19 years ago
TheMkGeek Wrote:

Yeah, ok! Bischoff did kill WCW, it's a proven fact, however, he didn't do it alone. He had help from Vinnie Russo.

Not to mention Ted Turner, a bunch of television exec's, the wrestlers themselves, and various other external sources. So really, he didn't kill it all, he just helped kill it, along with many others. At the time, Russo took a lot of the heat for "killing" WCW. And so he should have, because in 99 when Bischoff was fired, WCW was still save-able. Russo played a much more central role than Bischoff did IMO, because he took WCW from bad to absolutely abysmal. But Bischoff takes the heat for it on television because it's good for ratings, partly true, and establishes him as a heel quite nicely. He did play a large part initially, but he didn't "kill WCW," as such.

Also, Flair's mugshot after turning himself in:

Geez. Look at the marks on his forehead from blading, that's crazy.
19 years ago
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
Nikodemus Wrote:
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
Batista > Funaki > Cena


Cena > Alpha wow

wow Alright well in that case

Gobbledy Gooker > Niko wow

Gobbledy Gooker = Hector Guerrero < Cena
19 years ago
lmao. that smackdown special totally sucked ass. the only decent match was the benoit/booker match, and it was a "been there dont it" match for me...i still got the original best of 7 on tape.

big show vs ray shouldnt have even happened, cause its already happend many times before. and yes i know its wrestling and all, but you could tell that match was sooo scripted. bigshow out side the ring "punch me" rey: "*punches*" cole: "omg he poked him in the eye!" tazz: "yea, it looks like it thumbed him right in the eye"..that match was a waste of time.

then comes the big ending..please excuse me for a sec...*goes and pukes*...ok im back, anyway, im sick of the undertaker dying and comin back over and over. he needs to die for good. hes rusty, and appearently blind, as he threw puches at orton that wasnt close to connectiong, and orton still tried to sell them, lol. dont get me started on the rubber tire iron.

then, orton backed the car into the stage entrence..it was cool up until the pyros starting going off along with the fog machines. that was so lame. i was waiting to see eddies face appear on the car or something cheesy like that.

eddie was a great wrestler and will be missed, but you gotta understand that vince is a bastard. i cant believe theyre using eddie to try and get ratings and shit. big show spitting on the car? wtf???

after watching that garbage, i wasnt praying to eddie, i was thanking god for tna.
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

19 years ago
Shinnox Wrote:
lmao. that smackdown special totally sucked ass....

eddie was a great wrestler and will be missed, but you gotta understand that vince is a bastard.

Quoted for truth.
19 years ago
Shinnox Wrote:
lmao. that smackdown special totally sucked ass. the only decent match was the benoit/booker match, and it was a "been there dont it" match for me...i still got the original best of 7 on tape.

big show vs ray shouldnt have even happened, cause its already happend many times before. and yes i know its wrestling and all, but you could tell that match was sooo scripted. bigshow out side the ring "punch me" rey: "*punches*" cole: "omg he poked him in the eye!" tazz: "yea, it looks like it thumbed him right in the eye"..that match was a waste of time.

then comes the big ending..please excuse me for a sec...*goes and pukes*...ok im back, anyway, im sick of the undertaker dying and comin back over and over. he needs to die for good. hes rusty, and appearently blind, as he threw puches at orton that wasnt close to connectiong, and orton still tried to sell them, lol. dont get me started on the rubber tire iron.

then, orton backed the car into the stage entrence..it was cool up until the pyros starting going off along with the fog machines. that was so lame. i was waiting to see eddies face appear on the car or something cheesy like that.

eddie was a great wrestler and will be missed, but you gotta understand that vince is a bastard. i cant believe theyre using eddie to try and get ratings and shit. big show spitting on the car? wtf???

after watching that garbage, i wasnt praying to eddie, i was thanking god for tna.

...and here I was all worried I was gonna miss something good. Sounds like I didn't miss anything.
I didnt watch alot of the special,bits and peices. I liked when Orton drove taker through set,but then WWE did there signature over use of pyro. With them its like all or nothing. Did anyone else notice Taker messing up the RKO? It turned into a sweet jumping swinging neckbreaker lol.

