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01/08/2007 03:17 AM (UTC)
1.All the ninjas
2.Meat-He was just a joke character and shoudnt return
Mokap,Drahmin,Hso Hao all of them imo where the worst characters in Mk history.
6.Any Boss from the past.
7.Taven and Daegon- are very gerneric characters.
8.I forgot the name of this character but,He was in MKDA and played the same as Kabal.
8.Frost-We already have Subzero,no real point.
9.Shujinko-Used other moves from other characters,which I really hate.
10.All the robots.
Im basically trying to say that, I would want way more new characters in the next MK.
01/08/2007 05:30 AM (UTC)
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
- He’s been a tool in the whole series.

He played a bigger role than most characters in MKDA. If it weren't for Cyrax, Onaga would have never came to be. His storyline is pretty good, so I wouldn't say he's a 'tool'.

I see him as a lowly servant.

First, he blindly served the Lin Kuei and now he is a grunt to the OIA.

He only served the Lin Kuei because he was programmed to, and now he's a free soul. He's just employed at the OIA.
01/08/2007 06:39 AM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
- He’s been a tool in the whole series.

He played a bigger role than most characters in MKDA. If it weren't for Cyrax, Onaga would have never came to be. His storyline is pretty good, so I wouldn't say he's a 'tool'.

I see him as a lowly servant.

First, he blindly served the Lin Kuei and now he is a grunt to the OIA.

He only served the Lin Kuei because he was programmed to, and now he's a free soul. He's just employed at the OIA.

I see were your going, but until he establishes something significant, I’ll think he’s useless. Maybe his bio coming out will change my opinion of him.

I'm only responding because I keep getting questioned.
01/08/2007 11:21 PM (UTC)
I dont know why people want to get rid of the ninjas. I can't really imagine a MK game without Sub Zero.
01/09/2007 01:21 AM (UTC)
I agree with only sum of those characters. But the 1 that shuld be removed for shure is Shujinko. And not all ninjas should go they are cool.
01/09/2007 01:22 AM (UTC)
Sry but not most of those like Scorpion he is a good character...most ninjas r cool.
01/10/2007 03:13 AM (UTC)
Meat: Should have never been created.

Mokap: Very lame character. Who would enter a fight to the death wearing a whole lot of lightbulbs? Ridiculous.

Shujinko: Rips off everybody's moves and has a body of a 90 yr old man in MK:A. He's getting worse.

Chameleon: The ultimate pallet swap. Ah the good old MK3 days revisited. Now availiable in rainbow. Also like Shujinko, he steals the other ninjas moves.

Motaro: I know, it's the fighting systems problem, but this curse business is just lame.

Nitara: She has served her purpose in MK. She got her orb.

Mileena: Ugly slut, that can't stop obsessing over Kitana and Edenia. The fact that she was in Playboy during MK:D's time shows me that she is a joke character and Boon wants to fuck her ass.

Sareena: Her storyline isn't too bad but I just find her very cheap wth her daggers. She also stole Ba Shan Fan.sad

Blaze: He's most likely to get killed during MK:A anyway. Plus he's a nuisance to kill in arcade.

Mavado: A cheap rip off Kabal. Stealing Kabal's weapon and thus, giving Kabal a shitter version of Hookswords. Nearly murdered Kabal in MK:DA too. Seems to be very hostile with Black Dragon, Special Forces etc. If Konquest is canon, I hope Taven screws him up. If not then Kabal's ending.

Other characters worth mentioning:

Liu Kang

That's about 1/3 gone already....

01/10/2007 04:29 PM (UTC)

1. Kobra : He's just Kabal and Kira's little dog. He needed their to escape the police. A guy mastering matial arts is supposed being able to escape the police alone.

2. Reiko : We already have an emperor who wants to conquer all the realms. Plus some of his moves are stolen from Noob Saibot.

3. Meat : He doesn't have any story line.

4: Jarek : Kano is 100 times better than him.

5: Smoke in robot form: His moves are stolen from several characters.

6: Mokap : He's just Johnny Cage's best friend.

7: Daegon : A very unpowerfull character.

