SubMan799, you're still missing the point somehow. This Nexus angle is almost instantly making 7 new stars. Morrison, MVP, Henry and Evan Bourne are all already established stars.
You'd have to be insane to waste a master angle like this on someone like Mark Henry who is 39 YEARS OLD. No, he couldn't use the push more than what's his name. Mark Henry has one thing to give to the wrestling business right now, and that's putting over the new guys. That's it.
EDIT: Oh, and speaking Justin Gabriel and the angel gimmick, just thought I'd point out that his real name is Paul Loydd Jr.
You'd have to be insane to waste a master angle like this on someone like Mark Henry who is 39 YEARS OLD. No, he couldn't use the push more than what's his name. Mark Henry has one thing to give to the wrestling business right now, and that's putting over the new guys. That's it.
EDIT: Oh, and speaking Justin Gabriel and the angel gimmick, just thought I'd point out that his real name is Paul Loydd Jr.
SubMan799 •08/05/2010 04:48 AM (UTC) •
About Me
I was just using Mark Henry as an example of the midcard. And in my eyes this thing isn't going to work for those seven rookies. How many matches have we got showing what Heath Buttfucking Slater can do in the ring? Or how about Tarver or Otunga? One squash match. If this angle is supposed to make new stars then its not working.
I dunno, I just figured having midcarders who have worked hard over the years getting a huge push would be better to watch than seven rookies. Its entertaining because of the Raw side and Barret, nothing else the rookies have done have got my excited to watch the Summerslam Match. Whenever any of the rookies besides Otunga and Barret talk I groan. Especially buttfucking slater
I dunno, I just figured having midcarders who have worked hard over the years getting a huge push would be better to watch than seven rookies. Its entertaining because of the Raw side and Barret, nothing else the rookies have done have got my excited to watch the Summerslam Match. Whenever any of the rookies besides Otunga and Barret talk I groan. Especially buttfucking slater
Whether you like them or not this angle IS making new stars, that's not an issue open up for debate. When this is through, people on the streets will be recognizing the Nexus guys, and when they are given their individual pushes, people will already remember them from this feud.
I still don't know how you could ask when was the last time we saw MVP on TV when he keeps getting featured on Smackdown!, NXT and I think even Superstars.
I still don't know how you could ask when was the last time we saw MVP on TV when he keeps getting featured on Smackdown!, NXT and I think even Superstars.
You have a very loose definition of "star."
I also think it's silly that more established wrestlers don't get as much play as the Nexus greenhorns so I can sort of see SubMan's point. Creating new "stars," good; doing it with rookies at the top of the card while your quality midcard talent act as filler, that's unusual to say the least. Actually when I think about it... Nothing wrong with an invasion angle, but you can't not make an invasion a big deal, because that's the whole point of the angle. When you do a rookie "invasion" it means you're giving a bunch of stupid rookies more importance than most of the rest of your card who are already established and dying for exposure themselves. Kind of retarded. Luckily for WWE it doesn't seem to have worked out too badly I guess, probably because the audience is exposed to all sorts of booking retardation on a regular basis to the point where two people talking about their personal lives is an acceptable main event for a pro wrestling card. But I couldn't see it working in any other promotion. So yeah, I actually don't think it's an unreasonable complaint. Not that I care. I don't even watch WWE.
Personally, I think WWE will be lucky if even one of those guys turns out to be worth it.
I also think it's silly that more established wrestlers don't get as much play as the Nexus greenhorns so I can sort of see SubMan's point. Creating new "stars," good; doing it with rookies at the top of the card while your quality midcard talent act as filler, that's unusual to say the least. Actually when I think about it... Nothing wrong with an invasion angle, but you can't not make an invasion a big deal, because that's the whole point of the angle. When you do a rookie "invasion" it means you're giving a bunch of stupid rookies more importance than most of the rest of your card who are already established and dying for exposure themselves. Kind of retarded. Luckily for WWE it doesn't seem to have worked out too badly I guess, probably because the audience is exposed to all sorts of booking retardation on a regular basis to the point where two people talking about their personal lives is an acceptable main event for a pro wrestling card. But I couldn't see it working in any other promotion. So yeah, I actually don't think it's an unreasonable complaint. Not that I care. I don't even watch WWE.
