Sup bro, welcome back.
As for the combo, I sort of forgot what it was that I asked you, lol. But I did end up workin' with 2,111U4,111U4,BF4 offline, I think that might have been along the lines, but I'm not for sure. Anyways, it's not character specific, but I think it's most likely impossible for online.
As for the combo, I sort of forgot what it was that I asked you, lol. But I did end up workin' with 2,111U4,111U4,BF4 offline, I think that might have been along the lines, but I'm not for sure. Anyways, it's not character specific, but I think it's most likely impossible for online.

Does anyone know any good juggles? Ones that don't involve P/C or A/C. One of the reasons I don't like using A/C is because it looks kinda crappy in action, in my opinion. I like pulling off cool, flashy, looking combos. I'm still figuring out P/C, but it's just not working for me. I know good juggles for some characters, but I was wondering if there's more? These are some of the juggles I know off-hand:
Chameleon: (Crane) 3,3,2 - 1,1,1, up+4 - back+1, back+3.
(Weapon) 4,1,1,3 - 4,4 - 4,1 - Ice Slide (Or Running Elbow).
Noob: (Monkey) 2,4 - 4 - down+4 - down+2.
(Monkey) 2, 1, 1, back+2 - Stars - 2,1,1,CS.
(Monkey) 2, 4 - 4 - Stars - 2,1,1,CS.
Liu Kang: (Jun Fan) 1,1,2 - forward+2 - 1,1, Bicycle Kick.
(Jun Fan) 2, back+1 - forward+2 - down+1 - CS - down+2
Hotaru: (Pi Gua) 2, back+1 - back+1 - down+1 - Flying Kicks (2, back+1 can be replaced with the throw)
(Pi Gua) 2, back+1 - back+1 - down+1 - CS - back + 1
Mokap: (Jeet Kun Do) 1,1,2 - forward+2 - 1,1, Power Fist (?)
Drahmin: I have a good juggle for him, but I'm unsure of one of the buttons off-hand, so I'll post it later.
Smoke: (Judo) 4,4, back+2 - back+2 - CS - down+1 - 1,2,4,CS (1,2,4,CS can be replaced with 1,1,3 or 1,2, forward+2)
Shujinko (Mantis) forward+4, 1, 2, back+2 - Spin Kick - 1,1,2,4.
(1,1,2, 4 can be replaced with 1,1,up+3. You can also add CS to that, but it's unsafe)
I think I might know a few more, but I'm not sure, I think that's it. If I'm missing any, I'll post them later with the Drahmin juggle.
EDIT: I just remembered a few more.
Sub-Zero: (Shotokan) 1,1,3,back+2 - back+2 - 1,2,4 - Ice Slide
Scorpion: (Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 2,2,3 - Teleport Punch
(Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 3 - 3, back+1 - summon fire
(Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 2 - 4, Back+4
(Hapkido) 2,3, up+4 - 3 - 2,3,CS
Nightwolf: (Tomahawks) 1,2, forward+2 - forward+2 - 2,3 - Shoulder Rush
(Tomahawks) 1,2, forward+2 - back+1 - CS - 1,1, Shoulder Rush
Here's the Drahmin juggle with a few variations:
Drahmin: (Hung Gar) 1,1,CS - back+2 - down+3 - f,f,2 (or rising uppercut)
(Hung Gar) 1,1,CS - back+2 - down+3 - CS - 1,1, back+1
(Iron Club) 1,1, back+2 - back+2 - down+3 - 1,1,2
If I figure out, or learn any more, I'll post them. If you have any, please let me know, but as I said earlier, no P/C or A/C ones please.
I learned the Chameleon one from Rippa in the post above. I was able to do the one he posted, but I like the variation that I posted better for the flashiness of it. I learned the Noob w/ stars combo in MKD, but I'm not sure who first figured it out, the other one I learned from the CPU on MAX difficulty. The Smoke one I learned from Shredder. The Liu Kang ones I either learned online or through the cpu on MAX. The Hotaru flying kicks one was done to me by the cpu on MAX, the other one I figured out. Mokap I figured out due to him having the same style as Liu Kang. I figured out the Drahmin juggles. I learned Shujinko's on MKD. The Scorpion ones I figured out easily. The Sub-Zero and Night wolf ones were learned from parts of one of Check's videos. Credit given where credit is due.
Chameleon: (Crane) 3,3,2 - 1,1,1, up+4 - back+1, back+3.
(Weapon) 4,1,1,3 - 4,4 - 4,1 - Ice Slide (Or Running Elbow).
Noob: (Monkey) 2,4 - 4 - down+4 - down+2.
(Monkey) 2, 1, 1, back+2 - Stars - 2,1,1,CS.
(Monkey) 2, 4 - 4 - Stars - 2,1,1,CS.
Liu Kang: (Jun Fan) 1,1,2 - forward+2 - 1,1, Bicycle Kick.
(Jun Fan) 2, back+1 - forward+2 - down+1 - CS - down+2
Hotaru: (Pi Gua) 2, back+1 - back+1 - down+1 - Flying Kicks (2, back+1 can be replaced with the throw)
(Pi Gua) 2, back+1 - back+1 - down+1 - CS - back + 1
Mokap: (Jeet Kun Do) 1,1,2 - forward+2 - 1,1, Power Fist (?)
Drahmin: I have a good juggle for him, but I'm unsure of one of the buttons off-hand, so I'll post it later.
Smoke: (Judo) 4,4, back+2 - back+2 - CS - down+1 - 1,2,4,CS (1,2,4,CS can be replaced with 1,1,3 or 1,2, forward+2)
Shujinko (Mantis) forward+4, 1, 2, back+2 - Spin Kick - 1,1,2,4.
(1,1,2, 4 can be replaced with 1,1,up+3. You can also add CS to that, but it's unsafe)
I think I might know a few more, but I'm not sure, I think that's it. If I'm missing any, I'll post them later with the Drahmin juggle.
EDIT: I just remembered a few more.
Sub-Zero: (Shotokan) 1,1,3,back+2 - back+2 - 1,2,4 - Ice Slide
Scorpion: (Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 2,2,3 - Teleport Punch
(Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 3 - 3, back+1 - summon fire
(Hapkido) 2,3,up+4 - 2 - 4, Back+4
(Hapkido) 2,3, up+4 - 3 - 2,3,CS
Nightwolf: (Tomahawks) 1,2, forward+2 - forward+2 - 2,3 - Shoulder Rush
(Tomahawks) 1,2, forward+2 - back+1 - CS - 1,1, Shoulder Rush
Here's the Drahmin juggle with a few variations:
Drahmin: (Hung Gar) 1,1,CS - back+2 - down+3 - f,f,2 (or rising uppercut)
(Hung Gar) 1,1,CS - back+2 - down+3 - CS - 1,1, back+1
(Iron Club) 1,1, back+2 - back+2 - down+3 - 1,1,2
If I figure out, or learn any more, I'll post them. If you have any, please let me know, but as I said earlier, no P/C or A/C ones please.
I learned the Chameleon one from Rippa in the post above. I was able to do the one he posted, but I like the variation that I posted better for the flashiness of it. I learned the Noob w/ stars combo in MKD, but I'm not sure who first figured it out, the other one I learned from the CPU on MAX difficulty. The Smoke one I learned from Shredder. The Liu Kang ones I either learned online or through the cpu on MAX. The Hotaru flying kicks one was done to me by the cpu on MAX, the other one I figured out. Mokap I figured out due to him having the same style as Liu Kang. I figured out the Drahmin juggles. I learned Shujinko's on MKD. The Scorpion ones I figured out easily. The Sub-Zero and Night wolf ones were learned from parts of one of Check's videos. Credit given where credit is due.

