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08/02/2014 06:45 AM (UTC)
Okay. Just got off work (Wisconsin State Fair) so I can now post this.

I want to say to those who call me a complainer. I never once said this game was bad or said I wouldn't play it. I simply said "I'm not Hyped based on characters shown so far." The new ones at that. Cassie is okay, but the rest are so/so. That's not a complaint that's an opinion based on my personal views on the characters.

Secondly, in reply to wanting aliens, lol. You're funny bro. But no harm no foul. I wasn't saying anything about race or specie of characters. I simply implied I prefer the characters from MK4's to Deceptions time scale. Purely preference.

What I enjoyed about MK9 is the back story of mk1 to mk3's characters. We got back story on kabal and stryker which honestly was my favorite part of the whole story mode. That was the story we all heard about and finally got to see in person.

What I wanted from MK4 was a lot of back story from MK4 to D. Such as Kai's storyline where Raiden gives him the staff to wander. Fujin becoming the new protector of earthrealm. Raiden becoming dark after DA. These are just some of the things that really intrigued me and wanted to me the main focus of this game. I'm not saying it won't be reflected upon. But how well will it be told due to the newer characters in this game and how will they interact with these events that are now happening in a new era of MK as opposed to previous titles. Just something if done. I hope is done well.

And lets talk something new and innovative. We've had MK9's "basic" layout in almost all of our childhood mk games and then we went to MKArmageddon which had so many new playable characters from the franchise and did ok. Didn't sell well. But then we fast forward to MK9 which went back to the 2d aspect but still no new characters just mk1-3 (excluding dlc) and was the BEST SELLING MK GAME. So innovation isn't always key to selling a product it's fan reaction and impact. You can't sell a product and expect it to be a best selling title if only a sect few people are interested. Period.

MKD Brought to our attention new realms. Order Realm. Chaos Realm. etc. We got introduced to new things. All I'm saying is MK10/X could of completed 4toD. Then 11 could of further expanded on other realms such as MKD with ^^ above. That's just my 2cents.

Either way the entire roster isn't complete. But there's still a lot of new faces that I'll hover over when the game is released. I prefer the lore and history of classic mk. So my hopes and dreams lies in what I'd like to see be reflected upon and done right.

Hope this makes more sense.
08/02/2014 06:49 AM (UTC)
I'm stoked for MKX and loving that NRS decided to go in a new direction this time, instead of redoing the 3d era. We have no idea what the story is going to be yet, only that it covers 25 years and a lot can and will happen in that time span. Since this won't be a new telling of MK4-MKD, Boon and his team aren't restricted in any way to the past story lines and can delve in to uncharted territory and that's really exciting for me.

The new characters so far are all very different from each other and unlike anything we've seen previously in the series. Some of you aren't digging them and that's understandable since every one has different tastes, but I'm really liking them so far. Can't wait to play with them and find out about their backgrounds and how they tie in to the story.

Another huge deal is the 3 variations per character. It opens so many avenues on the gameplay front and I'm stoked about that. Such a huge learning curve and that's a good thing, it will keep players (myself included) invested in this game for years to come.

And I'm really liking how NRS is releasing info slowly but surely. After the big E3 reveal we had to wait another month for Raiden to be unveiled. Now once per week NRS is showing us an already revealed character and giving us a brief summary on their 3 variations along with the renders. I think that's an awesome way to keep the fans busy while we wait for the next big characters(s) reveal.

So yes, consider me pumped for MKX!!
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/02/2014 07:18 PM (UTC)
I know many of you are excited. So this isn't to insult you. I'm really. not at the level most of you are at. Don't get me wrong the new xrays etc are fantastic. Just all these new characters just seem out of place. I know this goes into the future and sure many will love this game.

I just kinda wish it had continued from mk2011 where it was mk12&3. Then this could of been 4/da/d. Then this new mk could of came after since a lot want to forget Armageddon existed.

I'm confused. Isn't that what is happening?
Mortal Kombat [2011] took events of MK1-3.

Mortal Kombat X, which is going to have Shinnok, and we are told that some characters from the games after MK3 will be in.
I have no doubt that MKX will be like MK4-MKD.

We are told that MKX will cover a number of time periods. 5 years after MK9, 15, then 25.

Isn't this what you want?
08/02/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
In TRMKs interview with Ed he said we'd be seeing an MK4 character

Yeah, that's the problem. He said ONE MK4 character.

And assuming he doesn't just mean Quan Chi, which he could, because he likes to troll like that...

Shinnok's an MK4 character. There's your ONE.

So no Reiko, the general of Hell's army.

No Tanya, the person who helped Shinnok escape Hell in the first place in the original MK4.
No Fujin, who's always been fairly popular and frequently demanded for a C-lister, and who, in the old timeline, took Raiden's job...which is important to me personally because thanks to MK9 I now hate Raiden and want to see him lose his job.

Sure, someone else could do those things in the new timeline...but I was hoping for more.
08/02/2014 09:12 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Everything you just said is seriously so inaccurate.

