10/31/2005 04:35 AM (UTC)
::::: Wrote:
I disagree with a lot of stuff in that article, it's mostly just the same smarky complaining stuff as always. And i'm not entirely sure about Tazz, but I think he actually injured his neck in sucha manner that surgery couldn't be done and he can't wrestle anymore, which was why they decided to put him to use sticking him on colour commentary.

As for the Triple H discussion part 357092x450, I have to say that recently i've been completely converted. I've only been watching WWE again properly for about a year, and in that time i've gone from hating Triple H and JBL to loving both of them. Nobody in WWE says "badass" as much as Triple H does. When you hear his entrance music you know that the big dog is going to show, and when somebody actually does beat him in a major event (HIAC) it's a huge deal. I don't think you could really say the same for anybody else in WWE right now.

I recently read an article where the editor said "Kayfabe isn't dead, just evolved," and I think it's completely true. Think about it. Would Triple H be as hated if he was a babyface? I don't think so. WWE knows that smarks hate him cutting 20 minute promo's each week, hogging screen time, squashing talent, destroying everybody with the sledgehammer over and over again, "holding down" talent, being the center of the show, and holding the title all the time. And all the smarks lap it up, writing their big essay's about how Triple H is the death of wrestling, etc - WWE want you to hate him, that's WWE's job and that's Triple H's job. Wrestling has evolved, heels can't just get heat by talking trash anymore, so why should they continue to try? They can however, get heat by doing what people hate nowdays instead of what people hated 30 years ago. Which is hooging screen time, jobbing out talented guys like Helms, Tajiri, etc, all to piss us off.

Fans have become "smarter," and they think they have it all figured out, but they don't even realize that WWE have figured out that they've figured it out, and WWE are still one step ahead of them, pulling the strings of the "smart" fans and making them hate whoever WWE want's them to hate. That's why I think Triple H is so good. Not many people can get genuine heel heat nowdays, but he actually can (IMO JBL is still a better heel though). It's not Terry Funk heel heat where fans are actually bringing weapons to the show to kill him, but still, considering that kayfabe has supossedly been lost a long time ago, i'd say Triple H is doing a damned good job of making people hate him when they should know better.

Edit: Yeah Taz did injure his neck pretty severely, I remember hearing about how he walked to the hospital.

Doctor: "Your neck's broken, how did you get here?"
Taz: "I walked"
Dr: "No you didn't, you have a broken neck"
Taz: "Yes I did, I walked in here just now"

Haha. Awesome.

I don't see it the way you do. The WWE that I see isn't as smart as you give them credit, because if they were they would realize that they've recycled more old storylines than they're producing original ones. i'll go down the list for you.

-The Undertaker/Orton feud. How many times in the past decade have we seen this. Someone stands in defiance of 'Taker but fears him. The feud eventually leads to 'Taker losing a casket match or buried alive match only to make a grand return down the line. Yokozuna did it with his casket match against Taker. Mankind did it with Taker. Kane did it with taker, and on top of that I recall him taking gasoline and burning the casket. Vince McMahon is guilty of the same angle with his Buried alive match with Taker. Yet WWE keeps doing the same old thing because they just don't know what to do with him anymore. The fans bitched to get the Deadman back, and when they only half assed it the bitched even more.

-The slutty heel diva. Wow, this one may be older than the previous one. This bug has recently bitten Lita, and instead of the WWE ignoring us smarks, they think "this may be a brillient idea" so they have Lita cheat on Kane with Edge to mimmick the events in real life and then figure, "hey let's bring in Matt to get some more ratings because the real thing is better than what we've come up with". But let's not forget how eariler in the year they did the old "I'm pregnent but I'll never end up having the baby angle". The last time this one happened I remember it happening with Terri Runnels. My theory with this one is Vince happened to like what ECW did with Dreamer/Raven/Beulah so much that he figured he's use it too.

