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12/21/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Does he realize he's on a forum and not 4chan?

Why are we responding at all?
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I know what I have given you. I do not know what you have received.
12/21/2014 09:54 PM (UTC)
So could we go back to the possibility of Bi-Han as no longer Noob and Sub-Zero again? I still hold the idea the variations of Sub-Zero are actually different people.

Cryomancer would be Bi-Han restored as a Cryomancer
Grandmaster would be Kuai as Bi-Han sacifrices himself to save him
Unbreakable would be a son of Kuai named after Bi-Han, his uncle.
12/23/2014 04:01 PM (UTC)
I personally think this Sub-Zero, whoever he is, is a specter like Scorpion. Sub-zero for the most part has had normal eyes, while the dead scorpion's eyes were always white.
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12/23/2014 04:16 PM (UTC)
corayfor Wrote:
I personally think this Sub-Zero, whoever he is, is a specter like Scorpion. Sub-zero for the most part has had normal eyes, while the dead scorpion's eyes were always white.

I agree, this Sub-Zero's eyes look really similar to Noob's in Deception. Those aren't human eyes.
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12/23/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)

It's hard to find HQ art from Deadly Alliance, but it appears that his eyes have gotten significantly lighter ever since he got the Dragon Medallion, which makes sense.

And then, of course, we got Shredder Zero, who is two steps away from being a full-blown ice elemental:

So I'm not sure if the eye color is necessarily indicative of any particular outcome. Could be anybody.
Historical Favorite
12/23/2014 09:15 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Does he realize he's on a forum and not 4chan?

Does it matter? Rex brings the entertainment value strong whether you agree with a given post or not.
12/24/2014 06:18 AM (UTC)
Yo this thread tho...

I too think we'll see different characters within this Sub-Zero. Seems all too likely.
01/03/2015 12:49 AM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
Does he realize he's on a forum and not 4chan?
Guess, he doesn't care. Which is another thing pointing to what his personality is about: immatureness.
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Does it matter? Rex brings the entertainment value strong whether you agree with a given post or not.
I see nothing entertaining in imageshitting on regular forum (that is besides questionable methods of arguing). If you are up to such fun - go to any imageboard, I bet you will find something to laugh about until your head drops. I don't see why such stuff should be encouraged in relatively normal place, no matter the topic at hand.
T-rex Wrote:
I prefer The Thing That Wouldn't Die: Has more of a ring to it, I think. :^)
Not really. Sounds like a name for a C grade trash-talking wannabe. Though, come to think of it...it really fits you.
T-rex Wrote:
Do you know what the definition of insanity is? It's trying to do the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Y'know, like arguing with an insufferably smug, thick-headed fanatic who is clinically incapable of admitting when he's wrong. Seriously, in all of my years of posting here, not once have I seen you concede a point or change your opinion on anything. I've dealt with people like that before. And you're one too many. So the least I can do is get a laugh out of it at your expense.
For someone who considers himself "normal" (whatever it may be in your head) you gave a frighteningly fitting description of yourself. Guess, true nature always rears its ugly head in one form or the other, whether you like or not. As for me, I can change my opinion, when people give good arguments. Pathetic reaching, moving goalposts, double standards, irrational interpretation of available information are not the way to convince me in anything, but your personal bias. Coincidentally all these thing above are your usual MO. So, there is nothing strange that you can't change my mind. It's only logical...but I forget that you are not familliar with this word.
T-rex Wrote:
That's pretty fucking rich, coming from the guy who casually hands out insults like candy.
Since you've acted like all of those things there is nothing strange in being called like that. You know: "calling spade a spade" and all this stuff. You deserved those insults fully, so don't play innocent victim. If you acted like a (mature) person with modicum of (actual) intellect instead imageshitting and throwing random stuff at your posts, like a teenage imageboard dweller you are, than I wouldn't had any reasons to call you that. It's that simple. For a normal person, of course.
T-rex Wrote:
FANBOY! FANBOY! Sumac wants a cracker
See? You doing it again. What I kind of response should I give, but call you [insert appropriate insult here]?
