05/04/2010 05:00 AM (UTC)
I'd like to see more realistic arenas, By realistic i mean in structure. Instead of have circle and square arenas have different sections. Levels like MKD gold desert (level with the budha statue death trap)

For example if they remade the pit 3 the fight could start in a dungen sort of arena (if you look at mk3 the pit there is a door on the left and kahns throne to the right) and if you kick or punch an opponent through a wall in the dungen the level transition will put you into the pit 3 arena, an actual bridge not some massive square platform with no explanation on how the fighters got up there.

An unlockable arena the edenian canyon where the armageddon battle is taking place in the background. Level transitions could go from the canyon then up the pyrimid with a little cutscene of the two players advancing up the pyrimid stairs while fightung of other characters until they stop each other advancing up the next flight of steps
05/06/2010 08:07 PM (UTC)
whoops accidental double post... guess i will throw in an idea at random here...i posted about an idea with an arena based inside of a cargo plane and i spawned an idea from that thought but instead of inside a plane what about an aircraft carrier ship or even airship carrier? its been awhile since i skimmed this thread but i think that a heli-pad was mentioned before...perhaps characters could fight around and between fighter jets and choppers. there could be some awesome and explosive death traps or stage fatalities for such an arena.
05/06/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
Brodeur Wrote:

Arena:Tarkatan Palace Chamber

A dark gritty chamber in a royal tarkatan palace, where mileena or baraka reigns supreme.There is a royal tarkatan seat facing the chamber where the fight takes place.The fight stage is guarded by iron rod bars and steel webbed netting surrounding all sides including the top in a square shape.You could say similar to a steel caged match in wwe. The
Palace chamber is dark with evil red walls and barely any lighting except a few torches and lanterns surrounding the caged arena and the corners of the chamber and the seat where either Baraka or Mileena may sit depending who the combatants are.Surrounding the caged arena are fellow tarkatans screaming mad; excited;angry; with boiling blood waiting to feast on the non-survivor of the match as a prize reward.Small cages hang over the arena,bones lying around the ring from previous combatants.The iron and steel on the ring partially covered by blood that was sprayed and spewed from long ago fights.Parts of the cage rusted

If the combatants are female, Mileena will watch.If they are male, Baraka will watch.If they are both, none will watch.The Lighting mood of the arena while being little, will be affected depending on who is watching.Red for Baraka,Purple for Mileena.

If Baraka watches the fight, the tarkatans will be ready to feast upon the loser of the fight depending on Baraka.Usually the stipulation would be by a Flawless Victory over the opponent.

If Mileena watches the fight, the tarkatans will consist of female tarkatans watching over the fight, wearing revealing tarkatan clothing and will be ready to take the winner of the fight with a flawless victory which will be chosen by Mileena to their chamber and the loser
would be disposed of.

I would like to see the society of the Tarkatans. How they live, how they treat humans on a daily basis.Like how gladiators are treated to survive.How slaves have to survive in a place where others would call entertainment.You could see some tarkatan gambling in the background.

Music: I would prefer something dark, with a bit of drums.Like a sacrificial Voodoo type with a bit of metal.

Arena Deathtraps: Only if the combatant acheives a flawless victory.

Arena Interactions: Tarkatans slice away at a combatant if they get too close to the edge. If nobody is watching the fight, the tarkatans will go beserk from time to time.They will start rattling the cages, and jumping on top of the cage rattling it from on top as well.They will look like predators waiting to feast on the loser, with spit coming out of their mouth falling down into the arena while some of them go above the cage.They will come back down and start moving around the arena time to time when nobody is watching.

If parts of the caged arena gets damaged enough, it will start to rip open allowing the tarkatans to be able to grab a combatant who is within range instead of slicing at them for little damage.If nobody wins the match by knocking their opponent down, the tarkatans will get furious and start biting the cage and screeching their nails around.(I'M SURE A LOT OF
PEOPLE HATE THE SOUND OF NAIL SCRATCHING, so you better win your fights)

If Baraka is fighting, the tarkatans will not go as crazy, but they will cheer on Baraka.and will not feast on him even if he loses a flawless victory. Baraka can use his blades to hang onto the ceiling of the cage or attach them to the sides of the caged arena.If Baraka wins, they will start ranting and cheering him on and the arena will get really loud with tarkatan voices as if they won a war.

