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10/10/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Shaun Himmerick did say in the Quan Chi reveal trailer that Quan Chi plays a big part in the story

When does he not?

A ninja deadly alliance would be kinda cool though. ANYTHING to move Scorpion from out of being a laughingstock.

10/10/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Shaun Himmerick did say in the Quan Chi reveal trailer that Quan Chi plays a big part in the story

When does he not?

A ninja deadly alliance would be kinda cool though. ANYTHING to move Scorpion from out of being a laughingstock.

Scorpion really needs to sing a new tune.. I can't see how NRS would be so blind as to not hear that the fan base is tired of the same old story with Scorpion. For the face of the franchise; he needs to be fresh.

I think NRS will switch it up this time around.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
Shaun Himmerick did say in the Quan Chi reveal trailer that Quan Chi plays a big part in the story

When does he not?

A ninja deadly alliance would be kinda cool though. ANYTHING to move Scorpion from out of being a laughingstock.

No, diasagree. Scorpion works on his own and always has. It does not fit his character to work with others. He does not need anything. Scorpion is immortal and semi invicible. He can kill Quan Chi on his own. Roll the die enough times and you will get triple sixes.
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10/10/2014 05:35 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:Scorpion is immortal and semi invicible. He can kill Quan Chi on his own. Roll the die enough times and you will get triple sixes.

No, he is not immortal, neither is he invincible at all. Scorpion is still on the level of most combatants. Being god or undead does not mean anything when it comes to mortality in MK. Hell, in MK:D it is explicitly stated that only the Elder Gods intervention provided escape for Scorpion from total nonexistence.

Roll the die enough times and your enemy still has that 2+ armour save.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
xysion Wrote:Scorpion is immortal and semi invicible. He can kill Quan Chi on his own. Roll the die enough times and you will get triple sixes.

No, he is not immortal, neither is he invincible at all. Scorpion is still on the level of most combatants. Being god or undead does not mean anything when it comes to mortality in MK. Hell, in MK:D it is explicitly stated that only the Elder Gods intervention provided escape for Scorpion from total nonexistence.

Roll the die enough times and your enemy still has that 2+ armour save.

Yes, he is immortal. Scorpion can not die from aging and can not permanantly die either since he reforms back in the NetherRealm. His fighting skill has nothing to do with immortality. Immortality is everlasting which Scorpion is, it has nothing to do with how powerful something is. LOL.
10/10/2014 07:58 PM (UTC)
Chrome's right, DA/Deception said that the Soulnado ALMOST carried Scorpion to Heaven and if it had, the purity of the realm would have destroyed his soul because he's from Hell and doesn't belong there (sorta like how when good people like Nightwolf or purified Ashrah are in Hell, it kicks them out, but more extreme) which would be permanent death via ceasing to exist.

Fortunately, Scorpion escaped from the soulnado and ended up in the Void where the Elder Gods live, instead of in Heaven.
Also, Scorpion doesn't always have the ability to teleport out of Hell whenever he wants. He could only do that in Deadly Alliance because he'd gotten stronger. Normally he can only leave when someone LETS him out. So under normal circumstances, killing him would trap him in the Netherealm at least for a while.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Chrome's right, DA/Deception said that the Soulnado ALMOST carried Scorpion to Heaven and if it had, the purity of the realm would have destroyed his soul because he's from Hell and doesn't belong there (sorta like how when good people like Nightwolf or purified Ashrah are in Hell, it kicks them out, but more extreme) which would be permanent death via ceasing to exist.

Fortunately, Scorpion escaped from the soulnado and ended up in the Void where the Elder Gods live, instead of in Heaven.

Also, Scorpion doesn't always have the ability to teleport out of Hell whenever he wants. He could only do that in Deadly Alliance because he'd gotten stronger. Normally he can only leave when someone LETS him out. So under normal circumstances, killing him would trap him in the Netherealm at least for a while.