T-rex Wrote:
Forget what? How you brought up Cyrax as counterpoint to Smoke? How I said that Smoke was the only one of the three cyborgs to try to escape, because he is the only one that the game itself literally tells us about? How I also said that Cyrax evidently didn't care about getting cyberized as much as Smoke did, or else the game would've made it a point to mention it, just like it did for Smoke? How you went off the rails afterwards and stared claiming that because they left it vague, his motivation could've been anything? Yeah, I wish I could forget that.
I wish you could actually understood it. Welp, not today, I guess.
T-rex Wrote:
You're absolutely right, I should have known that comparing the abridged mash-up of the first three games to the entirety of the Original Timeline that spans 8 games is in any way fair or makes any kind of logical sense. My mistake. No, wait, that makes no fucking sense. The timeframe limitation is absolutely necessary if we want to objectively compare, say, Sub-Zero’s different portrayals and have an actual discussion about the merits of each that wouldn’t just begin and end with "they erased all of his character development post MK4 and gave us fucking nothing in return". If anything, this gives validity to your side of the argument. You should be in favor of this. But you’re not. I don’t understand. But there I go again, expecting you to be coherent.
You are hilarious. Seriously. First, you didn't get what "OT" stood for and instead of just clarifying, started to throw random shit at me (as usual). Second, you somehow, in your inflamed brain, decided that I "confused" you on purpose and started to throw even more shit at me. And that's even after I've explained what OT meant. At this point I don't even know, can I take your ramblings as a feeble attempt to save your face or just as a reaction of unstable individual with mind problems... I was coherent from start to finish. And it's not my fault that my attempts to talk with you in normal polite language, without images and logic leaps, fried whatever remained from your lucid days and transformed you into barking fool. Another argument why I shouldn't argue with unstable people, I guess. And finally, I always used "OT" for "Original Timeline". I've never used or intent to use this definition for the "Original Trilogy" or anything else. So, before barking, better ask normally what things do mean or you'll end up like a fool. Like in this situation.
T-rex Wrote:
I'm afraid you have it all backwards. When you whip out outrageous statements like "character and personality are distinct and separate", the burden of proof lies on YOU to convince others that you're not talking out of your ass.
Ha-ha-ha. Oh my, you're even more outrageously funny and pathetic than I thought before. And believe me, after all those posts, I've tried to give you at least a quarter of credit. You're like a typical immature internet user - you know some information, but in such incomplete form, that, naturally, when somebody asks you to deliver some explanation or relay conclusions beyond stuff you know, you start crying like a little kid: "UNFAIR!! CHEATER!! I DON'T KNOW THIS, HENCE IT DOESN'T EXIST AND DOESN'T APPLY TO WHATEVER WE ARGUE ABOUT!" Otherwise, it's hard to explain how one minute you go all pompous about "rules of writing" and the other minute you suddnely completely baffled and lost by notion that "character and personality are not the same thing". It's hard to explain, that you know one thing without the other, of course, unless your "gr34t kn0wledg3" wasn't originating from some internet article "quick guide to literature devices for Dummies".
T-rex Wrote:
Unless you can provide a context where erasing a character’s individuality and trivializing whatever it is that made him unique could possibly be a good thing, there’s really nothing to address.
Suddenly we back on topic!! Yay!! I guess, you've exhausted all your "teenage rage"...at least for now. Considering, that Smoke haven't lost his individuality, I don't see what exactly I should adress here. His path was simplified, more or less, but generally he was not made really all that different from his OT incarnation (save for finally having personality). Tragic character he still is. Different, but ultimately the same or at least very close to it. Nothing horrible, really.
T-rex Wrote:
For the sake of an argument, even if I concede that they try to make him go through the same motions, the way they go about it the second time around is hella sloppier and nowhere near as effective as before. I explained why in detail. They are minor details, to be sure, but with Smoke, that’s all that we have, so even small changes to those minor details make all the difference in how the character is perceived.
I wouldn't say anything about its effectiveness, because the outcome is different and we don't know where Smoke's story will go from there. As for pacing - I can agree it was made quite unlike OT. However, one should remember, that pacing of the story in MK3 was product of its technical limitations. Who knows how it would have been done, if MK3 story was recreated with modern technology in its entirety. And comparing several paragraphs of text to the voiced animated sequences is quite odd task. What may be realized nicely in text, not always can be done in other forms with the same success.