Another little thing. On unlimited this week theres a little screw up with Kanes pyro. Its when Kane comes out. Basically he does his thing and walks out,into the ring,puts the title on the ground. He raises his arms brings them down and!....nothing lol. Show just starts laughing and Kane sorta has a what the fuck look on his face. Someone that makes it even better is seconds later Snitkys music hits and yells "It wasnt my fault!"
19 years ago
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
I didnt watch alot of the special,bits and peices. I liked when Orton drove taker through set,but then WWE did there signature over use of pyro. With them its like all or nothing. Did anyone else notice Taker messing up the RKO? It turned into a sweet jumping swinging neckbreaker lol.

Another little thing. On unlimited this week theres a little screw up with Kanes pyro. Its when Kane comes out. Basically he does his thing and walks out,into the ring,puts the title on the ground. He raises his arms brings them down and!....nothing lol. Show just starts laughing and Kane sorta has a what the fuck look on his face. Someone that makes it even better is seconds later Snitkys music hits and yells "It wasnt my fault!"

That's funny I was wondering when they would mess up on Kane's pyros. Sucks that I had to miss it!
Its still on there site probably not much longer though.

19 years ago
A few news bits:

Jamie Noble (for those who care) will be returning to Smackdown! House shows in December. I suppose this means he'll be back on TV in a few months.

Also, "Gregory Helms" posted this on his message boards to explain the stitches he had on his hand during RAW:

"I've had a lot of people asking me about the injury to my hand, so here is the deal: Their was these ninja's see? And about 15-20 of them attacked me all at once. They were using smoke bombs and numchucks and sai's and all kind of stuff, but I was holding them all at bay with my fighting skills. Girls only like guys with great skills. So anyway, I'm slowing starting to get the advantage on them when they pull out the throwing stars!! Well I caught the first one with my teeth, chewed it up and swallowed it, ducked a few more, but then got caught with two in my hand. Now Ninja's dip the tips of their stars in all kinds of poisonous snake, spider, and scopion venoms so this would have killed a normal man. But what they didn't know, was that I've spent years in tropical jungle training developing an immunity to just such venoms. So I just yanked the stars out of my hand and threw them back at THEM!!! That's how I do!! And what did they do when they saw that? They took off!! Man, you can't find good ninja's these days!!"

He has a good sense of humour. I'm really going to miss The Hurricane gimmick. :(
19 years ago
~Crow~ Wrote:
A few news bits:

Jamie Noble (for those who care) will be returning to Smackdown! House shows in December. I suppose this means he'll be back on TV in a few months.

Also, "Gregory Helms" posted this on his message boards to explain the stitches he had on his hand during RAW:

"I've had a lot of people asking me about the injury to my hand, so here is the deal: Their was these ninja's see? And about 15-20 of them attacked me all at once. They were using smoke bombs and numchucks and sai's and all kind of stuff, but I was holding them all at bay with my fighting skills. Girls only like guys with great skills. So anyway, I'm slowing starting to get the advantage on them when they pull out the throwing stars!! Well I caught the first one with my teeth, chewed it up and swallowed it, ducked a few more, but then got caught with two in my hand. Now Ninja's dip the tips of their stars in all kinds of poisonous snake, spider, and scopion venoms so this would have killed a normal man. But what they didn't know, was that I've spent years in tropical jungle training developing an immunity to just such venoms. So I just yanked the stars out of my hand and threw them back at THEM!!! That's how I do!! And what did they do when they saw that? They took off!! Man, you can't find good ninja's these days!!"

He has a good sense of humour. I'm really going to miss The Hurricane gimmick. :(

Yah I've always liked Hurricane... I thought he was pretty funny. It's really unfortunate that they just used him as a jobber... as he is quite talented in the ring, but hey that's what the WWE is all about..holding down the talented while pushing guys with crap skills.
19 years ago
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
I didnt watch alot of the special,bits and peices. I liked when Orton drove taker through set,but then WWE did there signature over use of pyro. With them its like all or nothing. Did anyone else notice Taker messing up the RKO? It turned into a sweet jumping swinging neckbreaker lol.

