10/05/2009 07:55 AM (UTC)
It has been awhile since I posted and thought I would throw in another Idea that popped in my head.
There has always been something about me wanting to see Mortal Kombat go heavy metal with music and thought what if there was an arena based on a concert hall while there is a band playing with a mosh going on. hmmmm....no pictures made up yet but I might draw something up. Have been feeling crappy but will see.
10/05/2009 05:49 PM (UTC)
yeah that seems like a neat idea. but here are two ideas for songs that could be for that arena. 1 is adema's theme song immortal and the other is mk's movie theme music.

interactivity could be where the crowd helps each fighter every now and then. smash the fighters into speakers and even throw them or push them into the mosh pit.
10/16/2009 04:50 AM (UTC)
Have not updated this thread in a bit...sorry bout that heh. I have had arena idea block lol. Anyways,I was thinking about what kind of arenas have not been mentioned and I ended up thinking about the moon. Yeah,I have no idea where it came from but I started to think maybe it could be a hidden stage that you could fight on the moon with no gravity. I remember in an older Soul calibur that some arenas had effects like slippery ground,wind blowing characters around and so on. That kind of detail could be nice in MK arenas.
10/16/2009 10:22 AM (UTC)
Was just scrolling through and found an old post of mine from ThePredator151's Future game sticky that does not actually image an arena but the idea posted has a lot to do with an arena system concept.I wonder if this could be similar to this new revolution the WB is planning?Anyways...here is the post in parenthesis below.

"i dont know if it was mentioned but i have this idea currently...what about making a "MK Sandbox Fighter"? kinda like how Grand Theft Auto 4 is but an actual fighting game. instead of arenas have an actual world to fight in. an example: you choose your fighters and handicaps or whatever else,than instead of choosing an arena you choose a part of the world to fight in (similar to choosing areas on gta4 online). than and after the fight starts you can bring your fight into other areas as it progresses."

01/31/2010 10:58 PM (UTC)
3rd month,3rd page on the forum so i thought i would bump this thread and get back on it again and bump it with a url to a recent post having to do with arenas that could have been posted here lol...anyways i will be placing more images of arena ideas soon.


EDIT: i did not want to post again seeings how i more than double posted so i added my new quick drawn concept of a new pit type arena called The Pillar as an edit. its based on the original pit connected to a circle bridge around an enormous pillar with spikes sticking out below. notice that the green arrow i made goes behind the walk way close to the pillar rather than outward away from it into a large open space...i did this so that the actual pit fatality would make the victim hit spikes and get shredded and impaled on the fall down (maybe with ragdoll type physics). also...there could be more than two ways to execute the pit fatality and do both.

02/01/2010 05:35 PM (UTC)
i like the concept of the photo. the mk team had a similar idea with a level in mkd and mka called chamber of artifacts but never added the trap. it was going to have the opponet land in the gears. which was cool.

yours is the pit. that photo could have multi levels. 3 could be fine before you get to the spikes. also your photo could incorperate a hidden danger. like if you put them through the main beam they fall to the concreate similar to the old pit where it had the spikes but also had the pavement. this would be a bit different than the previous one. not to change your idea just to add my thoughts on your photo. so please don't get mad and whats your thoughts on my changes to your level .
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/01/2010 08:09 PM (UTC)
great post I would play a game with those arenas
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

02/01/2010 08:13 PM (UTC)
I want a swamp arena with Crocs and snake Death Traps Blood could float on the water. Maybe Parana(spelling)
02/01/2010 11:08 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
i like the concept of the photo. the mk team had a similar idea with a level in mkd and mka called chamber of artifacts but never added the trap. it was going to have the opponet land in the gears. which was cool.

yours is the pit. that photo could have multi levels. 3 could be fine before you get to the spikes. also your photo could incorperate a hidden danger. like if you put them through the main beam they fall to the concreate similar to the old pit where it had the spikes but also had the pavement. this would be a bit different than the previous one. not to change your idea just to add my thoughts on your photo. so please don't get mad and whats your thoughts on my changes to your level .

