10 characters that should not return....
posted04/09/2007 12:58 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/12/2006 10:16 AM (UTC)
1) Meat (we dont want joke characters in the future)
2) Mokap (same as above)
3) Johnny Cage (he is supposed to be dead isnt he?)
4) Jax (same as above)
5) Liu Kang (sorry he is a very cool character but i didnt like the zombie thing)
6) Daegon (he is supposed dead after konquest but i think his brother should continue)
7) Shujinko (we hate him, we reject him, we dont want him)
8) Sareena (i personally think she is not appropriate for future games)
9) Jarek (not very popular)
10)Tanya (same as above)
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01/04/2007 12:14 PM (UTC)
You demagogue. dare not generalize.

Kill the majority of the nijas and be done with it, according to my credo.
01/04/2007 12:27 PM (UTC)
johnny cage and jax aren't dead at all,we haven't proof of their deaths.
Jax become a cyborg and cage enlighted,nothing lethal.
Howver here are my 10 character sthat shouldn't return.

10)RAIN(is very very very cool,but pretty useness,so even if i like him i don't see any role for him)
9)ASHRAH(i know that there's a lot of fanboy,but really she want to kill noob saibot and he's more popular than her,and noob already have a feud with Sub zero,Shinnok,quan chi(for control the nheterealm),scorpion(maybe).No other role for her.
8)Li Mei(another great character,but mk doesn't neeed her.she can die or retire)
7)Nightwolf(i don't see any future use for him)
6)Fujin(if Liu Kang ending is canon....)
5)Jax(jhe can return as cyborg not in his human form)
4)Kung Lao(unluckly his ending confirms his new attitude:he's jaelous of Liu Kang.So he's some sort of wannabe.he can die without regrets.
3)Mavado(no reasons,we have Kabal)
2)Jarek(we have already kano)
1)kobra (same as abpve)
01/04/2007 01:06 PM (UTC)
first of all...im kinda not wanting to see the nijas come back but they are trademark so if i didnt see them in the next game...it would be wierd....imagine an mk without scorpion and sub-zero! come on now lol

anyway,here is the 10 that i think doesnt deserve to be on the roster of the next gen game....

7)Liu Kang
01/04/2007 03:10 PM (UTC)
10robot smoke
01/04/2007 04:56 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot
Human Smoke
Liu Kang
01/04/2007 05:24 PM (UTC)
i think all these characters should die...its over ten sorry

1.Scorpion-storyline got boring a long time ago, even if i do like him
2.Subby-like his story, but Frost should take over his place as icemaster imo
3.Smoke-cool but is kinda weak imo
4.Jax-his gangster image sucks horribly
5.Kitana-i can tell her character dosen't want to fight anymore, so take her out
6.Cyrax-no reason, just don't want him in the next one
7.Sektor-same reason as Cyrax
8.Liu Kang-tired of him being hero, needs to die
9.Cage-cocky attitude is annoying to me
10.Shang Tsung-tired of him being a powerful villain
11.Shao Kahn-same reason as Shang Tsung
12.Stryker-never really liked him, no offense
13.Sonya-tired of her being in OIA

these are characters i think should defintely return...
1.Sareena-sroty's really good now, hasn't been in enough games
2.Ermac-don't know enough about him
3.Rain-same reason as Ermac
4.Shinnok-obvious reasons, also story's getting good
5.Raiden-hopefully he truns evil
6.Quan Chi-storys good now

the others i'm not sure if they should be, or shouldn't be in the next one
01/04/2007 05:30 PM (UTC)
1- Mimik
Worthless turd of a "character," only brought back in Armageddon for the sake of completion. Should be killed off and forgotten.

2- Kano
So-called "classic" way past his prime who's been getting more and more boring with each game. One trick pony who's overdue to die and stay dead.

3- Jax
Another overdue character who's all kinds of dull. And if Armageddon is any indication, if he returns it'll be as a cyborg. Thanks, but no thanks.

4- Liu Kang
Dull, boring character who really wasn't much of a protagonist. Time he passed the torch onto someone else and went away. His zombie story was lame and he should stay dead.

