09/06/2009 10:16 AM (UTC)
@ThePredator151...I thought I might take you up on more pics that I randomly can find so here is my outcome. I edited a few.

This abandoned casino attracted me for some reason...I could see fighting going on inside and outside. There could be a few transitions here but after looking at it awhile it does start looking strictly 2d imo.

This doubled pic I put together for a reason. I pictured in my head a large wide fishing pier type area but with the underbelly of the area aswell. It does not picture what I am totally trying to suggest but its real close to my idea. The lower part should be less sand and more shallow and calmer water that the character could actually stand in while fighting.

This one stuck out with me just because it was real dark and made me think about something like an alley way where someone would get mugged.Automatically I thought about the police type characters like Stryker would fit well in this kind of setting.

This one reminded me purely of the pit. I added the stone area obviously...just to give a feel of what kind of vibe it would give. I did it quick so its not what I really picture...The edges and railings of the platform I made should match the bridge in the distance and in my head there is a gazebo type area on the platform aswell.

This large church/tomb area stuck out purely because of the colors and architecture.There could be some kind of stage fatality involving the tomb in the center...maybe a vampire could attack or pull the opponent in the casket. It could also instead be a sacrificial table and as a stage fatality you could perform a sacrifice fatality.

This one does not scream Mortal Kombat too much to me but with a few edits and changes it could. For example,change some of the lush green background into dead trees with flat lands,mist,maybe a thunder storm. Also,there should be an exterior type armory with weapons and stuff around...its a castle setting so yeah. This could be potential for my battle ground idea with battling going on in and outside the castle grounds.

This area stuck out because of the waterfront square and the boat landing beach...This would be a bit better if the mountain in the back was not there.Maybe even make it so that some of the buildings are built into the mountain. I can see this resembling an edge of the desert/next to the ocean type scene. I would def. keep the birds and make them so if you land or go near them they either run or fly away.
09/06/2009 06:39 PM (UTC)
those are some more great pics. keep them coming.

heres another new arena that comes in two different stages compleatly. think of it similar to the ying yang island.

the church- i'd go for that end of days movie vybe for this arena. it was very holy but also very sinister. it would be massive like old churches not like now a days.

the church would not have any tiers but have alot of interactivity. heres a few examples. can put your opponet throught the confession box if kicked or punched hard enough against the box. can climb onto the benches to jump off delivering a kick or punch. can throw the whine into the opponnetes eyes.

the church would appear with light shining through the glass with people laughing and singing being holy and stuff. then after 15 sec or so the church would be rundown, glass faded, hearing demonic chanting, and even a giant bloody pentagram right where the paster would stand.

the death traps
the church normal would have an angel come down and flap his wings making your opponnet turn ito ash and scatter into the wind.

the church broken down would have a demon drag you into hell scorhing your body into a mere ashy skeleton.

music wise - i'd have a jingle of chanting that started out good but only lasted about 15 sec then went to the demonic chant.

ill' post more later. hope you enjoy
09/07/2009 01:57 AM (UTC)
i was thing about mk9 and hope they bring back create a fighter, i also hole they bring in create a fatality even if it is small mode would be nice to start off with. i would also like a create a arena or motor kart design to create.

the create a fighter: could be a little more advanced better and maybe a option of like fusion characters together just for a fighter or two create character that to say i hope they would allow you to have more then just one character per profile say at least 3 or 5 would be nice.

create a fatality: would be good just for a start off we could have say just basic like say your created character you give them scorpions spear and also subzero freeze and then do a grapple or hit them with a weapon these are just some ideas they might not be good which i know.

if mortal kart comes back: you can design your own kart for your fighter or your favorite. meaning color tire size shape many ideaas in the works.

create arena: make your own death trap or put what yo uwant in a room for instance you wanted a old stage back like the falling cliffs and also wanted to put a little bit of reptile's aicd bath from mkda so when you are fighting the floor can start to break and have holes where you would fall into the acid.

another idea i was thing of was you can fight and at the end of a round when you can chose to do a fatality or to push them in say lava you cna uppercut them to the ceiling and as they are coming down the impact of them hitting the ceiling causes a hook to swing down and propel them in to a fan or a saw.

