03/03/2010 10:32 PM (UTC)
Yeah my music idea for the mall is a little too rated teen i guess. Lol

Ok, now this next idea came up to me from an MK sprite.

1) Arena: The Dead Pool

Setting: It should return and be like the one in MKD but the hooks from above should return. Also, instead of Shang Tsung watching the arena, it should be a mysterious person with a hooded claok covering his face. There is a long lever in the corner of the ring.

Deathtraps/Stage Fatalities:
1) The opponent falls into the pool of acid.
2) The opponent gets impaled on a hook. Then a short timer occurs as the impaled person moves around. Before the timer runs out, the character must pull the lever and you must "Test Your Might". If you are successful, the impaled victim on the hook gets dipped into the pool of acid and screams in pain. After that, the hook comes back up with the skeleton of your foe. The remains are green and decay easily due to the acid. However, if the "Test Your Might" wasn't successful, the enemy just dies on the hook, impaled.

Music: A new better remix of the Dead Pool music from the MK games.

2) Arena: Abandoned Building

Setting: It's basically an empty building with a few messed up furnitures and there is also a huge glass window where the opponent can fall to his/her doom.. The ceiling has huge holes in it too. It looks like as if the place had been vandalised. The furnitures, such as the couches, chairs, table, and filing cabinets can be thrown or kicked at the enemy. A few pipes and some long block of wood can be used as weapons. A broom is also standing right next to the filing cabinet.

Weapons/Environmental Weapons:
1) Tables can be kicked to the enemy or thrown. (Break easily.)
2) Chairs can be thrown or used as a weapon. (Break easily.)
3) Couches can be thrown or kicked to the enemy. (Can break.)
4) Filing Cabinets can be kicked to the enemy or thrown. (Can break)
5) Pipes Can be used as melee weapons and they eventually break. When they are almost broken, they can be thrown at the opponent.
6) Long pieces of wood can also be used as weapons. However, they break and when there is only a small piece of it left, it can be thrown at the enemy.
7) The broom can be used the same way as the wood.

Deathtrap/Stage Fatality: The opponent gets thrown/hit through the glass window and fall off the tall building and onto the ground hard. Wait... that's not all though, after they fall, a truck runs him/her over, crushing the remains of the body.

Music: Something very similar to the MK3 Subway stage.

03/06/2010 08:50 PM (UTC)
helicopter pad - its raining. the clouds are dark and gloomy. lightning cracks in the sky. the wind is breezing by. the copter spins ready for take off.

there would be 2 deathtraps.
1. sliced and diced - you knock the opponnet up into the air and they land onto the blades choping them to bits while blood and bones hit the screen.

2. falling away - knock the opponnet off the roof watching them fall until they hit the pavement. splat.

music wise i'd have something similar to the sky temple in mkd.

the dome - its a grid level then it changes to every mk level in every single mk game there is. the fight does not change but the background changes every sec. it would be similar to a powerpoint slideshow but with animation going through it. this level is more like a tribute to the past mks and to what the future lies to come.

music wise - id have a techo beat to this one.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later.
03/17/2010 04:22 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
helicopter pad - its raining. the clouds are dark and gloomy. lightning cracks in the sky. the wind is breezing by. the copter spins ready for take off.

there would be 2 deathtraps.
1. sliced and diced - you knock the opponnet up into the air and they land onto the blades choping them to bits while blood and bones hit the screen.

2. falling away - knock the opponnet off the roof watching them fall until they hit the pavement. splat.

music wise i'd have something similar to the sky temple in mkd.

the dome - its a grid level then it changes to every mk level in every single mk game there is. the fight does not change but the background changes every sec. it would be similar to a powerpoint slideshow but with animation going through it. this level is more like a tribute to the past mks and to what the future lies to come.

music wise - id have a techo beat to this one.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later.

i really like the helicopter pad idea...it makes me think about MW2 lol. the dome idea is kinda weird but i could maybe see it as a hidden arena. it would be like the Chameleon of arenas. it makes me think of dragonball z for the hyperbolic time chamber. i dont really see it fitting with MK but meh my mind is open to ideas.
03/18/2010 02:26 AM (UTC)
Arena: Dead Street

Setting: The place is a street which had been destroyed by a new threat to Earthrealm with cars that are scattered all over. Some have even crashed onto each other. There are dead bodies in some parts of the arena too. On the side walk by the wall of a building is an iron pipe that the fighters can pick up and use against eachother. Also, there is a garbage truck waiting to dismember a victim.

