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If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/03/2015 03:40 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
I mean you could've thrown some extra insults in there...

Spammed and raging loudest seem to be different concepts. Atleast to me.
Don't know if you're aware, but request for Tremor goes as back as Mortal kombat armageddon. It took that and three more MK games to finally see Tremor playable.

I'm not going after you with personal attacks. Only issue I have with you is that you're clearly misinformed and yet act like you know better than others.
Sorry if I don't believe someone that insults others when they disagree with or don't believe you, to be a student conselour (forgive me if I mispell).

I've never once outright insulted you. You however...

After this, I'm done responding to you.

1) In the other thread, because you disagreed with my opinion, you insulted my profession as well as my intelligence, that is personal attacks.

2) You have no reason what-so-ever to get pissy and hostile when someone disagrees with you. It's childish and it, in turn, pisses me off especially when most are just trying to have a simple debate of opinions.

3) Rage, spam, all the same thing to accomplish the same goal; getting him in the game. In this case, it worked. Especially considering I saw idiots bragging of spamming Ed up to 40 times a day on Twitter with Tremor pictures, yeah, I'd count that as raging, just not in an abusive way.

4) You can play victim all you want, I really couldn't give two shits, the evidence is in the other thread where you get all hostile at multiple people, not even just me, at the flick of a switch. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you either get too heated during debating things with people or you have anger issues. Either is fine, it's normal shit, all I'm trying to tell you is that;

A) I'm not going after you because you are who you are or because of the shit you said to me yesterday, I'm debating you because I don't agree with you, they are not personal attacks so don't construe them as such.

B) I've never stated my opinion as fact, however when you're constantly shitting on others for having a different opinion than yours, then there's a problem and it's not me. The argument in question was whether NRS should cave to a small group of people and give them what they want while alienating the bigger group; in this case, they did. They side-stepped not only 3D era characters but Trilogy ones as well to give us a character that most the fanbase couldn't give two shits about. I said they did and you called me out for it. There is no quota in DLC for obscure characters, Ed did it because he thought it was hilarious he was getting spammed and there was a petition floating around, that's why and that's all there is to it.

Zephyrus Wrote:
All that needs to be said is that the game that went back to the original trilogy was the game that sold the most by far.

Money speaks.

As for that, the kast wasn't the only element. The 2D plane, the throwback feel, the revamped engine and the marketing all had roles to play in the success of that game. The best bet is that MKX will be just as successful and features several 3D characters as well as newbies, so you're right, money will talk, money has talked. Armageddon sold like ass and yet still had the entire Trilogy roster in it. If that kast was the biggest selling point, then I guess people didn't know that game released.

1- Didn't insult your profession. Just mocked something that I don't believe in. Made remarks about your intelligence though.

2- I don't get pissy. I mock others when they're misinformed yet act like they're the bearer of the truth. If you're able to show proof of something that discredits me I will accept it and shut up. If you're saying stuff that I know and have proof that isn't true while trying to discredit me, I'm going to mock you.

3- while they might accomplish the same thing, the approach is different. Support was shown to the character which in turn made him get a spot on the roster. If nobody write anything, an obscure character won't get to see the light of day in a new game. If the character is obscure and all you do is write once "please include him in the game", chances are that your single plea fell short and didn't reach anyone's ear. You need to be loud enough to be heard.

4- I don't get all hostile. I just am incredibly dumbfounded at some remarks by others and when I question them, if those people act smart with me or are outright rude, I take pleasure in mocking them.
You can do better than answer to others with phrases like "try again".
The tone of that is clearly insulting. You're mocking them and yet you take offense when the same is done to you.

There are ways you can answer to others and especially me, that don't trigger an aswer you won't like.

In the other thread you acted smart with me. Had you just shown that you don't agree with me and explain your views I would've shutted up. But no. You also had to belittle me.

Other here think you're calm and collected when the truth is you're exactly like me. You think you know better than the others. Thing is you're not as transparent as me.

Shame you're done with me. I actually enjoy our little feud and I do agree with many of your points.

I'm not really trying to offend you. I've just seen through you and am pushing all the right buttons.
Try to guess my profession.
About Me

04/03/2015 03:54 PM (UTC)
AJBlue Wrote:
Post Trilogy characters don't sell games. They just don't, and more than likely never will.

