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01/14/2004 03:10 AM (UTC)
The story doesn't make sense if it's NOT intentionally programmed. The EGM guy's pic and story both show that it is something more than a red scorpion. "Ermac Wins" and a red ninja that beats you down after a match like that isn't just Scorpion accidently turning red for a second. If you think it's just a red scorpion you must conceed that the EGM article is a hoax.

Ed Boon's interview also points to it being more than just Scorpion turning red. He says it's not a glitch, but something that happens to keep the player busy while the game corrects itself. In other words, he's saying he put Ermac in the game to give the player someone to fight while the game corrects itself. Again, if you think it's just a red scorpion you must conceed that Ed's BSing too.

And that leaves you with no evidence for the existance of Ermac at all. Both pieces of evidence point to it being something more than a simple color glitch and whatever ermac is it CLEARLY is something known and intended to be in(it's in the audits, after all), yet you believers keep on insisting it's just a red Scorpion. I don't get it. Saying "well it's just Scorpion who turned red" is more believable...but it goes against the only evidence you have.
01/14/2004 03:39 AM (UTC)
1 - I've already proven, through P vs. NP, that the chances of this happening by accident are so close to zero that it might as well be zero. If you played the game for every second of your life, you'd have to live to be 1,500,000 years old to even come close to seeing it. That's assuming that an "error macro" occurs every millisecond. He'd HAVE TO be programmed in if he actually appeared. That brings me to point 2, though.

2 - There is no Ermac name data. None. No "Ermac Wins". No "Get ready 2 fight ermac u idioT im going 2 kill u with my super strength!". Not even a sign of something that would call up the font to spell Ermac.

He's just not there. I sort of wished I had found something. It's something that's always kept me wondering. Maybe I overlooked something, but that's doubtful.

I suppose the next logical step for me is to replace Reptile with Ermac in the ROM.
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01/14/2004 03:44 AM (UTC)

Sakura Wrote:
The story doesn't make sense if it's NOT intentionally programmed. The EGM guy's pic and story both show that it is something more than a red scorpion. "Ermac Wins" and a red ninja that beats you down after a match like that isn't just Scorpion accidently turning red for a second. If you think it's just a red scorpion you must conceed that the EGM article is a hoax.

Ed Boon's interview also points to it being more than just Scorpion turning red. He says it's not a glitch, but something that happens to keep the player busy while the game corrects itself. In other words, he's saying he put Ermac in the game to give the player someone to fight while the game corrects itself. Again, if you think it's just a red scorpion you must conceed that Ed's BSing too.

And that leaves you with no evidence for the existance of Ermac at all. Both pieces of evidence point to it being something more than a simple color glitch and whatever ermac is it CLEARLY is something known and intended to be in(it's in the audits, after all), yet you believers keep on insisting it's just a red Scorpion. I don't get it. Saying "well it's just Scorpion who turned red" is more believable...but it goes against the only evidence you have.

Ooh... I've totally misunderstood the situation. I don't know how I missed that. I thought after he beat Johnny Cage he simply went to the next battle like usual against the CPU only it was scorpion and scorpion was read.

A red fighter to keep the player busy while the game corrects itself huh?
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01/14/2004 03:46 AM (UTC)
Can you get the "ermacs" counter to go up though?
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01/14/2004 03:50 AM (UTC)
Hey Hyuga, even though you aren't finding evidence of it in the ROM itself are there scrambeled parts of the rom that you can't see what's what? I've done some NES and SNES ROM hacking and there are some things that I've wanted to edit in games, but it was so well hidden in the uber-scrambled parts of the rom that I couldn't find it.
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01/14/2004 03:57 AM (UTC)

Quirk Wrote:
A red fighter to keep the player busy while the game corrects itself huh?

Well Ed says it's just like what happens in Smash TV. In Smash TV the game sends you to a "hidden level" while the game corrects itself. If Ed is saying the red ninja is indeed in the game then I am pretty sure that's what he means. From what I gather he's saying when the game corrects itself you fight a red ninja and people just assumed the ninja's name was "Ermac" since the program was listed as "ermacs". But who knows for sure? Ed is always really vague.

Whatever ermac is, it was definitely intended or at least known to be in the game though since it's in the audits.

If there's no sign of anything remotely like Ermac to be seen in the ROMs and Hyuga can get the game to reset or crash(and no ninja appears) and the "ermacs" counter goes up 1 then I think that pretty much proves that "ermacs" was just an error counter once and for all.

Though I'm sure the legend will never die.
01/14/2004 04:01 AM (UTC)
Yes. The only difficult thing about it was finding the value in the HEX. After that, I just changed it.
Sakura Wrote:
Can you get the "ermacs" counter to go up though?