Personally, I think WWE will be lucky if even one of those guys turns out to be worth it.
SubMan799 •08/05/2010 10:25 PM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
Whether you like them or not this angle IS making new stars, that's not an issue open up for debate. When this is through, people on the streets will be recognizing the Nexus guys, and when they are given their individual pushes, people will already remember them from this feud.
I still don't know how you could ask when was the last time we saw MVP on TV when he keeps getting featured on Smackdown!, NXT and I think even Superstars.
Whether you like them or not this angle IS making new stars, that's not an issue open up for debate. When this is through, people on the streets will be recognizing the Nexus guys, and when they are given their individual pushes, people will already remember them from this feud.
I still don't know how you could ask when was the last time we saw MVP on TV when he keeps getting featured on Smackdown!, NXT and I think even Superstars.
oh yeah he's on smackdown....
but I stand by my point that the midcard should have had the push over the rookies.
It would have been nearly pointless for the reasons I've already pointed out. Like Jericho himself said in an interview recently, it is something that's never been done before and for that the angle is turning heads and getting people to pay attention.
People complain all the time about how wrestling is so repetitive and how WWE recycles angles and feuds all the time. Well this is something completely new, and it's creating 7 new established characters (sorry if the word ''star'' is too big Shibata, but maybe you should actually watch the product if you want to enter a discussion regarding how over these kids are and what their role in the product is right now).
It wouldn't even be an invasion if it was using guys like Morrison and MVP, guys who are already in the WWE.
In fact I can't really see this angle making any sense without it being the Nexus as the invaders, which I guess is also part of why the angle is being so sucessful - it's not something you can just replace the pieces around and still make it work.
Subman I'd like to hear you out but I need more than ''I stand by my ground!''. I'd like to read some proper points.
People complain all the time about how wrestling is so repetitive and how WWE recycles angles and feuds all the time. Well this is something completely new, and it's creating 7 new established characters (sorry if the word ''star'' is too big Shibata, but maybe you should actually watch the product if you want to enter a discussion regarding how over these kids are and what their role in the product is right now).
It wouldn't even be an invasion if it was using guys like Morrison and MVP, guys who are already in the WWE.
In fact I can't really see this angle making any sense without it being the Nexus as the invaders, which I guess is also part of why the angle is being so sucessful - it's not something you can just replace the pieces around and still make it work.
Subman I'd like to hear you out but I need more than ''I stand by my ground!''. I'd like to read some proper points.
Zentile Wrote:
It wouldn't even be an invasion if it was using guys like Morrison and MVP, guys who are already in the WWE.
It wouldn't even be an invasion if it was using guys like Morrison and MVP, guys who are already in the WWE.
I think that's kind of the point, bro. The idea behind an invasion angle (UWF invasion of NJPW, NWO invasion of WCW, WCW invasion of WWE, CZW invasion of ROH, etc), is to take names the audience is familiar with who aren't currently in your promotion and bring them in as threatening outsiders. If they're not known, or not threatening, you're just booking nobodies in the limelight at the expense of your established names. Which makes sense if you want to establish new names to replace the old ones. But when you already have perfectly good talent on your card who people want to see, and they're doing absolutely nothing, there's no point in establishing that much new talent.
Logically WWE is either going to keep these guys around, which will mean firing all their midcard guys like Morrison and MVP to give their airtime to the likes of David fucking Otunga, lol, or they'll just release them all once they've served their purpose of filling the roles of generic angry heels #1-7. I'd wager my money on the latter. Which I guess is consistent with WWE's short term booking pattern that relies on random ratings spikes from wacky angles, so I suppose it makes sense from a facepalming "WHY would you do that?" perspective, because that's just how WWE operates. But I think it's completely reasonable if someone is annoyed that their favorite guys are potentially getting shoved to the side for a short term television hype angle which six months down the track may as well have never happened.
