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04/02/2008 02:22 AM (UTC)
InfRaRed Wrote:
hey i dont know but do you guys notice three dots at the top.

You sir, are my hero!

^First-look screenshot of Johnny Cage in MK8 action.
In the wake of Armageddon, a post-apocalyptic Earth is overrun by French dock workers. Only Johnny Cage and the other playable defenders of the realm can stop the stripey shirted tyranny of this Parisian Scandal, and save Princess Kitana from their slimey clutches!
04/02/2008 01:33 PM (UTC)
oh his little message has gone now

i wonder why lol
About Me

Patrick McCarron

04/02/2008 03:11 PM (UTC)
@jpetrunak - It was a working program, not just a video. So no faking on my part a well. Kitana moves when you tilt the screen. For more info, here is the post I made about the April Fools Day iPhone joke and how it came together.

04/02/2008 03:12 PM (UTC)
TheKrow Wrote:
As for reading too much into it, do you think the biggest clue has been there all along?



Could this game be returning to it's roots quite literally by going all the way back to time B.C.???
- TheKrow

What a STUPID theory.

Did MK4 go back to BC time?
Did MKDA go back to BC time?
Or any other MK game while Ed has his website up?

Man, STFU, please.
04/02/2008 04:38 PM (UTC)
XTREEMIST we are sorry you don't have a opinion on the new mk game.We are sorry that you small inmature brain can't think up a good theory.But that is no reason to make fun of people who actually try to solve the mystery.So please sit in the corner on your stool and drewl on yourself and please only speak when your told to.As for me I think a B.C. dated mk game would be awesome.But im still hoping for a mk vs toa feng game.John Tobias and Ed boon reunited.
04/02/2008 05:09 PM (UTC)
did anyone notice the pair of eyes under the countdown?

oh and my thought on the riddle

the planets: That is not a picture of the moon, it is a pallette swapped earth, i think the earth is dying in the game(explaining the pulse line)

The four animals could mean 1 or more of at least 3 ideas:
1. A sequel to Primal Rage(Noob.Com isnt just an MK site)
2. Animalities are coming back with a vengence
3.The four characters who correspond with those animalities will make a comeback in MK8

FREE TOUCH KLOSE: either MK8 is coming for DS or we will see a demo soon/ play a demo
04/02/2008 06:10 PM (UTC)
04/02/2008 06:21 PM (UTC)
more #'s added to noob.com
04/02/2008 06:22 PM (UTC)
kidkombatant Wrote:
did anyone notice the pair of eyes under the countdown?

oh and my thought on the riddle

the planets: That is not a picture of the moon, it is a pallette swapped earth, i think the earth is dying in the game(explaining the pulse line)

The four animals could mean 1 or more of at least 3 ideas:
1. A sequel to Primal Rage(Noob.Com isnt just an MK site)
2. Animalities are coming back with a vengence
3.The four characters who correspond with those animalities will make a comeback in MK8

FREE TOUCH KLOSE: either MK8 is coming for DS or we will see a demo soon/ play a demo

all these things have been pointed out before

im not thinking too much into it am sure when the day comes all these lil facts will mean nothing!
04/02/2008 07:56 PM (UTC)
mundan Wrote:
XTREEMIST we are sorry you don't have a opinion on the new mk game.We are sorry that you small inmature brain can't think up a good theory.But that is no reason to make fun of people who actually try to solve the mystery.So please sit in the corner on your stool and drewl on yourself and please only speak when your told to.As for me I think a B.C. dated mk game would be awesome.But im still hoping for a mk vs toa feng game.John Tobias and Ed boon reunited.

Wow that was good! Let me sit down and think about a theory while instead I can get a life and not try to figure out stupid shit as if it will make the game come out any faster.
About Me

Patrick McCarron

04/02/2008 08:06 PM (UTC)
Also keep in mind, TOUCH was added as part of our April Fool's joke at TRMK. So unless it actually fits in with Ed's puzzle, I would not put much thought into it. I think he just forgot to remove it.

