02/13/2007 12:32 PM (UTC)
Hsu Hao
Bo Rai Cho
Shujinko (Wouldn't mind if he stayed, but only if he got his own moves)
02/13/2007 06:27 PM (UTC)
Isn't he supposed to "die" in everyone's ending except his own?

Bo' Rai Cho:
Totally discusting. That is all.

The dude's awesome, but we need a new Shokan.

He's just a male version of Sonya... we just need Sonya. I will change my opinion if he's part of the Tekunin in MK8.

I really hate snakes in the grass.

She's hot and has great moves, but her story has sucked since MK2. I think it's time for Mileena to take the crown.

Liu Kang:
He's probably the most boring character in the entire MK series.

Shang Tsung:
Without the shape-shifting, he lost some of his appeal. And like Kano, I hate snakes in the grass.

He only really had one purpose and he served it; he's also pretty cheap with all of those moves.

The same reason as Kano, but she takes it to another level!
02/13/2007 07:11 PM (UTC)
02/13/2007 07:40 PM (UTC)
Ashra (Stupid Demon-hunter we don't need her)

Sareena (Her real look is like ONI so she is not a hot chick, and I don't want to see another saved soul from hell)

Dariou (nothing special)

Darrius nothing special)

Kira (stupid)

Kobra (stupid)

Mokap (he could be kept as a joke but he is ugly)

J. Cage (remove his GAY look and bring him back the 'Ball breaker' or kill him once for all times)

Kenshi (a copy of Ermac and another good alignment character, we
don't need any more good alignment characters so kill him)

Shujinko (give him his own special moves or retire him)
02/13/2007 08:09 PM (UTC)
We're all aware that Mokap is Carlos Pesina, right?
02/13/2007 08:32 PM (UTC)
GraveDigger Wrote:
We're all aware that Mokap is Carlos Pesina, right?

YES, and I have respect for Carlos Pesina but I simply don't like Mokap.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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02/14/2007 02:11 PM (UTC)
*sighs*...I need more room than 10.

Using the select screen: "Not Returning"

1. Rain - Fun to see again, but I can't see playing with him ever again..

2. Chameleon - Fun to see, and I really liked how he looked....he was even comfortable to play with. Also fun to see something the Fans definately influenced actually get put in the game though....Give us one character a game....I could even see them forcing a relavance for him to the Reptilian race since he's one of the last. But Nuh-uh. Not another ninja. His introduction to the series was screwed up. I feel he could've been "The Zaterrian Lord Chameleon" or something....But he's just too many knock-offs at one time to take seriously....

3. Smoke - He's too screwed up, and he's a third leg always caught up in somebodies "triangle"....

4. Cyrax - "Blury" now, fuck 'em. Too many tweeks to a perfectly perfect character in the begining.


5. Stryker - Boon already named him in an interview in reference to characters "not coming back". I love Stryker, I thought he was a real missed opportunity for their "I was just doing my job and this shit happened" character. Tarnished, battered, and bruised character....

6. Kabal - The addition of the cape and the story flux fucked him up for me...

7. Jerek - Never liked him....and then the re-vamp failed.

8. Darrius - I'm sick of stereo-typical characters. He rings "Quota" to me for some reason....(had to make him for a more "urban" appeal to the game..."Fuck you, I ain't playin' with that bullshit")

9. Reiko - Another one I really like and is one of my favorites. Problem is, nobody appreciates second in command.....expecially if you can't or won't move up.....

10. Bo Rai Cho - I'm not convinced, never was....He's not a sensei...he's a Punchline....

11. Mavado - Dry as the paper he was drawn on. Typical look, no creativity, just lame. Took a look at his in-game avatar and knew I'd never apply any effort to like him...

12. NightWolf - Another I loved to list on my roster of "my best players". He's also another hintful "quota" dude. But more than all of that, they just left him in the sun too long and he dried up.

13. Mokap - Sht, Please. That shit wasn't even funny to begin with. *claps* Nice waste of space guys, way to go....

14. Jonny Cage - He was only mediocure in Mk1...Stop playing with the clay on this one.....

15. Kano - Kano died with Trevor Goodard (RIP btw). Stop it already.

16. Jax - Even though his first apearence was alright, I always felt like they ran out of ideas for him with his very first render...Spews stereo-types (black guy, strong muscles, the fuckin flat-top, rgh....Besides that, isn't he Sonyas' superior? Can't tell.....Bark a order or something once in a while....

