02/09/2010 11:25 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the facility - a underground military base that houses genetic, nuclear, and viral weaponry. tons of rooms filled with mutated subjects inside pods filled with water. papers scattered all over the walls with names of missing people and various dates about experiments. lights flicker on and off. hear trucks start there engines in the distance. signs saying no tresspassors and nuclear testing.

music wise - i'd have someting similar to terminator rise of the machines end music.

there would be few death traps.
death trap 1 blazing bullets - a soldier spots you and opens fire puting an entire clip of bullets in you.
death trap 2 monsters attack - a creature attacks you, killing you.
death trap 3 broken ooze canister - slime gets onto you mutating your body while causing you to melt away and die.

extra features - every 10 - 15 sec an alarm goes off startaling you and tells you to hide.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tommorrow.

i really like the idea of this setting a lot. i'm not big on the first death trap idea with the guard shooting you but the others i could see. also...i like the idea of having extra feats but sounds and noises i would not consider a feature. maybe in the background there could be a big tesla coil shooting out bolts of lightning and that could be either a stage fatality or just a damage dealing feature (similar to shock panels or the uppercut into the fan duct in MKA).
02/09/2010 04:25 PM (UTC)
Stage Fatality - the arena could be in a dark gritty torture facility with low lighting. similar to the dead pool but it would have dirty water on the sides. something mysterious should be moving in the water! then on the wall it should have big long metal claw grabber like doc octapus weapons on his back. so you would uppercut the opponent then and the claw would snatch him. then it brings him down putting his legs in the water. the opponent should be scared and struggling to get out. then all of a sudden a machine begins to start up and the metal claw elctrocutes the opponent violently. the enemy screams in pain. he screams Jesus Save Me!!!lol then he blows up into burned pieces which fall into the water. then you see a crocadile come out the water catch his head in his mouth.he does a evil grin and goes back into the water.
02/09/2010 05:39 PM (UTC)
construction site - beams are everywhere. beams that go up. beams that go down. beams that go across. beams that go diagonally. the moon is in the distance. clouds fade through the moon. rain pours onto the ground.the wind breezes by. bolts and screws are scattered all over the ground along with tools.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the predator music in the 1st film.

there would be 2-4 death traps.
death trap 1 beamed to death - a crane that holds a steel beam swings by knocking the fighter off the beam to his death.
death trap 2 beamed flattened - a crane that holds a steel beam snaps dropping the steel beam onto the opponnet.
death trap 3 pushed to the limit - the opponnet pushes him right off the edge landing onto the pavement.
death trap 4 pushed to the edge - the fighter pushes the other fighter off landing on a splintered rusty beam.

extra stuff - cat walks by and growls and hisses. dogs bark loudly in the distance.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.
02/10/2010 10:17 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
construction site - beams are everywhere. beams that go up. beams that go down. beams that go across. beams that go diagonally. the moon is in the distance. clouds fade through the moon. rain pours onto the ground.the wind breezes by. bolts and screws are scattered all over the ground along with tools.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the predator music in the 1st film.

there would be 2-4 death traps.
death trap 1 beamed to death - a crane that holds a steel beam swings by knocking the fighter off the beam to his death.
death trap 2 beamed flattened - a crane that holds a steel beam snaps dropping the steel beam onto the opponnet.
death trap 3 pushed to the limit - the opponnet pushes him right off the edge landing onto the pavement.
death trap 4 pushed to the edge - the fighter pushes the other fighter off landing on a splintered rusty beam.

extra stuff - cat walks by and growls and hisses. dogs bark loudly in the distance.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.

i can see where you are going with this one...its not bad but something about a construction theme i don't know if it would blend with the feel of MK.
02/10/2010 02:07 PM (UTC)
the police station - desks have drowers broken open. papers scattered across the floor. sirens flash in the distance. alarms are alerted. convicts try to grab anyone who gets to close to there cell. blood stains the steel bars. chips of paint are falling off the walls and ceilings. phones stop and start ringing. guns are mounted up on the wall. the lights flicker on and off. the convicts scream i'll get you stryker.