i also forgot to mention maybe having a change say you dont like a new costume that they gave say kano you can have a option to give him one of the older custumes he had in one of the older games. and you can also create one or two of your own.

sorry for being so long just had some ideas you may or may not like let me know what you think and feel free to add anything you may want to have in the new game
09/07/2009 04:39 AM (UTC)
@flamingspike...Aside from your Create an Arena idea your post is mostly off topic and in the wrong thread. This thread is for posting all about Arenas. The place to post that kind of stuff is>

09/07/2009 02:50 PM (UTC)
Seems everyone likes my taste in arena concept pics so here are some more.
Enjoy grin

Just a traditional more modern sport type arena...was not originally what I was looking for. Not much to be excited about for this arena but its realistic. I could not think of death traps here either.

I would change the feel of this one a bit. Of coarse I would make it more of a night scene but I would also add a twist like maybe living lawn sculptures and trees. Maybe this could be a garden based someplace in the living forest?

I saw this building and thought that would make a cool transition from fighting on the top balcony and to get knocked down. The sky could use some dark moving storm clouds and the lower area could use some eye candy like sculptures or maybe a fountain.

This parking lot stuck out for me. Mainly through thoughts of interactions with the cars and possible signs. I also like the color schemes and weather. I also think of the street stage from Killer Instinct when I see this for some reason.

A different thought and take on a parking area...seems very modern but when I see it I automatically think parking area for an industrial building maybe used by scientists or something. Maybe it could be the parking for special forces labs?

This was def. random...It could possibly work but this stables area seems a bit too western-like for MK but who am I to judge eh.

This and the next picture could probably be combined in some way but when I saw these I quickly imagined ninjas sparring in the background and I got the feeling of training temples.

^See above^

This is a hand drawn pic of a shakespearean theater/stage. I actually searched for this because I thought of a Jackie Chan movie that involved a large area similar to this. Maybe if were a bit more oriental there could be giesha girls acting or dancing in the background.
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09/07/2009 04:54 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:

1. Sure. Maybe we could start inside the casino though?

2. Yes. Put this on Edenia or something with a spectacular sunset or whatever though. Really play up the fantasy ans beauty in an arena like that. No tricks, no traps. I like the bottom half better than the top half, But I wouldn't mind knocking folks up onto that upper part. The sand looks cool, sorta reminds me of that Liu Kang vs Kitana scene from the MK1 movie.

3. Yes. Anywhere that looks like this is good because it's in the city. I do hope they get some a.i. going on in arenas like this (people running in the bg or something). In MKvsDC Metropolis and Gotham looked fantastic until I realized that there was nothing else moving around in the arena. Didn't feel the action intensify in these arenas at all. I'd just have them try it again with new arenas and ramp

4. Not sure on this one. Has a Sherlock Holmes-y vibe to it....maybe that could be a good thing though? Ideas like these, I always try them and see what happens out of it. What's curious about this image is the fog under the bridge. I've always wondered what it would be like to go down there in those scenarios, there's typically water, or a through-way down there. There's something about how it's built that kinda gleans "The Pit", but at the same time, disassociates itself from the Pit arena too...so yea, idk.

5. Yes. It's colorful and dark at the same time. Looks like something that would step forward from the MK2 themes. Don't need to black everything out in order to get "the MK feel back". This is perfect.

6. Sure. Vampire world maybe? Something on Earth maybe? Edenia maybe? Has a Celtic feel to it that could be associated with any one of these pe-existing realms really.

7. Nah. I think we already have something like this in the Sarna Ruins, or the Botan Jungle. I don't like the water being there though.

8. No. Nothing like this please.

9. Yes. Needs a little work but, it looks like something that would happen in Edenia, or in the Living Forest had they gone with those themes more. Looks like a labyrinth could happen in here, which is good. It's mysterious and spooky at the same time.