T-rex Wrote:
The only effective advantage that Mileena has over Smoke is the fact that she starred in MK2, which gives you a couple more screens worth of bios and endings to pour over and analyze. And since you just spent the last few pages trying to prove that neither of these is admissible when trying to establish Smoke’s personality and character, then by extension, they shouldn’t be admissible in Mileena’s case either. So unless you want to completely undermine your entire argument (see above) and bring her characterization from MK4 and onwards into this, I’m not entirely sure where you're getting all this rich character development from.
I don't need to, really. First, even if I limit Mileena's development to the MK2-MKT, she still comes out as a much more developed character than Smoke. We know of her origin. We know about her feud with Kitana and about her tarkatan-like nature. Which is much more than we ever knew about Smoke in the entire OT, no matter what games you take. Second, hilarious thing is that beyond MK3, Smoke didn't receive any development. In MKD and MKA he is still tormented cyborg, who fights against his programming and sometimes can interfere, but all of this was present back in the MK3. So, no matter how you look at it, Mileena was much more developed character in the very game where she has been introduced. While Smoke...well...yeah... Ultimately, Mileena has not only earlier apperance to her advantage, but also fact, that her story was more detailed and more connected to the principal arc of the games and its characters. Which by no means, obligates Smoke to be a badly developed character, but that's just how it comes out.
T-rex Wrote:
On the contrary, I'm very easy to please. Just write a good story. That would please me very much. The thing is, MK9 effectively erased the previous continuity and rebooted the entire franchise. To draw an analogy, if you're actually willing to bulldoze the old house, you better make damn sure that whatever you're building on top of the old foundation is at least as sturdy as the original. Whether MK9 has managed to fill the shoes left by the OT is very much debatable. In contrast, it looks like MKX is moving the story forward quite a bit. There are no more shoes to fill, so whatever direction it goes in, I'm willing to give it a lot more leeway. More than that, I actually have really high hopes for it. I guess we'll see if it lives up to them.
It's not evident, all things considered. So far you act like a stuck up fanboy, which is hardly goes hand-in-hand with "easy to please" remark. Yes, I agree that MK9 story was not the best in the series and some changes have been very questionable. I admitted it before and I have never argued with it. However, I don't see how it warrants to hate on the game for the 3 years, like it was released yesterday. Yeah, they screwed some things. They won't changed it. Let's move on. We have a new game soon.
T-rex Wrote:
Fucking really..? My favorite game in the franchise is MKDA. To refresh your memory, that would be the very same MKDA that threw caution to the wind, broke new ground for the series in pretty much every way imaginable, introduced the most new characters out of any previous entry and is also commonly regarded as the beginning of the wildly controversial dark age of MK. But please, do explain to me how much of a nostalgiafag I REALLY am. Тебе из погреба виднее, чо.
Having MKDA as your favorite game, doesn't neccessary mean that you are not a raving lunatic when it comes to discussion of the MK1-MK3. Тебе и с дрявого чердака ничего не видно.
T-rex Wrote:
"picture of big pig" big words is hard :( thinking is hard :(
No, it's just that I dislike, when immature bufoons like you, attempt to use "big words" in incorrect contexts and situations to make themselves look more important. It's very easy to tell, when one doing that. And it's even more easier to expose hilarious incompetence and arrogance behind that. And no need to post here your selfportrait. I have already figured out that you are not of a human kind. Not entirely so, at least. I thought you're a monkey or a pigeon, though. Didn't expect it to be a pig. But it makes few things a bit more clear about your behavior and personality in general.
T-rex Wrote:
I have trouble imagining the antediluvian rock formation you had to live under in order to miss the non-stop onslaught of shitstorms about the story of MK9 around the time of its release. At the epicenter of it all, of course, were the SZfags raging about Cyber-Zero, but Smoke fans were right there next to them. But fine, whether you're being deliberately obtuse or just blissfully oblivious,look no further than this. These just so happen to be some of the most well-spoken and knowledgeable people in this entire community. Doesn’t sound like any of them are exactly happy with the treatment Smoke received in MK9, does it..? Of course, they also just happen to be the very same Smoke fans who don't bother talking to you anymore (probably because they recognize that nothing they could possibly say would make you budge even an inch), so I guess I could see why you’d mistake the awkward silence that your posts are usually met with for agreement.
