yeah I have seen that, I think certain characters got certain special wake up moves like Raiden, but let's hear the experts.

if u press 2 on weapon stance with scorp he will do it . if u press 3 it will do a leg sweep . only carachters like scorp chamelion subzero can do this . hope this helps . btw . it only works when your opponent knoks you face down . it will do an upercut if u land on your back .

krayziebonethug Wrote:
if u press 2 on weapon stance with scorp he will do it . if u press 3 it will do a leg sweep . only carachters like scorp chamelion subzero can do this . hope this helps . btw . it only works when your opponent knoks you face down . it will do an upercut if u land on your back .
if u press 2 on weapon stance with scorp he will do it . if u press 3 it will do a leg sweep . only carachters like scorp chamelion subzero can do this . hope this helps . btw . it only works when your opponent knoks you face down . it will do an upercut if u land on your back .
Well said Bone,I couldnt agree with you more.

About Me
Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
Alright, this is Motor related.
Though I think I have an idea how it's done, I need to know how somenoe can be bumped directly from behind by another racer.
And just to rant... FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! What bullshit it is when I clearly win a race crossing the finish line first and see someone close behind get the win!
TYGs Midway
Though I think I have an idea how it's done, I need to know how somenoe can be bumped directly from behind by another racer.
And just to rant... FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! What bullshit it is when I clearly win a race crossing the finish line first and see someone close behind get the win!
TYGs Midway

this is most defenetly lag . weve seen this on our fighting and sadly in the lobby . this sorry ass game suffers from late retardation .
atleast its not like need4speed online . a real racing game that is pointless to play online .
atleast its not like need4speed online . a real racing game that is pointless to play online .
Scorp187 Wrote:
Is there an easy way to get around the people who jump and jump and jump and jump and....well you get my point. These people piss me off and I'd just like to know if theres a way to beat them?
Is there an easy way to get around the people who jump and jump and jump and jump and....well you get my point. These people piss me off and I'd just like to know if theres a way to beat them?
Another reason MK suck: "No true AA moves"
Well there's ermac and kenshi, you could teleslam or throw them. That should probley put a stop to that pretty quick...
for some reason, this seemed like brain surgery to me for the longest time, until i realized....
anytime someone jumps at you, d2 their ass, if they do a move, and you block it, and they jump back. while they are in the air, walk up, and uppercut EVERYTIME. they will STOP jumping, trust me. i played versatile the other day and EVERYTIME he jumped back after i blocked a move, he got uppercutted.
remember its the 2d element from older mks, if someone jumped back in umk3, you ran up and either did HK or D+HP. same deal bro, UPPERCUT THEIR ASSES!!!!! has priority over anything in the air, and hits from the ground up. there is about a 10% chance if they do a jumpkick that itll hit you before your uppercut.
anytime someone jumps at you, d2 their ass, if they do a move, and you block it, and they jump back. while they are in the air, walk up, and uppercut EVERYTIME. they will STOP jumping, trust me. i played versatile the other day and EVERYTIME he jumped back after i blocked a move, he got uppercutted.
remember its the 2d element from older mks, if someone jumped back in umk3, you ran up and either did HK or D+HP. same deal bro, UPPERCUT THEIR ASSES!!!!! has priority over anything in the air, and hits from the ground up. there is about a 10% chance if they do a jumpkick that itll hit you before your uppercut.