-Taz did hurt his neck a few years back, but prior to that WWE was wiping their ass with him. They bought him out from ECW which at the time was a huge deal. They bult him up in the same fashion they did with Jericho (some random Titantron image flashing). So Taz(z) is given the speech prior to his debut on how "WWE matches can only be so violent and that 90% of his moves are not allowed in WWE. And then what happens. Well he chokes out Angle, and then immediatly gets put in a fud with Jerry the King Lawler. Not only that he became Lawler's bitch. Then, due to the fact that they had nothing for him. And he eventually hurts his neck, not from a "crazy" move like the ones he did in ECW, but from a random botched momment during one of the many WWE hardcore rumbles (god those were aweful). The saddest thing about Taz is that he went back to ECW as a favor to take the belt off of Mike Awesome (which to me means Taz was still worth a damn to ECW fans enough to come fromanother promotion to win their belt only to hand it to Tommy Dreamer). That kind of thing can have a huge impact in wrestling, but WWE only saw it as "Ok Tazz go play with your little friends, but remember, when you come back ass we have for you is a 15 second spot in the Royal Rumble". It's pathetic how WWE missued not only him, but everyone they've aquired from ECW.

-In the world of Sport Entertainment it's all about the storyline. There can't be a high card match on Raw or Smackdown without some form of story to it. I rember a time when that wasn't always the case, infact it still isn't the case over in TNA, but that's a whole other story. Would it surprise you if I told you that one of the best RVD matches I've ever seen was against Balls Mahony at Anarchy Rulez '99. The match was never built up, it wasn't on the card, yet it was the main event and it was about 45 minutes of the best wrestling I've ever seen. that kind of thing doesn't happen in WWE. WWE is all about they system. That system goes as follows: Match gets built up in some for of a promo. The match is repeated for about 3-4 in a row on either Smackdown or Raw. The match the happens yet again at a PPV with some form of stipulation on the line. Reguardless of the outcome the match will then happen at least one more time within the following 3 weeks. It's a boring system.

-The average WWE fan isn't smart at all. The majority of WWE fans right now (the ones that fill the arenas day in and day out) havn't followed the WWE timeline the way people like us do. They go out with their semi witty signs on Monday nights, they cheer the faces the boo the heels and they go home happy. We on the other hand cheer on our favorite, regardless of face or heel, go online and write about what happened on message boards (a lot like this one) and shoot the shit about backstage rumors and politics.

-Back to the entertainment factor for just a minute. World Wrestling Entertainment's product just isn't all that entertaining anymore when it comes to matches. It seems to me the only time a mtch is any good is when you've got guys like Benoit, Angle, Eddie, Shelton and Christian are involved. These are the guys that hit those spots week in and week out that have us talking. These are the guys that week in and week out put over the HHH's, the Batista's, the Cena's, the Chris Masters and Kane's. As each week passes I find myself listening to Raw rather than watching it, because I already know how everything is going to go down just by seeing the nights card. I only glance up from the laptop/videogame/homework/magazine for the promo's with charismatic characters, and then go back to whatever it was I was doing once the bell starts. If I hear the crowd go nuts I'll look up and rewind what happened (thanks to the magic of DVR) and if the spot was good enough I might watch just a little longer, but most of the time my eyes wonder again. And it's not like I can just shut the TV off, because I'm the type of fan who it's become almost mandatory to watch. If I don't I'll feel like I'm missing something.
10/31/2005 06:02 AM (UTC)
I do agree with some of what you're saying, I was really just speaking in terms of how WWE convey's their wrestlers heel/face persona's. Granted, their writers are morons. I don't find about 70 percent of the matches in themselves all that entertaining myself, but i've resigned myself to the fact that WWE is never going to consistently put on good shows no matter how many people complain or ask for change. They simply don't need to. They're doing just fine by using Idiotface McBoring in the main event on Raw right now and he uses about as many moves as Hogan. WWE will do what's good for business and to hell with the critics. If they could get away with only 10 minutes of wrestling on Raw and still draw as many people then they would.

That said, I don't watch WWE for the matches, I mainly watch it for the characters. If a good match pops up, or a feud between two guys like Eddy and Rey then that's just a bonus. If I want real wrestling i'll watch TNA. Not that TNA doesn't have it's own set of problems or anything though. Still, WWE will continue to do what's good for WWE and no amount of critiquing is going to change that, because let's face it, most people are going to continue to watch no matter what happens. Everybody says they're not, but they still tune their television in to Raw each week, meaning Vince gets the ratings, get's the money, and continues to do what he feels like. For every sarcastic smark on the internet, there's an Idiotface McBoring fan who pops for him like crazy every time he pumps up his shoes or does a standing firemans carry slam.

