Bi-Han turned into a good guy?
posted01/03/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)by
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12/06/2010 07:41 PM (UTC)
I don't see Bi-Han returning as Sub-Zero again. I liked Kuai Liang WAY BETTER than his big brother.

I don't see him turning good. He's just gonna be neutral again. He's never side with Raiden and the others along with the new heroes.
10/07/2014 11:31 AM (UTC)
If this Subbie is indeed Bi-Han, I could see him have turned "good".

With that I mean, Bi-Han was able to become Sub-Zero due to the evil in his heart which Quan Chi used to corrupt him completely into a shadow wraith. But when he was kicked into the Soulnado in MK9, it looked like the essence that made him Noob Saibot might have been torn out of him, all the darkness and corruption.

So if this Subbie is indeed Bi-Han, I could see him lean more towards the good side, because he knows what evil can do to him.
10/07/2014 12:15 PM (UTC)
If it is Bi Han,

Then essentially Noob is gone for good? And I know that is hard to say for MK but i dont see how you could have both.

Unless he split himself into two beings, one pure evil, one pure good? idk
10/07/2014 12:16 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
If it is Bi Han,

Then essentially Noob is gone for good? And I know that is hard to say for MK but i dont see how you could have both.

Unless he split himself into two beings, one pure evil, one pure good? idk

Well, Quan Chi said in an intro VS Subbie that he has his brother's soul. So he might turn Kuai Liang into a new Noob. Someone on this forum said something about a Noob Cyborg. :P
10/07/2014 12:50 PM (UTC)
Lol Noob cyborg/human smoke combo, since quan chi has smokes soul too.

But honestly I like Noob the way he was

10/07/2014 12:58 PM (UTC)
I wonder if when Bi-Han becomes a good guy permanently, wil he become grandmaster and save both his brother and Tomas/Smoke?
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10/07/2014 01:30 PM (UTC)
Why the hell would he need to be a good guy to oppose Quan Chi?

Too much good guys anyway, if there is a silver lining for the Sindel culling, is that it killed off the majority.
10/07/2014 01:40 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Too much good guys anyway

Actually, MK has had alot more bad guys than good guys throughout the series.
10/07/2014 01:47 PM (UTC)
If Bi-Han is Sub-Zero again, he would turn to the forces of light for a few reasons, to save his little brother and Smoke from Quan Chi and to kill Quan Chi for his treachery. Bi-Han won't forget that it was Quan Chi who deceived Scorpion into thinking Bi-Han killed Scorpion's clan.
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10/07/2014 03:13 PM (UTC)
What possible indication do you have that he's a good guy? Seriously? Everything about him says EVIL, from looks to voice. And his dialogue quote? "My day is finally dark". This SZ is evil and I for one am glad about that. I hope its Bi-Han. Also, there is no reason for him to turn against Quan Chi. He already knows about the Scorpion business and moved on having found a new purpose. He was willing to kill Kuai Liang in the graveyard himself. So why would he all of a sudden turn on QC?
10/07/2014 03:16 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
thisiscourage Wrote:
If it is Bi Han,

Then essentially Noob is gone for good? And I know that is hard to say for MK but i dont see how you could have both.

Unless he split himself into two beings, one pure evil, one pure good? idk

Well, Quan Chi said in an intro VS Subbie that he has his brother's soul. So he might turn Kuai Liang into a new Noob. Someone on this forum said something about a Noob Cyborg. :P

Please no cyber noob. It wouldn't even make any damn sense. Bi-Han became Noob because mythologies made it clear that he had evil in his soul. Raiden told him that if he died in that state then he would sink to the fifth plane of the netherrealm where suffer fate unbeknownst to even raiden.

If they made Kuai Noob it would be an even bigger slap in the face to his fans because A. He was never evil (He would not murder) and B.the only reason he is in the netherrealm is because Quan made some deal with Shao Kahn for their souls (I still don't know how they were Kahn's to give).

Anyway, I've had this bad feeling since legacy season 2 that Boon might bring Bi-Han back for the sheer fact of keeping that damn rivalry alive forever. I was hoping he wouldn't go through with it, but looks like he may have.

Either way they should just fucking kill Noob for good. I am not interested in a venom plotline. I don't want a fuxking symbiote. Bi-Han was supposed to be Noob. If he's not anymore then just kill him. Don't put that on Kuai just because we need another pallet swapped fucking cyborg.
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10/07/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Obligatory repost of my theory that 'Noob' will be retconned into a demon implanted into Bi-Han's body by Shinnok. They'll pull a Parallax, just watch.

Bi-Han probably wouldn't turn outright altruistic, but he'd play on the side of the angels if it was in his best interest.
10/07/2014 03:25 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
What possible indication do you have that he's a good guy? Seriously?

How about a character being not good, but not bad either?
Morally ambigious.
10/07/2014 03:33 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Demon_0 Wrote:
What possible indication do you have that he's a good guy? Seriously?

How about a character being not good, but not bad either?
Morally ambigious.

Also this quote: "Raiden do not underestimate their power's" (or something to that degree) it shows that he is torn between two sides. As Sumac said "Morally Ambiguous"
10/07/2014 03:36 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Obligatory repost of my theory that 'Noob' will be retconned into a demon implanted into Bi-Han's body by Shinnok. They'll pull a Parallax, just watch.

Bi-Han probably wouldn't turn outright altruistic, but he'd play on the side of the angels if it was in his best interest.