When you judge a character you have to consider a lot of things: aesthetics, charisma, personality, special powers, freshness and so on.

Charisma and personality are two things that we have yet to see because we haven't played the freaggin game yet! You don't know their stories, their relationships with the rest of the characters. How can you say they don't have personality with just a glimpse that we got from them?
Their special powers and freshness is obvious in the MK Universe tho. You might want to compare D'Vorah to other games but IN MK we haven't had a similar character yet. So yeah, comparing them with the rest of the cast, they are original and fresh.

It's not my fault if the new characters aren' t very likeable.

It's no one's fault because they simply aren't unlikeable. This is just your personal opinion and they admittedly received a very warm response, despite how you're trying to make them look despised by the whole community.

In the pole hosted on this very site/forum none of the new faces defeated the classics. Cassie Cage lost to Johnny and Kotal lost to Fujin.

That is incorrect. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr defeated the classics they went up against. How convenient..choosing to present only the arguments that agree with your opinion. Dude it's not like you're the only one that follows the tournament. You know I can simply go into the thread and see who exactly beat who right?
Not that if they all lost, it would make a great statement. Since going up against a character people know for 20 years isn't exactly a fair comparison. I fail to understand your logic.

Tag teams like Ferra & Torr? There is plenty of them in the vg industry and technically they are not even a "Tag" team because they both fight simultaneously.

Let me repeat what I said in my previous post: "There are plenty of tag teams in fighting games but none function similar to those two". I never said that there aren't any other tag teams. I said there aren't any other tag teams with similar gameplay like Ferra/Torr in which Torr can use Ferra as a projectile (and every other cool thing they can do simultaneously). So yeah, you're wrong there too. There aren't any other tag teams like this one. Unless you can mention one.

Are you seriously trying to say that D'vorah is "original"? Have you ever played some of the games I mentioned earlier? Even the shitty Death Cargo had an insect lady waaaaaay before MKX.

As I mentioned above, I don't care if there are 20 other games with bug ladies. As long as she is fresh to the MK franchise, and presents an original storyline and gameplay then why complain? Have you ever seen a bug lady with powers like D'Vorah's in a fighting game? Do tell me.
Plus in a franchise where the most popular characters are stereotypes seen in EVERY game (fighting and non) then what is your deal with D'Vorah? So a Jackie Chan rip off, 20 ninjas, a native American guy, a blond bombshell in the military, a reptile, a black bulky guy (I could go on forever), etc, that we have seen dozens of times in other fighting games, don't bother you and D'Vorah does?confused

No, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, I simply believe it is too early to be excited for the characters because we do not know their story and their Fatalities so far are lame.

Yes, you are both nitpicky and a hater. Based on your own argument, that the game is still too early in development to get excited, it is also too early to start complaining and hating on the characters. You mention stuff like charisma and personality which are obviously impossible to know about at this stage of the game. And please take a look at people's fatality lists. D'Vorah's is no1 in most of those. Again, don't present personal opinion as a fact.
You don't like them. Cool. Your problem. You don't have to make arguments about how much they suck tho, mentioning inaccuracies. Coz this whole post was just nonsense.
08/02/2014 09:31 PM (UTC)
Yeah, I gotta agree with projectzero00 on that last point in particular. Of all four newbies we've been shown, D'Vorah has the BEST fatality of them all thus far.

I mean seriously, how can you call this lame?

MK at its finest. glasses

And D'Vorah herself looks pretty good, imo. Much better than a lot of the 3D era characters, even this early on.

Good stuff, imo.
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"Retirement my ass!"

08/03/2014 01:50 PM (UTC)
I, for one, am very excited that we're getting so many new characters. I mean, I love the classics as much as the next guy. Really I do. But MK is long over due for some fresh ideas and perspectives. Honestly, we still have characters in the games today who have seen only slight to moderate changes (if any) in the story lines they've had since their introduction into the series (and yes I am including Sonya in this... the Kano obsession is still there and it's pissing me off now). Sometimes I wonder if the team even knows what to do with them anymore. Again, having said that, I still do love the classic characters of the series and always will as a fan. I don't want them to go anywhere permanently.

New blood, if not handled in a half-assed fashion, could be exactly what this series needs to revitalize it. My only hope is that all of these new characters they're planning to introduce won't be given the "one game wonder" throw away treatment after MKX that we've seen in past games.

I also disagree with those who say that the new characters we've seen so far don't fit into MK. How so? Monstrous/Beast type characters are far from a new concept in MK games. We all have seen, through the game play vids, that each of them has the brutality that any MK game demands of it's characters. They're fantasy characters with magical abilities that they use to destroy their opponents, complete with gory fatalities as finishers... really not seeing how they don't fit the MK mold. I think they will be perfectly at home in the MKU.

Anyway, it's not like we didn't know this was coming. Didn't Boon say that he was planning to do something like this? Killing off/wrapping up past characters and introducing a lot of new ones to carry the torch? It's time for a new generation to take over and see how much of a mess they can make of fighting the good fight.