there would be 2-3 death traps
death trap 1 excessive force - cops run over to you and beat you to death with nightsticks.
death trap 2 resisting arrest - cops run over to you and tazer you to death.
death trap 3 stabed - convicts stab you to death.

music wise - something similar to the music in bad boys 2.

extra features - stryker would do a tad bit more damage in this level then anyone else in the game. this level would be strykers level and he is chief of this police station.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.
02/10/2010 06:15 PM (UTC)
the arena would be set in a meat factory. you would be able to see skinned humans hung up on moving racks. lots of machine noises will be in the back. blood will be on the floor. there will be a pool of blood wit cut up human remains. the stage fatality would invovle these vacuum air suction clear tubes. so you throw your enemy into one these and they get sucked in. then you watch as they through the tubes and get grinded and cut up. then then air suction tube spits them out, all choped up and grinded, into the pool of blood.
02/10/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
the gym - a 4 cornered ring sits on a concreate floor. sweat and blood stains the mat. the ring ropes are torn and worn out. weights are scattered across the floor. boxing gloves hang from the wall. a punching bag swings in the distance. the fan spins.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 face smashed - the fighter continues to smash the opponnets face into the steel ring post until there brains are spilled out.
death trap 2 to much weight - the fighter walks over to grab a dumb bell and whacks the opponnet to death.
death trap 3 scrapped away - the fighter grabs the opponnet face and grinds there face against the ring ropes until the flesh comes off.

music wise - i'd have something similar to grand theft auto.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tomorrow .
02/11/2010 04:44 AM (UTC)
Arena: Dead Men's Bathroom

Setting: It's dark, gritty, and so messy that urine, feces, puke, and blood is all over the place. There are 3 cubicles that are all are open and can be knocked down. Dead bodies are also all over the place. There is one corpse shown sitting on a toilet in the first cubicle with his pants down. The dead body looks like he had been disemboweled with his intestines hanging on the floor and his abdomen open. Another dead body can be found by the urinal with his pants down and with a pool of blood all over the floor by his head. In the second cubicle, there is a dead man with puke and blood by his body. The third cubicle is the deathtrap/stage fatality. The music of the stage should be somewhat psychotic like the music from Thrill Kill and Manhunt 2.

Environmental Distractions and Weapons:
1) When a kombatant steps on a wet floor, they slip and struggle. From there the opponent can hit him/her.
2) A pipe can be picked up and used as a weapon.
3) Some heavy ceramic pieces can be thrown at the enemy.
4) When near a sink or urinal, the kombatant can slam the victim's head without killing him/her.

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:
The 3rd cubicle- The opponent is knocked out on the toilet, making him sit on it. Then, the kombatant would flush the toilet and there would be something that would grab the enemy's waist from the toilet bowl and would suck the victim inside, butt first. Once sucked in, blood and body parts spray out of the bowl like a huge fountain and the head hits the floor.

02/11/2010 02:24 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the gym - a 4 cornered ring sits on a concreate floor. sweat and blood stains the mat. the ring ropes are torn and worn out. weights are scattered across the floor. boxing gloves hang from the wall. a punching bag swings in the distance. the fan spins.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 face smashed - the fighter continues to smash the opponnets face into the steel ring post until there brains are spilled out.
death trap 2 to much weight - the fighter walks over to grab a dumb bell and whacks the opponnet to death.
death trap 3 scrapped away - the fighter grabs the opponnet face and grinds there face against the ring ropes until the flesh comes off.

music wise - i'd have something similar to grand theft auto.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tomorrow .

i would kinda like just a plain ole gym or olympian type arena...something sporty but yet techy that seems like it would appear in the special forces barracks or something...i don't think i would place death traps in such an arena though but i would put in damage causing structures.

