Cronus~TimeWave Wrote:
Though, this brings another question: Will characters have in-game alternative costumes? I'm all for special DLC Costumes like this, but I truly hope they don't go the SF4/SS4 route.
Though, this brings another question: Will characters have in-game alternative costumes? I'm all for special DLC Costumes like this, but I truly hope they don't go the SF4/SS4 route.
That's what I keep asking but no one ever answers.
Will there be non-dlc alternates?
About Me

Whoa, they actually are making an MK arcade stick. Awesome. Can't wait to see Sub-Zero's costume

I'll be getting the STANDARD edition. I don't care much for those ninjas.
So APRIL, huh? I guess I was right. 4 months ain't that bad.
How come the Xbox version cost the same as the PS3 version if PS3 gets 3D and an exclusive character? Shouldn't the game cost a bit cheaper for Xbox?
So APRIL, huh? I guess I was right. 4 months ain't that bad.
How come the Xbox version cost the same as the PS3 version if PS3 gets 3D and an exclusive character? Shouldn't the game cost a bit cheaper for Xbox?
They already said each character would have 1 alternate costume in the game, as far as why the 360 and ps3 versions are the same price it's because it's the same game minus 1 or two little stupid things. Plenty of 360 games have gotten exclusive content, sure most of it has been paid for DLC after a games initial release but that's how it goes. I'm probably going to get it on the 360, not sure yet. I have both systems and if MS hadn't come out with that new controller I would say ps3 for sure but I actually like the new dpad on the 360 controller better than the ps3 dpad.

QueenSindel(TheBitch) Wrote:
How come the Xbox version cost the same as the PS3 version if PS3 gets 3D and an exclusive character? Shouldn't the game cost a bit cheaper for Xbox?
How come the Xbox version cost the same as the PS3 version if PS3 gets 3D and an exclusive character? Shouldn't the game cost a bit cheaper for Xbox?

About Me
hope they make mk game pads. i dont fight with sticks.

I'll be getting MK for $49.99
I just pre-ordered MVC3 from Amazon and it came with a special offer: $10.00 off a future video game purchase from their store.
I'll be using that discount for MK!
I just pre-ordered MVC3 from Amazon and it came with a special offer: $10.00 off a future video game purchase from their store.
I'll be using that discount for MK!
So wait that means Kratos isn't a Pre Order character he'll be in the game from the start! Wow that's wonderful I think that's very nice! And I know I said this already but WOW at Reptile just WOW!!! I'm very happy about that outfit! That's the Reptile I want and love!

About Me
kitana and mileena klassic outfits. YAYYY!!!
1 Question, will the tournament edition still have the scorpion and sub zero figures?
And damn, this is gonna make me choose where to pre-order, should I go for Scorpion Sub-zero or Reptile.
Tough Choice
And damn, this is gonna make me choose where to pre-order, should I go for Scorpion Sub-zero or Reptile.
Tough Choice
when can we pre-order it? I mean the Tourny Edition anyway?

Are the klassic costumes gonna be for every character?
Even Sonya and Sindel? ...I'm serious... Don't even tease...
Even Sonya and Sindel? ...I'm serious... Don't even tease...

My mind has been fucked, and I'm sure my wallet is next in line.
I'm very happy to see that there is likely going to be no guest character in the Xbox version.
But this does seem really fucked up of them. You buy the high priced one, and you lose out on two figurines and an art book? You buy the collectors and you lose out on a stick. Then you have to choose between your favorite ninja.
...I seriously have no fuckin' clue which one I'm gonna get. If the stick is sanwa and Mad Catz, then I might do Tournament Edition, but I'd really like the art book and figurines!
I guess I'll have to wait and see what the quality of the stick is.
I'm very happy to see that there is likely going to be no guest character in the Xbox version.
But this does seem really fucked up of them. You buy the high priced one, and you lose out on two figurines and an art book? You buy the collectors and you lose out on a stick. Then you have to choose between your favorite ninja.
...I seriously have no fuckin' clue which one I'm gonna get. If the stick is sanwa and Mad Catz, then I might do Tournament Edition, but I'd really like the art book and figurines!
I guess I'll have to wait and see what the quality of the stick is.