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"There Is No Knowledge That Is Not Power"

04/02/2008 08:07 PM (UTC)
This is probably way off, but could "Free touch klose" mean a new feature in MK where you can get a free hit at your opponent by making them groggy or dazed for a few seconds? Hmmmmm.....smile
04/02/2008 08:32 PM (UTC)
has anyone tried scrambling the letters to get something different? I was trying that with "rage" "free" "touch" "close and one I got was "Go seek earth for clue"... that really doesn't say too much but maybe you can get something else...? also to see the main pic you can go to www.noob.com/noob07.jpg , and to see the one without "touch" you can go to www.noob.com/noob06.jpg , i was trying other numbers after the noob but couldnt find anything but maybe im just reading too far into it.
04/02/2008 08:54 PM (UTC)
Well according to McCarron, from TRMK, the he contacted boon to get in on the iphone mk april fools joke, and that the "Touch" clue was only put up their to go along with their april fools joke.

Why Boon would take down is own april fools post about him leaving Midway, but keeping up the "touch" clue makes no sense.

So either McCarron is full of shit about contacting Boon, or the whole Noob.com "mystery" is a waste of time. If you can't keep your clues consistent in a viral marketing game, then how are people supposed to figure anything out. Its bad enough that these clue's have so far led to nothing, ( i.e. another site, leaked info or screenshots ) but apparently now the only that can be confirmed according to McCarron is that one of the clues doesnt mean anything. So how do we know if any of the other clues mean anything ?

In light of all of this, im done with the whole noob.com thing. It obviously isnt going to lead to anything except for more pointless nonsense until Midway Gamers day, so I'll just wait until then.

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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

04/02/2008 10:40 PM (UTC)
Wow, there are some gloomy gus's on this thread today. Giving up so soon?

Hey Xtreemist, if your XTREEMELY awesome life is so packed with awesomeness, than why waste the time to come back onto this thread and announce that you were't going to waste time trying to figure out this "stupid shit." That's what this thread is basically for, genius.

People like you are hilarious. Naysayers who only bash other people's ideas, but don't have any of your own. The stupid mother hen types on message boards that turn themselves into the idea police really bug me.

If you don't like someone's idea, fine, ignore it. But to bash someone and not come back with an idea of your own, or at least admit that you're too dumb or lazy to come up with one is pretty bush league.

If you have the time to jump down someone's throat, than you have the time to at least theorize like everyone else that came to this thread has done so far. I mean, if you weren't interested in noob.com and the whole mystery thing or whatever, why would you even come into this thread to begin with?

Personally? I like the whole looking to Earth for clues idea from lzrdking. I thought that the words might be an anagram since I first saw them. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at anagrams, so what lzrdking came up with looks like a great idea. The differences between the first earth, which is normal, and the second earth which is cloudy. Well, several ideas could be brought out from that.

But I'm probably boring you into a coma, harshing your mellow and being anti-XTREEME with all this talk about what this thread actually pertains to so I'll STFU. After all, I wouldn't want to look like I don't have a life or anything, even if that idea about the anagram and liking lzrdking's idea took me all of 20 seconds to come up with.

Why don't you go police some other threads. Maybe pick one of the "who should return" threads. There are about a thousand. Go take your anger out on those people and leave this thread alone. I kinda like it. grin
04/03/2008 04:27 AM (UTC)
jpetrunak Wrote:
Well according to McCarron, from TRMK, the he contacted boon to get in on the iphone mk april fools joke, and that the "Touch" clue was only put up their to go along with their april fools joke.

Why Boon would take down is own april fools post about him leaving Midway, but keeping up the "touch" clue makes no sense.

So either McCarron is full of shit about contacting Boon, or the whole Noob.com "mystery" is a waste of time. If you can't keep your clues consistent in a viral marketing game, then how are people supposed to figure anything out. Its bad enough that these clue's have so far led to nothing, ( i.e. another site, leaked info or screenshots ) but apparently now the only that can be confirmed according to McCarron is that one of the clues doesnt mean anything. So how do we know if any of the other clues mean anything ?

