we have posted so many ideas..... I'm having a hard time trying to come up with something new.
I think it's time for tweaking \ refining of ideas. Small changes to stuff we already posted. That could spark new stuff.
Maybe we could make a general list of what we would like.
Like In the game in general I'd like.
A floor game or Okizeme I think it's called.
Better wall game with a way to get out of it.
Special properties for attacks depending on how they connect.
A way out of a juggle that's not cheap \ overly easy.
Real looking reversals.
Forward quick dash.
..........................etc.. Just make a list and people can start to pick at certain areas. Thinking of ways to make that detail the best it can be.
I think it's time for tweaking \ refining of ideas. Small changes to stuff we already posted. That could spark new stuff.
Maybe we could make a general list of what we would like.
Like In the game in general I'd like.
A floor game or Okizeme I think it's called.
Better wall game with a way to get out of it.
Special properties for attacks depending on how they connect.
A way out of a juggle that's not cheap \ overly easy.
Real looking reversals.
Forward quick dash.
..........................etc.. Just make a list and people can start to pick at certain areas. Thinking of ways to make that detail the best it can be.
bleed Wrote:
Maybe we could make a general list of what we would like.
Like In the game in general I'd like.
A floor game or Okizeme I think it's called.
Maybe we could make a general list of what we would like.
Like In the game in general I'd like.
A floor game or Okizeme I think it's called.
Do you mean a floor/ground game as in a wake up system (ie: attacking while rising after being downed), or keeping the opponent downed without letting them up to attack? Okizeme refers to the latter, I believe.
I personally think that it would only help the game, if a 'crouch jab' type of move was added for each character, much like Tekken's. This being Mortal Kombat though, each character would have to have a different attack - maybe using their powers, or something related specifically to the martial art they practice - but all of these moves would be the same speed like a crouch jab, hit mid, come out quick, have the same reach, have good priority, and all the other things that come with the typical crouch jab.
Sub Zero for example could maybe duck and spit a small icicle. Bo Rai Cho could, because of his sumo style, squat and deliver a palm attack. Scorpion could jab at them with his spear in hand... You get the idea (maybe characters could even have two seperate animations, one of which would just be randomly selected upon command input, so it doesn't get boring - flashiness tends to do that after a while). All of these could be performed regardless of which style you were in at the time, and all of these would be identical in terms of speed, priority, etc etc etc.
I'm not even sure the characters would have to duck actually, because in thinking about it, if it hit mid and came out quicker than most attacks, then it would just poke through any high attacks and throws anyway... I think.
This is a flawed concept at the moment though, because of MK's stupid-ass engine. Moves are jerky, and have no animations. What would be the point of having a crouch jab type of attack for poking, if you get hit with a move before you see it coming? There's really no time to think about throwing out anything before you get caught with an incredibly snappy jab from nowhere that leads to a 30% autocombo...
Really makes me think that MK has shot itself in the foot pretty badly with this engine, because it can't expand much at all, and still 'work' (Pretending for a second that it actually does at the moment), if you get my meaning.
I dunno, maybe that idea is for another game with a system that isn't illogical, but if MK could get it's shit together, I think it could work really nicely, and add a new dimension to the game.

Yeah, I was referring to keeping the opponent down. With Okizeme.
But I want a wake up game too. Something like a mix of VF4 and SC2.
Where you have special stand up attacks like a sweep or a tumble and kick. Or you have the option to get up with While rising attacks like in SC2.
I'd like to be able to use both the punch and kick buttons when getting up.
There could also be moves that let you attack but let you stay on the floor.
They could have reversals like Aoi in VF4 or even a ground attack block system. Maybe tapping block when the opponent attacks will let you block or parry their stomp attack.
A ground throw like Brad wong in DOA3 would be kool too.
The wake up game could be as complex as lei wulong's, Shun Di's, Brad Wong and Eddy Gordo's lie down stances.
I'd like that better than the typical sweep or spin kick that almost every game has.
They could even use their powers for this. Like Rayden could teleport, Smoke could do his teleport uppercut. Baraka could do like a sit up and slash attack someone could make an energy shield or throw an upwards fireball like at a 45 degree angle that would launch the opponent.
Another idea for a Rayden Wake up move is for him to turn in to a lightning bolt and fly straight up super fast, like a flash. Then he could do some jumping attacks or a dive move. If you are close to him when he teleports up, you would be stunned and stumble back, if hit as a counter you could be launched, then Rayden could connect with the air superman and possibly a wall combo from there.
