They should explain the scar at some point, 'cause it sure as shit isn't on his other costumes.
Wasn't the scar his "death mark" for escaping from the Lin Kuei in the original timeline? If so, that would not be applicable in this timeline since he... well, he never did escape. So how did he get the scar? Hmm...
Wasn't the scar his "death mark" for escaping from the Lin Kuei in the original timeline? If so, that would not be applicable in this timeline since he... well, he never did escape. So how did he get the scar? Hmm...
I'm getting Freddy Krueger and the wonderful Unmasked Subby. Ain't using CSZ skin tho, no point. Unless I use him as a dummy in it.
I'm on the fence about these two "retro" costumes. On the one hand, I'm glad that Sub Zero is finally getting his much requested unmasked costume. I had personally been hoping we would get this as eventual DLC. But I agree that they should've made it look more like his actual MK3 costume and not simply just the UMK3 ninja costume without the mask. But I'm at least glad to see they got the scar right. My best guest as to why they chose to release Sub Zero's MK3 retro costume like this was so they could release an "UMK3 Retro Ninja Pack" as eventual DLC for the rest of the ninjas using pallet swapped versions of the unmasked Sub retro. Again, if that does happen I will be happy because I have been hoping to see those ninja costumes released as DLC (yes even though we already have a ton of ninja retros) and they basically nailed the UMK3 ninja costume look with Sub's new unmasked costume.
Now concerning the Cyber Sub Zero Retro costume. Again I am on the fence with this one. On the one hand, I am glad to see that cyber sub zero is finally getting an alternate costume; something that shouldn't have been omitted from the original game to start with. (I actually had a really cool idea for a cyber sub alternate) Basically it would look as if the Lin Kuei had just begun the automation process on Sub Zero and he was shirtless with implants and various other mechanized parts on his chest and arms. For his mask i envisioned something like how Tom Hardy looks as Bane in the latest pics of The Dark Knight Rises, with a metal type breathing apparatus/mask that covers his lower part of his face with occasional steam coming out as he would breathe. Basically the vibe of the whole costume would be that they had begun the automation process but had not fully completed it yet. But I digress.
Back On topic, giving Cuber Sub Zero a retro alternate seems odd to me being that the whole Cyber Sub Zero creation happened out of the altered timeline and is new to the MK universe. It's also kind of a cop-out of a retro costume being that it's basically a pallet swap of Cyrax and Sektor's retro MK3 costumes colored blue. Again I'm glad to see Cyber Sub get an alternate costume but the guys at NRS could've found a better retro alt to release this go around. I would've even been happier if they would've given smoke his retro MK3 robo costume even if they kept his move sets the same as the current human version. Many fans would have still been upset but at least half of the fans could rejoice that they at least got a compromise of at least getting the costume if nothing else. (which if anything like this ends up happening, this seems most likely to me).
But hopefully this is not the last of the DLC we see released for MK.
Now concerning the Cyber Sub Zero Retro costume. Again I am on the fence with this one. On the one hand, I am glad to see that cyber sub zero is finally getting an alternate costume; something that shouldn't have been omitted from the original game to start with. (I actually had a really cool idea for a cyber sub alternate) Basically it would look as if the Lin Kuei had just begun the automation process on Sub Zero and he was shirtless with implants and various other mechanized parts on his chest and arms. For his mask i envisioned something like how Tom Hardy looks as Bane in the latest pics of The Dark Knight Rises, with a metal type breathing apparatus/mask that covers his lower part of his face with occasional steam coming out as he would breathe. Basically the vibe of the whole costume would be that they had begun the automation process but had not fully completed it yet. But I digress.
Back On topic, giving Cuber Sub Zero a retro alternate seems odd to me being that the whole Cyber Sub Zero creation happened out of the altered timeline and is new to the MK universe. It's also kind of a cop-out of a retro costume being that it's basically a pallet swap of Cyrax and Sektor's retro MK3 costumes colored blue. Again I'm glad to see Cyber Sub get an alternate costume but the guys at NRS could've found a better retro alt to release this go around. I would've even been happier if they would've given smoke his retro MK3 robo costume even if they kept his move sets the same as the current human version. Many fans would have still been upset but at least half of the fans could rejoice that they at least got a compromise of at least getting the costume if nothing else. (which if anything like this ends up happening, this seems most likely to me).
But hopefully this is not the last of the DLC we see released for MK.
CyberDemon13 Wrote:
They should explain the scar at some point, 'cause it sure as shit isn't on his other costumes.
Wasn't the scar his "death mark" for escaping from the Lin Kuei in the original timeline? If so, that would not be applicable in this timeline since he... well, he never did escape. So how did he get the scar? Hmm...
They should explain the scar at some point, 'cause it sure as shit isn't on his other costumes.
Wasn't the scar his "death mark" for escaping from the Lin Kuei in the original timeline? If so, that would not be applicable in this timeline since he... well, he never did escape. So how did he get the scar? Hmm...
NRS, or back then Midway already confirmed that the scar is not the mark of death. It would be pretty stupid: they have him and want to kill him, yet first they have to carve his face up and then let him go?
Huge scar is huge, and THANKFULLY he is not a caucasian now. The mongolid features are prominent now as it should be and AS IT HAS BEEN originally.
CpmPanda Wrote:
I wish it was the older looking sub with a mild scar and not a HOLY CRAP DID SOMEONE SLOWLY CUT OUT A GIANT PIECE OF YOUR FACE?
Also he looks like he came from mexico. No offense to anyone :P
I wish it was the older looking sub with a mild scar and not a HOLY CRAP DID SOMEONE SLOWLY CUT OUT A GIANT PIECE OF YOUR FACE?
Also he looks like he came from mexico. No offense to anyone :P
The retro MK3 Sub-zero was always Kuai Liang, it's his unique look, giving it to Bi-Han wouldn't make sense.
He actually looks Caucasian and Asian to me, but it's whatever.