Weapon: The iron pipe on the sidewalk.

1) Cars- A character can get hit onto a car and will intake extra damage as the car breaks.
2) Car pieces- Some cars have been destroyedpretty badly already so fighters can pick up its pieces and throw thenm at eachother.

Garbage Truck- The victim gets hit into the truck and gets devoured by its crushing machine.

Music- Something similar to the MK3 Subway Stage.

03/20/2010 04:13 PM (UTC)
the clocktower - a dark room with lighted torches. a chyme hits every 12 sec that causes the ground to move. bats fly back and forth. gears spin round and round. here tinkering in the distance. the window glass is faded and outdated.

there would be 3 death traps.

falling while cut - get knocke out the clocktower window cutting your skin to pieces while faling and splatting the ground.

cranked out - get knocked into the gears smooshing you to a bloody pancake.

arrowed to death - get knocked out the window but get cut in half by the time arrows that display the clock.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the belltower or the evil tower.

tell me what you think and i'll post more later.
About Me

art by blacksaibot

03/23/2010 02:00 AM (UTC)
My ideas are

Dark prison/slaughterhouse: Like some torture scary oriented place. Just like have a bunch of death traps evrywhere and have prisoners around. Maybe it should be set in the nether realm.

The wasteland: And like have a battle going on in the background.

Dead pool: This would really coooool!

Living forest: This is a must!

A cave: A cave would be reallly cool, maybe have it be reptiles cave. I could imagine the death traps in this! Like a dark area you kick them in and they come out screaming with like disgusting freaky bugs all over them eating the person. That would be awesome.

Goros lair: I think this arena is very interesing, and I love how they explained in shaolin monks. I was dissapointed in MK:A when they didnt have a death trap in the arena. I think it would be cool like if the onis ate you. That would be cool.

Hell/nether realm: This has alot of possibilities, but I would prefer a layout like what they did with the nether realm in konquest of MK:D. It would be set in the city in there would be like 2 onis in a corner fighting for a piece of meat and in another corner there being demon guards killing zombie with their spears. They could be scenery or heck they could be death traps, the charcter can be knocked towards the onis and the onis eat the victim or you can knock em to the demon guards and the victim will be dizzy so the guards think the victim is a zombie so they killl the victim. Another idea for a death trap is a pit of lava where skeletons try to drag you into it and there can be some interactivity like you have ti tap A/X repeatly to escape their grip.

Thats what I think would be coolio.grin
03/23/2010 06:21 PM (UTC)
the village - is deep in the the living forest where a very few remain there. 3-4 straw huts stand near a campfire. there is a well nearbuy but does not look like it has been used in years. bodies lay on top of each other like a pile of crap. the grass is dead and there is no plantlife what so ever. it's very empty. you can hear crows caw in the distance.

there would be 3 death traps.

burned alive - knocked onto the campfire while burning to death.

oh no it's mk4 - get knocked into the well and land on the spikes.

feeding time - tiny villagers attack the opponnet with spears,knifes, and blowdarts, then eats the remains. similar to the mummy returns film.

music wise - i'd have a sped up version of the living forest.

tell me what you think, and i'll post more.
03/26/2010 12:41 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the village - is deep in the the living forest where a very few remain there. 3-4 straw huts stand near a campfire. there is a well nearbuy but does not look like it has been used in years. bodies lay on top of each other like a pile of crap. the grass is dead and there is no plantlife what so ever. it's very empty. you can hear crows caw in the distance.

there would be 3 death traps.

burned alive - knocked onto the campfire while burning to death.

oh no it's mk4 - get knocked into the well and land on the spikes.

feeding time - tiny villagers attack the opponnet with spears,knifes, and blowdarts, then eats the remains. similar to the mummy returns film.

music wise - i'd have a sped up version of the living forest.

tell me what you think, and i'll post more.

great stuff...this idea gives me flash backs of Diablo 2: LOD's act 3.