8: Shang Tsung : Too many morphs. Stop, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 Havik : There has been enough chaos and invasions already.

10 Hotaru : A very lame character. Doesn't deserve to protect the orderrealm.

01/10/2007 06:59 PM (UTC)
mercenarydartz Wrote:
I dont know why people want to get rid of the ninjas. I can't really imagine a MK game without Sub Zero.

I think it more comes down to: Why do they all have similar ninja designs?

If it wasn't for the different colours they all have; any masked male ninja design could be for any masked male ninja.

Why is Ermac, a being comprised of many souls, a ninja?

Why is Rain, an evil Edenian demi-god prince, a ninja?

Why is Sub Zero, a cryomancer grandmaster, a ninja?

Why is Reptile, a 6 foot Velociraptor, a ninja?

Why is Noob Saibot, a wraith form hell, a ninja?

Why is Smoke, a being comprised of gas, a ninja?

And one of the main problems is that the ninja designs also have an effect on the design of other characters. Darrius, Dairou, Jarek, Havik and some others have a ninjary-ness to their design.

Yes it was the tradition of MK1-UMK3 to have many palette swap ninjas to keep the memory at a minimum. But UMK3 was a million years ago. The MK team have the technology and the talent (I couldn't make 45 designs of the same costume.) to create some truly cool looking characters for MK8.

01/13/2007 12:07 PM (UTC)
Yay my first post! ok mine has more than 10 characters coz i really can't think of 10 only. so i'll group them. I ain't including Mokap/Meat/Chameleon bcoz it's obvious already that they won't make it. Here it is:

1) Reptile/Baraka - I hate lackeys so much. They just keep on serving the evil guys and when they lose they look for another master to kiss up to. Give me a break. They might as well just drop dead.

2) Motaro/Kintaro/Goro/Moloch - They're all gicantic monsters but c'mon we all know giants never win for some reason I don't know. Only one should return IMO. The rest can stay dead.

3) Kano- Must I really explain this? I mean c'mon not only is he a kiss-up to the evil guys but he's also becoming useless, storyline wise. I won't mind Sonya kicking his sorry ***.

4) Kabal/Kobra/Jarek - First of all Jarek sucks. I don't even know why they bothered bringing him back. Kobra on the other hand is a complete and utter joke. He should die. Kabal doesn't suck but he'll most likely get killed by Sonya since he's the leader. Kira can replace him but overall, The Black Dragon shouldn't return.

5) Darrius/Dairou/Hotaru - They have the worst story ever. Scrap they're story and let them die. I don't care how aslong as they're dead, it's fine with me.

Here are the rest:
-Sheeva (i just don't like her)
-Rain (I don't actually care about him)
-Kira (Not really, i just hate the Black Dragon)
-Ashrah (worthless)
-Havik (just plain stupidity)
-Bo Rai Cho- (should i explain this?)
-Shujinko- (read bo's)
-Kai- (who cares?)

They're too many i'll just post them later.
01/14/2007 02:12 AM (UTC)
- Shujinko - I hate this character with a passion that words can't describe. Nice attempt a new geezer design, I'll give them that, but otherwise useless, useless, USELESS. Dumb storyline, no unique moves, not hero material. Just no.

- Blaze - Worst. Boss. Ever. Completely unoriginal and useless.

- Chameleon - Shouldn't have even been in Armageddon. The most unoriginal MK character ever and only stands as a testament to the fans that are stuck in the palette swap era.

- Any boss from this era

- Any ninjas except Sub, Scorp, and Reptile.

- Any joke characters

That about sums up my feelings. Other than that, I don't care.
01/15/2007 02:21 AM (UTC)
10. Moloch

9. Mokap

8. Stryker

7. Meat

6. Mavado

5. Chameleon

4. Kobra

3. Jarek

2. Tanya

1. Hsu Hao
About Me

01/17/2007 01:41 PM (UTC)
SCORPION: for one, I never really udnerstood why would a stealth rogue be designed as a vengeful madman engaging in face on combat. Not only that, but the whole spear thing is kinda laughable,not to mention the sta-lest plotline in the history of MK. he never was an icon fo MK to me, and for a lot of people. Utterly detested him since MK4, detest him ever since. The spear is broken thus.