That sparks another idea. Have Rayden's teleport look like a bolt of lightning and have him be able to do it in the air. This way he can teleport in almost any direction and use the move for 2 purposes. To move or to attack.
An example of it's use...
You are knocked down, You wait for your opponent to come in and throw a stomp attack. You do the vertical teleport and catch them with a counter hit which launches them. You do an aerial superman and slam the opponent to a wall. You cancel the back spin animation after the superman to a lightning teleport back to the ground. under the opponent who is sliding down the wall. Then you can do a wall combo.
The vertical teleport is about the height of a normal jump, it's very fast and stops abruptly so you can link air attacks after it.
But I want a wake up game too. Something like a mix of VF4 and SC2.
Where you have special stand up attacks like a sweep or a tumble and kick. Or you have the option to get up with While rising attacks like in SC2.
I'd like to be able to use both the punch and kick buttons when getting up.
There could also be moves that let you attack but let you stay on the floor.
They could have reversals like Aoi in VF4 or even a ground attack block system. Maybe tapping block when the opponent attacks will let you block or parry their stomp attack.
A ground throw like Brad wong in DOA3 would be kool too.
The wake up game could be as complex as lei wulong's, Shun Di's, Brad Wong and Eddy Gordo's lie down stances.
I'd like that better than the typical sweep or spin kick that almost every game has.
They could even use their powers for this. Like Rayden could teleport, Smoke could do his teleport uppercut. Baraka could do like a sit up and slash attack someone could make an energy shield or throw an upwards fireball like at a 45 degree angle that would launch the opponent.
Another idea for a Rayden Wake up move is for him to turn in to a lightning bolt and fly straight up super fast, like a flash. Then he could do some jumping attacks or a dive move. If you are close to him when he teleports up, you would be stunned and stumble back, if hit as a counter you could be launched, then Rayden could connect with the air superman and possibly a wall combo from there.
That sparks another idea. Have Rayden's teleport look like a bolt of lightning and have him be able to do it in the air. This way he can teleport in almost any direction and use the move for 2 purposes. To move or to attack.
An example of it's use...
You are knocked down, You wait for your opponent to come in and throw a stomp attack. You do the vertical teleport and catch them with a counter hit which launches them. You do an aerial superman and slam the opponent to a wall. You cancel the back spin animation after the superman to a lightning teleport back to the ground. under the opponent who is sliding down the wall. Then you can do a wall combo.
The vertical teleport is about the height of a normal jump, it's very fast and stops abruptly so you can link air attacks after it.
I have an idea, tie together the run meter and the charge move meter. That way if you try to pull off a very high impact move, you're fighter can't sprint, as he is gonna be a little tired. Of course if the impact lands, the meter can refill faster and combos can increase it. Adding in the frame rate idea, it would be possible to increase the speed of agressor. Reaching a certain level would then allow you to pull out a fatal mid round. Everything also gets a little more enchanced. Jumps would be higher, punches hurt a little more, and kicks tend to go to the groin more. If Boon is wanting to have more content then aggressor fatals could be different. It would be easier to pull them out during a combo, because they could be dodged.
Kano: Starts stabbing multiple times even when opponent is dead
Sindel: Primal Scream: Sends the person flying so hard they fall apart as they are slammed to the ground
Baraka: Ends with a punch to the face, as the person starts to fly back, the blade goes flying out, into the opponents head
Jax: Ends with arm rip, done very fast
Kenshi: Slashes person in half, body slowly falls off.
Sonya: Leg grab into reverse tombstone piledriver
BoRaiCho: Throwsbottle wine at person, then lights them on fire, all in one smooth motion.
Sub-Zero: Super Deep freeze, very similar to MK1 movie. Unblockable, unless you use a projectile quickly.
Scorpion: Slices opponent's neck in mid combo with spear.
Mileena: Shreds the persons front side with her sais, all organs fly out.
Raiden: Lightspeed dive, separates opponent into two pieces.
Some fatals could be pulled off in combos, others work in juggle combos, and others are just projectiles. It would totally throw you off on how you fight your opponent. Baraka could go into combo, archieve agressor, pull off fatal in mid combo OR he could of built his agressor up and when you attack, you can just do the punch and if he lands it, death.
Of course going for a fatal and missing would drain you and leave you dazed for quite a bit (like taking a combo and falling to the ground and staying there for even more damage).
