Honest Opinion about MKX
posted08/08/2014 11:58 PM (UTC)by
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07/14/2004 01:41 AM (UTC)
I know many of you are excited. So this isn't to insult you. I'm really. not at the level most of you are at. Don't get me wrong the new xrays etc are fantastic. Just all these new characters just seem out of place. I know this goes into the future and sure many will love this game.

I just kinda wish it had continued from mk2011 where it was mk12&3. Then this could of been 4/da/d. Then this new mk could of came after since a lot want to forget Armageddon existed.

This is just me however, sure the game will be a success and do well. I just am not as excited for all these new faces as i would of been with one last game of its own classic stand alones.

This is really the real reason I haven't posted much or been excited for these new character reveals.

I give nrs credit it's sumn new. Just not as stoked for this as all of you are. Oh well.
08/01/2014 07:00 AM (UTC)
I am not stoked in because their hype train is slow, dull, stupid and unimaginative. edit: I honestly find MKX much more interesting than MK9.

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08/01/2014 07:05 AM (UTC)
Concept wise with animations, enviorments, x-rays, fatalities definitely surpasses MK9.

Character wise. Not really... But that's purely opinion. However MK9 was the best selling mk game. So you do the math. Just imagine if mk10 had followed suite. Just saying...
08/01/2014 07:14 AM (UTC)
Gameplay hasn't changed much, the variation system it's just a gimmick, great for match making with pro players but pretty much useless for the ones not interested in online gaming and tournaments like Evo.

The new characters are uninspired; a parody of Master & Blaster and a cross over of Sonya and Johnny with Stryker 's gun are lame. Even worse Ogre copy-pasted from Tekken and D'vorah, the insect lady already used in starcraft, Dragon age, final fantasy, and many others.

The stages are nothing special either. I was more hyped for mk9 than this game.

Of course I will buy it, but I am less excited.
These new characters are better IMO than 99% of the newcomers in MK4-Deception. They easily could have completely revamped all of them to toss into MKX along with the survivors, just to have an MK9 part 2, but fuck that. If the characters didn't work in the first place, there's no need to reinvent them so they actually work. I don't care to see a Mavado that has the details of MKX, or a Lei Mei, Drahmin, Hotaru, Darrius, or any of them. They had their shot, they failed, no one would remember them enough to pick up MKX. That's why they might as well go with what happened in MK9 for obvious reasons and to show off new things. It's funny that people thought NRS was going to make MK4-Deception but do it like they did MK9. That game happened for an obvious reason, people know of most of those characters and they were the ones that carried the franchise for 10 years. Everyone after that didn't matter, MK9 made sense to have. MK9 Part 2 with all the throw aways, doesn't make a lick of sense. Shit, they've only shows 4 of about 14 new characters...it's going to get crazy cool.
08/01/2014 07:59 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Gameplay hasn't changed much, the variation system it's just a gimmick, great for match making with pro players but pretty much useless for the ones not interested in online gaming and tournaments like Evo.

The new characters are uninspired; a parody of Master & Blaster and a cross over of Sonya and Johnny with Stryker 's gun are lame. Even worse Ogre copy-pasted from Tekken and D'vorah, the insect lady already used in starcraft, Dragon age, final fantasy, and many others.

The stages are nothing special either. I was more hyped for mk9 than this game.

Of course I will buy it, but I am less excited.

I think you might be exaggerating a bit with the characters and how they suck. Or you're just that negative and nitpicky. It's obvious that new characters in a 2015 fighting game are gonna have similarities with others. The idea behind them might be the same, but the execution is totally different.

Ferra/Torr is the first tag team we've EVER seen in a fighting game function like that. I don't think anyone has ever seen similar game mechanics to those two so I'm grateful that the team is giving so much thought to MK's next generation.

Cassie is the descendant of two veterans which, because of the timeline, probably couldn't make it in this game. We've established already that she is far from Kira's second-coming and she's oozing with personality and charisma. Her powers also function differently and it's not like we haven't seen the "offspring" thing before. SC says hi.

Kotal might have visual similarities to Ogre and I also didn't like that, but his powers are so different. The totem summoning idea, the sun rays which can heal him and harm the opponent, the Aztec weapon...he has a lot going on for him. I really warmed up to him after seeing gameplay videos of him.

D'Vorah...now you have to be joking about her. We've seen ridiculous designs in fighting games like Squirrel girls, panda girls, and D'Vorah is definitely something new and fresh for this genre.

Can you please take a moment and compare the newbies we got in the 3D era (Kobra, Kira, Dairou, Darrius, Mokap, Meat, Blaze, Shujinko, Jarek, etc) and the ones they came up with for MKX? If you still are unhappy, then it's kinda obvious that you'll never be satisfied with anything they give you.

