09/08/2014 03:44 AM (UTC)
I don't think the MK1 characters will be the ONLY returning characters, but I hope everyone from MK1 does return. I think Ed Boon confirmed there will be an MK4 character in the mix. I also really hope for Cyrax and Ermac at least. Jax and Kitana might be pushing it.

As for what I think will happen? I'm really in no place to say. The rumors of Johnny Cage and Liu Kang being in definitely get my hopes up for the full original cast. But really, I'm trying to do what Ed says and not speculate too much.
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09/08/2014 04:11 AM (UTC)
In the TRMK interview it was mentioned we'll see an MK4 character in this game which isn't Quan Chi....

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
i'm still dying to see their new take on a less slutty fighter.

Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
So hopefully Mileena will be the first returning female to return.

But that's a contradiction.

How? Mileena wasn't always this slutty child in a woman's body like MK9 made her out to be. That's why I specifically said Mileena, I want to see how they're going to handle her outfit. Just from Boon saying how ridiculous the females looked in MK9, which is so true, I want to see a properly done Mileena. Not saying she needs to be covered completely. Just something other than huge tits flopping everywhere, a skin tight bikini, and unrealistic fighting attire. Her Deception outfit is my all time favorite of hers because it was very MK2 revamped. Just something along those lines.
09/08/2014 10:08 AM (UTC)
What if it's Shinnok?confused
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/08/2014 01:35 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
What if it's Shinnok?confused

Nothing. It makes story sense that Shinnok is in the game considering the events of MK9 story mode.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/08/2014 06:06 PM (UTC)
I really hope if there are MORE than 24 characters in the game that they adjust the selection screen asap with more accurate space counts. The fact they still haven't done that keeps me thinking it's 24.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
09/08/2014 06:18 PM (UTC)
They'll announce Liu, Johnny, Sonya and Reptile. And then, surprisingly, Sindel.

Halfway through Story mode, Shang Tsung will unexpectedly burst through her chest, put on a top hat, whip out a cane, and start singing "Hello Mah Baby".

Then, and only then, will the MK1 roster be complete.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/08/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll announce Liu, Johnny, Sonya and Reptile. And then, surprisingly, Sindel.

Halfway through Story mode, Shang Tsung will unexpectedly burst through her chest, put on a top hat, whip out a cane, and start singing "Hello Mah Baby".

Then, and only then, will the MK1 roster be complete.

Um no. He'll sing "Big Spender".
09/08/2014 06:41 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
i'm still dying to see their new take on a less slutty fighter.

Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
So hopefully Mileena will be the first returning female to return.

But that's a contradiction.

How? Mileena wasn't always this slutty child in a woman's body like MK9 made her out to be. That's why I specifically said Mileena, I want to see how they're going to handle her outfit. Just from Boon saying how ridiculous the females looked in MK9, which is so true, I want to see a properly done Mileena. Not saying she needs to be covered completely. Just something other than huge tits flopping everywhere, a skin tight bikini, and unrealistic fighting attire. Her Deception outfit is my all time favorite of hers because it was very MK2 revamped. Just something along those lines.

Agreed. I hope they do the returning females right this time. Judging by the overall dark themes of the game so far, I think we can expect more realistic/badass fighting clothes this time around.

Also we can point to Cassie who shows nearly no skin at all. It is looking promising that the mortal kombat females will get proper costumes rather than objectifying costumes.
09/08/2014 06:52 PM (UTC)
Lol I actually liked MK9 Mileena, she was sexy. *Not ashamed*

Anyway I do think the females could use some more clothes this time around. The whole "nothing but heels, a thong, and some barley covered tities" was somewhat entertaining last time around but I think they should try to be more creative with the females clothes in MKX.
09/08/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
i'm still dying to see their new take on a less slutty fighter.

Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
So hopefully Mileena will be the first returning female to return.

But that's a contradiction.

