04/03/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Primo585 Wrote:
Shut up you fucking puke stain lol ur worthless and so is your opinion... How old are you CISIS? That's all I wanna know... Go suck a dick herb die a slow death

Primo585 Wrote:
Use your salty tears as lube bro... Lube that dildo up man!! Lube it!!

Primo585 Wrote:

Lol use ur salty tears as lubricant bro!! Lube it up!! Hahahahaha

Fuck that fag cyrax and sector... Two robots running around "we're cool" fuck them lol you lost out to Jacqui and Cassie... Now go cry urself to sleep while ur hugging ur pillow!

Are you here just to spam insults to everyone who you don't agree with? and you have nerve to talk about maturity, grow up before you get the hammer for acting like a dumb 13 year old.

Oh and lube ur dildo car up man and ride it home! I don't give two shits about this forum... I come on here to here good convo and find new information...

It's turned into a big group of 14 year old kids, circle jerking eachother and trying not to cry because fucking Noob Saibot isn't playable or whoever else... Cry urself to sleep little ones
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

04/03/2015 05:23 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Kitana147 Wrote:
you do know that with all this bitching and moaning if mkx was the way some people wanted other people would begin bitching and be the opposite why is Fujin there he is a waste switch him with Sonya, etc etc

No necessarily. It is understandable for fans to miss characters that have been absent for over a decade. Sure, a group of fans of the individual characters might get disappointed but it will definitely help to improve the overall diversity and make the roster feel less lopsided. And having Fujin playable in this game makes as much sense as having Sonya in.

the game is out in like 11-10 days (depending what time frame you are in and yet people aren't please you bitch about the roster then bitch that other people are telling you off.

Because they have the right to, you don't get to silence others just because you disagree with them, the only thing gamers can do is bitch an moan if they want changes, it's been like that since ever.

NRS knows what they are doing stupid or not they know, it's actually smart they didn't just have sub zero and scorpion as the only returnees and the other 23 were new. let's face it it would not sell as good as i'm sure MKX will.

Again, we can agree that NRS is going for the money approach, but claiming people want the entire roster replaced but Scorp and Sub is just untrue.

why does everyone hate jax, jacqui, sonya, kitana, kung lao etc etc, but yet no one bitches about sub nor scorpion being in EVERY game their moves have not changed much the only thing that changes is their costumes.

Is not hate, people abuse that word so much it's beginning to lose its meaning. Scorpion and Sub are sacred cows that, no matter how much people bitch and moan about how tired and bored they're of them, will never be absent of a game anymore, ever. No matter what happens in the story, two slots are already reversed for those 2. Personally I would love for a game where one of them takes a short vacation.

the streams are there to show off some stuff like they say there is tons of stuff we can't shot you yet, so why don't you just play the game and see for yourself how you free watching other people play is not always fun.

if you hate the roster so much then you are not a MK fan but a Fujin, Havik, Baraka, Noob, Fan you're only happy when they are there

No true Scotsman fallacy, we don't get to decide how an MK Fan should be or enjoy. And once again people refuse to acknowledge not all the complains about the roster reduce to favourites not getting in. Most cases are just projection.

if Fujin was in and not let's choose Kung Lao you only have 1 guy to play the entire game you want to spend 50-150 bucks for a game just to play 1 character that would be extremely boring.

I have no idea what you're trying to say but I imagine is continuation of your previous argument.

NRS put the popular people in the game cause they know there are tons of more people happy to see Reptile, Liu Kang, Kitana then seeing Sareena, Havik, Drahmin so just bitch and moan don't buy the game and watch everything on the forums or youtube of the challenge towers, storymode and gameplay while you wait for your ideal game

as my sister told me shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one comes first

Your sister gave you a sound advise, not going to argue with that. But I will give you one of my own, do not let others' opinions of something you like or enjoy affect you personally, since they aren't directed at you.

um first of all im not taking it personally im responding to this thread and about how there is so much 'dislike' for a game that is not even out yet. so i don't understand where you are coming from.

i get everyone has their own opinions but alot of the opinions on MKX thread is mostly about how much people hate the game already cause their favorite is not there.

and yes i try to ignore the threads but even in a 'positive' I LOVE *insert fav mk* character thread people still need to let everyone know they hate the roster or the certain people.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

04/03/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
This has ran it's course. Unbelievable behavior being shown.
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