Another idea:

Vince tries to get on Eric's nerves for several weeks and he says that Eric trying to ruin SmackDown doesn't hurt Teddy Long as much as it hurts him (Vince) since SmackDown is part of his business. Vince also says that Vince will take action for Teddy and has a demon of his own who would help him destroy RAW along with Eric... that person is The Undertaker!

After several weeks of The Undertaker squashing RAW's wrestlers Eric decides to respond. He gets on the ring and calls Vince and the Undertaker out.
Vince comes down to the ring and Eric says he has a surprise for Vince:

-Eric: "Vince, you destroyed me once when you bought WCW and now you're trying to destroy MY show too by bringing the demon Undertaker to beat all my wrestlers.
But guess what Vince, I have my own demon slayer..."

Lights go out and we hear Thunder and then "Seek and Destroy".
Lighs go on again and we see The Undertaker laying on the floor and Sting with his Baseball bat in hand standing behind Vince.

Eric laughs while Vince looks surprised but unaware that Sting is behind him.
Eric tells him to turn around and when he sees Sting he gets scared but Sting hits him with the Baseball bat as the crowd roars!

Sting gets on the mic while looking at Vince laying on the floor:

-Sting: "Hey Vince, you really didn't destroy WCW because I AM WCW! It's Showtime, folks! WHOOOO!"

This leads to a Sting/Undertaker dream feud.
About Me

-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.

11/11/2005 12:22 AM (UTC)
Sting is done with wrestling. He's cut his hair, dyed it a greyish-blonde coat, and has grown a beard. In a recent interview (written a few months backs) he was asked if he would ever step into the ring again. Sting responded back with "No, this is probably it for me." He stated how he just wanted to settle down & enjoy life with his family.

Hate to break it to the fans this way (or come off as a pessimist), but if this is what it takes to get people to realize that Sting WON'T be coming to the WWE or any wrestling federation for that matter, then so be it.
Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
Sting is done with wrestling. He's cut his hair, dyed it a greyish-bloned coat, and has grown a beard. In a recent interview (written a few months backs) he was asked if he would ever step into the ring again. Sting responded back with "No, this is probably it for me." He stated how he just wanted to settle down & enjoy life with his family.

Hate to break it to the fans this way (or come off as a pessimist), but if this is what it takes to get people to realize that Sting WON'T be coming to the WWE or any wrestling federation for that matter, then so be it.

Hmm, I haven't heard of this interview you say. Can you provide a link?
11/11/2005 03:07 AM (UTC)
Ohio Valley Wrestling TV Tapings Spoilers:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
CM Punk is the new OVW TV Champion after defeating Ken Doane, and Matt Cappotelli is the new OVW Heavyweight Champion after defeating Johnny Jeter in a Best of Three Falls Match
About Me

-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.

11/11/2005 04:19 AM (UTC)
You can find the latest Sting info here:
11/11/2005 12:34 PM (UTC)
Hey RedScorpio your stories were great.................
11/11/2005 07:30 PM (UTC)
have you reads stings book? very good read imo.

ive been wondering for sometime now..where have all the wrestlers gone?
after ecw and wcw were purchased..even long before then, it seems a lot of guys went mia.

ive been wondering what happened to wrestlers such as:

scott norton - started off as a singles wrestler in wcw, ended up in the nwo often teaming with konan otr scott steiner

stevie ray - member of harlem heat, along with booker t..later was in the "gay" version of the nwo..went on as an announcer on nitro/thunder and hasnt been seen since.

buff bagwell - was always sortive popular. started off in a tag team called "american males" with scorry riggs..joined the nwo for its big run..later would team up with guys like luger and scott steiner. was in the wwe for an entire 2 min during the "invasion" storyline..havent seen him since.

rick steiner - on of my all time favs. brother of scott steiner, who were a great tag team as "the steiner bros"..did a lot of singles wrestling after scott went with the nwo..would team up with tank abbot for a goldberg storyline..then kinda vanished.

scotty riggs - former tag partner of marcus "buff" bagwell, went on to join raven and his flock sporting an eyepatch. after the flock disbaned, he had a few single matches, an di havent seen him since.