WB is looking for units sold. That's all that matters to them. How do you sell the most units? Appeal to the largest number of people by including the most popular/recognizable characters. I don't know why that is so hard for people to understand and accept.

A good chunk of the roster will, and should include familiar faces. People clamoring for a roster that is made up of new and more obscure characters don't see the big picture i.e. YOU'RE IN THE MINORITY. NRS should never kowtow to a small group of people just because they may be raging the loudest. Why alienate a large group of people to satisfy a smaller one?

That is the reality, the character selection is based on popularity and maximizing profit. That's it, please the ones who so swiftly agreed remember that in the future, is not always about what the fans or even NRS wants or artistic integrity. Money talks and the safe roster is the result.

However, again there's that false argument that points out people dissatisfied with the roster want the entire roster replaced by "obscure" characters, you don't need to alienate the biggest group, but you also can't alienate every fan group after MK2, and that's what they did because it might hurt the sales.
04/03/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
That is the reality, the character selection is based on popularity and maximizing profit. That's it, please the ones who so swiftly agreed remember that in the future, is not always about what the fans or even NRS wants or artistic integrity. Money talks and the safe roster is the result.

Out of all the characters in MK9, Kano was ranked #22 on usage, Mileena was #23 and Quan Chi was #25.

My point being, popularity wasn't the only consideration. If it was, the roster would look different than it does and we'd probably have more revenant characters playable. Another big factor is story needs, which still leaves me scratching my head then as to why Fujin and Rain aren't playable, yet we've seen proof that they are, indeed, involved in the story in some capacity. Rain more-so than Fujin, as Mileena has no lackies in the roster with her while Kotal Kahn has 5.
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04/03/2015 04:23 PM (UTC)
Do people only care about the roster when it comes to MK games? Is that really your deciding factor to choose to boycott this game? That's crazy.

If NRS was to make a game with all of these "requested" characters - Havik, Fujin, Reiko, Ashrah, etc, but the gameplay is shit, with what I'm getting here, is you will all love the game.

No one ever talks the positives; how solid the gameplay is, how Story Mode looks amazing and downright looks like a movie, how the stages look fantastic, and that the entire presentation of the game is A+. It's funny how all of that gets ignored and the only thing that gets attention is the roster debate. No one will ever be happy when it comes to roster picks and everyone will always complain.

I said it before and I'll say it again: Thankfully, I have 0 favorites in Mortal Kombat. I enjoy the franchise as a whole, I love what MK represents, and I don't let the inclusion of 1-3 characters decide my satisfaction with an MK game. Sometimes I feel sorry for people who will miss out on this game simply because a few characters didn't make it.
I am greatly enjoying this outlook as it increases over time. Many have gotten sick and tired of the trilogy mainstays like Sonya, Kano, Jax, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung and Raiden. Scorpion and Sub-Zero? Can't get rid of them.

The comic keeps bringing in characters like Reiko and Havik as major players while giving time for Kotal and Cassie and from what I hear it's doing very well sales wise.

Tanya and Tremor are your DLC characters for MK.

SHINNOK is your advertised villain. Fujin is kicking so much demon ass in the first chapter. They're giving us quick glances of Bo and Li Mei for major trailers. I've seen more people requesting Fujin and Havik repeatedly than say Noob, Shang Tsung and The Cyborgs.

The Kotal four have gotten a lot of screentime overall and I don't see alot of hate for them (even Ferra/Torr).

Takeda and Cassie have a good chance of replacing Kenshi and Cage-Blade. Jacqui and Kung Jin otho I foresee them as the Forest Laws of MK. One and done while the parent keeps fighting. We request the 4-D characters because this game can tap into their potential. The roster just needs a little bit more of them.

Bring on the change. Fuck the Trilogy era, your time is over.

....But if we could juuuust get Baraka and one cyborg back.grin
04/03/2015 04:25 PM (UTC)
LOLOL. I like how people already hate a game that hasn't come out. I haven't posted here in forever, but I'm so excited to be back. I see some familiar names and some amazing new MINION sigs all around.

I am so amped up for this game. I think it looks amazing. Yeah, I'd love more characters and more stages, but damn. The graphics are very nice, the gameplay looks smooth, and I think the variations system is really going to add a lot of replay value.