Just my thoughts on the subject. No one has to agree.
08/04/2014 11:31 AM (UTC)
Despite Projectzero already said stuff... There's some things I'd like to say, whether or not it matters.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
It's not my fault if the new characters aren' t very likeable. The simple fact that they might be better than Mavado or Kobra (and btw this has Yet to be eatabilished) isn't enough to consider them "good" on a General scale.

Except there's a good chunk of people who actually do like what they've seen with these newer characters. I don't know what you've been reading, but so far, the general public seems to be welcoming them. Yeah, there's a handful of people that don't care for them, and they're either casted in the lists of being the Mortal Kombat - Trilogy folks, or just don't like what they see. But so far, a lot of people have stated that they like these new characters. Maybe not all, but some. That's still enough to convince me they're being liked.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
In the pole hosted on this very site/forum none of the new faces defeated the classics. Cassie Cage lost to Johnny and Kotal lost to Fujin.

That poll is nothing more but a popularity contest, of course the classics are going to win over the new, but they won a few rounds themselves.

But you're really going to take into consideration this site's poll game? In which most of the time people think is rigged? That poll serves no valid purpose in an argument if you're going to compare how the community looks at the new characters.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
PS : No, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, I simply believe it is too early to be excited for the characters because we do not know their story and their Fatalities so far are lame. I was happier with mk9, of course I like MKX too, but slightly less.

And it's too early to immediately judge things but here we are, judging them. You stating that they're not likable, that's judging them.

But how can you say you're not nitpicky or being a hater when you clearly just stated in the same sentence that their fatalities are lame? Isn't that being kinda... nitpicky?

TomTaz Wrote:
I also disagree with those who say that the new characters we've seen so far don't fit into MK. How so? Monstrous/Beast type characters are far from a new concept in MK games. We all have seen, through the game play vids, that each of them has the brutality that any MK game demands of it's characters. They're fantasy characters with magical abilities that they use to destroy their opponents, complete with gory fatalities as finishers... really not seeing how they don't fit the MK mold. I think they will be perfectly at home in the MKU

I don't speak for people (and if I give off that impression, I apologize), but basing off of the comments I've seen on Facebook and Youtube (despite that many here constantly says don't go into the deep end of the pool), I'm thinking it's because from the very beginning, we've never had characters like this.

But here's the problem. We've had, and they immediately get overlooked. I'm referring to Goro/Kintaro/Sheeva, Baraka, and Motaro. I would have included Reptile, but at the beginning he was just known as a human who wears a mask. They don't tend to see that we've had these mythical creatures in the game, even if they haven't been all playable at some point. To say they don't fit in is truly a lie because they do. In a game where we're fighting four-armed giants, they certainly do fit in.

I don't get why there are some people who want to ignore these characters and pretend that they don't exist (I've seen some people make those comments) when they've been playing a game that has these characters in all along. Very hypocritical of them to say such a thing.
08/04/2014 03:08 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Despite Projectzero already said stuff... There's some things I'd like to say, whether or not it matters.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
It's not my fault if the new characters aren' t very likeable. The simple fact that they might be better than Mavado or Kobra (and btw this has Yet to be eatabilished) isn't enough to consider them "good" on a General scale.

Except there's a good chunk of people who actually do like what they've seen with these newer characters. I don't know what you've been reading, but so far, the general public seems to be welcoming them. Yeah, there's a handful of people that don't care for them, and they're either casted in the lists of being the Mortal Kombat - Trilogy folks, or just don't like what they see. But so far, a lot of people have stated that they like these new characters. Maybe not all, but some. That's still enough to convince me they're being liked.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
In the pole hosted on this very site/forum none of the new faces defeated the classics. Cassie Cage lost to Johnny and Kotal lost to Fujin.

That poll is nothing more but a popularity contest, of course the classics are going to win over the new, but they won a few rounds themselves.

But you're really going to take into consideration this site's poll game? In which most of the time people think is rigged? That poll serves no valid purpose in an argument if you're going to compare how the community looks at the new characters.

lastfighter89 Wrote:
PS : No, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, I simply believe it is too early to be excited for the characters because we do not know their story and their Fatalities so far are lame. I was happier with mk9, of course I like MKX too, but slightly less.

And it's too early to immediately judge things but here we are, judging them. You stating that they're not likable, that's judging them.

But how can you say you're not nitpicky or being a hater when you clearly just stated in the same sentence that their fatalities are lame? Isn't that being kinda... nitpicky?

TomTaz Wrote:
I also disagree with those who say that the new characters we've seen so far don't fit into MK. How so? Monstrous/Beast type characters are far from a new concept in MK games. We all have seen, through the game play vids, that each of them has the brutality that any MK game demands of it's characters. They're fantasy characters with magical abilities that they use to destroy their opponents, complete with gory fatalities as finishers... really not seeing how they don't fit the MK mold. I think they will be perfectly at home in the MKU

I don't speak for people (and if I give off that impression, I apologize), but basing off of the comments I've seen on Facebook and Youtube (despite that many here constantly says don't go into the deep end of the pool), I'm thinking it's because from the very beginning, we've never had characters like this.

