I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"
Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.
The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.
This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.
Yes,it did I have done jump cancels many times,but never really understood how I had done it.
KARATE,do you know how to buffer Dai's TSdrop?And is d,u + 3 a free-throw only when you are close to the opponent?
D, U+3 is a free grab with Dairou when your close. Unless there's lag then your opponent can duck it which gets annoying after a while so don't bother if there's lag.
Thanks NAK NAK!I have had people duck it,lol I hate that....

I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"
Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.
The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.
This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.
Yes,it did I have done jump cancels many times,but never really understood how I had done it.
KARATE,do you know how to buffer Dai's TSdrop?And is d,u + 3 a free-throw only when you are close to the opponent?
D, U+3 is a free grab with Dairou when your close. Unless there's lag then your opponent can duck it which gets annoying after a while so don't bother if there's lag.
Thanks NAK NAK!I have had people duck it,lol I hate that....
No prob man.

I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"
Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.
The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.
This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.
Yes,it did I have done jump cancels many times,but never really understood how I had done it.
KARATE,do you know how to buffer Dai's TSdrop?And is d,u + 3 a free-throw only when you are close to the opponent?
D, U+3 is a free grab with Dairou when your close. Unless there's lag then your opponent can duck it which gets annoying after a while so don't bother if there's lag.
Thanks NAK NAK!I have had people duck it,lol I hate that....
No prob man.
What is the point in quoting a post that was posted right above your post? All it doest is make you scroll more then you should have to.

What is the point in quoting a post that was posted right above your post? All it doest is make you scroll more then you should have to.
What i would like to know is,Why did you do the same thing? lol Practice what you preach.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.

This game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse. Self proclaimed "best" of the game. Ha you're all a joke. Such as S-Pac saying he masterd jutsu, pfft. You don't know half the shit jutsu can do in MK:D. The only public thing that was showed to the MK:D community was that jutsu can be used to get out of free throws.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.
Kuo Shou with MKD Jade or MKA Shinnok? Or both in general?
This game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse. Self proclaimed "best" of the game. Ha you're all a joke. Such as S-Pac saying he masterd jutsu, pfft. You don't know half the shit jutsu can do in MK:D. The only public thing that was showed to the MK:D community was that jutsu can be used to get out of free throws.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.
Why do you do that shit Thug ?
You come here deliberately just to start shit with people.
"this game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse." ???
You realize that even your friend Check is still trying to find the latest and greatest combos and glitches right ? Your pretty much calling him a joke to... and from what you told us on AIM, he is a "tight" buddy.
You seem to think your a "God of Games" or something in that sense.
Mind telling us what games your good at besides MKD ?
*Note - The Jenna Jameson PC game doesn't count.
offline the tap deek kick wont hit, but you gain control of your character right that sec instead of the little delay you get if you dont do the deep kick. after you do the DK you can do any kind of attack. DK throw, DK low poke DK special etc.
online the DK will hit your foe, this is a online effect. now you can actually turn your DK into a combo.
the DK adds damage that shouldnt be there.
Besides the 6% damage it has, for some combos 10%+ is added in damage given.
Kabal ~ DK spin 1,1,4 = 40% a +10% in damage given.
Sareena ~ DK 2,1,cs = 46% a +14% in damage given.
theres more, but you get the point.
Heres a video showinghow to do it, kinda. then it shows some online combo. i kept it short. i may do a bigger DK combo vid.
****the video****
Hope this helped some one.

This game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse. Self proclaimed "best" of the game. Ha you're all a joke. Such as S-Pac saying he masterd jutsu, pfft. You don't know half the shit jutsu can do in MK:D. The only public thing that was showed to the MK:D community was that jutsu can be used to get out of free throws.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.
Why do you do that shit Thug ?
You come here deliberately just to start shit with people.
"this game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse." ???
You realize that even your friend Check is still trying to find the latest and greatest combos and glitches right ? Your pretty much calling him a joke to... and from what you told us on AIM, he is a "tight" buddy.
You seem to think your a "God of Games" or something in that sense.
Mind telling us what games your good at besides MKD ?
*Note - The Jenna Jameson PC game doesn't count.
Because I can, starting shit with people is the highlight of my day. Even more so when people like SZ2 call themselfs stupid. Make's me feel warm and tingly inside.
This game is a joke, and so are all of you who don't know how to play fighting games, you sit here and honor this shit like it's the best thing since free sex.
You fail to realize that Check dosn't play like a scrub, though I doubt you'd realize this because you're just as weak as everyone else that plays this game at "high level" thinking that playing scared is the best way to play.
So you saying i'm calling Check a joke is quite the opposite. Check play's nothing like you scrubs.
Iam a god of games, i rule over every game ever made, my influence over any game i touch can't be denied.
Jenna Jameson
Sponge Bob
Playing with myself
And many more inter-sexual acts.
Kuo Shuo owns nomatter who has it.

