I need some fucking help! Okay I know how to do air kombos but im just not getting how to do the air cancel then kombo then air cancel again type stuff. I dont even know how to air cancel! So will some very good player be willing to grab their mic and show me the tricks of trade. I would apreciate it highly
I need some fucking help! Okay I know how to do air kombos but im just not getting how to do the air cancel then kombo then air cancel again type stuff. I dont even know how to air cancel! So will some very good player be willing to grab their mic and show me the tricks of trade. I would apreciate it highly
pop up 112 on a come up do 113 cs 4 .
remember online you have to mash 4 4 4 4 4 4
in other words you would have to do (pop up 112 come up 113 cs 4 4 4 4)
the faster and more times you mash 4 the faster your carachter will come down .
then ether do a combo or go back up do another one and finish it .
^ ^ ^
hope it helps man . thats the gist of it .
thats not 100% correct, bone
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.

Check Wrote:
thats not 100% correct, bone
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.
thats not 100% correct, bone
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.
i figured he knew 112 was pulled off when he jumped . other than that , i was only trying to help him pull off the A/C itslef . i dont think he knows how to land first . but good shit , your on the money

I cant aircancel I always end up stopping or doing a kombo. Someone teach me on mic later today
I cant aircancel I always end up stopping or doing a kombo. Someone teach me on mic later today
^ ^ ^
lol see Check , this is what i was talking about .
dude go offline so you can understand what were talkin about .
Popup jump 112 come back up 113 cs 4
^ and it will work
then do Popup jump 112 come back up 113 cs 4444444444444
youll notice she drops faster .
now online you have to do 444444444444444444444 so she can drop faster since lag makes it slower .
and just like Check sayd .
Check Wrote:
thats not 100% correct, bone
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.
thats not 100% correct, bone
pop up, jump, ac, ac, land, pop up, ac, land, combo
that is the maximum you can do in terms of air cancels midscreen.
with wall, instead of doing 5 or 6 ac's ( pointless, and too long ) just add one ac to the above combo.
pop up jump ac ac, land, pop up, ac, ac, land, combo.
^^ THAT IS WALL ONLY, ive made close to 8 hours worth of combos for people, by now, they should understand the difference.
if a character has a free throw that launches. in any given situation. add 2 ac's to the combo.
pop up ac, ac, pop up, ac, free throw, ac, ac, combo
bone, you should know by now you can do 3 air cancels midscreen. im shocked dude. well, at least you know you cant do 3 of them in a row.
by the way, how come you didnt add the sareena 78% to your youtube yet?
to stkblaze - you know it wouldnt hurt to watch mk legacy 1-4 a few times, along with the other videos ive done to learn how its applied either... it doesnt take long to recognize the pattern.
112 is a air popup that guarentees another 112, second pop up doesnt plant, process is repeated. end of story.
but anyway . i have no clue why dude , one thing for shure is that its added . that shti was great man . ill add some more tomorro , got to go sleep now . work tomorro . . . .

112 113 (4444444444)
^ That's air cancel onlie,right? I still have trouble with it (Only online). I can do it perfecty fine offline.
^ That's air cancel onlie,right? I still have trouble with it (Only online). I can do it perfecty fine offline.

khanswarrior15 Wrote:
112 113 (4444444444)
^ That's air cancel onlie,right? I still have trouble with it (Only online). I can do it perfecty fine offline.
112 113 (4444444444)
^ That's air cancel onlie,right? I still have trouble with it (Only online). I can do it perfecty fine offline.
we just finished explaining it dude . . . . . . . . .
scroll up .

I was reading back to my last post, and you all got it wrong, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH A/C, I do know how to use it, but I don't because it's not my style. I'm not going to quit on someone who air cancel combos, That's their style, not mine. I play pure, I don't use glitches or use broken parts of the game. It's not a matter of legitimacy, I know most of those are legit, I just don't feel a need to use them. No need to hate on me, what am I doing to disrespect?

Meathook49 Wrote:
I was reading back to my last post, and you all got it wrong, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH A/C, I do know how to use it, but I don't because it's not my style. I'm not going to quit on someone who air cancel combos, That's their style, not mine. I play pure, I don't use glitches or use broken parts of the game. It's not a matter of legitimacy, I know most of those are legit, I just don't feel a need to use them. No need to hate on me, what am I doing to disrespect?
I was reading back to my last post, and you all got it wrong, I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH A/C, I do know how to use it, but I don't because it's not my style. I'm not going to quit on someone who air cancel combos, That's their style, not mine. I play pure, I don't use glitches or use broken parts of the game. It's not a matter of legitimacy, I know most of those are legit, I just don't feel a need to use them. No need to hate on me, what am I doing to disrespect?
. . . ? hmmmmm lets see , checks gone and the rest got ps3's . . . yep just as i thought . irrelavant .
now . in regards to your question . you sayd you would give us the win , we played to have fun not boost from you , other than that you just needed to play . if not then why even challenge ?
but anyway nobody cares any more . they all moved on .

