Nice! That looks pretty badass.
JLU51306 Wrote:
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
Holy Shite! Thanks for the link

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JLU51306 Wrote:
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
It's not bad. Like Sub's fatality, it meets my criterion, but they could have been a little more creative with it. I would have had Nightwolf snipe the head with an green arrow before the head hit the ground.

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Haha I'm loving the fatalities. Maybe this game I'll actually bother to do all of them.
JLU51306 Wrote:
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
Nightwolf's Fatality!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPlMlGxgSNk
Yes! Thank you! What I've been waiting for. I just wish they would've done a little more, like have lightning strike the neck after the head is decapitated.

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Fare Thee Well

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Very nice Nightwolf fatality! simple yet effective.
Love love loveeeeee Shang Tsung's Throneroom! God that stage looks amazzzinggg! Love the rain and lightning effects. Nightwolf's fatality is pretty sweet. Least favorite so far but still friggen amazing. Thanks for vids guys!
Shohayabusa Wrote:
thats with shang tsung thorn room!
thats with shang tsung thorn room!
Nice! Nightwolf looks awesome. Everybody looks awesome. Like everybody looks equally dangerous in the right hands. I'm loving this. I wanna see Nightwolfs win pose.
Im kinda dissapointed that they went and changed his grapple to that lame choke toss charge thing but still im happy to get some footage!

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no one will ever be immortal
Shangs throne room looks awesome I must admit nightwolfs fatality is not to shabby
as noted earlier in this thread, nightwolf looks like a combo badass. his fatal is nice; nothing shocking or fancy, but suits him. why he seems to be the least favorite among testers perplexes me. shang tsung looks great and i pray that is one of his outfits he will fight in. the throne room background is even better than i had expected with the lightning, etc.
still a shame no direct videos yet but take what we can get, ey.
still a shame no direct videos yet but take what we can get, ey.

Newbie1234 Wrote:
Game is looking good so far and I'm optimistic, but I'm not yet convinced that this can be a competitive fighter. I recall Boon and co. also had high hopes for MKvsDC with all the balance and DLC talk prior to that game. I bought it day one and it was pretty disappointing.
Game is looking good so far and I'm optimistic, but I'm not yet convinced that this can be a competitive fighter. I recall Boon and co. also had high hopes for MKvsDC with all the balance and DLC talk prior to that game. I bought it day one and it was pretty disappointing.
Well don't forget that that was back when Midway owned Mortal Kombat. They never gave Boon and Co. enough time to make a truly great game, and they went out of business before any DLC could be released.

Loving Shang's Throne Room as well, that massive storm is bad fucking ass, the dragon statues are looking super good too. About to put in my custom MK stick order to AinAB!! Just want to learn a little more about the button layout first. Super fucking pumped about this game. Just keeps getting better and better.
Remonster Wrote:
Well don't forget that that was back when Midway owned Mortal Kombat. They never gave Boon and Co. enough time to make a truly great game,
Well don't forget that that was back when Midway owned Mortal Kombat. They never gave Boon and Co. enough time to make a truly great game,
Because the five years between 4 and Deadly Alliance was no time at all.

Also I see Hector Sanchez walking around and watching people playing, in multiple videos, Seems like he's cool with people filming.

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Wow even though his fatality was simple and to the point it was pretty badass.
And people complained about his fatalties not being "magical", he just summoned two spirit tomahawks outta nowhere.
And people complained about his fatalties not being "magical", he just summoned two spirit tomahawks outta nowhere.

About Me
Fare Thee Well
OptimusGrime Wrote:
Because the five years between 4 and Deadly Alliance was no time at all.
Remonster Wrote:
Well don't forget that that was back when Midway owned Mortal Kombat. They never gave Boon and Co. enough time to make a truly great game,
Well don't forget that that was back when Midway owned Mortal Kombat. They never gave Boon and Co. enough time to make a truly great game,
Because the five years between 4 and Deadly Alliance was no time at all.
I loved DA, it was a badass game that made the leap to 3d, nothing wrong with it. sooo why are you guys hating it for.
Da, and deception where great. Armageddon, and mkvsdc i did not care for.
TortureLegend Wrote:
Also I see Hector Sanchez walking around and watching people playing, in multiple videos, Seems like he's cool with people filming.
Also I see Hector Sanchez walking around and watching people playing, in multiple videos, Seems like he's cool with people filming.
PAX is public, so yeah they don't really care.
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it is EXCELLENT! It is just how I imagined it earlier today; An homage to both of his MK6 fatalities. Simple. Quick. Visceral. To The Point. Just how I like them. I hear thats how Kitana's is too.

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Fare Thee Well
Well, if you want some more impressions, heres a pod cast by
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
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Shohayabusa Wrote:
Well, if you want some more impressions, heres a pod cast by
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
Well, if you want some more impressions, heres a pod cast by
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
interesting, thanx

Shohayabusa Wrote:
Well, if you want some more impressions, heres a pod cast by
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
Well, if you want some more impressions, heres a pod cast by
4pp: 4 player podcast
starts about 25:00
conflicting likes and what not. not to bad.
He was really defending it against the people who haven't played it.
About Me

Man, this game looks amazing. Animation is smooth, gameplay looks solid from what we've seen, and the characters feel unique. Love it
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