them in the story just because they were in back then is also not the best idea.

It's a delicate matter. No matter how you stand into it, there's always another way of looking into it.
08/01/2014 10:44 PM (UTC)
"New characters are out of place, wahhhh" Yeah, let's have more ninjas.

Bloody hell, I am so grateful that the typical MK fan isn't involved in the making of any MK games. We would be getting the same old shit over and over again.

I mean NRS isn't perfect, Scorpion's story being stale in all, but NRS' shortcomings are nothing next to the typical MK fan's.
08/01/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
Why, yes. A little girl who looks like she's wearing bondage does look foreign in MK. You can love the new characters ALL YOU WANT, but there's a clear aesthetic difference between the MKX newcomers and the MK tenure.

OK, Ferra is unusual (somewhat) I give you that.
But what about others? Torr is just a giant in leather. Certainly there was never such character in MK before (Shao Kahn). D'vorah is an insect...I don't see what makes her aesthetic different, especially when compared to all those crazy forms Reptile went through. And Drahmin. And Moloch. And Motaro in his either appearances. And if its about her costume, she is fairly unique, though still similar in a way to the ninja girls. So not so different. Her only major innovation is the hood, but I hope you will not argue that she is doesn't fit MK style because of that. Please?

And I hope you won't tell me that Cassy does not fit MK aesthetic. She is only can be not fitting from the point of view of immature boys, who think that every MK woman must look like Mileena in her third "costume". And it's not like Sonya wasn't wearing full millitary uniform in previous games (MKDA).

TemperaryUserName Wrote:
At least we're interested in building a lore. You do know these new characters you're so desperately after are going to get curbed right after this game, right? Are you still going to want them when they're no longer new? Is bug lady still going be awesome when she's old shit in MK pt.11?

As if I am not interested in bulding lore...
When it comes down to it, MKX will be more productive to the lore exactly because it will be a new story with new characters than rehash of already made stories.

And so what if new characters will be axed in the next game? As if it never had happened before in MK.
Let me tell you this: new characters are usually dropped in fighting games in favor of the classic casts. They are either added later in "enhanced ports" or dropped alltogether. It's normal, since in the end most people will be attached to the characters like Scorpion, Sub-Zero (whoever he is), Reptile, Raiden, Cage. Even worthless ones like Baraka or Kintaro will be praised and hailed as awesome chars, rather than whoever NRS will create at this point, simply because they are "classics". It's just how it goes with the long running franchises. Old characters will be more popular, no matter what. It's quite telling that of all 31 characters created after UMK3, only Quan Chi and Kenshi made it into the MK9.

All in all, sooner or later, classic fighters will be brought back and once again will be in the limelight. But as far as MKX goes I am glad that there will be as many new characters as possible. Even if they disappear in the next games, I am glad, that after MKA, MKvs DC, MK9, after waiting for 8 years for it, there will be new faces in the series, that actually will matter, unlike Scarlet in MK9. And since I suspect that NRS will make them good, no matter mythical aesthetics, it will be twice as awesome.

TemperaryUserName Wrote:
I don't think this is true. The lore is already messed up. I think the veterans unanimously expected the next game to have retons and inconsistencies no matter how many new old characters returned.

Given amount of people who always glad to tell anyone "how MK9 ruined their canon" (no matter what it has to do wtih the topic at hand) I think you're mistaking. If NRS remade MK4-MKD it would have made some people even more furious then before. So I am glad that MKX haven't went that route.
At least from what we know about this game right now.
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08/02/2014 01:49 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm waiting until we actually know what their stories will be to actually judge them, but I gotta say, my immediate reaction to D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr has also been pretty much "what do people see in this?" or "I doubt I'll EVER use them when I play unless they're story mode mandatory"

But maybe it's just because I've never liked most of the monster characters in MK. Being a D'Vorah fan is, to me, like being a fan of Baraka or Sheeva. I never got it.

Cassie and Kotal actually have a lot of potential though I think. i do wish there was more hope of seeing MK4 and DA/Deception characters, though. Philosophically, as a writer/artist myself, whenever I think of the characters the fanbase never latched onto from those games, I can never see them as "bad", just "needing improvement, give them another chance and revamp them and they'd be great".

And the plot of MK4 is the biggest dropped ball in the old timeline and I would cream my pants at an ACTUAL "Hell attacks the Earth, zombie and demon invasion" themed MK game.

I'm just kinda hoping this "flashing back and forth between present and future" stuff ends up being a plot device to fix what's wrong with the reboot's lore and not just Boon going "I'm so bored of this franchise I've been saddled with for 20 years, I wanted to make more new franchises like The Grid, not 10 Mortal Kombats...so to interest myself again, let's kill everybody off and make new characters and only play with those toys from now on".

In TRMKs interview with Ed he said we'd be seeing an MK4 character and some of the later games characters..not to mention some cameos too.
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08/02/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
I'm just tired of having to relive past games. We haven't had a new story since MKA and we haven't had a genuinely interesting one since MKD. I wouldn't turn down a remake of MK4-MKD but that would mean waiting even longer for something new. One reboot game and now people think we have to redo the whole rest of the series now. MKX can still be a bit like the old 3D games while still telling a different story. I couldn't be happier with something so new after so long.
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08/02/2014 05:19 AM (UTC)
For overall hype, on a scale of 1-10, I'm at about a 7 right now. Raiden had some cool ideas, but nothing that was too horribly exciting. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what they reveal at GamesCom, but the slow trickle since E3 has lowered my hype a little. I'm sure that'll change though the more we see and find out leading up until release.

As for the characters, I'll say this: I like the new concepts, but nothing has wowed me yet. I have yet to see a character that I think has a perfect 10 design and looks really fun to play. Oddly enough, I see a bunch of 7's.

I'm definitely in the "want new characters" camp too. I just hope that these initial characters, early as they are in development, can improve somewhat and that the rest of the newbies can come closer to knocking my socks off, but that's just me.
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08/02/2014 06:19 AM (UTC)
Listen there's been what...only 3 set event character reveals so far?
  • Announcement trailer (Sub-Zero / Scorpion)

  • E3 Demo (D'Vorah / Cassie Cage / Kotal Kahn / Ferra/Tor)

  • Evo reveal (Raiden)

That's SEVEN character out of a roster of 25-30. Little patience goes a long way.

Opinions are opinions but, I think everyone that claims D'Vorah and Ferra/Tor don't fit in the MKverse are mad. There's always been horror/kung fu movie/sci-fi influences in MK and there's been plenty of "Monster characters" over the years.

  • Drahmin

  • Baraka

  • Reptile

  • Goro

  • Sheeva

  • Ermac

  • Meat

  • Motaro

  • Kintaro

  • Havik

  • Nitara

  • Scorpion

  • Noob Saibot

  • Moloch

  • Zombie Liu Kang

  • Onaga

  • Blaze

  • Mileena

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