5- Shujinko
Failed attempt at replacing Liu Kang as the hero. Presented as a bumbling nitwit with no original moves of his own. Unnecessary for the future.

6- Goro
His latest near-death experience was one too many and way too contrived. His time's up.

7- Johnny Cage
Another boring, overdue "classic" who's past his prime. Like most of the "classics" he should move aside and let other characters take the spotlight.

8- Mokap
Yeah, he's just a harmless joke character. But time spent on him could be better spent elsewhere. Jokes are only funny for so long.

9- Meat
See Mokap.

10- Scorpion
I'd listed him higher, but fat chance of him ever going away. Judgin from what was done in Armageddon, he's not going to be fixed or improved any time soon. He's over-exposed and with each game becoming more and more of a sad joke.
01/04/2007 06:54 PM (UTC)
- No explanation needed.

- No explanation needed.

- To put it simply, I’m very tired of the OIA. And the constipated looking render I always see doesn’t help.

- He’s cool, but I’m sick of him being in Sonya’s shadow.

- He’s been a tool in the whole series.

- Lousy choice to save anything.

- I can’t look past him being a joke.

- I like him in Armageddon, but he shouldn’t stay afterwards.

That’s really it, anyone else I can see with a good purpose.
01/04/2007 08:03 PM (UTC)
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
- He’s been a tool in the whole series.

He played a bigger role than most characters in MKDA. If it weren't for Cyrax, Onaga would have never came to be. His storyline is pretty good, so I wouldn't say he's a 'tool'.
01/04/2007 10:59 PM (UTC)
Ninja_Mime Wrote:
Lone_Wolf Wrote:
- He’s been a tool in the whole series.

He played a bigger role than most characters in MKDA. If it weren't for Cyrax, Onaga would have never came to be. His storyline is pretty good, so I wouldn't say he's a 'tool'.

I see him as a lowly servant.

First, he blindly served the Lin Kuei and now he is a grunt to the OIA.
01/04/2007 11:18 PM (UTC)
Kano: I like him, I really do. But seriously, how many times can he supposedly die and come back? And if his Armageddon ending has a single shred of credibility, they should put him to rest before I start hating him.

Hsu Hao: Yeah, Kano's overplayed. And Hsu Hao's always seemed to me like a lamer version of Kano.

Mavado: For the same reason. Did Midway even think "Wow, this Red Dragon clan is comprised of just rehashes of the Black Dragon?". I'm sick of them, and the only worthwile thing they did was get their asses kicked so Taven could find out that Daegon was evil.

Raiden: This would've been blasphemy to me six months ago, but they completely ruined his character in Armageddon. I thought they might've done something interesting with Dark Raiden, and I was completely wrong.

Frost: A female Sub-Zero. Sorry, but her appearance in the game is wholly dependent upon his. Seriously, not only did MKDA mark the introduction of the Red Dragons, Frost debuted in it too. Posers.

Rain: He's done nothing of note, yet has a surprisingly large fanbase. Seriously, from being a moron in Konquest, to being Taven's long-lost brother (a lame soap-opera plot device), the best thing I can think of is when Shao Kahn tossed him into a firey pit in Annihilation. Seriously, I hope he gets a robot arm lodged in his upper torso or something.

Smoke: Simply so the "Smoke should be human again" lobby quiets down. At least Sektor and Cyrax have grown in some ways, he's still just a mindless killing machine. Not necessarily a bad thing, but meh.

Chameleon: Seriously, pallete swapping got annoying. I do not need to be reminded of it by having the uber-palette swap return.

Motaro: Whether or not he had two legs or four, he was lame. Maybe the outworlders could turn him into glue.

Shao Kahn: He's my favorite MK villain. So let's kill him off, shall we? He had his time in the sun, and each subsequent appearance he puts in takes away from those glory days. Though I did dig his MKA ending.
01/05/2007 01:43 AM (UTC)
1. Tanya
2. Kobra
3. Meat
4. Chameleon
5. Liu Kang
6. Mokap
7. Kano
8. Shujinko
9. Goro
10. Hsu Hao
01/05/2007 02:39 AM (UTC)
i like this idea, it's a good twist on the "Who should stay" threads, it's hard to only pick 10 because there is alot of fat to cut for the next MK

1: Mokap
no point behind this character, not even really a joke, he's nothing, maybe he could become something like Ocladin in SC3, but otherwise nothing to contribute.