evan courageous - wasnt a big name, but i thought he was pretty good. was cruiserweight chap at one point, then was in a group called "3 count"..which was a spoff of a boy band. 3 count feuded with the "jung dragons" during the bichoff/russo team up..but later vanished.

lex luger - the total package...last i heard from him he was doing a wwa event with sting and jarrett a few years ago..and luger beat sing due to jarrett and his little guitar :(...last news i heard of luger, he was being investigated for the death of miss elizibeth..havent heard anything since.

randy savage - that macho man. vanished long before wcw went under. he made on elast appearence duing the wcw story "new blood vs millionairs club". i guess he had a cd out, and made 1 appearence for tna..but not sure.

vampiro - ive always liked vamiro. it was cool when he teamed up with sting..but they fucked the storyline when he turned on him. havent seen him for a long time now.

the nasty boys - havent seen them in a very long time. i seen knobbs on hulk "hogan knows best" show..

public enemy - the god fathers of table matches. started off in ecw, and went to wcw for a while, then just came up missing.

muta - the great muta is awesome. had some great matches with sting over the years. and his style was ripped off by people like tajiri. havent seen him since his last stint in wcw as a member of "the dark carnival" with icp, vampiro and the demon.

brian adams - "crush" had a pretty good run in wcw..was a member of the nwo and later teamed up with brian clark (also known as wrath) to make the team "kronik". they had one match during the wwe's "invasion" story and....

brian clark (aka wrath) - same as brian adams.

chris kanyon - started off in wcw as "mortis"..who i thought was very cool. went on to feud with guys like raven and ddp..the positivly kanyon ddp story was funny. i seen him in a few matches after the invasion story on wwe, but i think he has retired from wrestling?

i know a bunch more, but i just woke up and cant think of anymore, lol. anyway anyone heard anything of these people? seems they just fell off the planet.
11/11/2005 08:26 PM (UTC)
my fukin posts arent shwoing up :/. i made a big post and it didnt even show? im not typin all that shit again.



CHICAGO, IL – November 7, 2005 - Midway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY), a leading interactive entertainment software publisher and developer, today announced that it has signed an exclusive worldwide, multi-year agreement with TNA Entertainment to publish videogames based on Total Nonstop Action Wrestling™ . Under the terms of the agreement, Midway has the rights to develop and publish games for the console, handheld and PC platforms. The first TNA Wrestling™ product is scheduled to ship in 2007 for current generation game systems.

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling is the future of sports entertainment. TNA iMPACT!™ airs exclusively on SpikeTV on Saturdays from 11 PM – midnight ET/PT with an encore on Mondays at midnight ET/PT. In addition to the weekly show, TNA Wrestling also produces a monthly pay-per-view special where its top stars such as Jeff Jarrett, AJ Styles, Jeff Hardy, Kevin Nash and Rhino compete in, above and beyond the signature six-sided ring.

“TNA Wrestling is one of the fastest growing and most exciting forms of sports entertainment available today,” said David F. Zucker, president and CEO, Midway. “It’s fast, powerful and cutting-edge in both presentation and style. We are very pleased to be working with TNA and look forward to leveraging our expertise in the fighting game genre to create the most compelling wrestling experience yet.”

“Our brand of wrestling is perfectly suited to videogames and Midway is the perfect company to create them,” said Dixie Carter, president, TNA Entertainment. “We are very excited about this collaboration and the opportunity to expand TNA Wrestling to a new medium.”

About TNA "iMPACT!"
TNA iMPACT! is set to be the most complete wrestling videogame to date. Featuring top talent such as Raven, Jeff Jarrett, Monty Brown, Rhino, Christopher Daniels, Jeff Hardy, AJ Styles and more, TNA iMPACT! will deliver all of the excitement and action of the top-rated weekly television show.

