Q: When someone jump kicks into me, at or above waist level, i block (of course) it and try to let off block and attack immediately but my fighter is frozen, or "stunned" and i can't attack until the other guy lands. Why is that?
Is it my connection, or is that happening to everyone?
Is it my connection, or is that happening to everyone?
This might be a dumb question but, how do you do that throw that cyrax has? That's been drivin me crazy lol
Why doesn't the db1 transition to knees work for my KAK while doing a KAF? It worked no problem on XBox.

Paralyzer Wrote:
This might be a dumb question but, how do you do that throw that cyrax has? That's been drivin me crazy lol
This might be a dumb question but, how do you do that throw that cyrax has? That's been drivin me crazy lol
To be exact,you actually can't do that throw.Check found this out some time ago.It was left in by Midway,but I guess they never took it out.Only the computer is able to use it.

kilnkilagn Wrote:
Q: When someone jump kicks into me, at or above waist level, i block (of course) it and try to let off block and attack immediately but my fighter is frozen, or "stunned" and i can't attack until the other guy lands. Why is that?
Is it my connection, or is that happening to everyone?
Q: When someone jump kicks into me, at or above waist level, i block (of course) it and try to let off block and attack immediately but my fighter is frozen, or "stunned" and i can't attack until the other guy lands. Why is that?
Is it my connection, or is that happening to everyone?
Well to answer your question.
This is done by either doing a Jump Kick Cancel or a Jump Kick Cancel Throw. Basically if your Opponent does a Deep kick and hits you while your not blocking,Then they can immediately do any move or special move. Now if they do a throw off of a Jump Kick cancel and the kick doesnt hit and you get frozen? That is a Glitch throw to where you get a free combo which does the amount of damage of the regular throw plus the combo.
Sometimes if your opponent does a Jump Kick Cancel and hits you and then tries to Throw,It will give you a free hit cause it freezes them. Now remember,Glitchthrows only work with very laggy conns. I noticed that its usually a 2 star conn or worse makes it possible.
Well i hope that helps you.
This thread should be sticky....

V1LLA1N Wrote:
How do ppl do the forward up glitch high in the air? I can only do it almost to the ground but I see ppl doing it high up in the air.
How do ppl do the forward up glitch high in the air? I can only do it almost to the ground but I see ppl doing it high up in the air.
Forward up glitch???
You mean 33's?
If so,The reason you see them doing it up higher is because that is the lagg of the OTG. When you do it,You will always be doing it towards the ground. But when your opponent does it,It will always look like its midscreen. Its just the way it works. They see the same thing that you see them doing on there screen, when you do the 33 otg.
Hope that helps.
V1LLA1N Wrote:
How do ppl do the forward up glitch high in the air? I can only do it almost to the ground but I see ppl doing it high up in the air.
How do ppl do the forward up glitch high in the air? I can only do it almost to the ground but I see ppl doing it high up in the air.
when you are doing it "almost to the ground" you are actually doing it as high up as you are seeing people do it to you.
they are seeing the same thing when u do it to them, pay no attention to it, and concentrate on your timing it as low as possible, and as fast as possible.
generally its lag, but its built into the game, the biggest most well known glitch in the history of mkda-mka: The Player 2 Glitch. it carrys over to online heavily. player 1 is unplayable online due to this glitch. and barely makes offline playable.
player 1 functions differently from player 2 on all angles. advantages/disadvantages/pointless gaming. its something i warned everyone about in mkd, including midway but they didnt listen or said they "never heard about it before" now we all pay the price for them not hiring me.
^^ proof of all this was found by red saleen when he tested his own connection against his own connection, no lag whatsoever. and noticed player 1 would do the forward/up "glitch" higher then player 2.
but for the most part its the same thing.
just make sure its as low as possible, and when u land, press 3 a couple times to cancel out like a deepjumpkick
vjeekes Wrote:
Sorry guys, can someone explain how you do Deepkick combo s?
here on pal nobody uses it, i would love to know how to do it
Sorry guys, can someone explain how you do Deepkick combo s?
here on pal nobody uses it, i would love to know how to do it
theres nothing to it online
just press 1/2/3/4 as low as possible to the ground so that the jumpkick connects. if you do it too low, the jumpkick wont have time to register. ( another huge problem in mka )
offline is all about proper canceling and spacing
as soon as the jumpkick is about to connect ( same timing and everything ) you press 1(1) or whatever button you use for jumpkicks. its ALWAYS 1(1) just one extra press the button. it makes you drop faster just like acs and how it speeds up frames/delays on certain parts. hence canceling.
scorp 187 gave you a great link so you can see how they are. theres not much else you need to see
deep jumpkicks are worthless, the amount of time they take to land are embarrassing and only work if youre jumping over something or doing a smoke cloud/kiss/etc.
due to sidestep throw glitch all jumpkicks can be sidestepped and thrown. the only escape is parry canceling while landing into ducking( onyl works online due to lag ). another one of my finds. i dont think anyones game is as evolved as mine with pc though.
ony good thing about deepkicks are glitch throws. glitch throws arent duckable and lead to huge damage. with no throw escapes these are one of the best strats to use online.
id write more but my boy is about to come by
hey all right it's all sticky!!!! lol this should prove more useful as a sticky... hopefully it will limit the ammount of nonsense threads.
you also might change the title, like make help center in all caps, that way it's more destict and stands out alot more. I sold on ebay for the past 6 years, so i know how to list lol, titles are the first thing that gets your attention.