I second that CHECK. Also try to do uppercuts with weapons. Especially with people who have swords. I.E.- Ashrah, Li Mei, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, etc. Weapon uppercuts tend give you farther reach than a punching uppercut.
umm guys
M2Dave wrote the book on how to counter folks who like to jump. how do you guys think i got so good at killing folks that jump.
2 ways to beat it.
1 ~ like check said, something Dave was doing way back in November. UPPERCUT.
2 ~ Follow them and Air combo their asses. this works jumping at or away from your foe. if your foe likes to jump alot follow them. i love when folks jump, then i get to use the super duper Check A/C combos and you get full damage from them
there is a counter to the uppercut, its the deep kick. most folks dont have it down like myself, but you'll trade hits or just kick them 1st. keep in mind tho trading hits w/ a person thats uppercutting ~ their dealing 10% more damage.
LAG totally ruins all of this sadly :-/ w/ lag you'll tend to just kick them out of the air instead of starting a combo.
LOL at Thug saying no "AA" attacks. stop talking like you know whats up. buy the fucking game for $10 bucks. i actually miss playing my hussy.
M2Dave wrote the book on how to counter folks who like to jump. how do you guys think i got so good at killing folks that jump.
2 ways to beat it.
1 ~ like check said, something Dave was doing way back in November. UPPERCUT.
2 ~ Follow them and Air combo their asses. this works jumping at or away from your foe. if your foe likes to jump alot follow them. i love when folks jump, then i get to use the super duper Check A/C combos and you get full damage from them
there is a counter to the uppercut, its the deep kick. most folks dont have it down like myself, but you'll trade hits or just kick them 1st. keep in mind tho trading hits w/ a person thats uppercutting ~ their dealing 10% more damage.
LAG totally ruins all of this sadly :-/ w/ lag you'll tend to just kick them out of the air instead of starting a combo.
LOL at Thug saying no "AA" attacks. stop talking like you know whats up. buy the fucking game for $10 bucks. i actually miss playing my hussy.

Alright bitches. There's one thing that just chaps my ass. Is Sonya's d+1 and d+3 in Kali Sticks parryable? There are times where people can and can't parry them. It's starting to get on my nerves. If they are parryable then I'll make more use of b+4 in Kali Sticks.

G_gamer07 Wrote:
Alright bitches. There's one thing that just chaps my ass. Is Sonya's d+1 and d+3 in Kali Sticks parryable? There are times where people can and can't parry them. It's starting to get on my nerves. If they are parryable then I'll make more use of b+4 in Kali Sticks.
Alright bitches. There's one thing that just chaps my ass. Is Sonya's d+1 and d+3 in Kali Sticks parryable? There are times where people can and can't parry them. It's starting to get on my nerves. If they are parryable then I'll make more use of b+4 in Kali Sticks.
d+1 and d+3 are very parriable . now if your looking for an unparriable attack 3 by itself works in kaki sticks . and oviously her sweep . aswell as b3 on first stance and D3.
Check Wrote:
for some reason, this seemed like brain surgery to me for the longest time, until i realized....
anytime someone jumps at you, d2 their ass, if they do a move, and you block it, and they jump back. while they are in the air, walk up, and uppercut EVERYTIME. they will STOP jumping, trust me. i played versatile the other day and EVERYTIME he jumped back after i blocked a move, he got uppercutted.
remember its the 2d element from older mks, if someone jumped back in umk3, you ran up and either did HK or D+HP. same deal bro, UPPERCUT THEIR ASSES!!!!! has priority over anything in the air, and hits from the ground up. there is about a 10% chance if they do a jumpkick that itll hit you before your uppercut.
for some reason, this seemed like brain surgery to me for the longest time, until i realized....
anytime someone jumps at you, d2 their ass, if they do a move, and you block it, and they jump back. while they are in the air, walk up, and uppercut EVERYTIME. they will STOP jumping, trust me. i played versatile the other day and EVERYTIME he jumped back after i blocked a move, he got uppercutted.
remember its the 2d element from older mks, if someone jumped back in umk3, you ran up and either did HK or D+HP. same deal bro, UPPERCUT THEIR ASSES!!!!! has priority over anything in the air, and hits from the ground up. there is about a 10% chance if they do a jumpkick that itll hit you before your uppercut.
HaHa I fought my first jumper since I asked the question this morning and I took your advice and sure as shit, by the third game he STOPPED jumping. We ended up trading hits most of the time but it still worked.
Thx everyone for your help.

Good to know. I'm still pissed that f+1 in Kali Sticks doesn't hit mid like it did in MKDA and MKD. MKDA it was a free grab and MKD it was a mid-hitting pop-up.