I do get what people are saying about Taz too. The hardcore division was aweful. They treated Rhino in much the same way as they did Taz, tossing him into "midcard hell" with no direction. Both guys that dominated ECW got made to look like nobody's in comparison with the rest of the roster. Same deal with Raven. Thing is, they really don't have to use these guys. It sucks, and I wish they did, but they can get by just fine without intelligent Raven promo's or sick suplexfests - they have Animal and Heighiennf to squash short ROH stars most people have never heard of, and dispite how much we might hate it, WWE is financially doing just fine because of it. Not as good as they used to, but still good enough to not have Vince change anything.

By the way, is anybody finding Smackdown a lot more entertaining than Raw lately? I love Kennedy, and the fact that he's main eventing, and the tag division would rule (considering it's size) if they got rid of Animal and Heifhlsgfsl, which may happen now that they've dropped the belts. I also love the way that Rey is being pushed to the stars, and Eddie is so good right now, even if his friendship stuff with Batista isn't all that interesting.
Apart from Triple H/Ric Flair, i'm finding Raw pretty "meh" at the moment.
10/31/2005 06:08 AM (UTC)
... oops looks like i jumped the gun this time.
10/31/2005 06:14 AM (UTC)
::::: Wrote:
I do agree with some of what you're saying, I was really just speaking in terms of how WWE convey's their wrestlers heel/face persona's. Granted, their writers are morons. I don't find about 70 percent of the matches in themselves all that entertaining myself, but i've resigned myself to the fact that WWE is never going to consistently put on good shows no matter how many people complain or ask for change. They simply don't need to. They're doing just fine by using Idiotface McBoring in the main event on Raw right now and he uses about as many moves as Hogan. WWE will do what's good for business and to hell with the critics. If they could get away with only 10 minutes of wrestling on Raw and still draw as many people then they would.

That said, I don't watch WWE for the matches, I mainly watch it for the characters. If a good match pops up, or a feud between two guys like Eddy and Rey then that's just a bonus. If I want real wrestling i'll watch TNA. Not that TNA doesn't have it's own set of problems or anything though. Still, WWE will continue to do what's good for WWE and no amount of critiquing is going to change that, because let's face it, most people are going to continue to watch no matter what happens. Everybody says they're not, but they still tune their television in to Raw each week, meaning Vince gets the ratings, get's the money, and continues to do what he feels like. For every sarcastic smark on the internet, there's an Idiotface McBoring fan who pops for him like crazy every time he pumps up his shoes or does a standing firemans carry slam.

I do get what people are saying about Taz too. The hardcore division was aweful. They treated Rhino in much the same way as they did Taz, tossing him into "midcard hell" with no direction. Both guys that dominated ECW got made to look like nobody's in comparison with the rest of the roster. Same deal with Raven. Thing is, they really don't have to use these guys. It sucks, and I wish they did, but they can get by just fine without intelligent Raven promo's or sick suplexfests - they have Animal and Heighiennf to squash short ROH stars most people have never heard of, and dispite how much we might hate it, WWE is financially doing just fine because of it. Not as good as they used to, but still good enough to not have Vince change anything.

By the way, is anybody finding Smackdown a lot more entertaining than Raw lately? I love Kennedy, and the fact that he's main eventing, and the tag division would rule (considering it's size) if they got rid of Animal and Heifhlsgfsl, which may happen now that they've dropped the belts. I also love the way that Rey is being pushed to the stars, and Eddie is so good right now, even if his friendship stuff with Batista isn't all that interesting.
Apart from Triple H/Ric Flair, i'm finding Raw pretty "meh" at the moment.

That I can totally agree with. With TNA still building itself up with babysteps WWE doesn't have to worry about putting on a good show because at the end of the day Vince is still making more money than TNA is. It's just really sad that for WWE to be good they have to lose money while for anyone who's ever competed with them they can do fine has long as the don't try to go toe to toe with them. I really do believe that if things keep going the way they are going for TNA they will get really big, but I personally don't want to see them go through what WCW did.