....the biggest most well known glitch in the history of mkda-mka: The Player 2 Glitch. it carrys over to online heavily. player 1 is unplayable online due to this glitch. and barely makes offline playable.
So anyone who hosts is at a disadvantage? Could you give a quick list of the ad/disadvantages?
kilnkilagn Wrote:
....the biggest most well known glitch in the history of mkda-mka: The Player 2 Glitch. it carrys over to online heavily. player 1 is unplayable online due to this glitch. and barely makes offline playable.
So anyone who hosts is at a disadvantage? Could you give a quick list of the ad/disadvantages?
....the biggest most well known glitch in the history of mkda-mka: The Player 2 Glitch. it carrys over to online heavily. player 1 is unplayable online due to this glitch. and barely makes offline playable.
So anyone who hosts is at a disadvantage? Could you give a quick list of the ad/disadvantages?
thats quite an awful lot to ask,i will answer your second question for the time being since it moderatly shorter
right off the bat, if u cant tell the connection difference you host or or dont host, then you must be nuts, or you just must have an incredible connection vs anyone you play.
anytime you sidestep and are player 1 online, its like the sidestep IS the camera, and it just looks out abnormal compared to offline or player 2. player 1's sidesteps cannot be tracked. this was proven at the end of mkd's lifespan, the entire game online is a joke. offline it just effects each character individually and not overall based on online play and its nature
there is quite alot more to this post. it has been posted here in the past all the differences. id suggest the search feature for now till i go through all60 characters on each side of the controller and name all the differences.. dont hold ur breath
things it effects
combos( p1 only and p2 only combos ) theres alot more p1/p2 differences related to combos.
range on moves/priority/speed of move- needs no explaining
picking a character in a fight. ( kenshi for player 2 being nearly unplayable compared to player 1 or vice versa )
air kombat
wall otgs/wall free throws ( player 1 only ) and other related p1/p2 related issues
character models( for player 2, almost all the characters share the same model, in mkd EVERY CHARACTER SHARED THE SAME MODEL, for player 1, it was harder to juggle females/shorter characters etc )
sidestep ( player 1's cannot be tracked, player 2 cannot ss period. )
its basically a different game from both sides. while not as noticable online, it carries over from offline and more importantly exists and is a very dangerous glitch. its most noticable when hosting then not hosting. like i said if u cant see the difference when u play. youre blind, and i cannot help you anymore. the way the game plays when not hosting is how the game should look and cooperate when hosting. )
seriously if i showed u a vid of when i host vs versatile,then when he hosts. youll see the difference because it is incredibly funny when i host.
if karate has both vids, he will upload them for you
karate: if you have versa lag 1/2/3/4/5/6 post any of them up, i think i stillhave one so its cool
if you have my matches vs versa, then upload them somewhere so he can see the diffference. and for the record its ALWAYS like this whenever i host. and not a coincidence. it has to do with the game being worked on one side more then the other. and sometimes both. ( there are glitches that work for p1that dont work for p2 and vice versa MAJOR GLITCHES )
thats all for tonight
Alright my question dosent pertain to MK at all but since alot of people on here use youtube I figured someone would know.
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
Scorp187 Wrote:
Alright my question dosent pertain to MK at all but since alot of people on here use youtube I figured someone would know.
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
Alright my question dosent pertain to MK at all but since alot of people on here use youtube I figured someone would know.
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
i've watched videos on youtube that were like 30 minutes long, i think it's more on the size of the file rather then the length of the video, if you had some type of video editing software you could maybe cut down on some of the video n' make the file smaller. but i couldnt tell ya what software to get, i want some too lol
@CHECK-Hey This is GAN0N and I was wondering how you do that wall combo with scorp 122% you can pull that off real easy I Can't pull it off how do you Do it.
villian is ganon? i was wondering that earlier
sup dude?
well, to answer your question as simply as possible:
first of all, it only works on jax
second of all, you have to take out your controller and plug it into the second side of the playstation, because this combo only works when you practice as player 2.
now i guess youre wondering about the air combo.
the air combo is done with 333 in first stance, if you mash it fast enough meaning: 333(33333333), you will drop faster and you can jump back up and do it again.
the great thing about this air cancel is it cannot be done infinitly, every character can do a different amount.