17. Hsu Hao - Ploy to make Jax relevant. Failed.....

18. Kobra - He should get hit in the head with a clothing iron and die....I just feel something stupid as hell should happen to him, and that it should be an accident so we can laugh about it and move on already. He's such a damn mistake it's not funny.

19. Taven - I hate him, well, more like I can't care about him in the last game that's supposed to sum up all that is previous in the series. What sence does that make, to throw some more new characters in THE defining game of story like that? It never made any sence to me, therfor was the biggest mistake they made with MkA. And on top of that...force us to play with him over and over because that's the only worth-while way to get other stuff in the game...I think him and his brother, and thier stories are mistakes altogether......

20. Liu Kang - Pass the torch d00d, you got killed, who's the next champ..?..

21. Shinnok - The dude above me somwhere has it right, he should have never been a character or playable...

22. Daegon - See Taven....

23. Kitana - I don't want to "play" with her anymore. She can effect things though, she shouldn't die ImO. She should delegate the missions, put up new warriors from Edenia, emass legions ect...

24. Jade - My Favorite female ninja, but I don't wanna play with her anymore either. Go stand next to "Queen Kitana" for a billion years or something..

25. Ashra - I don't like her, never liked her little "Get outta Jail//Hell" story either....Scorpion already covered hues of that in his past. I liked her design though...at least she looked cool....

26. Li Mei - Pointless, she's the equivilant to Hsu Hao to me. She has a legit purpose for being there, but why are you here again?

27. Tanya - She is so harmlessly, cowardlly, discusting it's well, discusting. Never liked her, but more like, I never even felt her there.....Go back Away.....

28. Sindel - I used to be in love with Sindel Mk3/T....Then the Movie and the next couple games happened...Now I don't even care about her anymore. Really though, she needs to die for the final time, or go retire with the Jarek d00d already....I still like her design enough to play with her though....she still makes the team of favorites...

29. Kira - She was supposed to be.." Ain't that a bitch"...instead we got..."Ain't that Kano". Who is dead to everyone already. Bad route with her.
Almost like Sub Zero to Frost...


30. Sheeva - I mildly like her, I really like her design in the old and this new game....I feel like they didn't "step her up", if you know what I mean. She should be at least the leader of her own faction by now.

31. Baraka - Fall back for a game, I don't wanna see something like Baraka on the first shot of any new technology. Come back and sell the second next-gen game.

32. Moloch - Lacked ideas, he was o.k. up until we found out he couldn't THROW THE FUCKING BALL!!....He was just a big dumb animal after that. We need a new, more capable one of these...


33. Meat - Aculeus and Jerrods' version kicked your ass. Really just fun to see something the Fans definately influenced actually get put in the game though twice...."Give us" one character a game.....

34. Goro - Supposed to stay dead, you're not Shang Tsung. Never should've been playable.

35. Blaze - Never should've been playable. Ever..

36. Onaga - Stay dead....no magical orbs fooling with little boys minds for their whole life...nothing. Stay dead d00d.

What's left?

Well, let's see here: "Returning"

1. Scorpion - Sell the first next-gen game..(doesn't really even matter how or with what and you know it....lol)
2. Sub Zero - Sell the first next-gen game.. " "
3. Reptile - Story contributor(doesn't really even matter how or with what and you know it....lol)
4. Ermac - Story contributor " "
5. Noob Saibot - Both - Sell the first next-gen game.. and a Story contributor " "
6. Sektor - Story contributor, "pick one robot."

7. Dairou - Story grows up, more power....not a baddie, more ruthless.
9. Fujin - Story grows up, more power...possible Raiden conflict
10. Hotaru - Story grows up, more power.....Dairou, Havik, vs Hotaru and friends...Yay!...

11. Kai - Possible next champ
12. Kenshi - Enforcer//White Lotus//Shaolin Monks....somebody aligned with good. But he should struggle with himself doing it...
13. Shujinko - Killer//Loose cannon//"Scenial old man" who actually has the power to effect things.. (there's your "comedy" through a serious character, and we already know him.... all they would have to do is give him some unique to him special moves..)