>acidslayer Wrote:
the police station - desks have drowers broken open. papers scattered across the floor. sirens flash in the distance. alarms are alerted. convicts try to grab anyone who gets to close to there cell. blood stains the steel bars. chips of paint are falling off the walls and ceilings. phones stop and start ringing. guns are mounted up on the wall. the lights flicker on and off. the convicts scream i'll get you stryker.

there would be 2-3 death traps
death trap 1 excessive force - cops run over to you and beat you to death with nightsticks.
death trap 2 resisting arrest - cops run over to you and tazer you to death.
death trap 3 stabed - convicts stab you to death.

music wise - something similar to the music in bad boys 2.

extra features - stryker would do a tad bit more damage in this level then anyone else in the game. this level would be strykers level and he is chief of this police station.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.

this is another idea i would have it themed to fit an abandoned special forces base or something or maybe take out alot of your extras amd make it part of the prison arena...not bad though.
02/11/2010 02:30 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Arena: Dead Men's Bathroom

Setting: It's dark, gritty, and so messy that urine, feces, puke, and blood is all over the place. There are 3 cubicles that are all are open and can be knocked down. Dead bodies are also all over the place. There is one corpse shown sitting on a toilet in the first cubicle with his pants down. The dead body looks like he had been disemboweled with his intestines hanging on the floor and his abdomen open. Another dead body can be found by the urinal with his pants down and with a pool of blood all over the floor by his head. In the second cubicle, there is a dead man with puke and blood by his body. The third cubicle is the deathtrap/stage fatality. The music of the stage should be somewhat psychotic like the music from Thrill Kill and Manhunt 2.

Environmental Distractions and Weapons:
1) When a kombatant steps on a wet floor, they slip and struggle. From there the opponent can hit him/her.
2) A pipe can be picked up and used as a weapon.
3) Some heavy ceramic pieces can be thrown at the enemy.
4) When near a sink or urinal, the kombatant can slam the victim's head without killing him/her.

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:
The 3rd cubicle- The opponent is knocked out on the toilet, making him sit on it. Then, the kombatant would flush the toilet and there would be something that would grab the enemy's waist from the toilet bowl and would suck the victim inside, butt first. Once sucked in, blood and body parts spray out of the bowl like a huge fountain and the head hits the floor.


all i can do is shake my head after reading this lol...you need to move away from your fetish-like stuff with feces,sexual inuendo and bathrooms. surely your imagination can do better than this...your taste has a vibe of immaturity that a lot of fans don't like. i know you are capable of good classic gore and horror. i seen it on the midway boards long time ago wink
02/11/2010 03:43 PM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
the arena would be set in a meat factory. you would be able to see skinned humans hung up on moving racks. lots of machine noises will be in the back. blood will be on the floor. there will be a pool of blood wit cut up human remains. the stage fatality would invovle these vacuum air suction clear tubes. so you throw your enemy into one these and they get sucked in. then you watch as they through the tubes and get grinded and cut up. then then air suction tube spits them out, all choped up and grinded, into the pool of blood.

i would like to see something like that maybe with the meat locker that was already in the MKA...a new version with some extras like this would be cool.
02/11/2010 07:02 PM (UTC)
the docks - a full moon fades in the distance. clouds turn dark. stars are shining. rain pours down. waves crash against the dock. there's only 2 boats docked. there's lots of fog.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 overboard - a wave crashes onto the fighter pulling him into the water until he drownds to death.
death trap 2 holy shock - a lightning bolt hits the fighter causing instant death.

extra features - bring your fight onto the boats that are docked.

music wise - i'd have something similar to halloweens theme music.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.
02/13/2010 04:56 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the docks - a full moon fades in the distance. clouds turn dark. stars are shining. rain pours down. waves crash against the dock. there's only 2 boats docked. there's lots of fog.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 overboard - a wave crashes onto the fighter pulling him into the water until he drownds to death.
death trap 2 holy shock - a lightning bolt hits the fighter causing instant death.

extra features - bring your fight onto the boats that are docked.

music wise - i'd have something similar to halloweens theme music.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.