Another little thing. On unlimited this week theres a little screw up with Kanes pyro. Its when Kane comes out. Basically he does his thing and walks out,into the ring,puts the title on the ground. He raises his arms brings them down and!....nothing lol. Show just starts laughing and Kane sorta has a what the fuck look on his face. Someone that makes it even better is seconds later Snitkys music hits and yells "It wasnt my fault!"

LOL! I wish I would have seen that unlimited thing, funny shit. tongue grin

By the way, I think you meant to say, Orton screwed up the RKO, not Taker. Any way, that special was bullshit. Only a fucking hour long, two crappy matches (yeah I'll say the Booker/Benoit match was crap!), and a shit ending. Taker is going to KILL ORTON DEAD! I hate him and I wish to god Taker does him in!! furious

The whole special was CRAP!
19 years ago
Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
I hear you on that one. With Chavo reverting back to his original gimmick & using Eddie's theme entrance & finishers along with Ray, it almost seems as though it's becoming forced on the WWE's behalf.

We all love & miss Eddie, but constantly badgering his name for promos isn't a sufficient way to honor his memory. It's amazing how the WWE has mostly the hispanic superstars paying homage to Eddie. They aren't the only ones who miss Eddie. JBL & Batista were very close to Eddie as well, you don't see the WWE overusing them for Eddie tribute promos. It almost seems stereotypical on the WWE's behalf.

Agreed! I don't know what's going on, but it seems that the wrestling business, Vinnie Mac in particular, loves to use Wrestlers' deaths to get ratings. Yes, the Owen/Eddie Tribute shows were a nice gesture, and guys like the Mexicools, Rey, and Batista wearing the "EG" arm-bands is good, but just leave it at that. The whole thing last night was just uncalled for, and I hope Eddie's wife didn't watch that mess!
19 years ago
Joey Styles News:

** While taking a break from his full time sales job in Georgia, Joey Styles has been working on a week to week basis with Raws announce team. This meaning if one week goes well he'll still have the job the following week.

Well thats all changed now as he was given the chance to join raw permanently and of course he accepted with a deal to be inked shortly. All sources indicate Vince being very pleased with Styles' skill and professionalism.

19 years ago
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Joey Styles News:

** While taking a break from his full time sales job in Georgia, Joey Styles has been working on a week to week basis with Raws announce team. This meaning if one week goes well he'll still have the job the following week.

Well thats all changed now as he was given the chance to join raw permanently and of course he accepted with a deal to be inked shortly. All sources indicate Vince being very pleased with Styles' skill and professionalism.

That's cool I like Styles he's been doing a pretty good job me thinks.

btw you gotta tone down on Orton... you hate him we get it. wink
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I hate that little faggot, and I wish to god Taker does him in!! furious

The whole special was CRAP!

Orton is the man! He's got everything Cena has, except Orton can wrestle and has more then 4 moves.

What do you hate about Orton MKGeek? Hes great in the ring and good on the mic. If its anything about his personality I can tell you hes great. Ive met him at an autograph session and hes the nicest wrestler Ive met. In case your wondering Ive met...

John Cena (just for the record,he acted like he didnt give a shit)
Rob Van Dam
Rey Mysterio
Booker T

Switching subjects to SVR2K6. I was playing the game just now and tried to Gore Scotty 2 Hotty as soon as he turned around from the HBK corner flip. Frustrating. I finally found out how to do it so I go for it,he reverses. The next 20 or 30 times I try it (special) he reversed it. Then I restarted the game and naild it on him first time. So im wondering now,does the cpu maybe catch onto your patterns? Or is Scotty just a god now?

I did this also with HBK and JBL. I was JBL so I made HBK do the corner flip then bounces off the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline from hell. Looked SICK. Then he got a rope break.
19 years ago
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
What do you hate about Orton MKGeek? Hes great in the ring and good on the mic. If its anything about his personality I can tell you hes great. Ive met him at an autograph session and hes the nicest wrestler Ive met. In case your wondering Ive met...

John Cena (just for the record,he acted like he didnt give a shit)
Rob Van Dam
Rey Mysterio
Booker T

Switching subjects to SVR2K6. I was playing the game just now and tried to Gore Scotty 2 Hotty as soon as he turned around from the HBK corner flip. Frustrating. I finally found out how to do it so I go for it,he reverses. The next 20 or 30 times I try it (special) he reversed it. Then I restarted the game and naild it on him first time. So im wondering now,does the cpu maybe catch onto your patterns? Or is Scotty just a god now?

