09/10/2014 07:14 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
TIL that tragic or "interesting" stories connected to a character = evolvement or development. :/

Basically. So now being a punching bag, lackey, with a tragic storyline = being a developed character. Not to mention how the member above said Kung Lao is a more interesting character than Liu Kang, when in reality he's literally the same character as Liu, except he never won Mortal Kombat, so now Kung Lao is a more developed charcater than Liu, lol. Mileena's storyline in MKD was STILL hating on Kitana and STILL wanting to take Kitana's place, lol.

I find it super hypocritical when people say "Oh, Kano and Sonya haven't been developed as characters at all" and then things like "Mileena finally took Kitana's place in MKD, she's such a developed character!!!!!!!1111" yet ignore the fact that Johnny Cage evolved into a serious character, Sonya created, along with Jax, the OIA, Scorpion discovered the truth about his past, etc.
09/10/2014 07:15 PM (UTC)
To answer the OP, no.

No we will not only see the returning MK characters be the MK1 cast. That's just ridiculous. It is still early and we haven't seen very much of the game at all. And just for the sake of proof.

daryui Wrote:
In the TRMK interview it was mentioned we'll see an MK4 character in this game which isn't Quan Chi....

09/10/2014 07:16 PM (UTC)
The MK1, MK2 and MK3 characters, sans a very few, are all in the same boat when it comes to character development, but of course the MKO members only complain about the "overrated", "overused" MK1 characters.
09/10/2014 07:23 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Reptile, Baraka, Shao Kahn, Kung Lao, Jade, Kintaro, and Mileena haven't evolved at all either, lol.

Reptile devolved physically...
Baraka, true.
Shao Kahn, also true.

Kung Lao evolved. He got his revenge over Baraka, got peace with Goro who killed the Great Kung Lao, mourned the death of Liu Kang and avenged him. He matured as a character.

Jade, true.
Kintaro, true.

Mileena evolved as well. Her hatred for Kitana was always her driving point, however, she went from just being a clone of Kitana to taking over her freaking throne and commanding the Edenian army!
09/10/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
JR's right about all of Kung Lao's growth (except for the part about avenging Liu, he failed that mission.)
But I gotta point out that Mileena never really grew or changed as a result of the stuff she did in Deception, though. It's not like replacing Kitana led to her learning anything about herself or getting over her hate or becoming a more empowered person, especially since the very MOMENT her "daddy" showed up, she happily surrendered her new army and throne to him and things went right back to status quo in Outworld.

Her only development was that the 3D games added "dresses slutty on purpose and flirts in a creepy way" to her personality, but adding a trait isn't "development" if we're supposed to believe they were actually like that all along.

You'd think DYING and going to Hell, or spending years alone at the bottom of a hole-in-the-ground-shaped Edenian prison would result in some kind of change in personality, but no...
09/10/2014 07:54 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
JR's right about all of Kung Lao's growth (except for the part about avenging Liu, he failed that mission.)

Yeah, I worded that wrong...
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/10/2014 09:30 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
Reptile, Baraka, Shao Kahn, Kung Lao, Jade, Kintaro, and Mileena haven't evolved at all either, lol.

Only Kitana should be really held accountable for not evolving as a character based on the fact that she is a main protagonist in the story mode usually. So it is expected that she should go thru changes and evolve.

Kung lao and jax are supporting cast to Lui and Sonya, so understandably they will fall backseat to the Mk1 babies.

Reptile, Baraka, Kahn, Mileena all suffer from being "bad guy syndrome". The story is never really about them or considerate of their point of view, so its understandable it is seen as remaining "punching bags" throughout the series. Their stories are the ones that have to revolve around Sonya, Lui, Raiden, etc. and since these characters are unevolved, the antagonist also seem to be put in repetitive roles.

As MK1ers, and being given the platform of being series regulars in every game, the characters should really have more depth than what they do now. (reminder, MK2 characters have been in less games and had less opportunity for development).

Despite MK2 offering a better diversity and cast dynamic, it will always play backseat to MK1. sleepsleepsleepsleepsleep
diirecthit Wrote:
The MK1, MK2 and MK3 characters, sans a very few, are all in the same boat when it comes to character development, but of course the MKO members only complain about the "overrated", "overused" MK1 characters.
yes because they appear in every freakin game and have had more opportunities than the MK2, 3, 4, DA, and D characters. And they are always the focal point.
09/10/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
TIL that tragic or "interesting" stories connected to a character = evolvement or development. :/

Um did you see me mention the word "evolved" for Reptile or Mileena specifically? Most of the evil characters in the game will hardly ever evolve coz their job so far has been to be the villain that you have to fight against. MK9 proved that. They have hardly left room for evolving their evil characters, except for maybe the ones that have turned good like Cyrax, Ermac, Smoke, Kuai Liang, etc.
Plus whether a character's story is interesting or not is based on one's personal taste. I believe I placed emphasis on the fact that "I" personally think that Mileena, Reptile, Kung Lao, Kitana, Kuai Liang are more interesting than Sonya, Liu Kang, Cage or Kano. Amazing that someone prefers a character with a tragic story to a hero that wins everything or a chick that has been chasing a guy for 10 years right? -.-'
09/10/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
TIL that tragic or "interesting" stories connected to a character = evolvement or development. :/

