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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/18/2005 11:55 PM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
bleed Wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's a fake.

1 = the design is weak.

2 = for KI3 they are using KI 2 character renders.

3 = The font at the top doesn't look professional. It's too hard to read.

That stinks. A new KI would be nice. Too bad Rare doesn't seem interested. I could imagine the best route would be make a KI collection with the arcade perfect KI1 and KI2 since they've only reached consoles butchered and then release a third game. Hopefully they ditch the dial-a-combo system though.

It would be cool to see a new KI... But really though, if Rare really was going to make another one if they announced it sometime in the near future it'd probably would keep getting delayed until I don't know... 2022? tongue

But I do remember interviews with Rare and that they aren't opposed to making a new one apparently but I'm almost certain it wouldn't even be considered until Kameo and the new Perfect Dark are released.
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/19/2005 12:17 AM (UTC)
Very true. Rare isn't the largest company so chances are the guys who made KI are probably working on other projects. Technically, though, the KI story could be considered complete since both warlords, Eyedol and Gargos, were killed by Orchid and Jago. Without those monsters, Ultratech really doesn't have a leg to stand on unless there's something else that can be thrown at the heroes.
01/19/2005 12:21 AM (UTC)
The_Truth Wrote:
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
bleed Wrote:
I'm pretty sure it's a fake.

1 = the design is weak.

2 = for KI3 they are using KI 2 character renders.

3 = The font at the top doesn't look professional. It's too hard to read.

That stinks. A new KI would be nice. Too bad Rare doesn't seem interested. I could imagine the best route would be make a KI collection with the arcade perfect KI1 and KI2 since they've only reached consoles butchered and then release a third game. Hopefully they ditch the dial-a-combo system though.

It would be cool to see a new KI... But really though, if Rare really was going to make another one if they announced it sometime in the near future it'd probably would keep getting delayed until I don't know... 2022? tongue

But I do remember interviews with Rare and that they aren't opposed to making a new one apparently but I'm almost certain it wouldn't even be considered until Kameo and the new Perfect Dark are released.

And to complicate matters even worse, Microsoft OWNS Rare, so any Killer Instinct game would most likely be Xbox only....
01/19/2005 02:17 AM (UTC)
Even if it is Xbox only, a new Killer Instinct would be awesome...

Hopefully it's fighting engine wont suck asscheeks...
About Me

Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

01/19/2005 06:47 AM (UTC)
Nobody complained when KI was a Nintendo exclusive. tongue Heh, just kidding.

On an interesting though off topic note, Deception lost out on IGN's Reader's Choice Award for the fighting genre on Xbox. DOA: Ultimate won just like with the Editor's Choice.
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01/19/2005 01:15 PM (UTC)
Ha! I don't see a big news thread saying that tongue
Anybody know of a web site where I can see some Naruto fight movie clips.

for free, It looks interesting and I want to see more.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/20/2005 10:47 PM (UTC)
01/21/2005 12:04 AM (UTC)
shishi-rendan.com but I think you know that already...

currently play Naruto: Narultimate hero 2 for PS2 and it's very good.

The supers are absolutely insane and the gameplay is simple but surprisingly deep.

Both the GCN and PS2 versions are great in their own right....
Oh damn, sorry I mean fight clips from the cartoon or movies.....not the game.

I can't find anything good.

That stf video reminds me. I'd love to see a 3D street fighter series that plays something like Tekken or VF4 with fireballs.

There might not be juggles though to keep it like in the 2D games, maybe a max of 1 normal juggle hit unless you do something special like a super move in street fighter 3. Or if it's a fast combo like jab, med hook.

They could rely more on stuns to replace juggles, wall combos and Okizeme ground game like Tekken.

I always think of that, especially now when I play as Bruce Ervin in Tekken 5. Whenever I do the Tiger Knee I'm like damn I wish that was sagat and this was a 3D street fighter.

Man, I'd love to see that.

The game could be cell shaded with maybe a little graininess similar to the new silent hill games, so it looks like the STF2 animated movie. Imagine being able to do the intro fight with Ryu and Sagat like in the movie or the fight with Ryu and Fei long. glasses
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/21/2005 05:42 AM (UTC)
I was deep in thought about Inuyasha and Samurai Jack (poor Jack, cancelled before your time) in relation to cel-shading. As you may know, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker was cel-shaded and looked beautiful. It also looked a lot like Samurai Jack. The reason I bring Inuyasha into this is because it, too, uses a really simple art style with basic colors. My point is, how far can cel-shading go? Even though The Wind Waker is done perfectly it still doesn't look quite like a cartoon. I am waiting until the day where I can play a video game and it looks identical to full-fledged animation. I'm wondering if this can be accomplished with the classic sprite graphic. When people think of sprites, the idea of small, poorly proportioned people on screen comes to mind. But what if the sprites were huge and had like 50,000 frames of animation for something like walking around? Would it be possible to then make a sprite of Inuyasha walking around in real time that is indestinguishable from the same scene of Inuyasha walking around in the actual animation? Other than the huge amount of money and time that would take I can't think of any reason why it couldn't be done. Then you'd really be able to see Ryu and Sagat go at it like in the movie.
If they drew it it would be a pain in the ass almost impossible to make the fights look like in a movie. That's because they would have to draw every move from a ton of different angles, also the lighting on the stage would not reflect correctly on the fighters.