If Mileena is fighting, the female tarkatans will watch silently.If Mileena loses, they will tend to her after the fight.If Mileena wins, they will praise their royal tarkatan with dignity.It'd be interesting to see Kitana as a tarkatan.or maybe not.

Secret character:Tarkatan Kitana? If you do a flawless victory over Mileena, a tarkatan version of Kitana comes out to challenge you.

I like to create arenas that revolve around characters as well,and arenas that can benefit that character, but the option should be given to the opponent if they wish to challenge such a match where baraka might be their opponent in his own tarkatan palace chamber to be fair to the opponent.If the opponent decides not to accept the baraka in his own arena fight, then the person who chose that situation will get the option to select either a different character or arena for this fight.

for the most part i really like this stage idea but i think if an arena is to be character specific...it should only have a single characters interactions. using both baraka and mileena and than have a hybrid kitana i think is a bit much. baraka and mileena are different personalities and i think in that nature they would collide...maybe mileena could be your secret character instead though...maybe an alternate version of her as a full bred tarkatan with blades and all? but keep focus on just one character mainly. too much depth isnt good either...imo anyway.
05/06/2010 08:21 PM (UTC)
sss133 Wrote:
I'd like to see more realistic arenas, By realistic i mean in structure. Instead of have circle and square arenas have different sections. Levels like MKD gold desert (level with the budha statue death trap)

For example if they remade the pit 3 the fight could start in a dungen sort of arena (if you look at mk3 the pit there is a door on the left and kahns throne to the right) and if you kick or punch an opponent through a wall in the dungen the level transition will put you into the pit 3 arena, an actual bridge not some massive square platform with no explanation on how the fighters got up there.

An unlockable arena the edenian canyon where the armageddon battle is taking place in the background. Level transitions could go from the canyon then up the pyrimid with a little cutscene of the two players advancing up the pyrimid stairs while fightung of other characters until they stop each other advancing up the next flight of steps

a lot of people probably agree that with certain stages there should be more transitions and interactions. i am one of them people...i remember in MK:SM the pit as a whole area would make a perfect example. the portal arenas could use some transitions aswell...actually use the portal as a transition or interaction even. there are many ideas that could spawn from the thought.
05/06/2010 09:53 PM (UTC)
Part of the reason I like the Tarkatan arena is that it would be like Baraka's level. I like levels that are charater specific. Sub-Zero should have the Lin Kui Temple. I know previous Lin Kui temples have been bland wastlands so maybe they should go inside the temple. I always considered the Wu shi academy Lui/Lao's arena.

So my question is should they try and make all levels character specific? I think it would be hard with a 30 plus roster but still every character in the MK ladder would have their own level.
05/07/2010 09:58 AM (UTC)
jbthrash Wrote:
Part of the reason I like the Tarkatan arena is that it would be like Baraka's level. I like levels that are charater specific. Sub-Zero should have the Lin Kui Temple. I know previous Lin Kui temples have been bland wastlands so maybe they should go inside the temple. I always considered the Wu shi academy Lui/Lao's arena.

So my question is should they try and make all levels character specific? I think it would be hard with a 30 plus roster but still every character in the MK ladder would have their own level.

it would really be amazing if each character (including the new ones) to have their own arenas based around them. the thing is...that would be a lot of arenas and with the given time i think its safe to say MK9 won't be that way but it is a good idea for the future. many things have to be considered with such an idea though. disc space,load times and room for DLC being a few examples. it also depends on the plain that is used also(2d or 3d). i could see it maybe being done for a few characters in the next game...just for secrets and stuff or even just do it for the major icons of the game. its a beast of an idea but a spacious one.
05/09/2010 06:14 PM (UTC)
the blacksmith - deep within the the levels of hell there lies a blacksmith forging weapons for the likes of shinnok,kahn,quan chi, scorpion and more. lava splashes onto the arena and can cause some minor damage if hit. sulfur drops onto the fighters and the arena from the ceiling. sparks fly from the demon forging the weapons. winged demons hover above you cheering and booing to see which fighter will win.

there would be 3 death traps.
death trap 1 burned - get knocked into the burning lava of fire.

death trap 2 forgers angry - the demon forging the weapon cuts you to bits with his ax.

death trap 3 watch out - the flying demons swoop down and eat you to death.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music in mka hell arena.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post more later.
05/11/2010 12:44 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the blacksmith - deep within the the levels of hell there lies a blacksmith forging weapons for the likes of shinnok,kahn,quan chi, scorpion and more. lava splashes onto the arena and can cause some minor damage if hit. sulfur drops onto the fighters and the arena from the ceiling. sparks fly from the demon forging the weapons. winged demons hover above you cheering and booing to see which fighter will win.