@T0asty....like the thoughts but many of them are close to what MK already has. They could just polish up certain ones that you have mentioned...the cave idea was and has been mentioned by a lot of other people and is a great idea.you should elaborate more into detail what you see in your mind or even try finding an image or draw it. many people have similar ideas but have differences that stand out. in any case...you should check out the previous posts from the begining and see what has been brought up and thought of. maybe it will spark some ideas.
03/26/2010 12:48 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Arena: Dead Street

Setting: The place is a street which had been destroyed by a new threat to Earthrealm with cars that are scattered all over. Some have even crashed onto each other. There are dead bodies in some parts of the arena too. On the side walk by the wall of a building is an iron pipe that the fighters can pick up and use against eachother. Also, there is a garbage truck waiting to dismember a victim.

Weapon: The iron pipe on the sidewalk.

1) Cars- A character can get hit onto a car and will intake extra damage as the car breaks.
2) Car pieces- Some cars have been destroyedpretty badly already so fighters can pick up its pieces and throw thenm at eachother.

Garbage Truck- The victim gets hit into the truck and gets devoured by its crushing machine.

Music- Something similar to the MK3 Subway Stage.

i kinda like this idea...its almost like a dead zone from a nuke or maybe even a natural disaster like earthquakes or aftermath of armageddon. it might even fit a ghost town kinda theme. interesting ideas...the music should be less flowing and more ambient for such an arena.
03/26/2010 12:50 PM (UTC)
accidental double post here...whoops.tongue
03/26/2010 12:51 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the clocktower - a dark room with lighted torches. a chyme hits every 12 sec that causes the ground to move. bats fly back and forth. gears spin round and round. here tinkering in the distance. the window glass is faded and outdated.

there would be 3 death traps.

falling while cut - get knocke out the clocktower window cutting your skin to pieces while faling and splatting the ground.

cranked out - get knocked into the gears smooshing you to a bloody pancake.

arrowed to death - get knocked out the window but get cut in half by the time arrows that display the clock.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the belltower or the evil tower.

tell me what you think and i'll post more later.

this is a cool idea but i think it relates to the bell tower too much...maybe they could use these ideas to enhance and upgrade the bell tower? like maybe make it multi tiered.
03/26/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
yeah thats were i kind of got the idea from diablo lod. theres a new patch and ive gotton back to playing it. version 1.13

anyways here's my next arena.

the attic - it's a small dark room. it has creaky boards and makes noises every time you walk. the wood is rotted. spiderwebs lay scattered about. the ceiling drips. there is no lightbulbs. you have to watch were you step or you can fall through the ceiling.

there would only be 1 death trap.
bring down the house - you fall through the ceiling splintering wood with sharp nails that impale you.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music in jeepers creepers 1st film.

tell me if you like it or not and i'll post more tomorrow.
03/27/2010 03:08 PM (UTC)
i watch mortal kombat the first movie, and i saw shang tsung bring up spirits that he has taking and use them against liu kan.g. i would like to see that as a death trap in his level only. like in mka he has his level or arena that has the souls flying around in that hole in the wall. if you uppercut them push them in that hole you can see the souls rip them apart or fighting to take over the body which destroy you. and same with shang tsung and if possible maybe a little more to shang tsung because they hate him for taking their soul. just idea let me know what you think. or if you need help understanding anything i don't thin this was made before sorry if it was i did not see it.
03/27/2010 08:24 PM (UTC)
flamingspike Wrote:
i watch mortal kombat the first movie, and i saw shang tsung bring up spirits that he has taking and use them against liu kan.g. i would like to see that as a death trap in his level only. like in mka he has his level or arena that has the souls flying around in that hole in the wall. if you uppercut them push them in that hole you can see the souls rip them apart or fighting to take over the body which destroy you. and same with shang tsung and if possible maybe a little more to shang tsung because they hate him for taking their soul. just idea let me know what you think. or if you need help understanding anything i don't thin this was made before sorry if it was i did not see it.

i think this has been thought about by some fans but i think it is a good idea all around...the thing is,it would have to be a character specific death trap. if that was the case than i would want each character to have their own...which would also mean each character would have an arena based on them.
it would be cool but than in the back of my mind i am thinking would it be better as just a fatality rather than a death trap or stage fatality. it could work well in a konquest or survival mode aswell.
03/27/2010 08:30 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
yeah thats were i kind of got the idea from diablo lod. theres a new patch and ive gotton back to playing it. version 1.13

anyways here's my next arena.

