10/23/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
Nikodemus Wrote:
Hey Alpha decided to make you a new sig...you've had your current one for far to long.

Here's an avy to go with it as well if you want.

Tiiiiiiiight, thanks man. But I just might end up being the next Temp and keping the same avatar/sig for eternity. But I do like the work and have it saved on my comp if I ever change my mind
10/23/2005 10:15 AM (UTC)
Brothers, it looks like Kevin Nash has been rushed to the hospital. He probably wont be able to wrestle Jeff Jarret at TNA's Bound for Glory today. Whoops.
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

10/23/2005 10:54 AM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
Besides, there's a couple of photos of me with no shirt on. What else could you ask for?

I was thinking of buying it up to this point grin No really, I think I'll check it out grin
10/23/2005 11:42 AM (UTC)
Brother, don't you want to train with us?
10/23/2005 04:13 PM (UTC)
It's page changing time!
10/23/2005 05:41 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
Brothers, it looks like Kevin Nash has been rushed to the hospital. He probably wont be able to wrestle Jeff Jarret at TNA's Bound for Glory today. Whoops.

What happen to him?
10/23/2005 09:29 PM (UTC)
SkeletonofSociety Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
After seeing today's Countdown: the 3 Hogan's it doesn't bother me anymore that there are 3 Hogan's.........

Actually I had the reverse feeling. I was already mad at the fact that there are three Hogans already but then I got even more mad that: NWO Hogan doesn't have the NWO theme or even Voodoo Child (WTF), and the other two share the exact same entrance but with different camera angles. Then I got even more agitated that the entrance I was looking most foward to, Batista's, was botched. There is no pyro for his machine gun turrent taunt but then he flexes a few seconds later for a weak pyro burst. This game better really surprise me somehow because I went from thinking so highly of it to being so dissapointed. Ill still buy it, but not with the same high hopes I had for it several months ago.

There's still time before the game comes out that all of that could be fixed or has already been fixed. Any videos released online have been from an unfinished, early version of the game, probablly from a few months ago, so since the vids have been seen, all the necessary changes have likely been made. Just have to wait and see when the game comes out.
10/24/2005 03:18 AM (UTC)
GORE! GORE! GOOOOOOOOORE! Rhino new NWA Champ grin Kevin Nash's sickness was a blessing in disguise. Get well soon Kevin.

The Monsters Ball II was awesome. When I saw Jeff go up to the balcony and saw the distance,I didnt think he was going to make it. But holy fuck he did it to perfection. Takes alot of guts,or just no brains to do it from that high. Second rope piledriver was pretty sick too.

The Ultimate X match was also good, but the ending was a little wierd. You could see Petey, Sabin, and Bentley visably upset with how it ended. Was pretty funny though.

Lyger vs Joe was my only real disappointment for tonight. I was expecting a classic but it wasnt given the time.

AJ and Daniels,another good match. AJ winning with 2 seconds left was a great ending.

The 10 man gauntlet,I had no idea who was going to win,I was thinking maybe Abyss, then here comes Rhino and he gores the hell out of Abyss and gets himself a title shot. Great stuff.

Wasn't really a bad match the whole night. Hell,even Lance Hoyt vs Monty brown was good.
10/24/2005 03:38 AM (UTC)
[Coachman] GORE! GORE! GORE! [/Coachman]

Fuck yeah, Rhino as world champ again! And damn did he dominate. Got the holy hell beat out of him by Sabu/Abyss/Hardy in an incredibly brutal match, but won it with a top rope piledriver on Hardy, then had to fight a 10 man battle royal for the right to face Jarrett against the likes of Samoa Joe, Hoyt, Monty Brown, and the three other guys from his previous match, which he won after gore-ing Abyss and tossing him out (this is all due to Nash not being able to make it to the PPV, by the way), then fought Jarrett and won after gore-ing him, dispite interference, guitar shots, distractions and a grand total of 9888538859 shots to the head from various weapons throughout the night. Rhino is finally back to his monster ECW form.

And Jeff Hardy's swanton was ridiculous, best ever imo, including all his WWE one's too. For those of you who didn't see the PPV (shame on you'se), he did a swanton off the top of the TNA entrence set, over the entire stage, and down the floor in front of it, onto Abyss who was laid on a table. It wasn't just very high, it was also a very long way out distance wise, so it looked like even with a run up he wouldn't have made it, but he did, and it ruled.

Damn, TNA kicks so much ass that it's hard just to take it all in.

I'm glad Petey Williams won the ultimate X match even if the ending was botched as well. Petey Vs Styles for the X-Div title! Whoo!
About Me


10/24/2005 07:36 AM (UTC)
yoh. i dont really follow wrestling but i saw ultimo dragon... d asain dude right, is he still wrestling..

i used to love that shite !!!! dean malenko rey mysterio ultimo and kidman all flying around .. ahhhhhhhh WCW
10/24/2005 03:30 PM (UTC)
Ultimo Dragon wasn't used properly by WWE, and left. Real shame, he could be World champion as far as I care.

