15 years ago
Man this game.
I'm lovin everything i'm seein.
15 years ago
Wow so much info I love it.

Cyrax is a beast. It looks like they have put alot of effort into the cyborgs in this game. His fatality is great. His X-ray is easily one of the most impressive so far.

Kitana looks good her fans looked alot better in action. The hair is exactly as we feared it looks really stiff and moves like a big piece of fabric. I noticed the same problem with Nightwolf but it's harder to notice as his hair is shorter. Hopefully it will get adressed.

Nightwolf's fatality is a big dissapointment for me. It's good that it's quick and to the point much like his fatalities in the past. It just doesn't have much creativity which is a shock as almost all the fatalities shown so far have alot of creativity. Still it was nice to see it. I can't wait for his victory pose.

Mileena's victory pose is just awesome. Couldn't be better suited to her character. All the victory poses shown so far are on a whole new level of cool.

I really liked sub-zero's fatality. Straight out brutal. I like how all the tendons & intestines hanging out of the body.
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15 years ago
Loved the video! A soothing little something after the disappointment of no PAX-specific character reveals.

I've never been awfully interested in Cyrax, but after seeing him in action, I'm eager to include him in my Top 5 at least. His moves and overall presentation surpass my expectations, he just looks like a damn bad-ass on everything he does. Love the X-Ray, the plays with the bombs, and especially the new Net and throw. Fatality was pretty nice - I expect the Net one to be superior. Was kind of doubtful about his look when I first saw the screenshots, but I'm feeling much better now that I've perceived him in fluid motion.

I gotta say I like Kitana's new hair. Sure, the animation needs work, but IMO it's the best part of her new look. I've always wondered what she'd look like with the long hair let down. Not a fan of the outfit - I think it looks very uninspired and just thrown together. I have no idea what the hell she says when she does her specials, but I like it! It's one of those very simple, minimal things that just make a big difference and help bring the character to life. Makes it seem like she's really into the fight lol. I would've liked her moves to be flashier. They're sub-par to Cyrax's, very "uneventful".

I LOVE the voice-acting in the fights. Characters groan in pain at just the right time, in accordance to how they're being attacked. Notice Kitana's frustrated grunts as she struggles under the net, against the "victory"-grunt when she breaks free. Not that audible given the commentating, but it's there, and again, I'm a huge fan of little details.

Still trying to figure out what Cyrax says in his intro?

LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
Loved the video! A soothing little something after the disappointment of no PAX-specific character reveals.

Still trying to figure out what Cyrax says in his intro?

rather certain he says "safety disabled, combat enabled"
15 years ago
It just doesn't have much creativity which is a shock as almost all the fatalities shown so far have alot of creativity.

I would disagree with that, actually. I think we've seen a few finishers, perhaps a few too many, so far that have the same problem Nightwolf's does. "Produce a weapon, cut off parts" is too recurring a theme at the moment. I want to see more magic and explosions and a big dragon chomping into people. I mean come on, no one is interested in those stupid swords on Scorpion's back, what makes him a cool character is when he puts his actual goddamn supernatural powers to use. Right now, I feel like when I play as him, I'll end up NOT doing the Fatalities because his win pose puts on a better show.
15 years ago
This is why we havent seen more MK than we should from a "public" display :(, I wonder who that d bag was because Ive seen other videos where Hector is all cool about it.
15 years ago
LeoBrZ81 Wrote:
I gotta say I like Kitana's new hair. Sure, the animation needs work, but IMO it's the best part of her new look. I've always wondered what she'd look like with the long hair let down.

After seeing a clear video of Kitana gameplay her hair look is perfectly fine, from a very unclear video and the critics I thought her hair is awfully stiff, but it's not! It's just that in some points it goes up for no reason and this will be fixed. Actually her hair turns out to be great and exceeded my expectations. Along with her outfit she looks like a Persian ninja, a princess from "Prince of Persia". And her face from the select screen looks really pretty and with the right facial expressions.

EVERYTHING in her gameplay is studied and uniquely enhanced:

1) The supposedly square punch became unique by using her fans wavy powers to fly in the air and hit her opponent with her back.
2) Fans lift is now more realistic with the way she uses them to lift her opponent.
3) She's throwing 2 fans now, if u realize at 3:06 she didn't have the time to throw the 2nd fan since Cyrax net hit her at the same time.
4) Her tag team switch move beautifully involves her fans with a humming scream at 0:52.
5) Her slow motion throw move with a flip then the use of her fans is very cool.
6) Flying kicks not bad.
7) I've always wanted the quick fan move at 3:20 to come back from MK2!! Finally it did.

As for Cyrax, his looks are good too as we've seen him before. Concerning his moves he's just a killer machine:

1) His net is so flexible now that it's able to reach your opponent in jump mode.
2) The X-ray is stunning!! The best until now.
3) Fatality is ok, I prefer his MK3 head spinning fan one.

Nightwolf fatality is very nice and Shang Tsung arena is amazingly dark, I didn't expect to see the rain and storms in the background.
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-sig by MINION

15 years ago
I can't believe how great Cyrax is looking. I think they really went all out with him considering how terrible he was in the last two games he was in. All his moves look fantastic. I think some people mentioned that the net looked weird but I think it looks great.

Kitana looks good too. She definitely looks better in motion than she does in screen shots. Also her hair isn't as bad as I thought, or at least it's much better in the gametrailers video. Looks like she still has the pretty kick special move or at least a combo that looks like it.
15 years ago
Alright, here's some of my thoughts...


Gameplay looks spectacular! I love the throw and the X-ray. The net is animated nicely and his teleport looks cool. His model is good, though Sektor looks better to me. I'm a bit disappointed with his fatality though, nothing fresh- a few slices and a kick- already seen (Scorpion's fatality). Overall, I'm excited about Cyrax because he seems like tons of fun to play with.