2: Meat
if there was any character that could have been cut from MK:A it was Meat, could become something like Charade in SC2, but he really should never appear again

3: Chameleon
i'll admit that i liked the idea of Chameleon beeing in MK:A, but it was only for completion sake, now that the next game is promising supposed to be a real game he has no place in it, keep him as a myth though a character that is mentioned from time-to-time

4: Shinnok
he never should have happened in the first place, leave him dead. horrible idea for a character

5: Sheeva
i despise Sheeva, with a passion. i never want to see her again

6: Kintaro
neat character, but he has nothing to contribute to the story

7: Goro
let Goro die, a truly great character, but the horse has been beaten to death already

8: Motaro
not an interesting character in the least sense, and translating him to 3D would take effort that could be better used elsewhere

9: Shao Khan
mortal kombat needs to move on, and dredging kahn back up again isn't going to help

10: tie Blaze and Onaga
Mortal Kombat doesn't need these guys kicking around anymore, there stories have been told. let them rest

as you can tell im against the Boss characters and Joke Characters showing up again
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/05/2007 05:31 AM (UTC)
10. Mokap
9. Stryker
8. Ermac
7. Quan Chi
6. Sonya
5. Jax
4. Chameleon
3. Scorpion
2. Onaga
1. Meat
01/06/2007 12:25 AM (UTC)
My Top Ten

1)Stryker - Wack, was never good, will never be good.

2)Jarek- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

3) Darrius- Storyline is weak

4)Mokap- Waste of time (No disrespect to Carlos)

5)Kano- When is he ever gonna die?

6)Jax- he has been replace by Kai

7)Hsu Hao- Waste of art

8)Meat- waste of ink

9)Sareena- Noob should kill her( Question in her bio she hepls sub defeat noob, but i thought she help noob back when he was sub, wtf????)

10)Nitara- She has no purpose why the hell is she in the game?
About Me

I hate this place.

01/06/2007 01:14 AM (UTC)
mercenarydartz Wrote:
10)Nitara- She has no purpose why the hell is she in the game?

She was one of the Reasons Onaga came to be. Reptile was her follower in DA, then Nitara made a dela with Cyrax, she would transport Cyrax home, if Cyrax brought her an orb that could bring her home, and it was inside the lava lair of Onaga.

Reptile came after Cyrax and nitara left, both back at their homes. He sensed their presence and became angry.

Then, Onaga's egg hatched and took over Reptile.

That's her importance..
01/06/2007 02:33 AM (UTC)
mercenarydartz Wrote:
Question in her bio she hepls sub defeat noob, but i thought she help noob back when he was sub, wtf????

Most likely because she doesn't know the original Sub-Zero became Noob Saibot when he died.
01/06/2007 03:31 AM (UTC)
1. Baraka - If anyone is a lowly servant, it's him. Sure, he could be developed past that rut, but I'd rather see that development go into Reptile, another servant but one who is more likely to expand out on his own. Baraka's story is a tired one. "Hail Shao Kahn! Oh, crap, he's gone. Um...hail Shinnok and Quan Chi! Wait, Shinnok's dead? Hail the Deadly Alliance! Bloody hell, they're dead TOO?! Okay, all hail the Dragon King, Onaga, who'll lead us to...for crying out loud!" Sure, his endings hint he might seek power for himself, but does he ever make a move? Nope. Personally, I hope Mileena kills him.

2. Kabal - His original, perfectly fine story of having abandoned the Black Dragon and becoming dependant on life support after an attack by the extermination squads is thrown aside for this dull story of wanting to resurrect the clan and create anarchy and chaos. Havik saves his life, and all of a sudden, he decides he's evil again and wants to destroy society. It doesn't matter much to me who offs him, but Kira or Mavado would be good. Kabal could've been so much better.