14. Kung Lao -Possible next champ, possible next REAL Sensei
15. Shang Tsung - Looks different, different M-O...Have him consume the "wrong" soul and start evolving again.....
16. Quan Chi - Next likely "Shao Kahn". (the brotherhood) Quan Chi Noob Saibot either team up, or fuckin' fight!! No middle shit.
17. Raiden - Kills more people, has a revalation or two, maybe fights with the "other" Gods since they should be back "alive" by then, looses Liu Kangs corpse in the process...He's gotta either get even more "bad"....or let the shit go already...

18. Sonya - SF vs Tekunin...Who doesn't wanna see Human vs A.I.?(don't you answer that..lol)
19. Mileena - New M-O by way of her sister Kitanna.

20. Frost - Get yur ass in line already and practice for leading the Lin Kuei soon.
21. Nitara - Show us your legions and their power.....Depict a vampire historiclly this time. Pick a historic faction and ellaborate. Need her to be nice"
22. Sareena - Story grows up...Juicy altercations

23. Motaro - Lift the curse//kill them//Handle a nice, big vendetta......(NoN-Playable Character!!)
24. Havik - Invade OrderRealm already k?
25. Drahmin - Who were you? What are you doing now?

26. Shao Kahn - Wins Mortal Kombat....or something relative to winning while everybody else is busy being st00pid...
27. Kintaro - Alliance in jeopardy becuase of the shit Kahn does//Goro not being there....

That's how I see it right now....
Sry if any were harsh takes...."unreasonable" or whatever.

02/14/2007 02:47 PM (UTC)
1.Scorpion(Unless he somehow gets a good storyline for once,which he wont)
3.Hsu Hao
02/25/2007 07:29 AM (UTC)
Shao Kahn
Quan Chi
About Me


02/25/2007 09:05 AM (UTC)
1. Chameleon is a given...

2. Stryker, he just doesn't seem to fit in with the Mortal Kombat "Swords and Sorcerers" theme. That, and because his character development has been nothing but crap unless his bio brings something new, which is unlikely.

3. Jarek. Jarek has nothing going for him at all. Get him out of here.

4. Reiko unless his story adds something new.

5. Kai was a horrible idea in the first place. Seeking enlightenment is fine and all, just don't walk into the middle of Armageddon looking to see the light...

6. Kobra. Again, doesn't fit in with the current MK theme, put him in front of some cars, or leave him in the Botan Jungle with some poisonous snakes.

7. Hsu Hao, worthless character all around. Destroying the OIA was pretty significant, but Jax drove his face into the pavement, so he's gone anyways.

8. Meat, again, has no storyline, was a last minute addition.

9. Tanya ran her course.

10. Motaro, that bipedal faun needs to leave for good, adds absolutely nothing threatening anymore. The centaurs are cursed, Shao Kahn has fallen as a ruler, the Shokans seem to be at a greater advantage than them. Game over for this guy.

That's about it actually. There are some characters who I'd rather see stay, but have their stories revamped.
02/25/2007 05:16 PM (UTC)
1. SHUJINKO - okay lets be another mimic character and be completely useless

2. KIRA - I hate Kano, I hate Sonya, comibne these two together you get a pointless piece of poor pathetic excuse for a character

3. KITANA - I'm tired of pretty little princesses being a hero, can't she die? Mileena is way better. And who the hell will fight with fans? I would fight with a meat cleaver or a huge war axe or something.

4. BO' RAI CHO - Another comic relief? Another damn comic relief? Boy I tells ya.

5. DARRIUS - Just a poor creation of Ed Boon becase he couldn't think of a good enemy for Hotaru.

6. DAIROU... DA... DIR... u get the picture - Another poor creation of Boon becuase he couldn't think of another character to finish off Deception.

7. LIU KANG - We need a hero that wouldn't get himself killed by a man who he killed first... and it times for Mortal Kombat to get a new hero instead of him.

8. SHINNOK - U repleaced him in MK4, therefore you shall be dead! And the whole hands thing was stupid too.

9. KANO - Its the same storyline in every game that u've been in so far. Sonya or Jax chase u in the tournament and re-captures u again I know I know i hate u you stupid one-eyed piece of crap! i liked u better in the second one becuase u DIDN'T EXIST!

10. SONYA BLADE - Same reason as Kano, u have the same storyline plus two different actresses played u in the movies. u sucked in the second movie and the fact that u didn't exist in the second game WAS SOMETHING I WAS HAPPY FOR!

and i know this isn't in the topic but i would like to tell u who should stay

1. FROST - dude, the fact that i hate how Ed Boon is turning her into an evil person is something i wouldnt have never suspected and her turn on Sub-zero was awesome! and the fact that she was suppose to come in on the second mk game was cool but dissappointed how that never came to.