Well that's MY point, bro. What sense would it make to book Morrison and MVP as invaders if they're already in the company?
The logic that in order to have the Nexus 7 as regulars on the shows implies firing the current midcard is also dumbfounding. I'm pretty sure this is just you doing that thing you do, when you say stuff that you know doesn't make any sense but you hope it'll fly and maybe it will look like you're right. Just in case it's not though...
The point of getting new talent in is not to replace the current young wrestlers. Obviously.
The point is to replace the older guys who are retiring. Obviously.
With main event names like Batista and HBK out the window, older guys like Triple H and Undertaker getting injured, and those same guys plus other veterans like Edge, Mark Henry and Rey Mysterio possibly retiring soon, 7 new guys is pretty good. It's funny you should mention a short term benefit mentality when they're clearly thinking of the future here. I don't want the WWE to wait until every main event star is either injured or retired to start making new stars. New stars aren't created overnight; guys like Morrison and MVP have already been created, Skip Sheffield and David fucking Otunga are the nobodies who need the push.
But the WWE is only a multi million dollar company that's been the #1 wrestling promotion in the world since before many of us were even born, what do they know?
The logic that in order to have the Nexus 7 as regulars on the shows implies firing the current midcard is also dumbfounding. I'm pretty sure this is just you doing that thing you do, when you say stuff that you know doesn't make any sense but you hope it'll fly and maybe it will look like you're right. Just in case it's not though...
The point of getting new talent in is not to replace the current young wrestlers. Obviously.
The point is to replace the older guys who are retiring. Obviously.
With main event names like Batista and HBK out the window, older guys like Triple H and Undertaker getting injured, and those same guys plus other veterans like Edge, Mark Henry and Rey Mysterio possibly retiring soon, 7 new guys is pretty good. It's funny you should mention a short term benefit mentality when they're clearly thinking of the future here. I don't want the WWE to wait until every main event star is either injured or retired to start making new stars. New stars aren't created overnight; guys like Morrison and MVP have already been created, Skip Sheffield and David fucking Otunga are the nobodies who need the push.
But the WWE is only a multi million dollar company that's been the #1 wrestling promotion in the world since before many of us were even born, what do they know?
SubMan799 •08/06/2010 10:15 PM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
Subman I'd like to hear you out but I need more than ''I stand by my ground!''. I'd like to read some proper points.
Subman I'd like to hear you out but I need more than ''I stand by my ground!''. I'd like to read some proper points.
Because its just not entertaining watching seven rookies taking over the WWE. Its ridiculous. These guys are boring. The Nexus bores me. Everyone besides Barret and Otunga make me cringe when they talk.
This is not making stars. I'll be shocked to see three of these guys hold titles ever. No one knows each member of the Nexus, they just know the group that is the nexus. Not each individual member. I can't even name each member because I just don't care about them. They bore me.
I just don't see it happening. You think Slater or Tarver will become big names in the business one day? No. They'll be released after jobbing to everyone for a month or two after Nexus disbands.
The only reason I like this angle is because of Team Raw. They're doing a fantastic job at making this seem big (when it just isn't.) I like how Morrison and Truth are getting more time on Raw and how they made Khali interesting. I love how Jericho and Edge settled their differences to stop Nexus (of course they left, but I think they'll come back.) Nexus has literally done nothing to make this interesting, its all on the pros.
Now if they made the invaders (or a new stable) more interesting and make it include guys like the Usos, Morrison, R-Truth and some other midcarders all lead by Barret, then I would be interested in the other team. Have HHH join them later to make them a bigger threat. Have Evan Bourne side with Team Raw to stop them. Who cares if its not a real invasion? It would still be awesome to watch and would make some of the midcarders in need of a push look awesome.
