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08/21/2014 07:28 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.

People think about killing others all the time... doesn't mean they will actually do it, and as long they don't, there's no crime. Doesnt mean they don't have issues that need to be dealt with though. Same with homophobes, racists and pedophiles. They have issues, but they're not criminals.

We agree that it is my inalienable right to daydream about quartering some of you as long as I do not act on it.
08/21/2014 07:30 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.

People think about killing others all the time... doesn't mean they will actually do it, and as long they don't, there's no crime. Doesnt mean they don't have issues that need to be dealt with though. Same with homophobes, racists and pedophiles. They have issues, but they're not criminals.

We agree that it is my inalienable right to daydream about quartering some of you as long as I do not act on it.

And if that's the case, you have issues you need to work out.
08/21/2014 07:46 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.

People think about killing others all the time... doesn't mean they will actually do it, and as long they don't, there's no crime. Doesnt mean they don't have issues that need to be dealt with though. Same with homophobes, racists and pedophiles. They have issues, but they're not criminals.

We agree that it is my inalienable right to daydream about quartering some of you as long as I do not act on it.


I'd like to see the list, do tell.
08/21/2014 07:51 PM (UTC)
How about no?
08/21/2014 08:14 PM (UTC)
Trying to make a statement towards homophobic people in a video game is not the smartest way to get the message across to them. Including a gay character for the sake of pissing off homophobic people is just asking for a bunch of unwanted controversial crap. There's no need for something so minuscule like this if it's just to piss off people, or to make a statement. If it's got a significance, it'll be important. But to make a gay character for the sake of making one isn't necessary, as some have already said.

There's going to be people out there that will hate the gay community, and trying to make a point across in a twenty year old fighting game series isn't how you do things. Unfortunately, it's their view, and if those won't change, they won't change. But you're not better than them by saying that you are because you think their opinions are stupid isn't saying that you are better. They could easily say your views on the gay community is stupid and that they're better than you. It's an opinion, many here do disagree with it, but such is life.
08/21/2014 08:23 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
annilation Wrote:
Just to attack homophobes is ridiculous and very radical. The majority of MK players are probably in the heterosexual demographic, I think your point is very moot to say the least. I'm not against a gay character I'm just against your reasoning.

Why would straight people be offended by an attack on homophobes, if they aren't homophobic themselves?

I'm not a homosexual, but attacks on them do offend me. I'm not Jewish, but attacks on them do offend me. I'm not black, Muslim, Asian, European, Russian, Hindu, Taoist or Krishna, but attacks on them offend me. DG1OA, the way you attempt to reinforce your points is borderline totalitarian. I don't think that anyone would be opposed to a homosexual kombatant. Just because the character happens to be gay, doesn't mean that they have to behave like a flamboyant sexoholic. Do you know any gay people? I know quite a few, and they definitely don't act that way.
08/21/2014 08:27 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
annilation Wrote:
Just to attack homophobes is ridiculous and very radical. The majority of MK players are probably in the heterosexual demographic, I think your point is very moot to say the least. I'm not against a gay character I'm just against your reasoning.

Why would straight people be offended by an attack on homophobes, if they aren't homophobic themselves?

I'm not a homosexual, but attacks on them do offend me. I'm not Jewish, but attacks on them do offend me. I'm not black, Muslim, Asian, European, Russian, Hindu, Taoist or Krishna, but attacks on them offend me. DG1OA, the way you attempt to reinforce your points is borderline totalitarian. I don't think that anyone would be opposed to a homosexual kombatant. Just because the character happens to be gay, doesn't mean that they have to behave like a flamboyant sexoholic. Do you know any gay people? I know quite a few, and they definitely don't act that way.

Thanks for supporting our cause! Here's a rainbow flag! Oh, and you're a man right? Let's fuck! SURPRISE BUTTSEX!!!

... yeah, I don't know anyone like that either...
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08/21/2014 08:30 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Homophobia, as well as racism and pedophilia, isn't a crime by itself. It is those who act on it who becomes criminals.

And no, I do not say any of these things are alright, but as long they don't hurt others by acting on it, there is no crime.

Otherwise known as a thought-crime.