3. Goro - The most development this guy has gotten is, like with Kabal, disposed of so he can become evil again. Shao Kahn rescues him, and instead of kicking the emperor's ass like he and Kitana were intending to do, Goro believes rejoining the guy who cold-shouldered the Shokan in favor of the Centaurians is the way to go. I'm actually glad he and Kitana never won the war against Shao Kahn. They probably would've entered the throne room, and all Kahn would have to do is tell Goro to turn against Kitana and the dumbass would've done it. Anyone can kill him. I still hope, though, that he is merely faking loyalty to Kahn. If he is, I'll take it all back.

4. Kobra - To me, his attitude begs for an ass-kicking. He's the typical wannabe tough guy that let himself get carried away with his martial arts and began murdering people and committing other crimes. To me, it seems that he's probably the biggest wuss in Mortal Kombat. Because if he's able to kill that many people, yet actually be arrested by what we assume is typical law enforcement, he must typically pick on some pretty weak people. I'm surprised nobody simply shot the punk - if he was REALLY attacking criminals like he said, you'd think he'd be dead. So for the inherent arrogance of his character, I dislike him a lot. He's the worst Black Dragon member so far. Hopefully, Kabal realizes he made a mistake and shoves Kobra in front of Stryker or Jax's machine gun fire.

And those are the only characters I really, truly think should not return. I'll even take Mokap over those guys.

01/06/2007 04:11 PM (UTC)
Although there are more characters that I would not like to see in the next-gen MKs, these are probably the top 10 (in no particular order) that I'd like to see gone the most:

Chameleon: He's worthless, boring, and a complete waste of time.

Sheeva: I never really cared for her, and I don't see her storyline going anywhere.

Kano: Kano's story has been more of the same throughout the MK games. I mean, he has gotten a bit of story development here and there, but his character hasn't really changed. He's still a power-hungry backstabber.

Johnny Cage: Even if he finally does get character development in MKA, it's LONG overdue, and it's best that Johnny Cage just retire.

Jax: He's recently gotten a bit of character development, but it's not enough. He's a character who has simply gotten worse over the years. I will say that XiahouDun84 did do something with him that I liked. But even so, Jax should die or retire.

Shujinko: Like it was said before, Shujinko was a failed attempt at replacing Liu Kang. He's definitely one of the most idiotic characters though I must say that I like his look. He has no real potential for the next-gen, whatsoever.

Goro: He doesn't have much going for him

Meat: He's a joke character that doesn't need to be seen again.

Mokap: Same as Meat

Moloch: I truly despise this character. He's simply annoying, stupid, and worthless. I really don't want to see him again.
01/07/2007 11:35 AM (UTC)
I'm going to ignore Mokap and Meat for the pure reason they are joke characters and will probably not be returning so soon.

1) Chameleon - It has to be said the changing colours and invisible body was cool in MK:A (just got it) He's had a respectable send off and now its time to for him return to the shadows, permanently.

2) Rain - There is one thing that is good about Rain, that he is prove that all people from Edenia is a good person. Which is obvious really. Move the whole evil Edenian prince onto a new character. A nice direct rival for Kitana and co.

3) Hsu Hao - I like Hsu Hao's design and the Sun-Moon Blades rule. But he suffered from over development in his design and then they didn't know what to do with him really. Oh just have him be killed off by Jax or something. Shame really.

4) Dairou - I look at Dairou and I think of Autumn. Dull browns and greens. But there is no real substance to him really. He was just there to make the numbers up for Deception.

5) Goro - I liked the whole not all monsters are evil side of him but constantly changing from good to evil (what was he doing in MK4?) has hurt him. Time to stay dead.

6) Jarek - Of all the redesigns in MK:A Jarek's was the strangest. He looks nothing like his incarnation in MK4. Good thing really but you couldn't tell him out from that crowd. It was a process of elimination really.

7) Shujinko - When you make a character that you take control of and interact with everyone its important that the character is his own character. Shujinko looked like similar characters as he grew older and uses other characters moves. If he was a new age Lui Kang then they have failed.

8) Kobra - He is just a nothing character.

9) Smoke - A Grey Ninja just for the sake of being a Grey Ninja.

10) Shao Kahn - Its time for a new warlord.

