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04/03/2015 04:34 AM (UTC)
If they replaced Jacqui or Jax and Sonya with Fujin and Havik this would be my favorite roster. I still like the roster a lot but I really hope at least Fujin ends up as dlc.
04/03/2015 04:43 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Lol no this roster is pretty ho hum. Boring. Safer than the safety dance.

Its just that ideal roster isnt going to happen.

Spider804 Wrote:
unleash_your_tounge Wrote:
No need for a store run this week.

I've got an unlimited supply of salt on here.

Gimme, I need some for my big hot pretzel.

Can I have some of your big hot pretzel?

You asked nicely, so yes.
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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 04:50 AM (UTC)
unless the roster is a Trilogy/Armageddon roster it'll never be better than what you get here.

With around more or less twenty five spots there will always be omissions.

You can't please everyone like this.
04/03/2015 04:57 AM (UTC)
Why is there a Tanya superthread and not a "I want to complain about the roster" superthread??

Is everyone that is complaining just fans of the ninjas or something??? I mean, damn! This is getting soooo tired.
04/03/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
I would hope that Cassie, Takeda, Kung Jin & Jacqui will stay for the next game. They could surely use more allies.
04/03/2015 05:09 AM (UTC)
Annoyed that everyone here is badgering OP about the post. If you love the roster then guess what?

The roster blows, I'm completely annoyed by it, and at the end of the day I'm wondering if I should forego a preorder for the komplete edition. Doesn't mean I don't like MK, just means I REALLY do not like what they've done with this one.

I definitely have other things I can focus on during the hell that would be this wait.
04/03/2015 05:09 AM (UTC)
Oh, for Christ's sakes...

The sense of entitlement (and butthurt when that entitlement is not granted) coming from some players is reaching alert levels here.

NRS may rely on fan feedback to a certain extent but make no mistake...this is *their* game, not ours. And personally I'd rather see an obscure character return if it helps drive the story than a popular character whose only reason for returning is to appease whiny little bitchtits.

But please...sit and wait for MK11...put your feet up...grab a cold drink...and when that roster doesn't meet your lofty expectations we can have this conversation again.
04/03/2015 05:30 AM (UTC)
ok, i dont understand the level of NRS dick sucking, they fucked up anyone with common sense can see this...yet every one like OHH BEST ROSATA EVA NRS FA DA WINZZ


Mk fans have been waiting for a real mk since mkd, we got that filth mkvdc, then we pretty much got a trilogy remake, that was meant to fix up the horrid plot that came with MKA.... so, we got nothing new in terms of roster for mk9... we got some plot twists ok.. cool, bring on A REAL sequel.... We got mkx.....We were excited...The first mk in years that was going to be a sequel....Disappointment ensues...Why? heres why!

Since the e3 release, NRS sold this as moving forward, countless interviews and press releases started 30 something characters, yet the select screen aint changed since e3....Countless interviews from several staff from NRS said, oh yeah this is so new, more new characters then ever, mk9 was a fan service, we have done that its time to move on, and move forward, we dont want to rehash anything....Then we were told that they killed half the roster in mk9 to allow for a clean slate and new faces....Now stop dick riding NRS for a moment and ask....Is this what we got? NO. FUCK NO.

We were introduced to 4 new fighters at e3 thinking this info was true...then came raiden, kano and qaunchi....We all figured well..Yeah they all lived through mk9 this makes sense....Then what did we get? Fuckin Kung lao! then Kitana, then Reptile, then ermac....Then the leaks began....And as we can see are true.....

What we got is a fucking rehash, everyone who died is back, making mk9s story stupid and redundant, making mkx's plot stupid and redundant, why am I goin to care what happens when nothing matters?

They missed a massive opportunity to make fujin amazing, baraka, reiko, havik...and for what? Liu kang? Jax? Then they stick tanya on as dlc? with tremor?

Fuck, give me a break...If anyone should have been dlc its the fuckin revenants!!!!!

No red dragon, missed op...half the new cast are siblings, accompanied by the parents? its a joke..