i like this one but get rid of death trap 2 and just make the first one a stage fatality but i would not just have them drown i would have sharks or something in the water to tear the victim up...maybe even a cool water dragon/serpent or lake monster.
02/13/2010 05:30 PM (UTC)
the school - long hallways filled with people. a court with a few basket ball hoops. bathrooms stained with crap and toilet paper across the stalls. classrooms are cludder with bags, phones, skateboards and etc. lines of lockers all about. a chemistry lab is upstairs.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 flushed to death - drags the opponnet to the bathroom stall and drowns the opponnet in the toilet.
death trap 2 ganged up - several students gang up on you beating you to death.
death trap 3 exploded - throw a bunch of gas onto the opponnet and light up your bunsen burners.

music wise - id have something similar to friday the 13th theme.

extra features - smash there head into the locker. throw the opponnet down the flight of stairs. throw, kick, or punch the opponnet out the 2nd floor window to continue the fight.

tell me what you think and i''ll post more later.
02/13/2010 06:05 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the school - long hallways filled with people. a court with a few basket ball hoops. bathrooms stained with crap and toilet paper across the stalls. classrooms are cludder with bags, phones, skateboards and etc. lines of lockers all about. a chemistry lab is upstairs.

there would be 2-3 death traps.
death trap 1 flushed to death - drags the opponnet to the bathroom stall and drowns the opponnet in the toilet.
death trap 2 ganged up - several students gang up on you beating you to death.
death trap 3 exploded - throw a bunch of gas onto the opponnet and light up your bunsen burners.

music wise - id have something similar to friday the 13th theme.

extra features - smash there head into the locker. throw the opponnet down the flight of stairs. throw, kick, or punch the opponnet out the 2nd floor window to continue the fight.

tell me what you think and i''ll post more later.

i don't feel this idea too much...i get flashbacks of the game bully just reading it and unless its a theme for a new character,it is not MK material imo.
02/13/2010 06:12 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Arena: Dead Men's Bathroom

Setting: It's dark, gritty, and so messy that urine, feces, puke, and blood is all over the place. There are 3 cubicles that are all are open and can be knocked down. Dead bodies are also all over the place. There is one corpse shown sitting on a toilet in the first cubicle with his pants down. The dead body looks like he had been disemboweled with his intestines hanging on the floor and his abdomen open. Another dead body can be found by the urinal with his pants down and with a pool of blood all over the floor by his head. In the second cubicle, there is a dead man with puke and blood by his body. The third cubicle is the deathtrap/stage fatality. The music of the stage should be somewhat psychotic like the music from Thrill Kill and Manhunt 2.

Environmental Distractions and Weapons:
1) When a kombatant steps on a wet floor, they slip and struggle. From there the opponent can hit him/her.
2) A pipe can be picked up and used as a weapon.
3) Some heavy ceramic pieces can be thrown at the enemy.
4) When near a sink or urinal, the kombatant can slam the victim's head without killing him/her.

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:
The 3rd cubicle- The opponent is knocked out on the toilet, making him sit on it. Then, the kombatant would flush the toilet and there would be something that would grab the enemy's waist from the toilet bowl and would suck the victim inside, butt first. Once sucked in, blood and body parts spray out of the bowl like a huge fountain and the head hits the floor.


all i can do is shake my head after reading this lol...you need to move away from your fetish-like stuff with feces,sexual inuendo and bathrooms. surely your imagination can do better than this...your taste has a vibe of immaturity that a lot of fans don't like. i know you are capable of good classic gore and horror. i seen it on the midway boards long time ago wink

Ok. Hmmm... Let me think... confused Then please tell me what you think.

How about bringing back Jade's Desert only this time it is completely set for in Edenia and not 2 realms merged together (if that was even true).

Setting: This is where Jade and her army trains their fighting skills. It's like a large flat fighting ring in Edenia but without the ropes around the ring and the the ring is made of cement with the MK dragon symbol. There are 3 deathtraps around the stage and one weapon in middle. The sun also looks like it is just setting with a beautiful purple sky.