What about the entire midcard? Have the Nexus guys take it over. Make the US/Tag Titles relevant again. Fix the women's division. There are tons of possibilities. WWE has all this talent that they don't use. This is the perfect chance to flesh out the roster and show what the WWE can do.
But wait, hasn't WCW done this already with NWO? Who cares, the only reason the NWO failed is because Vince Russo is a moron.
Pretentious •08/06/2010 11:24 PM (UTC) •
SubMan799 Wrote:
Fix the women's division. There are tons of possibilities.
Fix the women's division. There are tons of possibilities.
God, what I wouldn't give for a good women's division. Joshi (especially '90s and '80s AJW) is just about my favorite wrestling ever and my current favorite wrestler anywhere is Kaori Yoneyama.
Hell even with what WWE has there's potential: Jillian has been getting good matches out of the Bellas, of all people, on Superstars, Tiffany/Layla from Superstars last night was pretty good and Tiffany/Kelly Kelly vs. LayCool from a few weeks ago was the best match on Superstars hands down. Alicia Fox isn't too bad and Eve has a ton of potential and has been getting better. They've got Natalya, Beth Phoenix coming back eventually, bringing up AJ Lee at some point, etc. and a good women's division would probably help bring in female viewers.
It's a shame WWE doesn't see it's female talent as actual wrestlers though so we get matches on Raw that last two minutes max, everyone has to rush through their signature spots and everything just looks sloppy and terrible which leads to the fans turning on them.
And I have no problem with the Nexus angle but that's because I enjoy most of the people in the stable. Barrett's going to be a main event mainstay, Slater will probably be a great midcard guy for the company, Skip is an absolutely fantastic big man who can move and talk well and definitely has a place on the roster, Gabriel (whenever he goes face again) will probably help with the same demographic the Hardys got and imagine and Tarver's a fantastic talker who, while not great in the ring, definitely has the capacity to improve.
The only real dead weight with the angle is Darren Young and David Otunga. Young isn't bad in the ring but he's not great either and he's not a great talker either although I guess reforming the South Beach Boyz with Percy could help him. Otunga is awful in just about every way possible and even his much vaunted talking ability isn't anything good as his promo on the season 1 finale showed where he got completely outclassed by Barrett.
The thing is, the upper card in the WWE is getting old. Kane and Undertaker are in their 40s and Undertaker has no knees. Triple H is in his 40s and has a ton of injuries. Edge is only 36 but has had a ton of huge injuries and his ankle is obviously still really messed up, same with Rey just that he's got screwed up knees as well. Show and Jericho aren't really injury prone but they're both almost 40.
The Nexus angle has worked as a way to hot shot the next generation of guys onto the shows and get the fans used to the guys (maybe not all of them but definitely a few) who will be the faces of the WWE in the next few years.
And involving established guys like Morrison or Truth completely kills the entire point of the angle. These are young guys hungry to carve out their place in the company. There are no egos involved, only seven guys who bonded over the experience of NXT season 1. They were treated like garbage, dicked around by management and made to do degrading and humiliating challenges because the WWE is a sophmorish business where you have to "pay your dues" and these guys decided "Well screw this, we're just as passionate about doing this and we DESERVE to be here so let's take over and change everything so nobody has to go through the garbage we had to go through again." Adding established guys completely destroys that because this isn't an nWo or InVasion style invasion angle where it's established guys establishing their superiority, it's young guys who hate the way the idiots at the top treat guys like them and are looking to change things.
Adding a mastermind like Triple H would be even WORSE because there has never been an instance where there's a mastermind reveal behind a faction and it's turned out well. Adding a mastermind instantly changes of the focus to be about the mastermind. Making it someone like Triple H, who tends to be in the spotlight regardless, will make it even worse as the entire angle will then revolve around him as Nexus gets pushed into a henchmen role.