NRS went to steps forward 10 steps back.... The returning cast for the mos part are stale and old...and NRS needs to have some balls an move forward.
04/03/2015 05:46 AM (UTC)
SMH, like said before when half the cast died in MK 9. Mostly all the fans were complaining and demanded them to come back for 3 years. Maybe if some of them didn't complain, those characters would of still been dead and not playable and it would been a whole different cast. But hey, its your opinion. Hopefully, in the next 3 years MK 11's cast will meet your expectations
04/03/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
Spoiler alert

People are allowed to have their own opinions of something whether or not you think it's right or wrong. For example, if someone thinks this roster is shit, they're allowed. If someone else doesn't think that way, they're allowed too. At the end of the day, it's all subjective. Personally, I'm a fan of this particular roster, there's hardly a character I'm not interested in playing or trying out, but I would have gladly liked to have quite a few more characters than it looks like we're gonna be getting. Unfortunately, that's life, often never turning out the way that we hope. Not really much that can be done beyond actively campaigning for a particular character's inclusion. Worked for Tremor, it could work for anyone.
04/03/2015 05:50 AM (UTC)
I agree with you op. But, it seems like they did a great job with the game. Characters I hate even look good in mkx. I just hope enough people cry loud enough for more dlc. If we could get a few more kombat packs game will be perfect.
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04/03/2015 06:06 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
SMH, like said before when half the cast died in MK 9. Mostly all the fans were complaining and demanded them to come back for 3 years. Maybe if some of them didn't complain, those characters would of still been dead and not playable and it would been a whole different cast. But hey, its your opinion. Hopefully, in the next 3 years MK 11's cast will meet your expectations

04/03/2015 06:09 AM (UTC)
Watch in MK11 we get the offspring of Cassie, Takeda, Kung Jin, and Jaquie. Sonya, Cage, Kung Lao and Jax and all them will still be in of course, right along side their grand children. The game will play like a day time sitcom, with a laugh track and quirky dialog and everyone wears bright pastel shirts. There will be one chapter in story mode where Cassie's daughter forgets to do her science project and gets called into the office of Principle Onaga. Sonya and Johnny and Cassie will have to have a sit down heart to heart with Cassie's daughter on the importance of not procrastinating and that being responsible can be cool too! Principle Onaga will agree to extend the due date of her project and when he hands the assignment back to her he says "And this time lil lady, FINISH IT" the laugh track goes into an uproar and the frame freezes and through the laugh track you can here one lone man laughing noticeably harder than everyone else. That man? Ed Fucking Boon. Credits.
04/03/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
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04/03/2015 06:12 AM (UTC)
NRS is free to develop the games in the way they want to, that is their freedom and if they chose that anyone post MK3 is worthless/not meaty enough to be a playable character, then it is my freedom to boycott their game in some way, namely by not purchasing it.

I do not have to automatically like every installment of the series, MK4 was the very definition of a failure. And I am not going to spend money or effort on something that I do not like, just because it has an altered MK logo.

Seriously, we can only have a final solid opinion after we have seen storymode. I kinda wish we had another leak, then at least I would know what to expect.

Bottom line - >

Do not like the roster? Do not buy the game. Money talks, and NRS can only gather from decreased profit margins that perhaps people DO care about the part of the series that
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
basically saved them from bankrupcy, put the series back into public knowledge, removed the stigma of a caricature of a fighting game and actually tried to technologically advance instead of remaining a joke it has become.
04/03/2015 06:13 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
SMH, like said before when half the cast died in MK 9. Mostly all the fans were complaining and demanded them to come back for 3 years. Maybe if some of them didn't complain, those characters would of still been dead and not playable and it would been a whole different cast. But hey, its your opinion. Hopefully, in the next 3 years MK 11's cast will meet your expectations


What's that mean?
04/03/2015 06:15 AM (UTC)
Quoted For Truth, ie he agrees with you smile
04/03/2015 06:16 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Quoted For Truth, ie he agrees with you smile

Oh ok lol wink
04/03/2015 06:22 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
Spoiler alert

People are allowed to have their own opinions of something whether or not you think it's right or wrong. For example, if someone thinks this roster is shit, they're allowed. If someone else doesn't think that way, they're allowed too. At the end of the day, it's all subjective. Personally, I'm a fan of this particular roster, there's hardly a character I'm not interested in playing or trying out, but I would have gladly liked to have quite a few more characters than it looks like we're gonna be getting. Unfortunately, that's life, often never turning out the way that we hope. Not really much that can be done beyond actively campaigning for a particular character's inclusion. Worked for Tremor, it could work for anyone.