Kano: Starts stabbing multiple times even when opponent is dead
Sindel: Primal Scream: Sends the person flying so hard they fall apart as they are slammed to the ground
Baraka: Ends with a punch to the face, as the person starts to fly back, the blade goes flying out, into the opponents head
Jax: Ends with arm rip, done very fast
Kenshi: Slashes person in half, body slowly falls off.
Sonya: Leg grab into reverse tombstone piledriver
BoRaiCho: Throwsbottle wine at person, then lights them on fire, all in one smooth motion.
Sub-Zero: Super Deep freeze, very similar to MK1 movie. Unblockable, unless you use a projectile quickly.
Scorpion: Slices opponent's neck in mid combo with spear.
Mileena: Shreds the persons front side with her sais, all organs fly out.
Raiden: Lightspeed dive, separates opponent into two pieces.
Some fatals could be pulled off in combos, others work in juggle combos, and others are just projectiles. It would totally throw you off on how you fight your opponent. Baraka could go into combo, archieve agressor, pull off fatal in mid combo OR he could of built his agressor up and when you attack, you can just do the punch and if he lands it, death.
Of course going for a fatal and missing would drain you and leave you dazed for quite a bit (like taking a combo and falling to the ground and staying there for even more damage).

It is???
Who does it?
I've never seen anybody do it.
(EDIT) You are probably talking about the light speed flying that everybody does.
Last night I had another idea. How about a character that can transform in to a demon mid battle. Like Kazuya and Devil do in Tekken Tag. But the demon form could be a giant demonic dog or something like that. Around 6 feet tall on all 4s.
He could have a few forms that could serve as different styles or stances.
That'd be kool to watch IMO. And it's totally possible because the character number would be limited, unlike with Shang Tsung.
He could even be a mid boss. The guy could be a shadow priest or someone new.
There could be a funny twist to this guy if you cut his head off for a fatality. His head could grow legs like a spider and it would come and bite your ankles. You have to kick it to finish the match.
lol, could you imagine?
I got the head idea from a movie I saw for the first time a few days ago.
" The Thing"
Who does it?
I've never seen anybody do it.
(EDIT) You are probably talking about the light speed flying that everybody does.
Last night I had another idea. How about a character that can transform in to a demon mid battle. Like Kazuya and Devil do in Tekken Tag. But the demon form could be a giant demonic dog or something like that. Around 6 feet tall on all 4s.
He could have a few forms that could serve as different styles or stances.
That'd be kool to watch IMO. And it's totally possible because the character number would be limited, unlike with Shang Tsung.
He could even be a mid boss. The guy could be a shadow priest or someone new.
There could be a funny twist to this guy if you cut his head off for a fatality. His head could grow legs like a spider and it would come and bite your ankles. You have to kick it to finish the match.
lol, could you imagine?
I got the head idea from a movie I saw for the first time a few days ago.
" The Thing"
About Me
How do you honestly make up hundreds of paragraphs concerning one game???

Because there are hundreds of ideas. And many people have different ideas so it all adds up.
kodypowell Wrote:
How do you honestly make up hundreds of paragraphs concerning one game???
How do you honestly make up hundreds of paragraphs concerning one game???
The series is so incredibly flawed right now, that the amount of 'fixing' needed to be done for the next game to be enjoyable from a somewhat technical standpoint (ie: anything outside of "look at all the blood!") is huge, almost to the point where we're talking about a whole new game. A lot of ideas (should) go into considering how to make a new game work properly, and that's what we're doing, throwing ideas around. (not that we're creating this game, but we should be - most people in here seem to have more of a clue than the crew at Midway, and maybe they'll skim through some of this and pick out the best parts. Just maybe... Yeah, wishful thinking, I know.)
krackerjack Wrote:
The series is so incredibly flawed right now, that the amount of 'fixing' needed to be done for the next game to be enjoyable from a somewhat technical standpoint (ie: anything outside of "look at all the blood!") is huge, almost to the point where we're talking about a whole new game. A lot of ideas (should) go into considering how to make a new game work properly, and that's what we're doing, throwing ideas around. (not that we're creating this game, but we should be - most people in here seem to have more of a clue than the crew at Midway, and maybe they'll skim through some of this and pick out the best parts. Just maybe... Yeah, wishful thinking, I know.)
kodypowell Wrote:
How do you honestly make up hundreds of paragraphs concerning one game???
How do you honestly make up hundreds of paragraphs concerning one game???