But here's the problem. We've had, and they immediately get overlooked. I'm referring to Goro/Kintaro/Sheeva, Baraka, and Motaro. I would have included Reptile, but at the beginning he was just known as a human who wears a mask. They don't tend to see that we've had these mythical creatures in the game, even if they haven't been all playable at some point. To say they don't fit in is truly a lie because they do. In a game where we're fighting four-armed giants, they certainly do fit in.

I don't get why there are some people who want to ignore these characters and pretend that they don't exist (I've seen some people make those comments) when they've been playing a game that has these characters in all along. Very hypocritical of them to say such a thing.

You got me wrong. I am not complaining about the characters themselves, hell, even MOkap and Meat have some fans out there. I am complaining about the reaction of such characters from the general public. The majority of the peole I've asked here, InsideMK and TRMK are kinda doubtful towards the new faces. An important minority is also VERY against the new faces.
Another party is shitting on everything that is classic and is loving god-like everything is new, without a solid base.

Personally, I do not like the new characters because the first thing I like of a character is his personality. Second comes originality.

And the four (five, including Ferra) new fighters are not excellent in both personality and originality.

Johnny Cage was supposed to be a Jean-Cloude Van Damme spoof, but he evolved into something different. And his evolution is still going on.
The same goes for Raiden and Sonya, that evolved from a Big Trouble in Little China and Cinthia Rockroth spoofs.

Ferra & Torr are just Master & Blaster, with a sex reassignement surgery the first and a different mask the latter.

D'Vorah is based on the millionth insect-lady of the videogames universe.
I mentioned a list of games where at least a similar character is featured.

We can debate how much Kano comes from Terminator, but at least he evolved into something more original.

D'Vorah is just an insect-lady. There's nothing original, so far, in her moves, her appearance and personality. A good Story and a decent second Fatality could save her from oblivion, but for now my personal opinion on her it's not positive.

Cassie Cage has interesting moves, but none of them is original. A slightly different cartwheel kick, a split punch, a gun shot and satellite strikes. In other words moves coming from Sonya, Cage, Stryker and Lex Luthor from MK vs DCU if I recall correctly. What about HER OWN moves? Just because she is the daughter of two of the most iconic characters in the series she does HAVE to carry some of their specials? Was that Mandatory?

Kotal Kahn is just an Ogre rip-off. His self inflicted/blood moves come from Skarlet. The sun powers aren't very clear to me, so I reserve the benefit of doubt, and his war god variation isn't something special. His Fatality is yet another heart rip (c'mon, people crucifixed Jarek and Kobra for this same reason) copy and pasted from Kano, and it was unnecessary. He has some cool grapples and a great X-ray move. I hope for his storyline, but for now he isnt' good enough for me.

Right now I am more interested in the returning characters, rather than the new ones. How can you blame me for this?

I am not nitpicky because if you give me some GREAT new characters, like Kenshi and Havik were in MKDA and Deception, I'd be extremely happy. Heck, to me even Kobra and Hotaru had some redeeming qualities. I feel sympathy for Reiko and Shinnok too. So I am not the ones that only cares for the Trilogy characters.
About Me
MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/04/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
Sure, it may be too early to gush all over them, but it sure as shit is way too early to condemn them.

I seem to recall they once gave a tusken raider a pair of hookswords and let him grow his hair out a little; that's how we got Kabal. This is about the same time we decided that a flying Elvira with a sonic scream would be cool, and that we could put a predator in BMX gear and call it a 'cyber-ninja'.

Really, does it matter what their influences are? They just might turn into something great.
08/04/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

Everything you just said is seriously so inaccurate.

When you judge a character you have to consider a lot of things: aesthetics, charisma, personality, special powers, freshness and so on.

Charisma and personality are two things that we have yet to see because we haven't played the freaggin game yet! You don't know their stories, their relationships with the rest of the characters. How can you say they don't have personality with just a glimpse that we got from them?
Their special powers and freshness is obvious in the MK Universe tho. You might want to compare D'Vorah to other games but IN MK we haven't had a similar character yet. So yeah, comparing them with the rest of the cast, they are original and fresh.

It's not my fault if the new characters aren' t very likeable.

It's no one's fault because they simply aren't unlikeable. This is just your personal opinion and they admittedly received a very warm response, despite how you're trying to make them look despised by the whole community.

In the pole hosted on this very site/forum none of the new faces defeated the classics. Cassie Cage lost to Johnny and Kotal lost to Fujin.

That is incorrect. D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr defeated the classics they went up against. How convenient..choosing to present only the arguments that agree with your opinion. Dude it's not like you're the only one that follows the tournament. You know I can simply go into the thread and see who exactly beat who right?
Not that if they all lost, it would make a great statement. Since going up against a character people know for 20 years isn't exactly a fair comparison. I fail to understand your logic.