And I too find Smackdown far more entertaining these days, although Smackdown to me is like a double edged sword. For all the good we still have to put up with the Jr. division and the the more retarded gimmicks (The Boogyman)... But at least Smackdown entertains.
10/31/2005 06:16 AM (UTC)
10/31/2005 06:17 AM (UTC)
10/31/2005 06:18 AM (UTC)
10/31/2005 06:18 AM (UTC)
10/31/2005 06:24 AM (UTC)
SkeletonofSociety Wrote:
::::: Wrote:
I do agree with some of what you're saying, I was really just speaking in terms of how WWE convey's their wrestlers heel/face persona's. Granted, their writers are morons. I don't find about 70 percent of the matches in themselves all that entertaining myself, but i've resigned myself to the fact that WWE is never going to consistently put on good shows no matter how many people complain or ask for change. They simply don't need to. They're doing just fine by using Idiotface McBoring in the main event on Raw right now and he uses about as many moves as Hogan. WWE will do what's good for business and to hell with the critics. If they could get away with only 10 minutes of wrestling on Raw and still draw as many people then they would.

That said, I don't watch WWE for the matches, I mainly watch it for the characters. If a good match pops up, or a feud between two guys like Eddy and Rey then that's just a bonus. If I want real wrestling i'll watch TNA. Not that TNA doesn't have it's own set of problems or anything though. Still, WWE will continue to do what's good for WWE and no amount of critiquing is going to change that, because let's face it, most people are going to continue to watch no matter what happens. Everybody says they're not, but they still tune their television in to Raw each week, meaning Vince gets the ratings, get's the money, and continues to do what he feels like. For every sarcastic smark on the internet, there's an Idiotface McBoring fan who pops for him like crazy every time he pumps up his shoes or does a standing firemans carry slam.

I do get what people are saying about Taz too. The hardcore division was aweful. They treated Rhino in much the same way as they did Taz, tossing him into "midcard hell" with no direction. Both guys that dominated ECW got made to look like nobody's in comparison with the rest of the roster. Same deal with Raven. Thing is, they really don't have to use these guys. It sucks, and I wish they did, but they can get by just fine without intelligent Raven promo's or sick suplexfests - they have Animal and Heighiennf to squash short ROH stars most people have never heard of, and dispite how much we might hate it, WWE is financially doing just fine because of it. Not as good as they used to, but still good enough to not have Vince change anything.

By the way, is anybody finding Smackdown a lot more entertaining than Raw lately? I love Kennedy, and the fact that he's main eventing, and the tag division would rule (considering it's size) if they got rid of Animal and Heifhlsgfsl, which may happen now that they've dropped the belts. I also love the way that Rey is being pushed to the stars, and Eddie is so good right now, even if his friendship stuff with Batista isn't all that interesting.
Apart from Triple H/Ric Flair, i'm finding Raw pretty "meh" at the moment.

That I can totally agree with. With TNA still building itself up with babysteps WWE doesn't have to worry about putting on a good show because at the end of the day Vince is still making more money than TNA is. It's just really sad that for WWE to be good they have to lose money while for anyone who's ever competed with them they can do fine has long as the don't try to go toe to toe with them. I really do believe that if things keep going the way they are going for TNA they will get really big, but I personally don't want to see them go through what WCW did.

And I too find Smackdown far more entertaining these days, although Smackdown to me is like a double edged sword. For all the good we still have to put up with the Jr. division and the the more retarded gimmicks (The Boogyman)... But at least Smackdown entertains.

I never really paid much attention to TNA until they started showing Impact on Spike. I have to say that I'm impressed so far. The wrestling is much better and doesn't look as fake as it does in the WWE it's faster and just looks a lot better. The only turn off is the fact that I don't know any of the wrestlers enough to give a crap who wins...I suppose once I watch it for a while I might be able to connect more with whats going on. Also I do hope that TNA gets fairly big so that the WWE has to compete with someone... the quality of wrestling was definitely a lot higher when WCW was around.
10/31/2005 05:53 PM (UTC)
Holy fuck. WOW. I just went to wwe.com and saw this.

Christian quits WWE
Oct. 31, 2005

WWE.com has learned that SmackDown Superstar Christian has quit World Wrestling Entertainment. Be sure to stay tuned to WWE.com as more information becomes available.