This game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse. Self proclaimed "best" of the game. Ha you're all a joke. Such as S-Pac saying he masterd jutsu, pfft. You don't know half the shit jutsu can do in MK:D. The only public thing that was showed to the MK:D community was that jutsu can be used to get out of free throws.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.
Why do you do that shit Thug ?
You come here deliberately just to start shit with people.
"this game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse." ???
You realize that even your friend Check is still trying to find the latest and greatest combos and glitches right ? Your pretty much calling him a joke to... and from what you told us on AIM, he is a "tight" buddy.
You seem to think your a "God of Games" or something in that sense.
Mind telling us what games your good at besides MKD ?
*Note - The Jenna Jameson PC game doesn't count.
Because I can, starting shit with people is the highlight of my day. Even more so when people like SZ2 call themselfs stupid. Make's me feel warm and tingly inside.
This game is a joke, and so are all of you who don't know how to play fighting games, you sit here and honor this shit like it's the best thing since free sex.
You fail to realize that Check dosn't play like a scrub, though I doubt you'd realize this because you're just as weak as everyone else that plays this game at "high level" thinking that playing scared is the best way to play.
So you saying i'm calling Check a joke is quite the opposite. Check play's nothing like you scrubs.
Iam a god of games, i rule over every game ever made, my influence over any game i touch can't be denied.
Jenna Jameson
Sponge Bob
Playing with myself
And many more inter-sexual acts.
Kuo Shuo owns nomatter who has it.
Your a one weird bird. I think that its funny that you claim to get off on SZ2 calling himself stupid.
And for the record, Check has not played anybody outside of Dave, Karate, Dan, and Versa. How would you know how I would fair against him ?
Check had better be good, he works on this game way too much not to be.
Why would I be a scrub like you claim ? You've never seen me play.
I wont be the only one saying this, but your a fuckin moron. Why ? Look above.
Your a joke to this forum, and an idiot.
Better do all of us a favor, and stick to those weird science shows you watch. You crazy goomba.
Sorry if this makes me a hypocrit for saying get back on topic but...Scrybe, by PT do you mean Priston Tale? I love that game, one of the few MMORPGs I ever liked, used to have a level 51 mechanican before they started charging for the server. But now I started playing Laxelore which is a new remake of PT so I can relive those good ol times.
This game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse. Self proclaimed "best" of the game. Ha you're all a joke. Such as S-Pac saying he masterd jutsu, pfft. You don't know half the shit jutsu can do in MK:D. The only public thing that was showed to the MK:D community was that jutsu can be used to get out of free throws.
Also S-pac givving advice about camera locking, Ha another joke. He couldn't camera lock if he sat there for a week straight. "Li-Mei glitch" lolz, that's all you know about camera locking? You fail at this game. Btw, JKC is dumb, i'd laugh at you for trying that shit in a real fight.
BB > All
SSC > All
jutsu > All
Invis > All
CL > All
Kuo Shuo > All
Owning you all with the above mentioned = Priceless
Check > Everything.
Why do you do that shit Thug ?
You come here deliberately just to start shit with people.
"this game is such a joke, and the people that play it are worse." ???
You realize that even your friend Check is still trying to find the latest and greatest combos and glitches right ? Your pretty much calling him a joke to... and from what you told us on AIM, he is a "tight" buddy.
You seem to think your a "God of Games" or something in that sense.
Mind telling us what games your good at besides MKD ?
*Note - The Jenna Jameson PC game doesn't count.
Because I can, starting shit with people is the highlight of my day. Even more so when people like SZ2 call themselfs stupid. Make's me feel warm and tingly inside.
This game is a joke, and so are all of you who don't know how to play fighting games, you sit here and honor this shit like it's the best thing since free sex.
You fail to realize that Check dosn't play like a scrub, though I doubt you'd realize this because you're just as weak as everyone else that plays this game at "high level" thinking that playing scared is the best way to play.
