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"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

12/20/2004 06:26 AM (UTC)
Shit Bleed!! Can you say BROKE?! LOL!! AHVB has nothing on that wall of zoning purity. tongue
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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/20/2004 07:14 AM (UTC)
That's an awesome photoshop, Bleed. It reminds me of the godlike shit that Athena does in SVC: Chaos. The firebreathing tiger, mermaid wave thingy and that giant chicken. I've never laughed so hard before playing a game. Chaos is so stupid.
12/20/2004 10:45 PM (UTC)
Photoshop is one hell of a program.....
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Ghostdragon - Fan Submission Director ghostdragon@mortalkombatonline.com
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience

"Tis true my form is something odd, But blaming me is blaming God. Could I create myself anew, I would not fail in pleasing you. If I could reach from pole to pole, Or grasp the ocean with a span, I would be measured by the soul, The mind's the standard of the man."
-Isaac Watts
12/21/2004 04:43 AM (UTC)
bleed Wrote:
A move idea for Rain or a new fighter.

He would swing his arms or legs and throw huge sparks of energy.

He could do juggle combos with this move. Do 3 of them in a row.

L. uppercut spark , R. uppercut spark, L. uppercut spark or R. Round house spark.

When the fighter does this, the stage lights up.

On a hit, the fighter will go flying back while flipping about a 2 jump distance.

There are a lot of other attacks they could do using this power.

Reminds me of KOF with some actually cool, however broken characters. I'm not too sure that going that far with specials is what MK needs. But I will say that more inventive specials is what MK does need. Maybe ones that you can control like a special where you can control the direction of Scorpion's spear. I dunno, It's late and I'm too tired to come up with somewhat inventive shit. Maybe tomorrow. wink

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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

12/21/2004 06:28 AM (UTC)
That's an UBER Reppuken haha. Geese, eat your heart out... You too Rock. tongue
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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


12/21/2004 06:13 PM (UTC)
"With a big chunk of content, lots of unlockable items, and a fighting engine that's both fun and unpretentious, Mortal Kombat: Deception helped breathe new life into the fighting genre this year, and that's just another reason why it's the Best Fighting Game of 2004. "

About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/21/2004 08:38 PM (UTC)
Nice to see you back here, Colguile. Sadly this is the only thread I find worthwhile on the boards and apparently so do you.

colguile Wrote:
"With a big chunk of content, lots of unlockable items, and a fighting engine that's both fun and unpretentious, Mortal Kombat: Deception helped breathe new life into the fighting genre this year, and that's just another reason why it's the Best Fighting Game of 2004. "


Yeah, I know. I've been reading it all and I don't know what to think other than these guys are giving Boon and Co. bigger egos than they already have. It's a sad day when the people who haven't seen how retarded high-level MK:D play is or don't know about any of the infinites and glitches, let alone been on the receiving end of them, are defining how "good" the game is.

Where do they get off using the word "unpretentious" anyway? So in other words, it's pretentious of a development team to assume that players can push two buttons at once or are capable of thinking beyond 1, 2, 3, 1, +2....etc. In that case, when it comes to making a game for the lowest common denominator, then Boon and Co. is brilliant. Maybe they should be so "unpretentious" that they start accomodating people who don't know how to hold a controller properly. They can make it voice activated. "Do Punch!" "Now do Kick!" "Do Big Ass Combo and begin infinite!"
12/22/2004 04:59 AM (UTC)
TonyTheTiger Wrote:
It's a sad day when the people who haven't seen how retarded high-level MK:D play is or don't know about any of the infinites and glitches, let alone been on the receiving end of them, are defining how "good" the game is.

Even without the high-level play problems, MKD is still pretty rough. Casual play(which I assumed the award givers were basing their opinions on) consists of little more than 1. Block, punch, repeat. 2. Projectile wars, or 3. making half-assed attempts at lame combos.

MKD's unlockable content dosen't seem award-worthy either. "Wow! A picture of the sound team! I am overcome with joy."

As far as the "unpretentious" comment goes: What the Hell? When the meaning of unpretentious change to retarded?

That's enough bitching for now, but I'll leave with a question. Did anyone else notice that when these "awards" were given out, SF:AC didn't even make the list of contenders? confused
I'm assuming it's because the Street fighter collection is an old game being sold again. It's not a real 2004 game per say.
12/22/2004 05:28 AM (UTC)
Damn shame... this game STILL needs MANY improvements ........