Yes, the hair animation needs improvement, but her model on the select screen looks beautiful- I like her mask and her earrings. Her hair is actually spectacular on the select screen. I think this is the most beautiful female model ever done in MK. I also like the shade of blue they went with for her costume. I'm glad the Pretty Kick special is back and I'm also glad she uses the fans quite a lot during regular moves. The thing I dislike the most is that she still pulls her fans out of nowhere (on the other hand Scorpion is wielding his sword on the back and the animation when he pulls it out, and back in, is smooth). Her voice seems cool. As for the Fan Lift special- I only don't like the blue-ish whirlwind generated below the opponent. As for the gameplay, she looks incredibly fast- cool.

Other characters:

Nightwolf's fatality looks OK, Mileena's entrance is great, but I'm not that fond of her victory pose (MKA's was much better to me and it would have gone better with her entrance). I think they're showing her off without a mask a bit too much and so her ugly mouth loses that OMG effect when you see it. Still, she's OK overall.

All of the arenas look fantastic and the gameplay looks very fast paced and flowing. I don't like the announcer though.
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15 years ago
Seems Kitana's pretty kicks are back. Around 3:23 to 3:26

Kitana looks great! Very pleased with how she looks on the select screen picture and in game Really like the texture and detail in her mask and costume, and the earrings, tiara/band and chocker type thing holding her top up. I like her flip/throw move, and how theyve changed the fan-lift animation to be more like it was in Shoalin Monks. Think something akin to he pretty kick was in there too and theyve personalised the square wave punch by adding some fan animation in there too. Dont really know what the big deal about her hair is, it looks fine to me. (At least it moves, folk would moan if it didnt, now they do when it does). Cant wait to see more of her and her fatalities.

Cyrax i was always a bit 'meh' toward, but seeing him in gameplay Im really looking forward to playing as him. He looks fast and deadly and his fatality was pretty cool. Simple yet effective. Something about the green net to me looks slightly strange (cant quite put my finger on it) but im glad that move is back.
Loving Shang tsungs throne room too. It looks really good. One small complaint tho is that it looks like he kinda just sits there doing nothing, I think in this day and age they could have him more animated looking like he is really getting into the fight, but maybe he does and jsut cant see it correctly yet.
Also again loving Nightwolfs fatality. Again simple and effective without being boring. Sometimes simple and effective can be the best.
About Me
15 years ago
Kitana's fan lift, cartwheel kick, select screen render & whole appearance,
Cyrax's entrance, net move & fatality.
Nightwolf's fatality & special moves.
The lighting in Shang's Temple.

Nothing grin
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15 years ago
Looks great. Im really impressed that they reworked all of the returning MKvsDc characters from scratch, none of the animations/specials look the same.

Both Cyrax and Kitana look to have awesome gameplay! Cyraxs X-ray looks brutal, and both of their throws look sick!
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no one will ever be immortal

15 years ago

Cyrax: I might have to tag team him with scorpion because I honestly dont know which to play with at the moment. Fatality isn't to bad like the net you can use it to rest a while or do some awesome combos. His x-ray wasnt to strong it said 37% but he hit them a couple of times before it happened so it must be weaker.

Kitana: I like the costume she looks like she can do a lot of combos with those fans. I didn't notice the hair but maybe I was to busy watching cyrax .

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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

15 years ago
....instead of giving her the Square Wave Punch they gave Kitana a ridiculously looking stupid ASS FLYING ATTACK!

WeaponTheory Wrote:
....instead of giving her the Square Wave Punch they gave Kitana a ridiculously looking stupid ASS FLYING ATTACK!


Where? What time? I need to see it for...research purposes.
15 years ago
Kitana has a new special move, a feint kick. She starts to do a mid kick then pauses and goes low. Pretty Kick is down, back X
and the feint kick is down, back circle.
WeaponTheory Wrote:
....instead of giving her the Square Wave Punch they gave Kitana a ridiculously looking stupid ASS FLYING ATTACK!


am i the only one who is ok with the thought of kitana's ass flying at me instead of her fist tongue
15 years ago
MKKitana Wrote:
Loving Shang tsungs throne room too. It looks really good. One small complaint tho is that it looks like he kinda just sits there doing nothing, I think in this day and age they could have him more animated looking like he is really getting into the fight, but maybe he does and jsut cant see it correctly yet.

Shang Tsung does move while watching the fight. He moves on his chair as if someone is watching a football game, he looks exited.
15 years ago
WeaponTheory Wrote:
....instead of giving her the Square Wave Punch they gave Kitana a ridiculously looking stupid ASS FLYING ATTACK!


I agree. I like that they tried to personalize it but having her do a butt/back attack looks silly.

I dunno, Kitana has honestly been disappointing me this time around. I just don't like the direction they are going with her. Mileena on the other hand is exceeding all my expectations. At first I wasn't a fan of the outfit but it grew on me and with all the stuff we've seen of her she is just getting better and better.
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-sig by MINION

15 years ago
Whoa now that people mention Kitana comes in with a kind of Square Wave Roll. When pausing the video it definitely looks like she's spinning through the air.
15 years ago
oracle Wrote:
Whoa now that people mention Kitana comes in with a kind of Square Wave Roll. When pausing the video it definitely looks like she's spinning through the air.

No she's definitely just flying straight towards the opponent butt first. If she was spinning through the air then maybe that attack would be more visually appealing to me.
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-sig by MINION

15 years ago
Yeah you're right. I just looked at a higher quality video and she is indeed coming at you ass and back first.
This game keeps getting better and better with every new video. I wish they would release the Pax demo to the general public!grin
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15 years ago
I like Kitana's new lightblue color.
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