2. SUB-ZERO - Dude he will be the next hero of Mortal Kombat, there will be no one else and plus he's in every game ever thought of that?

3. SCORPION - only if he has a better storyline, the Champion? please, he's a spectre from Hell how can that be the Elder God's Champ? And John Cena sucks! HBK will totally kick ur ass. as well as Edge too!

(Sorry i had to mention that)

4. HOTARU - The fact that he's the ultimate bad guy imo, he's armor looks awesome and he's got long white hair. come on that's the perfect enemy a guy with long white hair and no eyes.

5. SHANG TSUNG - He's also the other ultimate bad guy, he's a morpher, and the the guy who actually killed Liu Kang even though he got his ass kicked as well, but revenge is something cool ain't it?

6 SHAO KAHN - Shang tsung can have an enemy too right? Shao Kahn with the sludgehammer, perfect weapon dude! perfect weapon.

7. QUAN CHI - his fatality better be the leg thing again or he's not welcome.

8. ERMAC - We are Ermac, nuff said.

9. REPTILE just cuz

10. KINTARO - i love tigers. he's part tiger, but i don;t love him, its just he's part tiger. and tigers are cool... gosh they are so cute!
About Me
02/25/2007 07:28 PM (UTC)
- Bo'Rai Cho
- Kai
- Liu Kang
- Shujinko
- Jax
- Reptile
- Dairou
- Darrius
- Mokap
- Moloch

02/25/2007 08:44 PM (UTC)
it is a must that mokap and bo rai cho never return again...they brought great embarrassment to the mk community. i hope that only a couple kharacters survive..
02/25/2007 11:47 PM (UTC)
Must go.......
1. Ashrah. Female kano works. Remale subby works. Female raiden dosen't. She seemed like filler. Interesting filler. But filler none the less.

2. Blaze. I hate when "be all end all" bad guys come back after "the final battle". I can except him as the final "boss" but i expect him to be dead now. at least for a good decade of so.

3. Hso Hao. I just don't care. Hes was filler character to a whole new extent. Worthess. Khameleon got left out of MKA initial release but this ass hole was left in?

4. Mokap. Don't hate him. Just dont a nessecery character. Joke characters are fun. This joke is getting old.

5. Kano. Hes run his corse to me unless part of his MKA ending come true and he ends up becomeing a the half dragon half man thing. That would put enough of a new spin on him to make him intrest me. If he's just same old kano then i think it's time to say goodbye.

6. Jax. Let him die so sonya has a new revenge purpose story wise. Still love playing as him but not enough for him to survive to the next gen.

7. Liu Kang. Either make him alive again or let him die with dignity. The greatest warrior we ware told of and u keep him as a zombie type chararacter. It was cool for the secret for MKD. But beyond that im not sure.

8. Kintaro. Ok i got him back for armageddon. He can be dead again now. Still my favorite shokan.

9. Mavado. IMO he was worhtless from day one. Get rid of him for good. Forever. Let him hang himself with his rubber bands.

10. Kenshi. For me he was a flash in the pan. A great new character durring the whole rebirth phase of MK, but he quickly ran his corse. To me he's no longer needed even thow i liked the character. I think like jax he should be one of those whos death could fuel and re inovate another existing character.

Must return..........
1. Quan Chi. Ina time when i was looseing interest in MK he kept the love alive for me. Still one of my favorite bad guys. He's the one bad guy i can see always finding a way to survive.

2. Taven. Liked his character. as the main player for konquext we got to know him. Plus with deagon it's a brother story arch. and those always do well.

3. Deagon. Easly could be the next final boss. Plus the same reason as taven

4. Sub-Zero. May not be my favorite ninja but he will always have endless possibilites. He's kind of what the undertaker is to wrestlemania. He may not always be in the main event but he's always a fan favorite. and surviveing to be in every major game give him a perfect record.

5. Smoke. A character that lost his unmanity and as of yet never got it back still is an unfinished character to me. Untill he's human again his story isn't over.

6. Stryker. Someone like most i hated with a passion long ago. After armageddon he seems like he has been reinvented enough to be a major something in the future.

7. Nitara. Vampires usaly fair well. It opens doors to a whole new race and possibly storyline. Seems like their was more to her we never got to know.