I've avoided basically all of the trailers because I want to see everything fresh on 4.14, but what I have seen has got me very excited.

I love the character interactions on the select screen. It's so good to have MK back again!
Talking about "an ideal roster" is subjective, because what's ideal for me may not be ideal for you and vice versa. And yes, your favorite character may be sitting out from a game, it happened to all of us at some point in the series. (except for Sub Zero's fans, I guess)
It's just how it is, the full roster of any game can never satisfy everyone's expectations.
If you like the series it's best to take what you get and make the best of it.

And to further capitalize the subjective part, there are names like Hotaru, Drahmin, Dairou and Shujinko as part of that ideal roster wow Let's be real, that wouldn't be anything close to ideal for most fans. Even their creator acts like a parent who disowned their children when it comes to them.
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04/03/2015 04:35 PM (UTC)
Kitana147 Wrote:
you do know that with all this bitching and moaning if mkx was the way some people wanted other people would begin bitching and be the opposite why is Fujin there he is a waste switch him with Sonya, etc etc

No necessarily. It is understandable for fans to miss characters that have been absent for over a decade. Sure, a group of fans of the individual characters might get disappointed but it will definitely help to improve the overall diversity and make the roster feel less lopsided. And having Fujin playable in this game makes as much sense as having Sonya in.

the game is out in like 11-10 days (depending what time frame you are in and yet people aren't please you bitch about the roster then bitch that other people are telling you off.

Because they have the right to, you don't get to silence others just because you disagree with them, the only thing gamers can do is bitch an moan if they want changes, it's been like that since ever.

NRS knows what they are doing stupid or not they know, it's actually smart they didn't just have sub zero and scorpion as the only returnees and the other 23 were new. let's face it it would not sell as good as i'm sure MKX will.

Again, we can agree that NRS is going for the money approach, but claiming people want the entire roster replaced but Scorp and Sub is just untrue.

why does everyone hate jax, jacqui, sonya, kitana, kung lao etc etc, but yet no one bitches about sub nor scorpion being in EVERY game their moves have not changed much the only thing that changes is their costumes.

Is not hate, people abuse that word so much it's beginning to lose its meaning. Scorpion and Sub are sacred cows that, no matter how much people bitch and moan about how tired and bored they're of them, will never be absent of a game anymore, ever. No matter what happens in the story, two slots are already reversed for those 2. Personally I would love for a game where one of them takes a short vacation.

the streams are there to show off some stuff like they say there is tons of stuff we can't shot you yet, so why don't you just play the game and see for yourself how you free watching other people play is not always fun.

if you hate the roster so much then you are not a MK fan but a Fujin, Havik, Baraka, Noob, Fan you're only happy when they are there

No true Scotsman fallacy, we don't get to decide how an MK Fan should be or enjoy. And once again people refuse to acknowledge not all the complains about the roster reduce to favourites not getting in. Most cases are just projection.

if Fujin was in and not let's choose Kung Lao you only have 1 guy to play the entire game you want to spend 50-150 bucks for a game just to play 1 character that would be extremely boring.

I have no idea what you're trying to say but I imagine is continuation of your previous argument.

NRS put the popular people in the game cause they know there are tons of more people happy to see Reptile, Liu Kang, Kitana then seeing Sareena, Havik, Drahmin so just bitch and moan don't buy the game and watch everything on the forums or youtube of the challenge towers, storymode and gameplay while you wait for your ideal game
as my sister told me shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which one comes first

Your sister gave you a sound advise, not going to argue with that. But I will give you one of my own, do not let others' opinions of something you like or enjoy affect you personally, since they aren't directed at you.
04/03/2015 04:36 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Do people only care about the roster when it comes to MK games? Is that really your deciding factor to choose to boycott this game? That's crazy.

If NRS was to make a game with all of these "requested" characters - Havik, Fujin, Reiko, Ashrah, etc, but the gameplay is shit, with what I'm getting here, is you will all love the game.

No one ever talks the positives; how solid the gameplay is, how Story Mode looks amazing and downright looks like a movie, how the stages look fantastic, and that the entire presentation of the game is A+. It's funny how all of that gets ignored and the only thing that gets attention is the roster debate. No one will ever be happy when it comes to roster picks and everyone will always complain.