This is how I feel as well. I think they will make "Noob" another entity that the soulnado ripped out of Bi Han. Thereby saving Noob the character and also ridding Bi Han of the, as you say, "demon" and allowing him to become subzero again.

If this ends up being true. I would ASSUME that Noob is in the game in some fashion as an immediate antagonist to this sub zero. Think of it as a person physically battling their dark side.
10/07/2014 04:12 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
Obligatory repost of my theory that 'Noob' will be retconned into a demon implanted into Bi-Han's body by Shinnok. They'll pull a Parallax, just watch.

Bi-Han probably wouldn't turn outright altruistic, but he'd play on the side of the angels if it was in his best interest.

I both think and hope that will happen. But it wouldn't technically be a retcon. Noob's MKD ending says his soul got tainted, and more importantly, his MKA's one already speaks of a fight for control over the body. And while it's not any kind of confirmation because it happens in MKD's Konquest, Shujinko did fight Noob at chaosrealm, years before Bi-Han was born (And it was in the main story, not a random fight). What I'm trying to say is, while it was just a theory before cause it couldn't be confirmed by such little info, the elements for Noob having always been an external entity were always there.
10/07/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
I think Ed loves Scorpion way too much to give Subby a lead role in the story. I'd love to see Bi-Han face-off with Quan Chi and finish what was started in MKM: Sub-Zero.
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10/07/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
zerosebaz Wrote:
Shadaloo Wrote:
Obligatory repost of my theory that 'Noob' will be retconned into a demon implanted into Bi-Han's body by Shinnok. They'll pull a Parallax, just watch.

Bi-Han probably wouldn't turn outright altruistic, but he'd play on the side of the angels if it was in his best interest.

I both think and hope that will happen. But it wouldn't technically be a retcon. Noob's MKD ending says his soul got tainted, and more importantly, his MKA's one already speaks of a fight for control over the body. And while it's not any kind of confirmation because it happens in MKD's Konquest, Shujinko did fight Noob at chaosrealm, years before Bi-Han was born (And it was in the main story, not a random fight). What I'm trying to say is, while it was just a theory before cause it couldn't be confirmed by such little info, the elements for Noob having always been an external entity were always there.

Don't be so sure about the MKD Konquest, it could have easily been a BoS member, and not Noob himself... sorta like the Seidan you encountered in that same realm, they fought as Hotaru but, obviously, there weren't 5 Hotarus out there grin

Oh, and one question: people here say something about Bi-Han trying to save Smoke as well... were they friends? Because from what I recall he was Kuai-Liang's pal...
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
10/07/2014 06:50 PM (UTC)
MK-Noob Wrote:

Oh, and one question: people here say something about Bi-Han trying to save Smoke as well... were they friends? Because from what I recall he was Kuai-Liang's pal...

Nope. Bi-Han/Noob's only interaction with Smoke was to find him in Kahn's dungeon and make him his mindless slave in the old timeline.
10/07/2014 07:04 PM (UTC)
Personally, I hope it is Bi-Han and I kind of hope he assumes the role of Earthrealm protector from Raiden. That being said, rather than be a clone of Raiden in that role, I'd love to see him as more brutal, less mentor-ish and more keen on dishing out retribution to the enemies of Earthrealm.

I don't think Bi-Han should be *good* in any capacity. As others have stated, a morally ambiguous Bi-Han would be nice, especially one that has retained his ruthless nature.
10/07/2014 07:32 PM (UTC)
I'm not listening to "Bi-Han not good or evil" I'm outta here!
10/07/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
a morally ambiguous Bi-Han would be nice

Do MK9 and Injustice really give you any faith that those same writers can depict moral ambiguity?
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10/07/2014 07:39 PM (UTC)
When Bi-han was "good", he is an anti hero at best of terms and even Kuai Lang became a better person after Mk2. Even within the original series, both of the Sub Zeroes are killers trained from childhood and in their adventures, spared 1 person.

Keep in mind, that within the Original Mk1 ending, Bi-han retired from the assassin's lifestyle from the money. So within the original timeline, he did consider Raiden's warning.

On Noob Saibot issue, He wasn't even tied to Sub Zero in MKConquest or the comic series. It would be interested if they did a shout out to the "changing" forms(pallete swaps of characters) in Original Time Line with Noob Saibot. So a Variation might be inspired by Kano, Scorpion and Sub Zero. Should Noob Saibot have ties to Outworld and the Netherrealm(reference I do think it was a gameboy stated that his "realms" were Outworld/Netherrealm)? IF I am not pulling that reference out of my ass, of course.

Should Noob Saibot be a very dark character regardless whom he serves? Yes.

10/07/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
a morally ambiguous Bi-Han would be nice

Do MK9 and Injustice really give you any faith that those same writers can depict moral ambiguity?

10/07/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
Could you cite examples?

Because I seem to recall Sektor and Cyrax, who were enemies of both the heroes and the Outworld invaders in MK3, becoming Kahn's henchmen in MK9 to specifically avoid having sideplots, I recall Jade's choice to rescue Kitana instead of staying loyal to Kahn being an immediate and not-at-all-difficult choice as opposed to in UMK3, and I recall Emperor Superman, who originally took over the world for sympathetic reasons, suddenly going full-retard and deciding "Fuck it, let's just destroy Metropolis and Gotham. Murdering a few million people oughtta teach 'em to behave" at the end of IGAU.
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