10. Yes. Again, it looks like another part of the Sarna Ruins or Botan Jungle.

11. No. Too Urban for MK. Not mythological enough....it's too "normal" with the cars and the huge apartment building or whatever. Now, what if we were inside that apartment building though? An old beat up hotel or something? That might work for this sort of theme instead.

12. Ditto^. Although there's a little bit more wiggle room with a parking garage because they're more spooky. This one could aim to step forward from MK3//MKA's Subway.

13. Nah. But it does look like something that could happen in a Konquest mode type situation.

14. Yes. Monk temples, Sub-Zero, or one of the chapters of the Lin Kuei or Shirai Ryu.

15. Ditto^

16. No. No Coliseums in general. I'd expect those themes to come from God of War. I didn't like the Roman stuff, and the only place I could think it would work in MK is in saaay, the OrderRealm.
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09/07/2009 11:19 PM (UTC)
New Ideas:

Ahh...Can't create it. Tried it about 4 times now, and it didn't work out well. I'd have to start with a story-board it looks like, but I don't wanna put that much energy into it right now. Maybe later.
I'll try to be as descriptive as possible though, maybe you guys can help me out with some photoshop materials so I can put it together.

2.) Purgatory // EtherRealm - Purgatory is an overwhelmingly spooky place to be. It is not saturated with color at all, and is mainly black and white with alot of greys to contrast things correctly.

There is a bridge sort of structure that intersects like your typical street-light intersection. This is positioned in the middle of the area, although the fight will start away from this area, much like The Pit (37secs) does. There is no railings to it, although if there were, they would be much shorter than the characters on screen. As to suggest that you may be able to fall over the sides. It's a dingy looking bridge that has elements of it that remind me of an Indiana Jones styled bridge. However, it is stable enough to have a fight on.

Up until now in my description it's been just a black arena with a bridge sort of structure to fight on. But the most distinguishing aspect of this arena is that it is almost filled with souls that whirl around the fighting area. More like skeletons that are crawling over each other, yet trapped in the continually spiraling confinement. There's overhead space for the characters to jump on the bridge, but when you do jump, you come dangerously close to the confined souls overhead. And from time to time, a few of them will swipe at your character as to suggest that they're trying to catch you and keep you with them.

The souls are violent at times in the way they crawl over one another, swirl from time to time (the walls move, just not all the time), while most of the time, they're hopelessly trapped in this sort of spin cycle plaster on the walls of Purgatory.

The interesting highlight of this arena that justifies it as Purgatory is where the bridge leads to. At one end, there is a bright light, suggesting that it may be the pathway to Heaven. And on the other end is a fire, representing Hell. The curious thing about this aspect of the arena is that the closer you get to either side of the bridge, the souls/skeletons are affected in color and appearance by the illuminated light. So, the closer you get to Heaven, the more pure, and white/blue the souls on the walls look, and of course the closer you get to hell, the more evil, and red/orange/black the souls look. Souls stuck in the middle just look like the souls of people, or regular skeletons of people. All of them would have some exaggeration though. Stretched skulls, and limbs, pastered together at some point...ect Y'know, Purgatory.

Arena Fatality: In true Pit fashion, you can uppercut your opponent off of the bridge. I would imagine that the finishing uppercut sends you through the fixture of souls overhead of you, and then back down through it so that you may fall into a darkness for a while, and eventually land on a virtual bed of skeletons of souls. The souls tear you appart and your face turns into what they are. Really dry looking, colorless soul/skeleton who is now also stuck in Purgatory with them.

This arena aims to take Scorpions MKDA ending, step away from the soulnado concept just a bit, and incorporate the mystery surrounding the EtherRealm just enough.

For sound, it's gotta be silent but dramatic. No matter the tempo of the music, the mood has to be creepy in Purgatory. Almost quiet at times, and heavily reliant on the bone crunching, and slushings of groans, shrieks, and skeleton movements sound effects.

Noctem Aeternus by Midnight Syndicate

This one is close enough, but they typically capture the sound I'd like to hear from MK's creepier arenas, the bios, endings, and Konquest environments. The music is important for this arena not to be saturated. That's the point though.