I said it before and I'll say it again: Thankfully, I have 0 favorites in Mortal Kombat. I enjoy the franchise as a whole, I love what MK represents, and I don't let the inclusion of 1-3 characters decide my satisfaction with an MK game. Sometimes I feel sorry for people who will miss out on this game simply because a few characters didn't make it.

Some people, yes. I care more about the plot than the gameplay as I'm only an average player and don't get very competitive with it. I'm better at shooters. However, I know I'm in the minority on that front so it doesn't bother me when we have shit going on like the comics.

As for your final paragraph, I agree. I have a favorite (obvious) but I still enjoy every character (even the most hated ones) for what they've contributed to the franchise. It was always a given I would buy the game from the day it was announced, but the roster is still uneven and blows. lol 1 or 2 more 3D characters wouldn't have hurt, 1 or 2 of the descendants should've been evil or at least of evil parents. Hell, wouldn't it have been fascinating to see maybe the son of Kano go against his father and fight for the good guys? Just a lot of missed opportunities, really.
04/03/2015 04:37 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
ok, i dont understand the level of NRS dick sucking, they fucked up anyone with common sense can see this...yet every one like OHH BEST ROSATA EVA NRS FA DA WINZZ


Mk fans have been waiting for a real mk since mkd, we got that filth mkvdc, then we pretty much got a trilogy remake, that was meant to fix up the horrid plot that came with MKA.... so, we got nothing new in terms of roster for mk9... we got some plot twists ok.. cool, bring on A REAL sequel.... We got mkx.....We were excited...The first mk in years that was going to be a sequel....Disappointment ensues...Why? heres why!

Since the e3 release, NRS sold this as moving forward, countless interviews and press releases started 30 something characters, yet the select screen aint changed since e3....Countless interviews from several staff from NRS said, oh yeah this is so new, more new characters then ever, mk9 was a fan service, we have done that its time to move on, and move forward, we dont want to rehash anything....Then we were told that they killed half the roster in mk9 to allow for a clean slate and new faces....Now stop dick riding NRS for a moment and ask....Is this what we got? NO. FUCK NO.

We were introduced to 4 new fighters at e3 thinking this info was true...then came raiden, kano and qaunchi....We all figured well..Yeah they all lived through mk9 this makes sense....Then what did we get? Fuckin Kung lao! then Kitana, then Reptile, then ermac....Then the leaks began....And as we can see are true.....

What we got is a fucking rehash, everyone who died is back, making mk9s story stupid and redundant, making mkx's plot stupid and redundant, why am I goin to care what happens when nothing matters?

They missed a massive opportunity to make fujin amazing, baraka, reiko, havik...and for what? Liu kang? Jax? Then they stick tanya on as dlc? with tremor?

Fuck, give me a break...If anyone should have been dlc its the fuckin revenants!!!!!

No red dragon, missed op...half the new cast are siblings, accompanied by the parents? its a joke..

NRS went to steps forward 10 steps back.... The returning cast for the mos part are stale and old...and NRS needs to have some balls an move forward.

Shut up you fucking puke stain lol ur worthless and so is your opinion... How old are you CISIS? That's all I wanna know... Go suck a dick herb die a slow death
I'd love to see Takeda and Frost in as the Scorps/Subz of a game...just to see how that would play out in terms of audience reaction. Edit: You seem upset Primo. Maybe you need to get laidtongue
04/03/2015 04:43 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
I'd love to see Takeda and Frost in as the Scorps/Subz of a game...just to see how that would play out in terms of audience reaction.

I'd like to see that happen! Sub-Zero could use Takeda's help to stop Frost from using the Dragon Medallion.

I can imagine in the next game, Frost would become one of Onaga's chosen. Perhaps he'll give her the power of snow meaning the Yuki-Onna legend.
04/03/2015 04:44 PM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
AJBlue Wrote:
Post Trilogy characters don't sell games. They just don't, and more than likely never will.

Maybe if NRS would quit dipping their toes in the pool and fucking around with the post trilogy characters, we would see a lot more of them. People like and recognize the 3D era more than you guys give them credit for. Hell, a huge chunk of my friends have only been exposed to playing MK4 up to Deception. I just don't agree with this statement.