The series is so incredibly flawed right now, that the amount of 'fixing' needed to be done for the next game to be enjoyable from a somewhat technical standpoint (ie: anything outside of "look at all the blood!") is huge, almost to the point where we're talking about a whole new game. A lot of ideas (should) go into considering how to make a new game work properly, and that's what we're doing, throwing ideas around. (not that we're creating this game, but we should be - most people in here seem to have more of a clue than the crew at Midway, and maybe they'll skim through some of this and pick out the best parts. Just maybe... Yeah, wishful thinking, I know.)
Yes they do read these forums, and I'm sure they've noticed this huge thread. Hope they're reading it. We don't mean any disrespect, but MKD(A) is very flawed.
Kwizard Wrote:
What would be even more disrespectful would be to act like everything is just fine and not say a word... Thats not being a fan. Fans are supposed to WANT the game to be improved...
What would be even more disrespectful would be to act like everything is just fine and not say a word... Thats not being a fan. Fans are supposed to WANT the game to be improved...
Though this thread is quite massive... I will be rating it with dragon points very soon. This is most likely be best active thread on this particular forum, so I feel it at least deserves some form of recognition. The MK team actually using these ideas would be a better form obviously, but since that cannot be confirmed to happen (and is probably doubtful, at best) I what I feel is my part in supporting this.

bleed Wrote:
It is???
Who does it?
I've never seen anybody do it.
(EDIT) You are probably talking about the light speed flying that everybody does.
Last night I had another idea. How about a character that can transform in to a demon mid battle. Like Kazuya and Devil do in Tekken Tag. But the demon form could be a giant demonic dog or something like that. Around 6 feet tall on all 4s.
He could have a few forms that could serve as different styles or stances.
That'd be kool to watch IMO. And it's totally possible because the character number would be limited, unlike with Shang Tsung.
He could even be a mid boss. The guy could be a shadow priest or someone new.
There could be a funny twist to this guy if you cut his head off for a fatality. His head could grow legs like a spider and it would come and bite your ankles. You have to kick it to finish the match.
lol, could you imagine?
I got the head idea from a movie I saw for the first time a few days ago.
" The Thing"
It is???
Who does it?
I've never seen anybody do it.
(EDIT) You are probably talking about the light speed flying that everybody does.
Last night I had another idea. How about a character that can transform in to a demon mid battle. Like Kazuya and Devil do in Tekken Tag. But the demon form could be a giant demonic dog or something like that. Around 6 feet tall on all 4s.
He could have a few forms that could serve as different styles or stances.
That'd be kool to watch IMO. And it's totally possible because the character number would be limited, unlike with Shang Tsung.
He could even be a mid boss. The guy could be a shadow priest or someone new.
There could be a funny twist to this guy if you cut his head off for a fatality. His head could grow legs like a spider and it would come and bite your ankles. You have to kick it to finish the match.
lol, could you imagine?
I got the head idea from a movie I saw for the first time a few days ago.
" The Thing"
Is that idea Demon specific because I was thinking that you could use that to make mid-battle animalities a reality, everyone could have them.
Although I would like non animals also, how about Reptile transforming into Onaga, assuming Onaga was made into a good playable character.
Some more story influenced ideas could include a Reiko to Shao Kahn for those who believe in it, as well as a Classic Sub into Noob.
One new character who would have his own transformation would be cool, though as I've lost faith in a lot of Boses in games lately EG. Heihachi as the main T4 boss, I've no problem with him don't get me wrong, brilliant character and all, but he doesn't match the final stage Devil/Ogre theme.
EDIT: Dragon ball Z: Budokai 3 does a reversal system in which the character does a teleport directly behind the opponent, effective but extremely cheap.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
Crow; Buddy Lee aproved since 1972. 

About Me
TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
That's great. Thanks, Crow. We likely won't be heard by Ed Boon and Co. but it gives me a sense of pride knowing that this thread is going on six months old. That's gotta mean something even if it's only that we've got too much time on our hands. 
Hmm, back to the thread. The thing is, do we have to change the controll and the fighting engine so much? Won't it take away the easiness of the game? Sure MK7 would look realistic, but would be more complicated, and sadly, noone wants to sell complicated games, becouse they won't sell well. (rhyming-oh, f**k)

Chrome Wrote:
Hmm, back to the thread. The thing is, do we have to change the controll and the fighting engine so much? Won't it take away the easiness of the game? Sure MK7 would look realistic, but would be more complicated, and sadly, noone wants to sell complicated games, becouse they won't sell well. (rhyming-oh, f**k)
Hmm, back to the thread. The thing is, do we have to change the controll and the fighting engine so much? Won't it take away the easiness of the game? Sure MK7 would look realistic, but would be more complicated, and sadly, noone wants to sell complicated games, becouse they won't sell well. (rhyming-oh, f**k)
Certainly there's improving MK and then there's changing it into a different game, but I think some of the ideas in this thread are all MK-based, no matter how complex they are, so in my book it would be ok to adopt some of the ideas that have been suggested. As long as it's easy to understand and initiate for the average player, you can hide the complexity of the programming.