KABAL: not original to begin with. Openly admitted to be based on the sand men of Star Wars, and they had to put in a disadwantaged character, so they made a dune-version Darth Vader. The trenchcoat wanderer rogue
is the most used cliché I ever saw in video games. Plus, how would an im-becilic southern confederate accented freak learn to use proverbial Tiger Hooks?

SHAO KAHN: despite his momentum, an oversized cross-dressing SM bondage fan is hardly an emperor to me. Kahn lost all of his appearance and charisma once you have grown up to understand that people in control are unlikely to be the most shown ones.

KINTARO: the workover proved to be a failure for me. Kintaro has absolu-tely no character or whatsoever, hell, even Baraka seems like a compassi-onate philantrope and a quite intelligent one at that compared to this four armed wretched creature. HIs original concept should have made him much more acceptable, but sadly at the time, it was impossible.

LIU KANG: how bland one character can be? Aside from being an obvious Bruce Lee tribute/rip-off he has been obviously ripped from another movie
that included "roped throwing darts and a character caled Liu Kang". Hell, even Shujinkos alt. taken from Master of the Flying Guillotine beats his complete arsenal of being the good guy.
Those who do not udnerstand, LIu Kang is nothing short of a complete fuckup from Midway in terms of originality. Not even his specials seem to do better in comparison.

The other five will come in time.

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Made by MINION.
01/20/2007 01:45 AM (UTC)
Blaze - From the start of his MK existence "i dont mean the fight with Hornbuckle" you sucked....and you suck worse now they meated you up, you have no future.

Hsu Hao - Quite possibly the worst character ever to come into Mortal Kombat, I hate you, I hate you so much that i wish you died,,,,,,but i would not like you to have the pride of dying at the hands of another warrior.

I wish you tripped on a rock and fell off a cliff or something.

Daegon - Your brother is far a better character than you, and you fail at being a bad guy, we just dont need an enemy like you

Sindel - I like you old Gal, but your time is up, rule your kingdom if you must, but only fight again if you must defend edinia.....no more tournaments for mrs Kahn.

Johny Cage - Your entire storyline has now vast become a joke, its stale its all the same, you have not done anything new since mk1, GET OF MY DAMN LAWN!!!.

Mokap - Your just Johny Cages bitch, at first i thought you had a future, but your special moves make you look like some supernatural, martial arts expert or not, your just a normal guy.....who gave you these powers, its not that stupid suit your wearing.

Bo Rai Cho - Training fighters just is not good enough, your fat your a drunk, and your stupid....realy what use is the fighting stile, DRUNKEN FIST, when your actualy drunk, your surprising yourself more than your oponent, general of kitanas armies.....thats just a position boon gave you because he did not know where to put you.

Hotaru - You look stupid...plainly enough how can you win a fight with too huge FUCKING FLAGS on your back. realy you wonder why people keep kicking your ass ? "Gee Maybee its these giant things slowing me down ?".

Its not just that, ofcourse i cannot judge a character by his attire alone, i mean he does have an almost CYBER NINJA looking ALT, Controlling order just does not seem like your role, i say you get killed and then you are taken over by a sibling.

Kobra - Realy need i say anything, you suck, you massively suck, you hugely suck......you dont suck quite as much as Hsu Hao Does, but you suck all the same.
Ken Masters wannabee, stupid story baby faced reet.

Nightwolf - You clearly are no fan favorite, your storyline does not release enough information about you....and i know why that is..You dont do a damn thing Spiritual rituals whupdy Fuckin doo.

Well thats 10.
About Me

01/20/2007 02:11 PM (UTC)
skinsley Wrote:

Hotaru - You look stupid...plainly enough how can you win a fight with too huge FUCKING FLAGS on your back. realy you wonder why people keep kicking your ass ? "Gee Maybee its these giant things slowing me down ?".

Well thats 10.