Bone I give people the win if they inf. IF THEY INF !!! Get your facts straight. I dont know why you always act like an asshole in respone to my posts. You may consider yourself King Shit, but I don't.

Meathook49 Wrote:
Bone I give people the win if they inf. IF THEY INF !!! Get your facts straight. I dont know why you always act like an asshole in respone to my posts. You may consider yourself King Shit, but I don't.
Bone I give people the win if they inf. IF THEY INF !!! Get your facts straight. I dont know why you always act like an asshole in respone to my posts. You may consider yourself King Shit, but I don't.
because i answered your question ?
you sayd you would give us the win , everybody remembers this . dont act small brained about it .
other than that NOBODY CARES ! ! ! < i was serious about that .
also you appear to be a wierdo . just letting you know , you dont seem to realize this .

Holy, you're thick headed. W/e man, I may be wierd, but its better than being an asshole.

Meathook49 Wrote:
Holy, you're thick headed. W/e man, I may be wierd, but its better than being an asshole.
Holy, you're thick headed. W/e man, I may be wierd, but its better than being an asshole.
WTF are you talking about ? how am i being an asshole ? i answered your questions . i told you nobody cares about this anymore , i told you what you told us along time ago , but apperantly that weed you used to smoke killed some of your brain cells , so allow me to retard your mind a bit more . hopefully this will bring you closer to everybody elses brain level .
Meathook49 Wrote:
This thread is for discussing why you quit a fight or a race while playing online MK:A.
A note about myself, when I first started playing MK:A, I, like any other, quit fights once in a while. When I learned people really hated this and started spazzing about it, I quit quitting, with exception to gameshark users. It has been a long time since Meathook quit, several months at least.Now, if I'm unhappy with the fight, I put down the controller and give them the win. Some people don't like this either, but it beats quitting. I fight for fun, not for stats or bragging rights. I'll fight anyone, but if all your going to use is annoying repetitive tactics, enjoy your win, for it was free.
While it is not considered unfairplay, I use to think it was, I will not use an air cancel or free grab on anyone. It is not how I fight and that is my choice.
There are a few who will likely flame me for my post about win-giving, but whatever, if it makes you feel like a big man, go for it, I honestly don't care.
***back to topic***
Admit your quit, explain your reason behind dropping out of an online challenge. Perhaps a phone rang, someone was at the door, you got arrested, had to take a shit, got pissed off, whatever, this is a place to discuss quitting with civility and perhaps reach an understanding with eachother.
Let the Kombat Kontinue...
This thread is for discussing why you quit a fight or a race while playing online MK:A.
A note about myself, when I first started playing MK:A, I, like any other, quit fights once in a while. When I learned people really hated this and started spazzing about it, I quit quitting, with exception to gameshark users. It has been a long time since Meathook quit, several months at least.Now, if I'm unhappy with the fight, I put down the controller and give them the win. Some people don't like this either, but it beats quitting. I fight for fun, not for stats or bragging rights. I'll fight anyone, but if all your going to use is annoying repetitive tactics, enjoy your win, for it was free.
While it is not considered unfairplay, I use to think it was, I will not use an air cancel or free grab on anyone. It is not how I fight and that is my choice.
There are a few who will likely flame me for my post about win-giving, but whatever, if it makes you feel like a big man, go for it, I honestly don't care.
***back to topic***
Admit your quit, explain your reason behind dropping out of an online challenge. Perhaps a phone rang, someone was at the door, you got arrested, had to take a shit, got pissed off, whatever, this is a place to discuss quitting with civility and perhaps reach an understanding with eachother.
Let the Kombat Kontinue...
now to help you understand me a little better , ive told this to plenty of folks , why do you insist on arguing with me ? do you realize im one of the coolest people on MKO ? im a very chill dude , i tell it how it is , yea sometimes im a little to blunt with ppl , but i believe that if you dont say things how they are , the person will never learn / improove .
as for you :
you are one of the few ppl i have problems with , others being Neo = Known scrub , Live2Die = another scrub who i recorded , and even had a sig of him telling me how embarraced he was , KingMob = anybody else want to argue with me with this guy ? we know hes a scrub , Shreddr = scrub right ? are you getting the picture meathook ? and how bout XBOX , DNCmegaman , who i recorded , beat him 10 - 4 after he sayd he owned all of us BMF's , Maverick = a server troll , we know were this guy comes from right ? another dude that ran with dncmegaman , killed him 15 - 5 , he sent me the wierdest messeges , i still have them saved btw . and oviously theres you . i honestly dont care about you , to me your a nobody , your just a wierdo who keeps calling me an asshole because i reply to you with something you dont like .
dude read your fucking post , do you realize why i made you look stupid just now ? i can answer this eazy . dude , i dont have to lie about things , i say things how they are , i have nothing to hide and i have nothing to loose , i can easily proove a point . so why continue this ?
cant you just calm down ? i prooved you wrong , who cares , instead of finding something stupid to reply with that makes you look like a bigger idiot . just stop , seriously tho . quit being such a wierdo .