How? Mileena wasn't always this slutty child in a woman's body like MK9 made her out to be. That's why I specifically said Mileena, I want to see how they're going to handle her outfit. Just from Boon saying how ridiculous the females looked in MK9, which is so true, I want to see a properly done Mileena. Not saying she needs to be covered completely. Just something other than huge tits flopping everywhere, a skin tight bikini, and unrealistic fighting attire. Her Deception outfit is my all time favorite of hers because it was very MK2 revamped. Just something along those lines.

You're still contradicting yourself, because although she didn't act like a slut in MKG or MKD, she looked like one.
09/08/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
What if it's Shinnok?confused

Nothing. It makes story sense that Shinnok is in the game considering the events of MK9 story mode.

Let me rephrase that: What if it's just Shinnok? I mean we already know Quan Chi is gonna make it and it's Shinnok has to make it as well considering MK9's ending. So what if it's just those 2 post-MK3 characters coming back?
09/08/2014 08:47 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Mileena wasn't always this slutty child in a woman's body like MK9 made her out to be.

Well sure she wasn't childish...but she's always had the skimpiest of the ninja girl outfits in every single game, ever since MK4/Gold when they all stopped being pallete swaps.

It's been an accepted character trait long before MK9 that she shows off her body so that people won't look at her face. She has flirtatious seductress-type dialogue in Deception, Shaolin Monks, and Armageddon.

Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Her Deception outfit is my all time favorite of hers because it was very MK2 revamped.

I like Deception Mileena too...but saying it doesn't show off her tits? Saying it looks anything like her MK2 outfit? What?
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/08/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
What if it's Shinnok?confused

Nothing. It makes story sense that Shinnok is in the game considering the events of MK9 story mode.

Let me rephrase that: What if it's just Shinnok? I mean we already know Quan Chi is gonna make it and it's Shinnok has to make it as well considering MK9's ending. So what if it's just those 2 post-MK3 characters coming back?

Nothing. Like already mentioned in the TRMK interview Ed Boon said that you will see a MK4 character which if it is Shinnok would make perfect sense. If Shinnok and Quan Chi are the only playable MK4 characters that is okay. They make the most story sense.

Also in the same interview Ed Boon also said that we will see some of the later games's fighters. Also there will be cameos.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

09/08/2014 08:58 PM (UTC)
I guarantee there'll be more than 24 characters. I'm standing by 28 + 6 DLC. I do think we'll get all the MK1 characters (Sonya as DLC), except Reptile and Shang Tsung (though I think we'll get another Saurian). I think we'll get 12-14 new characters, 8 from MK1, leaving us with 6-8 spaces to fill from MK2-MKA: with descendants and new characters filling in for punching bags like Baraka (no offence, coming from a Reptile fanboy here),

I think that's plenty of room. Tanya, QC and Fujin from MK4 I think, with Jax Kitana, Kung Lao, Sonya, Goro and a guest as DLC.
09/08/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
If Shinnok and Quan Chi are the only playable MK4 characters that is okay.

Speak for yourself.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/08/2014 11:11 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
If Shinnok and Quan Chi are the only playable MK4 characters that is okay.

Speak for yourself.


I need Tanya, Fujin, and at least Havik from MKD to make the cut.
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/08/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
If Shinnok and Quan Chi are the only playable MK4 characters that is okay.

Speak for yourself.

The only MK4 characters that are shown to be deeply invested in the story are Shinnok and Quan Chi which is why they appeared in MK9.

Even in the previous timeline the MK4 chracters had minimal story import. They never did anything of note and only Tanya appeared in a subsequent game if arbitrarily.
09/09/2014 12:12 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
Even in the previous timeline the MK4 chracters had minimal story import. They never did anything of note and only Tanya appeared in a subsequent game if arbitrarily.

Tanya was the only reason Shinnok was able to escape Hell in the original timeline.