I think that's it.
09/08/2009 02:29 AM (UTC)
those pics are ok but i think the past ones were better but keep them coming and i will keep up thinking of new arenas because i have tons more in my head.

heres another one the sewer. it would have that mka subway look but instead be underground in earthrealm. most likely under the streets of the level of mk3.

there would be 1 tier.
tunnel pipes.

the deathtraps are
the sewer would have a hole death trap
the tunnel pipes would have a rat death trap

music wise i'd have somthing similar to the deadpool arena.

extra features - to axcess the tunnel pipes you'd have to kick or punch your opponnet through the right side of the wall. can kick waste water at opponnets eyes for a free hit. hear rodents in the distant eating waste. be able to throw waste or objects at the opponnet. it would fade after thrown unlike mk4 where it stays.

i'll post more tommorrow. hope you enjoyed.
09/08/2009 05:14 AM (UTC)
@ThrPredator151...The last pic actually is not a coliseum its an old outdoor play theater...I posted it because I remembered something like it from an old Jackie Chan movie...I am thinking the movie was called Big Brawl or something. Also,I realized your trying to steer me clear from modernized arenas...why? Like the parking lots...even if an arena does not seem to fit with any story does not mean it would not work in the game. Also,if that were the case we still know nothing of new characters to involve that assumption. We need some sort of modern types if we have characters like Sektor present...cyborgs or even Jax for that matter would seem out of place a bit.

The actual arena (the first pic on the last set of pics I posted) I really was on the line of posting because I originally was trying to find a pit kumite/blood sport type arena...I did a real quick draw up of the idea in my head and this is what I got...

Maybe if someone wants to put more effort into a more graphically detailed version of this idea please do...I would love to see how it turns out. Would do it myself but I am lazy lol.

09/08/2009 09:21 PM (UTC)
here's another new idea for arena.

the maze - just think of the movie 13 ghosts and that is the type of arena it be. it would have brick or painted steel instead of the glass walls. the look they used in 13 ghosts was the transparent glass with writing on it. just to make it look different.

music wise - i'd have maybe the jumanji music with the drums to give this arena the urgency of constant change and the threat of no escape.

two death traps are found on this arena.
wall decapatation would act like if your near the hazard the wall moves and slices you in half.
wall crush would act like if your near the hazard the wall moves closer smooshing you.

extra features - there would be no tiers but tons of interactivity and in order to get to your opponnet you'd have to find him or her but it would be very short to find the enemy because it's a fighting game and not a puzzle type of game. some characters could wall jump over the walls like the ninjas and others like sindel or ermac could fly or float over the walls. other characters like jax or kahn would break through the wall with brought strength. just to give the characters a bit of variety.

i''ll post more tommmorrow. hope you'd enjoyed.
09/12/2009 08:29 AM (UTC)

This does look a bit like something from Soul Calibur but this empty ballroom is just a thought towards some sort of royal entertainment area to fight in. I would imagine that death traps and such would not fit too well in an arena like this but it is sharp and attractive to the eye.

I was looking for a better night club pic but I used this one...I was looking for one that had cage and pole dancers with a balcony and stage.

When I saw this I thought it would be a good transformation to see for The Rooftops. The fighters could actually fight on an angled roof and than get knocked off and fall to a balcony like in the pic.

This one I really like. This has alot of appeal and could be very attractive to the eye. Has lots of potential for death traps and interactivity with fire. Animals could be seen scurrying randomly...like you could see deer run by for example. Also this could be placed in the Living forest and have the living trees on fire screaming or something like that.

This one just reminded me of the marshy areas in MK:SM with the big snakes in the water. This could be a good example of a swamp area to fight around in and maybe have aligators or crocs for stage fatalities or something.

I will post more when I can...I have been dealing with health issues on and off. If anyone else wants to post pics please do. I will edit in my thoughts of the previous pics I have posted later on too.
09/12/2009 12:37 PM (UTC)
I kinda feel you guys are wasting your time posting your ideas. It's cool that you have some, but I doubt the Mortal Kombat team browses threads for ideas, when they probably have enough of their own and are trying to get their input into the game as well. Besides I don't think they care enough about the fans to actually use their ideas. Although, if they did use them they would probably cut corners like they always do. Example: for the Falling Cliffs stage in MKD, how many times was it before you got sick of seeing the same animation/camera angle of someone falling on that same pointed rock? Not to mention it looked horrible. They could have done so much more to this and other enviormental hazards.