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MENTHOL:I hope the super unlockable is a video of Boon fucking Playboy models on a bed full of money in his mansion.


12/22/2004 05:48 AM (UTC)
The FACT that they left SFAC out was one thing but to not by default give it to GG is beyond me.


Anyway, I've been reading the stuff you all have been posting and it's top tier.

Sadly with the props that boon and company have been getting for making a BAD fighting game I doubt your prayers will be answered for MK7.

Gotta keep the hope alive.
It almost seems to me like were not even talking about MKD anymore, this is something totally different.

Sadly I doubt It will ever happen.

Maybe 1-3 of the very simple ideas will be used.

Stuff like throw escapes, delay time after attacks, using diagonals for attacks.

simple stuff.....

Oh well, whatcha gonna do?
I'm not sure why this move is freaking people out. Broken!!!

It's like night Wolf's Axe uppercut with longer reach but with a longer wind up and block stun.

It's blockable, you can duck or side step it.

I don't think it's broken, it just looks that way.

If it hit's the opponent, lets say it doesn't knock them back so high, maybe 6-7 feet in the air max. The higher the less distance back they fly.

You can only knock people in to a death trap with it if you are 1 jump away from the trap. So, you have to be in the "danger zone".

The power in the pic. can't lead to wall combos because of a long recovery.

Some weaker versions of it can be used for wall combos. Like a Left snapping back hand flash for example.

The stronger moves cause some block stun like one of nightmare's attacks in SC2.

There is a quick wind up before throwing the strong attack.

If you are close it can knock you down, if you are far it will make you stumble back.

The flash travels the full distance instantly like Ermac's lift.

It's basically as strong as the spear toss or Ice blast IMO. A little stronger maybe because of block stun.
12/22/2004 03:30 PM (UTC)
The best fighting game of 2004 is without a doubt hands down


yup you heard me right...imagine it folks. The best fighting game of 2004 was made in Japan and is not available commercially in the US.

I got this game last week and I haven't stopped playing it since.

Simple gameplay mechanics, a wealth of safeguards and over 20 unlockable characters. 30 characters in all.

3vs3 team battle with team supers, 4 player free for all and 2 vs 2 fighting in addition to the normal vs mode.

The best damn specials in the genre and effective and fair supers.

If you follow the anime, you will love it immediately. Extremely well thought out and the third game in less than two years.

this game is easy to pick up and play...anyone can play it. It still rewards skill because of all the safeguards.

frame advantage, various escapes , and everything you wish was in MK is in this game. The only thing it lacks is level interaction, ringouts, and multi tiered levels. Is that necesarily a bad thing tho?

They got the CORE MECHANICS down pat and thats all that really matters.

I love this game and I nominate it for 2004 fighting game of the year hands down. Nothing else comes close. Gamecube BTW.

If I had to describe the gameplay...SC2 meets Smash Bros meets Guilty Gear. It has better 3D than DOA Ultimate...the 3D is actually functional.
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/22/2004 06:39 PM (UTC)


12/24/2004 02:09 AM (UTC)

This just popped in my head....

About the time god fighter I suggested before.

A new move could be "Rewind"

Like in Prince of Persia, but only the opponent rewinds, you don't.

Their life does not rewind either.

OK so...... the idea is to have a time rewind move that can be used sort of like Ermac's lift or a counter hit opener.

For example, how this would be used during a juggle.

You would do a pop up then a normal juggle now the special part is that after you finish the juggle and the opponent is too far to hit any more. You can do a Time warp "Rewind" Which would make the opponent fly back up towards you giving you the opportunity to continue your juggle.

While the time warp is happening, you are free to move your self in to place.
In this case you would do a quick dash forward.

The time warp would stop as soon as the opponent reaches you and when that happens they will play like normal and fall down again.

Basically, it works similar to Ermac's lift.

For use while both fighters are standing

If the opponent is close to you like 1 jump. You can do a rewind.

This is good for counter attacking. If your opponent threw an attack and you blocked it, or it missed you. Do a Rewind, move in and counter when they do it again.

It's easy to counter now because you know exactly what's coming and when.

The time warp can be blocked and you have to be in range for it to work again the same as with the TK lift.

Also like I noted in the other post. When you do this move, the stage turns gray and you hear a sound like when you plug your ears with your fingers.

It's not necessary, but I like the idea of having the powers effect the stage.
I posted this in another thread but I think it could fit here also.