Also, MK4 was supposed to introduce a new generation like MKX is doing now, Kai and Fujin were supposed to replace a retiring Liu and Raiden, and Reiko was intended to be a dead Shao Kahn in reincarnated form (Yes, this is what John actually intended with that helmet ending, he finally revealed it like a year or two ago in an interview), but Tobias leaving meant they played it safe and never pulled the trigger on any of those plans.
09/09/2014 07:15 AM (UTC)
It seems that way, MK 1 for me was the most horrid game of the series.

I know its the starter, and without it there wouldn't be MK blablabla, but if MK2 and 3 weren't there, I would never have liked MK to begin with, I played Streetfighter over MK1 because I only liked Raiden, Scorpion and Sub-Zero in MK.

Now that Sub and Scorp became things I hate (overused fan-favorites) and I also lost interest in Raiden, MK 1 is by far the worst game for me, followed by Deadly Alliance.

Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage are pretty much confirmed and so is Liu Kang. They probably are next to be revealed. The horror.

I have to wait like 4 months before more interesting characters are revealed probably.
09/09/2014 07:37 AM (UTC)
xysion Wrote:
projectzero00 Wrote:
xysion Wrote:
If Shinnok and Quan Chi are the only playable MK4 characters that is okay.

Speak for yourself.

The only MK4 characters that are shown to be deeply invested in the story are Shinnok and Quan Chi which is why they appeared in MK9.

Even in the previous timeline the MK4 chracters had minimal story import. They never did anything of note and only Tanya appeared in a subsequent game if arbitrarily.

Which doesn't mean they can't make an impact now. They have the resources, they showed that they have ideas, they understood the mistakes they made in MK9. What tells us they can't bring back several MK4/MKDA/MKD characters that are relevant this time around?
Everything is looking so good so far. It's gonna be a shame if we don't see a bunch of returning characters revamped that make people's jaws drop. From the moment MKX was announced that's what I've been waiting for.
09/09/2014 07:56 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Tanya was the only reason Shinnok was able to escape Hell in the original timeline.

Quan Chi will most likely take that role in the new timeline. Tanya was an Edenian, trusted by the Edenian throne because of her father's loyalty, and she used that to lead Shinnok and the Brotherhood of Shadows into Edenia...

... but in the new timeline, there is no Edenia. There is no Kitana or Sindel on the throne. So Tanya is pretty much unnecessary.

I hope she will be in MKX though, and that her role will be changed to fit the story. ^^
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/09/2014 06:53 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
Which doesn't mean they can't make an impact now. They have the resources, they showed that they have ideas, they understood the mistakes they made in MK9. What tells us they can't bring back several MK4/MKDA/MKD characters that are relevant this time around?
Everything is looking so good so far. It's gonna be a shame if we don't see a bunch of returning characters revamped that make people's jaws drop. From the moment MKX was announced that's what I've been waiting for.

Yes, you are right. NRS has the resources to make any character relevant. I am a pragmatist and I am just going by the information that we have got not anything hypothetical. From the information we have got we will see a MK4 character and if it is Shinnok that is okay since he has a lot of story relevence. That does not mean any other MK4 characters could not appear as playable characters or as cameos. Ed Boon has said characters from later games will also appear although he neglected to mention whether they were playable or not.
09/09/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:

Now that Sub and Scorp became things I hate (overused fan-favorites) and I also lost interest in Raiden, MK 1 is by far the worst game for me, followed by Deadly Alliance.



If your currently favorite character(s) suddenly became overused fan favorites would you lose interest in them too?

Scorpion and Sub-Zero have been my favorites since MK1 but I sure as hell wont like them any less just because they became overused fan/newby favorites for whatever reason.

Not trying to change your opinion or anything I just don't quite understand why people like something then don't like it after it gets popular.
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09/09/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
They'll announce Liu, Johnny, Sonya and Reptile. And then, surprisingly, Sindel.

Halfway through Story mode, Shang Tsung will unexpectedly burst through her chest, put on a top hat, whip out a cane, and start singing "Hello Mah Baby".

Then, and only then, will the MK1 roster be complete.

Sold. Preordering now.
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