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04/05/2008 07:21 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
rat is there also...behind lied going up and down.
someone should post all the words when we finish finding all we can.
edit: also, ace is just below that

I dare say most people spotted those. I've deliberately left those out because there's a chance they're incidental, and are certainly pretty removed from MK. There's a few words in there I've thrown in just in case (like bait, tear, peer), but three letter ones... Eh...
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04/05/2008 07:26 AM (UTC)
damnit, i wish this gave us anything more than what we already know, atleast it seems that way, i want to see something from the game, i wish these clues led to some secret web page with a preview or something anything,
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04/05/2008 07:30 AM (UTC)

[Repost for Page 11]

Vertical: Tree, Finish, Evolve/Evolved, Klose, Sleep, Mode, Arcade, Turn, Rage, Bait, Deep, Dream, Around, Evict, Freeze, Victim, Help, Slim...
Horizontal: Story, Life, Free, And/DNA, Island/Land, Sweden/Eden, Online, Odd, Lied, Grow, See, Kombat, Rain, Spear, Crime, Perspective, Dark, Venom, Home*, Bleed, Torn, Fool, Teleport/Port, Lets, Sage/Age, Wii...
Diagonal: Dead, Peer, Tear, Cave...

*NOTE: Like the "19.5" from the previous codes, there's an 8 without a zero. You can identify it with the smaller H (in home).

Potentially unclaimed letters: S L A R I M N E W T A O T E V W
Potential anagram: AWAIT MORE NEWS [Leftover: LTV]
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Updated Scales (Remake)

04/05/2008 07:43 AM (UTC)
horizontal: story, life, free, island, sweden, online, odd, lied, grow, see, kombat, rain, spear, crime, perspective, dark, venom, home, bleed torn, fool, teleport, lets, sage, age, wii,

vertical: tree, turn around, klose, freeze, evict, victim, slim, bait, rage, deep, sleep, help(under sleep), evolve, dream, arcade,

diagonal: dead peer, cave

wow. ok didnt know some one else was posting the words
04/05/2008 07:46 AM (UTC)
I see the word Love. That MUST mean the next MK game will return Friendships! (note: not being serious)

I also see "Net", which, on a long shot, might mean Cyrax is coming back, or more likely that it's a coincidence and that even if it was mentioned it could have little to no meaning whatsoever.
04/05/2008 07:55 AM (UTC)
mode using the M in kombat going up. in the same line as sleep going down is ask and help...
seeing these other words are starting to make me think there are actual sentances or phrases hidden lol.
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04/05/2008 07:57 AM (UTC)
turn around is the most intriguing of the words found, any one got a clue, other than the turn around button in MKMSZ
04/05/2008 08:04 AM (UTC)
i was thinking of mkmsz also but i also had an idea it could maybe mean side stepping? maybe its a fatality thing where you can turn the opponent around and do a finisher facing the victims back?
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04/05/2008 08:08 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
seeing these other words are starting to make me think there are actual sentances or phrases hidden lol.

That's what I was expecting when I first started decoding (which made me include and, which could also be DNA).
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Updated Scales (Remake)

04/05/2008 08:10 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
i was thinking of mkmsz also but i also had an idea it could maybe mean side stepping? maybe its a fatality thing where you can turn the opponent around and do a finisher facing the victims back?

i think thats a stretch especially because, why would boon put a clue to something like that takes that many steps mentally to come up with
04/05/2008 08:13 AM (UTC)
i dunno...just a thought.
i found another word...dart diagonal with the d next to kombat. i just realized the letters J,Q,X arent used at all in this puzzle...i wonder if the numbers have meaning (10,17,24)? also,i havent read this entire thread or anything but did anyone realize that there isnt a moon on noob.com....its a black and white earth. i wonder if this was done on purpose or unintentionally?
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04/05/2008 08:59 AM (UTC)
LycaniLLusion Wrote:
also,i havent read this entire thread or anything but did anyone realize that there isnt a moon on noob.com....its a black and white earth. i wonder if this was done on purpose or unintentionally?

Actually it's a blended image of the moon that was there and the Earth. It was changed from just the Moon quite some time ago.

