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04/12/2007 10:29 AM (UTC)
no offense to any one but



best thing about MKA is deep kick combos and no jutsu.

Bone ~ since you read this thread. we need to practice more of those DK combos. i wanna try a new kitana one. lag makes the DK into fan wave hard to connect.
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04/12/2007 10:42 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
no offense to any one but



best thing about MKA is deep kick combos and no jutsu.

Bone ~ since you read this thread. we need to practice more of those DK combos. i wanna try a new kitana one. lag makes the DK into fan wave hard to connect.

yea . im fellin that maybe johny cage could pull off a good DK .

have you tryed shinok with the hand finisher ? ?
04/12/2007 12:37 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
no offense to any one but



best thing about MKA is deep kick combos and no jutsu.

Bone ~ since you read this thread. we need to practice more of those DK combos. i wanna try a new kitana one. lag makes the DK into fan wave hard to connect.

dan must remember those free lifts with ken in mkd i got off his d1's on hit in pi gua grin

too bad i dont have those matches on my computer anymore, maybe u do? ( C vs D No T )
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04/12/2007 09:25 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
no offense to any one but



best thing about MKA is deep kick combos and no jutsu.

Bone ~ since you read this thread. we need to practice more of those DK combos. i wanna try a new kitana one. lag makes the DK into fan wave hard to connect.

Lol dan you're so scrubby.

Reason's MKD Owns MKA:

04/12/2007 09:57 PM (UTC)
^^ agreed 100%
04/14/2007 03:07 PM (UTC)
Does Rain have any moves that give free throws?
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PSN: Eazail70x7

04/14/2007 03:27 PM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
Does Rain have any moves that give free throws?

Sadly, no he doesn't.

Here are some of his best attacks though:

Hand to Hand - B+3,F+3 (sort of safe but not real safe)

Hand to Hand - 2,F+2,CS (sort of safe but not real safe)

Hand to Hand - 1, 1, 3 (sort of safe but not real safe)

Weapon - 2, 2 (pretty safe)

Weapon - U+4 for jumpers (not too safe though)

Weapon - I like to do Parry cancel/B+3

His lightning attack and teleport move are his best special moves. You can sometimes use his B,F+4 attack to catch your opponent off guard. Usually it comes out to fast to react for them.
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Thanx to KrayzieBoneThug for the signature!

04/14/2007 03:40 PM (UTC)
Check Wrote:
^^ agreed 100%
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04/14/2007 09:28 PM (UTC)
Scrybe Wrote:
danadbab Wrote:
no offense to any one but



best thing about MKA is deep kick combos and no jutsu.

Bone ~ since you read this thread. we need to practice more of those DK combos. i wanna try a new kitana one. lag makes the DK into fan wave hard to connect.

Lol dan you're so scrubby.

Reason's MKD Owns MKA:


Reason MKA Owns MKD


you and check were the only 2 guys who perfected the damn shit.
04/15/2007 12:57 AM (UTC)
Subzero2 Wrote:
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
Does Rain have any moves that give free throws?

Sadly, no he doesn't.

Here are some of his best attacks though:

Hand to Hand - B+3,F+3 (sort of safe but not real safe)

Hand to Hand - 2,F+2,CS (sort of safe but not real safe)

Hand to Hand - 1, 1, 3 (sort of safe but not real safe)

Weapon - 2, 2 (pretty safe)

Weapon - U+4 for jumpers (not too safe though)

Weapon - I like to do Parry cancel/B+3

His lightning attack and teleport move are his best special moves. You can sometimes use his B,F+4 attack to catch your opponent off guard. Usually it comes out to fast to react for them.

Thank you.

If you see Blud15,thats me (we should go at it some time)I should be on tonight.
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04/15/2007 05:15 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
you and check were the only 2 guys who perfected the damn shit.

Actually,No. I perfected jutsu as well. Honestly Dan,I have to agree with Check and Thug. Jutsu was the greatest thing to have in a game with freethrows. Its sad that Ed Boon just cant make a game with throw escapes.

LMAO at Ed Boon saying "Daegon is for more advanced players and he is one of the best."