WOW. Christian is one of my favorites...I hope he heads to TNA once his no compete clause is up...wow....
10/31/2005 05:56 PM (UTC)
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Holy fuck. WOW. I just went to wwe.com and saw this.

Christian quits WWE
Oct. 31, 2005

WWE.com has learned that SmackDown Superstar Christian has quit World Wrestling Entertainment. Be sure to stay tuned to WWE.com as more information becomes available.

WOW. Christian is one of my favorites...I hope he heads to TNA once his no compete clause is up...wow....

I guess my vote for him to compete at Taboo Tuesday won't count anymore...Edit: I thought you were joking so I went to wwe.com and checked myself... he isn't on smackdown's roster anymore... oh well it's not like the wwe was using him anyway. I also hope that he goes to TNA where they will do something with him. He's always been one of my favorite heels.
10/31/2005 06:23 PM (UTC)
I had voted for Christian too..........
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

10/31/2005 07:11 PM (UTC)
Well I'm not going to use the "quote" button because this is pretty much in reply to a few posts around here.

It is quite spread in the internet - specially those pseudo-news sites that basically copy the news from some other site and so on until no one really knows where the original article came from - that Triple H is satan himself and that all he's got in life is due to him being married to Steph McMahon. I think it's quite easy to put a stamp on the guy because he is married to the boss' daughter and yes, that does bring a few advantages with it but saying that he's holding people back so that only he can be the spotlight in the WWE is absolutely false. I'm pretty sure he's screwed some people in the past and probably compromised their careers in WWE but then again, who is complaining? Billy Gunn? Would he ever do something useful?

Point 1: Where would Randy Orton and Batista be today without Triple H? Do you think Batista would go anywhere? Yes, he has an impressive physique but they traded him to SmackDown! and look how his matches have been so far. His matches with JBL were absolute crap, Triple H clearly carried him over throughout their feud and - even though we were all screaming for Triple H to finally get out of the way - look what happened when he did: Batista started having mediocre matches against guys with similar wrestling skill (JBL). As for Orton, he's back to the midcard with his father as manager.

Point 2: Why do you think all the legends in the wrestling business, the ones that have accomplished something and are still around today, are friends with Triple H? Do you think it's because he is the boss' son-in-law? Why would Mick Foley, The Undertaker, Steve Austin, etc. even NEED to be friends with someone just because they're the boss' son-in-law? They're landmarks in the business and their name will last forever. They're friends with him because they recognize that he is an excellent in-ring worker, someone who can carry around a promotion and make the young guys look good, if they have proper potential (again, refer to Orton and Batista).

Point 3: Give Triple H a mic and pay some attention to what he's saying: it means something. Give one to Batista. Period.

Yes he is banging the boss' daughter but there's no way you can say all he has accomplished it's because of this. It's not only a lie, it's not wanting to see what's clearly before your eyes.
10/31/2005 07:20 PM (UTC)
-WWE had planned on bringing up Freakin’ Deacon and debuting him as a new talent in a program with Kane but that program has been put on hold for the time being. WWE is very concerned that Kane may have a broken back and could be out for an extended period of time. It is unknown how this will factor in with Taboo Tuesday as Edge is also suffering an injury and they are not sure if he will be able to work the program either. Tonight’s RAW should be interesting from the standpoint that is may cause WWE to reshuffle the entire Taboo Tuesday lineup due to the injuries suffered.

-Fozzy’s song “Enemy” plays during the credits for the movie Saw II which is out in theaters now. Chris Jericho of course is the lead singer in Fozzy and has been touring with the band recently since taking a leave from WWE.
10/31/2005 07:38 PM (UTC)
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
-WWE had planned on bringing up Freakin’ Deacon and debuting him as a new talent in a program with Kane but that program has been put on hold for the time being. WWE is very concerned that Kane may have a broken back and could be out for an extended period of time. It is unknown how this will factor in with Taboo Tuesday as Edge is also suffering an injury and they are not sure if he will be able to work the program either. Tonight’s RAW should be interesting from the standpoint that is may cause WWE to reshuffle the entire Taboo Tuesday lineup due to the injuries suffered.