Um did you see me mention the word "evolved" for Reptile or Mileena specifically? Most of the evil characters in the game will hardly ever evolve coz their job so far has been to be the villain that you have to fight against. MK9 proved that. They have hardly left room for evolving their evil characters, except for maybe the ones that have turned good like Cyrax, Ermac, Smoke, Kuai Liang, etc.
Plus whether a character's story is interesting or not is based on one's personal taste. I believe I placed emphasis on the fact that "I" personally think that Mileena, Reptile, Kung Lao, Kitana, Kuai Liang are more interesting than Sonya, Liu Kang, Cage or Kano. Amazing that someone prefers a character with a tragic story to a hero that wins everything or a chick that has been chasing a guy for 10 years right? -.-'

NO ONE is debating any of the points you've raised so far. Such a short post and it completely flew over your head. Keep responding to whatever it is you're responding, 'cause it sure as hell doesn't seem to be what you quoted. sleep
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/10/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
CassiesPatentedNutBuster Wrote:
TIL that tragic or "interesting" stories connected to a character = evolvement or development. :/

I see this "character development" epithet bandied about a lot even though I think most fans seriously do not care about it. It has almost no bearing on liking a character at all.

If character development was so important then why are Scorpion and Raiden so popular even though they are still practically the same characters going into MKX as MK1? Scorpion is still out for revenge implied on Sub-Zero no less and Raiden is still trying to proctect Earthrealm.

I think this is because first impressions are the most important. Character development does not come into that at all. The reasons why Raiden fans like Raiden is because of his affinity with electricity, his superman move when he spouts gibberish and probably because he is sort of good guy elder teacher archtype that people can relate to. It has zero to do with character development.

The reasons why Scorpion is popular has to do with the fact he has an affinity with fire, the fact that he is an undead ninja, his spear move with assoiciated tag line, his forceful personality and fidelity to his wife/family/clan. It has nothing to do with character development. If Scorpion is kept the same as MK1 in MKX I would be a happy fan. I want to see the spear, the fire and so on. That is orignally why I liked him. Everything else is just gravy.

My sister's favourite character is Sub-Zero. Why? He is blue. And, he can manipulate ice. It has not much to do with character development. Sure that is a reason but certainly not the biggest which is the fact that Sub-Zero is blue and being a ninja in the 1990's was cool. I would not be surprised if other Sub-Zero fans like him because of this reason or some other silly reason. Sub-Zero has had a lot of character development as well which is why I think it is nonsense to cut and dry liking characters for their evolution through the franchise.

You know I even liked Sonya back in MK1 because of the red costume. That was literally the only reason why I liked her but it was enough because my favourite colour is red.

First impressions are the most important and character development is not a big part of that. You look at the character and instantly make a judgement. I would be extremely surprised if people like their favourites because of character development.
09/10/2014 09:56 PM (UTC)
WellFedBaldomero Wrote:

NO ONE is debating any of the points you've raised so far. Such a short post and it completely flew over your head. Keep responding to whatever it is you're responding, 'cause it sure as hell doesn't seem to be what you quoted. sleep

Hello diirecthit.
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

09/10/2014 10:02 PM (UTC)

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
JR's right about all of Kung Lao's growth (except for the part about avenging Liu, he failed that mission.)

But I gotta point out that Mileena never really grew or changed as a result of the stuff she did in Deception, though. It's not like replacing Kitana led to her learning anything about herself or getting over her hate or becoming a more empowered person, especially since the very MOMENT her "daddy" showed up, she happily surrendered her new army and throne to him and things went right back to status quo in Outworld.

Her only development was that the 3D games added "dresses slutty on purpose and flirts in a creepy way" to her personality, but adding a trait isn't "development" if we're supposed to believe they were actually like that all along.

You'd think DYING and going to Hell, or spending years alone at the bottom of a hole-in-the-ground-shaped Edenian prison would result in some kind of change in personality, but no...

I was going to reply and fact prove everything you said here wrong, but your post is SO FUCKING stupid and inaccurate, I don't want to get worked up about such out of context, foolish accusations and make this a Mileena topic.


09/10/2014 10:03 PM (UTC)
In all honesty, it is all about appeal to me. I don't care what game they are from - if a character appeals to me, I want to see more of said character.

The MK1 characters just don't appeal to me, so I don't care much about them and would rather see other characters in future games than those.
09/10/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Sidebar:No,we will get some MKDA-MKA fighters.confused
09/10/2014 10:04 PM (UTC)
Man, Mileena I feel gets like everyone worked up the most when discussing her. I don't get it?
09/10/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Man, Mileena I feel gets like everyone worked up the most when discussing her. I don't get it?