Bone, w/e, you go play your dirty-but-legit way, and I'll continue playing honestly, not taking advanage of any broken part of the game. You are an ass. I have posted since then that I only give up on people who INF. You can continue this arguement with your subtle insults, but I've already said what I had to say. I dont know what your problem is, but I'm betting your next reply will be as ignorant as your last.
RI99A, I don't take orders.

Meathook49 Wrote:
Bone, w/e, you go play your dirty-but-legit way, and I'll continue playing honestly, not taking advanage of any broken part of the game. You are an ass. I have posted since then that I only give up on people who INF. You can continue this arguement with your subtle insults, but I've already said what I had to say. I dont know what your problem is, but I'm betting your next reply will be as ignorant as your last.
RI99A, I don't take orders.
Bone, w/e, you go play your dirty-but-legit way, and I'll continue playing honestly, not taking advanage of any broken part of the game. You are an ass. I have posted since then that I only give up on people who INF. You can continue this arguement with your subtle insults, but I've already said what I had to say. I dont know what your problem is, but I'm betting your next reply will be as ignorant as your last.
RI99A, I don't take orders.
" ? "
how wierd . some dudes just dont make sense . i bet he finds this messege offensive aswell . lol . wierdness all over the place !! on the real tho WTF ! ? lol .

No one cares for a stupid "honor code" bullshit. If you want that go play on XBL. Anything goes except for infinites, KAKs, and bosses.

About Me
G_gamer07 Wrote:
No one cares for a stupid "honor code" bullshit. If you want that go play on XBL. Anything goes except for infinites, KAKs, and bosses.
No one cares for a stupid "honor code" bullshit. If you want that go play on XBL. Anything goes except for infinites, KAKs, and bosses.
...Yeah, cuz that's how all the Xbox guys play.
Where do you PS2 guys get this?

ChaosTheory Wrote:
...Yeah, cuz that's how all the Xbox guys play.
Where do you PS2 guys get this?
G_gamer07 Wrote:
No one cares for a stupid "honor code" bullshit. If you want that go play on XBL. Anything goes except for infinites, KAKs, and bosses.
No one cares for a stupid "honor code" bullshit. If you want that go play on XBL. Anything goes except for infinites, KAKs, and bosses.
...Yeah, cuz that's how all the Xbox guys play.
Where do you PS2 guys get this?
thats were us PS2 guys get that stuff . since we all in general think that way .
Skuntac Wrote:
Hey Check,
Does the ac 112cs112cs work online?
And for Christ's sake when are you gonna play me?! lol
Hey Check,
Does the ac 112cs112cs work online?
And for Christ's sake when are you gonna play me?! lol
wuzzup dude, i havent had a computer for the last 2 months, i just got a new one on saturday, been busy trying to set it up.
i tried playing someone with a 4 star connection, and it didnt work. so im guessing no it doesnt. no need for ACs online. just 33 to hell, ALL DAY. everyday, no need for anything else.
when i get cable ill play ya, like i said, i played someone on a 4 star connection out of boredom one day recently and it was still horrible, besides moves not being safe.[
hit me up on AIM if you have it. my screen name is SODANO49, no zeros.
RIPPA, this is for your chameleon question you sent me while i was gone.
first off, it was good talking to you on the server. i appreciate it man. ive only done that with a few close people.
as for chameleon.
yea, that works. but its hard as hell. you have move in first, then parry cancel. so its f~b block 1. its a little tricky. but theres characters who need it for their combos. but its the advanced stages of parry canceling. good luck pulling that off, lol.
anyway, this combo is very specfic. to my knowledge. it only works on motaro and is player 2 specific. meaning you must be player 2 when you do this combo ( controller has to be plugged into second side of ps2 )
also the way you stand and motaro stands depends on it connecting.
left side right side,
front back ( when you backdash )
try em all, because i dont remember which way to stand for it. lol
i think thats it, lol. i wouldnt bother doing it online, but hey, maybe it works on a 3 stars connection lol ( something i would not know )
first off, it was good talking to you on the server. i appreciate it man. ive only done that with a few close people.
as for chameleon.
yea, that works. but its hard as hell. you have move in first, then parry cancel. so its f~b block 1. its a little tricky. but theres characters who need it for their combos. but its the advanced stages of parry canceling. good luck pulling that off, lol.
anyway, this combo is very specfic. to my knowledge. it only works on motaro and is player 2 specific. meaning you must be player 2 when you do this combo ( controller has to be plugged into second side of ps2 )
also the way you stand and motaro stands depends on it connecting.
left side right side,
front back ( when you backdash )
try em all, because i dont remember which way to stand for it. lol
i think thats it, lol. i wouldnt bother doing it online, but hey, maybe it works on a 3 stars connection lol ( something i would not know )
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