No, in Deadly Alliance it says the purity of the realm ripped his body apart not his soul. In MK4 in Sub-Zero's ending Scorpion says his soul is immortal since a ghost does not age which everyone knows. Scorpion is immortal. Nobody says that Scorpion can not telelport out of the Netherrealm but over the passge of time he would bound to leave just on probability since as already mentioned he is immortal. He can not permenantly die. End of story.
10/10/2014 08:52 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
in Deadly Alliance it says the purity of the realm ripped apart his body apart not his soul.

So it does, my mistake.

Still, by the logic that his soul is immortal, EVERY soul is immortal. And yet people still die all the time.

Death in Mortal Kombat is about your soul leaving your body and going to Heaven or Hell...or sticking around as a ghost/joining Nightwolf's Spirit Realm. PERMANENT death is simply a question of whether or not you come BACK later.
The only people who don't go to Heaven or Hell are gods...and they automatically reincarnate when they die.
So technically there's no such thing as "permanent death". Still, the definition of "death" is when it happens to your body, not your soul. Scorpion can be killed. Anyone can be killed. Even Shao Kahn can be killed and the games called him an "immortal" too. That's because the word "immortal" has TWO different definitions. One of them means "immune to age, disease, death by natural causes", which lots of MK characters are, and one means "completely immune to ALL forms of death", which nobody is.
(To be fair, one possible exception: we don't know what happens to Elder Gods, none of them have ever been killed before.)
10/10/2014 08:58 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Chrome's right, DA/Deception said that the Soulnado ALMOST carried Scorpion to Heaven and if it had, the purity of the realm would have destroyed his soul because he's from Hell and doesn't belong there (sorta like how when good people like Nightwolf or purified Ashrah are in Hell, it kicks them out, but more extreme) which would be permanent death via ceasing to exist.

Fortunately, Scorpion escaped from the soulnado and ended up in the Void where the Elder Gods live, instead of in Heaven.

Also, Scorpion doesn't always have the ability to teleport out of Hell whenever he wants. He could only do that in Deadly Alliance because he'd gotten stronger. Normally he can only leave when someone LETS him out. So under normal circumstances, killing him would trap him in the Netherealm at least for a while.

No, in Deadly Alliance it says the purity of the realm ripped his body apart not his soul. In MK4 in Sub-Zero's ending Scorpion says his soul is immortal since a ghost does not age which everyone knows. Scorpion is immortal. Nobody says that Scorpion can not telelport out of the Netherrealm but over the passge of time he would bound to leave just on probability since as already mentioned he is immortal. He can not permenantly die. End of story.

Technically. Every character is immortal when they are defined by the soul.. because everyone's soul is immortal it just goes to a different realm. So Scorp isn't special in that regard
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
in Deadly Alliance it says the purity of the realm ripped apart his body apart not his soul.

So it does, my mistake.

Still, by the logic that his soul is immortal, EVERY soul is immortal. And yet people still die all the time.

Death in Mortal Kombat is about your soul leaving your body and going to Heaven or Hell...or sticking around as a ghost/joining Nightwolf's Spirit Realm. PERMANENT death is simply a question of whether or not you come BACK later.

The only people who don't go to Heaven or Hell are gods...and they automatically reincarnate when they die.

So technically there's no such thing as "permanent death". Still, the definition of "death" is when it happens to your body, not your soul. Scorpion can be killed. Anyone can be killed. Even Shao Kahn can be killed and the games called him an "immortal" too. That's because the word "immortal" has TWO different definitions. One of them means "immune to age, disease, death by natural causes", which lots of MK characters are, and one means "completely immune to ALL forms of death", which nobody is.

(To be fair, one possible exception: we don't know what happens to Elder Gods, none of them have ever been killed before.)

Of course your mistake, in that you are making me repeat what most fans of the series already know is annoying.

Of course souls are immortal, that is why they end up in Heaven or the Netherrealm. Where do you think those that are there came from? The second door on the right? An elevator?

Here is the difference which you obviously overlooked. Scorpion is a revenant. He was materialised and can interact with the mortal world by Quan Chi. Any moron realises that. That is why he has got blood and flesh UNLIKE the other souls who do not. If it were not for Quan Chi he would floating around the Netherrealm doing what the rest of the damned do. Read and comprehend the lore.