SubMan799 •08/07/2010 12:50 AM (UTC) •
About Me
Alright, I see where you guys are coming from. I guess you're right, the WWE needs to get new wrestlers. But I just don't think its entertaining to watch these guys beating up on wrestlers. Guess that's just me, hopefully they'll change my mind when they wrestle at the PPV
SubMan799 Wrote:
Alright, I see where you guys are coming from. I guess you're right, the WWE needs to get new wrestlers. But I just don't think its entertaining to watch these guys beating up on wrestlers. Guess that's just me, hopefully they'll change my mind when they wrestle at the PPV
Alright, I see where you guys are coming from. I guess you're right, the WWE needs to get new wrestlers. But I just don't think its entertaining to watch these guys beating up on wrestlers. Guess that's just me, hopefully they'll change my mind when they wrestle at the PPV
I get your point now. To be honest I never even mention Darren Young because I can't even remember him. And I agree that Nexus would be even better if all guys were actually good, but it's hard to wait for an opportunity like that. WWE relaxed a little a few years ago and that's why they're pushing so many young wrestlers so quickly now. They relied too much on Orton, Batista and Cena because they were just outstanding and got over quickly.
I think they realized that they can't just wait for 5 star main eventers all the time, they have to give 4 star and medicore guys a chance, or they'll end up with no roster at all.
Anyway, I guess Summerslam will be THE opportunity for the Nexus guys to prove themselves.
As for Smackdown!, I'm very happy for Dolph even though the match was the shits. Hopefully his title defenses will be far better.
Did anyone understand how Rey Mysterio knew that Kane had attacked the Undertaker?
Pretentious •08/07/2010 04:36 AM (UTC) •
Zentile Wrote:
As for Smackdown!, I'm very happy for Dolph even though the match was the shits. Hopefully his title defenses will be far better.
As for Smackdown!, I'm very happy for Dolph even though the match was the shits. Hopefully his title defenses will be far better.
That has a lot to do with the fact that Kofi is not as good as people like to believe. He's flashy but he's also pretty damn sloppy and his moves lack anything resembling impact. He's pretty much just Shelton Benjamin only better on the mic.
Dolph owns though and is one of my favorite guys on the roster and I'm glad he finally has the belt. If only he'd be defending it against someone like Chris Masters, who's become a pretty good worker since he came back to the WWE and is really good at getting the crowd into his matches, instead of probably continuing the feud with Kofi. Or move Goldust over to SD! or something. God I would mark soooo hard for a Dolph/Goldust feud over the IC title.
WHAT?! Chris Masters? That guy has ONE gimmick, ONE face, ONE move. Besides Hornblower, he's the biggest waste of paycheck in WWE.
Kingston is very good, he gets over quickly and he's amazingly athletic, but I do agree that his moves don't look like they make that much impact, but I don't blame it all on him. I mean, that finisher he was using where he flipped himself and his opponent fell behind his head looked devastating, yet I think he's not given that much of a chance to work with big guys.
You know? If you hit a move on a guy your size, it looks like it works, but if it would be used on a big guy who would sell it, then it looks like actually is strong.
For example, think of Orton's RKO. Does it look like Orton is dragging the person down? Not much, yet it looks like it has a great impact because of the people who sold it and still do. Dolph's sleeper hold and Master's are pretty boring and besides when they are used for them in particular, when you got somebody in that kind of hold, you see them elbow their opponent in the gut twice or three times and momentum's traded. Now, Kingston has had to fight very few upper-carters and, most importantly for my point, big tall guys.
He's not perfect, but people sure a hell want to see more of him jumping around than Chris Masters looking at people and then putting a hold that is not even a 10th of the dramatic as the crossface or ankle lock.
Kingston is very good, he gets over quickly and he's amazingly athletic, but I do agree that his moves don't look like they make that much impact, but I don't blame it all on him. I mean, that finisher he was using where he flipped himself and his opponent fell behind his head looked devastating, yet I think he's not given that much of a chance to work with big guys.