There are a few people on here who bring up other people's favourites and talk trash about them, just to stir up some conflict. Usually Mileena fans are targetted by that.
09/10/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Man, Mileena I feel gets like everyone worked up the most when discussing her. I don't get it?

There are a few people on here who bring up other people's favourites and talk trash about them, just to stir up some conflict. Usually Mileena fans are targetted by that.

That's because diirecthit will always trash someone's favorite character when they dare say they dislike Sonya. And usually that's me (and DVorah but let me not associate myself with him or the way he expresses his opinions lol) so boom. Mileena is mentioned all of a sudden wink
09/10/2014 10:11 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
Man, Mileena I feel gets like everyone worked up the most when discussing her. I don't get it?

There are a few people on here who bring up other people's favourites and talk trash about them, just to stir up some conflict. Usually Mileena fans are targetted by that.

That's because diirecthit will always trash someone's favorite character when they dare say they dislike Sonya. And usually that's me (and DVorah but let me not associate myself with him or the way he expresses his opinions lol) so boom. Mileena is mentioned all of a sudden wink

That tends to be the case, yes.
09/10/2014 11:27 PM (UTC)
Like I care.

If you like a blonde bimbo with nothing special about her over a super-monstrous clone with sai blades.

About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/10/2014 11:40 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
Like I care.

If you like a blonde bimbo with nothing special about her over a super-monstrous clone with sai blades.


No, that does not make sense and is contradictory to what you said earlier in the thread:

DVorah Wrote:
Because I don't like it if characters are overused and drooled over by all others.

And I hate nothing more (well maybe sonya) than characters that get extra attention all the time and which can NEVER be OUT of a game.

If my favorites become fanfavorites, i'll probably get tired off them over time, Ermac sure did loose some charms for me, but it took some games too for Scorp and Sub to become annoying for me, so they have some time, I won't hate them instantly.

You want people to like Mileena then go on about how if your favourites were liked by everyone you would lose interest in them?

That is just hysterical on another level.

Milaana Wrote:
OMG I actually really adore that red wearing sonya, I want her to be the real model!

Her hair was still blonde back then too. Sticazzi.
09/10/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
WellFedBaldomero Wrote:

NO ONE is debating any of the points you've raised so far. Such a short post and it completely flew over your head. Keep responding to whatever it is you're responding, 'cause it sure as hell doesn't seem to be what you quoted. sleep

Hello diirecthit.

Yeah, instead of addressing my post be immature and accuse me of having an alt. That'll sure show me!
09/11/2014 12:55 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
Like I care.

If you like a blonde bimbo with nothing special about her over a super-monstrous clone with sai blades.


No, that does not make sense and is contradictory to what you said earlier in the thread:

DVorah Wrote:
Because I don't like it if characters are overused and drooled over by all others.

And I hate nothing more (well maybe sonya) than characters that get extra attention all the time and which can NEVER be OUT of a game.

If my favorites become fanfavorites, i'll probably get tired off them over time, Ermac sure did loose some charms for me, but it took some games too for Scorp and Sub to become annoying for me, so they have some time, I won't hate them instantly.

You want people to like Mileena then go on about how if your favourites were liked by everyone you would lose interest in them?

That is just hysterical on another level.

Milaana Wrote:
OMG I actually really adore that red wearing sonya, I want her to be the real model!

Her hair was still blonde back then too. Sticazzi.

Not really tho, because I want people to be stupid, fat, ugly and poor, so that I can be superior than all of them.

I just like to pride with my opinions because they are so damn good and always right! sleep
09/11/2014 01:08 AM (UTC)
WellFedBaldomero Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
WellFedBaldomero Wrote:

NO ONE is debating any of the points you've raised so far. Such a short post and it completely flew over your head. Keep responding to whatever it is you're responding, 'cause it sure as hell doesn't seem to be what you quoted. sleep

Hello diirecthit.

Yeah, instead of addressing my post be immature and accuse me of having an alt. That'll sure show me!

She will always call some members "alts" when they agree with me, and prove her WRONG and CLOCK her. Mind her.
09/11/2014 01:10 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
In all honesty, it is all about appeal to me. I don't care what game they are from - if a character appeals to me, I want to see more of said character.

The MK1 characters just don't appeal to me, so I don't care much about them and would rather see other characters in future games than those.

I agree, why are some members saying the stale, underdeveloped characters like Mileena or Reptile or Baraka deserve to be in over MK1 characters due to the MK1 characters being underdeveloped, when they're JUST as underdeveloped as MK1 chars?
09/11/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Why are you guys being so cruel to eachother? So what if you disagree on something... Mortal Kombat is just a game and the characters are fictional! There is no need to act like complete assholes to one another.

And yes, I know I can be an asshole too, but I am trying not to be, and you guys being total assholes aren't helping!

We are all MK fans here, right?
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