How about doing some research on those fucking flags used in warfare and then opening your mouth before someone verbally rapes your comment?
01/20/2007 02:32 PM (UTC)
lu kang - homo

bo rai cho - homo

n00b - homo

ermac - homo

king lao - homo

jax (off) - homo

shang tsung - homo

rain - superhomo

sonya - dyke

sheeva - homo lol
About Me
|||||||*|SUCK IT!
01/20/2007 07:13 PM (UTC)
1. Meat

2. Mokap

3. Lui Kang


5. Goro

6. Johnny Cage

7. Kitana

8. Jax

9. Sindel

10. Kobra

Oh, and I doubt the flags are THAT heavy, I mean, he's wearing body armor too...
About Me


01/22/2007 12:42 AM (UTC)
10.Shao Kahn-Had a great run but his new look sucks. If he ever returns lets have him MK3 style. other then that RIP, 2-time boss. 9.Baraka-Pursue your own goals. I wonder what his resume looks like..... 8.Lu kang-You can come back once you hit puberty and your voice drops an octave. 7.Rayden-OH COME ON! NOW YOUR JUST DOING THIS FOR ATTENTION NOW! 6.Jax-Looseizzle teh gangsta lookzizzle dawg! 5.Sheeva-Should have died sooner, in MK3. 4.Motaro minotaur-Once you get four legs come back to us. 3.
01/22/2007 03:09 AM (UTC)
01/22/2007 03:11 AM (UTC)
01/22/2007 06:00 AM (UTC)
Please don't abuse smilies, you'll get into trouble by mods.

skinsley Wrote:

Hotaru - You look stupid...plainly enough how can you win a fight with too huge FUCKING FLAGS on your back. realy you wonder why people keep kicking your ass ? "Gee Maybee its these giant things slowing me down ?".

Its not just that, ofcourse i cannot judge a character by his attire alone, i mean he does have an almost CYBER NINJA looking ALT, Controlling order just does not seem like your role, i say you get killed and then you are taken over by a sibling.

What happens to poor Li Mei (Who also wears armour) at the beginning of the MK:A introduction? Huh...huh? Why the flagman eats her alive!

Go and look at the ancient history of China/Japan and research the Samurai. The flags are normal. And how the hell does he look like a cyber ninja.
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01/22/2007 08:41 PM (UTC)
People i WANT to return.
- Stryker.
- Fujin.
- Taven.
- Jarek.
- Bo' Rai Cho.
- Kai.
- Chameleon.
- Daegon.
- Shao Kahn.
- Baraka.
- Mavado.
- Kabal.

People i DONT want to return.
- Meat.
- Drahmin.
- Moloch.
- Mokap.
- Havik.
- Li Mei.
- Ashrah.
01/22/2007 11:37 PM (UTC)
01. Bo' Rai Cho: Farts and pukes... wow.
02. Goro: He's awesome, but we need a new Shokan.
03. Jax Briggs: Been boring since MK3, and I hated the gansta stint.
04. Kano: Not sure what to say...
05. Kitana: Never interested me.
06. Kobra: He had potential, but they could still save him.
07. Liu Kang: He just rubs me the wrong way.
08. Shang Tsung: Without the shape-shifting, he isn't as much fun.
09. Shujinko: He has lost his purpose and importance.
10. Tanya: Bitch.
02/13/2007 10:20 AM (UTC)
1 johny cage
2 liu kang
3 chamleon
4 kano
5 sonya
6 reptile
7 jax
8 mokap
9 rain
10 darrius
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02/13/2007 11:54 AM (UTC)
Mokap - lame...

Li Mei - I can't see anything special about this female character

Dairou - same as above except his long hair grin

Smoke - I don't know why but I always hated him. He's not interesing character. And grey color... eew

Tanya - in MK4 she was instead of Kitana. REVENGE! Muhahaha!

Jarek - stupid clone of Kano

Kai - nothing special

Reiko - in MK4 someone else should've been insted of him as well... He's Shao Kahn's imitator

Shang Tsung - I'm tired if him...

Bo Rai Cho - I don't wanna see such humour in future MK games. Enough...
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