Complicated is good. It causes people to sit down and actually think rather than just mashing out buttons for the same old combos or special moves, and in the end, it's more rewarding to win a match with moves that you've selected specifically for the purpose of fighting a particular character or playing a particular strat.
I'd say VF4 is somewhat complicated, and that's sold pretty well, and is generally accepted as being the best fighter around (by anybody who has actually compared it to the competition). I think complicated is what this game needs at the moment (there is perhaps a little complexity there now, but it's mostly just trial/error with juggles until you find the best one to abuse, really).
Reading this thread always makes me want to go and play Tekken, so I guess i'll go and do just that...
I'd say VF4 is somewhat complicated, and that's sold pretty well, and is generally accepted as being the best fighter around (by anybody who has actually compared it to the competition). I think complicated is what this game needs at the moment (there is perhaps a little complexity there now, but it's mostly just trial/error with juggles until you find the best one to abuse, really).
Reading this thread always makes me want to go and play Tekken, so I guess i'll go and do just that...
krackerjack Wrote:
Complicated is good. It causes people to sit down and actually think rather than just mashing out buttons for the same old combos or special moves, and in the end, it's more rewarding to win a match with moves that you've selected specifically for the purpose of fighting a particular character or playing a particular strat.
I'd say VF4 is somewhat complicated, and that's sold pretty well, and is generally accepted as being the best fighter around (by anybody who has actually compared it to the competition). I think complicated is what this game needs at the moment (there is perhaps a little complexity there now, but it's mostly just trial/error with juggles until you find the best one to abuse, really).
Reading this thread always makes me want to go and play Tekken, so I guess i'll go and do just that...
Complicated is good. It causes people to sit down and actually think rather than just mashing out buttons for the same old combos or special moves, and in the end, it's more rewarding to win a match with moves that you've selected specifically for the purpose of fighting a particular character or playing a particular strat.
I'd say VF4 is somewhat complicated, and that's sold pretty well, and is generally accepted as being the best fighter around (by anybody who has actually compared it to the competition). I think complicated is what this game needs at the moment (there is perhaps a little complexity there now, but it's mostly just trial/error with juggles until you find the best one to abuse, really).
Reading this thread always makes me want to go and play Tekken, so I guess i'll go and do just that...
the thing about Mk, is that when u beat someone, you feel like you didn't achieve anything.......
A very complicated engine is good when it can be applied right with the correct difficulity settings. Button mashers could maybe get far on the very easy modes, but very intricate combos and stragedy would be needed for harder modes.
sub boss?
Hmm while Noob Smoke was a decent idea, I felt cheaped by just switching the Moloch AI basically to the Dragon King. So I want some size difference in characters, the sub-boss should be huge.
Of course he should have some sort of tough skin, and not throwable (or at least not very easily). Seems a few staples of the sub boss are a grab, strength, stomp, & fireball. I'd like to take an idea from the ninja turtles games. A one shot kill from the boss (Shredder would turn the turtles back to baby turtles with some sort of telegraphed move). It shouldn't be something cheap and quick, but something that takes a while to build.
Thus I finally came up with an idea while writing this, Raptor Reptile. Basically its Reptile from the movie, degenerated down to his most primal state. He would be bigger, but could have some quick bursts of speed. He would of course have invisibility, and force balls and acid mist as projecties. Super forceball would be his one hit kill, exploding the opponent. His tale could be armoured, so he could actually launch projectiles back, and attack you in close. He could also pull you in Scorpion style with his tounge.
A story per say is that the Dragon King keeps Reptile's race as servents and bodygaurds. Reptile is the biggest and baddest of them all, and is destroyer of the Dragon King.
Something unique I guess would be using the stage to damage Reptile. Lure him into his own acid pools, and yes you can wall bounce off him (he's huge) and try to land moves on his head. To encourage movement around, his kill move can not be blocked, only avoided (don't worry, if he goes for it, he'll be dazed and confused for quite a bit).
