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04/18/2008 07:38 AM (UTC)
firesnake Wrote:
I'm still hoping that this is all fake.

I hate to think like that, but it's got to be. No way midway would let this wp out before the official tell all @ MGDC 2 morrow. If no one can speak about stuff, this WP is fake.
04/18/2008 07:39 AM (UTC)
This is one of the biggest let downs ever. There better be a real MK coming and this mk dc joke is just for wii or something. but, i have soul calibur 4 to look forward to so if all mk has to offer is a mega lame comic for teens version of mk then it wont matter if i am done with mk. for those who love comics hooray for you but what about those of us who play mk to rip off heads...
04/18/2008 07:41 AM (UTC)
Damn, as much as i like this idea. Something isn't right It looks real, but it just don't fit. WorldsCollide.com how can they officialy put that site down, when it's already registered. Sumn about this is tricky. I still think it's MKVSDC. But i have a feeling this is a hoax.

Learn to use a freakin' WhoIs Tool. Or go back to my first post in this topic and read it.

"Summary for 'worldscollide.com'
Default Hostname: host02.midwaygamesips.m.subnet.rcn.com

Companies that purchase domain names for future products, but want to obscure their involvement for marketing buzz, often use law firms or WhoIs privacy. I'll admit that I'm curious about the 2002 registration, but it is owned by Midway, plain and simple.
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As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

04/18/2008 07:45 AM (UTC)
kryptonbomb....that image is almost exactly how some of us feel. im going to wait until tomorrow and see what happens
04/18/2008 07:45 AM (UTC)
I didnt think about the rage thing. Good point
04/18/2008 07:45 AM (UTC)
Maybe...just maybe, there is good news coming up. Maybe what MKO has been told is for the Wii version. They haven't announced any systems with the news lead.

Ah yes ofcourse. Ed Said this would be a dark and gritty game. Kinda like.....Gears of War. He was aiming for that look remember??? I would still wait till tomorrow.
04/18/2008 07:46 AM (UTC)
They probably have other websites just like that just for later on down the road when they need a website to use for a future game that hasn't been thought of yet.
04/18/2008 07:46 AM (UTC)
Okay... seriously. I can't say everything there is to say about this game because of the embargo, and the fact I still respect Midway enough not do that, but this is not fake.

This image was an exclusive to us, it's meant to be a teaser until the embargo is lifted. Do you people forget Midway gave us the MKD teaser first, before any other site? I hate to crush and break your dreams, but this is real and there will be a lot more information tomorrow including an interview.
04/18/2008 07:46 AM (UTC)
Well,this game idea it's something bad,hell has frozen over again,but i was thinking of ripping Batman's spine or cutting Wonder Woman in half,but im sure this isnt happening because of the Kotaku article,so fuck off,may be it has a decent fighting engine,but MK without fatalities aint MK.
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

04/18/2008 07:47 AM (UTC)
Ok, look. When was the last time MKO posted something that the staff wasn't 110% certain was true? There's never been fake news passed off as real news. There's never been rumors put up as a news article.

Love it or hate it, fine. But:


04/18/2008 07:48 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
Okay... seriously. I can't say everything there is to say about this game because of the embargo, and the fact I still respect Midway enough not do that, but this is not fake.

This image was an exclusive to us, it's meant to be a teaser until the embargo is lifted. Do you people forget Midway gave us the MKD teaser first, before any other site? I hate to crush and break your dreams, but this is real and there will be a lot more information tomorrow including an interview.

What if the info that was provided to you was for the Wii version? Furthermore, I thought this game was supposed to be darker and grittier than ever. IF this game is rated Teen, then that would be impossible no?
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
04/18/2008 07:48 AM (UTC)
I'm just gonna say I'm iffy. I have a feeling this is a joke. Noob.com as i said would reveal the image 2 morrow. So why would they just go and release this HI-RES wallpaper, but blur scorpion? It's not adding up. I say boon did this to calm us down, but it's not what the next installment is. No way he could of got this WP idea from gears. And in no way, shape, or form. Does this display anything Gritty. Idk fellas. I just don't know... I honestly can't see midway using these DC characters for their game. They would have to profit share with DC. It's just not right, i can feel it.

IamTheS Wrote:
Damn, as much as i like this idea. Something isn't right It looks real, but it just don't fit. WorldsCollide.com how can they officialy put that site down, when it's already registered. Sumn about this is tricky. I still think it's MKVSDC. But i have a feeling this is a hoax.

Learn to use a freakin' WhoIs Tool. Or go back to my first post in this topic and read it.