i actually thought the same thing but i just left it drawn to what it was and left the rest to imagination...it is after all a stick figure quickie lol...and why would i get mad about how you would vision it? if you put it down or didn't give it a chance i would think to be a bit flustered but in no way shape or form am i mad about what you said acidslayer.
i have a few other pit ideas that i plan to draw up when i get a chance...thanx for input.grin
02/05/2010 11:34 PM (UTC)
here is another quick concept thrown together...its a forest of giant trees...some of them that are being harvested for lumber. perhaps other ideas like tree forts and bridges could be implicated also but i figured without the bells and whistles it would be more raw. maybe other stage fatalities could be present...perhaps even have the victim get knocked off the tree arena and than have the tree fall on him. also there is a rope with a nuece knot tied at the end might be hard to see it drawn there but a tree hanging fatality is in my mind here too but it would be available to all characters to use.
02/06/2010 12:42 PM (UTC)
they should have an arena where shao kahn is watching(old idea) but thety could have a stage fatility where you knock the opponent into him and he gets mad and kills him with his hammer.
02/06/2010 04:53 PM (UTC)
just to add to your pic about few fatality ideas for that sketch.

birds attack - peck you until you die

wooden impale - you hit a few branches until you land on a jagged spike of wood.

thorned apart - you land on a net of thorns that shreds you apart similar to the scene in silent hill the movie.

tell me what you think of my ideas for your level. i wil post an idea for a arena tommorrow if i get the chance.
02/06/2010 07:58 PM (UTC)
What about a Bathroom Torture Chamber?

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap- The opponent is thrown/hit onto the toilet, making him sit there, and then a spike impales him at his back, going through his stomach.There's also another spike that impales him in the butt, through his head from inside the toilet bowl.
02/08/2010 12:16 AM (UTC)

BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
they should have an arena where shao kahn is watching(old idea) but they could have a stage fatility where you knock the opponent into him and he gets mad and kills him with his hammer.

that would be a pretty cool idea actually. that could work for other levels too with other characters like Shang Tsung...you could raise him or toss him to Shang and he could steal his soul almost like in the first movie.

acidslayer Wrote:
just to add to your pic about few fatality ideas for that sketch.

birds attack - peck you until you die
wooden impale - you hit a few branches until you land on a jagged spike of wood.
thorned apart - you land on a net of thorns that shreds you apart similar to the scene in silent hill the movie.
tell me what you think of my ideas for your level. i wil post an idea for a arena tommorrow if i get the chance.

i don't know about birds attacking...i think if the scene was more forest like i would rather it be a pack of wolves,a tiger or a huge kodiak bear or something...(LOL a sasquatch from the messing with sasquatch commercials hahaha). the limb impale idea i thought of too but i think about that idea for all pit type stages with spikes,rocks and pointy objects sticking out of walls on the fall down. the thorn idea is a bit basic and i could not see much coming from it unless maybe they were mutated living vines...the thought of plant life though makes me think of a big man eating fly trap (little shop of horrors in mind). all in all pretty cool ideas but a bit basic and could become bland seeing that stuff over and over.

Sadistic_Freak Wrote:
What about a Bathroom Torture Chamber?

Stage Fatality/Deathtrap- The opponent is thrown/hit onto the toilet, making him sit there, and then a spike impales him at his back, going through his stomach.There's also another spike that impales him in the butt, through his head from inside the toilet bowl.

ummm...no lol.

i did however think about a few types of torture chambers...for like prisons,dungeons,science lab basements and mental wards could be a satisfying place for such torturing death traps and stage fatalities.
02/08/2010 01:43 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
I want a swamp arena with Crocs and snake Death Traps Blood could float on the water. Maybe Parana(spelling)

we mentioned a swamp type arena earlier in this thread...i think a jungle/swamp arena would be awesome...along with crocs/gators,giant snakes,man eating plants/vines and a pool of piranha would actually be pretty friggin' sweet. (just a heads up on news of a classic remake of the movie "Piranha" is being made and in 3D from the rumors...check it out at comingsoon.net)

02/08/2010 01:53 AM (UTC)
the junkyard - a old abandoned junkyard that has piles of smashed cars and an electric fence. a pitbull watches over and trys to bite any fighter thats gets to close or trys to tresspass. weapons are scattered about and can be used anytime.

this arena would have multiple death traps.
death trap 1 crane smash - a crane drops a folded up car onto the fighter.
death trap 2 car smooshed - get knocked into a car smasher. similar to mkd foundary.
death trap 3 electrocuted - knocked up against the generators frying and shocking them to death.

music wise - i'd have some slow creepy music then have the music alter to loud creepy thuds during regular slow creepy music. an example - similar to the undertakers music in the wwe but maybe slowed down and altered.

tell me what you think. maybe i'll post more tomorrow.
02/08/2010 02:34 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
the junkyard - a old abandoned junkyard that has piles of smashed cars and an electric fence. a pitbull watches over and trys to bite any fighter thats gets to close or trys to tresspass. weapons are scattered about and can be used anytime.