Scorpion is immortal. Immortal as in the counterpart to mortal. Fancy that. Is Scorpion mortal? No because he can not die from aging. Can Scorpion die permanantly? No, because he is semi-invicible and is shown in the lore to always reform in the fifth plane of the Netherrealm. Everyone knows that except you and Chrome, obviously.

Tell you what when Scorpion dies permenantly or is shown to die or anything contrary to what I wrote, holler back. Until then stop wasting my time with your inane excuses and headcanon. What part of "end of story" do you not understand?
10/10/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

10/10/2014 09:48 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.

Whatever, man. I do not want your response since it almost likely filled with effluence not even related to the subject at hand. Like I said, anything contrarian to what I said, I will hold my hand up and we move on but there is nothing, so yeah.
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We share blood, we are not brothers

10/10/2014 11:09 PM (UTC)
So, in your opinion, what happened to all those characters (including Scorpion) after Armageddon?
10/11/2014 03:17 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
DeathScepter Wrote:
krajax Wrote:
Even if Bi-Han does become Champion of the Elder Gods, what happens to Scorpion? Does he just stay undead? 'Cause getting tossed into a Soulnado deliberately and becoming Champion was the only legitimate way for Scorpion to rid himself of being part of the Netherrealm and reuniting with his dead family and clan. Other than that, there's no way Scorpion can redeem himself and be sent up to the Heavens

who says that Bi han has to be the Champion of the Elder Gods or Scorpion can't be redeem by another method?

I'm not saying he CAN'T. I just don't know any other path other than the Soulnado which could develop Scorpion from being the angry "kill Lin Kuei" dumbass that he is usually depicted as.

I don't think being a "Kill Lin Kuei dumbass" is such a bad thing. I personally think its more of a "Kill the guy who I believe killed my family" thing.

Anyway I don't see why that makes him a dumbass lol thinking/being told that his family was killed by a certain individual is more than enough of a reason for him to want to kill that person, IMO.

Easy answer; scorpion is gullible as fuck.

If he knows that the current Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) is not a killer that kills instinctively without backthought (hell, MK1 downright states that Bi Han kills for sport) then WHY on Earth would he take Quan Chi's words for granted.

Hmm, I have seen this Subs is not the same man who killed me and is pretty honorable, on the other hand this suspicious as fuck looking guy in the netherrealm is telling me he killed my family.

And Scorpion being angry all the time is the biggest colossal turnoff for me. He is not some tortured noble soul, he is a goddamn petulant child with no afterthought for his actions (MK9).

Yes, a Japanese man who values stoicism and filial piety played away his chance at ressurecting his clan because he could not calm his temper. And this is supposed to be a ninja.

SASUKE UCHIHA is a better ninja than this mostly, and he is colossally stupid and self-servingly egotistic.

I think that's the point, im pretty sure he supposed to be blinded by rage, hence why he listens to quan chi , he probably doesn't care (Or even realize) that he is sketchy or has ulterior motives for "helping him", he just wants to kill the person who he thinks killed his family

lol I like Sasuke too

Yes, but throughout the fist three games Scorpion was not stupid about it, and had a sense of honor by becoming the protector of Kuai Liang.

THEN comes MK4 with the MK movie behind it, and for purely marketing aims they restore the feud that was basically resolved (MK4 is full of these, bringing back stuff or retconing them: Liu Kang's ancestry: somehow he ecomes another relative of the G. Kung Lao aka the movie, MK4 Gold brought back Kung Lao who was dead after MK3/T etc.).

The problem of Scorpion is that wile he had no characteristics aside two points: vengeance and eventual resolution, they brought it back and ever since he has been a seething idiot with no introspection. MKD tried to do something with it, but then came Armagedddon, and we are back at Sub vs Scorp. because the general MK fanbase is deemed to have the attention span of goldfish.

Sasuke suffers from the same problem. Alot of people here give flak him for it, but in Japan it is a HUUUGE deal: filial piety. Sasuke becomes repulsive because he aribtrarily makes up his mind on what to do, all the while maintaining that he is justified in his vengeance. (kill Itachi -> do not kill Itachi, kill the Konoha leaders - > kill all the Kages -> Kages cannot be killed -> kill Konoha leaders again -> kill Konoha -> get the backstory, do not kill Konoha, become Hokage - > kill Naruto BECAUSE REVOLUTION, hope I did not spoiler anything).