there would be 3 death traps.
death trap 1 burned - get knocked into the burning lava of fire.

death trap 2 forgers angry - the demon forging the weapon cuts you to bits with his ax.

death trap 3 watch out - the flying demons swoop down and eat you to death.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music in mka hell arena.

hope you enjoyed. i'll post more later.

not that bad of an idea but i think some of this could be added to a new version of the armory arena aside from the death traps anyway. again i feel like this was inspired from diablo 2's hell forge...not bad though. i just started playing again myself and the settings in that game would make some cool arenas for MK.
05/11/2010 03:28 PM (UTC)
the shack - an old small shack found in outworld. there is tons of rust and there is hardly any light. bugs crawl inside and outside the shack. there are lots of dents. you can even climb onto the shack and continue the fight there but watch your footing. this arena is very similar to the idea from the movie district 10.

there would be no death traps but you could also fight on the top of the shack to add to this arena.

music wise - i'd have the mkd konquest outworld music

hope you enjoyed. i'll post more later.
05/13/2010 08:12 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the shack - an old small shack found in outworld. there is tons of rust and there is hardly any light. bugs crawl inside and outside the shack. there are lots of dents. you can even climb onto the shack and continue the fight there but watch your footing. this arena is very similar to the idea from the movie district 10.

there would be no death traps but you could also fight on the top of the shack to add to this arena.

music wise - i'd have the mkd konquest outworld music

hope you enjoyed. i'll post more later.

Hmmm...you say small which is not always a bad thing but with projectile fighting its not a good idea either. The thought of being able to climb up is a bit interesting and if implicated the right way...such interaction would be pretty cool. I am just thinking if the player goes to climb...the animation has to be quick otherwise the opponent will knock them down. Arena wise,this idea I don't think works that well but if it were say like an online king of the hill type mode with maybe 2-6 or 4-8 players in combat to make it to the top to capture the hill or shack in the sense of your idea would be crazy and probably intense action (the pyramid without blaze at the top would be perfect). The thing is with that idea there needs to be a special system for it to work if more than one player makes it to the top. it would depend on the number of players I am thinking. Maybe before the match have settings for the mode to either have the final match at the top as 1 vs 1,2 vs 2 or even an out of bounds battle royal...which means each player would have to make it to the top before there could be a winner. A lot can be done with the idea but for it to be a basic arena such interaction would have to be fast and both players have to flow with the transition. Also, you mention District 10...dunno if you mean District 9 or is there a sequel?
05/13/2010 08:32 AM (UTC)
I was skimming through some of the images I posted in this thread and came up with another idea. I did not draw it or anything but I thought I would post it. I am thinking of a gothic/victorian or western/gothic ghost town. Maybe it could transition to the graveyard arena. there could be a water fountain that is destructable on one side or in the middle and than have a closed gate with a lock on it or something and if you do the right move it will do an animation similar to the test your might in MKvsDC to break through the gate to transition to the grave yard. They could even make it as a hidden arena/area for a special stage fatality or something.

anyways,on another note...I know some of you have told me that your not very good artists or whatever but it would be really neat to get some images from ya's to get better examples and more depth of your ideas. I personally don't mind seeing stick figures or cut and paste hack jobs lol...it still gives a better idea to what you see in your mind. what I see and you see are 2 different things...so if any of ya have the time to take a whack at drawing something up on photoshop or something please do and post it. that would be awesome.grin
05/13/2010 12:52 PM (UTC)
what i meant to say was district 9 but there is a sequel planned. anyways here's another arena brought to you by acidslayer.

space/space station/space ship
there are lots of stars, planets and sattlites hovering in the distance. the space level is basiclly the moon or mars for that matter. the space station is found on the moon or mars. the space ship hovers over the moon or mars. for the space ship think of dead space.

there would be 3 tiers
1st tier the space ship
2nd tier the space station
3rd tier space/planet or moon

there would be 3 death traps
death trap 1 greetings earthlings - aliens attack you to death.
death trap 2 no gravity - float away into space and fade away.
death trap 3 buggied - the moon buggie runs over you crushing you to death.

music wise - i'd have something similar to dead space or area 51.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.
05/13/2010 02:26 PM (UTC)
First of all, I'm not in favor of a "ring out" feature like Virtua Fighter has. I believe since MK is brutal in nature, kombatants should be able to take the fight outside its "boundaries" and into the surroundings.
I believe this will bring more destructable objects into the fight. I must say though, I don't like how many of the arenas had random objects shoved into the fighting ring just to have something to break (MKA's soul chamber).
Putting in random statues in the middle of the stage looks out of place unless the fight is actually taking place in an area with objects in the way.