I was here throughout MK9 release and I saw alot of angry Sub-Zero fans. As for the Smoke fans - there were few of them, but it was nowhere near the epic proportions of the shitstorm caused by CSZ. As for the NetherKast...sorry, 3 guys, one of which is rather thickheaded and had problems with logical thinking, much like you, is hardly a crowd. Not convinced.
T-rex Wrote:
I know you’re just trolling at this point, but comparing anybody besides Sub-Zero to the poster boy of the entire franchise in terms of popularity is a special kind of disingenuous, even for you.
Oh, my. I could've use almost any character from MK1-MK3 who is more or equally popular as Smoke, if that makes you fell better. You once again, see separate words instead of sentences and context. Not a surprise.
T-rex Wrote:
Now, this was such outrageous bullshit that I actually began to wonder if there was tangible statistical data that could blow it wide open. Turns out, there was:

Mortal Kombat 9 stats - Most popular characters, teams and more!

#8 ? Johnny Cage

#3 ? Smoke

[ ] not rekt
Ha-ha-ha. That is like a bad joke. Wait a minute...wait a minute, let me wipe out tears from my eyes...you just made something, that I am not even sure how to comprehend...it's unbelievably hilarious. You seriously want to use MK9 characters gameplay popularity chart as a proof of Smoke's overall popularity in the MK fandom?!?! I mean...what?! How...? It's like...It doesn't make any fucking sense!! If we go by this list, than Shang Tsung and Baraka (two very popular chars in MK fanbase) are even less popualr than Noob Saibot or Jade, for crying out loud. Are you even understanding what the heck are doing anymore? Ot you just using any random bits of data to somehow undermine my conclusions, without actual understanding of what those mean? Because, it does not make you any favors!! In short, using your own slang: U R REKT, m8.
T-rex Wrote:
If you weren't so casually dismissive of any instances where character development was implied (y'know,like in any other form of fiction that there is) instead of explicitly spelled out, you might be surprised to find out that, in reality, there were a lot of these opportunities that you weren't even aware of. That aside, though, are you seriously saying that eight (8) story-driven entries in the franchise + 3 official comic books and a semi-canon movie is "not much opportunity"? That's a lot more than most other fighting games have gotten, that's for damn sure. Fucking Shaolin Monks was a perfect opportunity to retell the events of MK2 the way they deserve to be told. We all know how that turned out, don't we? There were plenty of opportunities. Whether the writers took advantage of them is another matter entirely.
Fictional opportunities or real ones? Fictional implications or real ones? It is a well-known fact, that old fans like to apply their own interpretation of the events to canonical stuff. Sometimes, it's canonized by creators, sometimes - it takes form of a "widely known fact", which in reality not a canon and just an information that was spread by the word of mouth. In your, admittedly, difficult and annoying case, you are applying your own interpretation of certain events as canonical, while there is not much evidence in reality, that could've support your conlusions, no matter, how hard you try to say otherwise. If you see these implications, well, good for you. Just don't try to force it on everyone else, because, opinions could be different. Eight games released at irregular intervals, without pre-planned story, with constant stream of retcons, changes made for, whoever know, reasons, with the first games being quite limited by the technology of its time, when it comes to presentation, with inconsistent details, inconsistent designs, with some characters added as an afterthought and the like...you know, it's not really that much.
T-rex Wrote:
Where do I even begin..?
Preferably nowhere. You point is well understood, even if it doesn't make much sense. And by the way, I was talking about MK series as a whole. Not only about MK9. But of course, in your next reply, which I hope will never happen, you will cry like a little baby, about "evil Sumac" tricking you into believing false things. You know, like you usually do, to justify your lack of understanding and competence.
T-rex Wrote:
So according to you, the REAL reason why the story in MK9 was bad because the WB executives FORCED the team to make it bad. Feel free to laugh at your leisure, everyone.
I have never said, nor meant that. Twisting my words will get you nowhere.
T-rex Wrote:
I assume that you're referring to instances where character design and gameplay have to be created with the limitations of the current hardware in mind.
No. I meant, something different. When storytelling is limited to several paragraphs and few still pictures instead of fully animated and voiced scenes.
T-rex Wrote:
They've done it before.
I don't agree with that.
T-rex Wrote:
But UNLIKE all these other things, the initial script doesn’t require a team of artists and programmers working around the clock for weeks to implement it into the game. All it takes is the writers getting together for a few brainstorming sessions and going through several rounds of back-and-forth drafts and rewrites.
