08/21/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live.

When you say this, you are no better than them.

Forcing a gay character down their throats (lol nasty) wouldn't change their point of view. It wouldn't make them un-homophobic.

I don't like Scorpion, and having him show up in EVERYTHING Mortal Kombat isn't going to make me like him. It just makes me dislike him even more. It's the same thing with this suggestion of yours.

I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

What makes you think I care about homophobes changing their views? Most of them will never change anyway, and I'm not sure the few that do were ever that homophobic to begin with.

You're pretty much saying that because rubbing a gay character's sexuality in their faces won't change them, we should downplay said character's sexuality. How does it help homosexuals exactly? By telling the homophobes it's okay for them to hate gay people? To make them feel safe playing MK games?

I'm accused of trolling, but I guess the people making unfunny gay jokes aren't, heh?

No, I am saying that having a character gay in Mortal Kombat just to have a gay character is unnecessary and irrelevant. Forcing your propaganda through a game is distasteful, no matter what that propaganda may be.

There are other and better ways to kick homophobes in the balls... like actually kicking them in the balls.
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-sig by MINION

08/21/2014 04:48 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Yeap, yeap... Here's the gay thread.
In my opinion, I really don't think one's sexual preferences makes that much of a difference for their character in a game like this. That's all I'm gonna say before this thread goes way out of whack like they always do.
There's so little romance in MK it'd never come up. It'd just be a tacked on piece of information or something.

And lbr we all know Kano is bi.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

08/21/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
I've seen a thread like this before and it didn't end very well. Just a warning.
08/21/2014 04:52 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
I've seen a thread like this before and it didn't end very well. Just a warning.

There's been a few like these. And usually they didn't end well because the OP wanted a gay character just to have a gay character in the game. It's just a very idiotic premise for a character. A character can be gay without it being the focal point of its existence...
08/21/2014 04:53 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live.

When you say this, you are no better than them.

Forcing a gay character down their throats (lol nasty) wouldn't change their point of view. It wouldn't make them un-homophobic.

I don't like Scorpion, and having him show up in EVERYTHING Mortal Kombat isn't going to make me like him. It just makes me dislike him even more. It's the same thing with this suggestion of yours.

I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

What makes you think I care about homophobes changing their views? Most of them will never change anyway, and I'm not sure the few that do were ever that homophobic to begin with.

You're pretty much saying that because rubbing a gay character's sexuality in their faces won't change them, we should downplay said character's sexuality. How does it help homosexuals exactly? By telling the homophobes it's okay for them to hate gay people? To make them feel safe playing MK games?

I'm accused of trolling, but I guess the people making unfunny gay jokes aren't, heh?

No, I am saying that having a character gay in Mortal Kombat just to have a gay character is unnecessary and irrelevant. Forcing your propaganda through a game is distasteful, no matter what that propaganda may be.

There are other and better ways to kick homophobes in the balls... like actually kicking them in the balls.

Oh, I'm all for my character being about more than being gay and a "fuck you" to Vladimir Putin and homophobes in general. I just don't see why he couldn't be both that and a compelling character.

Whether you like it or not, certain straight characters' sexuality are an important part of them. Johnny flirting with women, and Kano's sleazy attitude toward them, yet there aren't many accusations of them being all about their heterosexuality. A gay character should be handled the same way as these two, though it'd be better for the first openly gay MK character to be more like Johnny in the way he interacts with men than Kano.

But I do want to stick it to homophobes, and while it's one thing not to focus on a gay character's sexuality too much, it's another to downplay it to such an extent that only hardcore fans would know he's gay, while casual audiences would be caught off guard, in a usually negative way, because they just couldn't help but think, in their limited intelligence, that all characters are straight, unless a male one acts all flamboyant, and a female one all "manly" and butch. Just make it clear he's gay, don't be shy about it, but don't overdo it.
About Me

I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

08/21/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
Just to attack homophobes is ridiculous and very radical. The majority of MK players are probably in the heterosexual demographic, I think your point is very moot to say the least. I'm not against a gay character I'm just against your reasoning.
08/21/2014 04:59 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
Homophobes don't deserve to be taken into consideration. They don't even deserve to live.

When you say this, you are no better than them.

Forcing a gay character down their throats (lol nasty) wouldn't change their point of view. It wouldn't make them un-homophobic.

I don't like Scorpion, and having him show up in EVERYTHING Mortal Kombat isn't going to make me like him. It just makes me dislike him even more. It's the same thing with this suggestion of yours.