Tag teams like Ferra & Torr? There is plenty of them in the vg industry and technically they are not even a "Tag" team because they both fight simultaneously.

Let me repeat what I said in my previous post: "There are plenty of tag teams in fighting games but none function similar to those two". I never said that there aren't any other tag teams. I said there aren't any other tag teams with similar gameplay like Ferra/Torr in which Torr can use Ferra as a projectile (and every other cool thing they can do simultaneously). So yeah, you're wrong there too. There aren't any other tag teams like this one. Unless you can mention one.

Are you seriously trying to say that D'vorah is "original"? Have you ever played some of the games I mentioned earlier? Even the shitty Death Cargo had an insect lady waaaaaay before MKX.

As I mentioned above, I don't care if there are 20 other games with bug ladies. As long as she is fresh to the MK franchise, and presents an original storyline and gameplay then why complain? Have you ever seen a bug lady with powers like D'Vorah's in a fighting game? Do tell me.
Plus in a franchise where the most popular characters are stereotypes seen in EVERY game (fighting and non) then what is your deal with D'Vorah? So a Jackie Chan rip off, 20 ninjas, a native American guy, a blond bombshell in the military, a reptile, a black bulky guy (I could go on forever), etc, that we have seen dozens of times in other fighting games, don't bother you and D'Vorah does?confused

No, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, I simply believe it is too early to be excited for the characters because we do not know their story and their Fatalities so far are lame.

Yes, you are both nitpicky and a hater. Based on your own argument, that the game is still too early in development to get excited, it is also too early to start complaining and hating on the characters. You mention stuff like charisma and personality which are obviously impossible to know about at this stage of the game. And please take a look at people's fatality lists. D'Vorah's is no1 in most of those. Again, don't present personal opinion as a fact.
You don't like them. Cool. Your problem. You don't have to make arguments about how much they suck tho, mentioning inaccuracies. Coz this whole post was just nonsense.

Luckily I do not have to justify my own ideas and thoughts.

In short:

1)It wasn't a convenience to me quoting the poll, is that I just remember Cassie being defeated by Johnny. Considering how trash was treated Cage until MK Armageddon on these forums, I'd say that Cassie, would have to win. It looks like the new characters aren't that good after all. In the final stages of the poll, only there were Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot (can't remember the foruth).

2)Just rethoric: a tag team fights "in shifts"; Ferra & Torr is not a tag team, at max they are a coupe because they fight togheter at the sime time. And they are not cool at all. Feel free to disagree., just don't force your opinion onto other because it isn't polite.

3)I do not like D'Vorah, that's my own thing. Easy and simple. Try ask yourself if Mk would have been succesfull 20-plus years ago if it had featured characters like Ferra & Toor and D'Vorah instead of Kano, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Raiden, etc.
You don't care if there are other games that featured an insect lady? Well, I DO care. Again, there's no way your argument is stronger or more valid than mine.

4)again, I am not nitpicky nor a hater, and even if I'd be one, I am not forced to justify my ideas, tastes or opinions with others. Feel free to quote my message and debate with me, just don't blame me of being something that I am not, considering that you do not know the person behind the monitor. So I ask you to have the same respect for me. You blame me of judging virtual characters of being unoriginal, and yet you accuse me to be a hater and nitpicky without knowing who I am. That's crazy.

The whol istuation is out of control. As long as the rules allow me to do so, I do not like the new characters and I don't like them at all. Hope to be proved otherwise in the near future. As for now, Cassie, Ferra/Torr, Kotal and D'Vorah aren't interesting to me. Perhaps they are somewhat better than most of the post-mk4 roster, but it isn't enough to make them "great" on a general scale.
08/04/2014 03:24 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Sure, it may be too early to gush all over them, but it sure as shit is way too early to condemn them.

I seem to recall they once gave a tusken raider a pair of hookswords and let him grow his hair out a little; that's how we got Kabal. This is about the same time we decided that a flying Elvira with a sonic scream would be cool, and that we could put a predator in BMX gear and call it a 'cyber-ninja'.

Really, does it matter what their influences are? They just might turn into something great.

Again, in order to make Kabal (I don't say "original, but at least...) "fresh" they added him long hair and a pair of Hookswords.

D'Vorah is just a bug lady, without anything that makes her unique.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/04/2014 03:42 PM (UTC)
I find that strange considering we don't even know what her story is yet and we've only seen one fatalty.

If you'e going to crap on her for being a common trope, then you'd better crap on half of the original cast, because by this logic half of them aren't exactly original either. I can't count the number of military femme fatales, commanders with bionic implants, Bruce Lee homages etc that I've seen throughout fiction. The MK series has always worn its influences on its sleeve pretty blatantly; to my eyes D'Vorah's pretty unique. I'd be curious to know who you're comparing her to that makes her so bland in your eyes.
08/04/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
I find that strange considering we don't even know what her story is yet and we've only seen one fatalty.