8. Noob Saibot. U can't just pull a empire strieks back on us with him and not give us a return of the jedi. MKA was not enough closure to his new sub-zero storyline. Lots more to explain here.

9. Sonya. Like stryker i think she brings a touch of the "real world" to MK. Something i think works well with all the mythos in MK. Like sub i think shes always gonna have story possiblities.

10. Reptile. Of course im gonna have him on here. He's my fav. Im allowed to be biased for my hero. We all are. Anywhom if his MKA ending is partialy true then reptile could easily be the leader of a new army of zaterrans. Seeing as he has unfinished biz with nitara we could have a backstory or an army of lizard men vs. an army of blood suckers. That just screams B-Movie fun.
02/26/2007 12:09 AM (UTC)
1. Bo Rai Cho- Stupid character design, poor gameplay, bad joke, best forgotten.

2. Liu Kang- He's dead. Let him die. Enough of this zombie killing machine storyline.

3. Kano- His storyline is played out. He also has too many enemies to be around for this long.

4. Shao Kahn- Great villain, but he has served his purpose in this series.

5. Shinnok- See above. Let Armageddon be his last attempt at power. We need new villains beyond the "Big 5" (Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn, Onaga, and Shinnok).

6. Chameleon- If they're not even going to bother to give him a story or his own moves then what's the point?

7. Shujinko- Again, his use storyline wise is now over. He was never that great to begin with.

8. Blaze- His mission has been accomplished in MK:A, so there's no longer a use for him. (Although I'll admit I still have don't understand that absurd and convuluted Armageddon storyline anyway).

9. Dairou- What's the point of this character again?

10. Sareena- "I'm evil. I'm good. I'm evil. I'm good. I'm evil. I'm good" Come up with a story and stick with it!

These are my choices. I will say that I am a fan of ALL 63 kombatants in one form or another (well except Bo Rai Cho and Shujinko I suppose), so I won't be annoyed if ANY of them return.
02/28/2007 07:15 PM (UTC)
Stevo_mkgamer Wrote:
1) Meat (we dont want joke characters in the future)
2) Mokap (same as above)
3) Johnny Cage (he is supposed to be dead isnt he?)
4) Jax (same as above)
5) Liu Kang (sorry he is a very cool character but i didnt like the zombie thing)
6) Daegon (he is supposed dead after konquest but i think his brother should continue)
7) Shujinko (we hate him, we reject him, we dont want him)
8) Sareena (i personally think she is not appropriate for future games)
9) Jarek (not very popular)
10)Tanya (same as above)

- Meat can stay for a while
- Mokap can go straight to the fiery pits of Hell
- Cage is far too old (gamewise) to continue
- Jax should have gotten killed years ago
- Poor Liu, everyone hates him now... so do I!
- Yeah, Deagon's dead now, which sucks 'cause I kinda like him
- I totally agree! Shujinko sucks!
- Jarek can become popular in the next game
- WHAT? How dare you?! Tanya will change history, man!

About Me

Sheeva's best mate

03/11/2007 12:03 PM (UTC)
Drahmin (Undeveloped Story...Pointless character with rubbish moves)
Darrius (The Whole Darrius, Dairou, Hotaru, Havik Story is boring me)
Dairou (Same as Above)
Hotaru (Same as Above)
Havik (Same as Above. His weapon would be cooler if it were on a chain)
Blaze (Made a good boss, but he is dead now. So he should stay dead)
Taven (Boring Moves, Boring Costume, Talks to himself. Hate Him)
Daegon (Dont mind him but if Taven goes so does Daegon)
Kira (Get rid of her or give her her own moves)
Liu Kang (Your dead, Lu! GET OVER IT!)
03/11/2007 01:12 PM (UTC)
My ten characters are:
1 Chameloin
2 all of the black dragon
3 Reiko
4 Meat
5 Frost
6 Milena or Baraka
7 Smoke- we don't need him in a cyborg form
8 Shang Tsung or Quan Chi
9 Goro or Kintaro
10 Jade
I think some charecters must be chainged:
1 Raiden- let's think of something that would make him good again
2 Scorpion- whith each game he gets uglier and uglier.I thought that after Deception it would be ok but it isn't.
3 Sub-zero- why is he ugly again. He was doing ok untill Armagedon. He's just ugly here
4 Motaro- he looks stupid if he's a minotaur. Make him a centaur again
5 Hotaru- make him good. He controles order and is evil!!!!!!!!
6 Liu Kang- make him human again- think of some sort of a story
7 Shao Khan or Onaga- one of them should best the other. Let's know who controles Outworld
03/12/2007 11:01 PM (UTC)