this arena would have multiple death traps.
death trap 1 crane smash - a crane drops a folded up car onto the fighter.
death trap 2 car smooshed - get knocked into a car smasher. similar to mkd foundary.
death trap 3 electrocuted - knocked up against the generators frying and shocking them to death.

music wise - i'd have some slow creepy music then have the music alter to loud creepy thuds during regular slow creepy music. an example - similar to the undertakers music in the wwe but maybe slowed down and altered.

tell me what you think. maybe i'll post more tomorrow.

a junkyard idea is what i was going to post next...lol...your reading my mind!! (pictures Chris from Family guy saying get out of my head to Meg after guessing Kitty lol).
anyways...yeah a junkyard arena would have a bunch of potential. the idea for me came from a movie...i think it was 13 ghosts or a house on haunted hill...? i can't remember but one of them had a part in a junkyard where people got killed. this idea was actually one of many ideas i planned not to post for the possibility of use in one of my teams games but i guess great minds think alike heh. great stuff.
02/08/2010 04:45 AM (UTC)
interior of the pyramid of argus - many rooms filled with gold paintings and torches that light the narrow passages of inside the pyramid. coins are scattered about along with cobwebs filled with spiders,snakes,and scorpions. skulls and skeletons lay apon jade statues and figurines.

there would be multiple deathtraps
death trap 1 scarab attack - flesh eating beetles tear away at the fighter eating the insides away.
death trap 2 quicksand - quicksand engulfs you until there is nothing left.
death trap 3 i'm trapped - wall closes smhooshing the fighter.

music wise - i'd go with the traditional egyptional theme.

extra features - hear the wind howl in the distant. have a mummy pop up at the screen after every 30 sec.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.
02/08/2010 03:33 PM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
interior of the pyramid of argus - many rooms filled with gold paintings and torches that light the narrow passages of inside the pyramid. coins are scattered about along with cobwebs filled with spiders,snakes,and scorpions. skulls and skeletons lay apon jade statues and figurines.

there would be multiple deathtraps
death trap 1 scarab attack - flesh eating beetles tear away at the fighter eating the insides away.
death trap 2 quicksand - quicksand engulfs you until there is nothing left.
death trap 3 i'm trapped - wall closes smhooshing the fighter.

music wise - i'd go with the traditional egyptional theme.

extra features - hear the wind howl in the distant. have a mummy pop up at the screen after every 30 sec.

tell me what you think. i'll post more later today.

i dont like the quick sand idea in this type of theme...i would think more on the lines of a sink hole that drops to another level or a pit of cobras or something. the quick sand is more fitting for a swamp or open area in forestry or jungle i think. the mummy thing is a bit silly i think lol
02/08/2010 04:51 PM (UTC)
casino- lots of flashing lights and loud noise. huge crowds and lots of chips. a host walks back and fourth in the distance of the background.

there would be no death traps but alot of interactivity.

kick your opponnet into the slot machines and watch the coins roll right out causing small damage to there health.

throw them through the roulette wheel causing small health loss.

bash there head against the poker table causing small damage.

throw poker chips into the opponnets eyes giving you a free hit.

other areas you could fight are in the parking garage, pool side, guest rooms, and the restrooms. all can be found with a little destruction at the casino.

extra features - a nice peacefull atmosphere until robbers try to jack the place changing the mood. people go from laughing to screaming. gunshots are fired. people run and scatter for there lives. then it goes back to normal. this would happen every 25 - 30 sec. giving that calm feel into a dark vybe.

music wise - i'd have the theme song from foxwoods casino. if allowed.

tell me what you think. i might post more later today.
02/08/2010 08:14 PM (UTC)
set in a tropical forest full of tall trees. the fighting platform would be built between trees high off the ground. when knock the opponent off the platform they would go flying off. then out of no where a canibal(the hills have eyes) appears swinging on rope and catches the opponent. then takes him up in the trees and you hear a growling eating cruching noise while the opponent is screaming. then at the end you see blood bones and limbs falling out the trees to the platform.

oh and they should have a way that you can escape some death traps and keep on fighting. lol
02/09/2010 12:20 AM (UTC)
the hospital - the lights flicker on and off. shadows briefly pass by. hear footsteps down the hallways. molding and plaster falls from the cielings and walls. cobwebs appear on door handles. patient curtains are ripped apart and stained with blood. voices chat in the distance.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music at the end of resident evil the movie.