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Mortal Kombat , is not about death , but cheating in mame32 . Need Mame32 cheats ? Go Here .
I grew up playing Mortal Kombat.. I guess Mortal Kombat didn't grow up with me.
- JandS -
lol at Tournament Edition . I bet the portable stick ( Portable + Wireless = Banned in certain tournaments HRMM ? ) use Happ parts aka ass parts . I'm fine with my SSFIV TE Stick thank you not so much...
Yea I need some prices, Im not paying anything over 110 for a collectors edition.
100 woould be nice
100 woould be nice

SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
Yea I need some prices, Im not paying anything over 110 for a collectors edition.
100 woould be nice
Yea I need some prices, Im not paying anything over 110 for a collectors edition.
100 woould be nice
If the stick has ANY quality to it, you're going to be paying 120 at LEAST for the tourney edition.

AceKombat Wrote:
lol at Tournament Edition . I bet the portable stick ( Portable + Wireless = Banned in certain tournaments HRMM ? ) use Happ parts aka ass parts . I'm fine with my SSFIV TE Stick thank you not so much...
lol at Tournament Edition . I bet the portable stick ( Portable + Wireless = Banned in certain tournaments HRMM ? ) use Happ parts aka ass parts . I'm fine with my SSFIV TE Stick thank you not so much...
Where do you see that the stick is wireless? I don't think any 3rd party developer is able to make wireless controllers for the Xbox 360.
LucaTurilli Wrote:
If the stick has ANY quality to it, you're going to be paying 120 at LEAST for the tourney edition.
SEGAmaniac7 Wrote:
Yea I need some prices, Im not paying anything over 110 for a collectors edition.
100 woould be nice
Yea I need some prices, Im not paying anything over 110 for a collectors edition.
100 woould be nice
If the stick has ANY quality to it, you're going to be paying 120 at LEAST for the tourney edition.
Im talking about about the special or collectors addition, not the tournament.

I wouldn't imagine they'd charge more than 20 dollars for two figurines and an art booklet.
I agree with the others in the thread. I'm thinking it'll be 60 / 80 / 120 - 150 (depending on the quality of the stick).
I agree with the others in the thread. I'm thinking it'll be 60 / 80 / 120 - 150 (depending on the quality of the stick).

About Me
Characters mastered: Kitana, Mileena, Reptile, Ermac, Jade, Cyrax, Liu Kang, Kabal, Smoke, Nightwolf, Kano, Jax, Sektor, Sheeva, Baraka, Scorpion, Stryker, Sindel, Sonya Blade, Cyber Sub Zero.
For those who ordered at Amazon:
Did you pre-ordered the Standard edition of the game? I ask because the site doesn't list the Kollector's nor the Tournament and I want to get the Kollector's there, at Amazon. Human Reptile is so effing awesome
Did you pre-ordered the Standard edition of the game? I ask because the site doesn't list the Kollector's nor the Tournament and I want to get the Kollector's there, at Amazon. Human Reptile is so effing awesome

I can't find the collectors or tournament edition at any of the three stores' sites. If anyone has links, it'd be nice if they'd post them.

Kamal Wrote:
Yeah they could make all the fans happy. WB needs to simply get rid of this exclusive pre-order bullshit if you buy at a certain retailer! Stupid marketing moves like this annoy the hell out of me.
This isn't a "pre-order bonus" more like they are literally taking away content that is on the disc and only allowing you to access it because of where you bought it and you know down the road they'll make everyone pay money for the other two classic skin and fatalities.
Once again more bullshit moves from WB. I would expect this from a failing Midway but not from the WB...
Fenix Wrote:
It doesn't matter what you do anymore, you can't make fans happy.
It doesn't matter what you do anymore, you can't make fans happy.
Yeah they could make all the fans happy. WB needs to simply get rid of this exclusive pre-order bullshit if you buy at a certain retailer! Stupid marketing moves like this annoy the hell out of me.
This isn't a "pre-order bonus" more like they are literally taking away content that is on the disc and only allowing you to access it because of where you bought it and you know down the road they'll make everyone pay money for the other two classic skin and fatalities.
Once again more bullshit moves from WB. I would expect this from a failing Midway but not from the WB...
See? It doesn't matter how much stuff they give you, bargained, compiled, or otherwise. People will ALWAYS complain about what they have to pay for.
Would you (or anyone bitching in this thread) prefer they released everything a la carte? Because that option IS there. Shut up and have nothing and go away.
Would you really rather get nickel and dimed over buying a hundred costumes and fatals, tourney hardware at exorbitant prices, and all the art stuff / guides for exorbitant prices on Ebay/Amazon? Because that's how it normally works. Just ask ANYBODY WHO BOUGHT ANYTHING FOR SF4.
THINK before you post.
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