"Summary for 'worldscollide.com'
Default Hostname: host02.midwaygamesips.m.subnet.rcn.com

Companies that purchase domain names for future products, but want to obscure their involvement for marketing buzz, often use law firms or WhoIs privacy. I'll admit that I'm curious about the 2002 registration, but it is owned by Midway, plain and simple.

I know man, i read that. But I'm saying for an MK8 game. This seems wrong for a next installment.
04/18/2008 07:48 AM (UTC)
Hey Crow, is it at all possible that this is some sort of inside joke or something of that nature, that not even you guys know about? Or maybe they will do something else with DC like a side game or something.
04/18/2008 07:49 AM (UTC)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait this is gonna kick major ass
04/18/2008 07:49 AM (UTC)
I really don't know what to say as I type this...

I am angry.

With this little to no violence crap (If true) I will in fact be sitting out of my first Console Mortal Kombat.

I love DC. Batman is cool. Yet this is not cool.

I can only hope to god this is only one of the titles they will be releasing in '08-'09.

04/18/2008 07:50 AM (UTC)
Poor Crow... if I knew for sure what country you were in, I'd think you were losing a lot of sleep policing this board. Either way, you've got it tough :( When you're done here, go have a spot of tea and either meditate or take a nap. You've earned it :)
04/18/2008 07:50 AM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Ok, look. When was the last time MKO posted something that the staff wasn't 110% certain was true? There's never been fake news passed off as real news. There's never been rumors put up as a news article.

Love it or hate it, fine. But:



What about the fake teaser that was posted as news. HUH?
04/18/2008 07:50 AM (UTC)
This game is going to be noting but Friendships and fakeatlity....."Danger" "Danger" "FINISH HIM!" "Tickle tickle" "Friendship"

04/18/2008 07:51 AM (UTC)
Ok lets say this is all real and all that stuff.But one thing i want to know is when does it take place?Is it after MK7 or before?Is this a actual mk game or just a game with mk characters in it with dc ones as well.Does this take place in the mk realm or dc universe?That and is this a direct sequel or not?

But if anything the one question I want to know as probably all of you want to.Is why did they chose DC for a vs game with MK?

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04/18/2008 07:53 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
Do you people forget Midway gave us the MKD teaser first, before any other site? I hate to crush and break your dreams, but this is real and there will be a lot more information tomorrow including an interview.

I did. I don't even remember what it was...
... but I do remember being a bit disappointed with Deception, so it looks like they're playing true to form. You think I'd learn...

It'll be interesting to see if there's something positive to take away from an exercise like this, even as simple as something like a refined system of gameplay. One almost wants to assume the new fight mechanics would be to accomodate the guests, but I'm not feeling particularly confident in my assumptions right now...
04/18/2008 07:53 AM (UTC)
Everyone, this could be a good thing!!! Completely revolutionary! This is gonna skyrocket MK back in the news, by that I mean current media, (current gaming media!!!) I am soooooo happy! I could see how many could be dissapointed but if you are a good fan, keep to the series. I never wanted to lay my hands on Batman but forgive me!!! I am so stoked! What an image might I add!
04/18/2008 07:53 AM (UTC)
Yeah guys, I'm sure they flew everyone out to Las Vegas for an April Fool's joke. Try to at least use some common sense here? As for Boon's image on Noob.com, there's a reason for that... I'm not going to go into it though, again.

There's a lot more to this game that just this image... you guys just need to get over it. If you don't like it, that's fine, 4 hours of ranting and 300 posts later I'm sure you guys are worn out by now. If you do like, then good for you. You got what you wanted. Again, there will be more tomorrow, and while I don't know every single thing that there will be, there will be more than just this...
04/18/2008 07:53 AM (UTC)
sonicherosfan1 Wrote:
Ok lets say this is all real and all that stuff.But one thing i want to know is when does it take place?Is it after MK7 or before?Is this a actual mk game or just a game with mk characters in it with dc ones as well.Does this take place in the mk realm or dc universe?That and is this a direct sequel or not?

But if anything the one question I want to know as probably all of you want to.Is why did they chose DC for a vs game with MK?

Yeah, good thinking SonicHeroesfan1. What about the storyline....How will this fit in with the MK universe??
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Groundbreaking Debut | You[Tube] | deviantART | Twitter
04/18/2008 07:54 AM (UTC)
Crow i never doubted it wasn't gonna be a game bro. I just can't see it being MK8. I don't know. I'll just wait it out. No sense in trying to argue this. I have no reason to. And never for once would i assume MKO is lying, or you. You know me better then this.
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