If you'e going to crap on her for being a common trope, then you'd better crap on half of the original cast, because by this logic half of them aren't exactly original either. I can't count the number of military femme fatales, commanders with bionic implants, Bruce Lee homages etc that I've seen throughout fiction. The MK series has always worn its influences on its sleeve pretty blatantly; to my eyes D'Vorah's pretty unique. I'd be curious to know who you're comparing her to that makes her so bland in your eyes.

Again, I Wrote of Raiden Cage Sonya etc. Of course they are inspired by cliches, but they also evolved from the source. D'vorah is just a bug lady.

Just to be clear ; Johnny is Van Damme but with shadow moves, shades and is growing as a more serious character.

D'vorah is just a lady bug. Is something different from any other insect lady? Something that makes her unique?
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08/04/2014 04:21 PM (UTC)
My opinion on MKX is a matter of logic. There is a sweet spot between "what we want?" and "what we need to have the franchise thrive?". I love MK in it's entirety and although nothing will ever top MK1-3, I've straight up had enough of it. I love these characters, I love this era and I LOVE this mood that it brings. That all being said, lets be serious, it is time to move on. There are countless reasons that MKX needs to happen this way.

Last time we moved on, there were some serious growing pains. MK4 was almost something that came and went without a crazy amount of people paying much attention. People played it and it was taken in but then we just moved on. So very weird. Quite possibly the most overlooked potential for lore and development in all of MK history.

With no exaggeration, I played MKDA and MKD about 100 times more than any other MK. I completed and soaked in Konquest lore over and over again in MKDA and I spent in the ballpark of 1000 hours roaming MKD's realms with Shujinko.

I came to a realization, recently. I've always said I loved MK1-3 the most. I have been lying. MK4-MKD are BY FAR my most beloved games and most cherished MK memories. I seriously believe these three games were the best in the series and it was hard to admit that to myself. It is almost as if hype had played me into a lie.

Anyways. As a fan, you have to ask yourself. Let's say, hypothetically, we unanimously wanted MKX to follow MK4-MKD before going onto new ground. Are you really wanting to spend this entire development cycle to relive things you already know happened? Furthermore, are you really ready to wait until MK2019 (If it's a fighter) to finally move into new territory? I just admitted that I love MK4-MKD more than any games and I still would not want this.

The way I look at it, Boon, NRS, WB and the fans are all well aware that MKA was a pressure bomb built by Midway idiots who wanted/needed money. The powers that be have likely said "lets dig ourselves out of this hole". What could do that? A 25-year timeline where we experience a ton of new occurrences and can address MK4-MKA without taking two games to do it. What approach could be better than that? I view it as dedication to the fans, if anything. WB rebooted MK into it's own brand, let's see where this goes.

It's literally this simple. From a development standpoint and from a fan's standpoint, I am so proud that MK is alive and we can finally continue into the sequels that we should have had three of by now. As long as continuity is kept in mind, go go go, NRS. I am right fucking behind you.

As for the new characters, they are fine in my book. I didn't even complain about Kira, Kobra or Darrius. I think NRS would be making a BIG mistake to write off some of the post-MK3 characters. Ashrah, Kenshi, Hotaru, Havik, Dairou, Bo, Shuji and Li Mei are all keepers, in my mind. I would have even loved to see Drahmin but Boon put a stop to that.

D'Vorah looks spectacular, Cassie is fresh and understandable. Kotal looks killer and Ferra/Torr is innovative. I am there. I still have a theory about Torr potentially being Shao Kahn being punished by the elder gods. Enslaved to an imp for attempting to enslave that which appeared "small" to him? Perfect punishment. Anyways, we'll see.

MKX has me theorizing, appreciating MK, wanting to play and excited for the future. That sounds like every selling point of a good game, to me. Enough said.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
08/04/2014 04:29 PM (UTC)
It took a few games for any of those characters to really come into their own (and depending who you ask, maybe Liu Kang never really did). And character growth doesn't necessarily imply originality, some folks will say Johnny's at his best when he's funny rather than serious, and it's his hilarity that actually sets him apart from his original Van Damme concept.

lastfighter89, you seem to be equating "evolved" to "original" and coming down on Devorah for not 'evolving'. which is silly considering this is her debut. And if I had to pick out one trait that really stands out to me about her, it's the spontaneous generation of giant insect limbs out of her back. That's pretty cool.

She's just a "bug lady" in the same way that Stryker's "just a cop" or the cyber-ninjas are "just robot assassins". More characters in MK are guilty of adhering to tropes at their origin than not.
08/04/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)

I'm liking the new characters so far, based on what we've seen.

To anyone who says they don't fit in, I can't help but wonder why you feel that way. The inspirations for these characters are right along the same lines as all of the others. The looks and gameplay match up with what MK has delivered. Ultimately, however, if they feel new and different, isn't that a good thing?

