08/22/2014 04:33 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Is it not kinda weird to have a character be gay purely for the purposes of being gay? To me that'd be like saying "well, need that gay market represented so lets have one character play for Team Pink". It feels so cynical. And it doesn't just extend to homosexuality. As an Irishman, if NRS were to have a new character whose fatality was to summon leprechauns and drank a Guinness in his intro, I wouldn't be particularly happy. If NRS introduce a character with an Irish accent, grand. See the difference? One is basing a character solely around one trait, the other is a developed character who happens to have one trait

Now, that what I was talking about.

Charybdis Wrote:
Furthermore, why do we all assume a guy would have to be gay? Why can't Jade have been lesbian-crushing on Kitana all this time? Maybe Tanya got shot down by Kitana and that's why Tanya seems determined to destroy the Edenian Royal Family?

You tempt me to write a fanfic...

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
And you're back to your former self. Alas, it was short but sweet.

I always the same, I always MYself.
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08/22/2014 04:39 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero and Smoke were lovin' on each other for years so this thread is pointless.
But we have plenty of gay/bi characters

Elder Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot
some of Ermac
Hsu Hao
Sheeva (probably)
Mileena (probably)

I also suspect Khameleon/Chameleon can change genders

See? look at all those characters we have plenty.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/22/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
My goodness this thread is a brain full.

Anyway, I say naaahh.
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08/22/2014 06:08 PM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
But we have plenty of gay/bi characters

Elder Sub-Zero/Noob Saibot
some of Ermac
Hsu Hao
Sheeva (probably)
Mileena (probably)

I also suspect Khameleon/Chameleon can change genders

See? look at all those characters we have plenty.

Yesm, headcanon does not amount to anything.
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08/22/2014 06:11 PM (UTC)
It shouldn't be surprising that gay people want to see LGBT representation in MK. It would be like if all of the characters were white, other minorities would want themselves to be represented too.

To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya? There are many characters with mentioned loved ones in their back stories, families, etc. Why can't there be a male fighter who has a boyfriend or husband?

We aren't talking about Ash from Streets Of Rage. That would be like Liu Kang having buck teeth and a speech impediment. They'd have to be an awesome character who just happens to be gay.
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08/22/2014 06:24 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:

To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya?

Which are represented to the extent they need to be.

The point of MK is not about observing deep emotions or learning about ourselves through a highly enthralling epics. It''s mostly about watching undead ninjas turning into penguins and laying grenade eggs.
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08/22/2014 06:27 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:

To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya?

Which are represented to the extent they need to be.

The point of MK is not about observing deep emotions or learning about ourselves through a highly enthralling epics. It''s mostly about watching undead ninjas turning into penguins and laying grenade eggs.

Nobody is asking for a Lifetime movie. Why can't this gay character have his own unique backstory that has nothing to do with him being gay?
Well it amounts to me not wanting an explicitly gay mk character so long as I have headcanon.
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08/22/2014 06:54 PM (UTC)
Do you pretend Jax is white, too?
Sure I'm doing it right now.

And in his hood outfit too.

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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

08/22/2014 07:01 PM (UTC)
The more gays the better! Bring em all to outworld! But ew at him being Russian tho. He should def. come from WeHo.

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-sig by MINION

08/22/2014 07:02 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya? There are many characters with mentioned loved ones in their back stories, families, etc. Why can't there be a male fighter who has a boyfriend or husband?
They're barely there. The biggest representation of Kitana and Liu Kang's relationship is the movies. Before MK9 it was barely mentioned and Sonya and Johnny are only hooking up now after 20 something years and again it was something that was popularized by the movies.
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08/22/2014 07:12 PM (UTC)
And why can't someone's gayness be just as much of a non-issue?
08/22/2014 07:38 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
And why can't someone's gayness be just as much of a non-issue?

Again, that is not a question for MK to answer. That question has deep rooted social issue's that only recently began the process of resolution. And sadly it takes a long time. But still it has no place in MK, and ill tell you why:

The ONLY character's that show ever so slightly a love interest is a small percentage of the earthrealmer's. And in MKX that is only a means to an end (if gay people could procreate then I am sure Johnny and Johnny would produce offspring in mkx) but NRS wanted to have generations showcased in the game because it spans such a long time period.

THE ONLY REASON that heterosexuality is used is to get a new generation. I HIGHLY doubt NRS will go even in the least bit into anything heterosexual between sonya and johnny.

Besides those two earthrealmer's (and any other children we may see because boon has said there will be more) Every character can be gay if you want him to be gay. Hell even johnny can be gay, gay people procreate all the time. All I am saying is that it is not NRS's job to tell us what our favorite character's sexuality is.

But for the vast majority of gay and straight people alike, please leave sexuality out of MK Universe and let's just focus on ripping heads off with character's that are relatable to ANY and ALL people.
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08/22/2014 08:01 PM (UTC)
Five pages later, and this still isn't going to happen.

But while we're at it....

Why not a Eurasian Pansexual transgendered member of Green Peace who also happens to be the first "female" President of the United States?

"She" can even quote lines from Black Fish, and "her" arch nemesis could be a new character who is just your average dude with a mild opinion on protecting the second amendment.

"Her" fatality would be to step all over her opponents eyeballs with her 10 inch heels as if it were Ru Paul's catwalk, all while screaming MOTHER MONSTER MOTHER MONSTER.