the attic - it's a small dark room. it has creaky boards and makes noises every time you walk. the wood is rotted. spiderwebs lay scattered about. the ceiling drips. there is no lightbulbs. you have to watch were you step or you can fall through the ceiling.

there would only be 1 death trap.
bring down the house - you fall through the ceiling splintering wood with sharp nails that impale you.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music in jeepers creepers 1st film.

tell me if you like it or not and i'll post more tomorrow.

i like the idea of an attic but when i think attic i think small space to fight in...also the death trap is kinda generic and lacks excitement. i could see a large attic but what kind of building would it be? it would have to reflect something...this idea is one of your weaker ones and is missing detail...but it has some potential.
03/27/2010 09:32 PM (UTC)
Tarkatan Colliseum: Gladitorial arena with a crowd of Tarkatans screaming in the stands. It would be like the roman coliseum with an outworld influence. This level would probably be better with a 3D game considering it is circular. This would be like Baraka's stage.

City Streets: A regular city street with buildings crumbling, and people running around, and the sky scorched black.

Wu shi Academy: I would want this to be an asian style temple with statues of all of the good MK warriors such a Kang, Cage, Raiden, Sonya, and Jax. I would prefer this for a 2D game.

Well I'll post more later, but for now I ran out of ideas so tell me what you think.
03/28/2010 04:29 PM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Tarkatan Colliseum: Gladitorial arena with a crowd of Tarkatans screaming in the stands. It would be like the roman coliseum with an outworld influence. This level would probably be better with a 3D game considering it is circular. This would be like Baraka's stage.

City Streets: A regular city street with buildings crumbling, and people running around, and the sky scorched black.

Wu shi Academy: I would want this to be an asian style temple with statues of all of the good MK warriors such a Kang, Cage, Raiden, Sonya, and Jax. I would prefer this for a 2D game.

Well I'll post more later, but for now I ran out of ideas so tell me what you think.

the tarkatan arena would be an awesome idea...basic but original.

the city streets idea has been said in different ways from others and some don't like modern settings in MK but i welcome them...i would like to see more modern evolution taking place. allthough its similar to ideas from many...it is still a good idea.

the academy idea is a good thought...many settings from shoalin monks would be great for arenas.
03/30/2010 04:11 PM (UTC)
amusement park - it's a dark windy night with flashing lights. there's a full moon out. you can smash the opponnet into various stands. throw the opponnet over the rail for the line rides and much more.

there would be 2-3 death traps.

death trap 1 ride to die - you knock the opponet onto the track of the roller coaster getting run over with guts and bones hitting the screen.

death trap 2 bumpered alive - you throw the opponnet onto the track and two bumper cars hit the opponnet from both sides crushing you to death. fatality.

death trap 3 flying to dying - you strap the opponets head to the bungy jump they go flying high into the air and then hit the ground. splat. fatality.

music wise - i'd go with a creepy carnival tune that goes slow at 1st but then goes faster.

tell me what you think. i'll post more.
03/30/2010 04:42 PM (UTC)
That seems like a good idea. It reminds me of Left 4 Dead 2, but regardless I like seeing the MK fighters in modern day settings.
04/02/2010 06:08 PM (UTC)
the ocean - there's a raft made out of bamboo that floats. it's used as the platform for this arena. there's half a moon in the distance. the clouds are dark and cloudy. the stars glimmer in the distance. it pours on to the raft making it slippery and hard to get your fighting stance ready. lightning cracks.wind is gusty almost blowing the fighters of the platform.

there would be 5 death traps in this arena.
death trap 1 munched - a shark eats you and you get ripped apart.
death trap 2 crunched - a crocadile eats you and you get ripped apart.
death trap 3 nothing left - a bunch of piranhas eat you alive.
death trap 4 zapped to death - a bunch of electric eels fry you to death.
death trap 5 stung alive - get stung by a bunch of jelly fish causing alot of pain then you die.

there would be a random feature to make the death traps different each time you played this arena.

music wise - i'd have someting similar to cast away.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later.
04/07/2010 07:22 AM (UTC)
The Tekunin Factory - I always wondered how characters like Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke became the way they are, so this level would give the player a sense of depth in the cruelty and coldness that Sektor posseses in creating his clan. This level should have a unique blend of ancient japanese architecture combined with a dirty, grunge themed medical lab.