I can see everything. It's all in the HEX. Like I said, I used Hexpectacle. I'm not sure, but I think that it hasn't been updated in a long while. It doesn't matter anyway, because I don't remember the site I got it from.
Quirk Wrote:
Hey Hyuga, even though you aren't finding evidence of it in the ROM itself are there scrambeled parts of the rom that you can't see what's what? I've done some NES and SNES ROM hacking and there are some things that I've wanted to edit in games, but it was so well hidden in the uber-scrambled parts of the rom that I couldn't find it.

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01/14/2004 04:06 AM (UTC)

Hyuga Wrote:
Yes. The only difficult thing about it was finding the value in the HEX. After that, I just changed it. it.

So you're just forcing it to go up, it's not really going up because you've done whatever it is that causes an "ermac"?

Knowing what causes and what happens when "ermacs" goes up would go a long way.

01/14/2004 04:10 AM (UTC)
I'm too tired to start hacking again. Somebody else take my place.

Sakura Wrote:
Hyuga Wrote:
Yes. The only difficult thing about it was finding the value in the HEX. After that, I just changed it. it.

So you're just forcing it to go up, it's not really going up because you've done whatever it is that causes an "ermac"?

Knowing what causes and what happens when "ermacs" goes up would go a long way.

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01/14/2004 04:16 AM (UTC)

Hyuga Wrote:
Yes. The only difficult thing about it was finding the value in the HEX. After that, I just changed it.Sakura Wrote:
Can you get the "ermacs" counter to go up though?

I can see everything. It's all in the HEX. Like I said, I used Hexpectacle. I'm not sure, but I think that it hasn't been updated in a long while. It doesn't matter anyway, because I don't remember the site I got it from.
Quirk Wrote:
Hey Hyuga, even though you aren't finding evidence of it in the ROM itself are there scrambeled parts of the rom that you can't see what's what? I've done some NES and SNES ROM hacking and there are some things that I've wanted to edit in games, but it was so well hidden in the uber-scrambled parts of the rom that I couldn't find it.

So... the counter didn't go up, but you just overwrote the value so it said "1" instead of "0"?
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01/14/2004 04:20 AM (UTC)

Hyuga Wrote:
I'm too tired to start hacking again. Somebody else take my place.

Sakura Wrote:
Hyuga Wrote:
Yes. The only difficult thing about it was finding the value in the HEX. After that, I just changed it. it.

So you're just forcing it to go up, it's not really going up because you've done whatever it is that causes an "ermac"?

Knowing what causes and what happens when "ermacs" goes up would go a long way.

Hell, I'll fidget with it. I just don't know where to get the rom. If you email or PM me a link I'll mess with it. Is the editor you're using able to edit anything, or just arcade ROMs? I think I know a better editor I could hex edit with.
01/14/2004 04:25 AM (UTC)
In response to your first post :

Yes. I've done that, as well has typing completely random data into random spots. That works wonders if you want to corrupt the game tongue.

In response to your second :

I got the ROM from a P2P network (slsk, specifically). Any old HEX editor should do, as long as it supports the proper output formats.

01/14/2004 04:30 AM (UTC)

Hyuga Wrote:
1 - I've already proven, through P vs. NP, that the chances of this happening by accident are so close to zero that it might as well be zero. If you played the game for every second of your life, you'd have to live to be 1,500,000 years old to even come close to seeing it. That's assuming that an "error macro" occurs every millisecond. He'd HAVE TO be programmed in if he actually appeared. That brings me to point 2, though.

2 - There is no Ermac name data. None. No "Ermac Wins". No "Get ready 2 fight ermac u idioT im going 2 kill u with my super strength!". Not even a sign of something that would call up the font to spell Ermac.

He's just not there. I sort of wished I had found something. It's something that's always kept me wondering. Maybe I overlooked something, but that's doubtful.

I suppose the next logical step for me is to replace Reptile with Ermac in the ROM.

Does this mean you've unscambled the in game text? I would love it if you have.

Also, have you found where the pallet info is stored?
01/14/2004 11:10 PM (UTC)
Wait a second.

I think what KungBroken is saying, that none of you have been listening, "There is no ERMAC in the game."

I agree, because A Red Scorpion is not Ermac, but if Ermac was, It would say in the lifebars, and Ermac wins.
01/15/2004 04:11 AM (UTC)
I made Raiden turn a pale red when he teleports, but its just a glitchy hack. Still nothing has caused an error trap or error macro or anything like that.
01/15/2004 05:39 AM (UTC)
Wow I can't believe how far this has got man. I believe ermac is there. The theory on the ermacs being a error count is wrong. I've glitched my mk I arcade many of types and the ermac count never goes up. And there are many people out there that have claimed to have seen ermac not just one guy. The only reason everbody focuses on him is his pic and I've seen this pic lots of times and it's not fake. So there are lots of people who claim to have seen ermac just no proof so like always people are like bull shit. Maybe there telling the truth who knows, but the bottom line is ermac is there. And I've glitched the game so bad that the game actually reset but I did it on the T-unite though. So I believe I would of got ermac right there and then but it was the version with no ermacs. And also ever body talks about the guy that just used Hp on the warrior shrine. The one i read from a guy that got ermac was he got to reptile the first time and got a double flawless and fatality and after he beat reptile he continued through the game he said to use combos on all the matches at least once ever round. Now when you get to the endurence round the endurance with the warrior shrine the guy said you get a double flawless do combos to your opponents and when it says finish him push your opponent to the circle in the middle of the room and let the opponent fall right in the middle of the circle don't finish him just let the opponent fall in the circle. And the guy said ermac came out and kicked the crap out of him. I myself tryed this trick and of course it didn't work, but it could of been an arcade machine that was the T-unit with no ermacs I don't know. But my opinion is ermac is in there.
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01/15/2004 04:57 PM (UTC)