PS. I won't even comment on the variations part. You're the first person I've seen not appreciate what the team has done with that and how much variety they've given us. It's obvious that they've put A LOT of work and thought in that and it's sad to see people still complaining about it.
08/01/2014 08:00 AM (UTC)
OPen your mind to new fresh faces, it will do you good.

THe overused-gang will be there anyway, and a 100% the same cast game as 2011 wouldn't be fun.

I for one are extremly happy to see that many new faces, and they all suit very well in my opinion.
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08/01/2014 08:20 AM (UTC)
This is just me however, sure the game will be a success and do well. I just am not as excited for all these new faces as i would of been with one last game of its own classic stand alones.

It's not just you. A lot of people are looking at the new characters and just don't get it. Honestly, there's nothing to get: we know so little about them. The people who are dogmatically saying these new guys are better than the post mk3-era cast... it's a knee jerk response. It's not based in anything. People wanted new characters; female master blaster is a new character. Hence, female master blaster is the greatest shit since Scorpion.

Whatever. Time is will show how true that actually is. I'm excited for MKX because of the gameplay changes and some of the returning post-mk3 characters (they're coming, guys; trust me). If you can't get invested in the game right now, that's totally understandable. Hopefully, you'll find something in MKX that makes the game great to you. If you don't, the problem isn't you. I don't blame anyone for not liking Fujin, Li Mei, Ashrah, or Havik, so it would be dumb for anyone to blame you for not liking the next characters in line. It's NRS's job to make YOU like the game. Not the other way around.
08/01/2014 08:36 AM (UTC)
I'm waiting until we actually know what their stories will be to actually judge them, but I gotta say, my immediate reaction to D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr has also been pretty much "what do people see in this?" or "I doubt I'll EVER use them when I play unless they're story mode mandatory"

But maybe it's just because I've never liked most of the monster characters in MK. Being a D'Vorah fan is, to me, like being a fan of Baraka or Sheeva. I never got it.

Cassie and Kotal actually have a lot of potential though I think. i do wish there was more hope of seeing MK4 and DA/Deception characters, though. Philosophically, as a writer/artist myself, whenever I think of the characters the fanbase never latched onto from those games, I can never see them as "bad", just "needing improvement, give them another chance and revamp them and they'd be great".
And the plot of MK4 is the biggest dropped ball in the old timeline and I would cream my pants at an ACTUAL "Hell attacks the Earth, zombie and demon invasion" themed MK game.

I'm just kinda hoping this "flashing back and forth between present and future" stuff ends up being a plot device to fix what's wrong with the reboot's lore and not just Boon going "I'm so bored of this franchise I've been saddled with for 20 years, I wanted to make more new franchises like The Grid, not 10 Mortal Kombats...so to interest myself again, let's kill everybody off and make new characters and only play with those toys from now on".
08/01/2014 08:45 AM (UTC)
I have one BIG complain. This game should be on Unreal Engine 4! Just like the new Tekken 7 will be on!
I hope Ed Boon and Co will port the final build to the UE4 and tweak the graphics to be really next gen! This MK deserves it!
I don't want to wait another 5 years for a new MK that really utilize the power of the PS4. Next gen is now!
08/01/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'm waiting until we actually know what their stories will be to actually judge them, but I gotta say, my immediate reaction to D'Vorah and Ferra/Torr has also been pretty much "what do people see in this?" or "I doubt I'll EVER use them when I play unless they're story mode mandatory"

But maybe it's just because I've never liked most of the monster characters in MK. Being a D'Vorah fan is, to me, like being a fan of Baraka or Sheeva. I never got it.

Cassie and Kotal actually have a lot of potential though I think. i do wish there was more hope of seeing MK4 and DA/Deception characters, though. Philosophically, as a writer/artist myself, whenever I think of the characters the fanbase never latched onto from those games, I can never see them as "bad", just "needing improvement, give them another chance and revamp them and they'd be great".

And the plot of MK4 is the biggest dropped ball in the old timeline and I would cream my pants at an ACTUAL "Hell attacks the Earth, zombie and demon invasion" themed MK game.

I'm just kinda hoping this "flashing back and forth between present and future" stuff ends up being a plot device to fix what's wrong with the reboot's lore and not just Boon going "I'm so bored of this franchise I've been saddled with for 20 years, I wanted to make more new franchises like The Grid, not 10 Mortal Kombats...so to interest myself again, let's kill everybody off and make new characters and only play with those toys from now on".

For someone that really knows a lot about MK, you really are short-minded on the realms then... No monsters in MK? What is this? MK1?