They seemingly do not care about things, they just want an outlet for violence and convenience.

Yeah no doubt about that, they obviously wanted to reignite the Scorpion vs Sub-Zero thing and I would love for him to get his revenge (on Quan Chi) so he can rest or find a new purpose.

My point was that I don't blame Scorpion for being the way he is (corny I know lol) I just look at it as if I was in the same situation or had the same thing happened to me. I would be infinitely upset and pissed off and my only purpose for existing would be to kill whoever was responsible for hurting my family, and that is it lol (I am a family guy, my family is the most important thing to me.)

That's also why I like Sasuke. In the beginning of Naruto I didn't care for him, but once I found out his backstory, I started to like him and I wanted him to succeed, and while I don't want him to kill Naruto, I do understand why he does what he does and why he wants to do some of those things.

PS: I am way behind and Naruto but I don't mind some minor spoilers lol
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10/11/2014 05:46 AM (UTC)
There are certainly ways in which you can die permanently in MK. One comes to my mind is Shang Tsung. It is stated that his flaming skulls are the force of extinguished souls. So I guess all those spirits inside him can be used up.

Another is the czber initiative, Sektor and Cyrax were immune to Shao Kahn's sould stealing because they had no soul anymore.

Scorpion is immortal in the sense that he is already dead. In the MK plot it has also been stated that if he does no kill Bi Han his soul is forfeited to oblivion forever. I do not like the idea that Scorpion is essenitally playing the game with infinite coins. One, he is pretty dumb when it comes to achieving his goals, two it takes the dramatic tensio out of it.

Good thing this thing does not seem to happen in real life.
10/11/2014 12:21 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.


10/11/2014 12:32 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
There are certainly ways in which you can die permanently in MK. One comes to my mind is Shang Tsung. It is stated that his flaming skulls are the force of extinguished souls. So I guess all those spirits inside him can be used up.

Another is the czber initiative, Sektor and Cyrax were immune to Shao Kahn's sould stealing because they had no soul anymore.

Scorpion is immortal in the sense that he is already dead. In the MK plot it has also been stated that if he does no kill Bi Han his soul is forfeited to oblivion forever. I do not like the idea that Scorpion is essenitally playing the game with infinite coins. One, he is pretty dumb when it comes to achieving his goals, two it takes the dramatic tensio out of it.

Good thing this thing does not seem to happen in real life.

I see your disappointment in Scorpion's story however, I always viewed Scorpion as an eternally damned soul. In his first appearance he was so hell bent to get revenge on Sub-Zero that he sold his soul to the devil for a chance to kill his enemy with no concern for the consequences of it . After he accomplished killing Bi-Han in the Mortal Kombat tournament he couldn't simply rest because he forfeited that eternal gift when he took his quest for vengeance. It teaches you a valuable lesson actually about revenge, in the end is it worth it? To me, one of Scorpion's coolest aspects about him is that he can never rest even after getting his revenge and will forever be a tortured soul.

That is why I think the story must come full circle, it has to be Bi-Han that is Sub-Zero in this game, it would make perfect sense for both of these wonderfully tragic characters to put an end to their misery. It would also be a cool tie in to the Mythologies game. In MK4 we had Kuai Liang investigating in his older brother's footsteps trying to piece together the puzzles of Shinnok's amulet. Wouldn't it be cool if this time, we had the actual protagonist from Mythologies back for a round 2 with both Shinnok and Quan Chi? And I know there's a strong sub culture of Sareena fans on this thread, if Bi-Han was back, what do you think would happen with her?
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10/11/2014 02:59 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.


Grown up, much?
10/11/2014 03:18 PM (UTC)
I sometimes get the worrying impression that Reptz is trying too hard to emulate Sumac (why you'd want to behave like a widely-disliked troll who's probably less than a year away from getting himself banned, I have no idea, I guess it's because Sumac showers him with compliments sometimes out of desperation for allies?), to the point where he doesn't always read what is written analytically and take in the information, he just jumps to conclusions that will support his desire to say whatever he already wanted to say.