I know a lil about Kano. One tip I can offer is to use the laser then immediately cannonball after. Do not do this too much or you will be open to attack if they pick up on it. I find that Kano's laser is also good against Sub-Zero and Smoke's Ice clone and smoke cloud.
For Dairou, if you teleport when you are close to the opponent, you can free-throw them.
I don't know much about Kabal, but if you use mavado's hookswords, press 1,1,4, then free-throw. 1,1,4 with Kabal does not work the same way.
Jarek and Ermac also have the same free throws in their weapon style. Press 1,3,4,4,4 then free-throw.
For Sub-Zero, in Shotokan style, press 1,1,3, then free throw.
I know more but it's late and I'm too lazy at the moment to type them. I'll post more tomorrow if nobody else does first. If they do and any free throws are missed, I'll post them.
For Dairou, if you teleport when you are close to the opponent, you can free-throw them.
I don't know much about Kabal, but if you use mavado's hookswords, press 1,1,4, then free-throw. 1,1,4 with Kabal does not work the same way.
Jarek and Ermac also have the same free throws in their weapon style. Press 1,3,4,4,4 then free-throw.
For Sub-Zero, in Shotokan style, press 1,1,3, then free throw.
I know more but it's late and I'm too lazy at the moment to type them. I'll post more tomorrow if nobody else does first. If they do and any free throws are missed, I'll post them.

u2 in weapon (uppercut), u4 in first stance, both kill jumpers pretty good.
Or you can meet them in the air and do 112, 1134 or just press 4 because I think that one has good priority.
Try it out tonight...
Or you can meet them in the air and do 112, 1134 or just press 4 because I think that one has good priority.
Try it out tonight...

oh yeah when it comes to Dairou I jump alot more than I usually do... and trust me I jump alot regardless

VikkiTS Wrote:
Diarou is being pestered by jump kicks, how do I play effectively against an opponent that jump kicks a lot?
Diarou is being pestered by jump kicks, how do I play effectively against an opponent that jump kicks a lot?
All you need is DB2, remember, if your dairou, there is no need to run after your opponent, your goal is to make them duck or jump, U4 works great when they duck, aswell as B4 and D1 against a High Block, DB2 keeps kills your jumpers and your Forward up kick opponents if not to close, in a situation were they are close to you, just uppercut in second stance or DU2.
im might start playing some MK again, so if you see me challenge me, ill pick dai every round to show you what i mean. any further question's you can find me at MKC, later.

How well you can use diarou depends on the lag. Good lag makes u4 hit jumpers every time bad lag make you always get jump kicked.
here is a guide for him
here is a guide for him
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