Should be interesting to see what the WWE says about that and what will happen to the matches both of them are in. Who will replace Edge in his match? As for Kane, they'll likely just make it a choice between HBK and Big Show, and not bother involving another superstar.

Now, on to Trips, who seems to be a topic of some debate on this thread. My opinions of him will never change. I'll admit that I think/thought he was ok at one point. I, like many others, were happy to see his return from the quad injury, and I even cheered for him when he became Undisputed champ after beating Jericho, but I turned on him, when after he lost the title to Hogan, he went back to his "screw everyone, I'm better than everyone" attitude, that's when I lost all respect for him. And he can go on talkshows, and do internet interviews (he'll be the first to say that he thinks that people who get the news from the net are idiots, and that's where I lose more respect for him!), and deny that he doesn't put people over, and has very little input in what happens to his or anyone else's character, but then change his tune for the very next person he talks to. He's like Bush, you can't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth, and despite what everyone else thinks, I can't wait until he "retires" and is never on tv again! Period!
10/31/2005 07:50 PM (UTC)
Christian quit.... Vince McMahon better get ready for a reality check, because lord knows he's never given him a chance and has never been a fan of his. But the peepulation is going to rise now.
10/31/2005 08:12 PM (UTC)
Alright I guess for every bad thing theres a good thing lol. I just got my copy of Phenominal : The Best of AJ Styles in the mail. grin Now that would be a awesome match, Christian vs AJ.
10/31/2005 09:13 PM (UTC)
TheMkGeek Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
-WWE had planned on bringing up Freakin� Deacon and debuting him as a new talent in a program with Kane but that program has been put on hold for the time being. WWE is very concerned that Kane may have a broken back and could be out for an extended period of time. It is unknown how this will factor in with Taboo Tuesday as Edge is also suffering an injury and they are not sure if he will be able to work the program either. Tonight�s RAW should be interesting from the standpoint that is may cause WWE to reshuffle the entire Taboo Tuesday lineup due to the injuries suffered.

Should be interesting to see what the WWE says about that and what will happen to the matches both of them are in. Who will replace Edge in his match? As for Kane, they'll likely just make it a choice between HBK and Big Show, and not bother involving another superstar.

Now, on to Trips, who seems to be a topic of some debate on this thread. My opinions of him will never change. I'll admit that I think/thought he was ok at one point. I, like many others, were happy to see his return from the quad injury, and I even cheered for him when he became Undisputed champ after beating Jericho, but I turned on him, when after he lost the title to Hogan, he went back to his "screw everyone, I'm better than everyone" attitude, that's when I lost all respect for him. And he can go on talkshows, and do internet interviews (he'll be the first to say that he thinks that people who get the news from the net are idiots, and that's where I lose more respect for him!), and deny that he doesn't put people over, and has very little input in what happens to his or anyone else's character, but then change his tune for the very next person he talks to. He's like Bush, you can't trust a thing that comes out of his mouth, and despite what everyone else thinks, I can't wait until he "retires" and is never on tv again! Period!

The fact that you hate Gonzo so much shows what a good job he is doing. He is heel and your suppose to hate him. The thing about him mentioning getting news off the net makes sense he doesn't like it when the fans know what's going to happen on the show before they watch it. He thinks that's stupid... and I can understand why he would say that.

Also, I don't see how you can say he doesn't put anyone over. Look at Batista... he's like the king of the hill right now even tho he has below average wrestling ability, and it's all because he beat Triple H multiple times.

The only thing I hate is when he hogs the title, he's either the champ or he is involved in the storyline with the current one. That gets a little annoying at times.
11/01/2005 01:22 AM (UTC)
Wow..lots of news:

Christian is expected to work Raw and Taboo, then leave. Shame, I love this kid, and I was just wondering last week why he doesn't get a pop of any kind when he comes out? No heat, no cheers, just dead air. Like a no name. Man, this sucks, I feel for him.

AUSTIN QUITS? - Stone Cold is said to be NOT working the PPV if they go through with the plan of having Mark Henry help Coach win. Stone Cold, going for fire/quit number....shit what's he up to now? That is bullshit though, I hope it doesn't happen. Mark Henry? Man, gimmie Orton to up the legend killer status.

Vader/Golddust - At Raw?? haha, Vader I know they signed a few ago, but Golddust? Again? How many times can you burn a bridge? Man he better thank his daddy.