Like a typical fanboy obsessed with his own vision, you lack understanding, that between "writing" and "implementing" script into the game, there is a whole lot of stuff, that should be taken care of. How much it will cost? How it could be done from technical point of view? Could be there some "questionable content"? And the like. Creation of the modern big game is a big kitchen, so naturally nothing could be done just like that, without assessing what and how should be done. MK is not an indie franchise, where small group of people can decide all aspects of the game from start to finish. I don't think you are capable of understanding that, though.
T-rex Wrote:
You seem to be pushing this fantastic idea that if the writers get too carried away, then MK will end up too dramatic, over-written and LOLDEEP (I've yet to be convinced that it would turn out to be a bad thing, but that’s another conversation entirely).
It would be atrocious. Universe with such amount of ridiculous stuff treated with a straight face - is a disaster waiting to happen. Either tone down ridiculous or don do it at all. Middle ground will lead to nowhere. And MK becoming underground cult classic doesn't cut for me.
T-rex Wrote:
Have you considered that MK is full of great characters, and that regardless of whether they're archetypes or not, they deserve to be done justice? Because “justice” is certainly not what a lot of them got in MK9. Failing that, have you considered that maybe your standards are just too low?
More characters than not, have been done justice in MK9, in my opinion. I pointed that out back in 2011, and you've agreed with my assesment back then. My standards depend on the source material. For MK this level is good. It could be better, but I won't make it a tragedy, if it'll stay like this.
T-rex Wrote:
So by your own admission, Tobias managed to achieve "extensive development" in just three short comic books, but you're saying that this new guy will be unable to do even better than that with an entire year-long continuous run of comics and the luxury of having 20+ years of lore at his disposal? Sure, whatever. Makes just about as much sense as everything else that's coming out of your mouth.
Twisting my words again...is that all you capable this days? Oh, you are also honorary graduate of "missing the point" institute, how I could forget about that. "Extensive development" is exactly what I was talking about - a fine line between deep characters and basic archetypes. The thing is, it's not so much I don't believe in writers ability to pull that off (and there is not much need to do so with old characters), as I think there will be no intention in doing so.
T-rex Wrote:
I mumbled something about this thing I don't like in some post years ago maybe someone read it but probably not whatever I'll make sure to never repeat myself ever again or else god forbid I might come off as negative we can't have that
What are you raving about this time? That not everyone are so obsessed, fanatical and singleminded like you, so they are not ready to devote their whole existence on the forum to proving, how story in a certain game sucked in their opinion? You know, I hardly would call it a big loss. But from the point of view of lunatic, normal people are strange, so I see why are you so upset, that I don't see eye to eye with you.
T-rex Wrote:
And by "moves mountains" I mean "allows publishers to get away with producing substandard garbage and ruining long-standing franchises".
Of course, ranting on the forum for several years will change their attitude and the world!! Sure!! Let's shoud louder, maybe space will hear us!! Childish...really... As long as they have their profits and no major scandals and complaints about the game and the story from the regular users, they don't have any reason to give any single fuck about your words. Especially in this day and age of "hatedoms", where to be "true fan" you should HATE and LOATH supposed object of your love.
T-rex Wrote:
When a AAA publisher produces a flawed product, you're not supposed to take their fucking side. Seriously, if I didn’t know you have a long-standing history in the MK community, I’d suspect you’re one of those shills-for-hire that the big publishers pay off to troll the forums, hype the game up and downplay any criticism.
Ha-ha-ha... Disagree with a ranting fool and you are instantly considered a hired shill. What a day and age. Hilarious.
T-rex Wrote:
The one weapon you have against the multimillion dollar hype machine is being able to spread the word in the community and make yourself heard, yet you deliberately choose not to use it.
Ah, yes. How it was in the classics? "Brick is the weapon of proletariat". "Together we can tear down the old world and build a new one!!" Your clearly teenage attitude is funny. Well, I am afraid in the end you won't be laughing, because, life will teach you that world does not work that way. Consider it an advice to not to be dissappointed further down the line.
T-rex Wrote:
So rest assured, as long there are good little customers like you around, EA, Ubisoft and others that are driving this industry into the ground will be around for decades to come.