I did this also with HBK and JBL. I was JBL so I made HBK do the corner flip then bounces off the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline from hell. Looked SICK. Then he got a rope break.

Nice man i been trying last night to do a leg drop from the hell in a cell cage to a person laying on the anncoucer table but i havent got it the problem is when i get up on the cell the person gets up on the table after laying down in dead wieght position.Its because they climb slower this year on the cage which takes alot longer i know this can work i probaly need 3 people for this one to lay the person down on the table and a person on top of the cage.I wish you could throws weapons and tables but all well.
psyclobex Wrote:
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
What do you hate about Orton MKGeek? Hes great in the ring and good on the mic. If its anything about his personality I can tell you hes great. Ive met him at an autograph session and hes the nicest wrestler Ive met. In case your wondering Ive met...

John Cena (just for the record,he acted like he didnt give a shit)
Rob Van Dam
Rey Mysterio
Booker T

Switching subjects to SVR2K6. I was playing the game just now and tried to Gore Scotty 2 Hotty as soon as he turned around from the HBK corner flip. Frustrating. I finally found out how to do it so I go for it,he reverses. The next 20 or 30 times I try it (special) he reversed it. Then I restarted the game and naild it on him first time. So im wondering now,does the cpu maybe catch onto your patterns? Or is Scotty just a god now?

I did this also with HBK and JBL. I was JBL so I made HBK do the corner flip then bounces off the ropes and nailed him with a clothesline from hell. Looked SICK. Then he got a rope break.

Nice man i been trying last night to do a leg drop from the hell in a cell cage to a person laying on the anncoucer table but i havent got it the problem is when i get up on the cell the person gets up on the table after laying down in dead wieght position.Its because they climb slower this year on the cage which takes alot longer i know this can work i probaly need 3 people for this one to lay the person down on the table and a person on top of the cage.I wish you could throws weapons and tables but all well.

I havent tried anything like that,infact Ive only played one HIAC match. My favourite to play is cage match. I was messing around with RVD in one yesterday. Top of the cage + 5 Star Frog Splash + Matrix effect = wow.

Last night I had a WWE dream o_O Involving Victoria. Not that kind of dream either lol. But yeah I had a dream that she was coming out on raw with some crazy ass wrestlemania style pyro by the titantron then came out to Pieces by Dark New Day....yep.
19 years ago
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I hate that little faggot, and I wish to god Taker does him in!! furious

The whole special was CRAP!

Orton is the man! He's got everything Cena has, except Orton can wrestle and has more then 4 moves.

Also, Orton never retarded up his championship belts.
19 years ago
I think Randy Orton does a great job as a heel. He has fairly promising in ring ability as well as that charisma which just makes you hate his character. If you dislike Orton, then he's just done a great job. That's what he's there for, after all.

The only problem I have with Orton (granted, I wasn't watching it much during his title reign) is his lack of face value. I remember walking through and glancing at his matches as a face, and there was just sort of this awkwardness. People didn't want to boo him, but they also didn't seem to be cheering very much either. As long as he stays as a heel though, he's a great addition to the roster.
19 years ago
How do you unlock WM21 and ECW in SVR2K6?I can't get enough of this game now.Too bad my cuz has to take it back to Blockbuster next weeksad

I was playing SVR2K6 today in season.And I thought about something "who is the chain gang?".I think John Cena is a cool guy from the interviews I read,but his gimmick is just too forced.I mean he says "yo",that whole "you can't see me" stuff too much.I don't know any rappers that talk like that(not the MTV/BET rappers).
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

19 years ago
How do you unlock WM21 and ECW in SVR2K6?I can't get enough of this game now.Too bad my cuz has to take it back to Blockbuster next weeksad

I was playing SVR2K6 today in season.And I thought about something "who is the chain gang?".I think John Cena is a cool guy from the interviews I read,but his gimmick is just too forced.I mean he says "yo",that whole "you can't see me" stuff too much.I don't know any rappers that talk like that(not the MTV/BET rappers).