I for one can't imagen why you would like only the human characters, go on the streets , humans everywhere and they annoy me. And Tekken/Streetfighter are full of human characters, if you don't like monster-characters (something MK is good at) why do you even like it?
08/01/2014 08:52 AM (UTC)
I like it thus far. Graphics are good, the new intros are interesting, the Variation system looks interesting as well... Not much to go by yet though.
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08/01/2014 08:53 AM (UTC)
zwembroek Wrote:
I have one BIG complain. This game should be on Unreal Engine 4! Just like the new Tekken 7 will be on!
I hope Ed Boon and Co will port the final build to the UE4 and tweak the graphics to be really next gen! This MK deserves it!
I don't want to wait another 5 years for a new MK that really utilize the power of the PS4. Next gen is now!

If I had to guess, MKX not running on Unreal 4 is just a sign of how long the game has been in development. I'm sure the option was on the table to do so, but for whatever reason, changing gears to the new version wasn't feasible when the groundwork started.

Either that, or using a modified Unreal 3 engine means not building so many things from scratch. If that's true, I'm okay with that if it speeds up development. I'm not a developer, though. I have no idea how any of this shit works.
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08/01/2014 09:09 AM (UTC)
I've been hyped up for MK9 a few years back. And it didn't let me down. The classics were given proper treatment in terms of originality and gameplay wise MK finally did very well. For me, the only real thing they could do after this is moving forward with the story and that's what they are doing.

I really look forward to MKX, equal as I did with MK9. I'm so happy that it's not turning in exactly the same direction as MK4 - MKDA - MKD. That would just lead up to Armageddon all over again and that's no good. Why going to a story we've already been?

We're going to have a "surprise boss" (my bet stays on Liu Kang) so that's yet another indication the story moves in another direction. I'm all for it. Another direction means others characters. I want them to have unique powers. I've stated it in aothers threads and I will do it again. I'll take D'vorah, Ferra/Torr and Kotal Kahn over fire based characters anytime. Fire fits Liu Kang and Scorpion, but for me that's about it.

But hey, Everyody has their own view. I'm sorry for those who aren't as exited as I am.
08/01/2014 09:20 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
zwembroek Wrote:
I have one BIG complain. This game should be on Unreal Engine 4! Just like the new Tekken 7 will be on!
I hope Ed Boon and Co will port the final build to the UE4 and tweak the graphics to be really next gen! This MK deserves it!
I don't want to wait another 5 years for a new MK that really utilize the power of the PS4. Next gen is now!

If I had to guess, MKX not running on Unreal 4 is just a sign of how long the game has been in development. I'm sure the option was on the table to do so, but for whatever reason, changing gears to the new version wasn't feasible when the groundwork started.

Either that, or using a modified Unreal 3 engine means not building so many things from scratch. If that's true, I'm okay with that if it speeds up development. I'm not a developer, though. I have no idea how any of this shit works.

But it doesn't take that much effort to port the whole build to the UE4.
08/01/2014 09:25 AM (UTC)
UE4 is still pretty new, I bet there's still alot of bugs in it. It isn't polished to perfection yet. However, NRS uses their own tweaked version of UE3, and the game looks beautiful so far. Making use of UE4 won't necessarily be the better option.
08/01/2014 10:11 AM (UTC)
zwembroek Wrote:
But it doesn't take that much effort to port the whole build to the UE4.

Not necessarily, considering how heavily NRS had to modify the previous version to create the MK9/Injustice/MKX engines. They've done so much to it it's practically their own thing now.

Like literally no one thought Unreal 3 could even run at 60 FPS until Mike Boon messed with it and the Unreal guys had to ask him to show them how he did it. That's a true story.
08/01/2014 10:23 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
No monsters in MK? What is this? MK1?

First of all, I didn't say I don't want monster characters to exist.

I'll never play as him, but other people can have Baraka in the games and enjoy him all they like, doesn't bother me.

I just said that personally I'm never a fan of them. There's always either something unpleasant about their art designs or moves or they have a shit storyline because the main heroes are, by the necessity of the plot, always going to be people from Earth because the audience is from Earth (and pretty human-like allies the audience can relate to like Kitana) and the main villains are always going to be tall wizard-gods (and that's fine, that's the way it SHOULD be, these tropes work, and they work for a REASON), so all the smalltime monsters who aren't extra tall or extra powerful are stuck not mattering...and because they don't matter, that means they're not going to appear as much or ever be given much personality, they're just unintelligent evil army filler, or "coulda been interesting if they'd used them more but they had no ideas for how to make them fit the story so they didn't" one-offs like Nitara.

Second, MK1 was great.

Third, MK1 had two monsters in it, Goro and Reptile (Yeah, he's disguised as a human in that one, doesn't matter. We all know what he looks like under the mask).