I don't want to give the MK team any of my ideas, and I do have a ton that I will implement in my game. I actually used to post up some of my ideas on this forum. Such as ideas for death traps that you rarely hear from the people on here that isn't the same old acid or spike trap/pit. I actually have sort of a philosophy, if you will, that I came up with on how to make better death traps and that is; think about how one part of the enviorment will affect another when it comes to finishing off your opponent. Also try to think of abnormal things you know other people would not think of. All these elements produce brainstroming for an interesting stage kill.
09/12/2009 02:51 PM (UTC)
@EagleClaw4...All in all this thread is here for the what if factor as well as for fun. I'm not asking for anyone to use these ideas but I am throwing them out there to see what others think.
You said "I don't want to give the MK team any of my ideas, and I do have a ton that I will implement in my game." You are making a game? Surely if you are a game maker you would read the games' forum at least once in awhile out of curiosity. I know I would want to know what people think.
Out of my own curiosity I would like to hear some of your Ideas and or thoughts about everything to do with arenas but if ya don't want to thats fine. Just please don't knock down the hopefuls on the thread.
09/13/2009 12:17 AM (UTC)
Well, I can pm you some of my ideas, although alot of them have to do mostly with environmental hazards. Let me know if you would still like to hear them.
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09/13/2009 01:20 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
@ThrPredator151...The last pic actually is not a coliseum its an old outdoor play theater...I posted it because I remembered something like it from an old Jackie Chan movie...I am thinking the movie was called Big Brawl or something. Also,I realized your trying to steer me clear from modernized arenas...why? Like the parking lots...even if an arena does not seem to fit with any story does not mean it would not work in the game. Also,if that were the case we still know nothing of new characters to involve that assumption. We need some sort of modern types if we have characters like Sektor present...cyborgs or even Jax for that matter would seem out of place a bit.

Nah, I'm just commenting on what I like.

LycaniLLusion Wrote:

1. Nah, bit too Soul Calibur-ish

2. Definitely not.

3. This one would be more interesting if it were actually on the roof-tops some how. It's got an old martial arts movie vibe about it. As it is though, it gets a maybe from me.

4. Sure. I've seen that picture before, and I think it would be interesting to integrate an idea like that into maybe the Living Forest or some sort of village arena. Kinda like what they did in MKSM.

5. Yes. As some aspect of the Living Forest. Maybe we run into a swamp during a Konquest mode sort of thing.

EagleClaw4 Wrote:

It's a forum. The whole point is to waste time sharing ideas and different perspectives.

Also more specifically, not only do members of the dev team look around the boards, they have also heard, and responded to fans in the past....

Just saying there's nothing wrong with holding a conventional thread like this, without any goal-oriented intent, and as a consequence attracting the attention of MKTeam members. The fan base traditionally influences every game...

09/13/2009 02:27 AM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
It's a forum. The whole point is to waste time sharing ideas and different perspectives.

Yeah, well to me it's not. Not in this regard anyway. And If the ideas aren't going to waste then why does Boon say this on his twitter, in response to someones comment? http://twitter.com/noobde/status/3545727566

He might be contradicting himself too because when I attended one of the Fight Nights, someone asked if he ever thought about using "Create a Character" prior to Armageddon's release. And he said something to the extent of, "that's a good idea, that's all I can say about that" And the feature was implemented into MKA. Now, since there is pretty much no way of proving that if he was using this person's idea, or he/the team thought of this already, then it stays at that. But you guys are free to share your ideas. No argument here.
09/13/2009 03:05 AM (UTC)
Something that MK1-4 had was some semblance of thematic unity, if not point, to the arenas.