So you saying i'm calling Check a joke is quite the opposite. Check play's nothing like you scrubs.
Iam a god of games, i rule over every game ever made, my influence over any game i touch can't be denied.
Jenna Jameson
Sponge Bob
Playing with myself
And many more inter-sexual acts.
Kuo Shuo owns nomatter who has it.
Your a one weird bird. I think that its funny that you claim to get off on SZ2 calling himself stupid.
And for the record, Check has not played anybody outside of Dave, Karate, Dan, and Versa. How would you know how I would fair against him ?
Check had better be good, he works on this game way too much not to be.
Why would I be a scrub like you claim ? You've never seen me play.
I wont be the only one saying this, but your a fuckin moron. Why ? Look above.
Your a joke to this forum, and an idiot.
Better do all of us a favor, and stick to those weird science shows you watch. You crazy goomba.
I orgasm every chance I get thinking about it. Makes me feel like more of a man!
I don't care who check plays? That's not the point, I know you'd lose because you and everyone else here plays the exact same way.
Check dosn't play this game anymore than you do, or anyone else. Yet he'd own everyone here? how sad, still playing like nubs when MKD was the same damn engine, it's pathetic.
I don't have to see you play, everyone that plays MK is the exact same clone, yall sit there with your scrub ass tactics thinkin that shit works. Like a fool. Scared to fight n shit, Nub.
Lolz, Y'all are in denile, ofcourse there's gonna be more of you clones saying how they know how to play when they don't, makes me sick.
Aww, can't handle my humor?
I bet you 70% of the people here watch the science/history channel, You learn from your history son. Maybe read a book? Loser.
Allright guys, break it up, break it
up...stop the flaming, hehe. Get back on topic please. ^_^;
Sorry if this makes me a hypocrit for saying get back on topic
but...Scrybe, by PT do you mean Priston Tale? I love that game, one of
the few MMORPGs I ever liked, used to have a level 51 mechanican
before they started charging for the server. But now I started playing
Laxelore which is a new remake of PT so I can relive those good ol
Yea, PT = Pristontale, Everyone stopped playing when it went p2p.
They're making a PT2 soon... it's in development.
Laxelor isn't that great, Fly is better, so is Last Chaos, and Hero. Plus
a few others.
I orgasm every chance I get thinking about it. Makes me feel like more of a man!
I don't care who check plays? That's not the point, I know you'd lose because you and everyone else here plays the exact same way.
Check dosn't play this game anymore than you do, or anyone else. Yet he'd own everyone here? how sad, still playing like nubs when MKD was the same damn engine, it's pathetic.
I don't have to see you play, everyone that plays MK is the exact same clone, yall sit there with your scrub ass tactics thinkin that shit works. Like a fool. Scared to fight n shit, Nub.
Lolz, Y'all are in denile, ofcourse there's gonna be more of you clones saying how they know how to play when they don't, makes me sick.
Aww, can't handle my humor?
I bet you 70% of the people here watch the science/history channel, You learn from your history son. Maybe read a book? Loser.
I think anyone from this site knows how to play MKA. Your quite possible one of the very few that hasnt even TOUCHED this game, but your telling me that I dont know how to play.
Again... your a moron
Why would that make you sick anyhow ? @.@ Geez.... Again.. your a weirdo.
You know something Thug ? Since you started posting those random MMORPG games, I'll bet your one of those fatty ass nerds that wear glasses and eat Cheeto's while playing Dioblo 2. Probably no job, and no real personal friends. Yet, your calling me a loser. O.o
"maybe read a book " ?
Ohhhh, Believe me. I'm actually a student in high school, and I'm going to graduate, then move on to college after that. Something that you probably haven't done because you have your head too far up your ass in MMORPG'S.
Anyway lets keep it in the PM's from here on. That, or I just wont respond to you anymore on this particular thread.
I orgasm every chance I get thinking about it. Makes me feel like more of a man!
I don't care who check plays? That's not the point, I know you'd lose because you and everyone else here plays the exact same way.
Check dosn't play this game anymore than you do, or anyone else. Yet he'd own everyone here? how sad, still playing like nubs when MKD was the same damn engine, it's pathetic.