SuperMarioBro Wrote:
if Ermac was, It would say in the lifebars, and Ermac wins.

Reptile's in the game, and his life bar says "Scorpion". It's possible that if they made another pallet swap character, they wouldn't change the name in the life bar either. I'm not saying Ermac does/doesn't exist, I'm saying that if the programers were too lazy to do it for Reptile, why bother for another ninja?
01/15/2004 11:59 PM (UTC)

megatron187 Wrote:
Wow I can't believe how far this has got man. I believe ermac is there. The theory on the ermacs being a error count is wrong. I've glitched my mk I arcade many of types and the ermac count never goes up. And there are many people out there that have claimed to have seen ermac not just one guy. The only reason everbody focuses on him is his pic and I've seen this pic lots of times and it's not fake. So there are lots of people who claim to have seen ermac just no proof so like always people are like bull shit. Maybe there telling the truth who knows, but the bottom line is ermac is there. And I've glitched the game so bad that the game actually reset but I did it on the T-unite though. So I believe I would of got ermac right there and then but it was the version with no ermacs. And also ever body talks about the guy that just used Hp on the warrior shrine. The one i read from a guy that got ermac was he got to reptile the first time and got a double flawless and fatality and after he beat reptile he continued through the game he said to use combos on all the matches at least once ever round. Now when you get to the endurence round the endurance with the warrior shrine the guy said you get a double flawless do combos to your opponents and when it says finish him push your opponent to the circle in the middle of the room and let the opponent fall right in the middle of the circle don't finish him just let the opponent fall in the circle. And the guy said ermac came out and kicked the crap out of him. I myself tryed this trick and of course it didn't work, but it could of been an arcade machine that was the T-unit with no ermacs I don't know. But my opinion is ermac is in there.

Nope, that doesn't work. Also, if you glitched it to the point of resetting the game, that was beyond what a proposed ermac would be. An ermac is a glitch that is recoverable to the point of still being able to play, not just some glitch that breaks it all. And another thing, are you running this on Mame? If so then glitches are possibly unique to MK1 T-unit running on Mame, since you aren't actually running the original rom chips on the original processor. Its a close approximation, but glitches could be anything.
01/22/2004 02:31 AM (UTC)
Uhh. Is the arguement that Ermac wasn't in the game as in the "Glitch" or the "Character"?
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01/22/2004 10:24 AM (UTC)
If I can find it, there is a very very old issue of EGM, that makes word of Ermac, if I remember right, it was an April issue, hence making it a joke.

However, If I can find the issue, and the page, I will scan it.

Reading EGM 14 years has its advantages, however when your father hides most of your issues ( back when I was young ) Because you were irresponsible, and loses half of them.... yeah.. I'll let you fill in the rest.

i did it i did it!!11!

this is how u get ermac in mk1

pck scripon and use only uppr cuts on the othr guy n wen u get to the pit stge do the reptle code n do a fatiy on him and then bet the guy using only kicks aftr tht n if u bet the gme 5 tims in a row lik ths ull get ermac!11!! he does a gren firebll its dwn dwn bk bk bk blk hp

Lol I'm such a retard.
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Reiko = S.U.V.

02/07/2004 10:51 AM (UTC)
That was so uncalled for.
02/12/2004 05:08 PM (UTC)

I have two MK1 and one MK2 arcade jamma boards at home that I switch between. I have MK1 revision 3.0 and 4.0 boards.

In the character audits page they both say ERMACS (with an S... as a plural)

Ermac does not exist in MK1 as it has been already stated several times. Just thought that I would let you all know that it actually says ermacs and not ermac

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02/12/2004 07:21 PM (UTC)

StarSeed Wrote:

I have two MK1 and one MK2 arcade jamma boards at home that I switch between. I have MK1 revision 3.0 and 4.0 boards.

In the character audits page they both say ERMACS (with an S... as a plural)

Ermac does not exist in MK1 as it has been already stated several times. Just thought that I would let you all know that it actually says ermacs and not ermac


I want to smack you across the face so hard right now.
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