I saw MK1 not as the darkest of games via setting, but as a highly film-influenced tournament, with more at stake and supernatural turns. Mk 2 brought to the table mystery and a mythic, even mystical nature, captured wonderfully with the portal, the wasteland with its otherworldly sky, the living forest--one immediately had the sensation of being in another world. Mk3 felt postapocalyptic to me, cyberpunk meets a mad max sensibility--which, although scattershot, at least legibly held together its theme, and, coming towards the end of the 20th century, also played with a certain end-of-the-world pop paranoia evidenced in much music and film. MK4 had a much more restrained, gothic look, with archaic-inspired designs--which felt like something in the right direction, after the tweeker dreams of MK3.

After that I feel as if the team has fallen in the trap of trying to do too much without attempting at a rudimentary thematic unity. Maybe it sounds asinine, but by making stages too varied, the "feel" is severely distorted. Instead the designers should focus on mood, atmosphere. By modulating among a few tones a lot can be done in terms of environments--and keeping the game, in arcade mode, with a definable feeling. In terms of online multiplayer modes--let there be downloadble content or whatever--but for the core story the environments should support the drama.

What the Mortal Kombat I love has going for it (which has become more of the MK of my imagination than the actual games) is intensity, eeriness, and mystical otherworldly characteristics to go along with a brutal, desperate mood. If I was designing a game around those elements, I'd try to create environments to enforce those things.

Fear, for me, is hard to achieve in wide open spaces unless there is a threat closing in around you or if you are in some sort of precarious position as in a pit stage (in which the actual physical space around you is threatening).

An interesting stage to me would be a stage, eerie in lighting and content, of 'normal size', whose walls, however, begin to slow converge during the fight, shrinking the space (not to the point where you're confined to sweep distance, but merely constantly creeping). From a reception sort of room it becomes a much smaller "chamber". One's sense of claustrophobia gets bigger and bigger--and though you know the timer would run out before you get crushed, it still looks as if it could happen. There's much that could be done with it, including stage fatalities and using it as the bottom level of some multilevel stage, but I'd rather stick to the basics, make it feel unescapable.

I've mentioned this before somewhere, but if there's a netherworld focus, one stage could be something like 'Belly of the Beast'--literally the insides of some large monster with a very unusual bone structure (in order to seem somewhat architectural). Walls of living flesh that tremble, pulse, throb. Pools of bile. Obstacles of thin exposed bone that one can be thrown against in order to shadow. Loops of intenstines with lumps moving through that could be people inside. A stage you almost expect to smell.

The living forest stage is one that could have a mind-blowing makeover. Something like a Island of Dr. Moreau type thing focusing on malicious-looking or sublimely strange transgenic plants. Riff on themes of nepenthes, voodoo lilies, amorphophalli, spanish moss, batflowers, vines, thorned plants, the dead horse arum. Like in the greenhouse scene of Minority Report, make it seem as if all these otherworldly plants have some form of dangerous sentience. Going even further, the core fighting area can have something like 5 to eight of the trees with faces--except now they can actually slowly move about (imagine the trees as something like giant sumo wrestlers moving in slow motion), constantly shifting the shape and boundary of the accessible fighting area, perhaps pushing at the fighters at times (both of these ideas being a bit too ambitious for me, but if the basics of the stage work in an immobile way, if you have the time to go further and can get it to work well, try it). The trees' long, spindly, circuitous roots could constrict around the losing fighter during a stage fatality, slowly, painfully suffocating the poor shmuck before laughing menacingly with satisfaction. Going green isn't necessarily a healthy thing...

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09/13/2009 06:48 AM (UTC)
EagleClaw4 Wrote:
Yeah, well to me it's not. Not in this regard anyway. And If the ideas aren't going to waste then why does Boon say this on his twitter, in response to someones comment? http://twitter.com/noobde/status/3545727566

Well yea, that's my point. Because by that logic, you are essentially wasting your time sharing your very perspective with me. It suggests that how you constitute waste is the only ideal way to construct worth...

And so on a forum, if you're sharing your perceptive about something (no matter what it is), if you're sharing your ideas with others through your posts, then you're essentially wasting your time everytime you post.