People think about killing others all the time... doesn't mean they will actually do it, and as long they don't, there's no crime. Doesnt mean they don't have issues that need to be dealt with though. Same with homophobes, racists and pedophiles. They have issues, but they're not criminals.

We agree that it is my inalienable right to daydream about quartering some of you as long as I do not act on it.


I'd like to see the list, do tell.

Just let that little riddle keep you up at night.
08/21/2014 08:39 PM (UTC)
This thread is ridiculous. The ideas put forth in the OP are both moronic and offensive. You want to make fun of Russians? What is this, the 80's? Is the Cold War back for part 2?

Not to mention the offensiveness to homosexuals. Your proposed character is a stereotype. Not all gay men wear their sexuality on their sleeve. Not all of them flirt with any man they come in contact with. Some gay men actually enjoy sitting at home after a day at the office and unwinding with a videogame that doesn't try to make statements about people's lifestyles.

Congrats on being part of the problem you're trying to solve. Sweet irony.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

08/21/2014 08:51 PM (UTC)
The point of video games is to get outside of what the normal world offers. Why put politics inside a video game. If the character was gay how would you know? As, others have stated we don't know which character is gay or straight. So why does it matter in the first place?
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Avatar is part of fanart created by Esau13

08/21/2014 09:07 PM (UTC)
Ugh, not this shit again. Keep religion, politics, sexual preference and all of that OUT of this game. As if we don't have enough problems with all of that in reality... If you really feel that strongly about this, just imagine Smoke sucking the Lin Kuei grandmaster's dick every sunday as part of MK canon. Doesn't mean we actually have to see this in the story mode
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08/21/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
annilation Wrote:
The point of video games is to get outside of what the normal world offers.

Not necessarily. Neither is it the only exclusive or possible purpose.

However i would also like to point out what Putin's stance on homosexuality really is. Which makes the OP's post hillariously self-contradictory.
08/21/2014 09:17 PM (UTC)
This is such a shit thread.
08/21/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
Demon_0 Wrote:
Ugh, not this shit again. Keep religion, politics, sexual preference and all of that OUT of this game. As if we don't have enough problems with all of that in reality... If you really feel that strongly about this, just imagine Smoke sucking the Lin Kuei grandmaster's dick every sunday as part of MK canon. Doesn't mean we actually have to see this in the story mode

You took the words out of my mouth except for the Smoke sucking dick part. lol
Bu-bu-but I want a straight-edge punker who throws his morals in everyone's face while wearing the star of david around his neck. I want it I want it! I also want a Palestinian freedom fighter to kill that straight-edge character with.
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I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile of them bones.

08/21/2014 09:36 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
annilation Wrote:
The point of video games is to get outside of what the normal world offers.

Not necessarily. Neither is it the only exclusive or possible purpose.

However i would also like to point out what Putin's stance on homosexuality really is. Which makes the OP's post hillariously self-contradictory.

LOL ever played grand theft auto.
08/21/2014 09:37 PM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Bu-bu-but I want a straight-edge punker who throws his morals in everyone's face while wearing the star of david around his neck. I want it I want it! I also want a Palestinian freedom fighter to kill that straight-edge character with.

Let's not go THERE, okay? Keep it on topic, as silly as it is.
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Thanks to MINION for taking my Siginity!

08/21/2014 09:45 PM (UTC)
I prefer to think of all the characters as Asexual.

and I used to be gay, but then I stopped bothering my arse.
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

08/21/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
So much has already been said that I couldn't put it in better words.
So I'm going to quote.

Icebaby Wrote:
In my opinion, I really don't think one's sexual preferences makes that much of a difference for their character in a game like this.

SwingBatta Wrote:
In response to the OP: no, we don't need a gay character in the series. Not that I wouldn't want one, but it would serve no purpose in the storyline and instead come off as pandering.

oracle Wrote:
There's so little romance in MK it'd never come up. It'd just be a tacked on piece of information or something.

Right, to the point of borderline "Pointless".
Okay, whatever, the character is a homosexual.
The question is, WILL they do homosexual like things in the game?
Because if they don't, I think it would be pointless to just randomly throw in the character randomly saying "hurrr, I'm gay" in the story mode.
Just like how Gearbox tried to be edgy by making a handful of characters come out of the closet in Borderlands 2. There was really no need for that, it was just pointless info that doesn't relate to what the character did.