The reason why so many MK4-MK:A characters failed, is because they lacked originality, inspiration, and personality. Kobra, Taven, Darrius, Daegon, Dariou, Jarek, Kira, Hsu Hao, Li Mei...sorry, but they all look bland in comparison to Kotal, Ferra/Torr, Cassie, and D'vorah. These new characters not only have a unique appearance, different gameplay, they also ooze personality. A cocky show off badass soldier girl that takes after her parents(yay story development), a Mayan inspired god, a little girl with a big mouth who has a brute as a body guard/friend, and an insect queen. I can actually describe them all descriptively, and they sound unique from the 50+ other characters already introduced. That's more than I can say for 75% of the characters introduced in MK4-MK:A, such as the ones I named above for example.

Kobra = Karate guy
Taven and Daegon = Evil/Good brothers
Kira = Kano and Sonya stand in
Li Mei = Sparkly powers and cool kicks
Jarek = Kano clone
Darrius = Neat weapons
Dariou = Annoying specials

All of their appearances were bland.

There is potential in some of the others, such as Fujin, Hotaru, Havok, Drahmin, Ashrah, Bo, and Nitara etc. But that's because they actually had more personality and appearances that set them apart.

These new characters though, unless their stories are completely bland, they have the most potential in them since the likes of Quan Chi and Kenshi. IMO.
08/04/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
It took a few games for any of those characters to really come into their own (and depending who you ask, maybe Liu Kang never really did). And character growth doesn't necessarily imply originality, some folks will say Johnny's at his best when he's funny rather than serious, and it's his hilarity that actually sets him apart from his original Van Damme concept.

lastfighter89, you seem to be equating "evolved" to "original" and coming down on Devorah for not 'evolving'. which is silly considering this is her debut. And if I had to pick out one trait that really stands out to me about her, it's the spontaneous generation of giant insect limbs out of her back. That's pretty cool.

She's just a "bug lady" in the same way that Stryker's "just a cop" or the cyber-ninjas are "just robot assassins". More characters in MK are guilty of adhering to tropes at their origin than not.

The Johnny Cage of 1992 is not the same as 1997, 2002 and 2011. He changed and evolved from the van damme parody he was at first. Of course I am not counting originality and character development into the same thing.

Stryker isnt just a cop... He is a badass swat who used firearms for the first time in fighting games, he had a baton and a tazer and in 1995 that was cool as hell. His actor, furthermore, wasn't a model or a beautiful one so he looked different from the super hero type like Jax for instance.

What makes Johnny different from Jcv? Shadow moves, uppercut that beheads your opponent and so on.

What makes D'vorah different from other lady bugs?

She can control bugs and can fly something that we already saw 1234567890 times.

Ok, perhaps I am too harsh, but I see more personality in Darrius or Dairou than Torr.
08/04/2014 05:39 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

What makes Johnny different from Jcv? Shadow moves, uppercut that beheads your opponent and so on.

What makes D'vorah different from other lady bugs?

She can control bugs and can fly something that we already saw 1234567890 times.

Ok, perhaps I am too harsh, but I see more personality in Darrius or Dairou than Torr.

What other insect based female fighters are present in Mortal Kombat? None. That's all that matters. For arguments sake, however, name me any insect based females in Tekken, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Injustice, or Soul Calibur? Should be simple if it's been done 1234567890 times...

I bet it ain't easy. That's the point.

This isn't about comparing characters to actors or movie characters. MK is filled with that. That shouldn't bother you. Almost everyone from MK 1-3 is based on an 80's movie character. This is about comparing the character to how original they are in terms of the other MK characters, and to a somewhat lesser degree, other fighting game characters.

D'vorah is pretty damn unique unless you can point out actual examples to other MK characters that already have her looks, style, species, and personality.

Darrius and Dariou have been done before in other games, and their looks, story, and styles are bland.

To each their own...
08/04/2014 05:58 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

What makes Johnny different from Jcv? Shadow moves, uppercut that beheads your opponent and so on.

What makes D'vorah different from other lady bugs?

She can control bugs and can fly something that we already saw 1234567890 times.

Ok, perhaps I am too harsh, but I see more personality in Darrius or Dairou than Torr.

What other insect based female fighters are present in Mortal Kombat? None. That's all that matters. For arguments sake, however, name me any insect based females in Tekken, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Injustice, or Soul Calibur? Should be simple if it's been done 1234567890 times...

I bet it ain't easy. That's the point.

This isn't about comparing characters to actors or movie characters. MK is filled with that. That shouldn't bother you. Almost everyone from MK 1-3 is based on an 80's movie character. This is about comparing the character to how original they are in terms of the other MK characters, and to a somewhat lesser degree, other fighting game characters.

D'vorah is pretty damn unique unless you can point out actual examples to other MK characters that already have her looks, style, species, and personality.

Darrius and Dariou have been done before in other games, and their looks, story, and styles are bland.

To each their own...

I am not talking about the MK franchise alone, jeez.

Kerrigan from Starcraft
Magus sisters from Final Fantasy
Brood Mother from Dragon Age

And the list goes on because the insect lady is one fo the most abused tropes in VG.
08/04/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

What makes Johnny different from Jcv? Shadow moves, uppercut that beheads your opponent and so on.