1) Meat (we dont want joke characters in the future)
2) Mokap (same as above)
3) Johnny Cage (he is supposed to be dead isnt he?)
4) Jax (same as above)
5) Liu Kang (sorry he is a very cool character but i didnt like the zombie thing)
6) Daegon (he is supposed dead after konquest but i think his brother should continue)
7) Shujinko (we hate him, we reject him, we dont want him)
8) Sareena (i personally think she is not appropriate for future games)
9) Jarek (not very popular)
10)Tanya (same as above)

1 yes 2 yes 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 yes 7 no 8 no 9 yes 10 yes.
Thats all u'll get from mewow
03/14/2007 02:08 AM (UTC)
kenshi-360 was the 69th person to post... 69... funny!

but anyways, seriously, i can already tell you won't see Drahmin, Darius, Dairou, Kira and Meat again i mean seriously, why do they have to create the most bogus characters when they run out of new people to make? seriously, if you ask me to make a new character i'll give you one better, sketch the character out, give him/her a name, a story, moves, fighting styles, and who his/her allies and enemies all under... and hour and 30 minuets, becuase the character needs details right?
03/14/2007 04:45 PM (UTC)
Lui Kang
Dragon King
J. Cage
Bo Rai Cho ( i think thats the correct spelling)
and Sheeva
03/14/2007 08:07 PM (UTC)
Why not kill them all instead of 10?. I prefer new and fresh characters witer storyline than the long and extened crappy story of the current MK chars.
About Me


03/15/2007 09:03 AM (UTC)
1. Scorpion. Tired of him. he wants to kill Quan Chi, Quan Chi is 100 times better and scorpion would never beat him.. Scorpion is to overused.

2. Sindel. Simple reason, she sucks. end of story about her. No idea why the hell she came back in deception, or further still, why the hell they gave her whatshould have been Hotaru's place in Puzzle Kombat.

3. Dairou.

4. Reiko

5. Jerrak. Cool ending in deception but the character in mk4 was a bit of a rip off Kano.

6. Liu Kang. He was dead. Why sholuld he be back as a Zombie? He was an allright character. but a zombie?

7. Shinnok

8. Mokap

9. Stryker

10. Drahmin

03/15/2007 10:05 AM (UTC)
Well, he is a "newer" character. I don't see how Ed Boon can just have a new character just end up as the "hero" or "main Character" of it all. He could come back but never as hero. Its not his part.

Onaga was an interesting. But Shao Khan should have stayed as "Original" ruler Of Outworld. Onaga's new Bio is pretty interesting but Shinnok should then kill him.

Quan Chi
He is too much of a trader. He is in too much of a cluster. He is going to get jumped or Scorpion himself will kill him off.

They failed with him. They could have actually done something good with him, I guess not though.

Honestly, I do not have a reason for him to go. I myself (Most Likely) hated every new person to MKD. Sorry, but if I had the choice of him to survive Armageddon or whatever kills people ; I would choose for him to die.

Hsu Hao
Well, he is actually the only person new to MKDA that I dislike/hate. But in all honesty, I have no reason for him to stay or die.

He is that kick-ass great character. But He should last no more, he was good. But no thanks. You outlived your good old purpose.

Well, just like what Ed said, he wants a darker MK. If so why bring him back?

For all of the same reasons as Mokap. He is not a good character. What Jerrod and Aculeus was great. That'd be a good/great story.

Noob Saibot
If you think about it, if Ed could tweak him up a little bit, he could be a good boss/sub boss. But still, Smoke or Sub need to rid of him
03/17/2007 05:12 PM (UTC)
You know I see these posts everytime a new MK game will be made. And the undeniable truth is that the MK team for Midway doesn't read these posts. They don't care what kind of characters you want to see, not see, etc. They're creating characters to fit a story. The MK series has just been an ongoing story. Do you seriously think that for a sequel of a movie the writers would ask ordinary people, who would they like to see in the movie? The answer is no, it's not up to you. You can want, wish, put your suggestions on here, but the only people who read this are just ordinary Joes. That's why they made the Kreate-a-Fighter for MK: Armageddon. It's because they don't want your suggestions, if you want a certain type of character, creat your own. The MK team will decided who goes into their story and who doesn't.
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