You know? If you hit a move on a guy your size, it looks like it works, but if it would be used on a big guy who would sell it, then it looks like actually is strong.
For example, think of Orton's RKO. Does it look like Orton is dragging the person down? Not much, yet it looks like it has a great impact because of the people who sold it and still do. Dolph's sleeper hold and Master's are pretty boring and besides when they are used for them in particular, when you got somebody in that kind of hold, you see them elbow their opponent in the gut twice or three times and momentum's traded. Now, Kingston has had to fight very few upper-carters and, most importantly for my point, big tall guys.
He's not perfect, but people sure a hell want to see more of him jumping around than Chris Masters looking at people and then putting a hold that is not even a 10th of the dramatic as the crossface or ankle lock.
A few diverging opinions here.
I think saying Kofi is Shelton but better on the mic is an insult to Shelton. Shelton Benjamin's a great wrestler, he's just not much of a superstar. Kofi is definitely over rated, he's a good wrestler but not really a good worker. He's been lucky to work with some great workers like Christian and Jericho but that's it. He is pretty sloppy at times.
From what I've seen on Superstars Chris Masters has improved greatly as a worker. He does NOT have ''one move'', and really it doesn't matter how many moves you have as long as you can work. Kofi is flashier but Masters might actually be the better workhorse at this point, it would be pretty interesting to see a Dolph vs Masters match and how it would work out.
Shyriu, from your description of Masters it doesn't seem like you've even watched his matches since he came back as a babyface. You should check him out.
Dolph vs Goldust would be pretty cool too.
I think saying Kofi is Shelton but better on the mic is an insult to Shelton. Shelton Benjamin's a great wrestler, he's just not much of a superstar. Kofi is definitely over rated, he's a good wrestler but not really a good worker. He's been lucky to work with some great workers like Christian and Jericho but that's it. He is pretty sloppy at times.
From what I've seen on Superstars Chris Masters has improved greatly as a worker. He does NOT have ''one move'', and really it doesn't matter how many moves you have as long as you can work. Kofi is flashier but Masters might actually be the better workhorse at this point, it would be pretty interesting to see a Dolph vs Masters match and how it would work out.
Shyriu, from your description of Masters it doesn't seem like you've even watched his matches since he came back as a babyface. You should check him out.
Dolph vs Goldust would be pretty cool too.
acidslayer •08/07/2010 04:38 PM (UTC) •
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i'm excited to finally see rvd vs jerry in a match again. also i hear that sabu and a few other ecw orignals will be at hardcore justice. i wonder if bill alfonso will be a manager for the whole f'n show at hardcore justice.
also does anyone think if linda does not win we might get back the tv 14 rating because a few sites on the web say so but those are only just rumors and speculation.
another thing i hope chris jericho's dvd will be any good. hoping to see rvd vs jericho matches,his win for the undisputed title, his highlight reel/jericho tron highlights, and many more.
i don't even know half of the raw roster or smackdown roster. i don't watch next. the only reason why i'm watching tna is for rvd and the ecw orignals. i'm just losing interest in wrestlng with all the lame matches, interviews, lack of blood and violence.
bring back tv14 rating or even better make it tv ma and let the blood and fists fly.
also does anyone think if linda does not win we might get back the tv 14 rating because a few sites on the web say so but those are only just rumors and speculation.
another thing i hope chris jericho's dvd will be any good. hoping to see rvd vs jericho matches,his win for the undisputed title, his highlight reel/jericho tron highlights, and many more.
i don't even know half of the raw roster or smackdown roster. i don't watch next. the only reason why i'm watching tna is for rvd and the ecw orignals. i'm just losing interest in wrestlng with all the lame matches, interviews, lack of blood and violence.
bring back tv14 rating or even better make it tv ma and let the blood and fists fly.
SubMan799 •08/07/2010 08:51 PM (UTC) •
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RVD vs. Jerry has been canceled
Zentile Wrote:
Well that's MY point, bro. What sense would it make to book Morrison and MVP as invaders if they're already in the company?