I don't have to see you play, everyone that plays MK is the exact same clone, yall sit there with your scrub ass tactics thinkin that shit works. Like a fool. Scared to fight n shit, Nub.
Lolz, Y'all are in denile, ofcourse there's gonna be more of you clones saying how they know how to play when they don't, makes me sick.
Aww, can't handle my humor?
I bet you 70% of the people here watch the science/history channel, You learn from your history son. Maybe read a book? Loser.
I think anyone from this site knows how to play MKA. Your quite possible one of the very few that hasnt even TOUCHED this game, but your telling me that I dont know how to play.
Again... your a moron
Why would that make you sick anyhow ? @.@ Geez.... Again.. your a weirdo.
You know something Thug ? Since you started posting those random MMORPG games, I'll bet your one of those fatty ass nerds that wear glasses and eat Cheeto's while playing Dioblo 2. Probably no job, and no real personal friends. Yet, your calling me a loser. O.o
"maybe read a book " ?
Ohhhh, Believe me. I'm actually a student in high school, and I'm going to graduate, then move on to college after that. Something that you probably haven't done because you have your head too far up your ass in MMORPG'S.
Anyway lets keep it in the PM's from here on. That, or I just wont respond to you anymore on this particular thread.
Wow you still can't grasp the fact that MK:D and MK:A is the ame engine? Dude it's called logic. The shit didn't change, i watch all the videos, You all play the same damn way, since MK:D. That's fuckin pathetic. Scared. I'm a moron? You ca't even grasp the fact that the way you play is flawed. You are the moron.
You make me sick.
i like cheetos, i'm not fat? I don't wear glasses? i've never even touched diablo 2 it's a waste of a game.Using the internet alone i could say the same things to you, why? It's the internet. Btw i got a job. kthxbai
i finished highschool, I got my diploma. College isn't worth the money. MK:D and MK:A are MMOFG. kthxbai... lol fool.
PM's are useless. You don't know me or what i do son. I'm Da Vinci with a pen.
I know I said that I wouldn't reply, but I just wanna clear that paragraph up. I'll leave the rest alone since it seems to be ignorant garbage.
Why ?
You have a wake up system and a pathetic parry system.
You cant play a quick rush game like you could in MKD. Staying patient (you call it scared) is what its all about. Baiting out parrys, and watching to punish stuff. Playing counter is essential in this game no matter who your fighting.
There are times when you can play a rush game.... but that also depends on the character. But its not very often, trust me.
Now... when you say "we all play the same since MKD" , I'm assuming your talking about playing counter.
I think I have told you and YAYO this once... but let me this sink into your thick skull once again.
You just cant. If you can beat my Sarrena using the "No Blocking" method that you devised so long ago, I'll send you a box of Cuban Cigars.
The spacing in MKA is just too big. You cant play a rush, no block game at all. There is absolutely no way. People can run, throw projectiles... and just wait to counter you at any time. Its just too easy to do.
Thug, dont act like you know shit about this game because its clear that you dont.
This game is somewhat pointless to me now because since Yayo came here, and recommended Kaillera, I have been playing that a whole lot more (and getting whomped in the process). But... for the most part MKA is garbage. Dont assume that I'm trying to defend it, all I'm trying to do is state what I have played and seen.
You have only seen, and not played. You know nothing.
I would sure love to see how your little tactics would work in MKA. Why dont you rent the game and play it online for awhile. Lets see if your ways work better than all of ours.

You both have already been warned by Jago. Settle down.
Please take it to pm guys. This is rediculous. This thread is to help out others to maybe improve there game. This is not for you to argue about which game is better.
Please stop!

4,3 = Safe + Free Throw
(dependent on lag)
U+4 - Safe, good Pop up ... Opponent cannot wake up off this popup
The trick with Reptile is to rely on those two things and a couple lows (D+1, B+3) . U+4 is nice and actually can set someone for a 50/50. But you'll see me do
U+4, 4, 1,1, B+1. Fun Combo
His weapon based on my opinion is garbage.
Can anyone see any use for it ?