Dare I ask, oh the Great Knight of Justice and Vox Populi, if people everywhere are so pissed off about EA and Ubisoft attitudes for so long, why they keep doing that what they're doing? Maybe because, no matter, how much people cry and scream about crazy amount of bugs in the Assassin's Creed games, Ubisoft knows that they will end up in profit anyway? I mean there is like A LOT of people pissed off about them, but they keep doing whatever they were doing. Could it be that your idea of inner workings of the wrold is somewhat "off"? "Ritorical question".
T-rex Wrote:
Don't be too hard on yourself, friend. If I was an NRS developer following these boards, that wonderfully defeatist attitude of yours would certainly motivate me to do better. I mean, I don’t know about you, but nothing would inspire and encourage me more than hearing things like "don't bother putting in any serious effort or thought into your writing” and “it's just a story for fighting game, it should never try to be anything more than that anyway".
Yeah, sure. Nothing motivates for a good work like an inane rant, stuck on repeat, which lasts for seveal years. Definitely a good motivation and inspiration to do better. Especially, after the next game is already half-finished. Wonderous logic, just wonderous.
T-rex Wrote:
Okay, I’m getting pretty tired of seeing this accusation get tossed around, so let’s clear this up once and for all. I never said it's completely bad. Ever.
And that somehow justifies ranting about certain aspects for three years...what?
T-rex Wrote:
The main point is, the story doesn't magically get better just because a few years have passed. It's not a fucking cask of Amontillado, it doesn't get better with age. Hell, if anything, it gets worse, because after the initial hypesplosion has subsided, we've had all this time to calmly reassess it, pick it apart and identify every misstep it has made.
Doesn't make it gameplay and variety of modes any worse. People like you need to remember, that MK is not only story, but also a video game meant to be played. So, yeah, MK9 story could've been better, I agree, now what? Next game is around the corner, which will continue story from MK9. Bitching about it is pointless, already. It's like constantly saying that MKD story was half-assed. So? What exactly it has to do with anything? Nothing. It's time have gone. Time to move on.
T-rex Wrote:
I never intentionally bring up MK9 with the express intent of bitching about it. But if you barge into a thread and declare that MK9's story was amazing, and any flaws it's perceived to have are fanboy gripes that can easily be dismissed, I'm not going to fucking lie to myself and others just so you'd feel safe and secure in the comfort of your delusion.
You talking about delusions...oh the irony. Anyway. I do not go around spouting how great MK9 story was, unless there is a good reason for it. Or unless I see a raving lunatic, that I want to mess with.
T-rex Wrote:
The fucking Bayformers were an enormous success, so by your demented logic, it must be a cinematic masterpiece. But I guess that's what happens when you conflate presentation and content.
Nope. Bayformers has been atrocious on every level possible, except CGI execution. MK9 is excellent or good on every level.
T-rex Wrote:
What does ANY of this other stuff have to do with a discussion that deals *strictly* with story and character development? ...I don’t know, actually. I guess it will forever be a mystery.
We've been talking about quality of the game and all of sudden you ask why are we talking about it...It's like a joke at this point. I more baffled how did you get through the elementary school with such logic.
T-rex Wrote:
*stupid picture* There was obviously a demand for it, or else they wouldn't have done it, no? That's what you kept saying before, right? Demand decides everything? I feel fairly confident in saying that we are the ones who voiced that demand. And evidently, when you speak up, there is a chance you might actually be heard. Who knew! So forgive me if I decide to take partial credit for it. Stay salty.
Leave it to pathetic lunatic to believe that I can be jealous of his false accomplishments!! That is so funny. When I thought you've gone beyond saying something idiotic you return with even more nonsense. Og, and something for you to thing about, "accomplisher",: there was demand for MK comic books even back at the MK9 time, but somehow it didn't changed a thing.
T-rex Wrote:
"Some annoying bullshit as usual" The world you live in is strange and uncomfortable, little man. I better go now, my planet needs me.
More like your pills need you. You once again missed the point. Talking with you is like having conversation with a window leaf: there is small chance that something will stick and be heard, but most of my words are just flying through, never to be seen or understood.
T-rex Wrote:
My sincere apologies, I keep assuming that you're capable of processing visual imagery and using your imagination, associative thinking and common sense, like most human beings past the developmental age. Rest assured, that's a mistake I won't be making again.