About Me

The more I look at unmasked Sub-Zero, the more I wish they'd get the MKDA team back. This is pretty awful.
Time to update Mortal Kombat Warehouse with the "final" DLC update?
New Unmasked Subby's hair really bothers me.
(he looked much better here)

No, seriously, it looks weird. Am I the only one who feels he looks waaay off with that hair cut?
And yes, fucking Cyber Sub-Zero was already an alt costume for human Sub-Zero so WTF is it with people ranting at people who think he didn't deserve yet another freaking costume???

(he looked much better here)

No, seriously, it looks weird. Am I the only one who feels he looks waaay off with that hair cut?
And yes, fucking Cyber Sub-Zero was already an alt costume for human Sub-Zero so WTF is it with people ranting at people who think he didn't deserve yet another freaking costume???

About Me
Sub's hair in-game looks better than the render shown. In that render he has a little fro thing going on. Asians have hair like that, it sticks up and out.
Queve, we know you dislike the costume (well first you said you liked it, but since then you started to compare him with the fan-art and saying he isn't sexy, and his flaws, etc...), but the ranting is getting ridiculous right now.
Btw I prefer him over that fan art by a large margin, there is something about that fan art that seems weird. And I like what they did with the scar, I always wondered why the scar on MK3 was so big, and now seeing it as sliced skin from his face is gore and bad-ass for him!
Btw I prefer him over that fan art by a large margin, there is something about that fan art that seems weird. And I like what they did with the scar, I always wondered why the scar on MK3 was so big, and now seeing it as sliced skin from his face is gore and bad-ass for him!

About Me
This is how Subzero got the scar. Skip to 02:45 if you don't feel like watching the whole thing.
Lokheit Wrote:
Queve, we know you dislike the costume (well first you said you liked it, but since then you started to compare him with the fan-art and saying he isn't sexy, and his flaws, etc...), but the ranting is getting ridiculous right now.
Queve, we know you dislike the costume (well first you said you liked it, but since then you started to compare him with the fan-art and saying he isn't sexy, and his flaws, etc...), but the ranting is getting ridiculous right now.
1) No, I never stated I liked it as soon as it became obvious that it was not the real Mk3 costume. i did say, however, that I like the fact that we got an unmasked look for him.
2) And we all know other people like it and yet they are not told to be quiet about their "ridiculous" praise for such an ugly design.
daryui Wrote:
@Queve I think his hair is the best thing about unmasked Subby..
@Queve I think his hair is the best thing about unmasked Subby..
I agree! What I mean was the hair of the new one in that render. Looks ugly.

True the new unmasked sub-zero doesn't look exactly how he should, I mean they shouldn't have altered the costume, but DAMN SUBBY'S ASS BE LOOKIN' FINE in this new alt. 

If you don't download the compatibility packs, you hurt the game's online fidelity, and erode it's staying power. It annoys casual players, rather than bringing them into the MK fold. This is bad for MK in the long run, certainly worse than Freddy is in the meantime.
If you want to protest, protest by not going online in the first place (or only playing with online friends- like I do). But don't hold broad online play hostage to MK-fanboy idiosyncrasies. Casual players don't understand why you're intentionally desyncing the game anyway.
NRS will hear your complaint when they see that the sales figures are low for Freddy. Anything more is going to hurt this community.
If you want to protest, protest by not going online in the first place (or only playing with online friends- like I do). But don't hold broad online play hostage to MK-fanboy idiosyncrasies. Casual players don't understand why you're intentionally desyncing the game anyway.
NRS will hear your complaint when they see that the sales figures are low for Freddy. Anything more is going to hurt this community.

About Me
Xbox GT: BodamEscapePlan
~ Sig: MKWhopper ~
Thank you billybobthornton.
Someone gets it.
Someone gets it.
Keep the classic Ninjas coming. I dont bother. The collection must be complete.
They should use this concept to the others ninjas, Scorpion with his Skull, Reptile with his Lizard face all in the UMK3 suits.
Its classic and new at same time.
And remember. I still want Mileena MK2.
Keep the classic Ninjas coming. I dont bother. The collection must be complete.
They should use this concept to the others ninjas, Scorpion with his Skull, Reptile with his Lizard face all in the UMK3 suits.
Its classic and new at same time.
And remember. I still want Mileena MK2.

We shouldnt be so demanding, seriously why mak every single costume?
I mean we cant get evey single costume, character, thing we want! wait till Mk10 jeez

I guess I can learn to like them..
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