Because who needs mindless violence in video games when there are social statements to be made at every possible opportunity?

08/22/2014 08:06 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
It shouldn't be surprising that gay people want to see LGBT representation in MK.

I don't. Why would someone want to be represented in MK? That's absurd and it shows that you're insecure imho. I'm perfectly fine with my sexuality and I'm perfectly fine that there are no gays in MK. The only reason some characters' sexual relationship has been explored so far, was to produce an offspring in order to progress with the timeline. And Kitana and Liu's 2 seconds of flirting was an Easter egg about the movie. I just find it stupid and unnecessary. Sry
08/22/2014 08:21 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
It shouldn't be surprising that gay people want to see LGBT representation in MK. It would be like if all of the characters were white, other minorities would want themselves to be represented too.

To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya? There are many characters with mentioned loved ones in their back stories, families, etc. Why can't there be a male fighter who has a boyfriend or husband?

We aren't talking about Ash from Streets Of Rage. That would be like Liu Kang having buck teeth and a speech impediment. They'd have to be an awesome character who just happens to be gay.

You are missing the point. A character's sexuality doesn't matter unless relevant to the story. Johnny and Sonya, Liu Kang and Kitana - those are mere 2 examples of "relevance", but all the other characters' sexuality have absolutely no relevance to the story one bit.

What the OP suggests is not to have a gay character due to story relevance, he suggests to have a gay character merely to provoke a certain group of people - to have a gay character just because... That's not a good reason at all!

Sure, a character could be gay... but so what? Why does it matter if we know that character is gay? It doesn't... and THAT is why character sexuality doesn't belong in Mortal Kombat, because it doesn't matter!
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08/22/2014 08:41 PM (UTC)
MikeyRu Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
MikeyRu Wrote:

To those saying sexuality doesn't belong in MK, I call shenanigans. What about Liu and Kitana? Johnny and Sonya?

Which are represented to the extent they need to be.

The point of MK is not about observing deep emotions or learning about ourselves through a highly enthralling epics. It''s mostly about watching undead ninjas turning into penguins and laying grenade eggs.

Nobody is asking for a Lifetime movie. Why can't this gay character have his own unique backstory that has nothing to do with him being gay?

Then why is the character's homosexuality even relevant?

Your point is simply HAVE gay in there without any connection so we can HAVE gay in there in some sort of faux-enlightened way so we can feel better about ourselves because we HAVEgay in the game? If that's what you mean, then that is both stupid and insulting at the same time.

Trivializing a persecuted minority's problem by making a hollow gesture that only serves to make ourselves feel better about ourselves is...

the pinnacle of personal failure.
08/22/2014 08:42 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
THE ONLY REASON that heterosexuality is used is to get a new generation.

Well, there is also adoption route...
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08/22/2014 08:50 PM (UTC)
You guys keep contradicting yourselves. Sexuality is a part of MK. Hell, look at what the women wear. There are couples, there are families, there are offspring, there are overtly sexual lines of dialogue and fatalities.

We aren't talking about making one of the bars in Pong gay. This is MK, where every character has their own wiki page filled with background information covering their looks from head to toe, their ages, where they're from, who they're related to, etc.

There is NO legitimate reason for any of you to say a character shouldn't be in MK with a mention of a same-sex love interest in their biography. The only reason you would NOT want that is because you think there's something wrong with it.

The "it doesn't matter so it shouldn't be there" excuse is bullsh!t. If that were true, all of the Kombatants would be white. Minorities would say "Hey, why aren't there any people that look like us in the game? How about some diversity?". Would you respond by telling them that you don't want a black, Latino, or Asian character in the game because it's distracting and doesn't have anything to do with a fighting game? Maybe you'd say "I have black friends, but I don't see a reason to put a black guy in MK. He'd just end up being some kind of stereotype so it'd be better to just keep everyone white. If you want to, you can pretend that some of the characters are biracial and light skinned!". Ridiculous, right? Yeah. That's how you sound.

People don't like change. I get it. It's 2014 though, people. Grow up. If it turned out that Stryker's husband showed up in MKX to avenge him - how the hell would that affect you?

If you don't have a real answer to that question, then don't bother replying. *MIC DROP*
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

08/22/2014 08:55 PM (UTC)
Quick question, how would we go about making a character gay, making it clear that they're gay but not having it stick out like a sore thumb?
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08/22/2014 08:59 PM (UTC)
Mentioning their husband or boyfriend in their bio? The way they talk to other characters in their intros or in storymode?

Maybe Stryker has a husband who wants to avenge him. Maybe Cassie has a girlfriend who has been kidnapped by Kano.
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08/22/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
Charybdis Wrote:
Quick question, how would we go about making a character gay, making it clear that they're gay but not having it stick out like a sore thumb?

You don't actually if you want it to come off as natural and it's not the focus of the thing written.

Dumbledore is gay. Is it stated in the Potter books? Is it spoonfed to us with a written confirmation? No.

Also sex appeal is not the same thing as sexuality. Same thing as love, LOVE and lovemaking are spearate steps. And taking them in threes usually leads to stumbling down the staircase, but I am rambling.

08/22/2014 09:04 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Yeap, yeap... Here's the gay thread.

In my opinion, I really don't think one's sexual preferences makes that much of a difference for their character in a game like this. That's all I'm gonna say before this thread goes way out of whack like they always do.
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