Weapon: Wooden Staff

Deathtraps/ Stage Fatalities:
1) Quicksand- The opponent is hit into a quick sand and the enemy sinks inside to death.
2) Giant Lizard- The enemy is hit near a lizard first. Then, the lizard licks his/her face with its long tongue and drags the opponent towards the creature itself, eating the head of the victim.
3) Snake- The opponent is knocked onto a rock first. Then, a snake comes out of the rock and crawls onto the opponent from between his/her legas and wraps himself around the enemy. After that, the snake binds and squeezes the victim to death with bones breaking and eyes popping out. At the end, the creature eats the person's whole body.

02/13/2010 06:30 PM (UTC)
sorry to double post but i wanted to separate this from my response to acidslayer...

i had a random idea for a secret arena. its not entirely MK themed but it reflects the recent history of the games fallen company. my idea is...a game design office and studio that looks demolished inside and out. i picture busted up midway banners and logos. the place should look like its been hit by a natural disaster.
what i picture in my head is the fighters start out fighting outside of the building and than have either a large glass panel window to smash into the inside or use a similar mechanic to the test your might in MK vs DC to get inside the building. when in the building there should be like smashed pc's and an area with green screen and wrestling mats and props.

if this kind of arena were to reflect a character in the game i am obviously looking towards Mokap but this idea is aimed at being a secret or hidden unlockable. there would not be much for stage fatalities or death traps but you need a few plain areas without such bells and whistles. you could have environmental damage with electronics or something though for some flashiness.
02/13/2010 08:13 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Arena: Dead Men's Bathroom

Setting: It's dark, gritty, and so messy that urine, feces, puke, and blood is all over the place. There are 3 cubicles that are all are open and can be knocked down. Dead bodies are also all over the place. There is one corpse shown sitting on a toilet in the first cubicle with his pants down. The dead body looks like he had been disemboweled with his intestines hanging on the floor and his abdomen open. Another dead body can be found by the urinal with his pants down and with a pool of blood all over the floor by his head. In the second cubicle, there is a dead man with puke and blood by his body. The third cubicle is the deathtrap/stage fatality. The music of the stage should be somewhat psychotic like the music from Thrill Kill and Manhunt 2.

Environmental Distractions and Weapons:
1) When a kombatant steps on a wet floor, they slip and struggle. From there the opponent can hit him/her.
2) A pipe can be picked up and used as a weapon.
3) Some heavy ceramic pieces can be thrown at the enemy.
4) When near a sink or urinal, the kombatant can slam the victim's head without killing him/her.

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:
The 3rd cubicle- The opponent is knocked out on the toilet, making him sit on it. Then, the kombatant would flush the toilet and there would be something that would grab the enemy's waist from the toilet bowl and would suck the victim inside, butt first. Once sucked in, blood and body parts spray out of the bowl like a huge fountain and the head hits the floor.


all i can do is shake my head after reading this lol...you need to move away from your fetish-like stuff with feces,sexual inuendo and bathrooms. surely your imagination can do better than this...your taste has a vibe of immaturity that a lot of fans don't like. i know you are capable of good classic gore and horror. i seen it on the midway boards long time ago wink

Ok. Hmmm... Let me think... confused Then please tell me what you think.

How about bringing back Jade's Desert only this time it is completely set for in Edenia and not 2 realms merged together (if that was even true).

Setting: This is where Jade and her army trains their fighting skills. It's like a large flat fighting ring in Edenia but without the ropes around the ring and the the ring is made of cement with the MK dragon symbol. There are 3 deathtraps around the stage and one weapon in middle. The sun also looks like it is just setting with a beautiful purple sky.