I think for the WrestleMania 21 and ECW arenas you have to complete Challenge Mode. I think WM21 comes with the first level of Challenge Mode completed (the whole beginner set or whatever the name is) and ECW I don't quite remember but I believe it's got to do with Challenge Mode as well.
19 years ago
DamRho Wrote:
How do you unlock WM21 and ECW in SVR2K6?I can't get enough of this game now.Too bad my cuz has to take it back to Blockbuster next weeksad

I was playing SVR2K6 today in season.And I thought about something "who is the chain gang?".I think John Cena is a cool guy from the interviews I read,but his gimmick is just too forced.I mean he says "yo",that whole "you can't see me" stuff too much.I don't know any rappers that talk like that(not the MTV/BET rappers).

I think for the WrestleMania 21 and ECW arenas you have to complete Challenge Mode. I think WM21 comes with the first level of Challenge Mode completed (the whole beginner set or whatever the name is) and ECW I don't quite remember but I believe it's got to do with Challenge Mode as well.

19 years ago
DamRho Wrote:
How do you unlock WM21 and ECW in SVR2K6?I can't get enough of this game now.Too bad my cuz has to take it back to Blockbuster next weeksad

I was playing SVR2K6 today in season.And I thought about something "who is the chain gang?".I think John Cena is a cool guy from the interviews I read,but his gimmick is just too forced.I mean he says "yo",that whole "you can't see me" stuff too much.I don't know any rappers that talk like that(not the MTV/BET rappers).

I think for the WrestleMania 21 and ECW arenas you have to complete Challenge Mode. I think WM21 comes with the first level of Challenge Mode completed (the whole beginner set or whatever the name is) and ECW I don't quite remember but I believe it's got to do with Challenge Mode as well.


Clear Amateur challenge to get the WM21 arena.

Clear Superstar challenge to get the ECW One Night Stand arena.

Clear WWE Superstar Challenge to get the WMIX Outdoor Caesars Palace Arena( this is my favorite level it looks awesome)

To clear the Amateur and Superstar challenges easily just use two players instead of you vs the comp. To do the possum pins hold cirle and press either R2 or L2 right when you are being grabbed or hit. To clear the royal rumble challenge easy do a 15 man royal rumble and start off as player 1 and player 2 and eliminate P2 right away, then you can have P2 control every entrant as they come in as long as you eliminate the previous person.
19 years ago
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
DamRho Wrote:
How do you unlock WM21 and ECW in SVR2K6?I can't get enough of this game now.Too bad my cuz has to take it back to Blockbuster next weeksad

I was playing SVR2K6 today in season.And I thought about something "who is the chain gang?".I think John Cena is a cool guy from the interviews I read,but his gimmick is just too forced.I mean he says "yo",that whole "you can't see me" stuff too much.I don't know any rappers that talk like that(not the MTV/BET rappers).

I think for the WrestleMania 21 and ECW arenas you have to complete Challenge Mode. I think WM21 comes with the first level of Challenge Mode completed (the whole beginner set or whatever the name is) and ECW I don't quite remember but I believe it's got to do with Challenge Mode as well.


Clear Amateur challenge to get the WM21 arena.

Clear Superstar challenge to get the ECW One Night Stand arena.

Clear WWE Superstar Challenge to get the WMIX Outdoor Caesars Palace Arena( this is my favorite level it looks awesome)

To clear the Amateur and Superstar challenges easily just use two players instead of you vs the comp. To do the possum pins hold cirle and press either R2 or L2 right when you are being grabbed or hit. To clear the royal rumble challenge easy do a 15 man royal rumble and start off as player 1 and player 2 and eliminate P2 right away, then you can have P2 control every entrant as they come in as long as you eliminate the previous person.

I hate how they do that! Why can't they just stick to the good formula from past Smackdown games and just make it so you can unlock stuff in Shopzone? Why make it so damn complicated?

As for why I hate Orton with a passion, there is no real reason, I just plain can't stand the little piss-ant. He gives me the impression that when Triple H finally retires, he'll become the next Triple H and think everyone has to kiss his ass and give him everything he asks for. I don't know what he's like in the locker room, but if he's anything like he protrays himself on tv, he ain't going to last long. He's just to arrogant. One level of arrogance higher than anyone past or present, even Shawn Micheals and Hogan.
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