So in this situation, you're assuming that this thread has a motive beyond simply sharing the ideas and opinions of an element of the game. Which then yea, that could defeat (or help legitimize) the purpose of a forum. But if you take out your assumption that this thread is aimed at packaging, and delivering usable ideas to the development team, then all you have is a fun thread on a forum amongst forum members. Who cares who sees it or not at that point then? Who cares if it's actually going to be used at that point, when that's not the core objective? The core objective is to share.

With that said, in the past I have given Boon and Vogel links to different threads on this site. Sometimes they reciprocate, most of the times they don't (which is perfectly cool because interacting with them is where the fun lies more than anything). I have also given them fan contrived recordings, art, and music. Same result. Sometimes they reciprocate, most of the times they don't. No problem.

- To answer your question though, it's probably relative to proper business etiquette. But of course I don't know specifically, because every businesses ethics model is not the same. However, one of the greatest assets to a great company is great feedback. So, if I was "The MK Franchise", I'd probably see it as unethical to essentially "rip" ideas from any one specific member of my fan base. That's unconscionable considering that ethnically...morally, I'm going to want to pay the person who came up with the idea. So there you go: "I can't take ideas from anyone outside the company". They can't pay you if you're not working on the project that has your idea in it....you have to be an employee.

Which is why instead, we got stuff like Animalities, Ermac, Chameleon, Khamelon, Meat, Blaze...and more. Those ideas were fan contrived rumors, solidified by the MkTeams pre-existing creations or programming, that were generalized by the public enough to implement them in the games without any one person outside the company staking a reasonable claim to them in a court of law. It was also a general understanding between the developers and the fanbase that said "fans won't sue the mk team if they put in the game, something that came from the fanbase".

So, it's not a matter of waste, it's a matter of craft and legitimacy. A matter of if they happen to see something we post (which is great when they do), and are able to craft the idea into their own pre-existing creation, establishing the idea itself as an "inside the company idea", through the legitimacy of the fan base's feedback or input.

Whereas the simple answer is: He said it so he doesn't get in trouble with the law, or his company over what some fan can say they came up with. They're not stupid guys. But that makes it fun to see what they do with ideas they may actually pool from the fan base....and so we post.

-- To be honest with you, I'm pretty sure I might be responsible for "Klose Kombat". But in true fashion, the actual mechanic that made it into the game is such a bastardization from my original idea, that I couldn't claim it anyway. Which is fine by me (it makes me happy to think that they may have actually seen and gave my idea a try). I'd didn't love the end result, but I loved how similar it is to my 2-3yr old idea (lol)....posted up on this site...in one of these "idea threads". Let the debate begin though, over whether I have a legit claim to klose kombat, based on my original idea (2posts down, jet li picture). Even sooner (same jet li picture, 3/4 page down)

Point is, I didn't post that idea up with the motive for the team to see it. I almost never write with that intent on this site, but I do sometimes. So in my mind, I just shared an idea with other forum members that looks like the team may have actually put it into practice.

That's about as cool as it can get, I love it.

Side note: Like you, I reserve alot of my ideas for games I may make, or be apart of in the future too. Ideas are worth money if you can manage to execute them in a way that makes them lucrative. And there's nothing wrong with that.
09/13/2009 07:37 AM (UTC)
Oh, yes, & let's not forget Goro's Lair! Yes, another battleground that has been very popular in the MK series. From MK 1, 2, Trilogy, MK 4/Gold, & Armageddon. Plus I also heard that the Oni lives around there (Remembers those glowing eyes effects). Perhaps some of them could sneak around & attack the opponent when they're near them or somewhat, or just trying to break open those locked cages trying to escape & attack the opponents. And if they could, also bring back the Kombat Temple stage (I think the remake done in MK Gold was poor). From there, there would be candles all around the room, & a person would be sitting on the chair & would act like some sort of spectator watching the opponents fight). That's what got me thinking about it (with the way the battleground looked).
09/13/2009 02:32 PM (UTC)
@EagleClaw4...I have seen that post about not using fan ideas aswell but that does not mean anything in the world of gaming. Just like any other buisiness,policies can get thrown out the window. As a matter of fact the game name "Deadly Alliance" I believe was a fan submission. Anyways,I do get what your saying and yes I would still be interested to see your ideas.