Damn the TNA pay per view sounds like it was kickass. I wish I would've seen it, and damn Rhyno winning the title was just... fuck-awesome. I thought ''oh well, Nash is injured, they'll get AJ, Rhyno or Raven to job to Jarret. The last three title changes were all surprises, there's no way they're going to do it again''. This really has to be the last time though, the title is changing too frequently, I think. And Rhyno is quite effective as a champion this way, KICKASS.

Makes Coach look dumber too. He mentioned the opposition's champion's finisher on RAW. Dumb. Ass.
10/24/2005 06:14 PM (UTC)
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:

Hey Gladly you can play as Masked Kane as well, I saw this today at IGN. After seeing today's Countdown: the 3 Hogan's it doesn't bother me anymore that there are 3 Hogan's.........

yeah, i saw the screenshot of Masked Kane and that confused me... why don't they have him listed as a legend? maybe he's the PSP exclusive, or maybe it's just an alt costume for Kane

anyways, i was glad to hear they finally put Hogan in as a legend, but now i'm pissed that there's 3 versions, especially since nWo Hogan doesn't have the nWo theme or Voodoo Child... Hogan's pretty much had the same move repetoire his entire wrestling career, so the only thing that's changed is his costume and his stats (which are only slightly different)...why couldn't THQ/Yukes just give him 2 alt outfits?

they could've used the space to put more legends in... where the hell are Jimmy Snuka? Rowdy Roddy Piper? Sgt Slaughter and the Iron Sheik? ik they have rights to those guys, because they were in previous games...

when the @#%! are we going to see Ricky Steamboat, Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage? at least throw in Cowboy Bob Orton, who's involved in a storyline with Randy and Taker now... wtf is Jimmy Hart doing in this game?

THQ/Yukes got a couple things right... i am happy they got rid of Legendary Undertaker, since his gimmick is so similar now, having two of them seemed like overkill in the last game... having Stone Cold is a plus as well

i'm still gonna wait to buy SvR2K6, right now i don't see a huge reason to own it (11 of the wrestlers on the regular roster aren't even active right now, or they straight up got canned)
10/24/2005 06:20 PM (UTC)
I'm 90% sure I read that Masked Kane was just an alt outfit. I'll try to dig it up.

Jaybe2K4 Wrote:
yeah, i saw the screenshot of Masked Kane and that confused me... why don't they have him listed as a legend? maybe he's the PSP exclusive, or maybe it's just an alt costume for Kane

Taboo Tuesday Card, Spoiler Font because some of this stuff hasn't been announced:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
According to WWE.com, this is the card and possible stipulations for WWE’s Taboo Tuesday:

WWE Title: John Cena © vs. Kurt Angle vs. Fans Vote: (HBK, Kane or Big Show)

WWE Intercontinental Title Match: Ric Flair © vs. HHH: Fans Vote: ("One Fall to a Finish," a Submission Match or an unforgiving Steel Cage Match.)

World Tag Team Title Match: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch © vs. (Losers of Fan Voting for the World Title Match)

Edge and Chris Masters vs. Fan Vote: (Two of these SD Superstars: JBL, Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy, Christian and Hardcore Holly)

Carlito vs. Mick Foley Fans Vote: (The Fans choose which face of Foley Carlito will face, Mankind, Cactus Jack or Dude Love.)

Steve Austin vs. The Coach Fans Vote: erbal Debate, Arm Wrestling Contest or Street Fight. (If Stone Cold wins JR gets his job back, if Coach wins Stone Cold is fired)

Fulfill your fantasy Diva Battle Royal, Trish defends the Women’s Title against Ashley, Mickie James, Maria, Torrie Wilson, Candice and Victoria: Fans Vote: (Divas will wear Lingerie, leather & lace, or cheerleader outfits.

Not a bad card if you ask me. Though that stipulation in the HHH/Flair match has me scratching my head. confused Hopefully they explain that on Raw tonight.
10/24/2005 06:28 PM (UTC)
Well the stipulation for Flair/Game is the game as last year's Flair match agaisnt Randy Orton. No special reason, just three characteristic types of matches.
10/24/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
Ok, after last night, I kinda take back some of the negative things I said about TNA!! That ppv was awesome, much better than some, not all, just some, of the ppvs WWE did this year! They had, what, 3 match of the year contenders in AJ/Daniels 2, Mosnters Ball 2, and the Ultimate X match. Even though some are likely pissed at the end of the UX match, I thought it was funny! Listening to the crowd chant "use the ladder" when the ring crew was re-haning the X, that was funny.

Kinda dissapointed in the Samoa Joe/Liger match. Only my first time seeing Liger, and second time seeing Joe, and I don't really care for either of them. Maybe if I'd seen Liger in his prime, fighting Benoit, my opinion would be different.

Team 3D is going to kill those panzies AMW and take the tag titles, either on Impact, or the next ppv.
10/24/2005 07:14 PM (UTC)
No I mean, what is a one fall to the finish match? Or is that the name of the match, not the stipulation?