there would be several death traps.
death trap 1 nedelled - guards overdose you with drugs causing you to seizure and die.
death trap 2 shocked - guards strap you to an electric chair frying you to death.
death trap 3 can't breathe - guards put you in a gas chamber and turn of the oxygen causing death.
death trap 4 losing it - guards put you into a padded room. you freak out and start hallucinating seeing disturbing images then die.

extra features - patients try to grab you if you get to close. if grabbed can get a free hit.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tomorrow.
02/09/2010 12:33 AM (UTC)
acidslayer Wrote:
casino- lots of flashing lights and loud noise. huge crowds and lots of chips. a host walks back and fourth in the distance of the background.

there would be no death traps but alot of interactivity.

kick your opponnet into the slot machines and watch the coins roll right out causing small damage to there health.

throw them through the roulette wheel causing small health loss.

bash there head against the poker table causing small damage.

throw poker chips into the opponnets eyes giving you a free hit.

other areas you could fight are in the parking garage, pool side, guest rooms, and the restrooms. all can be found with a little destruction at the casino.

extra features - a nice peacefull atmosphere until robbers try to jack the place changing the mood. people go from laughing to screaming. gunshots are fired. people run and scatter for there lives. then it goes back to normal. this would happen every 25 - 30 sec. giving that calm feel into a dark vybe.

music wise - i'd have the theme song from foxwoods casino. if allowed.

tell me what you think. i might post more later today.

dunno if i like the casino idea unless its abandoned or something...i dunno it seems like that kind of atmosphere is more bright and colorful...a better setting for more cartoonish fighter like king of fighters or street fighter...not bad thoughts though i just don't see it to fit as dark and gritty for MK.

acidslayer Wrote:
the hospital - the lights flicker on and off. shadows briefly pass by. hear footsteps down the hallways. molding and plaster falls from the cielings and walls. cobwebs appear on door handles. patient curtains are ripped apart and stained with blood. voices chat in the distance.

music wise - i'd have something similar to the music at the end of resident evil the movie.

there would be several death traps.
death trap 1 nedelled - guards overdose you with drugs causing you to seizure and die.
death trap 2 shocked - guards strap you to an electric chair frying you to death.
death trap 3 can't breathe - guards put you in a gas chamber and turn of the oxygen causing death.
death trap 4 losing it - guards put you into a padded room. you freak out and start hallucinating seeing disturbing images then die.

extra features - patients try to grab you if you get to close. if grabbed can get a free hit.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tomorrow.

i like the idea of the mental hospital going on but the death traps you have here are seeming to be more like cinematic sequences that would take a bit long but your in the right range of thought...the electric chair is a bit off theme and should be more suited for a prison. unless your talking something like a criminal ward like for example arkam asylum. any form of a hospital could work if done right whether its in a prison,mental ward or just a plain old emergency hospital that has been abondoned or something...ideas could fly around with that thought. when i think of hospital i think of the game F.E.A.R. 2...anyways keep the ideas coming grin
02/09/2010 12:39 AM (UTC)
BIG_SYKE19 Wrote:
set in a tropical forest full of tall trees. the fighting platform would be built between trees high off the ground. when knock the opponent off the platform they would go flying off. then out of no where a canibal(the hills have eyes) appears swinging on rope and catches the opponent. then takes him up in the trees and you hear a growling eating cruching noise while the opponent is screaming. then at the end you see blood bones and limbs falling out the trees to the platform.

oh and they should have a way that you can escape some death traps and keep on fighting. lol

not bad idea but the length of the sequence may be too long but it could be compromised to work somehow i am sure.the way you explain it you probably would not see much of the fatality so i would try to think of a way to see some portion of it instead of limbs and organs flying everywhere. i am glad others are starting to get ideas from movies though because that is what built the idea of MK...the love of movies. anyways,keep up the ideas...good stuff.
02/09/2010 12:55 AM (UTC)
the facility - a underground military base that houses genetic, nuclear, and viral weaponry. tons of rooms filled with mutated subjects inside pods filled with water. papers scattered all over the walls with names of missing people and various dates about experiments. lights flicker on and off. hear trucks start there engines in the distance. signs saying no tresspassors and nuclear testing.

music wise - i'd have someting similar to terminator rise of the machines end music.

there would be few death traps.
death trap 1 blazing bullets - a soldier spots you and opens fire puting an entire clip of bullets in you.
death trap 2 monsters attack - a creature attacks you, killing you.
death trap 3 broken ooze canister - slime gets onto you mutating your body while causing you to melt away and die.

extra features - every 10 - 15 sec an alarm goes off startaling you and tells you to hide.

tell me what you think. i'll post more tommorrow.
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