In light of all of this, im done with the whole noob.com thing. It obviously isnt going to lead to anything except for more pointless nonsense until Midway Gamers day, so I'll just wait until then.

I think that TRMK reserves more respect, you know, this website (and his sources) assured half year ago that the MK8 will be a CrossOver with DC Comics, and... oh WAIT!
04/03/2008 05:15 AM (UTC)
kidkombatant Wrote:

FREE TOUCH KLOSE: ... we will see a demo soon/ play a demo

So far that's the only thing I've read on this thread that could actually be true.
04/03/2008 09:06 AM (UTC)

personally i think the "rage" thing is all about how he is describing it.

i can see boon walking around and calling mk8 "all the rage " lol
04/03/2008 11:05 AM (UTC)
mundan Wrote:
XTREEMIST we are sorry you don't have a opinion on the new mk game.We are sorry that you small inmature brain can't think up a good theory.But that is no reason to make fun of people who actually try to solve the mystery.So please sit in the corner on your stool and drewl on yourself and please only speak when your told to.As for me I think a B.C. dated mk game would be awesome.But im still hoping for a mk vs toa feng game.John Tobias and Ed boon reunited.

he doesn't need to think up a good theory, because theres no need.

are you serious? tao feng? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

a bc game would be dumb. wtf are they gonna do? have caveman ninjas fighting t-rex??? all the crap pointing to that, doesn't mean it will take place "bc"..maybe it will take place during fudal japan..maybe taran is gonna make an appearence...maybe its a reference to the king of the jungle..maybe its being posted to keep people like you busy, and think their getting "news" while the team works on the game. you don't know.

honestly..how are they gonna explaine sub and scorp running around b.c time???? "oh..something heppend when blaze died and it turned back time" lmao. i can just picture sub riding around on a giant polar bear.

everytime a new mk comes out, idiots here totally spaz out and start dissecting everything trying to come up with clues for shit that doesn't matter..and it always comes out to be nothing. "omgz i see an "!" on the page!!! maybe that means the new mk is gona be about monkeys in china drinking coffee in a bath house with the pope!!!!"

04/03/2008 05:30 PM (UTC)
Nobody has said anything about the three dots, or did I miss that that post.
Highlight the upper left corner. They have been there atleast for 2 days.
04/03/2008 06:21 PM (UTC)
they been there the whole time shut up
04/03/2008 06:23 PM (UTC)
Ummm...I actually think that the 3 dots are up there since the site got the first update....
04/03/2008 06:30 PM (UTC)
"they been there the whole time shut up"
If I thought you could make me I would. I guess this is why I quit comming to this site a long time ago, because of the complete cock suckers like you. Go fuck yourself and your mom better have change for that $5 next time.
04/03/2008 06:30 PM (UTC)
i agree with scorpio. I posted some reply on that primal rage crossover crap thread with the same arguments. I just can't see why almost everybody here tries so hard to be the first who speculates somethin about noob.com. I hate these guys coming up with: " there are animals on the page, so it's obvious that it's a crossover between mk and primal rage" or " wow, did anybody notice the 3 dots atop the page". But did anyone think that Boon is laughing is eyebrows reading speculations like these and maybe he's updating the site with random crap that gets into his head while stoned?
I'm sure that if the word rage appears in the next MK game, some smart guy is gonna make a thread, stating that he came up with the whole rage stuff and we should worship him or something.
Can't you all just wait 2 more weeks, and in the meantime post in topics like "i would like scorp to have a spiked collar" or stuff.
The whole speculation thing just gets on my nerves, and the only thing that I absolutely loathe is the fact that some of you really like the stupid idea of MK being a crossover game or have guest characters like ... I dunno, captain planet or pink panther. If you want that kind of bullshit just play Soulcalibur or something and leave Mk be the same way it has been for 16 years!

sorry for the off-topic "rage"
04/03/2008 09:07 PM (UTC)
whats hilarious about that is, "shut up" is the worst thing i've said on these boards and other people always go on long rants when people repeat old news. i think thats kinda funny.
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