About TNA Wrestling
TNA Entertainment, LLC is a privately held company headquartered in Nashville,TN. TNA iMPACT! airs Saturday nights at 11 PM ET/PT on Spike TV. TNA programming is currently available in 118 countries and is also available on monthly pay-per-view on iN DEMAND, DIRECTV, Dish Network and TVN as well as Viewer’s Choice, Bell ExpressVu and Shaw PPV in Canada. The names of all Total Nonstop Action Wrestling televised programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans and all TNA Wrestling logos and trademarks are exclusive property of TNA Entertainment, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. For more information, visit

About Midway
Midway Games Inc. (NYSE:MWY), headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with offices throughout the world, is a leading developer and publisher of interactive entertainment software for major videogame systems and personal computers. More information about Midway and its products can be found at

dont know if that was posted yet or not...
11/11/2005 08:28 PM (UTC)
omfg this is getting annoying.

just delete this thread ans start a new one. i think it keeps messin up becasue posts werent ment to reach 230 pages, lol.
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

11/11/2005 08:39 PM (UTC)
Shinnox Wrote:

lex luger - the total package...last i heard from him he was doing a wwa event with sting and jarrett a few years ago..and luger beat sing due to jarrett and his little guitar :(...last news i heard of luger, he was being investigated for the death of miss elizibeth..havent heard anything since.

Been in jail recently for drug possession as far as I've read. May already be out.

Shinnox Wrote:

randy savage - that macho man. vanished long before wcw went under. he made on elast appearence duing the wcw story "new blood vs millionairs club". i guess he had a cd out, and made 1 appearence for tna..but not sure.

Showed up at TNA's Victory Road pay-per-view last year, not quite sure what happened after that.
11/12/2005 12:26 AM (UTC)
A lot of those guys are probably working the indy circuit now (or trying to) or work in Japan.

I think Scott Norton went back to wrestle in Japan for a while doing a bit of tag team stuff. Not sure what he's up to right now though.

Last I heard of Luger he was working at a zoo as community service for something or other. Probably drug related charges.

I think Savage has been trying to break into Hollywood, but he obviously can't be doing that much of a good job, heh. He also showed up in TNA a while back, and they were thinking about signing him but got all upset over something stupid (I think some personal issues with Hogan backstage) and hasn't returned.

Vampiro is working the indy circuit a fair bit, but he pissed a lot of people off in the US because of his shitty attitude and drug abuse, or so i've heard. He works a lot in Mexico and he's pretty big there now.

The Nasty Boys? I don't know, I think Byran Knobbs showed up to one of those ECW-style reunion shows recently. Possibly Hardcore Homecoming, i'm not sure.

Rocco Rock from Public Enemy died a few years back, which was pretty sad because a lot of people loved him (I thought P.E ruled personally). I don't know what happened to Grunge though.

Muta is most likely still working his ass off in Japan, God bless him.

Kanyon hasn't officially retired, but he's supossedly having a lot of personal problems right now and is suffering from an ongoing injury. As far as I know, he still wants to wrestle but he just has to get some things sorted out first.

I don't know about the rest. I hope Even Courageous/Karagieus (or whatever his name is) shows up in TNA or WWE soon though, he was great.
11/12/2005 12:49 AM (UTC)
Candice Michelle is doing playboy. April, 2006.

Don't expect to see me from March 06 until about March 08.
About Me

-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.

11/12/2005 12:59 AM (UTC)
Last I heard of Keragias, was him participating in the XPW shortly after the WCW had disbanded. He's featured in the upcoming UPW: Overload video with other wrestlers such as DDP & Rikishi. From my calculations, he's stated that he probably won't join the WWE because of their scripts. I believe he's attempting to pursue a career in acting.

As far as Stevie "Slapjack" Ray, he retired shortly after the the NWO had collapsed & resorted to commentating for the company (WCW). Last I saw of him was on "The Ricki Lake Show" a few years back cautioning youngsters (to whom seeked careers in the field/sport) on the dangers & safeties of wrestling. This was shortly after the WCW had folded. Speaking of oldschool wreslters, does anyone know he current wereabouts of Jim Niedhart of the Hart Foundation?
11/12/2005 01:33 AM (UTC)
Whatever happened to Akeem from the Twin Towers???
11/12/2005 02:38 PM (UTC)
man SmackSown was great last night.................
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
Hey RedScorpio your stories were great.................


Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
You can find the latest Sting info here:

I preffer .

And Vampiro is here in Puerto Rico working for IWA. He's been here for quite some time.
11/12/2005 07:18 PM (UTC)
RedScorpio Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
Hey RedScorpio your stories were great.................


And Vampiro is here in Puerto Rico working for IWA. He's been here for quite some time.

Agreed, great Sting ideas. As for if we'll ever see Sting in the WWE, I say, never say never! Stranger things have happened. Remember before Goldberg was in the WWE, he said that he'd never go to WWE, and he did, and yeah, Sting has said that he won't, but I'd be surprised if he never gave it a try. Also, I think we ain't seen the end of Sting in TNA quite yet!

Vampiro was in TNA a short time.

Shinnox, to address your comment on this thread, as soon as this reaches 6000 posts, which at the rate it's going, shouldn't be too soon, it will be up to whoever, or myself, if I choose to do so, to make up a new thread. In the mean time, suck it up, and post here! grin tongue
About Me

-Pain is a flood, all actions ending in chaos.

11/12/2005 07:49 PM (UTC)
RedScorpio Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
Hey RedScorpio your stories were great.................


Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
You can find the latest Sting info here:

I preffer .

And Vampiro is here in Puerto Rico working for IWA. He's been here for quite some time.

Well you asked for a link, what kind of results were you expecting?
Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
RedScorpio Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
Hey RedScorpio your stories were great.................


Sinlessknowledge Wrote:
You can find the latest Sting info here:

I preffer .

And Vampiro is here in Puerto Rico working for IWA. He's been here for quite some time.

Well you asked for a link, what kind of results were you expecting?

Yeah, I know, it's cool.
11/13/2005 04:54 AM (UTC)
RedScorpio, cool intro for Sting, however you forgot the part where he has to swim in a shark tank. tongue

Seriously though, anyone with a penis noticed I said Candice Michelle will be in Playboy? We should be singing in the streets.
11/13/2005 05:08 AM (UTC)
Meh, Candice doesn't do it for me. She's hot I guess, but not jaw droppingly hot. If it was Maria on the other hand, then i'd be outside waiting for the store to open the day the magazine went on sale.

Edit: Also, last night at a local event there was a "lights out deathmatch." Similar to a glass deathmatch really. What they did was cover the turnbuckles with lighttubes, light them up, turn all the other lights off, and have the guys go at it. The guy to put his opponent through the last set of illuminated light tubes win the match. It feaured a lot of blood and a lot of sick spots (a guy getting a barbed wire board placed over him then being stomped on from the top, a top rope death vally driver through some light tubes suspended between chairs, and a lot of moves onto the broken glass, including DDT's, etc). Very bloody.

I thought it was quite cool, i've never heard of anything like it before.
11/13/2005 05:09 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
RedScorpio, cool intro for Sting, however you forgot the part where he has to swim in a shark tank. tongue

Seriously though, anyone with a penis noticed I said Candice Michelle will be in Playboy? We should be singing in the streets.

I've already seen her with her clothing off... grin Are you jealous?
11/13/2005 05:29 AM (UTC)
Nikodemus Wrote:
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
RedScorpio, cool intro for Sting, however you forgot the part where he has to swim in a shark tank. tongue

Seriously though, anyone with a penis noticed I said Candice Michelle will be in Playboy? We should be singing in the streets.

I've already seen her with her clothing off... grin Are you jealous?

A little.

11/13/2005 10:30 AM (UTC)
Looks like friday night we'll be crowning a new world's heavyweight wrestling champion. Willi it be Orton or Eddie, though?
11/13/2005 04:25 PM (UTC)
Eddie Guerrero passes away Nov. 13, 2005 WWE is deeply saddened by the news that Eddie Guerrero has passed away. He was found dead this morning in his hotel room in Minneapolis. Eddie is survived by his wife Vickie and daughters Shaul, 14, Sherilyn, 9, and Kaylie Marie, 3.
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