11) Reiko - Basic design in MK4 and then a pretty good redesign in MK:A doesn't forgive the vague bio and countless RE1K0 15 K4HN topics.

12) Kai - A dull character. The only thing that might have saved him is capeoria(sp?) but still quite dull.

13) Blaze - I dislike the whole MK would reach a point in the future where everyone would be come too powerful and must be destroyed.

But something just tells me we will be playing MK: Apocalypse in the future where it will have everyone again...
01/07/2007 03:48 PM (UTC)
boomboom Wrote:
mercenarydartz Wrote:
10)Nitara- She has no purpose why the hell is she in the game?

She was one of the Reasons Onaga came to be. Reptile was her follower in DA, then Nitara made a dela with Cyrax, she would transport Cyrax home, if Cyrax brought her an orb that could bring her home, and it was inside the lava lair of Onaga.

Reptile came after Cyrax and nitara left, both back at their homes. He sensed their presence and became angry.

Then, Onaga's egg hatched and took over Reptile.

That's her importance..
and now that that story is finished, she has no purpose

after deadly alliance nitara had no reason to be involved in MK
01/07/2007 07:21 PM (UTC)
Johnny Cage - He has been the most pointless "real" character his whole career in MK. Now they suddenly throw "I'm a hero now for no particular reason" on him is just a lame excuse to give him some credit to his worthless character. He can either die or just retire.

Kano - He was just good as he will ever be when they claimed he was killed at the end of MKDA. IDK why they ever brought his lousy ass back. Now that Kabal is leader of the Black Dragon he should be completely forgotten about. His fued with Sonya has lasted way beyond its prime.

Goro - His constant switching of sides is really stale. When he died in MKDA he should have stayed dead also. He was a cool sub-boss about ten something years ago, but now he is a waste of a character space.

Shang Tsung - He too has gotten stale with his constant ressurections (not in a literal sense) and returning ever game where he shouldn't be.Yeah, he did improve in MKDA story-wise, but once he was killed in the blast he should have stayed dead for good. Another sorcerer-type character can always be created.

Jax - I'm tired of him being the side lacky. His purpose in the game has diminished after MK2. Besides that the OIA is old business now, there's no reason to keep him around. Jarek should take him out and bring his heart to Sonya, then we can have her kill his lame ass too. lol

Baraka - MK's number one lacky is a sorry character now. Every game it's "I'm gonna decide to work for _____ this time around." Pointless character, let Mileena finish him off.

Kintaro - Although he is MK's baddest sub-boss, bringing him back just for completion in MKA just ruined his coolness to me. He didn't have any purpose what-so-ever in the game. His only appearence wasn't even him either! He should've stayed dead in MK2.

Shao Kahn - Outworld's ruler supreme should've also stayed dead in MKDA. Bringing him back in MKD was a stupid idea, plus it caused too much confusion with the whole clone plot. Outworld is due for a new ruler now anyways.

Kurtis Stryker - His out of place character in MK doesn't need to return. He's just too plain and doesn't fit in anywhere except for in the OIA, and do we really need any more members joining?

Sindel - She has had a good run, but it is time to pass the torch onto KItana for position of Queen. She needs to die a valiant death however, for she had an awesome run. Let her kill Kahn in the end, but die of wounds from the battle.

I could go on some more about other characters, but I'll just put their names on this list:

Hsu Hao
01/07/2007 08:34 PM (UTC)
All ninjas, except scorpion and Sub-zero, and maybe noob saitbot. Reptile can return but not as a ninja.

the black dragon should just go...they're getting dull.
Taven and his brother
Fujin (one God is enough)
All the robots.
01/08/2007 02:33 AM (UTC)
1 jonny cage he like suppose to be dead after the second mk game
2 Shujinko he weak and useless
3 Shao Khun heS been in almost every mk game we need something new
4 Stryker I don't even know what he is a cop or bugler
5 Kung lao hes cool but hes just a rip off of luu kang
6 Frost same as above except with sub-zero
7 meat he is kind of a gag for the game
8 Mokap he should be killed or eaten or something
9 Kintaro he's nothing compared to goro the one and original
10 sheeva same as above
For these fighters its all over............. sorry its true
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