And just for the record, Goro is actually the one monster character in the series I like. (I like Nitara too, but I'm not sure how much she counts as a "monster" since she's not an ugly-faced creature ripped off from the cover art of the most tryhard "brutal" heavy metal album they could find like a Tarkatan, she's a human with wings)

DVorah Wrote:
go on the streets , humans everywhere and they annoy me.

Look, we can all tell from the way you talk that you're a teenager. You're just going through your edgy rebellious phase. You will grow out of these immature things you're feeling right now.

And I PROMISE you that you'll feel embarrassed about saying stuff like this on the internet where dozens of strangers (possibly even a hundred on a busy news day. It would be thousands if you were posting somewhere actually popular like Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr instead of MKO, so...lucky in that regard I suppose...), are reading it and judging you for it. I know you will because EVERYONE who had internet as a teenager feels the same way when they grow up.

So maybe for the time being, you should ask yourself "what's the mature thing to say" beforehand, every time you post?
08/01/2014 10:54 AM (UTC)
The things I could say to that post... but I won't go offtopic any longer, just one thing, I especially dislike teens and children of this time, social media-addicts and sefie-sickeness is all they have, and they call my disease narcissm...
. And its not natural for a human (or any animal) to like ALL other specimens of its own species. I'm just honest, I wouldnt mind having much less people in this world. Anyway that comment wasn't even meant to be THAT serious anyway.

Anyway, if people really hate the new charactters so much without knowing their background and how they play, why don't they just skip the game until another mk2011 is made again with all old faces, i'm sure that will happen again somewhere in the future, maybe 2051??
08/01/2014 10:56 AM (UTC)
I'm pretty excited about MKX. The series is going in a different direction and I'm all for it. The graphics are incredible, animations are so much smoother, variations will make MUs more tedious to learn but still fun, and the story spans 25 years.

But what really has me excited is Cassie Cage. She is MK's first legacy character and she looks fun and sassy. When I first heard of Cassie, my first thought was Jin Kazama from Tekken 3. I thought Cassie was going to be a character that just had moves from both of her parents with no original moves of her own like Jin did when he started. But NRS gave her inspired moves rather than just copies. So I'm thankful for that.
08/01/2014 10:58 AM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Anyway, if people really hate the new charactters so much without knowing their background and how they play, why don't they just skip the game until another mk2011 is made again with all old faces, i'm sure that will happen again somewhere in the future, maybe 2051??

Because not everyone sees it as either all or nothing. It's not that black and white. Just because there are some who dislike one part of the game, doesn't mean they will dislike ALL of it. You can dislike a part of the game and STILL enjoy the game for its other parts.
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08/01/2014 11:42 AM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Gameplay hasn't changed much, the variation system it's just a gimmick, great for match making with pro players but pretty much useless for the ones not interested in online gaming and tournaments like Evo.

The new characters are uninspired; a parody of Master & Blaster and a cross over of Sonya and Johnny with Stryker 's gun are lame. Even worse Ogre copy-pasted from Tekken and D'vorah, the insect lady already used in starcraft, Dragon age, final fantasy, and many others.

The stages are nothing special either. I was more hyped for mk9 than this game.

Of course I will buy it, but I am less excited.

Okay, that entire inaccurate rant went out the window when you said "I will buy it".
08/01/2014 12:33 PM (UTC)
Not even excited for the game itself. Kinda excited for kotal but I was more so excited for characters I wanted to see than anything. The game is nothing new and the new characters are shit Besides kotal and Cassie isn't that bad she belongs in mk but the other two are shit.
08/01/2014 12:38 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I especially dislike teens and children of this time, social media-addicts and sefie-sickeness is all they have, and they call my disease narcissm...
. And its not natural for a human (or any animal) to like ALL other specimens of its own species. I'm just honest, I wouldnt mind having much less people in this world.

There are some occasions when you decide to contribute with interesting inputs about the game, that I agree with you.
However there are times that your posts and the things you say seriously make me go "Wtf?!?!". This was one of those.
08/01/2014 12:58 PM (UTC)
Well, just like Casselman's thread about not being so hype about MKX due to having a lot going on in our lives might contribute to why the hype train is kinda not there for me either.

I have to say though, that the new characters are really good, but my expectations were greater. Definitely wasn't wowed by them at first glance, but after watching the E3 gameplay clips over and over, they seem right at home. Honestly do like Kotal Kahn, he's one of the best so far. The way his gameplay is and his different styles are really great. I also really like his design.

I'm very happy with the direction MKX is going, it's fresh, it's new. The lack of reveals is very annoying and the time in between for waiting for them, but that's just how NRS is, and they deliver in the end. I'm sure most of us who aren't completely convinced yet will be in the end.
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