I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

What makes you think I care about homophobes changing their views? Most of them will never change anyway, and I'm not sure the few that do were ever that homophobic to begin with.

You're pretty much saying that because rubbing a gay character's sexuality in their faces won't change them, we should downplay said character's sexuality. How does it help homosexuals exactly? By telling the homophobes it's okay for them to hate gay people? To make them feel safe playing MK games?

I'm accused of trolling, but I guess the people making unfunny gay jokes aren't, heh?

No, I am saying that having a character gay in Mortal Kombat just to have a gay character is unnecessary and irrelevant. Forcing your propaganda through a game is distasteful, no matter what that propaganda may be.

There are other and better ways to kick homophobes in the balls... like actually kicking them in the balls.

Oh, I'm all for my character being about more than being gay and a "fuck you" to Vladimir Putin and homophobes in general. I just don't see why he couldn't be both that and a compelling character.

Whether you like it or not, certain straight characters' sexuality are an important part of them. Johnny flirting with women, and Kano's sleazy attitude toward them, yet there aren't many accusations of them being all about their heterosexuality. A gay character should be handled the same way as these two, though it'd be better for the first openly gay MK character to be more like Johnny in the way he interacts with men than Kano.

But I do want to stick it to homophobes, and while it's one thing not to focus on a gay character's sexuality too much, it's another to downplay it to such an extent that only hardcore fans would know he's gay, while casual audiences would be caught off guard, in a usually negative way, because they just couldn't help but think, in their limited intelligence, that all characters are straight, unless a male one acts all flamboyant, and a female one all "manly" and butch. Just make it clear he's gay, don't be shy about it, but don't overdo it.

No, I disagree with you. Johnny being straight isn't a focal point of his character, his flirting with Sonya is an added trait to his humouristic nature and to him being the joke character he is. That's it.

The same with Kano, him acting like that towards Sonya is just to show he is a bastard, not to show he is straight.

To be honest, these controversial threads of yours seem more like you wanting attention than to actually discuss anything serious.
08/21/2014 05:15 PM (UTC)
How do you know that we don't already have a gay character in MK? Just because a character is gay doesn't mean that he'll come onto every male character. Did anyone know that Dumbledore from Harry Potter was gay before J.K. Rowling said anything about it? Nope. For all we know, Kung Lao could be gay.
08/21/2014 05:18 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
How do you know that we don't already have a gay character in MK? Just because a character is gay doesn't mean that he'll come onto every male character. Did anyone know that Dumbledore from Harry Potter was gay before J.K. Rowling said anything about it? Nope. For all we know, Kung Lao could be gay.

THANK YOU! Someone who gets it. ^^
08/21/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
NapalmXiphias Wrote:
Isn't smoke gay enough?

I'd say so. Human Smoke in MK9, dat hair....

We have our lesbian in MKX, her name is Cassie.
08/21/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
Troll thread is troll.
Mentioning sexual orientation is unnecessary in the fighting game, unless it somehow has direct impact on the story. I don't see how this could be displayed in the gameplay, unless you want to make a character like Ash from Streets of Rage and that would have been considered quite offensive nowadays.

Though, it would have been funny, just to see a shitstorm amongst russian MK fans. Oh, the prospect of seeing delicious idiocy...

I remember that one rumor back in 2011. Someone posted in one of the Russian social networks fake news about Boon confirming that there will be gay character in MK9. The amount of stupidity, hatred and insanity was OVER9000 and it was all about unconfirmed fake. I couldn't even phtahom what would happen if gay character become reality in MK.

DG1OA Wrote:
I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

Lowering yourself to the point of becoming hateful and spiteful idiot, who ready to kill everyone with another point of view, pretty much makes you equal to the homophobes / racists and other unpleasant creeps.
And yes, you are troll.
08/21/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
Just to attack homophobes is ridiculous and very radical. The majority of MK players are probably in the heterosexual demographic, I think your point is very moot to say the least. I'm not against a gay character I'm just against your reasoning.

Why would straight people be offended by an attack on homophobes, if they aren't homophobic themselves? Some would say that merely portraying women as tough is alienating to men, even when said tough gals aren't being sexist. Obviously not true, as that would imply that all men are sexist and insecure losers. Heterosexuals aren't all homophobic.
08/21/2014 05:22 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Troll thread is troll.
Mentioning sexual orientation is unnecessary in the fighting game, unless it somehow has direct impact on the story. I don't see how this could be displayed in the gameplay, unless you want to make a character like Ash from Streets of Rage and that would have been considered quite offensive nowadays.