scorp 7
sub 3
sheeva 3
drahmin 4
jax 4
smoke 4
hotaru 4
hsu hao 4
kabal 5 or 6
bo 2 ( i think, i need to check )
now you have to mash 3333333 as fast as you can till you are on the ground, dont stop mashing it until its time to jump again.
you also have to mash it faster then youve ever mashed before in your life, literally 15-20 times.
anyway, now, the jumping part
first of all, you have to jump the moment you touch the ground.
but you cant just press up to jump, you have to do a special jump.
you have to press forward, then up.
you can practice this jump by standing next to a character, pressing FORWARD then UP/FORWARD to jump diagonally, and press 3 as you are jumping.
if you did the jump correctly, your character will jumpkick them on the way up, i can make a video to show you if you dont understand.
and thats all there is to it.
scorpion can actually do another 333 in the air in that combo. but getting 5 in hard enough. theres other things that are important to this combo though.its hard to explain but
when u do 221 into the wall, you have to do it at a certain height, if its done too high, you cant continue to air combo too many times because you go higher up and farther away from them after each 333.
if you do it too low, same result, when you try to jump up again, they wont be high enough.
i really cant explain it, but it has to do with jax, thats why you gotta pick him.
its just when you do that 221, it hits deeper into the wall then any other character, which basically locks jax into a certain spot/height, where you can do 4 or 5.
but trust me, getting 5 compared to 4 is extremly hard, and takes a certain timing with 221 on the wall. very hard, VERY VERY hard...
i believe thats it.
there is one more thing....
the very last part of the air combo: 113
you have to mash 3 after it, so that scorpion recovers faster, getting 113 into a hellfire to register together IS NOT EASY. i had to do this combo over many times because i fucked up this last part. its very hard to do. you have to have perfect timing with the hellfire when you land. its insane
im pretty sure thats it, but im sure you will have some questions.
let me know how it goes for you ganon
peace out
sup dude?
well, to answer your question as simply as possible:
first of all, it only works on jax
second of all, you have to take out your controller and plug it into the second side of the playstation, because this combo only works when you practice as player 2.
now i guess youre wondering about the air combo.
the air combo is done with 333 in first stance, if you mash it fast enough meaning: 333(33333333), you will drop faster and you can jump back up and do it again.
the great thing about this air cancel is it cannot be done infinitly, every character can do a different amount.
scorp 7
sub 3
sheeva 3
drahmin 4
jax 4
smoke 4
hotaru 4
hsu hao 4
kabal 5 or 6
bo 2 ( i think, i need to check )
now you have to mash 3333333 as fast as you can till you are on the ground, dont stop mashing it until its time to jump again.
you also have to mash it faster then youve ever mashed before in your life, literally 15-20 times.
anyway, now, the jumping part
first of all, you have to jump the moment you touch the ground.
but you cant just press up to jump, you have to do a special jump.
you have to press forward, then up.
you can practice this jump by standing next to a character, pressing FORWARD then UP/FORWARD to jump diagonally, and press 3 as you are jumping.
if you did the jump correctly, your character will jumpkick them on the way up, i can make a video to show you if you dont understand.
and thats all there is to it.
scorpion can actually do another 333 in the air in that combo. but getting 5 in hard enough. theres other things that are important to this combo though.its hard to explain but
when u do 221 into the wall, you have to do it at a certain height, if its done too high, you cant continue to air combo too many times because you go higher up and farther away from them after each 333.
if you do it too low, same result, when you try to jump up again, they wont be high enough.
i really cant explain it, but it has to do with jax, thats why you gotta pick him.
its just when you do that 221, it hits deeper into the wall then any other character, which basically locks jax into a certain spot/height, where you can do 4 or 5.
but trust me, getting 5 compared to 4 is extremly hard, and takes a certain timing with 221 on the wall. very hard, VERY VERY hard...
i believe thats it.
there is one more thing....
the very last part of the air combo: 113
you have to mash 3 after it, so that scorpion recovers faster, getting 113 into a hellfire to register together IS NOT EASY. i had to do this combo over many times because i fucked up this last part. its very hard to do. you have to have perfect timing with the hellfire when you land. its insane
im pretty sure thats it, but im sure you will have some questions.
let me know how it goes for you ganon
peace out
Scorp187 Wrote:
Alright my question dosent pertain to MK at all but since alot of people on here use youtube I figured someone would know.
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
Alright my question dosent pertain to MK at all but since alot of people on here use youtube I figured someone would know.
I'm trying to upload an old video from MKD and the vid is 17 minutes long and youtube has a max lenth of 10 minutes. Is there anyway to chop off 7 minutes of video so I can upload it?
just chop it off? you dont want the last 7 minutes?
upload it somewhere so i can download it and ill have it done for you in less then 5 minutes.
itll have two parts: one 10 minutes, the other 7 minutes, and you can upload both.
@Kingcheck- I wanna know if this is legit: pop up 33,33,33,33,pop up 33,33, then doing a combo after that.
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