The best way to do it is to make it totally 3D, but just use a Cell shading render.
01/21/2005 11:40 AM (UTC)
all of the Naruto fighters are cel shaded and they really do look just like the anime.

Its one of the resons why I like the games so much, because it does justice to the anime series.wink
Here are some fight clips of Tekken 5 and VF4FT. They could help to spark some more ideas. We seem to be stuck trying to come up with new stuff.

tekken.net There are a ton of tournament and casual play videos in this site. You need a free membership to download them. I love this site, it's the place I go to when I want to learn more strategy tips to improve how I play. I've gotten way better watching tournament vids in that site.

.popy.tv, this has a lot of VF4FT fights

pasoibard.natsu.gs, they have both T5 and VF4FT movies here.
On the left click on the 3rd link down to get to the movie section.

There is a link section right above the first VF4 movie it says MOVIE. That will take you to the T5 movie section.

shishi-rendan.com I love how they do the special moves in this game. I haven't played it but it's good for inspiration.

Anybody can add more links if they find any.

I don't know of any sites with good MKD match vids. Can someone post some, like tournament quality. This is the best I can find.

Konqrr combo vids
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/21/2005 11:54 PM (UTC)
I haven't played Final Tuned yet. What are the most noticable changes made from Evolution?
I haven't played it either. The first thing I notice though was the way the camera moves.

To this day, I haven't seen VF4 in any arcade I've been to.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/22/2005 12:02 AM (UTC)
They used to have VF4 at my arcade here in Jersey but they got rid of it quite some time ago. I always used to drop some cash into it but gave up after I realized that I was the only one who played it. I probably was too since they got rid of it after I stopped playing. Rutgers has a VF4:EVO machine that gets bounced around. It started on the Busch campus arcade then moved across the river to the College Ave. one. Once again, I'm the only one who plays the damn thing. It bugs me because I feel that I could become a pretty good Jacky player if I had some competition. Online will be a godsend for VF here in the states.
Counter move for Rayden.

He will flash for a sec. normally.

That would be a substitute for the grab animation of a reversal.

If you hit him high or med when he flashes, he will automatically teleport behind the opponent and close to them.

The teleport looks like a quick dash, he moves through the opponent. which stuns them.

He can follow that up with any attack to hit the opponent in the back.


A counter move for some other fighter. They do a quick pose and a flash of light / energy emits from their body. If the opponent is close to them they will be thrown back. If it catches them as a counter, it will pop them up. For a juggle. It will launch them kind of far, so you can follow it up with a dash attack, a fireball, or a wall combo if you are close to a wall.
01/23/2005 12:45 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
Counter move for Rayden.

He will flash for a sec. normally.

That would be a substitute for the grab animation of a reversal.

If you hit him high or med when he flashes, he will automatically teleport behind the opponent and close to them.

The teleport looks like a quick dash, he moves through the opponent. which stuns them.

He can follow that up with any attack to hit the opponent in the back.


A counter move for some other fighter. They do a quick pose and a flash of light / energy emits from their body. If the opponent is close to them they will be thrown back. If it catches them as a counter, it will pop them up. For a juggle. It will launch them kind of far, so you can follow it up with a dash attack, a fireball, or a wall combo if you are close to a wall.

Good ideas, the idea for Raiden's counter would definitely make him seem more god-like...


I don't know if it's been posted before, but I always thought it would be cool if Noob Saibot had a cool shadow themed wall throw...

It'd go something like this...

When Noob's opponent has their back to a wall, he'd have the ability to sink into the ground and then jump out the wall, headfirst, and tackle the opponent to the ground...

He should also have his teleport slam as a throw, but it should end in a piledriver instead...

Another cool move could be for Quan Chi...

He could be able to block attacks by creating a wall of skulls, like in the MK: D intro. It would stop projectile attacks, but it would only last for about 2 hits. Also, if an opponent is doing some kind of airborn physical attack (like Liu Kang's flying kick), they would crash through the wall and land on their back/front (imagine jumping through a wall of cans...)