What makes D'vorah different from other lady bugs?

She can control bugs and can fly something that we already saw 1234567890 times.

Ok, perhaps I am too harsh, but I see more personality in Darrius or Dairou than Torr.

What other insect based female fighters are present in Mortal Kombat? None. That's all that matters. For arguments sake, however, name me any insect based females in Tekken, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Injustice, or Soul Calibur? Should be simple if it's been done 1234567890 times...

I bet it ain't easy. That's the point.

This isn't about comparing characters to actors or movie characters. MK is filled with that. That shouldn't bother you. Almost everyone from MK 1-3 is based on an 80's movie character. This is about comparing the character to how original they are in terms of the other MK characters, and to a somewhat lesser degree, other fighting game characters.

D'vorah is pretty damn unique unless you can point out actual examples to other MK characters that already have her looks, style, species, and personality.

Darrius and Dariou have been done before in other games, and their looks, story, and styles are bland.

To each their own...

I am not talking about the MK franchise alone, jeez.

Kerrigan from Starcraft
Magus sisters from Final Fantasy
Brood Mother from Dragon Age

And the list goes on because the insect lady is one fo the most abused tropes in VG.

And the bald African American with shades(let's not even talk about his alt. with the Afro), and the bald headed monk haven't been done even more?

You say "I'm not talking about the MK franchise", but that's the only thing this should be about, with other fighting games holding a small importance. Who cares what has been done before in other genres of games.
08/04/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:
lastfighter89 Wrote:

What makes Johnny different from Jcv? Shadow moves, uppercut that beheads your opponent and so on.

What makes D'vorah different from other lady bugs?

She can control bugs and can fly something that we already saw 1234567890 times.

Ok, perhaps I am too harsh, but I see more personality in Darrius or Dairou than Torr.

What other insect based female fighters are present in Mortal Kombat? None. That's all that matters. For arguments sake, however, name me any insect based females in Tekken, Street Fighter, Marvel vs Capcom, Injustice, or Soul Calibur? Should be simple if it's been done 1234567890 times...

I bet it ain't easy. That's the point.

This isn't about comparing characters to actors or movie characters. MK is filled with that. That shouldn't bother you. Almost everyone from MK 1-3 is based on an 80's movie character. This is about comparing the character to how original they are in terms of the other MK characters, and to a somewhat lesser degree, other fighting game characters.

D'vorah is pretty damn unique unless you can point out actual examples to other MK characters that already have her looks, style, species, and personality.

Darrius and Dariou have been done before in other games, and their looks, story, and styles are bland.

To each their own...

I am not talking about the MK franchise alone, jeez.

Kerrigan from Starcraft
Magus sisters from Final Fantasy
Brood Mother from Dragon Age

And the list goes on because the insect lady is one fo the most abused tropes in VG.

And the bald African American with shades(let's not even talk about his alt. with the Afro), and the bald headed monk haven't been done even more?

You say "I'm not talking about the MK franchise", but that's the only thing this should be about, with other fighting games holding a small importance. Who cares what has been done before in other genres of games.

Yes, the bald shaolin monk is another abused trope, but I do not see any "BALD" monk in MK, except for The Great Kung Lao, which is a secondary character.

I do not know about the black bald with shades.

I care for "other genres of games".
08/04/2014 06:22 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:

The Johnny Cage of 1992 is not the same as 1997, 2002 and 2011. He changed and evolved from the van damme parody he was at first. Of course I am not counting originality and character development into the same thing.

Umm...sorry but that is exactly what you're doing. Several people here told you that it doesn't make sense to compare a character that had the chance to "be developed and come a long way" like you're saying, and a character that has just made her debut. Saying "Johnny/Stryker have been developed over the years while D'Vorah is just a bug lady" is doing exactly that. Mixing originality and development; And D'Vorah hasn't had 20 years to be developed like Johnny has.
Since you haven't watched Story Mode or played the game for that matter, there's no way you can tell she has no charisma, personality or development. You just don't like her. End of the story.

08/04/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
08/04/2014 06:30 PM (UTC)
No, you're splitting hairs here. A monk has been done before. We have Liu Kang and Kung Lao for that. Doesn't matter if he's bald. The point was he's completely unoriginal in an MK setting, and absolutely unoriginal if were gonna count other fighting games and other genres in general. He has power over fire, even less original for a monk in Mortal Kombat.

As for Darrius, his look is unoriginal for an African American, and his backstory(he's a terrorist), has already been done in Mortal Kombat.

No female is an insect in Mortal Kombat. Nobody in Mortal Kombat has her abilities or control over insects. No female in the game even remotely resembles her appearance wise.

Dariou looks like a generic monk. Darrius looks like a steel typical black guy. Neither has an interesting story, unique look, or interesting moves/powers.

At the end if the day this is an argument of taste in characters. So this is stupid. Facts are facts though, a female insect queen has yet to be represented in Mortal Kombat. That's all that matters to me.

If you expect a character that hasn't been done in any genre or form of media, good luck.
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