If I could design a new MK I think I'd go with a more MKDA style = more straight forward with not too much time spent on extras that I never play anyway.

If they do add extra stuff, just have it be simple like Test your might or Puzzle.

Maybe tennis or a fighting mini game like there is a circle of fighters around you and you have to take them all out. the faster the more coins you get.

It's like Test your might but more like Tekken's Force mode.

Something like that would force them to improve the fight engine also with back attacks and wide range special moves maybe even off wall attacks and better stage interaction like pick up weapons like a sword or one of those 5 foot candle holders or throw a chair, roll over a table or a balcony......

The controls for it could be different than the normal fighting game. Or if possible they could be the same with slight modifications.


There could be a mini game about catching an arrow .

You would first be a Munk or a Shaolin and you see through his eyes. He shoots the arrow at a random time and the camera flies with the arrow.

You have to tap any attack button in order to catch it.


Another Mini game could be That you are put in a Cage. The ceiling is coming down and you have to push button combinations in time to finish before you are killed.

It would be like the Dance revolution game.

You have 4 lights on the wall that correspond to the 4 buttons on the game pad.

Then certain patters play.

Like this 1134

Then you have to remember and press the combination on the pad. 1134

then The lights go 14321

And you put it in

The codes get longer and longer till either you win or you get crushed.

There could be several ways to die in the cage....

floor falls = lava pit, spike pit, water dragon, piranha pit..............

Ceiling falls

Wall spikes spring out from both sides.

walls open and some lion type beasts rush in and eat you.

and so on....
There should be some dynamic camera work for unblockable combos, throws and reversals.

Like in the movies, instead of always having a far away shot, zoom in to the opponent's face as you punch them, zoom in to the torso as you lock their arm..............

The game could even go in to slow motion for a complex reversal or whatever.

Like a movie and have the characters do facial expressions while these moves are happening like in Tao Feng.

It might also be random = When you do a reversal you could have 1 of 4 camera actions happen at random. Zoom in, slow motion, go to first person view or regular shot.

There might even be combination shots for some moves.
12/27/2004 06:37 PM (UTC)

That would be truly ill....
About Me

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director

Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

12/28/2004 04:37 AM (UTC)
This is really stupid but I think it'd be fun. Imagine a minigame where you're Johnny Cage. You're making a movie and you have to act and fight properly in order to get a good review.

It's like Parappa the Rapper where during an acting scene in order to remember your lines you have to do timed button presses. If you mess up Johnny gets all flustered and starts talking weird and eventually goes into Raiden gibberish if you do that badly. During the fight scenes you have to perform high damage combos and avoid getting hurt.

The ratings are:
You Actin'
Sir Lawrence Olivier
Robert DeNiro
John Goodman
Pauly Shore
12/30/2004 10:30 AM (UTC)
I'm still a fan for dark friendships. Evil humorous friendships that can end in death. That way Boon can get his campy side in.
Sub-Zero: Pisses in a snow cone, that is handed over
Scorpion: Yo Yo, then accidently smacks you in the head with it
Raiden: Repeatedly does little static charges until you accidently blow up.
Johnny Cage: Gives an autograph, gets rejected, stabs person with pen.
Mileena: Juggles sais, one falls on opponent
Kano: Balances knife on nose, falls on opponent foot
Sonya: Gives a badge, but needles opponent
Sektor: Fireworks, one loses control and burns opponent
Sindel: Tries to braid your hair, and yanks it out.
Cyrax: Repeats "MKDA the hit sequel to MKDA"
Shao Khan: Hammers gophers into the ground, hammer gets lose and flies into opponent
Bo Rai Cho: Gets drunk, falls on opponent
Kabal: Gives opponent a sniff of helium through tube, squeaky voices, then gives them a lot more, explosion
Quan-Chi: Pulls out Rogaine, opponent laughs, Quan throws Rogaine.
Blaze: Tries to give you a hug.
Shang Tsung: Does a rainbow, opponent giggles. Shang then extracts soul, and punts it.
Kenshi: Pours a cup of coffee, and misses and spills it on himself. Throws cup after opponent laughs.
Liu Kang: Preforms a kata, becomes narcoleptic, head stomps opponnent foot.
Kitana: Booby suffication.
lol those are great.
Bump, did we run out of ideas?
01/01/2005 09:42 PM (UTC)
We gotta add to this thread for the New year....

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