GhostDragon Wrote:
Alright, this is Motor related.
Though I think I have an idea how it's done, I need to know how somenoe can be bumped directly from behind by another racer.
And just to rant... FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! What bullshit it is when I clearly win a race crossing the finish line first and see someone close behind get the win!
TYGs Midway
Alright, this is Motor related.
Though I think I have an idea how it's done, I need to know how somenoe can be bumped directly from behind by another racer.
And just to rant... FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! What bullshit it is when I clearly win a race crossing the finish line first and see someone close behind get the win!
TYGs Midway
Finally a Motor Kombat player like Myself!!!
Well GhostDragon to help you out a little bit. I have raced now about 3000 games and it is as broken as the fighting system sadly. In order to bump your opponent when there right in front of you,All you have to do is get in there blindspot so they cannot see you. Once you are just a tiny bit to there side you can bump them and it will seem like there directly behind you,When in fact there next to you.
Its just like real driving. Objects in mirror seem closer than they appear. This is the same in Motor Kombat. You can look behind you and your opponent will look like there far behind you,When in fact there actually right behind you. Its kind of hard to judge. So the best way to deal with that is to simply use your brakes a little bit more and try not to race in a straight line.
When i race i always look where my opponents are and if i feelim in danger near a boost ill simply slow down and swerve and easily not get bumped. I have won about 1600 races because of this.
Well i have had the same problem with the whole "Clearly winning the race and the guy way behind me wins. That is lag. Unfortunately all i can say is if you have this problem you should just find another racer to play. I have been in complete first place and crossed the line and got 6th before.
I just left the room and created my own room. Rememebr this is MK online. Lag is the main part of it lol. Like you said this is all because of midway. Maybe MK8 will be tested better.
Ghostdragon,There is so much more to the Motor Kombat than what meets the eye. One more thing,Its better to not be in first and just wait till the last lap to join the crowd you will be better off this way.
Hope that helps.

wowiwin Wrote:
There has been time that I’ve passed the finish line and the game makes me do another lap.
There has been time that I’ve passed the finish line and the game makes me do another lap.
lol . that sounds fucked up . lol .
i have a A/C question.
how does Sindels and Sonyas A/C work. they look exactly like the other easy A/C's like Kitanas, Sareena, Mileenas, Mavado, Quan ETC
for what ever reason theirs comes out slower and when i do CS then 444444 they dont fall to the ground fast they just fall at the same sped as my foe. this is a offline problem as well.
Is there a way around this?
i never asked this before because i thought YET again Sindel got screwed, but i just noticed yesterday that Sonya's A/C works the same way.
how does Sindels and Sonyas A/C work. they look exactly like the other easy A/C's like Kitanas, Sareena, Mileenas, Mavado, Quan ETC
for what ever reason theirs comes out slower and when i do CS then 444444 they dont fall to the ground fast they just fall at the same sped as my foe. this is a offline problem as well.
Is there a way around this?
i never asked this before because i thought YET again Sindel got screwed, but i just noticed yesterday that Sonya's A/C works the same way.

danadbab Wrote:
i have a A/C question.
i have a A/C question.
Well to answer your question.
Unfortunately,Sindel,Sonya,Johnny Cage,and Sektor all have that same A/C and it cannot be done online. Offline it is IMO the hardest A/C to perform,Cause its like a split second that you land and have to jump back up. So what i would say is dont bother trying to A/C with these characters and just stick to basics with them.
I know your not really into doing ground combos. So my advice to you would be either regular Air combos or 3,3, OTGS. I dunno if you have ever done the 3,3, OTG,But its quite simple. Its a little tricky on timing for these characters.
When you do there OTG,It makes your opponent spin and sometimes the camera will change and put you on the opposite side. So you just gotta watch how you face your opponent, after the first one. So really thats it.
Those are your only options really. I know,Sindel got screwed yet again. Also,Sometimes the OTG can be blocked due to EXTREME lagg. It has happened to me but only with these characters as well.
Well Dan,I hope that helps. If you have any further questions,Im sure Check could help you out as well.

About Me
Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
-Isaac Watts
Ghostdragon,There is so much more to the Motor Kombat than what meets the eye. One more thing,Its better to not be in first and just wait till the last lap to join the crowd you will be better off this way.
Hope that helps.
Ghostdragon,There is so much more to the Motor Kombat than what meets the eye. One more thing,Its better to not be in first and just wait till the last lap to join the crowd you will be better off this way.
Hope that helps.
I always tend to get a decent lead and let people benind me and fight for position amongst themselves. Though, against someone who pukes at every bost like, Bo (Thanks again Midway), it's really not helpful. Sometimes having assistance to catch a leader is a good strategy, depending on how someone else races and who they use.
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