Weapon: Wooden Staff

Deathtraps/ Stage Fatalities:
1) Quicksand- The opponent is hit into a quick sand and the enemy sinks inside to death.
2) Giant Lizard- The enemy is hit near a lizard first. Then, the lizard licks his/her face with its long tongue and drags the opponent towards the creature itself, eating the head of the victim.
3) Snake- The opponent is knocked onto a rock first. Then, a snake comes out of the rock and crawls onto the opponent from between his/her legas and wraps himself around the enemy. After that, the snake binds and squeezes the victim to death with bones breaking and eyes popping out. At the end, the creature eats the person's whole body.

that is more like something i could see...i can actually imagine something really close to this. like a cell saga arena from DBZ but in a desert setting instead of hills and plains with trees.
02/13/2010 08:48 PM (UTC)
how about a stage where you fight and all you see is this blurry glass wall . in the glass wall you could see people but thats all. so the stage fatality is you bang your opponents head against this glass wall until it explodes. but while you are banging your opponent's head, the glass breaks. you look through and see its pro gamers at a tournament that are playing you. so then you jumps out the tv and kill everybody. this should be called the the matrix stage. lol you have to free your mind and wake up!!!! this should be a secret stage.
02/13/2010 09:28 PM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Arena: Dead Men's Bathroom

Setting: It's dark, gritty, and so messy that urine, feces, puke, and blood is all over the place. There are 3 cubicles that are all are open and can be knocked down. Dead bodies are also all over the place. There is one corpse shown sitting on a toilet in the first cubicle with his pants down. The dead body looks like he had been disemboweled with his intestines hanging on the floor and his abdomen open. Another dead body can be found by the urinal with his pants down and with a pool of blood all over the floor by his head. In the second cubicle, there is a dead man with puke and blood by his body. The third cubicle is the deathtrap/stage fatality. The music of the stage should be somewhat psychotic like the music from Thrill Kill and Manhunt 2.

Environmental Distractions and Weapons:
1) When a kombatant steps on a wet floor, they slip and struggle. From there the opponent can hit him/her.
2) A pipe can be picked up and used as a weapon.
3) Some heavy ceramic pieces can be thrown at the enemy.
4) When near a sink or urinal, the kombatant can slam the victim's head without killing him/her.

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap:
The 3rd cubicle- The opponent is knocked out on the toilet, making him sit on it. Then, the kombatant would flush the toilet and there would be something that would grab the enemy's waist from the toilet bowl and would suck the victim inside, butt first. Once sucked in, blood and body parts spray out of the bowl like a huge fountain and the head hits the floor.


all i can do is shake my head after reading this lol...you need to move away from your fetish-like stuff with feces,sexual inuendo and bathrooms. surely your imagination can do better than this...your taste has a vibe of immaturity that a lot of fans don't like. i know you are capable of good classic gore and horror. i seen it on the midway boards long time ago wink

Ok. Hmmm... Let me think... confused Then please tell me what you think.

How about bringing back Jade's Desert only this time it is completely set for in Edenia and not 2 realms merged together (if that was even true).

Setting: This is where Jade and her army trains their fighting skills. It's like a large flat fighting ring in Edenia but without the ropes around the ring and the the ring is made of cement with the MK dragon symbol. There are 3 deathtraps around the stage and one weapon in middle. The sun also looks like it is just setting with a beautiful purple sky.

Weapon: Wooden Staff

Deathtraps/ Stage Fatalities:
1) Quicksand- The opponent is hit into a quick sand and the enemy sinks inside to death.
2) Giant Lizard- The enemy is hit near a lizard first. Then, the lizard licks his/her face with its long tongue and drags the opponent towards the creature itself, eating the head of the victim.
3) Snake- The opponent is knocked onto a rock first. Then, a snake comes out of the rock and crawls onto the opponent from between his/her legs and wraps himself around the enemy. After that, the snake binds and squeezes the victim to death with bones breaking and eyes popping out. At the end, the creature eats the person's whole body.

that is more like something i could see...i can actually imagine something really close to this. like a cell saga arena from DBZ but in a desert setting instead of hills and plains with trees.