I can imagine pale corpses on steel slabs twitching with blood dripping from the slabs to the dirty floor and occasionally in the background you see men screaming in agony in contraptions picking away at their flesh and replacing them with cybernetic parts. I could also imagine x-ray images of bones infused with titanium and monitors showing life signs and brain wave signals of different male figures. A distinct and memorable stage fatality could be a fighter falls into one of the machines and has his arms and legs incapacitated while his body gets twisted and disformed to a very grusome degree where the player can no longer endure all the rapid changes to his or her body and dies only to be rejected and thrown down a shute into a pile of other failed attempted corpses with their flesh and limps torn and peeled off.

Another stage I thought of was inspired by the Mortal Kombat 3 artwork of the invasion of Earthrealm, I liked the dark orange portal with the black center leading into the unknown. This stage would be called the Over Pass. Imagine two fighters fighting on an abandoned free way while a tremendous portal eats away at the highway causing much debris to get sucked into the portal. I could imagine heavy winds blowing the hair and clothing of the fighters and see cars and vehicles get tossed and turned and lifted straight off of the ground into the vortex of the portal. As the fight progresses in the background you can see the overpass decaying and fall apart with huge dust clouds passing through and sometimes blinding the screen kicking up dirt and dust. Fighters can bang into the cars causing dents into them and to add a new level of interaction there can be a time limit for the fighters to decide a winner or else both of them get lifted into into the air to hold on to each other pummel each other reminiscent of MK vs DC. The players hope to drain the opponents health bar or else both get thrown into the portal This option could of course for convenience be turned off in the options menu when you disable the timer for a fight.
04/07/2010 03:52 PM (UTC)
great ideas grizzle. i like the idea of having that robot factory. also that is the type of arena's mk9 needs to have that shock factor. cool ideas.
04/22/2010 11:46 AM (UTC)
Grizzle Wrote:
The Tekunin Factory - I always wondered how characters like Cyrax, Sektor, and Smoke became the way they are, so this level would give the player a sense of depth in the cruelty and coldness that Sektor posseses in creating his clan. This level should have a unique blend of ancient japanese architecture combined with a dirty, grunge themed medical lab.

I can imagine pale corpses on steel slabs twitching with blood dripping from the slabs to the dirty floor and occasionally in the background you see men screaming in agony in contraptions picking away at their flesh and replacing them with cybernetic parts. I could also imagine x-ray images of bones infused with titanium and monitors showing life signs and brain wave signals of different male figures. A distinct and memorable stage fatality could be a fighter falls into one of the machines and has his arms and legs incapacitated while his body gets twisted and disformed to a very grusome degree where the player can no longer endure all the rapid changes to his or her body and dies only to be rejected and thrown down a shute into a pile of other failed attempted corpses with their flesh and limps torn and peeled off.

Another stage I thought of was inspired by the Mortal Kombat 3 artwork of the invasion of Earthrealm, I liked the dark orange portal with the black center leading into the unknown. This stage would be called the Over Pass. Imagine two fighters fighting on an abandoned free way while a tremendous portal eats away at the highway causing much debris to get sucked into the portal. I could imagine heavy winds blowing the hair and clothing of the fighters and see cars and vehicles get tossed and turned and lifted straight off of the ground into the vortex of the portal. As the fight progresses in the background you can see the overpass decaying and fall apart with huge dust clouds passing through and sometimes blinding the screen kicking up dirt and dust. Fighters can bang into the cars causing dents into them and to add a new level of interaction there can be a time limit for the fighters to decide a winner or else both of them get lifted into into the air to hold on to each other pummel each other reminiscent of MK vs DC. The players hope to drain the opponents health bar or else both get thrown into the portal This option could of course for convenience be turned off in the options menu when you disable the timer for a fight.

the factory idea is awesome...not sure i care much for the second idea but its original to an extent. good stuff man.
04/22/2010 04:47 PM (UTC)
Strip Club!

This would get some attention from the Media!

: )
04/22/2010 06:14 PM (UTC)
JaxFatality Wrote:
Strip Club!

This would get some attention from the Media!

: )

yeah i had similar thoughts about half naked cage dancing girls for a rock concert type arena with like laser lights and spot lights and fog machines going. i am a guy so i am all for the idea of it but i am sure there are some girls and people with kids that would like to argue this idea. otherwise i think its a good idea really...why not?
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