It's probably a good idea to review the first post, because with the amount of repeat posts we've had about really obvious things is bound to be grating on a lot of people's nerves.
04/05/2008 09:13 AM (UTC)
You came up with Mileena for the word teleport? C'mon guys, that's hinting to Raiden. He is much more likely to be a returning character alongside Sub-Zero and Scorpion much more so than Mileena. Think original cast, I think those 7 are the most likely to return (not all, but the most logical choices) and Rain seems to have come up again. Turn around also could simply mean something along the lines of this game taking place in the past, as in turn around their going back in time prior to the first MK game or something like that. That also makes sense along with the pictures of animals, and the primal rage linking (prehistoric dinosaurs.) From some of the words in there I think Reptile, Raiden, Rain, Sub-Zero and Scorpion are pretty decent bets on returning, with Rain being the least-likely. Reptile falls into the first MK cast as well, since he was hidden in MK1. Rain, only because he seems to keep coming up. Again, that word teleport screams Raiden to me, and i don't know who else would be associated with that word.
04/05/2008 09:38 AM (UTC)
You assholes have too much time on your hands.
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04/05/2008 09:50 AM (UTC)
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
You assholes have too much time on your hands.

How dare you! It took seven years of my life to get a degree in typing a URL, reading said contents, and then typing a little bit more in discussion!
I don't appreciate you making a mockery of this time consuming, pain staking practise, for which I trained extensively! It occupies weeks on end, particularly when the posting of "graphics" is concerned, but it's something I believe in and care about!

You swine!
Now you've thrown my fortnightly schedule completely out of wack!
How on earth will I reclaim the vital hours needed to hit "Post Message"? This is an outrage!
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Creator of John the MK Janitor.

04/05/2008 01:00 PM (UTC)
I am quite amazed at how determined you all are. Keep trying, Kombat begins soon... speaking of dots...there is only one left.
04/05/2008 03:29 PM (UTC)
When you try to highlight the three little squares...there's only one now.
04/05/2008 03:35 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Chino_Cheng Wrote:
You assholes have too much time on your hands.

How dare you! It took seven years of my life to get a degree in typing a URL, reading said contents, and then typing a little bit more in discussion!
I don't appreciate you making a mockery of this time consuming, pain staking practise, for which I trained extensively! It occupies weeks on end, particularly when the posting of "graphics" is concerned, but it's something I believe in and care about!

You swine!
Now you've thrown my fortnightly schedule completely out of wack!
How on earth will I reclaim the vital hours needed to hit "Post Message"? This is an outrage!


well i for one am glad that we're all working on this instead of just sitting back and waiting for Gamer's Day. I feel like we're all detectives working on some crazy mystery. lol

running down a dream, that never would come to me, workin on mystery, goin wherever it leads.

i'm going back to bed.

04/05/2008 03:58 PM (UTC)
I'd rather them not have to dumb the game down so It can end up being a Wii title. I'm hoping that Wii was just a randomly generated word for the puzzle and is not actually supposed to be Wii. Haha. Why can't we just keep this a 360/PS3 game.
04/05/2008 04:17 PM (UTC)
Well, Nintendo fans will be disappointed if it's NOT on the Wii, so it makes sense to put it on the Wii. And it won't be "dumbed down".


The Code Is The Answer. The Answer Is The Code.

This is is SAVE_US.MK8. Any WWE fan remembers the crazy "SAVE_US.222" campaign that led to the return of Chris Jericho.

Why do I compare it to SAVE_US?

BECAUSE... the new MK, I'm guessing, will be about the imminent destruction of the Earth, but there is going to be a "Chosen One". A "Savior". The man who will SAVE_US from the destruction. And I'm going to speculate that Kreate-A-Fighter will return and be intertwined with Konquest mode, and depending on the choices you make with the Kreated Fighter in Konquest, your character will either be the SAVIOR, or the DESTRUCTOR.

This is just speculation on my part, but I wouldn't doubt that the MK team reveals something like that at Gamer's Day.
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04/05/2008 04:48 PM (UTC)

I think the answer is far more obvious than that.
Midway is in real trouble finance wise and it needs this game to be a big hit to stop the studio going under for good.
Do or die time for midway.
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04/05/2008 04:49 PM (UTC)
04/05/2008 06:02 PM (UTC)
Don't talk about the dots or you will get yelled at!!!! Ya there is only one now But keep it hush, hush...
04/05/2008 06:11 PM (UTC)
BigHeadAl you said who else could the word Teleport refer to?
Well have you thought that maybe it was just another hint to Scorpions' return ?
04/05/2008 06:32 PM (UTC)
Yeah, but Raiden is the first person I associate the word teleport to, what about you? I mean Raiden is almost as much of a staple as Sub and Scorp IMO, plus there are already references to those 2 characters in there (spear, freeze) but not more than one. Just would shock me if that wasn't related to Raiden. Plus as far as relating it to scorpion, he isn't the only one that has had a teleport punch, others have which makes it a bit of a generic move among some of the ninjas, but the only thing besides electricity that would obviously be targeting Raiden would be teleport IMO. It's definitely not pointing at Mileena. I'm not saying its automatic or anything haha, we're far from that, but I feel like I know how Boon thinks and works so I expect to see Raiden somehow involved in MK8.
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