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04/15/2007 05:58 PM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
you and check were the only 2 guys who perfected the damn shit.

Actually,No. I perfected jutsu as well. Honestly Dan,I have to agree with Check and Thug. Jutsu was the greatest thing to have in a game with freethrows. Its sad that Ed Boon just cant make a game with throw escapes.

LMAO at Ed Boon saying "Daegon is for more advanced players and he is one of the best."


Yeah man, you gotta use his D,B+1 to dodge and counter incoming attacks, and roll under projectiles with F,D+2. grin
04/15/2007 06:05 PM (UTC)
no offense bro, but you didnt perfect jutsu ; (

you perfected ducking free throws with jutsu though and were very good with it, but nowhere near as good with it as i was.

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04/15/2007 06:45 PM (UTC)
Question for the fellas in TKO, far reach and I'll be feeling really stupid for a quick second if I'm completely off base with this.

Sareena out of the picture. What's the advantage of side step blocking when you're playing as a character such as Dairou. I've noticed that Dan does it when he picks him but I initially shrugged it off as preparations for anti-air or the slim possibly of actually side stepping the jump kick. After reading Check's post in his video thread versus Dave I thought he somewhat alluded to it dealing with camera locking. Which opens up another question all in itself, what exactly is camera locking when pertaining to online MK games?
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04/20/2007 06:14 PM (UTC)
_Lone_ Wrote:
Question for the fellas in TKO, far reach and I'll be feeling really stupid for a quick second if I'm completely off base with this.

Sareena out of the picture. What's the advantage of side step blocking when you're playing as a character such as Dairou. I've noticed that Dan does it when he picks him but I initially shrugged it off as preparations for anti-air or the slim possibly of actually side stepping the jump kick. After reading Check's post in his video thread versus Dave I thought he somewhat alluded to it dealing with camera locking. Which opens up another question all in itself, what exactly is camera locking when pertaining to online MK games?

Well the only camera locking that i could think of is when you have Li Mei and your opponent has a laggy connection to where you can then do her Glitch Throw. As seen in MK Extreme,The beginning of the movie has alot of this being done with all of the characters. It is where the camera doesnt follow either opponent anymore.

I know that when Dave used Dairou,If he was to ss Tsdrop,He could make it come out so fast to where the camera would not be able to follow and then you were not able to jump. These are just things that were never tested by Midway. Its really sad that you are able to do Glitch Throws,OTGs,Etc.

I wouldnt worry about it to much,Because it is not really something that helps out your game. Its simply just for show and tell.

Hope this helps.

p.s. Im sure that Check will be able to add a few words for you as well. wink
04/20/2007 06:39 PM (UTC)
ill try and be as brief as possible, try and follow me here

first off, the best example of it is what karate said ( KEEP THIS IN MIND THROUGHOUT THIS POST ) li meis throw straight up freezes the camera and the game becomes fully dimensional.

which means if im facing the camera, as seen in MK Extreme, up becomes left, left becomes back, back becomes right, and down becomes forward. these can vary at any time, its very hard to analyze. keep in mind, moving forward means to move towards the camera while its frozen

^^anyway the poitn of all that is to show what happens when the camera is locked, the directions change so that if i try to jump a ts drop while the camera is locked ( ss throw locks the camera, anytime you ss you lock the camera, but this only happens online due to the camera suffering greatly on there ) all that will happen is i will sidestep up and not jump, theres pretty much nothing you can do about this. however, by tapping down before you jump, unlocks the camera and allows you to jump, problem is you dont have time to do both.

there is one character that seems to be able to jump them online liek any could offline, and that is bo in his weapon stance. im not sure who else can, but i know bos staff doesnt lock up as much for whatever reason

as far as i know, and im almost positive about this, it only happens with daves connection. im not 100% sure, but i know my ts drops will get jumped everytime with no problem, no questions asked.

