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Skype: Kyzonxin 3DS: 3866-8042-6393 ha ha ha haaaaaa jack my swaggggggggggg

12/14/2010 07:08 PM (UTC)
Boon says:

@brian_tong No they are 2 different packages. Unfortunately I dont think there is a Super-Deluxe edition that has everything

So we Have to get both to get the sticks AND the figures
12/14/2010 07:14 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Fuck DLC.

Reminds me when I was bitching about the whole DLC conspiracy, see, people have been brainwashed to think that DLC is actually beneficial... But they can add MOAR things to the game! Yes, that could have been it's purpose had not the game companies turn into a money-coveting vacuum.

Don't you guys remember when you bought a 100% complete game? With DLC you can have the full version of the game plus extra content. No, with DLC you can have an incomplete version of the game, pay extra money for the rest and maybe if the company doesn't feel like messing with you, just maybe, extra content.

Anyways, I have never liked DLC, never will.
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Skype: Kyzonxin 3DS: 3866-8042-6393 ha ha ha haaaaaa jack my swaggggggggggg

12/14/2010 07:20 PM (UTC)
So the stick is deff wired. And the old Run button is now the Tag Button, but also works with old MK's that use run.
12/14/2010 07:45 PM (UTC)
ANYONE that thinks DLC is a Good thing BEFORE the game is even released is , just the Sucker and the whole reason companies get away with it...! The fact these DLC's are alrdy READY means theres no reason watsover for them not to be in the game, and therefore its So in your face a money making scheme...Can you blame them ? No they are a company their sole purpose as a company is to make money ! nothing else !

but shud they do that NO,,,shud customers buy it NO ! if the global population was smart the whole DLC crap wudda bin boycotted from day one.

i cant believe the ppl who think its good and nothing wrong with it blah blah

these days companies release a game half finished, not just in content but not fully online tested, gameplay tested n tweak till its right...why coz they say oh Patches will fix it... or content will be released and ppl go oooh ok then NP FAB YE ! (dumbasssss) lol the amount of time i see not just in MK im tlkin all game people going MEH onlines crap but dw itl be fixed with a patch in couple months....NO Sod that release game rdy and tested to go !

when comes to content Everything goes into THE GAME your selling....months down line after they work on extra characters Get them in there...but you shud NOT accept the fact conent is held back so they can charge you another £7 for it.
12/15/2010 01:58 AM (UTC)
Steviialdinho Wrote:
ANYONE that thinks DLC is a Good thing BEFORE the game is even released is , just the Sucker and the whole reason companies get away with it...! The fact these DLC's are alrdy READY means theres no reason watsover for them not to be in the game, and therefore its So in your face a money making scheme...Can you blame them ? No they are a company their sole purpose as a company is to make money ! nothing else !

but shud they do that NO,,,shud customers buy it NO ! if the global population was smart the whole DLC crap wudda bin boycotted from day one.

i cant believe the ppl who think its good and nothing wrong with it blah blah

these days companies release a game half finished, not just in content but not fully online tested, gameplay tested n tweak till its right...why coz they say oh Patches will fix it... or content will be released and ppl go oooh ok then NP FAB YE ! (dumbasssss) lol the amount of time i see not just in MK im tlkin all game people going MEH onlines crap but dw itl be fixed with a patch in couple months....NO Sod that release game rdy and tested to go !

when comes to content Everything goes into THE GAME your selling....months down line after they work on extra characters Get them in there...but you shud NOT accept the fact conent is held back so they can charge you another £7 for it.

None of what you said matters though. I understand what you mean, completely. It isn't right. But there's nothing we can do about it; NRS probably didn't even make the call on the content, it was most likely a demand from WB. Furthermore, no amount of complaining is going to get anyone anywhere. They're hardly going to listen to about 20 people on a forum complaining are they? It sucks, but it's tough luck. If people want these costumes so bad, then they'll make the pre-order; if not they won't. People say they're 'dedicated fans' yet aren't prepared to fork out a little extra dough (hell, even some of these come FREE when pre-ordering) to get extra content. Surplus costumes and fatalities are NOT essential to the gameplay of the game. Simple as that.
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12/15/2010 02:16 AM (UTC)
How does one go about ordering the Tournament edition from America? I'm new to online buying and live in Australia. I'm not into action figures and the joystick looks awesome, even if I don't use it.

Forgive me if someone has asked this but this topic is getting a bit long.
12/15/2010 02:25 AM (UTC)
GodlyShinnok Wrote:
T-rex Wrote:
Fuck DLC.

Reminds me when I was bitching about the whole DLC conspiracy, see, people have been brainwashed to think that DLC is actually beneficial... But they can add MOAR things to the game! Yes, that could have been it's purpose had not the game companies turn into a money-coveting vacuum.

Don't you guys remember when you bought a 100% complete game? With DLC you can have the full version of the game plus extra content. No, with DLC you can have an incomplete version of the game, pay extra money for the rest and maybe if the company doesn't feel like messing with you, just maybe, extra content.

Anyways, I have never liked DLC, never will.