Right because how old are you guys? 12-15 years old? Lol immaturity is the bane of this country it really is... It scares me that this younger generation with its narrow expectations and disregard for reality are the people that will be in charge of this country in the future... Very, very, scary

Back to another note... The game is $60... Don't like the roster? Don't buy it... I suggest taking that money... Buying a big purple dildo... Use your tears as lubrication and just ride that in ur ass until oblivion... Fucking fags lol I'm gonna start coming on here and instead of defending the game and the fact that this is a great game... I'm just gonna make the people that don't like it feel shitty as hell... Let the games begin!!!
04/03/2015 04:46 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

No offense man but if that's ur argument... Then u should be happy with that one inclusion. Case closed. Nobodies bitching is gonna change anything... Use those salty tears as lube for ur giant dildo!!
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04/03/2015 04:47 PM (UTC)
Like some one said.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. If someone hates the roster, they are entitled to feel that way. The hate people are showing other people just because they don't like the roster is staggering.. Calm down, just because someone is disappointed with an aspect of a game is no reason to flame them for it.

Here's my opinion.

I think the game looks great. I think the 4 Brand new characters look fantastic and will add to Mortal Kombat.. (D'Vorah, Kotal, Ferra Torr, Erron Black).. I love the variation, the graphics, everything technically looks like a vast improvement.

My one gripe with the game is the roster... And I have valid reasons for it.. yes they are subjective reasons so everyone else is entitled to disagree... First, my favorite character Smoke is not on the roster. They set him up with a great story and he had great potential for this game so it perplexes me why they didn't use him. Especially since he was one of the most popular characters from MK9 ( a lot of you are saying NRS has every right to pick who they want because they need to make money, well then why not include one of the most popular characters from the last game?) My least favorite faction story wise has ALWAYS been the special forces. Part of my love for MK came from the mystical characters... So I am disappointed that such a large portion of the roster was taken up by them.

Story wise..another reason I have liked MK was because it actually had an interesting story.. When people die, it makes things interesting.. but when its meaningless it dumbs down the story... In the history of MK look at this... Johnny Cage has died and come back... Liu Kang has now died and come back TWICE... Kung Lao has supposedly died and come back TWICE... now Jax has died and come back as well as Kitana.. All the roster lovers, you HAVE to atleast admit that they are basically pissing in our face as far as the story goes. I'm not saying when people die they should be gone forever but atleast stay dead for A GAME to give some kind of meaning to the death, and give other characters a chance to shine.

Yes the roster is the most disappointing thing about this game to me, that doesn't make me any less of a Mortal Kombat fan than any one else. That just means that a big portion of why I like this game over other fighting games isn't as good as I hoped it would be. I will still buy the game and I will still enjoy and play the shit out of it.

But Im still hoping the next one will include some more of my favorites.. Smoke, Fujin, Kintaro, Reiko, Havik, Kai and maybe an unexpected surprise like Motaro...

04/03/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
Maybe they're hesitant to do so because maybe they don't want to fuck up like they did with the 3D era games? Dunno.

Would be nice to see some more 3D era characters in the future though.
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/03/2015 04:48 PM (UTC)
I got my Mileena. Im content with the game.
04/03/2015 04:49 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Zephyrus Wrote:
I mean you could've thrown some extra insults in there...

Spammed and raging loudest seem to be different concepts. Atleast to me.
Don't know if you're aware, but request for Tremor goes as back as Mortal kombat armageddon. It took that and three more MK games to finally see Tremor playable.

I'm not going after you with personal attacks. Only issue I have with you is that you're clearly misinformed and yet act like you know better than others.
Sorry if I don't believe someone that insults others when they disagree with or don't believe you, to be a student conselour (forgive me if I mispell).

I've never once outright insulted you. You however...

After this, I'm done responding to you.

1) In the other thread, because you disagreed with my opinion, you insulted my profession as well as my intelligence, that is personal attacks.

2) You have no reason what-so-ever to get pissy and hostile when someone disagrees with you. It's childish and it, in turn, pisses me off especially when most are just trying to have a simple debate of opinions.

3) Rage, spam, all the same thing to accomplish the same goal; getting him in the game. In this case, it worked. Especially considering I saw idiots bragging of spamming Ed up to 40 times a day on Twitter with Tremor pictures, yeah, I'd count that as raging, just not in an abusive way.