The Tremor petition didn't do anything.
04/03/2015 06:24 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
NRS is free to develop the games in the way they want to, that is their freedom and if they chose that anyone post MK3 is worthless/not meaty enough to be a playable character, then it is my freedom to boycott their game in some way, namely by not purchasing it.
I do not have to automatically like every installment of the series, MK4 was the very definition of a failure. And I am not going to spend money or effort on something that I do not like, just because it has an altered MK logo.
Seriously, we can only have a final solid opinion after we have seen storymode. I kinda wish we had another leak, then at least I would know what to expect.
Bottom line - >
Do not like the roster? Do not buy the game. Money talks, and NRS can only gather from decreased profit margins that perhaps people DO care about the part of the series that
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
basically saved them from bankrupcy, put the series back into public knowledge, removed the stigma of a caricature of a fighting game and actually tried to technologically advance instead of remaining a joke it has become.

I agree. Story mode, fatalities, brutalities, unlockables, etc will be available to see on youtube. Shit some people will pirate the game. Where NRS went right with this one IMO is far and few between....
04/03/2015 06:24 AM (UTC)
I was more referring to all the people clamoring for Tremor over the years, not the petition. Should have specified
04/03/2015 07:53 AM (UTC)
Personally, Jacqui and Jax are much more welcome than guys like Kira and Kobra. It's defiantly not perfect, but every other game has had it's lows in terms of roster. We have dealt with characters who were total re-skins of the previous games characters and had absolutely no back story connected to the actual plot of the game. Now we have brand new characters with their own moves, pivotal roles in the plot, and a connection to the other characters in the universe.

If the lowest character on a roster is better than a good number of other characters in the series, then I can't call it a bad roster.

I'm sorry if the roster has a lot of people you dislike, and I hope the next one doesn't disappoint.
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04/03/2015 09:00 AM (UTC)
Damn it, I was ready to side with the OP until he went all thought police on people.

Anyway, the roster does feel a good deal safe to me. Too many dead characters returning and they leaned on established talent a bit too much with the new characters, in my opinion.
04/03/2015 10:28 AM (UTC)
I'm not even bothering going through this thread, but jezus... really!! This one isn't even out yet and already judged and waiting for the next one.
People like you are never satisfied. Because you're always looking out for the next best thing, instead of what is in front of you know.

And this is not only to the MKO-fanbase, but people in general. Generation X is over. We are now in Generation Always Unsatisfied.
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When you play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

04/03/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
NRS took a turn to the right direction with MK9, in which classic characters were revamped are were given unique moves and powers. With many of them dying, we were all curious to seewhere they were going with MKX. Especially after seeing the announcement, with no less than 4 newbees, MKX looked as if they were swiping the slate clean.

So in terms of roster, it looked like we were gonna see many, many new faces and we kinda expected them to revamp quite a lot of characters from the 3D era. But there's been a lot of whining and bitching. Maybe, just maybe, that led up to NRS thinking: We bring back more classics. The fanbase may have done it to themselves. And now, the bitching continues. Seems like MK fans are always gonna whine. MK has been around for so long, there are always people who are gonna hate. Too bad, but it's the truth.

Personally I like most of the roster. I love quite all the newbees, as I'm happy that some classics will return. But it could have been somewhat better. I'm not giving full opinions on Jax and Jacqui as we haven't seen that much yet.

Anyway, I love the entire legacy of MK. I'm excited for the game. We are in a way better period them we have been.
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