@MethMaker...You know I have always thought that since MK was made up of movie inspirations why not keep that going. I agree with alot of what you said and Mk should def. look to go back to them roots. A good example would be to use fighting areas from maybe the movies...like the beach area where Liu and Kitana faught.

@Garland...Goros Lair was a pretty cool arena but I think its one of the most used arenas and should probably take a rest. Maybe they could make a new dungeon arena or something to replace it.

^(light bulb)^ A dungeon arena would actually be a good idea but maybe make it a torture dungeon with all kinds of torture equip. for death traps and/or stage fatalities.hmmm....
09/14/2009 11:19 PM (UTC)
those are some nice pics. keep them coming.
here's a arena i'd like to see return but get an overhaul.

the subway- the look i'd have would be the midnight meat train feel that clive barker made.

interactivity- fight at the train station, on the tracks and even on and in the train itself. swing off the posts to deliver a punch or kick causing damage to the opponnet. bash the opponnet near the window causing glass to shatter everywhere.

sound- i'd have the classic music for the subway.

deathtraps are
train killing similar to mka
low bridge would have the opponet press a button to duck if not he's dead. this death trap would only be while fighting on the roof of the train.

i'll post more tommorrow. hope you enjoyed.
09/17/2009 09:25 AM (UTC)
Here are some more random pics I thought would be cool for arena concepts. I will edit in my thoughts of them later on when I get a chance. Enjoy!

To those that are wondering...this is a nuclear power plant pic. Looks to be maybe a power core or something. If this area had a bit more space to fight I think it could be pretty awesome. I could imagine a stage fatality that involves a nuclear explosion...maybe in terms of Smokes old earth explosion but instead of the earth it could just be the building or town even.

09/17/2009 06:16 PM (UTC)
i like pictures 7 and 8 for there dark look. but picture 2 is confusing for me. the only idea i can come up for picture 2 is having all the classic mk characters on those railings cheering and booing for the fighter the want to win. that pic might feel better to me if it was in a cage then have all the classic mk characters on the railings cheering or booing for the fighter they want to see win.

also i'd like to see more earthrealm arena's because we usally get temples,nettherrealm,outworld,edenia,chaosrealm, a few otheres we constantly get. mk needs a change but nothing to drastic.

i like that pic you had of the club. for me it represents jax,sonya,stryker,johnny cage and all the normal fighters that might want to have some fun when there not fighting but all of a sudden they have to fight. i'm saying this because of the lack of arenas in earthrealm are pretty sad.

these are the ones i know of streets, graveyard, roof tops, the subway. these are more garnered towards earthrealm. other's like the courtyard, the desert wasteland and bunch more feel that there garnered towards outworld/earthrealm, or ednia/earthrealm.

keep coming with the pics. maybe later today i'll post another idea for an arena. hope you enjoyed.
09/20/2009 01:43 PM (UTC)
I was looking through random pictures and saw a picture of an old time traveling cart circus/carnival/sideshow train and it gave me an idea for an arena. I drew this up really quick for an idea as to how the set up for the area should be close to looking like in my mind...give or take anyways.

The tiger cage could be a stage fatality. Also the side show stage could feature a fire breather that could also be a sort of stage fatality or damage trap. Other things that could be present in the arena for show is sword swallowers,jugglers,clowns,other animal displays,ring of fire,fun house mirrors...any stuff that would fit in the old time freak show/carnival scene. The background music should sound like a mystifying evil carousel type music box with an orchestrated symphony. It needs to be odd but fascinating and it needs to flow with fighting.

09/25/2009 10:31 PM (UTC)
i like your idea for a carnival. it reminds me of that horror movie called carny which might have the look you are looking for. also here are few earthrealm arena's that might be cool to have.

the mall
transalvania castle
drive in move theatre.

keep on coming with the ideas and maybe tomorrow i'll post more.
hope you enjoyed.
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