The opponent could either punch/kick the wall until it breaks to get through, or sidestep around it. The wall should eventually break apart by itself if nobody touches it for too long...
I'd like it if Noob's teleport throw looked something like Kung Lao's throw in MK3. But using only 1 hand.

He would duck as he sinks in to the ground, then come up behind the opponent, on the way up he would grab the opponent's head like a basket ball that same motion would cause Noob to flip over the opponent then keep spinning with the opponent on 1 hand then throw the opponent straight down like a baseball. Then Noob would continue to do an extra 1 or 2 flips on the way back to the ground. He would land in a kool pose, crouched with his head looking in one direction and both his arms pointing in the opposite direction.

I like flashy looking moves. glasses

The wall throw for noob would be pretty cool, having him come out of the tall and tackle the opponent. Nice...
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

01/23/2005 03:42 AM (UTC)
Think this thread will be around when MK7 is announced? tongue Anyway, I was watching one of those VF4:FT vids and it make me think. What if a character could manipulate the environment? Watching a guy get beat up against a wall makes me want to play as someone who makes the walls work for him. Take Raiden and Noob, for example. Both have teleportation abilities but why limit it to just moving around the stage? Imagine getting beat up against a wall and just as the impact occurs, like within a 3 or 4 frame window (yeah it needs to be that tight for this not to be abusable) you input a simple command to basically phase through the wall and come out either above and do a ground pound attack, to either side and have freedom to attack, or right through the floor behind the guy.
That gives me another idea!

About a character that can manipulate the stage.

Remember in the Matrix 2 when Neo takes off to fly the ground would go in to a ripple effect like water?

A character in MK could do something similar. Here are a list of possible moves.

1 = Floor ripple right under the opponent = causes them to stumble like a stun or collapse hit in Tekken and VF4. You have to rush in quick to get a free hit while they are stumbling.

1B = A Floor wave ripple = a large ripple that travels across the stage. It's long side ways too so you have to either crouch or jump to avoid the stun.

2 = Spikes from the floor = a bunch of spikes grow out of the ground fast and launch the opponent towards you but not too high.

3 = Wall cuffs = If the opponent is close to a wall, the wall will morph and grab the opponent's arms and legs like if they were chained to a wall. You get a free hit and the cuffs break. If you are too slow, the cuffs will break anyway.

4 = Stone beast = A creature would form out of the floor or from the wall and attack you. The opponent would have to knock the beast down to make it shatter the player who created the beast would be able to control it like a normal character. The beast would have just a few attacks like moloch.
01/23/2005 06:50 PM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Think this thread will be around when MK7 is announced? tongue Anyway, I was watching one of those VF4:FT vids and it make me think. What if a character could manipulate the environment? Watching a guy get beat up against a wall makes me want to play as someone who makes the walls work for him. Take Raiden and Noob, for example. Both have teleportation abilities but why limit it to just moving around the stage? Imagine getting beat up against a wall and just as the impact occurs, like within a 3 or 4 frame window (yeah it needs to be that tight for this not to be abusable) you input a simple command to basically phase through the wall and come out either above and do a ground pound attack, to either side and have freedom to attack, or right through the floor behind the guy.

I certainly hope it will.... I will do my best to make sure it is...
Another one.....

A way to mix juggling styles VF4 / T5

How about being able to control the way the opponent bounces by not only which attack you use, but how you input the command.

Example= Tapping a button once very quickly. will have a different effect on the opponent than if you press it like normal.

Example of use= Scorpion in Hapkido = Tap 2,2, (quick tap) 4. The quick tap 4 makes the opponent bounce a little higher and closer to you. You could follow that up with whatever. If you press it normally the opponent will be knocked further back in a VF style low bounce.

Another idea is to shorten recovery time for any attack if you input the command just right. = In MKD Scorpion's 2,2,4 (Hapkido) has a long delay after the 3rd attack. What you could do is Tap 4 for just 2 frames max. And it will make the 3rd attack do a little less damage but will recover a lot faster.

(I set it to a quick tap so you can still delay the combo.)

Using the quick tap you could make the juggle longer possibly getting a style branch in there.


Basic idea = use a quick tap max 2 frames.


1) juggle bounce changes from a VF style to a Tekken style. = low to high bounce.

2) recovery time is cut down allowing for longer juggles and safer attacks when blocked.
One thing that bugs me is how while juggling, combos automatically stop if you are hitting the opponent against a wall.

The point of a wall is to cause more damage, so why is it that the combos are forced to end prematurely?

I think they need to let the combos continue, just give the other fighter some options for getting out of it. Like a tec. roll or just normal blocking.

I think they should have both Wall bounce combos and wall stun combos.
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