I don't mind transition fights like MKvsDC as long as they fix one thing: If Player1 gets a few hits in, the damage STAYS even if Player2 switches places with Player1 to give a few blows of their own.
MKvsDC had it that the fighter who lands on top or does their special during the fall, they get no damage at all even if they got hit 4 times by the other player. That's just plain stupid.
I also don't mind transition fights as long as they're not a forced feature. Don't design every stage to have a transition. Design the stage first, if it happens to work with the stage, then make it happen.

Death traps are an awesome feature, but as long as they don't force it either. As stated before, don't design every stage to have a death trap.

Test Your Might from MKvsDC, I think, should never be seen again. I honestly believe if super heros were not in MKvsDC, smashing your opponent while running would have never made it into the game.
It was very annoying that in the Metrpolis stage, I had to avoid the edges at all costs just so I didn't have to worry that one silly punch would put me in the position where I had to smash my controller buttons to reduce the damage I was going to get.
05/13/2010 06:14 PM (UTC)
assasSINister Wrote:
First of all, I'm not in favor of a "ring out" feature like Virtua Fighter has. I believe since MK is brutal in nature, kombatants should be able to take the fight outside its "boundaries" and into the surroundings.
I believe this will bring more destructable objects into the fight. I must say though, I don't like how many of the arenas had random objects shoved into the fighting ring just to have something to break (MKA's soul chamber).
Putting in random statues in the middle of the stage looks out of place unless the fight is actually taking place in an area with objects in the way.

The idea of an over the edge match was just a simple suggestion.In some ways Death Traps are no different than the Ring Out feature. So instead of using simple ring outs make it so that when all players are at the top of/or at the final transition of the arena...they should all have to eliminate eachother with death traps to the point where there is only 2 (1 vs 1) or 4 ( 2 vs 2/Endurance) players left. Once the last 2 to 4 are left the match should restart and be a normal match. Anyways this idea came out of left field...it was spawn from thoughts of wrestling events like The Royal Rumble and King of the Ring. Your idea of breaking out of the arena is pretty cool but there would still have to be some kind of transition otherwise we would get a sandbox type arena with way to much space to fight in...so the idea would be awesome aslong as there are limits. I agree about the objects that don't belong in the way of fights...I did not mind things like the eggs in Reptiles Lair because it kinda fit the idea of the huge snakes he manipulates.

assasSINister Wrote:
I don't mind transition fights like MKvsDC as long as they fix one thing: If Player1 gets a few hits in, the damage STAYS even if Player2 switches places with Player1 to give a few blows of their own.
MKvsDC had it that the fighter who lands on top or does their special during the fall, they get no damage at all even if they got hit 4 times by the other player. That's just plain stupid.
I also don't mind transition fights as long as they're not a forced feature. Don't design every stage to have a transition. Design the stage first, if it happens to work with the stage, then make it happen.

Death traps are an awesome feature, but as long as they don't force it either. As stated before, don't design every stage to have a death trap.

Test Your Might from MKvsDC, I think, should never be seen again. I honestly believe if super heros were not in MKvsDC, smashing your opponent while running would have never made it into the game.
It was very annoying that in the Metrpolis stage, I had to avoid the edges at all costs just so I didn't have to worry that one silly punch would put me in the position where I had to smash my controller buttons to reduce the damage I was going to get.

I used that Test Your Might transition/min game animation as an example to break through a single gate not a series of them lol. Also it being a transition that means there should be little to no damage at all from it. If there is a want or need for mini games for such things than they should have on and off toggle in options for it. I remember there was a toggle for Test Your Might in the classic games so that they did not pop up between fights...why not do the same for the newer games when they come up in in the actual fight?
05/15/2010 02:05 AM (UTC)
night club - flashing lights, huge crowds, fog machines, and loud music make up most of this level. naked women hang from the ceiling doing there exotic dances similar to what you'd see if you were to go to a las vegas show. the crowd and enviorment have glow and the dark paint splattered on them along with glowsticks in hands. there's a small bar on the far right side if you dont want to really fight in the crowd of people.

there would be 2 death traps.