Zentile Wrote:
Well the stipulation for Flair/Game is the game as last year's Flair match agaisnt Randy Orton. No special reason, just three characteristic types of matches.
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

10/24/2005 08:47 PM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
No I mean, what is a one fall to the finish match? Or is that the name of the match, not the stipulation?

Zentile Wrote:
Well the stipulation for Flair/Game is the game as last year's Flair match agaisnt Randy Orton. No special reason, just three characteristic types of matches.

Isn't that a regular match?
10/25/2005 03:24 AM (UTC)
DamRho Wrote:
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
No I mean, what is a one fall to the finish match? Or is that the name of the match, not the stipulation?

Zentile Wrote:
Well the stipulation for Flair/Game is the game as last year's Flair match agaisnt Randy Orton. No special reason, just three characteristic types of matches.

Isn't that a regular match?

It sounds like a regular match! Ain't it funny when they Hint what type of match or wrestlers they want!!

Man didn't Steph look great today!!!

It's about time The Hurricane goes solo! Hopefully he'll be in The Intercontential Race pretty soon!!
10/25/2005 04:02 AM (UTC)
Candyman1014 Wrote:
DamRho Wrote:
Blade-Tsung Wrote:

It's about time The Hurricane goes solo! Hopefully he'll be in The Intercontential Race pretty soon!!

And it's about dfamn time. The Hurricane gimmick has been stale for far too long. I'm glad he's going back to the Gregory Helms gimmick (though I preffered Shane Helms). Hopefully he goes back to using the Orange Crush(or whatever it's called).
10/25/2005 01:19 PM (UTC)
Yep, One Fall to a Finish is basically regular singles match.
Flair begged the fans to vote for Steel Cage....
As if Micheals wasn't popular enough already, he won the triple threat match.
Who the hell isn't going to vote for the Street Fight stipulation in the Stone Cold match with Coach?
They practically TOLD us to vote for JBL and Rey to wrestle Masters and Edge.
This feels like a bigger rip off than last year's.
10/25/2005 06:38 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
Yep, One Fall to a Finish is basically regular singles match.
Flair begged the fans to vote for Steel Cage....
As if Micheals wasn't popular enough already, he won the triple threat match.
Who the hell isn't going to vote for the Street Fight stipulation in the Stone Cold match with Coach?
They practically TOLD us to vote for JBL and Rey to wrestle Masters and Edge.
This feels like a bigger rip off than last year's.

Exactly. this is why Taboo Tuesday is no big deal at all in my eyes. THey practically push which vote they want to win. Everyone already knows what all the choices will be, Steel Cage, HBK, Street Fight(yeah like people are gonna vote a verbal debate), JBL/Rey. Kane and Big Show will become Tag Team champs
10/25/2005 06:49 PM (UTC)
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
Zentile Wrote:
Yep, One Fall to a Finish is basically regular singles match.
Flair begged the fans to vote for Steel Cage....
As if Micheals wasn't popular enough already, he won the triple threat match.
Who the hell isn't going to vote for the Street Fight stipulation in the Stone Cold match with Coach?
They practically TOLD us to vote for JBL and Rey to wrestle Masters and Edge.
This feels like a bigger rip off than last year's.

Exactly. this is why Taboo Tuesday is no big deal at all in my eyes. THey practically push which vote they want to win. Everyone already knows what all the choices will be, Steel Cage, HBK, Street Fight(yeah like people are gonna vote a verbal debate), JBL/Rey. Kane and Big Show will become Tag Team champs

Yah it's pretty lame...Taboo Tuesday just pisses me off it's just fan manipulation.
10/25/2005 09:55 PM (UTC)
The only ones that aren't obvious are Conway vs. Eugene + Legend, the women's title match, and Carltio vs. Mick Foley.
Whatever the picks are though, nobody really cares much for the Conway/Eugene match's outcome, the women's title match is just to show some TNA (...heh), and Carlito will probably beat Foley.
10/25/2005 11:16 PM (UTC)
Zentile Wrote:
The only ones that aren't obvious are Conway vs. Eugene + Legend, the women's title match, and Carltio vs. Mick Foley.
Whatever the picks are though, nobody really cares much for the Conway/Eugene match's outcome, the women's title match is just to show some TNA (...heh), and Carlito will probably beat Foley.

Just for the hell of it, I voted for those matches as well, and I picked Eugene to team with Snuka, and the Divas to wear leather, and Foley to come back as Cactus Jack.

Not a great Raw last night.
10/26/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
For the Hell of it here are my votes:

HBK (sorry don't care for either Kane or Big Show)

Cage Match (like stated before they are kinda forcing this one on us)

Dude Love (It would be a nice change of pace)

Christian (although it would be nice if they would allow fans to choose which two instead of just one and the top to are the ones chosen)

Verbal Debate (because I know it's gonna be the street fight)

Hacksaw Jim Duggan


and Cade and Murdock are still gonna walk out with the belts.
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