Though, it would have been funny, just to see a shitstorm amongst russian MK fans. Oh, the prospect of seeing delicious idiocy...

I remember that one rumor back in 2011. Someone posted in one of the Russian social networks fake news about Boon confirming that there will be gay character in MK9. The amount of stupidity, hatred and insanity was OVER9000 and it was all about unconfirmed fake. I couldn't even phtahom what would happen if gay character become reality in MK.

DG1OA Wrote:
I am better than them, because they have stupid prejudices, while my disdain for them is perfectly justified.

Lowering yourself to the point of becoming hateful and spiteful idiot, who ready to kill everyone with another point of view, pretty much makes you equal to the homophobes / racists and other unpleasant creeps.
And yes, you are troll.

You rarely say something sensible, but when you finally do, it's pretty spot on.
08/21/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Mk's story is not the kind of story where the sexuality of a character has any relevance. Personally I'd rather have characters keeping their sexuality for themselves.

PS : I don't get why so many people think that Johnny Cage and Rain are gay. Not that there is something wrong with it, it simply doesn't make sense for a Guy who had a daughter from Sonya.
And Rain? Is he supposed to be gay just because he moves like a ballerina? If that was a joke it wasn't funny at all, and this comes from a guy who hates Rain and has a gay person as his best friend, the one who introduced my current Girlfriend to me.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/21/2014 05:39 PM (UTC)
I just don't get the point of a gay or straight character. Who cares who they sleep with- shouldn't the focus be on fighting and saving(or taking over) the world?

Anyway, for those saying Rain is gay- I don't see it. He comes off as a "metrosexual" guy. Reiko on the other hand seems very...very gay. His MKA outfit is something I'd wear to pride. Just poking fun of course tongue

But as everyone said, it doesn't matter.
08/21/2014 05:39 PM (UTC)
lastfighter89 Wrote:
Mk's story is not the kind of story where the sexuality of a character has any relevance. Personally I'd rather have characters keeping their sexuality for themselves.

PS : I don't get why so many people think that Johnny Cage and Rain are gay. Not that there is something wrong with it, it simply doesn't make sense for a Guy who had a daughter from Sonya.
And Rain? Is he supposed to be gay just because he moves like a ballerina? If that was a joke it wasn't funny at all, and this comes from a guy who hates Rain and has a gay person as his best friend, the one who introduced my current Girlfriend to me.

... Who thinks Johnny is gay?
08/21/2014 05:46 PM (UTC)
I always thought of Johnny as a man-whore.
08/21/2014 05:47 PM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
I always thought of Johnny as a man-whore.

He's a celebrity actor... and a douchebag. It took a military woman to straighten him out and become a family man - unless Cassie was an accident. Which would just be hilarious, imo. XD

So yeah, I'd imagine he was quite the slut.
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08/21/2014 06:01 PM (UTC)
Calling homphoby a crime punishable by death is just a convenient excuse to parade around your anger and inpotence dressed in semi-polite self-righteousness.

08/21/2014 06:03 PM (UTC)
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.
08/21/2014 06:29 PM (UTC)
People can be homophobic or racist or whatever they want, simply because it's their right. It stops being their right when it's used to harm others.

If an MK character was indeed gay, I wouldn't like them any less.
08/21/2014 06:33 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
If an MK character was indeed gay, I wouldn't like them any less.

Or any more, for that matter. It could be a horrible character in design and/or gameplay, and being gay wouldn't affect any of those. Again, because being gay has no relevance for a fighting game character.
08/21/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
It seems like the thread has come to a certain agreement.

My only last word would be to DG10A that you obviously feel strongly on a lot of social issues, I think you should find a social forum to discuss these delicate topics.

MK forums just are not the place IMO to have these conversations. We are all here because we love a video game; that which (at least in my eyes) is meant to be a short escape from reality not a blinding reminder of social issues.

I mean this game has Sorcerers, and cryomancers, and Chosen Ones and shit. HELL YEAH awesome but not very realistic.. so lets keep politics out
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08/21/2014 06:38 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.
08/21/2014 06:42 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.

People think about killing others all the time... doesn't mean they will actually do it, and as long they don't, there's no crime. Doesnt mean they don't have issues that need to be dealt with though. Same with homophobes, racists and pedophiles. They have issues, but they're not criminals.
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