I do remember games I got that was full and DLC that added to the game. GTA 4, RDR, DAO, ME2. Most DLC is BS yes but there is some DLC that does add to a game, not many but some.
12/15/2010 02:30 AM (UTC)
It's just a lame MK1 throwback palette swap costume and...okay, three of the best finishing moves in the series being saved for DLC annoys me, but those will make THREE Fatalities for those characters, these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.

All this talk about how OTHER games and OTHER companies have used the DLC system to cheat and rip people off isn't actually relevant to the here and now of MK 2011. And personally, I've bought plenty of games that did DLC the way it's supposed to be done, a complete game with extras added later.

I've also bought games that were complete, but I WISH had DLC because there was more stuff they were going to put in and never got the chance. (Quan Chi and Harley Quinn for MKvsDCU, for instance. And Ghostbusters was supposed to have a Zuul Building Rooftop stage and a River of Slime stage for multiplayer. Could have been DLC but they never released them. Very disappointing.)
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12/15/2010 02:33 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's just a lame MK1 throwback palette swap costume and...okay, three of the best finishing moves in the series being saved for DLC annoys me, but those will make THREE Fatalities for those characters, these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.

All this talk about how OTHER games and OTHER companies have used the DLC system to cheat and rip people off isn't actually relevant to the here and now of MK 2011.

Very reasonable argument. If they would have three fatalities for every character as part of the final product, the release date will be postponed further.
12/15/2010 02:36 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's just a lame MK1 throwback palette swap costume and...okay, three of the best finishing moves in the series being saved for DLC annoys me, but those will make THREE Fatalities for those characters, these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.

All this talk about how OTHER games and OTHER companies have used the DLC system to cheat and rip people off isn't actually relevant to the here and now of MK 2011. And personally, I've bought plenty of games that did DLC the way it's supposed to be done, a complete game with extras added later.

I've also bought games that were complete, but I WISH had DLC because there was more stuff they were going to put in and never got the chance. (Quan Chi and Harley Quinn for MKvsDCU, for instance. And Ghostbusters was supposed to have a Zuul Building Rooftop stage and a River of Slime stage for multiplayer. Could have been DLC but they never released them. Very disappointing.)

Nice to know I'm not the only person here who knows this stuff!
12/15/2010 02:37 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
It's just a lame MK1 throwback palette swap costume and...okay, three of the best finishing moves in the series being saved for DLC annoys me, but those will make THREE Fatalities for those characters, these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.

All this talk about how OTHER games and OTHER companies have used the DLC system to cheat and rip people off isn't actually relevant to the here and now of MK 2011. And personally, I've bought plenty of games that did DLC the way it's supposed to be done, a complete game with extras added later.

I've also bought games that were complete, but I WISH had DLC because there was more stuff they were going to put in and never got the chance. (Quan Chi and Harley Quinn for MKvsDCU, for instance. And Ghostbusters was supposed to have a Zuul Building Rooftop stage and a River of Slime stage for multiplayer. Could have been DLC but they never released them. Very disappointing.)

Yes, I totally agree. Finally, someone who gets the point as well! People are totally overreacting over a few costumes and fatalities, which don't actually cost anything more anyway, just means people have to be picky with their chosen retailer in regards to which pre-order character bonus they're after. If anything, hopefully there's a lot of DLC released to add extra features to a complete game, to make up for the lack of DLC that was supposedly going to feature in MK vs DC.
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12/15/2010 02:42 AM (UTC)
What I want to know is whether the Kollector's Editions will actually have different box designs. You know,the same way Deception had a Sub-Zero,a Raiden and a Mileena edition?

Because I'd love me some Reptile edition. :3
12/15/2010 03:24 AM (UTC)
1oo bucks is too much, I'll stick with the regular. but since the extra costumes/fatalities will have unlock codes, couldn't people just share those online when it comes out so everyone can unlock them, or would each copy get a different code? I've never used any xbox live stuff yet, so I dont know how that works.I need to get it for this game's dlc though, will a silver subsricption allow me dlc access or do i need to get gold?
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Fare Thee Well

12/15/2010 03:27 AM (UTC)
mk187 Wrote:
1oo bucks is too much, I'll stick with the regular. but since the extra costumes/fatalities will have unlock codes, couldn't people just share those online when it comes out so everyone can unlock them, or would each copy get a different code? I've never used any xbox live stuff yet, so I dont know how that works.I need to get it for this game's dlc though, will a silver subsricption allow me dlc access or do i need to get gold?

Diffrent codes, well sometimes. It depends i had some games that had very parcilar codes that goes with each game, and some that was just from the store. So i think the KE will have the spasific codes, and the gamestop you can just copy them from internet.
12/15/2010 03:58 AM (UTC)
Shohayabusa Wrote:
mk187 Wrote:
1oo bucks is too much, I'll stick with the regular. but since the extra costumes/fatalities will have unlock codes, couldn't people just share those online when it comes out so everyone can unlock them, or would each copy get a different code? I've never used any xbox live stuff yet, so I dont know how that works.I need to get it for this game's dlc though, will a silver subsricption allow me dlc access or do i need to get gold?