Well that's MY point, bro. What sense would it make to book Morrison and MVP as invaders if they're already in the company?
Also: Ziggler is 30 years old. Morrison is 30. Miz is 29. Swagger is 29. H Smith is 24. Bourne is 27. Dibiase Jr is 27. JTG is 27.
Barrett and Gabriel are 29. Tarver is 32. They're not "young," they're as old as everyone else, and they're not the next generation. They're the current generation, playing catchup, because they're not established, and not as experienced in a WWE environment as the aforementioned. Food for thought.
Edit: Also, Shelton Botchiman blows. He's known for being able to jump really high, getting kicked in the face by HBK, and throwing himself off ladders. None of those things make you a good pro wrestler. Nor does being athletic in general. His matches are shit because they don't make logical sense on any level. Nevermind his fine skill in consistently blowing high spots, or even basic sequences. Masters on the other hand is a far better wrestler because he puts together simple matches which are usually done reasonably well, because most importantly they make sense. As an added bonus, if he blows a spot he doesn't fall on his head like a retard and lose his audience.
Fine, I won't call them young. I don't see how nitpicking wins arguments but that's your strategy. Creating new stars is important regardless of their age. Wade Barrett is only a year younger than Dolph Ziggler. What the hell does that have anything to do with the discussion at hand? I'm not saying Nexus should get pushed because of age, obviously. They're just creating new stars. Hell MVP's 36 years old and an already established superstar with several Wrestlemania matches under his belt, U.S. title reigns and feuds with Benoit, Matt Hardy, Kane etc.
Yes they are the current generation, the future veterans. What's the problem?
don't even know what your point is anymore, besides everything sucking except Japanese pro wrestling and anyone who stiffs their opponents.
I still don't see how you can talk about the subject of Nexus when you don't even watch the product. If you don't know what you're talking about, really, why talk about it?
Yes they are the current generation, the future veterans. What's the problem?
don't even know what your point is anymore, besides everything sucking except Japanese pro wrestling and anyone who stiffs their opponents.
I still don't see how you can talk about the subject of Nexus when you don't even watch the product. If you don't know what you're talking about, really, why talk about it?
Zentile Wrote:
don't even know what your point is anymore, besides everything sucking except Japanese pro wrestling and anyone who stiffs their opponents.
don't even know what your point is anymore, besides everything sucking except Japanese pro wrestling and anyone who stiffs their opponents.
Pretty sharp comment bro, following a post I just typed singing Chris Masters' praises...
You don't know what my point was because you didn't want to; you are absolutely not going to consider the merits of any point of view which isn't accepted WWE smarkism. In my case out of sheer stubbornness if nothing else. As demonstrated above. Which is why I can't be bothered.
TheMkGeek •08/08/2010 08:28 PM (UTC) •
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Zentile Wrote:
Not officialy yet, just a rumor.
Not officialy yet, just a rumor.
-- Dixie Carter tweeted the following today: Dreamer & I just met w/RVD. With Jerry Lynn out w/serious back injury, RVD to decide on his main event opponent & get back to us soon. Note from Ryan Clark: It should be noted that this is indeed true. RVD has been given the opportunity to choose whoever he'd like to face tonight and is talking to people backstage about a potential match. Sabu is definitely a possibility
According to multiple sources within World Wrestling Entertainment, the company has signed reigning ROH World Champion Tyler Black to a contract.
It is believed that Black signed a developmental deal with WWE, but it has not been confirmed. He is expected to start with the company in September.
Black, who has been with Ring of Honor since 2007, has several title defenses scheduled next month. He will defend the ROH World Championship at the Glory by Honor Internet pay-per-view on Sept. 11 against Roderick Strong.
Black recently indicated on his Twitter account that he had some "decisions" to make, which sparked rumors that he would be joining WWE.
When contacted about the rumour, ROH owner Cary Silkin had no comment
(that's gotta piss of Cary Silkin)
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