RedSumac Wrote:
Mentioning sexual orientation is unnecessary in the fighting game, unless it somehow has direct impact on the story. I don't see how this could be displayed in the gameplay.

Chrome Wrote:

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New sig on the way
08/21/2014 09:51 PM (UTC)
I have an idea.

Some people want a gay character. Right?

Some people want a guest character. Right?

Let's kill two birds with one stone and bring in Venom from Guilty Gear.
08/21/2014 10:20 PM (UTC)
Errmmmmm as others already said several times here, there is no point at all on making a character sexual orientation the main point (and even less about making him a pun based on a real life politician).

It just doesn't fit in any story script you could come up with:

Raiden: Defenders of Earthrealm, I present you our new recruit... ermmmm... what was your name again?

New Character: I'm Vlad Gay! You see?? Gay!!!

Raiden: Ok... ermm... yep, Mister Gay is joining us in the fight for the realm and...

New Character: Let's talk gay stuff in Russia!!

Johnny: Dafuq he just said?

Sub-Zero: I have no idea, btw why Shao Kahn never tried to invade Russia?

Johnny: Same reason Napoleon and Hitler failed, not all of us can fight in the cold you ice-genious...

New Character: Hey hey guys!! You're going off-topic!! I'm gay!! Yeah!! Do you want to see me doing gay things?

Sub-Zero: But... how do you kill people? I can freeze them and rip their spines and mister hollywood here has some strange powers from an ancient civilization or something like that...

New Character: I'm gay!

Sub-Zero: Yeah, sure, we got some of those at good ol' Lin Kuei, but what's your special skill?

New Character: I make love with men!!

Sub-Zero: Ermmmmmmmm... right, you see that blondie there? I'm sure she does the same with the hollywood guy... lat's time I checked sex doesn't work when you try to kill someone... I mean, I've been literally cold down there for the last... 5 years? 7? And what I mean is... it never made a difference on a fight. I'd even say the blondie got worse at fighting because of it.

New Character: But... gay??

Johnny: Raiden where did you get this idiot again?

Raiden: Ok guys... this is how it works, "the Big Brow" told me that we had to accept him on the team for something related to... making a statement or something like that, to be honest I didn't understand the details but... well, it seems like mister gay-and-only-gay-and-nothing-else-matter-about-this-character here will be joining the fight...

Maybe that was a bit satirical, but you get the point. A good character needs a story, origin, abilities, internal motives, personality... A character added to make a statement is pure crap and makes the whole game worse and even horrible sorry.

Even if some of the "suspected" gay characters revealed it, I wouldn't see many opportunities to work anything with that given the nature of this game.

A good script usually uses all the information it provides to make it relevant on later actions. A character we already know suddenly saying "btw, I'm gay" it's like... "ok, but on this story it won't matter at all as we're usually involved on completly asexual roles".

Like Sub-Zero in my short story (or most people probably), I have some gay friends, and that's perfectly fine, but you know what? They are persons with their own lives and personalities and I don't see them as "my gay friends that do gay stuff". I'd even say they would hate to see something like the OP is sugesting as it would be even more homophobic, making the public think gay people are 100% about being gay instead of, you know... normal persons?
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08/21/2014 11:05 PM (UTC)
Jax is homossexual. Just saying.

SwingBatta Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Bu-bu-but I want a straight-edge punker who throws his morals in everyone's face while wearing the star of david around his neck. I want it I want it! I also want a Palestinian freedom fighter to kill that straight-edge character with.

Let's not go THERE, okay? Keep it on topic, as silly as it is.

What do you mean? I just want a Palestinian character, and a Jewish character. I'm not getting anywhere with that. Other than I'd like to see everyone's fatality on the Jewish character.
08/21/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
No. Does it really matter if we have one?
08/21/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
Well, we could just come up with a character named Ben Gay whose gameplay variations are Fabulous, Silly Goose, and Ohmigod!

Or better yet, we could just have a gay character whose sexual orientation is not emphasized in a pretentious nor demeaning way.

To the OP: Stop being such a wanker.
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