11/01/2005 01:58 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Wow..lots of news:

Christian is expected to work Raw and Taboo, then leave. Shame, I love this kid, and I was just wondering last week why he doesn't get a pop of any kind when he comes out? No heat, no cheers, just dead air. Like a no name. Man, this sucks, I feel for him.

AUSTIN QUITS? - Stone Cold is said to be NOT working the PPV if they go through with the plan of having Mark Henry help Coach win. Stone Cold, going for fire/quit number....shit what's he up to now? That is bullshit though, I hope it doesn't happen. Mark Henry? Man, gimmie Orton to up the legend killer status.

Vader/Golddust - At Raw?? haha, Vader I know they signed a few ago, but Golddust? Again? How many times can you burn a bridge? Man he better thank his daddy.

I never heard about Vader lol... Goldy is pretty funny but yah... why do they keep dropping him and then decide to bring him back.
11/01/2005 02:04 AM (UTC)
Well, figure they just hired Daddy Rhodes to do some scout work or something, so I'm sure this was his doing. Not that I mind Golddust, he was cool, has been cool, but man you would think he was Stone Cold with all the tantrums and quitting he gets away with.

I hope the Stone Cold thing doesn't happen btw. sad
11/01/2005 04:13 AM (UTC)
Golddush im wishing would go away. Hes only back cause his daddy Dusty Rhodes made it happen. When Dusty was in TNA he did the same thing,brought Dustin (Golddust) in and tried to push him to the top. They made Goldy seem like a monster tonight,he was kicking Batista's ass until the spinebuster.

Seeing Vader was suprising to me,pretty cool till he fell getting out of the ring. *laughs*

I dont know whats happening to WWE now. They lost Christian today and now Steve Austin? I didnt believe it about Austin till they announced he wouldnt be at Taboo Tuesday.

And yet another quit/release (not sure yet) but Torrie Wilson is gone from the WWE also.

Almost forgot,just wanna say it ahead of time,IF John Cena doesnt turn heel,his time will soon end. The crowd has been all over him for the last two weeks. The only cheers you really hear for him are the girls/ little kids. The crowd was booing him every time he got momentum tonight,and I heard alot of 'You tapped out!' and 'Cena sucks!' chants.
11/01/2005 04:17 AM (UTC)
Dude....I was wondering where she was tonight, it would SUCK if she leaves...wtf is going on? All these people leave and we get Vader and Kamala back? And Golddust? WTF.furious
11/01/2005 04:20 AM (UTC)
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Golddush im wishing would go away. Hes only back cause his daddy Dusty Rhodes made it happen. When Dusty was in TNA he did the same thing,brought Dustin (Golddust) in and tried to push him to the top. They made Goldy seem like a monster tonight,he was kicking Batista's ass until the spinebuster.

Seeing Vader was suprising to me,pretty cool till he fell getting out of the ring. *laughs*

I dont know whats happening to WWE now. They lost Christian today and now Steve Austin? I didnt believe it about Austin till they announced he wouldnt be at Taboo Tuesday.

And yet another quit/release (not sure yet) but Torrie Wilson is gone from the WWE also.

I can't believe this stuff... it seems like a bad dream all this crap happening at once. WWE better pull their pants up before TNA sticks it to em.
11/01/2005 04:26 AM (UTC)
Nikodemus Wrote:
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Golddush im wishing would go away. Hes only back cause his daddy Dusty Rhodes made it happen. When Dusty was in TNA he did the same thing,brought Dustin (Golddust) in and tried to push him to the top. They made Goldy seem like a monster tonight,he was kicking Batista's ass until the spinebuster.

Seeing Vader was suprising to me,pretty cool till he fell getting out of the ring. *laughs*

I dont know whats happening to WWE now. They lost Christian today and now Steve Austin? I didnt believe it about Austin till they announced he wouldnt be at Taboo Tuesday.

And yet another quit/release (not sure yet) but Torrie Wilson is gone from the WWE also.

I can't believe this stuff... it seems like a bad dream all this crap happening at once. WWE better pull their pants up before TNA sticks it to em.

If only here (Australia) we had TNA, we have Raw, SmackDowb!, Velocity and Heat.
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