Visual imagery? More like random darkened crap. And wait, are you seriously saying stuff like "use your imagination to process whatever shit I posted (and come to the same conslusions I did)? What!? I guess your developmental age either is not over yet or just stuck permanently. But no worries: I already have figured it out, so I treat you accordingly. With all respect and patience annoying childish nuisance deserves. Don't worry.
T-rex Wrote:
>all this salt No matter how you look at it, the fact WB has finally decided to expand the universe with comic books is a wonderful thing. Does the thought that we most likely had something to do with this decision bother you this much? Jesus, dude, that’s just not healthy. The first issue is gonna be out is less than a month - instead of raging, get hype with the rest of us.
Salt? Heh. Only your head. I don't care, if WB's decision to make MKX comic books somehow tied with your rants. Whether it is the case or not, I don't care either way. But of course, your childish nature, precludes you from understanding, that actually adult people do not care about such stuff.
T-rex Wrote:
So let me get this straight. Just a few posts ago, you brought up what MK was "meant to be" with the implication that the original creator's intent is to be treated as a guiding principle of sorts. OK, I’m with you so far. But when presented with an example of a darker, more grim incarnation of Batman that is arguably more true to the original vision of the character than any other live-action treatment (which, by your reasoning, would make it inherently better) your response is basically "p-people have different opinions about stuff". Because drama = bad or something. ...Huh. It’s not that I necessarily disagree (my favorite Batman movie is still Batman Returns, fuck the haters), it’s the blatant inconsistency that makes my brain hurt.
I have a glaring suspicion that your brain in costant pain from all those efforts to process actual thoughts, which could partially explain your attitude...never mind. At this point I feel like I need to reclarify my clarifications. It's just how it goes with you. How story can be realized, depends on each separate case.
T-rex Wrote:
...I'm honestly just stunned at this point. I don't usually see such astonishing hypocrisy and complete lack of self-awareness outside of tumblr SJW cesspools. If you’re this utterly blind to your own blatant double standard bullshit, there’s not much else to talk about here.
I just go with the flow and have fun at your expence.
T-rex Wrote:
>posts wild, runaway ramblings about that MK was "meant to be", which might carry some authority if they were coming from the mouth of someone involved in the creation of MK, but no matter how hard I look through the credits, I don’t see your name in there >comes up with nebulous fantasies about the inner workings of game development that have nothing to do with the practical reality of what’s actually happening Hey pal, I'm sure it's all "obvious" in your head, but if you could stop trying to pass off your wild conjecture and nonsensical headcanon as fact, that'd be great.
If I was you (or was immature like you, at least) there would have been a funny image. Something along the lines of "5 year old blissfully igorant of the world". Well...stay ignorant then. Payoff wouldn't be nice.
T-rex Wrote:
Look around you. Look at this thread. You keep giving your pathetic little high-fives to ReptZ once in a while, but aside from an occasional newfag who doesn't know any better, he's pretty much the only one around here who agrees with whatever nonsense you spout.
You are so pathetic. Really. Attacking me with your bullshit was not enough and like an immature idiot you are, you need to drag others into this shit. I bet that, if majority was on my side your song would've sound very difirently. But of course, since you have (alleged) crowds on your side you sound all high and mighty. Typical attitude of a little kid. Or a hypocritic idiot. Choose what you like to be. But I have nothing to do with it.
T-rex Wrote:
I’d imagine there might have been more people on your side if you weren't acting like an arrogant, flippant jerk throughout every extended conversation you get involved in, but as it stands, a lot more people seem to agree with me and Razor. And as you can clearly see here, the only thing you are succeeding at so far is completely alienating people and causing them to outright dismiss whatever you say as shitposting before they even finish reading it. You've become a pariah, Sumac. And you have no one to blame but yourself. Y'know what, having typed all of this and looking back at all of it right now..? yeah, I think I'm finally done with you too
Like all 5-6 people who still regularly go to this forum and actually care about inner politics, old conversations and postcounters. I think majority of actual forum goers give as much fuck for me as they do to you: none. They don't care either about you or me. I choose for myself what I want to be. But if we talk strictly about your POV, than it's allright to be the pariah in the land of self important pathetic clowns, who one day will blow up from their own inflated egos. When inevitable blowout come, view will be much better. As for the other things...never mind...just go to hell.
T-rex Wrote:
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