4) You can play victim all you want, I really couldn't give two shits, the evidence is in the other thread where you get all hostile at multiple people, not even just me, at the flick of a switch. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you either get too heated during debating things with people or you have anger issues. Either is fine, it's normal shit, all I'm trying to tell you is that;

A) I'm not going after you because you are who you are or because of the shit you said to me yesterday, I'm debating you because I don't agree with you, they are not personal attacks so don't construe them as such.

B) I've never stated my opinion as fact, however when you're constantly shitting on others for having a different opinion than yours, then there's a problem and it's not me. The argument in question was whether NRS should cave to a small group of people and give them what they want while alienating the bigger group; in this case, they did. They side-stepped not only 3D era characters but Trilogy ones as well to give us a character that most the fanbase couldn't give two shits about. I said they did and you called me out for it. There is no quota in DLC for obscure characters, Ed did it because he thought it was hilarious he was getting spammed and there was a petition floating around, that's why and that's all there is to it.

Zephyrus Wrote:
All that needs to be said is that the game that went back to the original trilogy was the game that sold the most by far.

Money speaks.

As for that, the kast wasn't the only element. The 2D plane, the throwback feel, the revamped engine and the marketing all had roles to play in the success of that game. The best bet is that MKX will be just as successful and features several 3D characters as well as newbies, so you're right, money will talk, money has talked. Armageddon sold like ass and yet still had the entire Trilogy roster in it. If that kast was the biggest selling point, then I guess people didn't know that game released.

1- Didn't insult your profession. Just mocked something that I don't believe in. Made remarks about your intelligence though.

2- I don't get pissy. I mock others when they're misinformed yet act like they're the bearer of the truth. If you're able to show proof of something that discredits me I will accept it and shut up. If you're saying stuff that I know and have proof that isn't true while trying to discredit me, I'm going to mock you.

3- while they might accomplish the same thing, the approach is different. Support was shown to the character which in turn made him get a spot on the roster. If nobody write anything, an obscure character won't get to see the light of day in a new game. If the character is obscure and all you do is write once "please include him in the game", chances are that your single plea fell short and didn't reach anyone's ear. You need to be loud enough to be heard.

4- I don't get all hostile. I just am incredibly dumbfounded at some remarks by others and when I question them, if those people act smart with me or are outright rude, I take pleasure in mocking them.
You can do better than answer to others with phrases like "try again".
The tone of that is clearly insulting. You're mocking them and yet you take offense when the same is done to you.

There are ways you can answer to others and especially me, that don't trigger an aswer you won't like.

In the other thread you acted smart with me. Had you just shown that you don't agree with me and explain your views I would've shutted up. But no. You also had to belittle me.

Other here think you're calm and collected when the truth is you're exactly like me. You think you know better than the others. Thing is you're not as transparent as me.

Shame you're done with me. I actually enjoy our little feud and I do agree with many of your points.

I'm not really trying to offend you. I've just seen through you and am pushing all the right buttons.
Try to guess my profession.

Use your salty tears as lube bro... Lube that dildo up man!! Lube it!!
About Me

04/03/2015 04:50 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Denizen Wrote:
That is the reality, the character selection is based on popularity and maximizing profit. That's it, please the ones who so swiftly agreed remember that in the future, is not always about what the fans or even NRS wants or artistic integrity. Money talks and the safe roster is the result.

Out of all the characters in MK9, Kano was ranked #22 on usage, Mileena was #23 and Quan Chi was #25.

My point being, popularity wasn't the only consideration. If it was, the roster would look different than it does and we'd probably have more revenant characters playable. Another big factor is story needs, which still leaves me scratching my head then as to why Fujin and Rain aren't playable, yet we've seen proof that they are, indeed, involved in the story in some capacity. Rain more-so than Fujin, as Mileena has no lackies in the roster with her while Kotal Kahn has 5.

I'm not so sure about that, I'll give you Kano, maybe he got in for being the most recognizable face of the black dragon, but online usage doesn't reflect overall popularity in the MK fanbase, Quan-Chi is a NRS favourite to the point the original trilogy got retconned to include him and was essential to this game in terms of story, Mileena's doesn't need explanation.