If you do beat him, you can finish him with a custom sub-boss fatal. Stuff like head decaps and weapon stabbings would be the norm.
or heck I just saw Blade 3 (
) and you could have some form of immune vampire that is stupid to walk into the daylight and then you can land some attacks. You could just go off the Nitara storyline and have her race have some alligiance to the DK.
sub boss?
Hmm while Noob Smoke was a decent idea, I felt cheaped by just switching the Moloch AI basically to the Dragon King. So I want some size difference in characters, the sub-boss should be huge.
Of course he should have some sort of tough skin, and not throwable (or at least not very easily). Seems a few staples of the sub boss are a grab, strength, stomp, & fireball. I'd like to take an idea from the ninja turtles games. A one shot kill from the boss (Shredder would turn the turtles back to baby turtles with some sort of telegraphed move). It shouldn't be something cheap and quick, but something that takes a while to build.
Thus I finally came up with an idea while writing this, Raptor Reptile. Basically its Reptile from the movie, degenerated down to his most primal state. He would be bigger, but could have some quick bursts of speed. He would of course have invisibility, and force balls and acid mist as projecties. Super forceball would be his one hit kill, exploding the opponent. His tale could be armoured, so he could actually launch projectiles back, and attack you in close. He could also pull you in Scorpion style with his tounge.
A story per say is that the Dragon King keeps Reptile's race as servents and bodygaurds. Reptile is the biggest and baddest of them all, and is destroyer of the Dragon King.
Something unique I guess would be using the stage to damage Reptile. Lure him into his own acid pools, and yes you can wall bounce off him (he's huge) and try to land moves on his head. To encourage movement around, his kill move can not be blocked, only avoided (don't worry, if he goes for it, he'll be dazed and confused for quite a bit).
If you do beat him, you can finish him with a custom sub-boss fatal. Stuff like head decaps and weapon stabbings would be the norm.
or heck I just saw Blade 3 (

About Me
TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Right now, Virtua Fighter has made the most money worldwide. Mortal Kombat's numbers, although not small by any stretch of the word, don't even hold a candle to what Virtua Fighter and Tekken bring in. You have to remember that arcade cabinet sales and the estimated amount of money people put into those cabinets factor in. Maybe Deception sold a shit load of copies on the PS2 and XBOX but I'm pretty confident that the first three MKs, at least the first two, earned more money in total. In the end, backing out of the arcades was the worst thing Midway could have done for MK. Figure this, if MK was still in the arcades the number of buttons would have to be far fewer so the design team would have had to be far more efficient in that aspect. Plus, these glitches and bugs running around would have never made it to the final home version.
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
Right now, Virtua Fighter has made the most money worldwide. Mortal Kombat's numbers, although not small by any stretch of the word, don't even hold a candle to what Virtua Fighter and Tekken bring in. You have to remember that arcade cabinet sales and the estimated amount of money people put into those cabinets factor in. Maybe Deception sold a shit load of copies on the PS2 and XBOX but I'm pretty confident that the first three MKs, at least the first two, earned more money in total. In the end, backing out of the arcades was the worst thing Midway could have done for MK. Figure this, if MK was still in the arcades the number of buttons would have to be far fewer so the design team would have had to be far more efficient in that aspect. Plus, these glitches and bugs running around would have never made it to the final home version.
Right now, Virtua Fighter has made the most money worldwide. Mortal Kombat's numbers, although not small by any stretch of the word, don't even hold a candle to what Virtua Fighter and Tekken bring in. You have to remember that arcade cabinet sales and the estimated amount of money people put into those cabinets factor in. Maybe Deception sold a shit load of copies on the PS2 and XBOX but I'm pretty confident that the first three MKs, at least the first two, earned more money in total. In the end, backing out of the arcades was the worst thing Midway could have done for MK. Figure this, if MK was still in the arcades the number of buttons would have to be far fewer so the design team would have had to be far more efficient in that aspect. Plus, these glitches and bugs running around would have never made it to the final home version.
You have a powerful point there...
There are too many buttons in MK Deception....
I was thinking that the characters that have Judo or Aikido should do more throws like in v4 that pressing different button combos do different throws.Because i've noticed that Kenshi's judo didn't have much throws and kano in DA didn't have much throws while using Aikido.

Instead of having so many buttons the movement of characters should be more realistic meaning that you can just press certain buttons in different ways in order to get different effects, just being able to side-step isn't enough.
I agree but they should also make some weapons better like subzero's kori blade should be better kenshi's katana should be stronger.and i think they should make some of the martial arts more versetile moi fah should have more combos so should hotaru's first style
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