death trap 1 what happened to the light - a huge light fixture falls on you crushing you to death.

death trap 2 where's my beer - the bar tender blows a massive fireball in your face killing you using his beer.

music wise - i'd have a rock/techno sound similar to limp bizkit or linkin park.

hope you enjoyed. post more soon.
05/15/2010 09:14 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
night club - flashing lights, huge crowds, fog machines, and loud music make up most of this level. naked women hang from the ceiling doing there exotic dances similar to what you'd see if you were to go to a las vegas show. the crowd and enviorment have glow and the dark paint splattered on them along with glowsticks in hands. there's a small bar on the far right side if you dont want to really fight in the crowd of people.

there would be 2 death traps.

death trap 1 what happened to the light - a huge light fixture falls on you crushing you to death.

death trap 2 where's my beer - the bar tender blows a massive fireball in your face killing you using his beer.

music wise - i'd have a rock/techno sound similar to limp bizkit or linkin park.

hope you enjoyed. post more soon.

I pretty much already threw out this idea already in a few different ways. If it would be in a game than it would have to fit somehow either with a character or story...otherwise its just a cool idea that is out of place or a possible hidden or unlockable arena. EDIT: also as stated previously,it would have to be in earthrealm no doubt.
05/18/2010 12:24 AM (UTC)
the island - it's a huge beach with lots of trees. there is wildlife that lurks in the trees and in the ocean. at night there lays a campfire and during the day there is massive winds that causes tides to hit the shores of the island. flags and signs are posted to warn people that the island is dangerous and haunted.

there is 4 death traps.

(only during night) 1. on fire - the campfire roars and goes out of control burning you to death.

(only during the night) 2. hungry aren't you - spirits come out of the forest to kill you and eat the remains then fade away back into the forest.

(during the day only) 3. crabed alive - knocked into the ocean gettting ripped and torn apart by living crabs.

(during the day only) 4. bad kitty - a panther jumps out of the forest and has a feast with body.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the botan jungle tune in mka.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.
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05/19/2010 03:08 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
night club - flashing lights, huge crowds, fog machines, and loud music make up most of this level. naked women hang from the ceiling doing there exotic dances similar to what you'd see if you were to go to a las vegas show. the crowd and enviorment have glow and the dark paint splattered on them along with glowsticks in hands. there's a small bar on the far right side if you dont want to really fight in the crowd of people.

there would be 2 death traps.

death trap 1 what happened to the light - a huge light fixture falls on you crushing you to death.

death trap 2 where's my beer - the bar tender blows a massive fireball in your face killing you using his beer.

music wise - i'd have a rock/techno sound similar to limp bizkit or linkin park.

hope you enjoyed. post more soon.

A nightclub in the MK world ? ..

Anyways, I'm down for whatever the MK team has in store in terms of arenas and so forth. As long as they are well developed and made that's all it matters.

They should definately bring more interactive arenas though. Being able to take the fight to different places during the fight will bring a more interesting effect to the fight. The Golden Dessert and the Sky Temple from MKD were good examples of this.

The should also bring back Death Traps, I really enjoyed these in MKD. Just that imo there should not be any of those ltitle red or yellow lines. Let the deathtraps be a surprise.

Also, bring back the classics. Arenas like The Pit, The Deadpool, The Wastelands, The Temple, The Living Forest, The Portal are all iconic MK arenas among others that just have to be included.

And one more thing, let every arena have a very dark and gruesome feel to it. This is what MK is all about. The Slaughterhouse from MKD is one of my favourite stages of all time due to the dark nature of it. The music was crazy as well.
05/20/2010 04:14 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the island - it's a huge beach with lots of trees. there is wildlife that lurks in the trees and in the ocean. at night there lays a campfire and during the day there is massive winds that causes tides to hit the shores of the island. flags and signs are posted to warn people that the island is dangerous and haunted.

there is 4 death traps.

(only during night) 1. on fire - the campfire roars and goes out of control burning you to death.

(only during the night) 2. hungry aren't you - spirits come out of the forest to kill you and eat the remains then fade away back into the forest.

(during the day only) 3. crabed alive - knocked into the ocean gettting ripped and torn apart by living crabs.