Diffrent codes, well sometimes. It depends i had some games that had very parcilar codes that goes with each game, and some that was just from the store. So i think the KE will have the spasific codes, and the gamestop you can just copy them from internet.

Don't count on that. A lot of pre order codes are one time use and its a key you download to unlock the data.
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-sig by MINION

12/15/2010 04:11 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.
I think that depends on what you consider vital content though. I would say that most people would consider Fatalities vital.

I'd also consider entire characters vital to a fighting game so yeah if there are those missing I'd say the game is incomplete.
12/15/2010 04:30 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
these ARE extras being added to a complete product, not an incomplete product with vital parts being sold second-hand.
I think that depends on what you consider vital content though. I would say that most people would consider Fatalities vital.

I'd also consider entire characters vital to a fighting game so yeah if there are those missing I'd say the game is incomplete.

Two Fatalities per character is "vital".

A 3rd one is a bonus.

And where the hell are you seeing characters being left out that could have been finished and fit into the game before launch? There's been nothing about that.
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
12/15/2010 04:47 AM (UTC)
The only thing that really, really irritates me about this whole DLC fiasco is the nature of the fatalities. Alt costumes I can understand, and normally, I wouldn't be too upset over DLC finishers - I've been steeling myself for just such an occurence. It's the fact that they chose the classic finishers to do this with.

It feels as wrong to me as if Capcom were to have released SSFIV without key special moves, and released them independently for purchase later, like, say, Ryu's Hadoken.

Now I'm full and well aware that in terms of functionality there's a huge difference between a SF character's signature special move and an MK character's signature fatality. No one needs to point that out. But to me - and this is where I know some folks will disagree, and they're perfectly welcome to - at the very least, Sub-Zero's Spine Rip and Scorpion's Toasty are signature elements of the characters. They're the two most iconic fatalities in the series. Lord knows there have been a few games where they haven't been present, but every time a new game comes around, there are always those of us who wonder what they'll look like, whether they'll be included.

They (and when I say they I really mean WB, as I have a hard time believing the core MK staff would go for this, partly because I don't want to believe they would, partly because it's easy to blame a large anonymous megacorporation for any perceived sleight) knew damn well folks would pay for those - make no mistake, they will be offered up for sale later on - and so boom. There you go. Instant profit. But you know what; had I been offered Scorpion's MK2 jugular slice, Sub-Zero's MK3 freeze breath, or Reptile's MK4 face devour, I would have willingly paid the price without bitching.
12/15/2010 04:58 AM (UTC)
My girlfriend is being a sweetheart. She told me she was gonna preorder the Kollectors Edition for me from Best Buy. Since my birthday is April 18 she said it would be my bday present. :D I love her
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12/15/2010 05:13 AM (UTC)
Lucky bastard.
12/15/2010 05:19 AM (UTC)
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
My girlfriend is being a sweetheart. She told me she was gonna preorder the Kollectors Edition for me from Best Buy. Since my birthday is April 18 she said it would be my bday present. :D I love her

I'm in the same boat as you lol. The game come's out after my birthday but my boyfriend said he was getting me the CE after I told him I put in my pre order haha. Go April babies!
12/15/2010 06:43 AM (UTC)
Still waiting for the kollectors edition at amazon...seriously amazon whats taking you so long.
12/15/2010 06:47 AM (UTC)
Cross187 Wrote:
BecomingDeath13 Wrote:
My girlfriend is being a sweetheart. She told me she was gonna preorder the Kollectors Edition for me from Best Buy. Since my birthday is April 18 she said it would be my bday present. :D I love her

I'm in the same boat as you lol. The game come's out after my birthday but my boyfriend said he was getting me the CE after I told him I put in my pre order haha. Go April babies!

April FTW lol. I'm still waiting on Best Buy to update their site with the special editions.. I needs me some Sub-Zero Spine rip lol. Don't even give a fuck about the palette swap costume lol.
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12/15/2010 09:07 AM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Two Fatalities per character is "vital".

A 3rd one is a bonus.

And where the hell are you seeing characters being left out that could have been finished and fit into the game before launch? There's been nothing about that.
I'd actually consider one Fatality to be enough but I know most people like having two or more.

Anyway my point is that they left out three of the franchises most iconic and loved finishers just so we'd have to get them this way or presumably pay for them at a later date as DLC. That's bullshit.

I know they haven't specifically mentioned which characters will be DLC but I fully believe NRS will leave out some beloved characters so they can have some guaranteed content for a later date.
12/15/2010 09:10 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Two Fatalities per character is "vital".

A 3rd one is a bonus.

And where the hell are you seeing characters being left out that could have been finished and fit into the game before launch? There's been nothing about that.
I'd actually consider one Fatality to be enough but I know most people like having two or more.

Anyway my point is that they left out three of the franchises most iconic and loved finishers just so we'd have to get them this way or presumably pay for them at a later date as DLC. That's bullshit.

I know they haven't specifically mentioned which characters will be DLC but I fully believe NRS will leave out some beloved characters so they can have some guaranteed content for a later date.

People are so fast to blame NRS. We don't know who is making this call between NRS or WB, I my self think its WB.
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