Exactly. lol glasses

Oh and music wise, it should be similar to Conga Fury by Juno Reactor. If you haven't heard it, look it up in Youtube. It's also in the movie MK Annhilation in the scene where Jade fights Liu Kang and in the movie Animatrix.
02/15/2010 05:27 AM (UTC)
sportsfield - a sunny day. a cool breeze blows by. leaves scatter in the wind. blood stains the grass. dirt and rubble are about. a small cage stands in the distance. mats lay on the field along with skulls.

there would be no death traps, but tons of interactivity.
smash your opponnet against the cage.
kick dirt into the opponnets eyes for a free hit.
pick up the mats to smack the opponnet with.

music wise - i'd have some standered baseball music.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tommorrow.
02/15/2010 10:34 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
sportsfield - a sunny day. a cool breeze blows by. leaves scatter in the wind. blood stains the grass. dirt and rubble are about. a small cage stands in the distance. mats lay on the field along with skulls.

there would be no death traps, but tons of interactivity.
smash your opponnet against the cage.
kick dirt into the opponnets eyes for a free hit.
pick up the mats to smack the opponnet with.

music wise - i'd have some standered baseball music.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tommorrow.

i would look at an arena like this as a joke arena. i would steer clear of practical arenas because the outside world is not important. the world around the characters are though. if you were to go in a non practical direction i would go like idid with my mokap studio idea or maybe even meats cave. something related to joke characters. not a bad idea for any other game but i don't feel it for MK.
02/15/2010 10:40 PM (UTC)
Stage: Mall

Setting: It's basically an empty mall. There's a fountain with a statue in it in the middle that an opponent can get knocked into but it's not a deathtrap. Tables and chairs are around. The

1) Chairs and Tables can be thrown or used to hit the opponent.
2) After knocking out the statue in the fountain, concrete pieces can be thrown at the victim.
3) There's a nightsick in the corner of the arena that a security might have dropped. Characters can use that as a weapon too.

Music: It should be kind of like sort of happy and jumpy. Similar to Athena Asamya's stage theme in King of Fighters 2002.

Stage Fatalities/Deathtraps: None

02/16/2010 07:28 PM (UTC)
heaven - massive clouds and clear blue sky overshadow a castle in the distance. angels watch over the fighters viewing the battle. sun beams down on the fighters. wind flys bye.

there would be 2 death traps.
death trap 1 angels fury - you kick the opponnet into a warrior angel. the angel gets angry slicing your head off with there wings.
death trap 2 denied access - you uppercut the opponnet sending them flying down. they land in hell and get ripped apart by demons.

music wise - i'd have something similar to film 300's.

tell me what you think and i'll post more.
03/03/2010 09:20 PM (UTC)
Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
Stage: Mall

Setting: It's basically an empty mall. There's a fountain with a statue in it in the middle that an opponent can get knocked into but it's not a deathtrap. Tables and chairs are around. The

1) Chairs and Tables can be thrown or used to hit the opponent.
2) After knocking out the statue in the fountain, concrete pieces can be thrown at the victim.
3) There's a nightsick in the corner of the arena that a security might have dropped. Characters can use that as a weapon too.

Music: It should be kind of like sort of happy and jumpy. Similar to Athena Asamya's stage theme in King of Fighters 2002.

Stage Fatalities/Deathtraps: None

the mall idea to me seems to reflect Dead Rising too much and if such an arena were to be similar...i would go with more of an abandoned boardwalk shopping area. the fountain stuff and everything could still work but i don't like the nightstick idea or choice of music. music i would make it almost like elevator music with a techno beat or something.

acidslayer Wrote:
heaven - massive clouds and clear blue sky overshadow a castle in the distance. angels watch over the fighters viewing the battle. sun beams down on the fighters. wind flys bye.

there would be 2 death traps.
death trap 1 angels fury - you kick the opponnet into a warrior angel. the angel gets angry slicing your head off with there wings.
death trap 2 denied access - you uppercut the opponnet sending them flying down. they land in hell and get ripped apart by demons.

music wise - i'd have something similar to film 300's.

tell me what you think and i'll post more.

i like the idea of a heaven type arena because we do have hell already but this is making me think of games like Bayonetta so we want to stay away from ripping off that game but the potential idea is good. the 1st death trap i don't really like but the second would be a great stage fatality. music i could agree to some extent but i think it should have a more charming rythm with drums. it should not sound cheery but it should not sound menacing either...it is heaven after all.
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