All the revenants that got revived are insanely popular, not even one odd choice, although I agree that given the chance more revenants would have gotten revived, probably Smoke though. The MK3 ones got omitted simply because they're not as popular as MK1-2. Makes sense to me.
04/03/2015 04:51 PM (UTC)
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
RainMKX Wrote:
"oh look, here is the variations system and we will use that to claim that one character is like THREE characters, so a roster of 25 is a roster of 75!!!"

BS! the roster SUCKS, they had to take cyrax and sektor elemenets to make sonya butterface interesting and guess what SHE STILL AIN'T, I will PLAY the game but I will not SUPPORT the game, good job fucking this up nrs

Lol use ur salty tears as lubricant bro!! Lube it up!! Hahahahaha

Fuck that fag cyrax and sector... Two robots running around "we're cool" fuck them lol you lost out to Jacqui and Cassie... Now go cry urself to sleep while ur hugging ur pillow!
04/03/2015 04:52 PM (UTC)
DeLaGeezy Wrote:
Do people only care about the roster when it comes to MK games? Is that really your deciding factor to choose to boycott this game? That's crazy.

If NRS was to make a game with all of these "requested" characters - Havik, Fujin, Reiko, Ashrah, etc, but the gameplay is shit, with what I'm getting here, is you will all love the game.

No one ever talks the positives; how solid the gameplay is, how Story Mode looks amazing and downright looks like a movie, how the stages look fantastic, and that the entire presentation of the game is A+. It's funny how all of that gets ignored and the only thing that gets attention is the roster debate. No one will ever be happy when it comes to roster picks and everyone will always complain.

I said it before and I'll say it again: Thankfully, I have 0 favorites in Mortal Kombat. I enjoy the franchise as a whole, I love what MK represents, and I don't let the inclusion of 1-3 characters decide my satisfaction with an MK game. Sometimes I feel sorry for people who will miss out on this game simply because a few characters didn't make it.

I love this! This is what's called common sense and maturity!!
04/03/2015 04:54 PM (UTC)
Since this technically isn't about MKX, shouldn't this nonsense go in the "Future MK Games" forum?
About Me

Get that ass BANNED

04/03/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
This nonsense shouldn't even be a thread.
About Me

04/03/2015 04:59 PM (UTC)
Primo585 Wrote:
Shut up you fucking puke stain lol ur worthless and so is your opinion... How old are you CISIS? That's all I wanna know... Go suck a dick herb die a slow death
Primo585 Wrote:
Use your salty tears as lube bro... Lube that dildo up man!! Lube it!!
Primo585 Wrote:

Lol use ur salty tears as lubricant bro!! Lube it up!! Hahahahaha

Fuck that fag cyrax and sector... Two robots running around "we're cool" fuck them lol you lost out to Jacqui and Cassie... Now go cry urself to sleep while ur hugging ur pillow!

Are you here just to spam insults to everyone who you don't agree with? and you have nerve to talk about maturity, grow up before you get the hammer for acting like a dumb 13 year old.
04/03/2015 05:20 PM (UTC)
Denizen Wrote:
Primo585 Wrote:
Shut up you fucking puke stain lol ur worthless and so is your opinion... How old are you CISIS? That's all I wanna know... Go suck a dick herb die a slow death

Primo585 Wrote:
Use your salty tears as lube bro... Lube that dildo up man!! Lube it!!

Primo585 Wrote:

Lol use ur salty tears as lubricant bro!! Lube it up!! Hahahahaha

Fuck that fag cyrax and sector... Two robots running around "we're cool" fuck them lol you lost out to Jacqui and Cassie... Now go cry urself to sleep while ur hugging ur pillow!

Are you here just to spam insults to everyone who you don't agree with? and you have nerve to talk about maturity, grow the fuck up before you get the hammer for acting like a dumb 13 year old.

At this point yes that's exactly what I'm going to spam insults now... Because it's one thing to have an opinion and sharing it... But to keep hearing the same thing over and over and over in every thread regardless of what it is... Gets super old!

You guys are salty... Fuck your guys favorite players... NRS doesn't give a shit that U guys wanted frost or Reiko or smoke noob the cyborgs whoever... They are making a game to sell. You guys just want to make people feel like you feel... But I love the game and I'm having so much fun with the wait... Meanwhile from now on I'm gonna make everybody who feels shitty about the roster feel even more shitty for the next few weeks... U can count on it

I win! You lose!
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