if you want to knwo why this happens period, its because of the input for the ts drop ends with down ( fbd 1 ) which causes you to sidestep, problem is YOU DONT, this is why i say this only happens with daves connection because of his unusual priority over things ( his f2 escrima used to have priority over f3 bo in mkd, his sweep in mka with dairou hits 3/4th of the screen away, etc )

in kak, the ts drop i believe is bf 2, if the ts drop was like this for dairou, the lock wouldnt happen because there is no down input for the move. and again for some odd reason this camera lock only happens with dave, although he has said it has happened to him with me, obviously not as bad

here is how you can tell it is happening to you or the person you are playing, if when you/them are about to jump, if you see them sidestep a little before the ts lands, they/you are trying to jump, as i explained what happens to the directions when the camera locks.

as i mentioned, ss throw also locks the camera/character into one spot, its pretty much the same deal, not sure how much simpler i could make it

the ts tracking problem does not exist offline, nor should it for a 4 star connection ( i hope )

if theres anything u feel i forgot, please enlighten me to it

04/20/2007 06:50 PM (UTC)
one other important about bo's staff..

it has proper blocking frame animations, which means, unlike every other character ( to my knowledge ) you cant be hit before you can block.

in other words, say things like 11cs drahmin or 24 noob, ff1 sareena, etc, you press block before they hit you and you still get hit, THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN IN BO'S STAFF, it has proper blocking animation, and how all the characters SHOULD HAVE BEEN. mkd had proper blocking animations. wtf happened? sad

just thought i should throw that in there.

online, bo may very well be top 3, if not more.. playing against versas sareena was like a walk in the park for me. he is definitly the sareena killer, thats for sure grin

im out
04/22/2007 03:14 PM (UTC)
I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"

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04/22/2007 03:35 PM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"

Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.

The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.

This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.wink
04/22/2007 04:04 PM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"

Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.

The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.

This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.wink

Yes,it did I have done jump cancels many times,but never really understood how I had done it.

KARATE,do you know how to buffer Dai's TSdrop?And is d,u + 3 a free-throw only when you are close to the opponent?

04/22/2007 05:39 PM (UTC)
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
khanswarrior15 Wrote:
I know there are air cancels,and parry cancels,but is there such a thing as "throw cancels?"

Unfortunately no there is not any kind of a throw cancel. The only other cancel that is out there is Jump Kick Cancels. I use those quite frequently. It is where you go to do a jump kick,But instead of just kicking your opponent,You are able to do other moves. Such as combos,Glitch throws,etc.

The easiest way to tell you how to Jump Kick Cancel is to do a deep jump kick. So that way you are able to recover instantly after the move. I like to use them as mixups. Even if your opponent blocks,You can still do a move or combo almost instantly and most people will not know to block.

This is all i can tell you. I hope that gives you a better idea of cancelling.wink

Yes,it did I have done jump cancels many times,but never really understood how I had done it.

KARATE,do you know how to buffer Dai's TSdrop?And is d,u + 3 a free-throw only when you are close to the opponent?

D, U+3 is a free grab with Dairou when your close. Unless there's lag then your opponent can duck it which gets annoying after a while so don't bother if there's lag.
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04/23/2007 11:03 AM (UTC)
I got a simple question for you guys. Why doesn't jump cancel work for me? Is it just connection or am I doing something wrong?confused
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04/23/2007 12:56 PM (UTC)
HEY-NOW Wrote:
I got a simple question for you guys. Why doesn't jump cancel work for me? Is it just connection or am I doing something wrong?confused

Well,It only works online. You have to do sort of a deep jump in so it takes away the animation of the jump kick and you are able to recover faster.

Im guessing you are most likely just jumping around and kicking right? Well to do a JKC you have to actually jump towards your opponent and almost land the kick right as your about to hit the ground. Try that if that doesnt work let me know exactly what it is you are having a problem with.

Hope this helps.wink
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04/23/2007 07:34 PM (UTC)
Thanks for the clarifications, Check and Karate.


Nice site, maintained by Red Saleen of X-Box. Most of it has already been covered but there's nothing wrong with the added bonus of explanations+visuals.
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04/23/2007 10:24 PM (UTC)
Thanks Karate I'll give it a shot.grin
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