Much like how xysion seemed to have jumped to the conclusion that he was under attack or something and felt the need to turn a calm debate into a tirade of sarcastic belittlement at the drop of a hat.

Whatever the case, I did indeed have more counterpoints to argue, I simply realized that saying them would probably not go anywhere because the person who's intended to read them was suddenly in a weird, emotional mood and lashing out. Things escalated to insults and condescension way too quickly and I'd rather stick to reason and facts.

But I digress.

Chrome Wrote:
Another is the czber initiative, Sektor and Cyrax were immune to Shao Kahn's sould stealing because they had no soul anymore.

Their souls weren't destroyed though, they were only gone temporarily.
They were perhaps suppressed rather than removed, like dimming a light instead of turning it off.

Cyrax got his back at the end of MK4/Gold and Smoke MIGHT have as well, what happened to him during MK3 is unclear since all we know is it ends in him being deactivated, and reprogrammed again the next time he's active...but his ending showed he potentially COULD have, or depending on how you interpret the wording, it was never gone like the other two's were and the reason he didn't lose his soul to Kahn is because he was a protected Chosen One.

Chrome Wrote:
it has also been stated that if he does no kill Bi Han his soul is forfeited to oblivion forever.

I believe that was only in noncanon material like the Malibu comics.
The thing about Scorpion "playing with infinite coins" is that the victory condition if he achieved his goals used to be "his soul would rest", presumably meaning that he'd restore his honor or make up for whatever sins landed him in Hell and he'd get to reunite with his family in a different afterlife, leaving the series forever. And the failure condition of being trapped in Hell between games and having to rely entirely on outside forces to set him free such as Kahn in UMK3 or Quan Chi in MK4, worked because Hell wasn't a revolving door back then.
Deadly Alliance is when he got the power to leave Hell at will, and I can't really see WHY Vogel added that in. He did it to justify writing scenes where Quan Chi kills Scorpion and gets away into the Konquest modes...but those scenes served no logical purpose in the narrative, they were filler/fluff.
Now...Quan Chi dies in the intro of Deception, which I think would have fulfilled the terms of Scorp's mission and ended him? Which I believe is WHY they made him Champion of the Elder Gods, it changes the nature of his existence and mission so that revenge and his family no longer have anything to do with his continued existence and powers.
That might also mean that Scorp lost the power to respawn/teleport out of Hell, but he doesn't die again, or return to Hell, during Deception or Armageddon, so who knows. Theoretically, the Elder Gods' servant would be able to teleport to any realm or at least have access to the portals to the Nexus like Shujinko and Monster...but Shujinko killed Monster and Monster never came back even though he looked like he was already an undead skeleton dude too, so presumably, when the Champion dies, he's dead and they gotta find a new Champion?
The terms of Scorpion's spectre mission are kind of a problem, though...as a Demon, Quan Chi respawns in his HOME REALM when he dies. There is literally no negative consequences in life for him, he IS playing with infinite coins. Even if his soul ends up in the prison from Mythologies, He's the leader of the Brotherhood of the Shadow, the guys who rule the realm and run the prison, so they'll just fuckin' let him out.
So supposing Scorpion's Spectre existence is dependent entirely on whether or not he fulfills his mission, and his mission is that the person who killed his family must die...if that person can be infinitely killed and respawned, how the fuck does he end it?
In the new timeline, we seem to be back to Scorpion being unable to leave Hell under his own power and needing Quan Chi to summon him out. Even moreso than before because he seems to be directly subservient to Quan Chi now unlike in the original MK1 thru 3 where he was more like a free agent. Granted, his arcade intro and winpose depict him teleporting in and out of Hell freely, and maybe there's an argument to be had that stuff outside of the story isn't canon...quibbling about the gameplay/presentation elements can get really weird, like "Jax can't turn into a giant but Liu CAN turn into a dragon", "Kabal's face scaring your ghost out of you isn't canon but Sonya breathing little flaming hearts is", Sub-Zero and Mileena's winposes acknowledge the fourth wall/camera, etc...but who knows anymore, really?
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10/11/2014 03:52 PM (UTC)
I think he mentions him risking his soul to get a shot at him in the MK1 comic. I know he does so in the Malibu comics when he gets frozen and shattered.