(during the day only) 4. bad kitty - a panther jumps out of the forest and has a feast with body.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the botan jungle tune in mka.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.

this is a good idea but it makes me think about Yin Yang Island...if this arena where made it would have to have two slots in the arena selection menu (if there is a menu). I say this because you mention day and night settings. Unless the day and night cycles like elapsed time images. I would not suggest going the Yin Yang Island route because the instant switch in mid fight just does not feel right.
05/20/2010 05:08 PM (UTC)
yeah that was what i reffering to have an option menu for most of the death traps or stage fatalitys. most games have stuff like this so i don't see why mk can't do the same. anyways here's the next arena.

the fire escape - it's dark outside. the wind gusts by. the moon is in the distance. you hear dogs barking in the distance. the metal is rusted and faded. it's a long way up but more so to the ground. it leads several stories up. there are various windows that display things that are going on in the background. you can walk up and down to fight your battle.

there would be 4 death traps

1. impaled by metal - you get knocked off the fire escape and land undernethe the ladder. ladder falls you die. similar to final destination 2.

2. splattered in the hood - you get knocked over the railing falling face first.

3. shot by the owners - you get knocked through the window but get shot by the people that live there or rent the building.

4. smashed up - you get knocked into a garbage container and the garbage truck comes by and you get crushed up by the force of the smoosher.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the street music in mk3.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.
05/21/2010 11:42 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
yeah that was what i reffering to have an option menu for most of the death traps or stage fatalitys. most games have stuff like this so i don't see why mk can't do the same. anyways here's the next arena.

the fire escape - it's dark outside. the wind gusts by. the moon is in the distance. you hear dogs barking in the distance. the metal is rusted and faded. it's a long way up but more so to the ground. it leads several stories up. there are various windows that display things that are going on in the background. you can walk up and down to fight your battle.

there would be 4 death traps

1. impaled by metal - you get knocked off the fire escape and land undernethe the ladder. ladder falls you die. similar to final destination 2.

2. splattered in the hood - you get knocked over the railing falling face first.

3. shot by the owners - you get knocked through the window but get shot by the people that live there or rent the building.

4. smashed up - you get knocked into a garbage container and the garbage truck comes by and you get crushed up by the force of the smoosher.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the street music in mk3.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.

This is an interesting idea but if it is a 2.5D or 3D game the Fire escape use is limited so it would be from top to bottom rather bottom to top action. If it were 2D it would be a pretty solid concept both ways if done right. I would exclude so many Death Traps and maybe use one or two as stage fatalities but not too bad. Wish you could draw stuff up even in black an white stick figures but anyway keep em' coming acidslayer!
05/23/2010 07:36 PM (UTC)
the alleys - it's dark narrow place with lots of trash all over the place. graffiti stains the buildings. a crazy homless man lives in the dumpster and trys to attack you if you get to close to his home. newspapers scatter into the night. you can hear the sirens in the distace along with cat growls along the sidewalk.

there is no deathtraps but there are bricks you can pick up and throw at your opponnet causing small damage.

music wise i'd go with something similar to spawns show on hbo. that creepy slow music that hypes up whenever there is crime.

post more soon. hope you enjoyed.
05/24/2010 02:54 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the alleys - it's dark narrow place with lots of trash all over the place. graffiti stains the buildings. a crazy homless man lives in the dumpster and trys to attack you if you get to close to his home. newspapers scatter into the night. you can hear the sirens in the distace along with cat growls along the sidewalk.

there is no deathtraps but there are bricks you can pick up and throw at your opponnet causing small damage.

music wise i'd go with something similar to spawns show on hbo. that creepy slow music that hypes up whenever there is crime.

post more soon. hope you enjoyed.

If they ever bring back the Streets arena this thought would make for a good transitional arena.
05/26/2010 12:31 AM (UTC)
the arcade - lots of machines everywhere. big crowds lots of noise. lights flashing. coins dropping.

music wise - i'd have something upbeat maybe rock music.

there would be no deathtraps but alot of interactivity like smashing the opponnet against the machines and along with the atm. crowd trys to grab you if you get to close to mk,mk2,mk3,mk4 and etc machines.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.
05/26/2010 01:44 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the arcade - lots of machines everywhere. big crowds lots of noise. lights flashing. coins dropping.

music wise - i'd have something upbeat maybe rock music.

there would be no deathtraps but alot of interactivity like smashing the opponnet against the machines and along with the atm. crowd trys to grab you if you get to close to mk,mk2,mk3,mk4 and etc machines.

hope you enjoyed. post more later.

that is actually a kool idea but it needs a bit more detail...also i would makethis as DLC or a secret arena because it seems out of place. very original idea though. i like it glasses
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