And as for that, internal consistency is not at all relevant to NRS, as you are not supposed to think that deep about MK in the first place - by their intentions. And they do not really consider it of prime importance.
10/11/2014 03:59 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I think he mentions him risking his soul to get a shot at him in the MK1 comic. I know he does so in the Malibu comics when he gets frozen and shattered.

Yeah, that's Malibu only.

His only dialogue in the Tobias comic is:

Scorpion: "Lin Kuei...Look into my eyesss!"

Sub-Zero: "No! It can't be...I...I"

Scorpion: "Yesss...You murdered me exactly two years ago to this day. But my demons have allowed me to return to avenge my death. I could kill you at this moment...but I am not a murderer. We will meet at the tournament. And then, Lin Kuei, you will pay for your crimes."

Sub-Zero: "You are a fool for sparing my life."

Scorpion: "That has yet to be seen..."
10/11/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.


Grown up, much?


A bunch of stuff comparing me to another user and making generally off-base assumptions...

Oh jesus, lighten up. It was meant to be humorous and poke a little fun at you. Nothing serious. You really *do* seem to have a persecution complex... tongue

Considering that Xysion pretty much schooled you when it comes to MK lore (a rare occurrence) on the Scorpion issue (because yes, technically-speaking, Scorpion is nigh-invulnerable in the sense that he will almost always reform in the Netherrealm when physically slain, which is exactly what Xysion was referencing), I thought the MK graphics were appropriate. And I still do. smile

So, learn to take a joke and chill. It's no big deal he was right and you were wrong this one time. grin
10/11/2014 04:26 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Considering that Xysion pretty much schooled you

He was right about one word in an ending and I admitted as much.

Otherwise, we were discussing a matter of semantics and opinions about whether or not the concept of "death" applies to souls and people who are already dead. And I chose to back out temporarily because the other person started reacting with hostility for no reason.

You misunderstood the conversation and used it as an excuse to go "ha ha Razor looks like an idiot now is my chance to make fun of him".

I can't help but think when I see that sort of thing that you were just looking for the opportunity.
About Me

10/11/2014 04:30 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I'll respond when you drop the attitude. Wasn't necessary to be an ass about it.


Grown up, much?


A bunch of stuff comparing me to another user and making generally off-base assumptions...

Oh jesus, lighten up. It was meant to be humorous and poke a little fun at you. Nothing serious. You really *do* seem to have a persecution complex... tongue

Considering that Xysion pretty much schooled you when it comes to MK lore (a rare occurrence) on the Scorpion issue (because yes, technically-speaking, Scorpion is nigh-invulnerable in the sense that he will almost always reform in the Netherrealm when physically slain, which is exactly what Xysion was referencing), I thought the MK graphics were appropriate. And I still do. smile

So, learn to take a joke and chill. It's no big deal he was right and you were wrong this one time. grin

Not nigh-invulnerable. Scorpion does not IDDQD during matches.

Fair warning, what you may deem funny may not really be funny.
10/11/2014 04:37 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Considering that Xysion pretty much schooled you

He was right about one word in an ending and I admitted as much.

Otherwise, we were discussing a matter of semantics and opinions about whether or not death applies to souls.

Yeah, no. *You're* arguing over the semantics of soul-death. Pretty sure Xysion isn't, and is more annoyed that you're trying to interject that into the conversation, when he was never really talking about that to begin with...all to make it look like you were at least *partially* right.

You weren't. And you admitted that to start with. Good on you. Should have just ended with that instead of blundering on about souls... wink

RazorsEdge701 wrote:
You misunderstood the conversation.

I don't think so...

I can't help but think when I see that sort of thing that you were just looking for the opportunity.

See, there's the persecution complex again. Dude, no one's picking on you or waiting for opportunities for you to slip up.

It. Was. A. Joke. confused
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